S. L. Roberds, M. D. EUGENE-FLORENCE Standard STAGE LINE Annie t . KODeras, w. Drs. Roberds and Roberds, W illiam P. Lord. PHYSICIANS A SURGEONS. IT of S tate ........... H . R. K incaid. FLO RENCE, ORECON. r ......................... P tiilip M etelien 'ublic In atructio n . . .G. M. Irw in. JOHN C. GRAY, in t e r ......................... H. Leeds. G e n e ra l............C. M. Idlem an. DENTAL SURGERY. i ............R. 8. Bean Court • ............. F. A. Moore The best work at the most Reasonable Price«. Office over Loan end Savings Bank. ) ___C. E . W olveiton O re g o n . ond D is tric t.. ..J. C. F nllertnn H l a g a n e Second D istrict. Geo. M. Brown ’ E- B a n g s ,___Propr’ tor. REMINISCENCE. Dictionary Of T he S c e n e s a t H a t c h e r ’s C r e e k a n d P e te r s ­ ENGLISH LANGUAGE S ta g e le a v e s E u g e n e M o n d ay s CO M PLETE W e d n e s d a y s a n d F ri la y s a t G a . m ., S U C C IE N T a r r iv in g in F lo re n c e th e d a y fo l­ A U T H O R IT A T I V E lo w in g it 1 • a. in. R e tu r n iu g - s ta g e le av e s F lo re n c e o n M o ndays, W e d n e sd a y s a n d F r id a y s a t 3 p. m ., a r r iv in g in E u - 301,86s vocabulary Term» 347 E ditors and Specialists g en e th e d ay fo llo w in g a t G p b u r g R e c a lle d . John B. Scace Speaks to a Reporter of Stirring Scenes— Escaped with a Slight Wound, but, Like Other Vet­ erans, Has Suffered Since— A Story that Reads Like a Page from History. WANTED PADEREWSKI. T e rn :» W e r e A w a y B eyond (h e M un iclxn»' U n io n R a te . “ Is Mr. Paddyrooski iu ?” inquired a th in faced little woman, w ith a com ­ plexion like a sugar cured ham , as she struck the Palace hotel counter w ith tho handle of her parasol to a ttra c t the c lerk ’s attention. “ 1 don’t know, m ad am ,” ha replied. " Y o u w ill have to send up your card. ” “ Well. I ’ll te ll you w hat I w ant, and maybe you can help me. I ni going to give a diutce over at my hotel ut T o ­ m ales tom orrow n ig h t, aud I w ant bint to play. Do you th in k lie w ill? ” "W ell, yes. H e is a professional m u ­ sician, aud I ’m l**ity sure lie w ill play if lie is paid for it. ” “ Oh, I 'l l pay him all rig h t. I 'l l de­ posit the money w ith you here iu a d ­ vance. Of course I couldn’t give it to- him in advance because he m ight not give satisfaction. ” “ H ere’s his m anager, Mr. G orlitz, Mrs. ------?” iYom the Albany, A’. F., Journal. When one encounter» in print the life storv Massachusetts Volunteer infentry, under Col. S in g le fare . . . — 85.00 of some scarred veteran ot the civil war a teel- Charles F. Walcott. During the term of hi» W . W. N EELY , P ro p ’r. Cost ov e r $ 96 0 ,0 0 0 of admiration and sympathy is the certain re-enlistment Sergeant Seaee participated in COUNTY OFFICE -S R o u n d tr ip - - - - 80.00 Appendix of 4 7,4 68 E ntries ,ni n teeiistouied though we are to tales ot some of tlie holiest struggles of tlie war. Many result T a b le s fu rn is h e d w ith a ll th e heroism and suffering in everyday life, there a grav-haired veteran to-day recalls the scenes T ic k e ts for sale a t E- B a n g s’s d elica cies o f th e se aso n . W ild is something peculiarly attractive about these of Hatcher's Run. the fall of Peters burg aud " P u tts .” old war records, serving, as they do, as a the buttle of Sailor's Creek. “ Mrs. Potts. She w ants to get Mr. liv e ry b a rn , E u g en e , a n d a t l l u r d Alter his honorable discharge, Ju n e 4, leo5, g am e, fish a n d f r u it in seaso n . B est sacred passport to the lieart of every true .F . G. P u tter turned — to ------ Albany Paderew ski to play tom orrow n ig h t.” « and , settled ... American. Thousands found their rest oil tlie Mr. S eaee............- \ D a v e n p o rt’s office in F lo re n c e . The full number of worth and terms it. ) tv "* B»iiev a c c o m o d a tio n s for th e tr a v e lin g “ We have no engagem ent for tom or­ field of carnage or in the hospital, but their down once again to his busiuess anu social in different dictionaries for the entire alphabet h comrades, when the struggle mils ever and ine terests. lie lins resided in the city ever since, row night, and ho w ill play if ho is- f J • I'. Caliiiioh p u b lic . C h a rg e s re a so n ab le . It would seem that now, of all times, his peace victory won, returned to their homes and be­ as follows: »'• ormonth , 50,000; W orchbstei .. and happiness would have been uninterrupted. puid for it. ” anew the buttle of life. ..............A. C. Jen n in g s —— 105,000; W ebster (international), 125,000; CEN­ gun “ Oh, certainly. I expect to pay him , John B. Seaee, the widely known contractor Sueli was not to be the ease, ibr lour years TURY, (six volumes. complete,) 225, OK): and building mover of Albany, N. Y., has had ago, while engaged in superintending the rais­ und liberally too. He can come over by A- J J»hns<>n J am ageilt fo r .......... ---------- S A IL S ing of the immense smokestack of the Albany an unusually interesting iile. and when aecn the afternoon train aud play for tho ............. A. S. Patterson STANDARD, over 300,000; e r.. by a reporter recently at his home, .»•». 1,> Electric power bouse, the lever of a loosened ................. d . p . B urton B u c k -E y e M o w e rs an d On th e 1st, lO th a n d 2 0 th o f each Bradford Street, told of his many experiences windlass struck him a heavy blow across the dance and go buck in the m orning, and back. The effect of the blow was not at first I ’ll allow hilt tw o days’ pay. I ’ll do and adventures while serving under the oh. m o n th . School S u p e rin te n d e n t ........G. S. H u n t j ............ S am p le P a g e s F r e e ............. ilag in the late war. Although having en­ apparent, be being able to leave his bed in a posit tho money w ith the clerk now as ---------R a k e s .------- few days. But tlie worst was to follow, lor .. ..C. M. Collier dured all the hard hips and privations of life S in g le tr ip 83.00. R o u n d tr ip 05.00 S urveyor...................... All other kinds of----------- in the ranks, Mr. Seaee he irs his more than without warning la* was seized with sciatic security. ” A nd she counted out 88. Coroner........................ . . . . J . W. H arris Farming Machinery. “ Why, m a d a m ,” protested G orlitz, h a lf century of years with an elastic step and rheumatism in all its virulence. Untold agony a keen mind, taking an active interest in pri­ followed. “ Mr. Paderew ski w ould not th in k of Justice of Peace........... . F. B. Wilson Samples may be seen at my place. AGENTS W A N TE D . Said Mr. Seaee, “ I could not sleep lor the vate and public affairs. Jonh F . T anner P rices are th e low est. Constable -While still a boy, his family moved from pain. No one will know the tortures the rheu­ com ing for less than tjtts.GOO. ’ “ Oh, m ercy!” And she gave a little F o r P a sse n g e r a n d F r e ig h t R a te s W m. Brynd, Albany, his birthplace, to PittslieJd, Mass., matism gave me. I don’t know how I lived and here he was educated, lie mastereil the during those days. I became little more than scream. “ A nd ju s t th in k how near I Point Terrace, Or. skin and bones, and it seemed like life diun t carpenter’s trade, became ft member of Berk­ ------ VPPLV to -------- came to m aking a contract w ith o u t com- shire L >dge. No. 52, I. O. O. E., and was e n ­ have anything but rufiering in it. (.hires? I Pacific Coast Agents tering op »a ft sueee^fitl business life when tried every so-called rheumatic cure that was 'ing to terms. I th in k i t ’s a sham e, an Meyer i Ky’e, Florence, Or. CITY OFFI )ER3 came the call from Washington for men. All ever invented. I gave ail of them :• good trial outrage. I ’ll report it to tlio M usicians’ SAN FRANBISCO, CAL. over the country the word sped, and excite­ before I stopped taking them. Mv friends union. T heir rate is i 1 a day, I know, ment ran high. All the old-time patriotism and neighbors recommended remedy alter because Hint’s w h at I ’ve alw ays paid 933 Market S t. that had made Massachusetts famous in Revo­ remedy that they beard of, but my rbeuma- . . F. B. Wilson MARION HORRIS, Proprietor. lutionary days was tired to its utmost. Every tisin went on just the same. Well* after 1 bad for a piano player. I ’ll het the union P re s id e n t town and village sent out its squad or company. almost bad the life tortured out of me, I came ; w ill m ake it so w arm for him h e ’ll have 1 O. W. H urd The company in which Mr. Seaee enlisted across a newspaper account of Dr. \ \ illiums o .—— Will make ------ o Wm. Kvli- S h a v in g Reduced to 15 cts. in September of 1802, as a private, became Fink Fills, and I thought 1 might as well add , to get out of to w n .” A nd in her rage Board of T ri-tee» Company A, Forty-ninth Regiment, Massa­ another name to the list as not, so I ordered ; she flounced out w ithout her um brella. Monon Morris R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S , , chusetts Volunteer Infantry. Under the com­ someof my druggist. . . . . Wm. B ernhardt “ 1 tell you, 1 v. us clad in those days to hear — tfun Francisco Post. mon impression that the war would bo one ef ARTISTIC HAIR CUTTING. ---- Between ---- of any thing that could give me any hope :t ■ but short duration, the men were enlisted for Huuuri Reason. ir...................... .Drew Severy nine months only. Scarcely were they uni­ all. Yes, I got them, and before I had taken RAZOR HONING A SPE C lA L T Y -ajc. two boxes that pain began to leave me. \\ by, Tlio late Rev. Dr. W illiam L. Breck- T r e a s u r e r ................. Leonard C hristensen formed and armed before they were ordered to the front. The regiment, which at the time 1 couldn’t understand it. I couldn’t imagine | inridgo of K entucky used to tell this M a r s h a l.................................... J- W eddle - • The attention of Prospectors and was under the command of Col. W. F . Bart­ niyself being cured. But before I had a half-dozen of those boxes 1 tea« cured. 1 he ! | story of an Irishm an who desired to M iners is called to the n n y its of a new lett, served in the First Brigade, First Divis­ suffering which had made my life almost un­ have a letter w ritten home to liis friends ion, Nineteenth C >rps, and participated in D R . E . D. M C K IN N E Y , tied some of the hottest battles of the great rebel­ bearable for so long bail disappeared. 1 was in the old country. I t was ut a tim e Thos. F. O a'oi, H a iry C- p«yne Henry C. Route Rec’vn im proved apparatus for testing SECRET SOCIETIES a new man. . . sm elting various kinds of ores and m in­ lion. “ I began to get strong. I picked un in when provisions were so abundant in Mr. Seaee, at the time, was but twenty-two P h y s ic ia n an d S u rg eon. erals, such as gold, copper, n iik el, sil­ years of age, and he remembers well with flesh, and i went back to my business with all the west as to be alm ost w ith o u t value. vigor and vim of a yonng man. 1 think A fter m entioning a good m any things ver and lead ores, refractory and com­ what a beating heart he first fell in line. 11 is the : : : OREGON. . A A. M. Fi • »rence Lodge No. 107. E U G E N E , regiment was ordered South, directly through everyone v.'bo k n o w s m e will tell you what it th a t he w ished to have w ritten to his did for me. Pink Fills is the grandest medi­ pound ort-s. ptftilai* 20intnun ¡cation on second the enemy’s country, with Baton Rouge as ever discovered, and if iny recomniendfi- friends in Ireland iu regaid toA m ericu, T his furnace is designed and construct­ tlie objective point. A Per several m o n th s of cine iv n iu h t in each m onth, weary march s, during which Company Y tion will do it anv pood I want y o u to use it. I P atrick s a id : f ’ C. B. M organ , W. M. ed by and for a prospector, who requires pass I hope others will bear o f it and be benefited 'd through several iiv< iyscrimmages with “ T ell them th at I get all tho m eat I M artin , Secretary. ftits i' M v r to x A i. a serviceable furnace, easily transported the enemy constantly hovering about the flanks us I nave been. Everyone should hear of it. can eat three tim es a w eek.” I can’t say too much for them ,” Mr. Seaee ex­ and rear* the capital city of Louisiana wi.s over a m ountainous country by a pack reached. An evacuation followed. Citizens claimed enthusiastically in conclusion. “ A nd w hat do you mean by th a t? ” This is hut one of tlie many eases in v. Inch asked tho w riter. “ D on’t you get all a n im a l, th a t is com plete and ready, a id and the rebel soldiery stationed in the city fled OF EUGENE. Fink Fills have taken such a beneficent part like frightened sheep, bearinff with them what the bacon you can eat threo tim es u can tie set up at any dum p of low grade goods they could carry and setting torch to in tlie history of hununity. A. R. G eneral Lyons Post, No. 58. T . Q. HENDRICKS. P » n . EAKIN. J» , C a b h - r S. m eets second and fourth Saturdays Mr. Seaee Is now enjoying the fruits of an day?” ores, th a t otherw ise will not pay to ship the rest. * The beautiful capitol builuiug, * unusually large busimss. managed solely by “ Yes, your rivcrence,” was the of each m onth. $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 w ith profit and m ake a good d a y ’s pay which had been converted into a war prison, himself, and covering almost the entire east­ P A ID UP CASH C A P IT A L . S. L. RoitKtiDs. C o m m a n d e r. had also been fired, and the boys in blue prom pt reply. $ 6 0 OOO 8U R P LU S AND P R O F IT 8 , ern portion of the State. Mr. Seaee is also an of one to two tons of ore every day. bwarmed in, just in time to save their captive T. M. M artin , A djutant. “ Well, then, w hat do you mean by ivory carver of marked ability, which he fol­ To judge t ie value of such an o u tP t— comrades from perishing in the flames. Mr. lows solely for his own pleasure. Many lilt Io w ritin g to your friends in Ireland th a t A O O O U N T S S O L iIC lIT E D Seaee, who had 1 m on, while en route pro- of a C upola Sm elter, kno k-down bot­ moled to corporal, w'ns in the thickest of the trinkets, carved by the ligdit of the camp-lire, you get all the m eat you cau eat threo EUGENE, . . . OREGON. his skill in this dir< etion. tom type, with extentions when sm elt­ melee an.l ues'-ribi-a the Bceneo in a graphic attest Far from being solicited to recommend tho tim es a week?” nnnner. Although the city had fallen almost V . G eneral Sheridan Camp, “ F a ith ,” said P at, “ and th a t is moro ing ores, m ade of num oer 10 steel plates curative which hud taken such a load of misery without n blow given or received, a fight was , 5 meets lirst and th ird Satttr- his lift, in ..is gratitude liis praise for it than they w ill beliave. ” — Y outh’sOom- with slag and m etal spouts, rotary steel not fir oif, for word was received that a large from eaeli m u h . G. R. M ills , Uapt. is unstinted und unceasing. And from bis own of the enemy was fast anproaehing. punion. NOTARIES. blower, countershaft w ith geared pulley force SB uodik , 1st Se.gi. A bloody battle ensued ut Plain Store, a few statements one may easily see that when bo for blast snppl«, by either w ater, steam days’ march out of tlie capital, in which f o r - does cease to sing its virtues, it will be to T o o M u c h F o r H im . M»rnl Scace was severely wounded. A ininiue answer the last mustering in. or hand pow er; w ith three grapliide Dr. W illiams’ Fink Fills contain, in a con­ A well known pliysiciutt a t W iesba­ »all struck his left thigh and, grazing the LU . W. P erp etn a Lodge, No. 131, crucibles, three stc-l ladles, six furnace bone, narrowly missed the great artery. lie densed form, all the elements necessary to give den was called in to atten d a lady of A. R. BUTTOLP.i, eta every 1st and 3d Saturdays was retired to the camp nt Baton Rouge, but new life and richness to the blood and restore high lineage, 8T . PAUL steel bars and tools, only weighing com­ recuperated nonth. Memlters and visiting so rapidly that he entered, soon shattered nerves. They arc an unfailing spe­ “ Well, how do yon feel today, my M IN N E A P O L IS plete 1285 pou d s—when t, e pro-pec or aft°r, agiin into active service. The buttles cific for such diseases ns locomotor ataxia, par­ m in good standing are cordially of Fort Hudson ami Donaldsonville followed, tial paralysis, St. Vitus’ dance, seialica, neu­ dear m adam ?” inquired tlio doctor in can determ ine the value of one ton oi to atten d . C. K. D avid , M.W. ralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the DULUTH ________ with all their thrilling episodes. of the his usual cheery manner. ^ kottk , Recorder. the ore In a tiv , - h o u r ti at by the ou - it was ni,t Iona after thia that, by rcasmi ,,f after cft'ect of la grippe, palpitation pall “ I uni a marchioness, d o cto r,” tho FA R G O “ enlistment, he heart, pale and sallow complexions, a ll the expiration of hi» term of put of the hul.ion. ________ either _____ I» male or female. I’ink lady replied, laying an em phasis ou tho TO G R A ND FO RKS O re g o n waa honorably discharged. Hia respite was of weitkneiM F l o r e n c e , Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent W ith a little ordinary in e'li i nee o F. H eeeta Lodge No. I l l , meets Bot a long one. however, for he s M abios M obbis , N. G. Hoad of Tide Hotel, 533 Readers for Quotations 5000 Illu s tra tio n s Steamer ¿obarts Florence to Yaquina. E. D. BRONSON & CO, Tonsorial Parlors. S T E A M ER “ C O O S ,” Florence aefl Heafl of Tide. bank T.M. a ORTHERN PACIFIC f Sleeping Elegant Tourist Care Dining Cars Sleeping I Cars Notary Public, Surveyor W m . B bb x ia k d t , See. NOTARY PUBLIC. 5HURCH DIRECTORY THROUGH TICKETS FRAN < B W IL» N- NOTARY PUBLIC. IBYTERIAN C H U R C H , Florence, »«on. Sahliath service. Sabbuth- 10 o ’clock a. m. Preaching II FLORENCE.---------- OREGON. a - ju . and 7 p. in. Sacram ent of o rd ’s supper on 1st S abbath of rv, April, Ju ly and October, C 3 - J L K 3 3 U S T E P I body is welcome to all th e services, requests C h ristian s to make C T A O K X j IN H J . slves know n. I. G K notts , Pastor? H .H .3 irrett, Prop’r, ‘HODIST EPISC O PA L C H U R CH srvice. Preaeliing a t G lenada Sundavs of each m onth. atli-Scliool every Sunday at in. P rayer m eeting every iTiurs- iv e n in g a t the ch u rch . E vervlasiy tally invite',. G. F. R ounds , P asto r. Leaves Florence M ondays, W ednes­ days an d F ridays. A rrives at Florence T uesdays, T h u rs­ days and S aturdays. Connects w ith S team er and Scotts­ burg Stage L ine for D rain. Also with C harge Stage Line for Coos Bay. reasonable. Saflev M arr ATTORNEYS C. H HOLDEN, r-at-Law and Notary Public. RELIABLE INSURANCE. ¡.TB . A M D . A C J U ^ ^ T ' NOTICE IO lloMEsl'EADEIts ....... ave been appointed, by the I oiled . late* lit Court, V. 8. Commissioner i«»r me of Oregon. Entries and final proofs can ken before me at my office in Florence. A. C. WOODCOCK, A tto r n e y a l b n v , O r e * ; :>xv McLa ren’s Building. eilt u v . iti » I given t" '••»1 lection« , 4 pm- buainea*. *R » ».«■* 7 and o. M. PO TIE R * EUGENE, T BUTCHEH8. OONOV» 0 0 I □ IN . ............ A ttorneys-st-Ls* I A M»$-ton capacity victim s to be found at one and the same of w arfare forever. — Y outh’s Compuu “ Why did yon cu t off T ennyson’a P o r tla n d O r. nam e and sign tliut poem ‘Exchange?’ per five-hour le a f, only weighs 650 time. One m orning, how ever, w hen the i o n . _________________ T ennyson's a classic. ” pounds, same num ber of tools with judge's patience bad entirely departed S un d a y I.e tte r « I n Il c l " Iu m . “ I don’t care if ho is. IIo c a n 't work east and s o u t h blower, etc., designed for the poor pros the sheriff cam e bursting into th ■ cour' Tho B elgian an th o ritier, it seems, a r mo into advertising hint. -Lonisvillo p ; tor wl o feels unable to purchase the room, his face flushed v.ilh tho excite­ anxious to tiavo tho po toffico as much O onrier-Journal. m ent of victory. sm elter outfit. trouble as possible in tha m a tte r of de THE SHASTA ROUTE larger A» I > » a ( l l 7 V V s M p o lt*. “ I t ’s a ’l rig h t now. your honor!’’ he livering lstters on Sunday. F or th is rea­ T his sm elter has m et with such univer­ “ Bicycles are to be made useful iu OF T H E sal satisfaction an I ourcoi.fidence in it cried joyfully. “ You can try the case son every postage stam p is issued w ith to ship the atiove outfit-ouiplcte to re­ today, for w e’ll have tlie ju ry by 12 a littlo perforated supplem ent inscribed w ar. ” Southern Pacific Co. o'clock sure. It a in 't hut lO o'clock now. w ith tho legend, “ N i pas livror le di ; “ Oh, I see. If the soldiers’ guns d o n 't sponsible represntatives mt 30d;i«s tr Express Train» Leave Portland Daily. und I ’ve got 11 of ’em locked up in my m anohel" Those w ho aro anxious to I dest oy the enem y, he cun bo run over." for thorough d em onstra'ion (w here <- North barn, and w o’re ru nning the tw elfth have th e ir letters doiivtred on the sov —Chicago Recotd. South I grade gold, silver and complex ort-s P ortland A r | M:10 • m man w ith (logs, your h o n o r!’’— Youth » enth as ou the other six days of tho week h:.io p m Eugene Lv I 3:00 a m 1:50 u in F r o m a Lak e . Companion. .-'till f ra u c ia c o L v | »..no p in the d u m p will now not hear shipm en tear th is off, w hile those whoso com ­ 10:*5 a m Aoore trains stop at East Portland. Oregon to oilier sm elters). It will pay for it­ m unications aro not of any speciul im A I ’ r lw n T e r m . City, Woodburn. Salem, Turner, Marl«»n, Jelfcr- self every week. O ur profit is on royal­ portanea leave It on. •on. Albanv, Albany Junction, Halsey, Harris­ burg. Junction City. Irving. Eugene, Lreawell, ty, 50 cents per ton of ores sm elted, A M e re A r t i.u n . Drains and all »tution» from Roseburg to Ash­ m ont.dy S-. ttlem en t. W •• tru st you will land Inclusive. “ W hst Pi the reason yon insist that KOHKUVRG M A IL , D A IL Y . appre iate the opportunity in your ,-amp Lines is no artist? ” asked (ho Pbiiis a Ar I 4:40 P 111 efore competit.'OR devt-lopes Portland 8:30 A s l ¡ < its If tine. “ I (bought ho w in one t f the best 11: 20 It n L* Eugene 2:01 P m 1 Lv 1 ft .00 ft in which alway s in any new husim s . u Kleinin? illu stra to rs in tho co u n try .” 5.20 1 n,J IT f. («ays ,(RK, l> \!l. Y. "W ell, lio isn ’t , ” said tho artist hot- ' . e rtam to follow. p..rtlftii-l > r 1 Í0 1 Í ft ni 4 Í p in 1 l'v ly. “ Ho is n mcro grubbing artisan We a-e prepaTe.! to Itirn sh snv size in ft 00 A 1 Ar Î.V 1 riaient •;1.5 P in Why. it the text, for instance, d o e n b ed or «parity plan rom ple e to -u lsta n - D in in g C a ra o n (> |< h n It o iit e . a man to ho w earing r .'nil hoard, he j P u l l m a n H v i f t e t S l e e p e r e tial m ininz peopl te it up an ernish would draw him th at w ay, Instea I '•?, SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS, o r men to run it f r tl em . 1’ ices and witli a good artistic tna.iiucbo and ini attach«»1 m all rtirougb Train». «I«- .toaiioits 'ttrn is e I w ith refer m es peris). H e's n grabber. Ti e.t'a w b st he and testim onials on application. W e .t »Id« D Ix M o n . is. ” —C lucinna1 i E nqulrt r. B etw een P ortland and C orvallis . N ational O uk A Ritnt-cTioN Co. M i l l . T i l l « h »I1.V [B»l A r r r j w A V ) I’rr para; ton*. 5726 C heltenham Ave., tst Louis. A r |« : M t S , i » |T ,» l-.,rtlaii,1 W illlo— I knew yen v.ere com ing t' b : C r v a lll. Lx I I M F m i 1-2:1» p m | A t BUTTE SEATON. OREGON- a , »rag.» r a u « » PAfLf i t s s , . ,*4A p m il.» I.V’ p m I A r laxcarr » üfuay J F-wtland McMiiinrllle A rt« « a t Lv I » M a I Throuxh T ic k e t, tn atl p e in t. In the F.a.tem j State». Caneda «nd Europe can otdalned at lowest rate« from L O. A deir. A xent. F.uxene. B. K o x h i . e s . E. E. Resxtx». A««t. O. E. and P .*» A ft. Rlpans Tabules. Rlpana Tabule« cure naufra. Ripant Tabules: «t drurftets. Ripant Tabuler, cure dizz.neat. Ripant Tabule* cure blllousnea8 Rlpana Tabules: one glvet relief. Ripant Tabules atilst dlgextlon. Ripant TabulPt cure bail breath. " Tver troubles. night. C astleton— Why, W .llie? W illie—Bister has been asleep all the I a fte rn o o n T ru th . I’AMtEOEE I.L." —Jcdy. « f b eat'ng, rn tt ng sir T ie p rx Into paper palp cacapti ariudiug r; front ‘.lircj to four Lours. O 'fJ ts d ih n n — Yez have quite a river here en yuré fiare. F intiigau—Shore that eome« fron» the lake in the roof. -N T w Yoik World