r T he tide of destiny is tu rn in g fast KEAU OCR GREAT . tow ards Florence. All sorts of ac- L cum ulation of facts point th a t way y ir v- ■/-wnr«r’m r ’ ^ s S « ta tio n e r y i 'w-w-w-v-x. B a r g a in s ^ IN THIS ISSU E. W«W— Vol. VI. FLORENCE, LAN E COUNTY, GENERAL DIRECTORY STATE OFFICERS- BUSINESS CARD S- L. Roberds, M D. T R A V E L E R S’ GUIDE. Annie E. Roberds, M. D. EUGENE-FLORENCE pN, F R ID A Y , OCTOBER 1», 1895. TUE AD. S « PAINTER ONE OF THEM FROM HIS ^TES CHAPTET.3 ► e r i e n c e . WHITTIER'S BOYHOOD. The Q u a k e r I ’uct I!a«i b u t Scant In s tru c ­ tio n I n L ilj Vouch. In his boyhood W hittier had scant in ­ struction, for tlio district school was opou only a few weeks in winter. Ho had but few books; there were scarcely SO in tho house. The ouo book ho read and read again u n til lie had it by heart almost was tho Bible, and the Bible was always the book which exerted the (trongest literary influence upon hipi. But wlion lie was 14 a teacher came who lent him books of travel and opened a new world to him. I t was this teach­ er who brought to the W hittiers one evening a vomme of Burns and read alond some rtf the poems, after explain­ ing tho Scottish dialect. W hittier begged to borrow the book, which was almost the first poetry he had ever read. It was this volume of Buras which set W hittier to making verses himself, serving both as the in ­ spiration and tho model of his earlier poetic efforts. The Scottish poet, with his homely pictures of a life as hare and as hardy as that of New England then, first revealed to tho American poet w hat poetry really was and how it m ight be made out of tho actnal facts of his own life. That book cf B aras’ poems had an even stronger influence on W hittier than tho odd volume of Tho Spectator which fell into the hands of F ranklin had on the American author whoso boyhood is most like W hittier’s. F ranklin also was born in a humble nnd hardworking fam ­ ily, doing early his share of tho labor and having bnt a meager education, a l­ though always longing for learning. It is true that Irving and Cooper and Bry­ ant did not graduate from college, but they could have done so had they perse­ vered, and Emerson and Longfellow and Hawthorno did get as much of tho higher education as was then possible in America. But neither Franklin nor W hittier ever had tho chance; it was as much as they could do to pick up the merest elements of an education.—Pro­ fessor Blander M atthews in St. Nicho­ las. No. 27 COST TO IH IN A SHIP. THE BIG FT. LOUIS REQUIRES $80,000 FOR THE ROUND TRIP. BERKSHIRE PEOPLE. T h e S p ir itu a l an d I a t e ll e a »aa l Fers—a S tro n g A m o n g T h e m . Ara Anil this region, so favored by na­ much of its character and «*«- How U e M a E A d v e r tis e o n t h e terest to its history as well. Settled lat­ S h e H u m « * 1 5 ,0 0 0 W o r th o f C o a l- T h e W a lls o f F o r t I er than the seacoast, the western part -W h e n th o I le e . m i l F o r B r e a k a g e I . N o S m a ll A ffa ir. E- B a n g s ,___P ropr’.to r. Objected—L of the state was iu its begiunings umda ot o i ■ 111, w I lls S te a m S a la r ie s o f o n ir e r s a n d M en A r e S m a ll, np of more varied elements than the T h e O b lig in g I b o a tm a n . Stage leaves Eugene Mondays, b a t Som e o f T h em C rt L arge P e c . eastern. From the valley of the Connect­ W ednesdays and Fridays at 6 a. nt. The experience sign painter nt Tho cost of running a big ocean grey­ icut colonists pushed through the moun­ Passengers arriving in Florence the Fort Sumter ni liverting sto ry : hound to Europe and back reach,is into tain gaps into that of the Housotouioi irky to take me day following a t 10 a. m. “ You see, I got the thousands. A transatlantic liner is tho hills attracted settlers front the flak a one of tlioso lit- really a floating hotel, and everything mid sandy lauds of Cape Cod, while the R eturning-stage leaves Florence °V” »r , , tie boats that they on board is conducted on tho samo scale Dutch from New York have left in own there closer name and character their impress upon Mondays, \\ ednesdaysand Fridays to the w ind than of lavishuess that is found in a fashion­ the Berkshire people of today. Spiritual iking I ever saw able F ifth avenue hoteL a t 3 p. in., and arrive t^ie next d a y before. The fort w I'crcupied except and inteUtaituaL forces were largely Clement A Oriseom, J r ., sou o f tho prominent in the laying by nn old soldier, v/M showed me "fill at 7 p m. tre president of tho line controlling the S t COUNTY OFFICERS over the place. ‘Have a drink, corporal?’ tions, and sncli forces havo contributed Louis, agreed to give some figures to a I to him after awhile. ‘No objec­ and coutinnefl their influences ever W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. Single fare - . . - 85.00 said World reporter covering the expense of siuco. tions, ’ said he, and we walked and talk­ her voyage to England and back. Ho - - _ §9.00 ed a little further. ‘Pretty lonesome Missionary zeal, represented by such T ables furnished w ith all the Round trip - Ju d g e ......................................... A. H . Fisk figured for some timo and then said that names as Eliot and Sargeant, founded here, eh, sergeant?’ ‘Very, indeed,’ an­ W ild Tickets for sale a t E. Bangs’s swered Commissioners J ; ; ; ; ; ; ;j; V ? C a lio n delicacies of the season. the expenses of tho round trip of u the old dnek, warming '* me as Stockbridge. Jonathan Edwurds hero steamer liko tho S t Louis average be­ spent the years which represented the game, lish and fruit in season. Best livery barn, Eugene, and a t llu r d I brevetted him a grade higher every tween $110,000 and $80,000, according to prim e and fullness of his powers. C le rk ..................................A. C. Jennings accom odations for th e traveling & D avenport’s office in Florence. two or three minutes. the season. “ ‘A h.’ said I, ‘i t ’s a tough old biz, Ephraim Williams, the fighter in the Sheriff..................................A. J. Johnson public. Charges reasonable. Tho voyago between tho two ports French and Indian war, dying on the the army, a in ’t it, lieutenant?’ ’Faith, T reasu rer...................................J . G. Gray takes a triflo more than seven days, and it is, upon mo life, ’ said he. battlefield, left liis fortune to plant and m aking tho daily cost of operating in A ssessor.................................D. P . Burton “ Well, I brought my flask ont again endow the college which bears his name. the busy season something liko $5,600. “ S A IL S -------- -- School Superintendent. J. G. Stevenson Mark Hopkins, Berkshire born and and pressed it upon him. ‘Now', look fIR S T NATIONA L gAN K No single individual oil tho St. Louis S urveyor......... ................... C. M. Collier bred, nuother Arnold of Rngby, set his On the 1st, 10th and 20th of each here, captain,’ said I, ‘you don’t mind gots a largo salary. Tho captain heads stamp upon a whole generation; mo painting a sign around the old fort, C oroner...................................J . W. H arris OF EUGENE. the list, getting about $5,000 a year. throughout its history soldiers, saints month. do yon?’ ‘Not a bit, my son. P aint ns Justice of P eace......... II. M. Chamberlin Captains on sm aller passenger steamers T . O. H E N D R IC K S. PRES. 8 . B. EA K IN . JR., CASH-R nnd scholars havo both represented and Single trip 83.00. R ound trip 85.00 much as ye plaze,’ ho answered quite Constable..........................Jonh F. Tanner only receive $3,000 a year. Tho chief impressed its lifo. The reasonings of w illingly, and away I went to work, officer of a ship like tho St. Louis gets Jonathan Edwards, which for good nnd PAID UP OA8H CAPITAL, $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 finishing tho lettering before sundown. 8U R P L U 8 AND PR O FIT8, $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 $1,500, and the hulk of the heavy work evil have had so great an influence up­ “ That littlo business nearly got me really falls on his shoulders. The sec­ on theological thought, found their most into trouble, and X left Charleston in a CITY OFFICERS. A C C O U N T S S O L IC IT E D ond officer's pay ranges from $900 to powerful expression in his treatise on F or Passenger and F reig h t Rates hurry. Nearly as bad was tho timo I was $1,200, according to tho size of the ship, the w ill, which was w ritten while he EUGENE, OREGON. painting on a beehivo. I was walking ------ APPLY TO------- while tho third and fourth officers only lived in Stockbridge. Lenox heard the along tho railway track w ith my pots P resident. F. B Wilson get from $000 to $900. A ll of these last public utterances of C hanning; his and brushes and saw tho hive, which Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. men have to perform duties of a re­ successor, Orville Dewey, born 100 year» H l . F. Phillips THE was in A1 position, hound to bo seen by sponsible kind, and as there aro no bo­ ago (1794) at Sheffield, long made th at LEADING F. J. Kobe everybody in the trains. I stole up to it Board of Trustees nuses attached to their work it can bo place l i i s home, and there, too, were Oscar Funke S T E A M E R “ C O O S ,” and slathed on tho paint, taking earo seen that they aro not overpaid. L. Christensen born tho two Barnards, one tho presi­ not to make much noise. Bnz-z-zl Ono o— W ill m a k e -------- o Tho crow of tho St. Louis numbers dent of Columbia college, the other the little fellow camo to look at mo, then R ecorder................................ Drew Severy 410 men. Two hundred of these aro in soldier scholar of onr oivil war. Oliver ANO T reasurer.............................. O. W. Hurd R E G U L A R D A IL Y T R IP S another, then another and then a score I ho engineer’s department, and all of Wendell Holmes lived for years at or more all at once. They d id n 't seem M arsh al............................ Rudolph Funke them aro directly under the authority Between---- to object—in fact, seemod to admire the Pittsfield. Catharine Maria Sedgwick M E R C H A N T - T A IL O R , of tho chief. Tho stew ard’s department drew around her at Stockbridge and richness of tho coloring—but in slinging Of D E A L E R IN is tho next largest, linmbering 170 in my leg over tho top of tho hive I upset Lenox a distinguished circle of the best all. The sailors, including the deck offi­ literary society of our own country amt my can of turpentine, and not ono heo SECRET SOCIETIS: cers, number bnt 40. in the crowd would listen to a word of many cultivated wanderers from the old The engineer’s departm ent is tho world. Fanny Kemble here made for OUTNIMRODS OLD NIM. Thot. F. Oakes, Henry C. Payne, Henry C. Rouse Rec'v reason. I was laid up for a week or two most expensive on tho ship, owing to IVI e N’S furnishing goods after that, but I can’t bo quiet long. It years her homo. Longfellow, Lowell, F. a a . M. Siuslaw Lodge No. 107. n t e r T e l l , a S to r y o f tlio immense coal bills. The St. Louis a in ’t in me to ho still. I ’m an out and T h e P e t a lu m a a W P o o n t d I r lu Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Beecher, • Regular communication on second o u s C h a se. burns more than 300 tons a day, or EUCENE, - ORECON. Saturday night in each month. out Yankee, and it warms my heart to G. P. R. Janies, George William C u r ­ ubotit 4,500 tons the ronnd trip. This F rank Tim ins, tho Petalum a pot C. B. M obqan , W. M. be off w ith tho paints, and it a in ’t in ­ tis, Matthew Arnold and others lingered hunter, had the floor, and tho crowd means nn expenditure of $15,000 alone. among and loved the beauty of these O. W. H urd , Secretary. cumbent upon me now. ’’ He added this w ith a complacent and breathlessly aw aited a thrilling story of I The salaries of the men, the engineering hills, where plain living and high think­ tho chase. supplies, including tho thousand nnd ing have found noble expression iu the pregnant glance at his massivo watch A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58. “ Yon w ant a story of tho chase, eh?” one things ueotled for tho vast machin­ past nnd where here and there they chain and jeweled sleeve buttons, which ■ meets Becond and fourth Saturdays repeated Timins. “ Well, I 'l l tell yon ery of a great ship, w ill require nn ex­ still survive, spite of the inflowing tide JOHN H. riORRIS, Prop. indicated no littlo prosperity. •of each month. R penditure of $5,000 every round trip. R. B. M ills , Commander. “ When anybody gets his back np nt about tho greatest bit of cliasin I ever of w ealth and luxury that floods the The chinf engineer draws $3,000 a Berkshire of today. —A rthur Lawrence S H A V IN G ^ ..... £gy,' Adjutaqfe me, I jus t let him blow jiis stoaia off. did in my lifo. I wuz ont huntin ono year, and his im mediate assistants re­ day for quail w i tit my ulo muzzle ioadin SntFtWi-jT JsiBglSSIJtiir^lSTBffniitiPd. • shotgun, when three quail jumped np ceive $1,500, $1,290 nnd $1,000 respec­ in Century. . . . HAIRCUTTING. “ Down in fiaryTaud ono day I was Q of V. Gen»rol Sheridan Camp, K painting a fence, and a fellow working ont of u hush right ahead of me. Ono tively Tho stokers or firemen average Tree» T h a t D ie W h e n M en L ir a N e a r 1 w» No. 6, meets rirst and third S a tu r­ Tho deaths of nearly all tho pine in a field near by hollered o u t: ‘Hi I Git flew to tlio right, ono to the left nnd about $30 11 month, mid the furnaces of day* of each mouth. J ab . C onklin , Capt. away from that yur fence!’ I let on not J the other straight ahead, hut I got ’em tho St Louis require ISO of them work trees in Asbury Park givo riso to an in ­ RAZOR HONING A SPECIALTY—15c. T. E. F urnish , 1st Sergt. iug in different shifts. all three. ” teresting question os to w hether or not to hear him. ‘Yon git liowl’ tlio old i P u llm an Tho purser, who is a most im portant it is trim that, this treo is so w ild by n a ­ man shouted once more, but I dabbed ! "K illed three quail going in different person on hoard, does not get much in directions w ith a mnzzlo loading shot­ O. u. w. P erpetua Lodge, No. 131, Sleeping Cars and dabbed away as industriously ns ture that it w ill not endure domestica­ ■ meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays ever. ‘You w on't, w on't yer?’ said he, gun?’’ repeated ono of his listeners in­ tho way of salary, as tlio company in tion. It is tho breod of pine th a t grow* E leg an t «each m onth. Members and visiting credulously. fixing his pay figured on tho largo iu tlio sand close to the seashore of and then ho came for mo with a pitch- •brethren in good standing are cordially bonuses I10 receives for changing money which this seems to be true. A sbury “ Yep; th a t’s w hat I dono.” D ining Cars fork in his hands. Folks in Maryland linvited to attend. A.C. Karnowsky.M .W . and performing tho littlo services which "Your gnu must liavo had threo b ar­ Park is built upon a former sea beach are generally pretty much in earnest -F. B. Wilson, Recorder. Tourist rels then. ” the wealthy traveler does not hesitate to extending three miles inland to the edge when they aro mad, but I didn’t move pay for liberally His salary is only $1,- of the great forest that reaches from Ea­ “ N op; only tw., ” Sleeping Cars an inch. H e’d have lifted mo like a 000 a yeer, hut ho makes another $2,000 tontown, hack of Long Branch, to Cape O. O. F. H eceta Lodge No. I l l .meets “ How did yon do it? ” piece of toast if I had, and instead of a • every Wednesday evening in Lodge ST. PA UL “ Well, I killed tho one th at went to in foes and sometimes considerably May. This forest is called "T h e P ln ra ,” toast it would have been a roast for mo. .H all, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in ® PlCTOWP‘V more. M IN N E A P O L IS becuuse of the preponderance of pine “ I looked as m ild nnd innocent ns I tho right w ith tlio right barrel; then, ¿good standing invited to attend. Tho ship’s surgeon only receives $900 trees ill it, tho other trees th a t are plan qnick as a flash, I killed the oil,, that TO could, shaped out the letters nnd held J. I. B uttekfield , N. G. DULUTH a year for the same reason. Ho is I tifnl there living mainly oaks cd foe» my head back now nnd then ns if to went to the left w ith tlio other b a rre l; M arion M orris , Rec. Sec. S A L T L A K E , DENVER, FARGO stndy tho effect. ‘Don’t you liko it?’ then I took after the ono that went brought ill contort with limnerons real varieties, w ith n few magnolias, tulips, and fancied invalids of the wealthy TO GRAND FO RKS ! sassafras nnd hickory trees nud hollies said I as he got tip to mo. Well, ho met straight ahead and kuoekud tho stuflln O M A H A , K A N S A 8 C I T Y. class, nnd nlthoogli no one is compelled | and laurels. me w ith some high seasoned expostu­ ont of it w ith tho ramrod. ” CHURCH DIRECTORY. CRO OKSTON ‘‘I w ouldn’t beliove th a t if I told it to fee him few fail to do so, anil a big, C H IC A G O . S T . L O U IS The pines still flourish In the wood* lations ; but, ns I told you, I neve r in ­ W IN N IP E G terfere w ith a man when he’s blowing m yself,” declared ono of (ho assem­ popular ship like tho SL Lonis is worth behind Asbury Park, but in the town it blage. to him nt least $3,000 to $4,000 a year. large fraction of tho few th at rem ain H E L E N A and off steam ; it isn ’t safe. Tho pitchfork RESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, E A S T E R N C IT IE S , Tho stew ard's department is one of are sickly anil dying. Thousands havo “ H ull! That a in ’t nothin. I killed did not look salubrious, but I held to Oregon. Sabbath service. Sabbath- BUTTE tho costliest oil the ship. Tho provisions died and Iss n cut down since the tree my work, and as I was finishing it he six quail with ono ban-el once, nnd they -B 'hool, 10 o’clock a. ni. Preaching 11 for a ronnd trip cost in the neighborhood onibowcrod town was bnilt in the woods •o’clock a. 111. and 7 p. in. Sacram ent of began to cool off nnd at the same time wuz all flyin in different directions.” of $12,000, and the salaries of the stew­ a ijnarter of 11 century ago. The vll- ‘‘Run 'em all down?” th e Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath of to take an interest in tho sign. ‘Got a TO “ Nop; never moved out o ’ my tracks, i ard's men amount to $3,000 more. The lagers say they diebecanso it tills them Jan u ary , April, July and October. d a y s fam ily?’ said I. ‘Yea,* said ho. ‘Young TO C H IC A G O Everybody is welcome to all the services. mis, too, m aybe.’ ‘ Yes,’ said he again. When they all started out o’ tho same stewards aro tho least paid of any on to havo human beings walk beside them. P astor requests C hristians to make W A S H IN G T O N ‘Well, now ,’ said I, ‘ain't you ashamed hunch of grass, I hold the gun away over , the ship, for tho reason that in tho fees They say that even iu the forest the ■themselves known. P H IL A D E L P H IA of yourself to lot your temper get the to tho right, and as it went off I swep' of the passengers they collect a consider­ pines that stand beside the footpaths are I. G. K notts , Pastor. better of yon in this way? Think of tho it arotin to the left. The result was that J able sum annually. All the pay they the first to die. Others credit their de- N EW YORK bad effect on your children. Bnt I ’ll I slung shot, in every direction, same as g e t is $20 a month, bnt they take in $40 stru-tion in the village to the shaking B O 8TO N A ND A L L paint it ont. ’ ‘No, leave it on, stranger; you can sling w ater onten a pan, nnd a a month in tipa. The seasick man and 1 of the enrth by the heavy trolley car* ETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH T h e Q u i c k e s t t o C h ic a g o I like i t ,’ he answered, ami wo went littlo cf the shot ketchcd ev'ry one. ” — woman aro always w illing to givo their and steam railw ay trains, and still oth-- P O IN T S E A S T and S O U T H an4:10 n m The furnaces w ill consume no less than Leaves Florence Mondays, W ednes­ 1:6® a rn l.v practice upon him those little exactions Euitene Lv 13:09 a m cago Times-Herald. day! and Fridays. T h re e Rooks. 7,500,000cubic fre to f air an hour. The anil anuoyiuicos which he had been ac 10:4.5 a in 1 Ar San EraiieiRCO Lv 1 6:00 p in Arrive.- at Florence Tuesdays, T hurs­ Atzove trnins stzip at East P ortlan d, Oregon W om an o f N erve. A leading literary light in one of the boiler tubes, if placed in a straight line, custoincd to impose upon others. A fter days and Saturdays. C ity, W oodburn. S alem , Turner, M arion, Jeffer­ Mrs. Louis Kirshoffer of Orange, N. best known woman’s colleges says that would stretch nearly 10 miles and the a few days of yielding to these encroach Connects with Steam er and Scotts­ son. A lta n y , A lbany J u n ctio n , H a lsey , Harris- J u n ctio n c i t y , Irving, Euirene, C resw ell, J., is a woman of uervo. The other day there are just three books that everybody condenser tubes more than 25 m ile s . meuls Mr. Hamlin turned and 111 a tone O re g o n E ugene, burg Stage Line for D rain. Also with burjr, D rains am i a ll sta tio n s from R oseburg to A sh ­ a honnd belonging to her husband went should know by heart—“ The Arabian The total utimher of separate pieces of that did not require repetition, said, Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge la n d in clu siv e . £¡^F»R oom s 7 an d H M cLaren's B u ild in g . I mad, broke his chain and made a dash N ights,” “ Alice In Wonderland” and steel iti tho main structnreof the ship is "S ir, if you expect to be treated like * reasonable. ROSFBVRG MML, DAILY. S p ecial a tten tio n g iv e n to c o lle c tio n s an d pro- I not less than 40,000, anil the total num ­ gentleman, you must prove yourself Ar 4:40 p m at ono of Mrs. Kir (buffer's sons. He tore “ Mother Goose.” "A thorough knowl­ b ate b u sin ess. Portland Eugene Lv I 11 /JO a in tho boy’sclotlies, but fortunately did not edge of those masterpieces, ” she »ays, ber of cubic feet of timber nseil in the one.” There was never eH o f hysterics every tim e yen promr* answer and an bon eat opinion, write to York Sun. B etween P ortland and C orvallis came home later ami shot him. >11 SN 4 c C O . , who h are bad nearly fifty yean* “ What of it? W’httt doe« ‘ B. A. ’ stand uppear on the ntreet. ” M A IL T R A IN ?• I ' I. Y ( l i t F I T fit I I D A T . ) emergence io the parent bosiness. Communica­ R e p a r te e F ro m a S ta te s m a n . for?” And Collector. tion! rtrlct I y confidential. A H a n d beak o f In­ 7 30 a m I I v portbtnd Ar t« t) a m Ho painted for a reply, bat «he hed formation concerntna P n trw ta and bow to ob­ 12:1.4 p m ' l r ___ 1'orv.lH. I., | i 35 p nffle tw o d o o r. w « t o f F loren ce H otel. “ Bachelor i»f arts He thought you drooped her blnwhiug head and «aid not For once in his career the ineorrnpti- tain them sent free. A lto a cataiovue o f mechan­ The poor yonng man was trying to ical and scientific books sent free. I At AII mtit Anri >'->rv«,lli. p-mnYrt —|, h t r a in . F lo r e n o e , O i-e g o n ble alderman from the S'teeuth ward «’ere n college gniduute. ” a word, feho could not «peak. Patents taken tbroach Munn A Co. recelre 1 o f Oregon Central A K ..te r n R a ilw a y . win tho rich yonng woman. «pedal n otloelntb e S c ie n t if ic A m e r ic a n , and “ Oh, th a t's it, is it? I thought it l««st his temper. xxpr . . . TRVV« lu ll.- / ( s z e s n - r x n a v .) The eloqueut compliment to her «kill tons are brouabt widely before the public with­ “ Be m ine," he implored. tm uit ‘I khm B o uidcrm un.' “ —Chicago in designing a «uccofiftfal bicycle coe- ! in p i-i i i- out cost to the inventor. Thia splendid paper, “ I cm lielF yon,” he roared, “ with “ What kind« f mine?" she responded; issued weekly, eleaantly illuatrated, has by far the » a 1> "1 \r M l M jn n v lll, i.v 1 M n m fimt-M Herald. JOE MORRIS, Jr ono hand tied behind m o l" tuuie li.ul overwhelme ob tain ed at conie«, ’¿5 cents Frery number contain! bean- low eat ra te, from L. O. A dair. A xent F n zene. {Smoothing iron« v.ero first ukcci in tlful platen, in color», and phot^rupha o f new A cultivated reader of histi.ry Is do­ behind yon,” vociferated the high m ind­ ed alderman from tho Umpty second France, nnd are «uppo ed to havo I k »n bournes, with plana, -nabtin« buiidera to show the ! R. K oxH i.an. F P. R oofr .. The annual rainfall in the A tlantic He dines latest deaivns and secure contract«. Address V anaxer. A»»». O. F. and Pa»« A rt. mesticated in all families. ward, "th an you can any other way. 11 French invention, Icing introduced in «tatc« ia 80 inches; in the wouthern, 04; ML MW A Co„ mbw Yon«, 1 B boauwat . 7 * lo x * « x a o « O x - « b o x x . P ortlan d, Oregon w ith Pericles and sups w ith T itian.— It's your customary position, b’gosh I"— tho sixteenth century. iu the wctiU'iu, 2C: iu the Pacific, Willuiott. Drs. Roberds and Roberds, Governor............... ..W illiam P. Lord. Secretary o( State __ H. R. Kincaid. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. Treasurer............... . .. Philip Metchen FLO R ENC E, ORECON. Supt. Public Instruction. . .G. M. Irwin. State P rin te r........................ W. H. Leeds. A ttorney G eneral........... C. M. Idleinan. JOHN C. GRAY, i .................R. 8. Bean 8upretne Court J- ...............F. A. Moore ) . . . C. E.-W olverton work a t th e m o st R easonab le Prices Judge Second D istrict. ..J. C. Fullerton T h e best offic e o v er Loan cu d S a v in g s Hank. A ttorney Second District Geo. M. Brown H3u.g © n o - - O re g o n . STAGE L IN E . Off— DENTAL SURGERY. Head of Tide Hotel, Steamer r?obarts F lorence to Y aquina. E. HA N SO N , C lo t h ie r .. . HATS 'NO CAPS, A C T o n s o r i a l P a r lo r s . N ORTHERN PACIFIC. S A THROUGH TICKETS i P T H R O U G H T IC K E T S 3 1 -2 CHICAGO M HOUES HOURS THE SHASTA ROUTE H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, A A tto rn ey a t Law, Notary P ublic, Surveyor Notary Pnblic, LandAgt » tu re, o w e s