■f HARVESTS OF HAJR, G IR LS PART W IT H T H E IR CROW N­ IN G GLO R Y FOR A F E W C E N T S . lun, and pupa tookod l:ke some sort oi toy being worked by the motion of tho Licycle wheels. "Down, down ho went in perfectly glorious fashion until all at once, quick H lightning, without any warning, the wheel Just dashed into u tree and spilt papa on tho hard ground. lie was awful­ ly hurt. Ho had to go on crutches all the next day and is limping yet. “ And what do you suppose he said to me when ho came tottering back. ‘You’ve got to take that infernal bicycle back tomorrow. There’s something wrong with it. I haven't paid u cent for it, and I won’t. You can't pay mo to take it. Send it bock. ’ Papa says ho can’t ride if his wheel isn’t good.”— Atlanta Constitution. ALBERT EDWARD’S EXPENSIVE JOKE. M ow H e S m a sh e d t h e C r o c k e r y a n d F u r ­ n it u r e o f a o E ld e r ly C oonteaa. ï asnore and was carcinily studied by the naturalist. It was supposed that a comet, which hrd appeared iu tlio heaven. and disappeared afterward, wascounected iu the minds of this imaginative people ' with the jellyfish. There ure scores.of i phosphorescent creatures in the depths ! of the ixioan, mauy of which have never been described, some of them being sc reraarkablo that accurate recounts of them would tax the credulity of simple folk.—New York Ledger. Albert Edward, prince of Wales, is perhaps tho meet popular man in Eng­ irtM M lvr eart W ig * A ra M ade a f th e Q a e e r- land. Tliis popularity is duo to his love e rt e f C re p e --la fe n u a tle a . hom e o l I t o f of sports and all manly traits which uro • a Odd C haracter, F ro m a M a n W h o particularly commendable in tho eyes of M a ke r TtUace o f B a ir. tho nverage Britisher. As a yo u th his audacity anti appreciation of a joke, Il was quite by chance that the writer either as a perpetrator or victim, were of thia article happened on a man who Well known. M a x , F e n lile t Matte W orth la m o tii. has apent hie lifetime in the manipula­ One of his early escapades resulted iu It is not generally known that Worth tion of human hair, transforming it in­ her majesty tho queen footing a hill for to wig«, crown», frizettea and all the broken erockery and wrecked furniture owed liis first introduction to Empress other kinds of “ false” hair and wearing ' which the young princo caused ia tho Eugenio to Mine. Octave Fenillot, then, house of one of the lesser members of as now, one of the most charming wom­ it into watch chains, eyeglass guards, bracelets, as well as mounting it in lock- tho nobility. A rather elderly countess en in Paris. Fcuillet, then at tho begin­ W a te r Claaa. eta, rings, pin«, earrings and brooches whose qnick temper and sharp tongue ning of his great career, had just won and working it np into all kinds of The eminent chemist, Dr. Qrothie, is drove even her servants away from her tho heart of the empress by writing for floral designs and emblems. quoted as declaring that water glass advertised for a footman. The prince, her private theatricals "Les Portraits de "A charming head of huir on a worn- *!as “ great futnro in store in bleaching, to whose ears tales of the peculiarities la Marquise, ” in which his royal patron | he said, " is a thing of beauty and aud ihat ’n his opinion it w ill entirely of tho old lady had come, resolved to took the principal part, hut which was indeed a crowning glory, but to a nnir displaco soda. Snch substances as jute, teach her a losson. Ho therefore present­ so cleverly constructed that nono of the 1 worker it is of little vulne. Evpn the which formerly could uot be bleached ed himself iu disguise at her ladyship's other characters was allowed the slight­ longest hair, before it has passed through without injury to the threads, are there­ house aud applied for tho position ol- est liberties with the person of the em­ press. Soon after this Mine. Fenillot the hands of the manufacturers, is well fore capable of being quickly treated in footman. The countess had just finished her dined at tho Tnilcries, aud Eugenie' nigh worthle««. The hair of a woman’s tho following manner: Tho yarn is I which is 80 inches in length, for steeped from 15 to 20 minutes iu a so­ breakfast, anti pushing her chair hack complimented her upon her gown and opl®. would not be worth more than lution of from six to eight ixmiids of from the table instructed the servant to asked tho liamo of her dressmaker. "Your mujesty, it is a man—an Eng­ 60 cent«. water glass to a gallon of water, at a bring before her the applicant. Tho **I remember a woman coming into temperature of from 185 to 312 degrees princo was thereupon ushered iuto the lishman. His uamo is Worth, nnd he my shop one night and offering to »ell P ., and turned about in it a few times, room. Tho countess looked him over lia s only been in Paris a little while," replied Mine. Fenillot. her hair. She «aid she was a seaman’« then rinsed in hot, but not boiling wa- from his feet np. "IIo knows bow io design a woman’s wife, and not having heard from him tor, and finally in cold. It next goes to Apparently pleased with the appear for many mouths was in desperate a weak chlorine hath and w ill become auco of tho priuce, she said, “ Let mo dress,” said tho empress critically. "You must send him here. ’’ see you walk. ” etraitefor money. She wanted to know perfectly whito. So tho lilac dress of the playwright’s how much I won Id give her for her hair, Hemp and cotton, instead of being Albert Edward did as commanded whloh was of considerable length. I re­ boiled in a strong soda solution for six and walked backward and forward sev­ wifo mado the fortune of Worth.—Paris fused to cut it off. I wouldn’t cut any or eight hours as a preliminary, can be eral times across the floor from one cud Letter. woman's hair off. It is such a demoral* quite sufficiently prepared by from 10 of tho room to tho other, now walking A M ean Jem eyraan. iaing, degrading thing to do, and the to 15 minutes in tho above hot water briskly at tho request of the old lady "Tho meanest man I ever saw ,” re fact is emphasized when dire need is tho glass. Por 100 pouuds of linen yarn aud then pacing slowly, us she wished marked tho Reflective Lounger, "lived cause of the «ale. However, I was in a from 12 to 15 pounds of water glass are to obtain points on this score. down in Now Jersey. position to obtain her assistance until taken, costing about 30 per cent less than This performance over, tho countess “ Ho was caught out in n thunder­ her husband came back. the usual ten pounds of 00 degrees sola. ordered him to trot. The dining room shower one day and lightning struck “ We get our finest descriptions of After tho water glass bath the yarn ia still tho theater of action, tho princo him right on the pocket. It tore a hole hair,” continued the «ubj«?t of this in- rinsed, first in hot, then in cold water, trotted around it soveral times. When iu his trousers nnd tho contents of his tafView, “ from France and Italy, whence and next givon chlorine and acid as usu­ this exercise was completed, ho again pocket rolled out on the floor. They oome all shades of black and brown. al. All dressing is of course first re­ came to a standstill near tho head of the were a match safe, n knife and four France, again, Germany and Spain sup­ moved by boiling with milk of limo or table, where tlio countess was seated. pennies. Now, what do you suppose that ply the market with brown, light flaxen by heating with water glass under pres- Her ladyship seemed pleased and was fellow said when wo picked him up and red hair. Gray hair, being found in just on the point of asking tho young aud brought him to liimsolf?” • every parcel, ia described an universal man some questions about himself when “ Oh, something about his miraculous H o w D o e s C h ic a g o L ik a T h ls f he shouted: "On the continent there are regular preservation probably," replied tho \Yo hear go much nowadays of the hair harvests. During the Rummer time “ Now see me gallop I” Stool Pigeon. .yon can see at every fair peddlers sur- false mid exotio America—tho America Grasping a corner of the tablecloth "Miraculous preservation, nothing. ' ronnded by girl« with their beautiful of "boodliugaud bulldozing,’’ of tyran­ firmly in ouo hand, the princo rushed Ho asked us if wo had picked np what hair nicely combed out standing in file nical millionaires an 1 ii frenzied prole­ around tho room, pulling the crockery was ill his pocket, and when wo went out ‘Waiting their turn. The peddler hoe in tariat; iu a word, of tho America of off on tho floor in a heap, knocking over and got them for him lie fingered them hi« hand« a pair of «hear«, each girl Chicago—that it is a comfort to hear a the furniture and finally winding her over, counted tho pennies aud thon he bend« her neck, a few snips, and the little of the true and natural America— ladyship up iu the folds of tho cloth. says: hair ia off, tied into a whiap and thrown the America of New England, of Har­ Ho tiien bolted for the door, leaving the “ ‘Well, I ’m darned glad these cents Into a basket «tending at the »hearer’s vard, Yale. Princeton and Columbia— countess sputtering and shouting aud ain’t burned so but what they’ll pass aide. And how much do you think that the America where the sane and whole­ tho servants running about in »distract­ anyway.’ ”—Buffalo Express. •he girl» get for thia? A few cents, a some traditions of tho English race ex­ ed way to liberate their mistress and guady trinket or a bright Bilk handker­ ist iu as perfect health as on this side quiet her rage. S m a ll F e e t S lc n lf y Id lo n e a s. of (lie water, and where honest living, chief. In tho hubbub and confusion tho A race with very small hands anil higli thinking and sound learning flour­ princo escaped. Tho flext day a check feet is a race that Jias for generations "Some peddler« travel from cottage to oottage plying their trade, and the ish and abound. from tlio keeper of tho privy purso set­ done very little work aud taken very The wild and whirling words of hys­ tled tho amount of tho damages and littlo exercise. South American ladies aame performance Is gone through. An terical agitators, spiritual and political, likewiso established tlio identity of the of Spanish hloisl can givo-points, as re­ average head of hair weigh» four ounces. When sufficient hair ia accumulated, it must not persuade jieople into thinking mischief maker.— New York Herald. gards tiny extremities, to thoir Andalu that Chicago, witli its strango and fov- ! la «old to the hair manufacturer», who sian nneestresse i, merely because nn al­ Some F;veryilay Mistakes. wnhmit It to a process of cleansing and erisli crowd of Bohemian«, Italians, together tropical d i mute compels tho in­ •arting Into various length» and »hades. Polish Jews, Hungarians and Germans, Current natural history is sometimes dolence that a semitropical climate fa­ Opening a sale at this period gives you an opportunity to select I t la then ready for the wigmnkers, in the normal American city, or that it very amusing. An observant country vors. When the average Frenchman— who buy it aa they require it, paying at represents tho permanent and conquer­ boy can give you more reliublo informa­ mill M. Daudet is, in many respects, a goods from practically unbroken lines, ing element in American lifo. It is an ithe rate of 80 oents or so per ounce for tion in half an lionr than many of tho singularly average Frenchman — eulo­ ¡length« of 10 Inches to 13 inohe» to n» ugly enough boil on the lxxly politio and writers who arc accepted os authority. gizes tho small foot, ho is simply glori­ Our stock yet contains many of the season’s latest novelties •many «hilling« a« there are inches for doubtless far from healthful, hut wo Two example« of tlio fallacies of tlio fying idleness. Not otherwise is the lengths of 86 inches and upward. The have no sort of doubt that it w ill pass latter have been going tho rounds. Ouo which we will close out at unprecedented low prices. A Chinaman proud o f the cramped feet of greatest demand ia for hair from 14 to away and bo absorbed into tho healthier was an article on tho cricket, which liis womankind, as at ont o a certificate 34 inches in length. The longest female tissues of tho Union. Meuntiinn let us was described us a very dainty insect of aristocratic idjfuess and a safeguard fact which is plainly illustrated by the many quotations learn to look on the nobler and far more with a delicate appetite. Thore is in ¡hair on record 1« 72 inches. ” against (kuigeritaAhkJa,. „ns.—Sketch. real, if less sensational, side of Ameri­ herewith submitted. The tycoon of Japan onoe confiscated reality hut one that is more voracious, the hair of a whole province and had it can life.,—London Spectator. j and that is tlie cockroach. Tho cricket Head every line, if one thing does not interest you another may. M a ry , Q u ee n o f S co ts. woven into a «hip'« hawser over a quar- j lias a robust tasto for almost anything, N eander, th e Jew ish Ills to r la a . Mary, queen of Scots, was tall aud I especially farinaceous matter, nnd it is >ng. Then he discovered ^ The new lifo of John Cairns, tho cele­ We reserve no department from this great slaughter of ■ were in existence, and brated Hootch divine, contains a pen very destructive to clothing. A house­ slctnlcr, but very graceful in nil lier no­ tions. Her faco does not seem to have prices. composed of the pigtails sketch of Neander, the great Jewish ee- keeper had her lace curtains oaten up, Bate Japs, repose» before eh'siastieal historian. Cairns attended aud the writer remembers once visiting been especially beautiful, for sho hail curious In Bethnal Green his lectures at the University of Berlin in a house where tlio walls had been rather irregular features, hut her fas­ If you call at our store during this sale you will undoubtedly cination of manner was irresistible. She in 1843 and describes him as a little coiled anil papered. The paper hung had a way of cocking her head a little leave well pleased with your purchases. an interviewed possesses man with a face that was pale, sallow loose here and there, due to tlio crickets trophy of hair, in »ire nnd expressionless, a low forehead, and thut gnawed through to get nt the paste to one side nnd of looking sideways at ig by 2 feet high, in the nothing striking in his features but liis tliut liud been used by tho paper hangers. the person with whom she was talking that gave a strong impression of co­ It of flower«, every leaf, black eyebrows. Ho was dressed in a Another story was of tlio marvelous quetry. Sho had very small hands and I every «tern of which is dirty brown coat, blue plush trousers self control of a man who discovered feet anil was fond of showing both, of­ u n in g ly wrought hair« nnd dirty top Ixxits. As tho distinguish Giat a black snake had concealed ilself u head. How long it cd man stood and lectured to his stu­ ill tlio pix'ket of liis coat, which he had ten having lier gowns shortened in order her feet might be seen. Ebo always i ’, it i»impoe»fhle to »ay, dents ho punctured every «entono« by thrown aside iu tlio field and ilouued that had her own hair cut close and woro a I Htiouably. He ha» other spitting, so thut (he flour hail to be again, very stupidly, without discover­ to save the time and trouble of hair « s, mostly the work of cleaned when ho had finished. And this ing tho reptile. This of itself was sur­ wig dressing. on, though they pale iu- was tho old man who, "for knowledge, prising, as it is generally from four to I beside the monument spiritnality, gixxl sense and indomitable five feet in length and and weighs sev­ C a tlm rln e I*arre « uestion. Catharine Farr, the sixth wifo of tlio spirit of the finest discretion on moral eral pounds. Tho black snake of tho northern middle states is as hurnilcsa ns much niarried Henry VIII, owed more of hair Into ornament» subjects, was a murvoL ’ ’ vogue considerably of tlio toad, anil, moreover, is extremely to her intellectual than to her personal leafariug men even now cowardly. Its greatest fault is its de­ charm» Sho was not good looking, bnt SLEEP REFORM. of this form of memen structiveness of young birds—the broods had a pleasant face and a world of tact. M““ W h o T ried I t and th e W ay B I. heir favorite designs ns- of Gmse »(nicies which nest in low shrubs So skillfully did sho manage her trou­ Noheuie W orked. i of anchor«, rom|iaases or upon the ground. But n man might blesome husband ns actually to turn i i nauticaL Colonel Henry Watterson tells a story carry one in each ixieket and conic to him agninst sumo of the most trusted of «utlemau came to the of an old compositor whose life liud no harm, if liis pockets were large his own officials. Once nil order was article and desired him been given up to hard work and the fol­ enough and if lie did not have the in­ made out for her arrest, on a charge of >rion» manner to weave lowing o f eccentric ideas, ouo of which herent animosity ,,f mankind toward heresy, but she got news of the matter, - h he gave him, into the was that tho human race slept too reptiles.—Chicago Inler Ocean. and - > cleverly flattered and soothed nt. The head and tail much. He hail several theories to ail Henry ns to effect a complete reconcilia­ U n u im i n s lllr ila a n d F lo w e r » , dd, and the tail was to vaneo in supixirt of liis idem One of tion, anil when the officers camo to a month. The serpent them was to cut down tii • usual num­ It lias long been known that insects serve the order he drove them ont with > coils and to encircle a ber of sleeping hours by graduticn and assist plants by carrying the fertilizing curses nnd threats. Drtòs Goods Carpets and Oil Cloths Clothing-Mens’ & Boys I creed by a dagger. In finally arrive at a state where, by prac­ pollen from (lower to flower, lint the 1 hly comprehend the de- tice, one w ould be satisfied with u much fact, lias only recently Is'en proinineuilv Our extra line of ¡niportetl tires« I n v ita tim i t o C h lld rrn '» P a rtiv a . We cannot intelligently We offer Cheviot Luit« for |0 i i let into the secret, and smaller amount of shx'p than olio was hrouglit forward that hnimuiiig < lanation which was of- getting. good value at 810. 810 suits at ure just as eileetivo distributors To show his confidence in his theory len as insects are. e | 87.50. If you want a summer suit I t lias been shown that u to represent the ua- ho began to practice the new idea as this buy it now. * young ludy to whom follows: He usually slept nine hours. birds, which are as fond a s ...... ............ .» 1 aud who had jilted He explained that he would cut this honey of flowers, carry the pollen grains pr ----- -------------- — ----------------- -- nature of the party, writes Mrs. A. G. to lie shown through tlepart- we have arranged in this depart­ question. The golden down to 8 hours for each week that ill great quantity, not only on their Lewis in The Ladies' Home Journal. If Kid Gloves il □lie of his pore and passed until ho hail reduced hi» number feathers, hut on (heir long bills also. In­ nient. ment. We will sell carpets at cost ’ and the dagger showixl ef sleeping hours to two, which, ho deed, so well sillied is tlio humming tlio stationery is to be engraved, some this month. We can make a specialty of this 1 d been wounded. The claimed, was all that was needed by bird to do this work of distribution, device which w ill appeal especially to children should be chosen—something *■ being in its mouth in- any one. line and can give you the best Without any intention of its own. that in which animals or birds nre to servo Wash Silks o Injuring her quondam The timo went by, nnd tlio old fellow the question has bceu raised whether it Visit our shoe department for value on eartn for 81.50 per pair. •o bitten herself. The hail kept to his rule laid down anil t in y not lie tho most beneficent of nil ns bearers of the much thought of in­ In this line we claim the super- vitation cards. Perhaps the Brownies We have kid gloves ranging in I mart iiartieular about finally reached the two hour time. bargains. tlio nueonseijns friends that the flowers the work, sent it back He went along for several weeks have in the animal world.— Youth’s might be pictured ns carrying huge eu* j *o r>fy and w ill g iv e sp ecial induce' prices from 81 to 82.50 per pair. volopea, inscribed with suitable mono- n ien ts to close out the iinnicnse t> ans and finally refused sleeping but two hours daily, devoting Companion. Every pair guaranteed. grams. b xirhaps discovering the the time gained in reading and advo­ line we have on hand. 20-inch Ladies’ Underwear V„li,mlnoii«. h rote.— Boston Post cating liis idea. While there was a no­ Jap. «ilka at 3flc per yard. This A Philndolphiu lawyer said a very ticeable ileorea«e iu his weight, lio Cuties In It« This line is somewhat depleted T h .lr Kan. bright tiling (he other day. He was UR'iued to Htniid it very well. The Russian godovoy (policeman) is grade always sold for 50c per yard. and we hope to close out every Special Inducements seeled witli a group of friends, aud they of Westminster was Then lie begun to talk of further re­ usually a very small policeman indeed. Taffata Silks for Waists at from garment. We will make prices Offered on our handkerchiefs. rrupted by tlio iueos- ducing the time, and when enthusiastic were discussing iu a desultory way the He makes up in deportment and dignity 85c to 81.50 per yard. leading topics o f the dav. Ouo o f Ila if his congregation, talked of the possibility of one doing that will do it. what he locks in size. His eounteuauee W parties present, M r . ------ , persisted in lily putuuxl in his sor- without sleep entirely. bears evidence o f ui lxuding severity; *1 tho remark, "Lust Our line of Ladies' and Gents’ Ho set tyjie and was tut old hand on monopolizing more than Ins share ol lie is iievt r seen to s u b le t he is minute, Napkins and Towels at 25 per nl g with the Princo of tho puper. One morning about three tho conversation, and his views did not bnt majestic; dirty, but dignified. We will only maintain the prices Tan Shoes will be closed out dur­ twas miraculous, and weeks after lie hail reached his low at all accord with these of the lawyer His dress is a long kaftan, which the cent, reduction. quoted here luring the sale. ing this sale. * elgnod a» tho preach- alooping mark the compositor nt tlio As the nn n separated one of them ¿aid ignorant would unhesitatingly pro­ to tlie lawyer: ** s a matter of fact, I case next to his noticed the old man nounce to bo a dressing gown. A sword "That knows n g ixxl deal,doesn't oruaments the left side, whilo his legs J* h the Princo of Wains had dropped liis head npon his arms, he?" *’ ¡h my own family. I that were folded over the ease. It was nre incased iu huge Wellington boots. "Yes." replied the lawyer; "he know» On his head he wears a small military ’, to find that 1 have near quitting time. All the forms were •! ir attention." | np, aud the old chap was not disturbed. entirely too much for one man, 1< cap. ! Ho hud gone to sleep. The office was ought to be incorporateA ” —Green Bag Hie policeman lives in his own little •< Uw WhMt. soon deserted, witli tlio exivption of the house, about the size of a moderately »»log paj» trying to junitor anil the sleeper. The janitor T b « I .lg h ta o f th o Hoa. large d, g kennel, one i f which is plant­ H other night He took was luitrneted not to bother him Some years ago the natives near Bern ed nt the corner of each principal thor­ r*» *«*y and that it bay gave aeeannts of a wonderful (lam Tho next day w hen the first ni.-u ar­ a falling off and got- rived he was still sleeping its they bad lug creature that they declared had been oughfare Hero the litt iegodovoy sleeps and eats his meals and disposes of the id been watching me ►ft him und snoring so hard that lie six'll tailing through the heavens, but spare time up n liis band».— Buffalo and ho rekod me to jarnxl the type iu the case on which lie h«d dropped into (be sea and remained Tiim % at i t rested there for many years swimming near p and steadied the Lm»d Her Ilua Borne one told his wife where he was, the shore. After a long eearch nnd rineh nA He gave a little aud »he concluded to let him sleep. inquiry, a scientist discovered that lliia Vienici t Bei tt, tho London dramatic COB r, pushed the wheel He slefit on in (hut position for 20 so called eelrsdal munster was a je'ly- critic, says that he was ..nee threatened *• his monii'rv was w ith a p b .•-. i, ,re-.x-,t « , 1 , „ , „ 1 j K|it ” Abuse me r.x i::i:rh n« yv® like." «aid ^■1 rv. It wit« glorina« ■ood in i ton i. i.o : . — I 1, d -e ’t u . ib .'! ER SALE! - A .T S. H . is n o w IN F U L L B L A S T ! Dress Goods. Table Linen and Crash. W ash Silks and Trimmings. Sateens and Cheviots. Laces and Embroidery. Sheetings and Muslins. Kid Cloves. Carpets and Oil Cloths. Summer Clothing. Tan Shoes. Hosiery. ******* ******* ******* ******* ******* B A R G A IN S ! EVERY ARTICLE MUST BE SOLD GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. DURING THIS GKEAT SALE! READ THE ABOVE PRICES. EUGENE, OREGON.