rT-A.±CIH33NTi iA l'a Z iS WATCH PRICES TO FHEV W ILL BE FOUND C A U G H T W IT H A POLAR N IG H T . G O LD . BUT THE MAN EATING SHARK TOOK $45,000 O r THE DAIT. Tlir K<-I>lvrr*. Ktnry o f an Advel-.tur» In the **Orrnt liny-*" - ilra re Sin,-.»ml I l e e l f /.II O ver th e V era iiih i.it th e C om p letion of the Yarn. “ I suppose,” quoth .Tunics T. G aulin • f (Viiielift ter, M:. s., who was sitting Dll tllO hotel Vl'l'ttmla, “ Unit I 1ml tl,0 honor of killin g the mo.-t valuable li.-h that ever »wain the i is. I did it single handed too. I aver th at thin fi h. wan w orth 11:0:0 ¡it tlio lilt.' of it.;dentil than tlio finest nptini v.lialo th at was evei harpooned, ¡H ili' :.:.h we siic.ild really leave whales out of tint qnr.-tion when »¡leaking of 11; ll. It was tit) years ago, mid 1 was } ■ ang anil fooht.li enough to l.o a deep i i .i div; r. 1 >'.:• d r . .. : iidtuoiicr mul clew had te e n n nt to Cuba to try • b i , ’ to m e . “ Just then 1 h : iw Koimtiong that inade the rubber helm« : r o e from my head. It was a man eating nhai \ I hadn't thought of ono in io long that I hud neglected to I ring my knife. I - v .is rubbing at me. Tho Htupid (¿eattire «over Ktopjied to CJ'i. ider tin t with a rubber and lead dre. ing a diver make h poor lunch. I wa kneeling b< ide tlie gold. At the .shark’s • n 'augdit 1 nat ural ly hung to the hatidful of gold a though io uso it UH a Wi ap 11. lie tuim d on hi; ride, opening his horrible month. A feeling of grim humor had (•«.lhOVT U1& The cruel g • dhug- had M ilt 1UP clown hero to 1 o <1 voured. id le r having thousands cf dollat for them. I would ho a spendthrift at I: ;e lo t. i o ith all w y force I Hang* the I \y handful of coin into the yaw ning •» . ii. “ Tho shark mi. th ii th ¡.'lit it was n part of me, for he h i : i ; , d 1 is jaws over tho golden n s 1. I am . at • ii 1 that ho b r o k e t »me teeth, lie hv . am b;u‘k u little, and then n : ’ 1 at me again. I had no weapon hut the p,old, no again I tin ng into the hid» us maw enough to 1 ay me a homo in i,. \v ling laud. I naw him Himp a d »¡wallow it. Again and again w as t a. i . a re: it td , and as often did I hurl t Id into the shark's throat, lh tv s a he h mine dizzy, as it were, . r i n • p '•! had u n ­ balanced him, i Ktlirg in th f »¿ward part of hiff body. T im he w i i h i d i u agony, and 1 lead to lu p <1 : his flurry. Then, w ith our t. •» !! ’.H e r, ho sank to tlio hott»»m, v t- I d n by tho gold. I t i> d a lun at ' a . I tin n gave il t Then I 1. [ 11 him open. Ueutlcmcn. > n ma t t.d.e tlio w I |I5 ,0 0 0 in him. <• d l a ’ Ik i h ::i ’’ Silence fttucarcd it If all ov»r tho wtranda. Th j ilr to « Stephen A. Douglas. Mr. D mglas hut more of the social graces than Mr. Liu coin, and it appeared to him that nutli ing would be muro interesting than t( cut out liis political rival in tlie afire tions of the entertaining am) lively Miss Todd, and so he paid her court. A spirited yoaug lady from Kentucky at th at tiino in Blinois would httvi been alm ost less Ilian human if sho hat refused to accept the attentions cf tin tw o leading men of the locality. There fore Miss Todd, being q u ite human, en conrageil D ¡rights, and -again there wa. vvliat nowadays would have been cullet a flirtalion. This oourso of action di< not spur Lincoln on in liis devotion, bo* made him le ts ardent, and lie concluded after mneh self vvorriwent, to break of the engagement, which I10 (lid, lint a' tho tam e interview there were a recou ciliatiou and a renewal of tho engage ment. «Xa «aAcat» Jw i b JLx za-L-v*--J L b IS I iim I H O W SN F U L L B L A S T ! Dress Goods. Table Linen and Crash. Wash Silks and Trim m ings. Sateens and Cheviots. Laces and Embroidery. Sheetings and Muslins. Kid Gloves. Carpets and Gil Cloths. Summer Clothing, Tan Shoes. Hosiery. THE REGENT DIAMOND. T h e O n e P rccioi»» S to n e T h a t C o m e . N e a r ca t tu K la w lc» » . The Regent diamond, vvliilo surpass« in size by the Great Mogul and severa other well known stones, is really tin finest of all, being nearly fault less it form and puiity anil tho most brilliant diamond in the world today Its French history dates back to 1717. In that year it was purchased from it! English owner, for the French regalia, by the Duke of Orleans, then regent oi Franco, whence its present name. It ln d previoa.fiy been known by a name almost ns funious. In 1717 French finances were in 0 desperuto strait. T hj people were starv­ ing, the treasury Was nearly oxhansted, credit even wasJosf. yet under the per­ suasions of tlio Scotch financier Law ami tlio French Duke of St. Simon the re­ gent of F raeee, hesitating where every monarch of Europe laid refused, finally agieed to the price of ¡¿075,000. G reatly to the relief of the duke, liis net appealed to the pride of the French people, and instead of condemnation foi liis extravagance lie received their ap­ plause. In the liglit of subsequent cveutt their approval has a touch ol the pro­ phetic. The first prominent appearance of tht diamond in the French regalia was in tlie circlet ef the crown made for the coronation of tho boy Louis XV, in 1722. iAUJ After half a century it was again the center of a new crown, that which in 1775 weighed heavy on the head of the yonng Louis XVI till lie criod out in discomfort, “ I t hurls me I” Then come 1789 and tho firo and blood and fury of tlie French revolution. —Charles S tuart Pratt in Lippiucott's. T h e A r m y o f T r a m p s. Opening a sale a t th is period gives you an oppori unity to select goods from practically unbroken lines. Our stock yet contains many of tiie season’s lat st which we will c!■>. novelties >ut at u ap r c ■ i nt I ii.w prices. fact which is plainly illu slrat d by th A many quotations herew ith subrniited. ii-:nl every line, if one tiling docs not interest you anotlier may. We r,serve no departm ent from this great slau g h ter of prices. I f you cal! at our store during tlii h a v e Well j h a si sale yon will nni'’ov.htidly with yo u r | urei.a: es. VERY ARTICLE MUST B SOLD GREATLY There can bo no doubt that the tramp is in a certain sense Hie maker and chooser of his own career. The w riter’s experience w itb these vagrants lias con­ vinced him that, though they urn almost always tlio victims of liquor and lazi­ ness, fully four-fifllis of America's vol­ untary beggars have begun tlicir wide and restless ways while still in their teens, and have been furthered in their wrong tendencies by unwise treatm ent Dress Goods applied to them when young. Year after year, even mouth nftet Our ex tra line of im ported dress month, trampdom is increased by squads p a tte rn s —ranging in price front 38 of youths who w ill soon take and hold the places of their elders, who w ill n at­ to $15 will he sold at a reduction urally drop aw ay with Hie years. These of 3,'1J per cent. Y ou can only boyish roadsters are n ine often illeg iti­ judge this oiler by seeing it. Ask mate Hum law ful children and conse­ quently proper subjects for state cure to he shown through this d ep art­ and guardianship. And tlte fact that ment. every tram p iu tho United States hue spent »enie in trfra A / ur youth iu u re ­ form school, or. worst of all, in jails, W ash Silks demonstrates that there is a failure somewhere in oar system of correction In this line we claim the super­ ¡uid reformation and makes it necessary iority and will give special inihicc- and only fair that the sociologist ns well as the reformer should know the m ents to close out the immense tram p from boyhood to manhood. Su­ line we have on hand. 20-ineh perficial mid v.usympathotic studies of Ja p . silks at 35e per yard. This liis character, w ith shallow theories nbont remedial measures, liavo so far grade alw ays sold for 50e per yard. failed signally in checking liis malign T affata Silks for W aists at front influence tqn 11 « eiety,— "H ow Men Be­ come Tram ps," by Josiah F lynt, iu 85e to 81.50 per yartU Ceutnry. '■ _____ REDUCED PRICES. DURING- THIS GREAT SALE! Carpets and Oil Cloths Cloth ing-M ens’ & Boys W e cannot intelligently q u o te 1 W e offer Cheviot L u its for | 6 price« for th is departm ent. I f you good value at 810. 810 suits a t w ant any goods in this line we j 87.50. If you want a summer suit suggest th a t you call (luring this buy it now. sale anil he benefited by the prices we have arranged in this d ep art­ Kid Gloves m ent. W e will sell carpets at cost W c can m ake a specialty of this this m onth. line anil can give you th e best value on cartn for 81.50 per pair. V isit our shoe department foi­ W e have kid gloves ranging in ba rgains. prices from 81 to 82.50 per pair. E very p a ir guaranteed. Ladies’ Underwear T his line is somewhat depleted and we hope to close out every garm ent. W e will make prices th at will do it. Special Inducements Offered on our handkerchiefs. O ur line of L adies’ and G ents’ N apkins and Towels at 25 per W e will only m aintain the prices Tan Shoes will be closed out d u r­ A peculiar epitaph is inscribed on a cent, reduction. quoted here luring the sale. ing th is sale. ll"»pttakle. tombstone iu the old churchyard of an Ohio town. General Wayne was at one lime in eeintuaud of the fort mentioned in tlie epitaph. 51 irgnrvt. Wife of Darid On-eory, Hii'rt Aug. tA 1S-3. A rc I «a y« r„. H e re I k s tlie w en m n , th e first sa v e on o, Tha* „«'tiled on too Miami alxivo Fort Ilauiil- ton. II. r tal'to wo. „pn nd, and that of the ts-st. Arid Aulhonjr hoyt *11» often h, r guest. —Youth’s Companion. READ THE ABOVE PRICES. S . H . H ’R . I E J K r i D L Y , A C»nnl A ucH enecr. “ I ’m going now. Yes. I'm going, g o in g ,“ m a n u tu c il btetglier. “ Wlmt un excellent alletti ti, er y o u ’d m ak e," »aid the 1 . uitli s but tired Miss Nyeeg.r 1.— F , -., 11 U’. arivr. Nl. e, t In C„u,p«rt»ou. "D oesn't the i »g ¡u'ddler misivy you Willi it,a I: HUÍ’’ "N o t half as much as tlie piano ped »ler next d o o r."— Detroit Free Press, L iv in g o a O n . F o o d . We hold that a w all devised dietary system il, es not need freqnont change. All do not require to cut tho same in amount or kind. Vncooked frn its nud nuts suit > me. other» live almost en­ tirely on bread mid oatm eal, bnt when the correct diet bos been found it is m i l ueccasary to eliauge. Animal» in a stute if nature live ,iU oue food throughout I •.heir lives.— Vegetarian. EUGENE, . . . . OREGON.