« ! / When men opinion a little modification of the t..i. i states. It seems to have been decided, , d is tr e - , Is »-peculation. .In by speculation, they are sl.rewd fel- as it now exists is just what is need I— indeed, since they were discovered th at they are not adaptable to the conditions lows; but when the less wary attem pt to ' the short and simple way out of cur (ORIGINAL AND SELECTED.) — rl'BLISIIKI> EVERY F K Ib S Y JIO B X ISb d penitentiary life in th at state. At all follow their footsteps and stum ble into present difficulties. I would like t o t e The difficulty is to know tiow to adapt events the pelsm authorities have dis- the quicksands, then this dazzled greed . it so modified as ut once to add to the _F lobexce , L ane C ounty , O regon . — couraxed tho further carrying on of tlie of sudden wealth is a blighting curse, protection of our producers, an l to ourselves to the slow step of time, whose industries in which the convicts engage I The tru th is th at speculation is like furnish the governm ent with money progress can never be forced on without BI-METALLISM IN ENGLAND. ami rem itte 1 them to the idleness which crossing Niagara on a tight-rope—a risk enough to m eet its expenses and pay its danger. How different is tiie view of past life tltev found so irksome am! from which th a t may be successfully taken by the bills. The fact is, I don't sec anything England, ¿hough in practice the fore­ their wo: k furnished such welcome re- very few who are blessed with steady else to lie done, but, af course,‘there are most of mono-metallic nations, is the Jivf. heads, and are practised in the technique o th ers,’ you know, and I don’t expect home of many em inent men v.ho in As to one of the industries it is com- of tlie art, but a thing to he avoided by ■ them to prefer my ideas to tlicir own. is grown old in ignorance ami folly. theory are believers in hi-mctallifm, It A thoughtful and considerate sobriety , paratively vary to iindeister.d why the the average man. Yet the large prizes But, as I have already said, I am curious is ixihllv stated, for instance, th at ail prison authorities have discouraged its won by the lucky few tem pt a great to lealn w hat the president's next Bug- of mind, so that one always knows what Having just received the largest and choicest selections of Genera the professors of political economy in he is about and w hat he means to do ¡ further prosecution. The convicts th e m -! many to m ake the venture, so th at to gestion will be.” the kingdom are agreed th at the restor­ Merchandise ever opened up in Florence. Referring to the question of “ the suc­ and w hat lie means not to do, as con- [ selves styled it ‘‘making m oney,” which some minds the keys to the old door of ation of silver is desirable, and possible is regarded outside of the prison gates j competence—industry and thrift—are cession,” Senator Mitchell stated that trasted with a headlong, impetuous, and ¡ as well; and a manifesto to this effect Our Dry Goods side is full to as a laudable thing to do. But the tech- poor tools compared with this modern as yet it seemed to have excited but reckless mode of acting, is a cardinal I Hardware, Tinware, Crockery, m ay be issued. Mr, A rthur Balfour, little interest in Oregon. At all events quality in living a successful and a vir­ Glassware, Paints, Oils, Boors, the ceiling. Never in the history n'cal prison authorities called it counter- invention. while leader of the conservative opposi- A worse error could not well fasten it- j there was not talk worth mentioning tuous life. Men m ust think, and do so Saslt and many other articles too of the Great Siuslaw has there .tioti in the CaiDinons, more than once feitiug; and as th at is forbidden by the j laws of the country, they felt th at it was self upon the mass of men who are not going on, so far as lie was aware, among seasonably, if they would make the jour­ appeared on the platform and discussed been such a choice selection of numerous to mention. hardly right th at a public institution geniuses. The hod and m ortar carriers either republicans or demo- rats as to ney of life wisely. Every young man the m erits of bi-metallism, to the horror goods in all our departments. Your particular attention is call­ should openly countenance 't. As to might as well declare th at the old way who would he the party »tan. Iard bearers needs to learn this lesson. of the Times. The forces of bi-metallism, H asty judgments ought always to be ed to our Boot and Shoe Depart­ Insure in the Firemen’s Fund, tlie other industry, tlie m anufacture of of climbing ladders is a stupid business, in the next national campaign. “ It's a as a political power, made their first whisky, which was carried on very ex- ami resolve ts risk their necks and their little early yet, you see,” said the sena­ avoided. They are likely to be erroneous, ment, which is complete in every the safest, strongest and most re­ Appearance in the last election to the or at least defective. No sensible person tor, adding, w itM kfceting sniiio: liable in America. detail. advantage of the Conservative party. ¡teiisiy ely .it is not quite easy to cotnp'e-J m ortar in climbing up slack ropes be- “ Ju st wait a few months, 'alien— will allow himself to reach a conclusion liend why the keepers of a Kentucky cause they had seen acrobats Accomplish The rem arkable turn-over in Lancashire, Ready made Clothing, and Suits A full supply of Oil Clothing till he has made n careful canvass of all w here the Liberals lost fourteen seats, penitentiary should object to it. It is this feat. In the round game of specu- liste n !” made to order. and Rubber Goods. the available facts. B ut when the facts A moxo our exchanges may lie seen may be traced to this feeling, and to the true th at, like counterfeiting, it is against lation, seldom more than one man wins, are in, and have been sifted and weighed anim osity aroused by the Indian cotton the laws of the land, but only when and be is more apt to be the stronger T/ie Pacific Empire, edited hv Mrs. Abi­ no sensible man will delay to make up .duties, which the Itosebery government prosecuted with intent to avoid the pay- than the luckier. But the plainer paths gail Scott Duniway, and published in his mind. Inability to do so argues grave m ent of the tax. By paying the internal i to success and th rift are open to most. |»or,ianiit Oregon. Thia journal is an had allowed the Indian authorities to intellectual defects. To keep every ques­ revenue tax the prison authorities could In lids country it is not necessary to indi(.alor of wl.at the policy of women enforce. The two questions are kindred tion open is folly. There are some ques­ ones, for India and the east generally, liaye legalized the industry and kept the preach very loudly the wisdom of indus- should he in the interests of their free­ eonvicts at work in ihe congenial eni- , try. We are, as a rule, an industrious dom, and to the end of securing their tions that we ought to sh u t up as wc go under the operation of a silver system, ployuicnt they had hit upon. I people. But tlie other partner in the suffrages Mrs. Duniway is desirous of forward in life, else we shall be ‘ever have steadily become more dangerous Tneru will be some cut iosity, probably, firm Is sadly neglected. No one would THE PEO PLES’ M ERCHANTS. helping, so far as possible, with a judi­ learning and yet never coming to the are3 for gold; he changes th at into im portance, however, compared with the East and the old world. A hi hut solute control ol all public affairs by the disc of non-oxistcnce, to which lie ■silver, and he pays for the products j the showing imide th at the average eon- they learned it of the hard school-mas­ men, ami that we may hope to retain it can retreat from his relations to others, HARDWARE, which he uses and the ialior he employs TINWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, ( viet would rather work than he idle. ters. adversity and necessity, it will he if only we do not meddle too much with where tie can withdraw the influence of — /h e same am ount of silver coin th at he HATS & CAPS, MEDICINES, NUTS & CANDIES, sa d. Well, w hat if they did? It is a an education which has thriven least his existence upon tiie moral destiny of d id twenty-two j ears ago. The native, UPHOLS I 'ERING NEEDED. tlie w orld; everywhere his presence or good lesson. We may not need It to TOBACCO, CIGARS, FURNISHING GOODS who got a rupee for his d ay ’s work then when most let alone. absence will he felt. It is an old saying, Modern civilization needs cushioning. , keep the wolf from the door, but we do gets a rupee now, and is content ; he W hen the legislature gets ready to es­ ami one of fearful ami fathomless im­ Goods as Represented. Prices W ill be Found Reasonable does not know a rupee to his m aster 1 We are in such a hurry to get there that need it to get the lion’s skill for a couch, m eans ouly half w (iatitonce d ’d. Nortb- we ride in box ear., rath er than wait lor It is not the whip of hunger th a t drives tablish state medical and law schools, if port, th a t wc are forming characters for lianiptou has lost contracts fur supplying the l ’ullinan to bo brought in from the j Oregon to th rift; and glad may we be it ever does get ready, probably it will eternity. Forming characters! Whose? th e boots of the Indian arm y because it ¡sid etrack . We take too little pains to j that it is so. But ambition and love of not locate them a t Portland. Nobody Our own or others? Botli—and in that ¿could not compete with the native fac- plant tlowers along the p: tli of life; and, comfort and hope of a competence ought yet has had authority to establish such momentous fact lies the peril and re ­ ¿orles. Cotton factories have every­ in this respect, the new world is per cep- to, he strong incentives. Then the thrifty schools, though the state university at sponsibility of our existence. There are things and there are faces w here beep hard bit. Sim ilar forces Li hl v worse off than the old. The E u -'fa m ily is much more lightly equipped Eugene has done so, w ithout authority. ropeail does generally set aside some for the race of life. They can run when —Salem Slaicimnn. which, when felt or seen for tlie first Jiave tended to contract the output of That it is the desire of every honest, live, up-to-date time for pleasure; and, uh a consequence ‘ others m ust rest; and they may possibly time, stam p themselves upon the mind tin nt Cornwall sud enlarge it at l ’euang, S ince the fishermen only eaught a few scholar to be the best in his class. like a sun image on a sensitized face and tjh in a . This is, too, the explanation of —the conditions of life being nt all equal “arrive” while the others can never fish In the lower river Wednesday night, j —he outlives us. Sir John Macdonald [leave the course. To men whose earn- tiiere rem ain unalterably fixed. To take This is a noble desire and will surely have its reward. ¿hu difficulty which farmers of the no rth ­ and the leaders of ttie strike, who live i e rn half of this continent find in com­ ilead at seve l.y-six, and Gladstone alive ings are limited ami who are not of the along the 't y m t r i ^ ; , caugtit tlieir h u n ­ tlie instance of a l'aee—we may never Every live, up-to.-date merchant has a desire to ba the BEST peting with tlw wheat o utput of coun­ l at eighty-live; Blaine and Salisbury, very few who may dare speculation, dreds, it is eurioiW ri-note the change of sec it again, or it may become tho com­ OF HIS CLASS in the community. | both born in the same year, and now th rift opens the only door to a compe- panion of our lite, but there the picture tries where silver is king. It is for opinion as to who were benefited by tlie ) Blaine dead three years, and Salisbury tenee. To earn and spend is to remain I I is just as we first knew it, th e same ¡ reasons such us this th a t the bi-metallists strike. smile or frown, tho same look, unvarying ] buoyantly beginning a possible seven in industrial slavery for life; to earn nnd say th at the yellow man with the white — ----------------- - nml unvairable rem inding us in the years Prem iership, are facts th at mean , save is to gain the glorious privilege of I f tiie law had lx-en observed and no m etal will strangle the white man with somethin-!. Though they are a long being independent. fishing done within one mile of the m idst of change of the indestructible na­ th e yellow metal. One way to achieve this result, and that is to buy goods G reat is thrift. It Is the fairy god- hatchery, there could have been taken a ture of every experience, act, and aspect Hut, notw ithstanding the strength of way from Jierfeetion across the ocean. right, sell at a reasonable profit, and deal honestly with large num ber of ri(>e fish to use in the of our days. For th at which lias been! th e movement, there seems little likeli­ The best that they do there is to cushion i mother of the average man. all men. 1 life a part of the time for the active few. I ----------------------- is, since the past knows no corruption, piopagating troughs. hood ol it getting beyond the academic To those who have dealt with us for years we do not We desire to turn a reference to one but lives eternally in its frozen ami MITCHELL EXPECTS LITTLE. .stage. Mr. Balfour, as mem ber of the HARi/EY, YOU ARE ISOLATED. have to say that is our way of doing. To those who have jKiint in life's furnishings where pre- . - ---- completed self. cabinet tuid leader of the Commons, has cions little upholstering is ever done.' Senator Mitchell, ot Oregon, expects not, we say come and see. A sense of dullness always betrays become chary of speech. lie will not The Oregonian seems to have been This is in the making of noise. A i little of the next congress. something wrong tli liim who feels it. even prem ise th a t G reat B ritain will particularly rasped by ex-Oongressman cent w riter in an Ainerieun review eon-1 The senator is stopping at the Cali­ He may be ill an .teed a physician; lie take part in an international conference Bryan, and has assured him that it en­ tended th at noise is the prime health fornia hotel, says the San Francisco may lie idle ami need employment ; he for the fixing of a ratio between the two destroying feature of city life; and that ' llilvin ; 101,10,low 11 frt»“ Portland joys an advantage over him in the dis­ may be narrow-m inded nnd need broad­ m etals to be observed by all nations. for a few eople of Oregon on the to receive, dullness (lies away, and life (.he convicts have apparently been solv- need quiet. Is this correct, or do the ever, hold the balance of power. The subject of silver. It savs they do not is full of hope, earnestness and interest. 1 inistration • • « • >s detno- i favor free coinage, but there is abundant in g 'th e problem in their own q u id , un­ great , noises of a , great . citv .e rouse men . ‘‘let th at tlie adm and women to their best efforts? hue evidence th a t they do. Tlie Oiegonian ostentatious way, -.1 i i . ■ crat’c also helps to tie up tld n is. with m am is a sleepy, dream y sort <>• 1 ‘ *- In the Kentucky peiiiiciitlary, for in­ th in !, ami they enjoy it more than if ' Still, as 1 have re rgested, im portant is talking for effect when it savs th a t the stance, tin* waideil discovered ouly a few they were on the jum p continually. questions w511, of course, be b ro v jh t up— people of the state in which it is printed People should realize that the only days since th at tne convicts had found Then the queition arises, is stillness a the Nicaragua canal p-oject, for in- share its views on the monetary subject. true and permanent cure for their dlsad vantage to those who live in the , an idle life so distasteful that without condition ij to be found in having s„,nee— ¡ i ’ s o , silve", the tariff nml the The editor is nearly isolated, as he would co u n tn , borne rem to t.im k M eilmsi- find if the question wrere subm itted to a unv consultation with him they had in­ i i ,.ii i . i , , i . financial pn deni in all its phases. But tali and others lived to sueli great ages, 1 augurated » system ot labor for their liecnuse they bnd no excitement» tl, no i’i'-ng will be (lone, though certainly square vote of the people of Oregon.— Recause the health of every organ and spare moments. They «re kept at wo> k w ir them out. I.iie is ohen painfully t ’ e-e is a crying need of some decided ^an **ranc,’*c“ Chronicle. tissue of tho body depends upon tho as far as possible during eight hours ot stil in t i e country, and monotony of action on th e finan. hit problem, if on With one eye on the click, nnd the purity of tl\e blood. The whole world th e day, though the opposition of the thought is considered by experts the n o .lih i; else. other on your plate you cannot enjoy a knows the standard blood purider it main reason why so innuy fannem an.I «.1, ,i .I ... meal. When t avclinif east. von should labor un'ons makes it impracticable to “ It would assure II v see n that wo can , , ,, , their wive*» go insane. Ihmce less seclu­ take the Ao. tliern 1’pciuc. toe o i ’ v tlin- P R O P R IE T O R O F keep them »itily cui’dovcd. Chafing sion and more sociability are rc to c - not go on ns 1* o i ’ent Clevohind has ¡ng ear line from PoctUnd ; meals 75 ets. under the-r enforced id'enezs the con­ mended to those wlio live in the im al I •• ;un ”u.tiling deeper nnd deeper into Von do i*t have to get up in the mo-’n- vict« have, afier Ihe (■•.c--ciscofag .nl dist riciS.” debt anil nip’ely aeeu.nulai’ng eni harass- ing at id* o c' »ck, » sh to beak.'as», and FISK'S ADDITION TO It would l»e as sensible to atl ihute ment by issi«'n.{ mo-e bonds. Ju st think #U,P ileal of thought, patience and in ,-eni'ity, <’,,wn in 11 ‘eiul of t " ‘‘ v h,in* And therefore it 1« the only true and b 't tvwin a method of keeping themselves the H|H*cd of the trolley to t he clan .in ’ of it . 5.0iX),(XX) last year and $50,000,- utet* ami the j have to wait u.i I two or three o t l tk or li »ich or dinner, fo reliable medicine for nervous people. busy during all hours not in-edi d for re­ of tho heM. The leg prizes of citv li e 000 tills! w .ieie is ilfis sort ol thing nVl)k, t;,is tak# u ,0 x ,,..,.,. .» p,,..;,;. , It makes the blood pure and healthy, freshm ent and repose; and the result is draw the »iron ;est men into the vo’l e : y.o sig to br.ng us? It d(Wsn’t seem to the o I line running Pul* nan Tm ist and thus cures nervousness, makes the nerves firm and strong, gives sweet —or was u n t i l n s l n t i y - h c .o icd warden and then competition hurries them on. r e ./ii.e a •: cat amount of intelligence to Sleeja» s t h ’t.swh to the East without sleep, mental vigor, a good appetite, f om 12 It» 10 hours de’av. Por iu ’orma- inter ered willi lln-'-r methods and work The noise docs nothing b a t shake tlieir enable a man to see that it is only perfect digestion. It does all this, and ' ‘“’.T 7 . e,c” 7 " ” ” ° ' - that physcal w ell-lieiu; which is nerves and hasten th eir breakdown. ...a u e ro l time, s o p p i n g this policy to cures Scrofula, Eczema, or Salt Rheum , wil, Oreg'un e" er and all other blood diseases, because U evinced by tho Hush of health on the Nature produces hut few „„.fieasim, , , pil. slteJ, wllvn T K C f f i V V J S 8 T Literarv. . FRESH GROCERIES CONSTAHTLÍ ¿RRIVIHG Fon HURD & DAVENPORT THE SEATON STORE Keeps a full line of Extra Quality DRY GOODS fi GROCERIES. Knowles & Gettys, Managers, W E BELIEVE. There Is Only. J. H. McCLUNQ. EUOENE. * * * * * % % * * * Nervous THIS SPACE IS RESERVED FOR . FISK. Pure Blood S a rs a p a rilla GLENADAÜ GLENADA!! LOTS FOR SALE ON EASY TERMS. clieek, the bright glance ot the eve and the so-' nev e'aatic step, liu-ing tlie per. lid when the com lias were swee cu- ing th eir lift'd lives with toil thee« were very few admissions to the hospital; nnd th e iloeioi-'s jKisiiinn was almost a sine­ cure. Tln-re eou'd not posvi'i1» be unv lietter evidence of deairsbithy, not to say the need, of keeping men io confine­ m en t busily employed if tliev uru ex­ ported to he physically well. The plitn adopted by the Kentucky ponvicls may not lie ad ipiab'e to the ponditions in the penitentiaries of other hut until man lias has surrounded h loinseli iuisal' ' heard to drop, nuts, -, bill N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N . with a boiler factory. n j nll, personally very curious,” con- —____ The cause of this is plain enough, tinned the senato-, “ to sec w hat kind of Iw ndO B c. :-.os»<».irg, Oiczm. sept n. isps W eave satis,lei with a noisy machine if „ financial scheme the president will Mmc't it only does its work. Wc take too lit tic subm it when con,”,ess meets as a sol u- lo make Anal pi«x»i ia mi of Li*» i.nn.t « * ' - • ...... • ’........- .•” n . . . « ' c p r . ten«.l, heuh , ' W i ‘at, o r ■ s ', ’ , . ' " ” ' as well us effective-care ill of health as „ ,„ np be I have little lio|>e, and .'or the l,°"' Oc.ob.r M. ttstv. vie . Uniss W. Nelson, well ns productive o» salable m aterial. reason . I have idreatly given, te a t env- on boYreMead vntry No. ««U. for the nc\. This rids Is is one one of id the the corners com ers of of life that tiling in particular vGlf la' done « iih it. '"'«'""<1 Gd -ec. s. Ip. I'«, now 12 u * * * carefully cushioned. 1 1 N* nainss lb. folio *)n< witnessn to prove should I he idea th at congress, US now consti- h'« continnoni realdeneo « p o ll «m l cu ltiv a tio n luted, w ill a rree on anv tariff or tinan- >«»<1 t«nd. vt«: SPECULATION \S THRIFT. -------- cial protHWu on seems a little i utside of modern vice th at come” A modem eomci , in fo ra the possibilities. food «leal of eiiming in times ef hnaines>9 " It is a great pity, though. In my John k FomUh. Florercc. Ixtne Co., Ore«on. Fmnk R. wu»vn. 'i t ’c ’ ’ ' ' ' “ “ “ “ * ** ' Hrjlirtrr M akes Pure Blood Results, prove every word we havs hsv. »aid. Thousand, of voluntary testi» testi­ monials fully establish the (act that H o o d ”s ’ a Be Sure to Get Hood's Sarsa­ parilla C ures “ flood's Sarsaparilla cured our boy ol , eczema which physicians treated in vain.” F rank W. D radiivbt , 32« Johnson Avenue, Trinidad, Colorado. Hood'« Pills cure all liver tila, eonstlp» tina, hlUotaar.e . alek hernia -tie. tnfitgrstti n. * * * # # # & * *