'S <*-A. J>-Ji lUULA« m Jl-s «■ a «A-w-a. — w-vj T h e - d e j» > e stin y is t a . u i i i ; fia t to w a rd s F lo re n c e . A il s o rts o f ae- 3 3 f . . RCAD OtK AREAT . 3 3 " 1 " ; “ C H I C K A n A U Q A ! ! ” ¡' ca u l illa tio n o f facts p o in t th a t wav L IN THIS ISSUE. Voi. \1. FLORENCE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 189.5. No. 19 J - M2 1. Irwin. S tate P rinter . ....... W. H. Leeds. A ttorney General. . C. M. Idleinan. ........... R. S. Bean Suprem e Court J Practical M atchm aker ,C. E. W o lv e ito n Judge Second Diatr .»I. C. F u lle r to n A ttorney Second District Geo. M. Brown S t a t e I IlSIU'lIllCt* ( n lllp Y ............F . A . M o o re C O U N TY OFFICERS J udge.............................. ....... A. H. Fisk Commissioners Eli Perkins . . . J. T. CalIismi C le r k ................................ EÜGENE-PLORENCB STAGE LINE. Mid D ealer in Fine W atches and Jew elry ugene E B angs, O re g o n . HENRY A. BAY, Agent , r , j of NE i . see 25: SE ", of NE sec overpowered, and the outer jail doors 25 T p 16 8 It 10 west, loo acres, iieing soon passed. Tlie steel cage was stub­ Cl 7S67 3.GO of NE '. A N E J - i o l born, but the mob was determined. Af­ lloll'inan. Will., K NE see 22 A NW of NW ; ; sec 23 ter the wretches were secured, they as­ I p 1H 8 It 11 west, loo acres .................. 3.60 A HR of NW % sumed dogged silence. The old man H adsall, Geo. M„ N see PI A SW 1, of NE sec 13 Tp 13 8 never spoke, hut Charles pulled bnck It 10 west, 160 acres f.F2 lla d sall. Amos, W of SW A SW XÍ of and struggled some. Both were hustled K W 'i see 12; NE '4 of NE % aec 14 A along, however, and several telegraph liits« ,8 A 1 6 r e a U T p is 8 it 10 west, Deafness Cannot Be Cured Roseburg, Or., Aug. 13.—As the Coos by local applications, as they cannot bav stage was coming up Camas nioiiu- S A IL S ---------- i. ; , ! reach the diseased portions of the ear. NATIONAL B R ANK °» th e 1st, 1 0th a n d 20tll o f e ach lr'"" ' -V lt'e to K,,9e' There is only one way to cure deafness, nio.,tb 11101 t a U \ b>irg, between 2 and 2:30 this afternoon, and that is hy constitutional remedies» Dan Cardwell mid Barney XIathews, of Deafness is caused by an inflamed con­ Kingle trip 83.00. R o u n d tr ip 85.00 Roselmrg, were riding on tha box seat dition of 11111CU0118 lining of the E ustach­ T . O . H E N D 1 IC K 3 . Pees. S . a . S A K IN , J r . CITY OFFICERS. w ith driver George Lainger. The driver ian Tube. \\ hen this tube gels in­ PAID UP CASH CAPITAL, flamed you have a rum bling sound or $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 remarked : SURPLUS AND PROFITS, $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 imperfect hearing, and ■• lien it is en ­ P resident F. B. Wilson F o r P assen g er an d F re ig h t B ates “ H ere is the place we were held up tirely closed deafness is the result, mid a c c o u n t s s o l ic it e d last Tuesday.” unless the inliamation can he taken out M. F. Phillips ------ apply to ------ EUGENE, - - OREGON. F. J. Kobe and this tube restored to its normal con­ Board of Trustees He pointed to a log by the roadside Oscar Funke Meyer & Ky’e, Florence, Or. and said : dition, hearing will be destroyed for­ L. Christensen ever; nine cases out of ten are caused LEACT- ING “ There lie stood, one foot resting on by catarrh, which is nothing hut an in­ R ecorder............... .............Drew Severy S T E A M E R “ C O O S ,” the log, witii a pistol in each timid. In flamed condition of tlie mucous surfaces T reasurer............... ........... O. W. Hurd M arshal................. ....... Rudolph Flinke o— W ill m a k e ------- o We will give One H undred Dollars for the right lie held an old-fashioned, long .« Justice of Peace . . . 11. M. Chamberlin R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R IP S barreled Cult’s pistol, and in the left u any case ol deafness (caused by catarrh) ' N th at cannot lie cured by H all's Catarrh bulldog.” Cure. Send for circulars, free. NI 'SN ‘’ÌM A N T ~ T A ' ».,01?, After having driven.on a quarter of a SECRET SOCIE . F. J. C iiknev & Co., Toledo, O. D E A L E R IN mile where I he grade was heavier mid old tiy druggists, 76c. HATS a h ( A PS, where many small scrub oaks grew, with F. A A. M. Siuslaw Lodge No. 10' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. a large fir tree standing on either side of • Regular comm unication on second p FURBISHING GOODS Thos. F. Oakes, HenrfC. Payne, Henry C. Rouse Rec'vr. the road hut a short digtanca apart, an S aturday night in each month. Land OUice a t Roseburg, Oregon, C. It. M organ , W. XI. • A ugust 15,1895. ideal spot f.ira stage hold-up, Mr. Card- O. \V. I I urd , Secretary. EUGENE, - OlECOàl. Notice is hereby given th a t th e following- well rem arked: nam ed Mettler has filed notice of b is in ten tio n to m ake final proof in sup p o rt of his claim , and A. R. General Lvmis Post, No. 58. “ Would it not lie a joke if a robber th a t said proof w ill be m ade before A. C. Jen. • meets after the lirst q u arter of the nings, C ounty Clerk of Lane county, Oregon, at should appear from behind th at tree, on moon, linear m onth. Eugene, Oregon, on October 5, 1S95, viz: this side of the road?” R. It. M ills , Commander. H enry J. 4 of sec. 80, tp. 10 8., R. 10 Wfe'st. S H A V IN G ................ ing, a slight sound, as of twigs being ’ ............................... »•»» He nam es the follow ing w itnesses jo prove poles were tried without succeeding iu u 21‘~1l'r''S « O. U. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131 broken, was tiea.*.l from tile upper side his c o n tin u o u s residence upon an d cu ltiv a tio n finding a suitable place. When near the U hiim . I lies., begin nt n p o in t 9.63 chs N of H. meets every ls t-a n rt 3d S aturdays' . . . . HAIRCUTTING. SW cor of lot 0 1(JC 38 Tp 18 8 It 12 of, said land, viz: of the road. L a ir\e r said : each m onth. Members and visiting ««St, ru n K a e l,, so unk^ N s.so c|„ w fatal tree, young Vinson spoke liis only Frank E. B ristow of Ju n c tio n City, Oregc brethren in good standing are cordiullv 3.60 ehs to place of beginning, 2 acres; “ My God here lie com es!” A lbert M. Bristow “ “ “ “ words, saying: invited touttciid. A.C. Karnowskv.XI. W. also begin s t n p o in t 2.76 ehs N of HW Lewis C. .Moffitt “ Irving, “ F . B. Wilson, Recorder. RAZOR HONING A SPECIALTY—13c. At the same instant a man sprang cor of lot 6 sec 36 Tp IS 8 R 12 we„t, ” 1 hate it on my m other's account. R obert I’acschke “ H erm ann, “ ru n K 3.611 ebs X 6.83 cits W 3.60 chs 8 from behind the tree, with a pistol in A 23 0 4 * R. M. V katch , Register. You’ll be sorry for th is.” Tlie last word 6.S8 ehs along W lino of snlil sec 36 to I O. O. F. Herein Lodge No. I l l , meets each hand. He was quickly recognized place of b e g in n in g ................... was uttered as the tightening of the rope .75 »• every Wednesday evening in Lodge S le e p in g C a r s as the one previously described by the Johnson, Jos., lot 10 blk 3 Florence . . . . ’ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. H all, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in choked off bis breath. Tlie fattier was Johnso n , Percy J., lot 20 blk 6 Frasier A: .85 E le g a n t good standing invited to attend. driver mid carried himself in the same B erry’s part of Florence strung up a moment before bis son, and Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon. .17 L. C. A ckeiii . ev , N. G. Jooet, Kil ward, th e NE 1. of see 36 Tp 16 8 D in in g C a r s A ugust 1, 1895. manner as at the last hold-up. He wore M arion M orris , Ree. Sec. some one in tlie crowd said, us Charles R 12 west ....... Notice is hereby :4o they P H IL A D E L P H IA lands ab u ttin g ; Acme ............ 14.7> * n ings, ( o uuty ( lerk of Lane c ounty, Oregon, nt cordially invited. R. C. B lackwell , re| I xml ed “ stand up” several tímen. N o Eugene, Oregon, on W etlmsday, Septem ber 25, entered the Teutonia saloon and picked Steven«, Edgar It., u n divided of blk 3 A N E W YORK Pastor. b te a m e r ^ o b a rts Or EUGENE. Florence to Yaquina. E. H A N SO N , Of A G T o n s o ria l P a r lo r s . THROUGHe TICK ET S P THROUGH TICKETS Q I I C — ) M CHICAGO one made a move and Mr. Cardwell a»ked: P O IN T S E A S T and S O U T H N O TAR IES. ‘To whom are you speaking? Ick er to O m a h a I For ln fo rm e tln n , tim e cards, nieps and tic k e t,, K a n sa s C ity . ' etc., c a b on or w rite to He replied: “ To you and throw out your money.” A. R. UTTOLP R -M c M u tP H E y , T h r o u g h P u llm a n and T o u r is t S le e p e r s , Xlr. Cardwell stood up mid threw $2 to G eneral Agent. Rooms 2 and 1, Hlrelton Block F r e e R e c lin in g C h a ir C ars, EUGENE, OREGON. lie ground but was told to dig up the D in in g C ars. rest and not give up small “ stuff.” For rates a n d general in fo rm atio n call on or A .D. C H A R LTO N , Ad C ollector. He gave up $2 more. He had, on the A ssistant G eneral Fusseliger Agent. Office two doors west of Florence tlotel. j address 255 M orrison St. Cor. nd. O re g o n . W . If. II1 R E B C R T , first alt.rin, thrown another purse con- F o r H a n d O r. Asst. Ger.l. Pass. Agent, laining $198 on a seat behind him which 251 W ashington St Cor. 3d., PORTLAND, OR JOE MORRIS, Jr lie saved. Mr. M athhas was next com­ EAST AND S O U T H manded to stand np and deliver. He stood up and threw on »he spot d e ^ ig n a * HOUKS T h e Q u ic k e s t to C h ica g o an d th • B a st. BO STO N A N D ALL HOUKS0“ 1. Notary Public, Surveyor riorenoe, Notary Public, Land Agt F lo r e n c ia THE O re g o n . SHASTA s t a g e iu iis r m . H. H. B arrett, P rop ’r, C. WOODCOCK, Leaves Florence XIondays, XX'ednes- South I d n v s and E’ridavs. #:>» p m | L>' d a v ia n d i Ä v T ''rUeS,la-VR’ T h«r- i “ ■" , Attorney a t Law, Fugene, O re g o n Connects' With Steam er and Scotts- burg Stage Line for P ra m . Also with Stage Line for Coo« Bay. Charge 7 e reasonable. rU P^R nom * 7 an d S M cisaren’« B uilding, ftpe.d tai a tte n tio n givwn to e o iU ctio n s an d p ro ­ bate business. t. «I S .n V & o - O e. JOHM C. GRAY. DENTAL SURGERY. Tka best ^•'rk at the most Res«nnable Price« O.nee over Loan end Saving« Bank. O re g o n * A- < wbo Have bud nearly fifty »ear«' ‘ £ A r i l HO p rn Lv 11.20 a m Lv I 7:00 a in Ito u te , Q v iffo t 9 i« a o p e r a AND *’■ !iT | UUSKBLKG MAIL, DAILY. P u llm a n v u h y r ig h t s . | N orth Ar | H;2o ,< m Ä Ä b ü Ä Halsey. H arrisburg. J u n c tio n < i t ; , Irv in g F.u- fcnc. i onn.i.H k , D relns and all statio n s from Roxebnrg to A h I i I hik I inclusive. P ortland Eugene Roseburg D in in g Car» o n O gd en HN All my work will la- w arranted to giv. satisfaction. Cull oil or write to me at F lo r e 'C3 Express T w in s Leave Portland Dally. P o rtla n d tp,I t o r,n au v in o ’ ®* miicb, and the latter took f l gfl froni tlie SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS, B an ve«t puKut. Alias nttaehed to all Through Train«, I (Hrricii about West Side Piviflioti. f l a l , hill UHM hut (lihturlic(|. T lie d ri. B etween P ortland and C orvallis I K »er way then told 10 stand up, but said Man. TRtix oaily f r x< r.i-T st aiM v j ; “ :80 h m I f V P ortland m Ibst be could not The road was so 12:15 p m | Ar Corva 111« experience m the nntent baslnes«. Cnmnonic«. ttom irtrlctIy confidential. A H a n d b o o k of h u formation concerning P o te n t« and ho< u> ob­ Lv 11 00 p m I tain them sent frp*. A loo n catalogue of mechan­ ^'»rvulil« c o n n ec t w ith train» steep that it was a difficult m atter to ical «nd scientific boohi sent free. nr Oregon Pacific R ailroad. Patent« taken thronth >lnnn A Co. receive R X r R K « « T R A IN « D A IL Y ( I t i r g F T k U M D A V .) •pecir.l notice in the H e ien tlfie A to erlro n , and stand erect, and tie was allowed to re­ thus are brought widely before the public with­ * tÿ P m I Lv PorOnnd A ri « ‘»5 a m out coet to the Inventor Thi« epfendld paper. M cM innville Lv I 6:50 a m main sealed. H id I ih arisen tbe money Issued weeklv. elegantly Illor’rated. lias by far the 7:25 p m I Ar largest elrculattoa of any aaiontiBc work in the 1 e J l . r ' / i ; » ’ n11 ' ‘' ' f o l . I l l f l i . Fn.t.rti world. 8 3 a veer. San f lr copies sent free thrown on the seal by the pwsseugers BatMtnf Edition monthly, f? 5.1« year. Single L. "n '.'F "rnr’' '" n '’" istm i, st lo w « , ra te , from I., o . A itslr. A scn t. E ugnie. would have been In plain view of the copies. cento. Every nnm lvr contains beau­ tiful plate», in color», and photograph« of new F p RnnKx., bouse», with plans, enabling builder« to show the j II. K osih . sr . latest design« end secure contract». AddreM I M .n.rrr Ass,, n. F. and Pan Agt. roblier. He was asked it be bad any MUNN A Co., Naur Yoi.K. 301 B rood war. For,and, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. f.aml Office a t Rooeburw, O regon, A ugust 2, 1495. Notice is hereby given th a t th e following nam ed settler has filed notice of hi« in ten tio n lo m ake Prooi hi support of his claim , mid th a t said proof will lx-m ade before A. C. Jen nings, C ounty < lerk of Lane county, Oregon, ut K'igeue, Oregon, of In «tip|a.rt of Ilia elaini, ami th a t said proof w ill la- made before A. 1 ... __ J.in . here for the (irunil Army encMiupment ...... ... »big«, C o u n t) c le r k of Lane countv, Orogon, nt . . . KugeiiB. Oregon, on W e.l..e«i»j , Heprewisir, 2,. next year is going rapidly forward, and iW5, viz i the walla are up about 20 feet. The work on h o n .e .t.,.I s p ,d i c t i o n N„. 715s, for the l i « '. . » 'jiie ';, n e1. n e '., sec. 31, tp 16 «, range 12 w. He liaine. th e follow ing w itnesses to prove h l. c o n tiin irn s resilience tipon and cult! viithm of, »ahi laud, vis; Em ory W. Cobb, I ; »rcnce, I^ n c c«»., Oregon. W illiam Boomer, “ ** »* •• Ira Bray, •• •• •« •« J. M eacham, “ a / •« « lots J, 2 A 3 blk 2; lots 16, 17, 18, 19 A 20 blk 4 Morse’s add to Florence , Swci t, Grace, I.- gin m n point from w hich SW ci.r »»Ik 12 Florence lauirs S 55 «leg. F 120 ft d istan ce thence N 65 «leg W 60 ft N 35 deg E l(’»0 feet S 55 deg E 60 ft 8 • 4 o f SW ' 4 see 34 Tp 17 S R 11 west, 40 acres Schultz, Surah, lot 6 blk 3 Cox’« a i d to Florence Timm', Peter, Iwxln 250 cha M an d M cha W Ilf SF. cor III lot 7 acc 2 Tp IS 8 it 10 west; N 40.38 eha W 9.40 eha to left bank ol Siuslaw R iver th en ce by m ean d er of sam e dow n stream to a point d u e w of th e place of beginning E 7.03 eha to beginning, 4 acres . . Wilson, It. R„ lota 5 4 6 blk 12 4 lot 10 blk 7 Glenada W oodward, Win. I-.. F % «if NW \ see 36 Tp 17 S It 8 west, 80 acres ' lo n ® ' ’y of old soldiers, and the ladies of R ih Relief Corps are g o ­ ing to turn out in a boly one of Rtewo e turtle«! into n ineeting-room for tlie fH>st here. The building wiM l>ecov­ ered within ten f will »a» m ade l*eforc A. C. Jen- ' ' . • )*SgM| s I Eugen -, O regon, on A ugust 29. 189.’», viz: Jonlah Itobihgur mi s«»l. hoi»i» -feud entry N<» «25 í », for th e nw ’¿ ne' ami lof» 1. 2 ami .1 ..f »cc. 31, tp. 15 », r. 11 w He n am e-> t !>«■ following witnesses t«» prove his «'(»ntiuuoii't residence upon ««id cu ltiv atio n of, said lan«l, \is : Ira Br.iv, of M innie, Lau«» countv, Oreg»n, Win. Bump, “ •• ' •• Alh’ii IVeaiio'r, “ “ “ •• BenJ. Sm ith, •• •• •• *« , K. M. V rat h . I) 19 An« 23 lip. slcr^