r nent advancem ent than that which is DOUGLAS COUNTY HIGHWAYS. I V I ’ V T H U T I 11/ I ' 1 ! I M I ) taken to the cantieri', thus savi ng them i» a IN T H E fl now in progrvea in this country. The my ,,f several m il,,. At tho<4ose L IN E O F num ber of buildings erected in both S u r v e y o r I tu tto lp li V iew « H oad* cannery men agreed to 1 of the strike the L ane C ounty L in e . — PUBLISHED KVEKY FRIDAY MURRINO.— towns and country is the spokesman for to transport Beli gratis, and tb h is the — AT— the thought. Last week Mr. A. R. Buttolph was strikers’ victor v A portion of them On eg on F lorence , L ane C ounty , Yesterday the council opened bids for lelegated by tl* c o u n ty court of Doug­ have gained one cent per fish, after a grading streets. They were: J . R. Wed- las county to survey proposed roads near vain strugglo and the loss of two weeks II. F . A L L E Y , E d i t o r a u d P r o p r i e t o r ■lie, 7 and 15 ren ts; W. E. W arren, 11.1» ; gjufli 'slougl and accompanied by fishing. They now receive 15 cents, — ------------------- -------- -------- — • cents; J. A. Lcvage, 9 cents; Rudolph y juwer, Joseph Austin, N. McNair and IS K E P T IN S T O C K A T -----T erms : <2.00 a year in advance.----- Eunice, 7 '4 cents. The bids are all on a Wm. Herington accomplished the work. formerly being paid but 14. ____________________________________ basis ol a cubic yard. One is a portion ol the Gleuada-W ild Tlie folly o( tlie lower river men in Entered e t th e post-office at Florence, The tug Tunqiiin returned Monday Cat road, which was surveyed to Lane’s joining tlie stiikeis is now p'aiulv show n joii, as second-class Lane county, Ore; from Yaquimt bay where she was inspec­ boundary, a distance of somethiRg over Fishing Resumed Before the and none realize it more lull) than these ¡VaaEÎisJ t£a mail m atter. uà ted, and on Tuesday morning re­ a half mile. Tho other branches from Great Declaration. same men. As an illustration it is shown sumed Il e tow ing of rock scows, reliev­ the Glenada road to the South Slough ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ ing the Lillian, the latter boat carrying end is about a quarter of a mile in while over (kWO fish w ere caught Tuesday PLICATION. length. Douglas appears to be taking niglit, hardly one-sixth of them were L ocal n o tice s 8 c e .ils per li.ie , each Insertion. salmon for the Florence Canning Co. “ I have been troubled with rheuma­ prompt measures in support of her '.lie S t r ik e I» D e c la r e d OiT A lte r a Itlg taken south of Poiut Terrace, 17 miles tism and neuralgia and could not Hleep roads. Lane county lias as yet not N ig h t 's F is h in g —IIow C ou'd T hey D o op the river. During the interval of tho but very little raid was tired in the acted upon the continuation of the O th e r w is e ? —I llo to r » h o u n d O ver. strike thousands of salmon came in and morning. I have taken about six bot­ above roads. A petition was presented Percali) Shirts, reduced from 81 One of tlie last additions to our T he W est and Weekly Oregonian, <2 00. tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and feel like to the court but was shelved, and un- went on their way w ithout interference. “ ** *• Cosmopolitan, <2 50. a new m an.” Wesley Cole, Keuo, Ore. other will he offered. It is thought that Soup, with a big S, is tlie daily portion to 50 cents. Assorted colors. C ulls big stock is a complete supply of Contrary to all expectations and co n -' of tlie lower river fishermen. Steamer W. II. Harrison from Astoria the rejection of the lirst petition was and collars given away with each hardw are, tinw are and cooking T H IS PA PER is kept on lile at E. C. arrived yesterday and will remain about due to the fact that the proposed route jectures the strike came to a sodden and The late strike will prove an irre­ shirt. D ake’s advertising agency, til ami 05 utensils. These are a t bottom was unsatisfactory to certain property M erchants Exchange, San Francisco, live days, awaiting the result of the run hum iliating finish Monday night. Its parable injury to tlie Siuslaw in more California, where contracts for ad v ertís-) of fis|u If, during her stay, enough fish owners. I t is to be hoped th a t satisfac­ prices. Tailor ami ready made suits end was without the yearned for results ways than one. It will cause hard feel­ ing can he made for it. can he canned to supply her w ith a load tory arrangem ents can he made. and overcoats in all styles and Our Ladies’ departm ent cannot and no flourish of trumpets was heard ings among citizens living on this river; she w ill return w ithout taking out tin or L A D IE S ’ AID S O C IA L . N otice .—Professor J. M. Williams, of as the red llag was lowered. hitherto fiiendly relations have become 1 sizes. G ents' Underwear. be excelled for Dry Goods and Eugene is our a tent and is authorized to cans, receive snhsc.’i,nions, advertisin'.' and Hud the strike been declared off a strained and are likely to remain so. ■ H ats and Caps in the latest Specialties. One nf the governm ent scows sprung a The Ladies' Aid Society will give a Every article way money lor T he W est and receipt (or the leak Friday night while lying, loaded, at week since, the so {shift'd union would Over a dozen teams have been turned ' social in P ond’s building on Wednesday, same. down and w ithin th e reach of alL styles. Nobby goods from 50 the quarry and was towed down half la October 23d, the proceeds of which will lutve gotten out of tlie affair with some away from tlie head of tide during tlie ; ilen. A small rock dropped over the cents upwards. L atest designs in crockery. Do past two weeks, tlie occupants coming pump was the cause of starting the leak go towards sending Willie G entry, the credit. Not much, it is true, but ns it not fail to sec them. A handsom» Large and varied stock of Boot : from 50 to 100 miles after fish. Doubt- j was, tliev were compelled to fish or and the damage wus repaired in a few unfortunate Maple ereek lad, to a Port­ I hours. land hospital for surgical treatm ent. suffer what is commonly known as an less they wi drive home, after bestow­ and Shoe«, L adies', G ents’ and assortm ent. ing a hearty blessing on tlie country, C hildren’s. On Friday last Mrs. Gray, wife of This is charitable cause and one in which “ aching void.” U n til fu rth e r notice The Ju stly celebrated copper-riveted W e s t w ill give y o u b a r­ County Treasurer J. G. Gray, of Eugene, all should liberally assist. Coffee and A severe and decisive blow was given and speak a good word to their neigh­ ov rail. W ork Shirts. N eat outing flannels for summer received the sad intelligence of the g a in s on p a p e r an d e n v e l­ death of her mother, Mrs Jesse Andrew, [ cake w ¡11 be served. The Florence Cornet tlie already tottering organization Satur­ bors concerning it. But then the strikers H ighest grades of Paints and opes. T hese a re flrst-clas3 of La Fayette, Indiana. She was 80 Band will discourse delightful music. day by Judge Chamberlin, before whom will not complain. They should be wear. appeared Young and Bradley, charged happy over their overwhelming victory. Silk, woolen and cotton hosiery Oils. goods. Come a n d sea th em years of age. Her husband, aged 88 Admission, 10 cents. witli rioting and assault with deadly years, survives her. fo r y o u rse lv e s. S A L O O N B O B B E R Y. Geo. Saunders was arrested Wednes­ -W.B'Vfc. weapons. The strikers were confident, When in Salem a short since tie met day, charged with rioting and assault our old friend, Mrs. Dawson. While if a change of venue to Justice 25 Envelope, Whits Wove - - .05 Last Friday in the early morning a gentleman stepped up beside hours the Palace saloon was entered by H adsall’s court could be secured, of witli n deadly weapon and yesterday 25 Sheets Note Paper, bloskoi - .10 talking her, and she introduced us to him , her robbers and <30 taken from the till, all ! cieari„g u was bound over to appear before the leir men. The case was culled 20 “ Letter “ , “ - .10 husband, Mr. Phillips. They were m ar­ grand jury, lie failed to deposit the Y o " .teed In s u ra n c e . W e are a g e n ts fo r th e G e r­ it contained. Mr. Satley closed the es­ ried July last. Mr. Phillips is a wealthy tablishm ent a t midnight, and hail al- with Attorneys Benedict and Holden necessary bonds and this afternoon w ill W E ST U IN G S. farmer of Polk county. m a n -A m e ric a n In s u ra n c e Co., of Hew Y o rk, a n d ways removed the money from the till, j fur tlie complaining witnesses and John be taken to the county jail a l Eugeno by W ith two little children subject to hut this night was an unfortunate ex- j I. Butterfield, secretary of the “ union,” th e Phoenix A s s u ra n c e Co., o f L o n d o n . T h ese The strike is off. croup we do not rest easy without a hot- | ception, one, however, which tlie thieves for the accused. Tlie latter at once pro- M. J . Hadsall. tie of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy in u„,st have known. There is no clue to ceeded to set tlie hall in motion by I f T r o u b le d W ith Kite u in a t i«m H ead T hin c o m p a n ie s have a w o rld -w id e re p u ta tio n . . . . . New moon last night. ; the house, for the most severe attacks 1 the perpetiators. A nnapolis , Md., Apr. 10, 1894.—I have Sociable Wednesday evening. j moving a change of venue, accompanying quickly succumb to n few doses of it.— ; _ T . .. . ,, , n i i, o . . The Darlington, Ww., Journal says tbt, |llotiU|, |,y a sworn statem ent from used Cham berlain’s Pain Balm for rheu­ Hood’s Pills core indigestion. Morrison, Colo., Bud. r o r sale a t 50 .................... , ’ .. . , i .. i.... editorially of a popular patent medicine: \ the defendants, in which was stated it matism and found it to be all th at is i The Roharts left for Coos hay yester­ cents per i bottle by druggists. .... , . «.. « m claimed for it. I believe it to be the j “ We know from experience th at Cham-1 day. I Commencing from September 15,1895, berlaln,8 Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea was their belief that a fair and im partial best preparation for rheum atism and Sell. Louise arrived in Gardiner " co- and continuing u n ti1 Nov. 1st follow ing, Remedy is all th at is claimed lor it, as trial in tlie justice court of Florence deep seated muscular pains on the mar. i nesday. round trip tickets will be sold from on two occasions it stopped excruciating precinct could not be obtained by them . ket and cheerfully recommend it to the ' Round trip to Eugene only $7 after Florence to Eugene for <7. This reduced pains and possibly saved us from an public. J no . G. B rooks , dealer iu boots, j Sept. 1st. rate is for tlie purpose of benefiting untimely grave. Wo would not rest His Honor did not ake that, view of tlie shoes, etc., No. 18 Main St. See the reduced fare from here to Eu- those who desire to attend tlie Exposi- easy over night without it in the house.” situation and said it was not customary ALSO READ THIS. *• I gene and return. I tion at 1 ortland or ti.e State bail at This remedy undoubtedly saves more to grant a change of venue in a prelim­ M echanicsville , St. Mary County, ' — W E K E E P T H E D E 3 T — pain and suffering than any other meili inary examination and lie would not M d.—I sold a bottle of C ham berlain’s C. W. Lyons, of Walton ¡3 building Salem. If your children are subject to croup ¿¡ne in th e world. Every family should establish a precedent. The inquiry was Pain Balm to a man who had been suf- ' a large two-story house. fering w ith rheumatism for several years, i Tlie Industrial Exposition at Portland watch for the fl-st sym ptons of the dis- kee[l it ¡„ tlie house, for it is sure to be ■ therefore advanced. E ight witnesses It made him a well man. A. J, McGill. ease — hoarseness. If Chamberlain a „ceded sooner or later. For sale by . is a pronounced success. were examined for the prosecution, the For sale at 53 cents per bottle by drug­ Cough Remedy is given as soon as the J rUggists. A car load of Oliver Plows and H ar­ child becomes hoarse it will prevent the defense not producing a particle of testi­ gists. You can earn <5.00 each day “ giving rows at F. L. Cham bers, Eugene. attack. Even after the croupy cough , ................... .... , , , mony. Under such conditions tlie men S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S . d isp en stb le household Over 400 Plow shares all sizes and has appeared the attack can always b e ' our absolutely y jn indispensible were bound over in the sum of <500 each article away. New plan of work, tnak makes. F. L. Chambers, Eugene, R ev . I. G. K notts , P astor . prevented by giving this remedy. It is U a □ □ to appear before tlie grand jury, of the Sunday school nt 10 a. in. Preaching ? bout 7030 Balmon were delivered nt also invaluable for colds and whooping , ">» experience unnecessary and success coughs. For sale by druggists. !certai" ior eiU,er eex 8ec,,° “ ’ October t e r i n j j ^ q ^ - X h i c I i convenes j at 11 o’clock a. in. and at 7:33 p. in. All th e two canneries on Wednesday hist. Sample dozen free. Credit given. Nearly every county in the Willamette Freight paid. Address, M eluosk M’r ’o. on tlie 28th. Bonds were furnished after are cordially invited to attend these ser­ The Harrison w ill he beached at Glen­ j.g a brief delay, John Brand, Frank H art­ vices. ada to-day fur repairs to her steering valley displayed it» products at the State Co., 21 Melrose Park, III. *1 0 0 REW ARD $ 1 0 0 . F air except Lane. We must adm it th at J gear. ley, Win. Bryud and William Wells as ; The readers of this paper will be A number of men ere fishing in Ten this state of affairs is largely due to the / > R E A T B A T T L E S are contin- sureties. When seen by a reporter after Mile creek and are meeting with fair inactivity of the press of this county. ually going on in the human sys­ tlie exam ination Young said lie was pleased to learn th at there is a t least People from nearly every part of the tem. Hood’s Sarsapnrillailrivcsoutdis- one dreaded disease tlint science lias The Cniversily of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, offers free tuition to all student«. success. convinced th at Clianihei lin had his ver­ been able to cure in all its stages and Young men can obtain hoard, lodging, heat and light in the dorm itory for <2:50 United States witnessed horticultural dis­ Genuine Oliver Chilled Plows and ex­ eascaud R E S T O R E S H E A L T H . dict made up a week before, and on being that is catarrh. H all’s C atarrh Cure is plays at the Fair, and our own product­ per week. Roomers furnish their own linen. Young women are provided with tras for sale only by F. L. Chambers, ive county was silent in voicing its mer­ | asked w hether hu would give bonds, the only positive cure now know n to the ! boil'd in p' ivatc families at, $3.0) per week. Young women desiring hoard should., P E O P L E P O IN T E D O U T . Eugene. its to these people. A handsome adver­ Catarrh being a address Pr o'. John Straub, Eugene, Oregon ; or Secretary Young W omen's Chris- exclaimed, “ Bonds? No! Why should medical ftaternity. Legal blanks—deeds, mortgages an 1 tisem ent of our country is as advanta­ Miss Stella Bean is visiting in Port- I give bonds? I have committed no constitutional disease, requires a consti- tian Association, Eugene. The University offes three hiiccalaureate degrees. bond for deed fur sale al this office. Five geous as is tlie advertisem ent of a busi­ tutional treatm ent. H all’s Catarrh Cure Bachelor oi ArtH, Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Letters w ith corresponding land. crim e!” Probably upon reflecting of is taken internally, acting directly upon courses o.'stm lv. The following shorter courses are also offered:—An English cents each. ness. Miss Iula Bradley is visiting friends Tlie little steam er Mink is again on I lie the happe days tlint might he spent in the blood and mucous surfaces of the course leading in two years to a business diploma and in three years to tlie title Special rates have been made on all at Central Point. upriver fish routes for tlie Rose Hill sal­ lines to the exposition at Portland. The Lane county’s luxurious habitation, lie system, thereby destroying the founda­ graduate in English: An advanced course for graduates of normal schools leading Mr. B. W. Dorsey, of Fiekopolis, left mon cannery. tion of the diseuse, and giving the patient to the deg-ee master of pedagogy : A three years’ course ill civil engineering lead­ Southern Pacific gives a round trip rate Thursday for Eugene. reconsidered iiis rash decision. strength by building up the constitution ing to the degree civil engineer: A course of two years for teachers of physical ed- Tug Roharts returned Monday night ol one and one-third fare. Tlie N orthern The effect of the examination was to Messrs. Thomas, Jam es and William and assisting nature iu doing its work. ucnlio.t lending to a diploma and the title director of physical education. The from Yaquiua and Alsea, with 20 tons of Pacific and 0 . R. & N. Co. make tlie dishearten the strikers. Even tliat Tlie proprietors have so much faitli in U nite sity charges and incidental fee of Ten Dollars which is payable in advance flour and feed. rate one and one-fifth fare. Tlie steam- Neely, of Seaton, were iu tlie city Satur­ afternoon rumors were current that some its curative powers, th at they oiler One hv i'B Ku’uents. Students holding diplomas from the public schools and those Tlie road between Seaton and Eugene era make it three-quarter cent a mile, day. Senator and Mrs. B. F. Alley returned of the “ brothers” were fishing, on the H undred Dollars for any ease th at it having teachers’ certificates are admitted to tlie preparatory departm ent w ithout is in good condition, on account of the ! Besides this, there will he special ex- aenreity of rain this fall. ! cursions on all lines, at which time the Tuesday from a three weeks' trip in the quiet of course, but this was stoutly fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. examination. Those desirqig information regarding the preparatory departm ent F. J. C henev & C o ., Toledo, O. shoe'll address tlie Dean, N. L. Narregan, Eugene. At Mapleton the store building o f ! rates will be much lower. An oppor- W illam ette valley cities denied by tlie most aggressive inenihers. Sold by druggists, 75c. Fo-catalogues and information address U. II. Chapman, President, or J. J . Rev. I. G. Knotts returned yesterday Meyer & Kyle is nearing completion and ,l,nity will he given for every person “ We shall fish for20cents or not at a ll,” Walton, Secretary, Eugene, Oregon. it is a Creditable s.ructure. w ho wants to visit the city and see tlie from attendance a t the Newport Presby­ r o s l y n M c K in l e y is d e a d . were tlie words of one of them . Sunday tery and the Synod at Salem. .. , .. ... . . . . . , I exposition to do so at small expense. No better saw-mill building can he 1 night several boats went out and were Dr. J. Jennings came down from Sea­ found in this country than th a t now he- Siuslaw refuses to take a back seat in Last Friday, October 11, word was re- .. |l > T t t I t l \x r . J l, IL lb )3 11 /Y T V , ing erected by Mr. Saubert, at Acme. | ” le niat’er of mammoth vegetables. ton Sunday and left for Gardiner tlie not molested. This was tlie signal for ceived in Eugene that Roslvn McKin- ! same day. He will return next week. r> . . t i ll T . ! Last week Mr. O. Dowell, of Mercer great rejoicing among tlie canneryinen ley, son of Reverend McKinley, was B orn .—At Bose Hill, Lane county, , • , . , , ■ ... lake, brought in four onions, weighing Mr. W. A. Offield, who has been so-I and non-unionists and it was almost seriously attacked with paralysis, and esv W holesale and Rctiil Oregon, to Mr. and Mrs. George Peder­ four and one-half pounds and tlie largest journing in Los Angeles, Cal., Tor the ull¡veraa|)y agreed the backbone of the Rev. W. 8. Gilbert, who accompanied son, on October 15, 1895, n 11-pound measuring sixteen inches in curcumfer- past eleven months, returned to this val us on tlie train from Albany, corrobora- boy. strike was broken. te(, the rep(>rt by Htating U(ftt teje^ ail, enee. On the same day Willis Brown, |ey Tuesday. Tlie Oliver Steele Plow is the only of Fiddle creek, w as the liearer of an l o a beholder Monday afternoon the ¡ia(j |jeen received during tlie session of Miss Luella Brewster nnd her brother plow th at 18 fuHy guaranteed in sticky eqnai nunu )er of leeks wliicli weighed sin came in from Eugene Tuesday and are scene presented nt the canneries was a the Synod at Salem announcing the ground. F . L. Chambers, Eugene, has anj one.quarter pounds, the prize onion guests at the home of their brother, Mr. lively one. Gear was receiving a tlior- death oi tlie young man. Me. McKin- all sizes. | measuring eighteen inches. Mr. Brown ii - : ii„ being ley } only lived a few hours after the at- O. Brew ster, of Tsiltcoos lake. ougli , overhauling and i __ rapidly The strike of the fishermen Is off, and a |ao |,aj ten potatoes, averaging over a tack. He was well ami favorably known Judge John T. Lighter, editor of the tumbled into boats. Fishermen with strange to say was declared closed he- ' pound each. This record is open to ill Eugene, having graduated last June Atiorinn, came in on tlie steamer H arri­ smiling faces were to he seen, overjoyed from the University of Oregon with high fore a meeting of tlie union was held nnd competition. son from Astoria, and we were honored its consent obtained. ^ t Eugene is located the St. M ary’s at the resumption of tlie industry. That honors. While a student tie was respect­ with a call nt our office by tliat gentle­ Rememher you can purchase tickets Convent, a school where boys and girls night nnd tlie next morning over a thou­ ed and beloved by all witli whom he ..., . . * man. ig May be Found in — :¡s over Bangs’ stage line from Florence to t an he educated. Really the education V - '-'I sand fish were caught. Tliis proved the came in contact. He was a very devo­ Capt. J . S. Polhemus, ol Empire City, ted Christian and a leader in all chinch Eugene and return, after September 15th received there is a practical one. I t in- traditional straw and what was left of was in town Sunday. He made an in- ( à'h'bi'nli'd Jew«! Monro whisk work conducted by the young people until Nov. 1st for <7. 1 eludes not only branches of study th at A SllAOI'SUUUk To he in touch with modern improve- are taught >n other high schools, but in- spection of the government jetty and ap- t |ie camel congregated Tuesday after- with whom lie was associated. In col- ash The (' '¡tie Drelii’ t'tl Koti' pears well satisfied witli the progress of ' noon and declared the strike off, a move lege lie was very diligent and a model m ents, the firm of Hurd A Davenport eludes lessons in sewing, drawing, paint- tlie work. ! Oil the part of the “ union” which might »’mle»’, standing high in all his classes, liave arranged th eir shoe departm ent in ing, music and much more that conies Genuine Olii Castle Bourbon Miss C atherine C. Cogswell and Lisch- ,, , , , and was alike resiiected In professors a new and attractive m anner. I into our every-day life. Then, too, i have as well been dispensed with. , , . . , .• and classmates. Afler graduating last prlces charged for scholastic and practi- J en Maud Miller gave a Sliakesperian P-Tlie O. P. K oii v - The Perkins Hotel, corner 5th and | Heretofore up river fisherm en-w ho Jllne |,e accepted a professorship iu the Wasliington streets, Pori land, Oregon, cal life training are not out of reach of reading nt Roseburg last evening. They 8- is head-quarters fur Florence and Lane the poor; A letter addressed to the will give a recital at Albany about two were originators of tlie strike—have paid Presbyterian college at Pendleton under Ever Refreshing Cold Storage Beer at 5 L j S G Ì, his father, which position lie was filling Convent will he promptly nnswered and weeks hence. onj cent per fish to have their catch county people generally. R. 8. Perkins Cents a Glass Awaits Your Order. all information given. Major E. II. Ritffner, Capt. Symons ______ | a t tlie time of ids demise. Proprietor. Call for mi Imported or Domestic Cigar, George Sm ith, the adopted son of Mr. successor, is expected to arrive in Port- The first week in November will he I Do you know if you want to go East And You Will he Satisfied. Awarded the time governm ent work will close on and Mrs. John Cox, who lived near land from the east next Sunday. It is und desire Pullman Toe ist Sleeper, Drain, accidently shot nnd killed him- Dot probable that lie will visit Siuslaw our harbor. At th at date T he W est Highest Honors— W orld’s Fair, that you will he detained fro u 12 to Hi O3Ì. EUCENE, will publish in detail an account of this self at G ardiner last Thursday evpning. until niter the works Hre closed. hoars unless yon take the Northern Pa­ Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. He, in company with Ralph W hipple, Comrade Jam es Conklin arrived in year's work. cific? Rememher the Northern Pacific AN E X C E L L E N T F A R M . is the otdv line running Pullman Tour People who desire to prove u p o n their had gone down the river a few days he- Eugene oil Sunday afternoon la it, lir.v- About »»even mil len up the Hiiudaw ) ist bleepers through to the East without goverinent claims, can now ilo so before fore on a hunting and fishing trip and at ¡ng been brought to th at city by Jam es delay. Time and money saved by this river from Florence, and rituntci I on the C. IL Holden, U. 8. Land Commissioner the time of the accident was standing on Furnish. Mr. Conklin tells a story of O re g o n . the porch in front of Hon. A. W. Lead's IBs trip as follows: In going tiver the ¡.* one of the T T c r o n o o i route. For further im’ormalion. tickets, bottom land« of the river, a t Florence. This will save much ex­ store, leaning witli his arm across the new route from Glenaila, lie found the ' r grain etc., call on or address R. Mi'Murphey, bent farm« in L: ip < • county. E pense to settlers. muzzle ol hie W inchester rifle. It is trail so obliterated by forest (ires that it or pnflture hind it i* nncxcel'ie I, n n d / General Agent, Eugene. Oregon. Not at all strange is the fact th at nu­ supposed th at the gun slipped off nnd prevented Ids following it, and lie l>e- the best proof Mint ii i prodllK M tl »e fi nc-t merous residences have lieen erected in tlie hammer struck the edge of the porch, came lost in the mountains where he RUDY 8 P tb E S t'P P O S 1 H) 1V is varietiefl <4 fruit, in t [hnt there i h grow- i th e valley skirting tlip Siuslaw river, ¡t to discharge. The hall passed wandered nb >ut (or several days, becom- guaranteed .o cure Piles and Constipa­ inir a large orclmr« d conniRtiri? of the CARMAN A KNOWLES, Props." and they are improvements both I* 116" t |, roitgti the arm , entered the lower jaw ing exhausted for want of food and wa- tion, or money re ended. 50 ce its (icr choicest kind* of fruit«tr< c new in ' ficlal and commendable. nn,j „ e n t clear through the head killing ter. Some hunters found him lying in I box. bend I wo stamps for ci inlar nnd l>earintf. Thi« farm u i l l h(f RO hl ns n Special attention is called to the dis- him instantly. He was nearly nineteen the woods and speechless. They cared Free Samp’e to MARTIN KLDV , Reg­ whole or in ten, five or one nci e trnctM 1 istered Pliaim. ist Lancaster, Pa. No to suit purchaser*. W iilc to O. F. Ken- ‘ play “ ad ” of the N orthern Pacific Rail- years old. The remains were taken to for him until he was sufficiently recov- Postals answered. Fo.'sale by all first- ne j. Peaceable Surrender of the Strikers. WM Generai fiere han dise Æ F y h ; k , P JLdaLd twa G A Z E U PG .^ TH IS L :3T ! CLUBBING BATES. Bargains. SERIOUSLY CONSIDERED FISHERMEN’S SUPPLIES. THE BEST OIL CLOTHING AND ROBBER BOOTS, c IM P L E M E N T S . REM EM BER! 'er & Kyles M V E R S n y Oi-' OREGON, LIQUOR D EA LER. CHERS. vw DR. lo is ti, C r£ im © , K 'r i x i t s , V eg;© to . T o le s . r CREAM BAKING PVWDffi FRESH MEAT