T H E W E S T . — PU B L ISH E D KVEKY FK ID A Y M O B X IX 0 .— — AT— F i . okksci , H. F. L axe C ocstv , ALLEY. O bboox E d .t o r »»«1 P r o p r ie t o r — T eems : »2.00 a year in advance.----- Entered at tlie post-office at Florence, lame county, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. 1D V E U T ISIX G RATES MADE KNOWN OX PLICATIO N. A P­ Local no tlret 8 cents per line, ench insertion. N otice .—Professori. M. Williams, of Eugene is our agent and is authorized to receive subscriptions, advertising ami money for T he W est and receipt for the same. W E S T L IN G S . The eessi m laws are printed. Florence should have a box factory. Strawberries are coining to this mar­ ket. Mr. If. S. Scliwatka arrived here from Marshfield on Thursday and informed us that us soon us tlie scows arrive active work will commence on tlie harbor. Delays are dangerous. p dollar spent for Hood’s Sarsaparilla now may prevent illness which will he expensive and hard to tiear. Now is tlie time to take flood’s Sarsaparilla. About four ships’ loads of londa-r are piled on wharves for tlie San Francisco market, and if tlie schooners already in do not soon get out, thia cut will remain until another season. The Ellensburg (Washington) Register, celebrated tlie advent into its seventh year hy a well written editorial on its birth. We do not exchange with a bet­ ter paper in that state. Four Ittindreil delegates from Multno­ mah and about forty from Salem, making a total of 440 votes for gold only as money in tills country, is quite an array against the e ov counties. A party of seven men are camping at Seaton, tliey having come from Irving, this county, to fisli and hunt. Tliey were in Florence one day, and excepting Mr. Bond, none were known here. Special attention is called to tlie dis­ play "a.I” of the Nori liern Pacific Rail­ road G aiipany, in lids is-ue. For tut titer iiifiniiiation cad on a- adores- R Mc- Murphey, Gen'i Agent, Eugene, Orcaon. ist Sleepers through to tlie East without delay. Time and money saved by this route. For further information, tickets, etc., call on or address I£. Mc.Murpliey, Gem-Jal Agent, Eugene, G i r g o t t . Tlie ladies of tile Missionary Society extent limit thanks to tlie Florence Cor­ net Band, which eo kindly furnished music for their entertainment, and to tlie people »ho so lilieraiiy patronized them. The receipts were $36. Last Thursday tlie tug Tonquin, from Marshfield, and owned hy Mr. Kern, came in over our bar ut low tide and tlie captuin reported eigtit feet of water, so we are told. Tiie tug came iiere to sound tlie liar and determine if she could cross in with our scows tiiat are at Guos hay. After taking a trip to Acme for fresh water, the Tonquin re­ turned to Marshfield tlie same day, and she is daily expected to arrive with tiie scows in tow. Nothing can prevent tlie feeling tiiat tlie elements are doing this place much damage. The wind blowing steadily from tlie south drives the sand into Hie channel of tlie river and prevents the water from going in a natural course to toe ocean. A change in file air-curreuis would soon produce u different condi­ tion ol affairs. Toe depth of water on me our would tie greater, tioats would co n e and go aud business ill luiuOel lie greatly revived. Since .j-26,060 are to lie spent iiere tins summer 111 ounding a jeity, 11 will do men .-hunts sonic goon to advertise wtiat ...ei nave i-.r sate, and kuoaiing this, memorial HAY. REPUBLICAN CLUBS MEET. How it Was Observed Hear The ¡Souiifli'.iK Sea. T h e « e r v i c e s I t e p l e t e In I n t e r e s t a n d t h e A t t e n d a n c e L a r n e —C o m r a d e M a r t i n H int I t e r . K n u r t ii R e n d e r e d a d . d r e s s e s o f M e r i t — .M u sic l»y F l o r e n c e C o r n e t l in n d Arranging a program for any kind of services is one thing, and carrying out tlie plans laid dov, n is another. But there could not have been a more com­ plete fuliillment of prearranged services on any occasion than that of Memorial Day in Florence. Exercises by General Lyons Post, music by tlie band, vocal selections by the singers, addresses hy the speakers and the dinner were never more complete in any community. Evidently patriotism and loyalty are not ut a discount here, if a large attend­ ance upon the occasion of Memorial Day services is an index to these statements. There was a sea of faces turned towards speakers and singers, and the deep in­ terest manifested hy all is evidence that ttie present and coining generation is not unmindful of the services «lone hy men who saved thefr Fnioii. Flowers, wild and cultivated, were brought in quantities that would have decorated acres of land, and for these tokens— hiightest ami purest emblems of love and sympathy that have ever garlanded ihegiavcs of sorrow, were brought ny noble women of this community—car­ ried hv trembling hands, blessed hy qui.eiiug lips and watered by holy tears, ami then quietly yet tenderly laid on the graves of departed and heroic sons. (C O N T IN U E D FROM 2 nd PAGE ) II. V. Gates, of Washington, nominat­ ed T. II. Tongue, and was seconded by J. M. Long. Senator Alley, of Lane, nominated C. II. Baker. i Mr. MeCamant nominated Hon. J. C. Carson, of Multnomah. .1. F. Bridges, of Douglas, was placed in nomination. The name of C. A. Sehlbrede, of Doug- las county, was placed in nomination. Clarence Cole nominated Hon. H. L. Barkley, of Marion, which was seconded j by Mr. E. Hofer, and was received with great applause. Glenn O. Holman nominated Hon. C. W. Fulton, of Clatsop county. Francis Clarno nominated Hon. I). P. Thompson. At this point a motion was made that the nominations he closed, which was decided to be in order by a unanimous vote. AND TIIE TELLE R S COUNTED. MEÏEIS General Merchandise. ★ ---- W E K E E P T H E 3 E S T — * Teas Dry Goods, Drugs, Groceries, Medicines, Boots, Shoes, Paints, Oils, Hardware, Glassware, >u Crockery, ers’ Supplies. The ballots being closed, it was moved ' an 1 seconded that the chairman appoint ' a committee of five tellers to receive ami count the votes. Mr. Beekman then ibiittd nice. Possibilities are unlimited, and the il asked the follow ing gentlemen to step to Our town is now presenting ¡1 lively lustration is 111 many ways demoiist a- the platform for this purpose: Mintie, ted, but never more fully than wlien apftearanee. Clackamas county; Eggleston, Jackson See the it.•lice for gio bog streets and P o rtla n d c iip 'U 'c d th e L • ag n- Until county; Baker, Union county; Platt, uoe 1 ig ut ii,el net own way io every nun wide-u-wuke Eugene inercliain, S. lot tug sidew .1 dis. Multnomah county; and McCornaek, of Million county. it. Friendly, inis engaged three columns Our aortic’ baud rendered go si umsie thing • ,1 11 . 111 10 vav io i. ’or mr 111 1.0- pap. r an 1 win soon give toe pub­ On motion a second committee was ap­ I, M....... 1 htv c not ..11 1- luieiyaint a notes one to a lic lotoru iatiou auoul special prices tor the pointed bv the chairman in order to j Improvements nave tiiii.il v c.,nie o new-paper, out a li-position on the pari nest goods. Watch ttiai 3-cohiuni space, count a portion of the votes for the pur- ! a halt in Hiis tow 11. ol tue people to never walk in the road and » lieu buying goods at Mr. Friend­ pose of expediting the business. This Six scows are to come up from Coos pointed out, is truly discouraging. committee was as follows: F. V. Drake, ly’s stole, always say : “ I saw your ad ITEMS OF THE DA Y ’S O BSERVANCE. bay instead of three. Multnomah ; Greggs, Multnomah ; Hofer The present council is arranging to in T he W est .” A No. 1 Burbank potatoes 25 cents a Both the Lillian and Coos came from Marion : Tooze, Marion ; and Sehlbrede, have certain streets graded in Morse’s Coming here on tiie Barreit stage on WE TAKE YOUR M EASURE A N D HAVE Seaton and arrived about 9:30, loaded to Douglas. sack at Meyer & Kyle’s. addition to Florence and more sidewalks Tuesday, was Mr. James Neylan, tiie their capacity with passengers. Prompt­ About twenty-five men will lie the laid No matter if money is scarce and FU LL SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON DISTRICT NOM INATIONS. owner of tlie schooner now on tlie ocean ly at 10 o’clock General Lyons Post left force employed 011 jetty work here. hard to get, our town’s people are w ill­ beach below tlie mouth of tlie river. First district—Dr. J. N. Smith, Ma­ ★ SHORT NOTICE. FIT G U AR AN TEED their hall led hy the Florence Cornet The Presbyterian church in this city ing to improve tlie streets. Upon inquiry it is ascertained tiiat the Band and followed by the Independent rion; J. B. David, Yamhill; F. W. Mul­ 768 HANDSOM E PATTERNS needs repainting ami repapering. A special meeting is called to meet at intention of Mr. Neylan is to endeavor Order ol Odd Fellows and Workmen in key, Eugene; II. E. Smith, Oregon City ; Mr. Win. Kyle lias about 500 cords of Point Terrace on Saturday, June 7, 1895, to get tiie boat into deep water. Ttiis regalia. All marched to the Presbyte­ E. W. Haines, Forest Grove, and Dr. K. wood now in ricks for future use. to consider the matter of building a would have been much more easily ac­ rian church where the exercises took L. Miller, Douglas county, son-in-law of Binger Hermann. Benefits do not all escape us. The cheese factory in tlie Siuslaw country. complished sometime ago as tlie eraft is place according to program. Second district—Samuel Elinore, As­ now half full of sand, which must he re­ This is a call hy the citizens, and all Morris hotel is tilled witti guests. TH E A D D R ESSE S. toria: A. W. Patterson, Marion; M. Ba­ Florence people must do something for should attend who have this matter at moved before she can he raised and First in order came the address of ker, La Grande; F. V. Drake, Portland; ★ placed on rollers. heart. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE GERMAN themselves. No efforts, no success. Rev. I. G. Knotts, who purposely occu­ I. H. Huddleston, Multnomah; W. E. If King Solomon was alive lie would pied only a few moments, leaving the Tin- steamer Bandorille, witli Captain Tlie less ill you speak of your neigh­ AM ER IC AN INSURANCE CO .O F N E W Thomas, Multnomah; Malcolm Moody, j bors ttie more respect you will command. J. J. Winunt at tlie helm, crossed in now say: “ Go to tlie traveling mail, field for another orator. However, these Wasco; C. W. Nibley, Baker. YORK, AN D THE P H Œ N IX ASSUR­ over tlie liar yesterday morning, arriv­ learn hi« ways, and he wise.” Mr. C. moments were filled with remarks both Hood’s pills cure all liver ills, relieve THE SIX D E LE G A TES-A T-LAR G E . ing at Florence at five o’clock. After W. Battell, a Cincinnati traveling man, inteiesting and eloquent. ANCE CO OF LONDON, EN G LAN D . constipation anti assist digestion. 25c. , taking on a load of chittem balk site representing tlie Queen City Printing! Then Comrade T. M Martin followed, 1 While the vote was being taken on Gen. Lyons Post is greatly indebted to steamed down tlie river bound (or San , Ink Co., after suffering intensely for and his word pictures of the causes that the district delegate nominations, Presi­ borne vocalists for music on Decoration Francisco. two or three days witli lameness of tlie led up to the war, the heroism displayed dent Beekman announced that the total day. W hen Rates are eq ual why not get the best? The Broad-Axe may he enlightened shoulder, resulting from rheumatism, on battle fields, the peace and even vote on delegates from the state at large Fred Bean lias a large number of pil­ when it is ascertained that Hurd & Dav­ completely cured it witli two applications friendship that now exists between par­ was 1050. There were less than 800 ing in tlie river to be used in building enport and Meyer & Kyle have paid $500 of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. This rem­ ticipants in contending armies, and of members present, he said, but the votes cur jetty. for the building and improving of tlie edy is gaining a wide reputation for its the flowers as the most fitting emblems were counted as recommended by the About 2,390 head of cattle have been road leading front Eugene to Florence. prompt cures of rheumatism, lame hack, of tribute for departed soldiers and committee on credentials. The vote was «hipped from Latte county during tlie Acts of this kind are not tokens of sel­ sprains, swellings and lameness. 50 cent friends, were listened to with interested distributed as follows : hotties for sale hy druggists. GOLD 8TA X D A R D TIC K ET. past month. fishness only. attention hy the large audidnee. Witli one eye on the clock, and tlie The west pier of the bridge across tlie DECORATING A G R A V E. T. II. Tongue, Washington, 720; Geo. For whooping cough Chamberlain's Willamette river at Springfield is cracked Cough Remedy is excellent. By using other on your plate, you cannot enjoy a At the close of services at the church, I P. Hughes, Marion, 088; J. C. Carson, from top to bottom. it freely tlie disease is deprived of all meal. When traveling east, you should a marching lino WR p formed in which Multnomah, 622; M. II. Ellis, Linn,688; Mr. H. II. Fisk reports prospects fa­ dangerous consequences. There is no take tlie Northern Pacific, tlie only din­ might have been seen the Post members, It. 8. Anderson, Baker, 643; C. A. Sehl­ vorable to securing additional settlers in danger in giving tlie remedy to babies, j ing ear line from Portland ; meals 75 ets. Indian war veterans, sons of veterans, brede, Douglas, 612. as it contains nothing injurious. 60 Y011 don’t have to get up in tlie morn­ secret societies ami citizens, repairing to FR EE SILV ER TIC K E T. bis part of Glenada. ing at six o'clock, rush to breakfast and a grave where the finishing services ol cent bottles for sale by all Druggists. A rooster at tlie head of tlie gold stan­ C. W. Fulton, Astoria, 401; II. L. Half of tlie Republican Club delegates { gulp it down in fifteen or twenty min-1 the day were performed ami flowers Barkley, Marion, 326; C. II. Baker, dard papers is all that is necessary to utes, and then have to wait until two or at Portland, came from Multnomah and strewn in comuieinorution of tlie depart-, |,,lne> 306; J. A. Wright, Union, 327; G make tlie erow complete. Wholesale and Retail three o'clock lor lunch or dinner, fo O. Rinearson, Clackamas, 352; I). P. Now is tlie time and this is tlie town Marion counties, and although tlie elec- ( avoid ttiis, take tlie Northern Pacific, ed soldiers. Too many thanks cannot be mention­ Thompson, Multnomah, 296. to work for since a large number of peo­ tinn was thought not to be of any politi­ tlie only line running Pullman Tourist ed for the people on this river w ho as­ cal significance in favor of tlie gold It will he seen that the first six candi­ ple are coming to Oregon. Sleepers through to tlie East without standard theory, it proved that tliey sisted the Post on Decoration Day, ami dates, representing the gold standard Siuglaw’s flower garden, composed of from 12 to 16 hours delay. For informa­ were quietly selected in that interest. while these liavn tlie gratitude of sol- mcnt wcr8 elected by abt nt 2 to 1. L ead in g Brands for over two hundred acres of rhododrett- tion, time cards, tickets etc., call on or diers, the Florence Cornet Band, col­ When the convention reassembled af­ It is now known that Mr. Kern will address R. McMurpitey, General Agent, lectively and individually, will accept drons, is now in full bloom. ter adjournment the chair announced bring all his help from Coos hay to work ■Such a continued delay in getting on tlie jetty, and aside from tlie eon- Eugene, Oregon. the highest praise and commendation the vote on district delegates as follows : lumber crafts out of this river, greatly tracts for lumber and piling, which are Persons w ho sy input liize witli tlie af­ for the excellent music which they had First district—J. N. Smith, Marion j depresses all kinds of business. already let to parties here, no employ­ flicted (till rejoice with D. E. Carr, of so carefully prepared. The hand! Our county, 436; .1 II. David, Yamhill cotin- H. B. Kennistnn. of Point Terrace, ment is to lie given to any one residing 1235 Harrison street, Kansas City. lie hand! It is worthy of the best consider- tv 264 Iletiry Smith, Clackamas cotin- is an old sufferer front infl.nnatiiry rheu­ ation amt support of all our people. lias tlie contract for building tlie addi­ on thia river. ty, 361 F. W. Mulkey, Lane county, matism, tint lias not heretofore been tion to tlie Seaton school-house. May be Found in * During the past two months have been troubled in this climate. Last w inter1 Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder 381. Second district—M. Baker, Union Nothing could have been more inter­ tiie first real tokens of financial depres­ W o rld’s F a ir H ighest Medal and Diploma. lie went up into Wisconsin, anil in con­ esting or pleasing than tlie address ol sion on this liver. Trade lias fallen otT county, 341 ; J. II. Huddleston, Multno­ À g l lR lil'J lI t U L B A S E - B A L L IN F L O R E N C E . mah county, 321 ; Samuel Elmore, Clat­ Celebrated .Tesse Moore whiskey Comrade T. M. Martin on Memorial day to such an extent that all tlie merchants sequence lias had another attack. ‘‘It came upon me again verv acute aud A hotly contested game of base-hall sop county, 341; M. A. Moody, Wasco Here, down here, where land is produc­ report lighter commercial transactions severe,” lie said. “ My joints swelled The Craie Orchurd Sour Mush tive, the timber plentiful and the cli­ ttiatt any corresponding months (luring and became inti lined ; sore to touch nr was played in this city on the afternoon county, 347. of Decoration day between the Seaton mate perfect, is tlie place fur home seek­ a period of over five years. Genuine Old Castle liotirlton almost to look at. Upon the urgent re­ Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder ers. Tile Corvallis Time» states that Joint quest of mother-in-law I tried Chamber­ and Florence nines. Much speculation World’s Pair Highest Award. z—The O. P. S. Pony—, Mrs. Craw, wife of Geo. F. Craw of Allierts and Lizzie Goldwnrthy were lain’s Pain Balm to reduce tlie swelling has t)een indulged in of late as to the re­ TO D O N A T IO N LAND Eugene, died in that city on May 26th, married in tiiat city tlie other day, and and ease tlie pain, and to my agreeable sult of the game, as both teams have N O T I C E s— s C L A IM A N T S . Fiver Refreshing Cold Storage Beer at 5 1895, after a lingering illness for many tlie tiride was dressed in calico and the surprise, it did both. I have used three some very good players. It must be admitted that the Seaton Cents a tilass Awaits Your Order. groom in a celluloid collar. Tins was tifty-cent hotties and believe it to he t i i e ! months. Tlie following notice has been issued nine pluy a strong game, making few er­ Call for an Imported or Domestic Cigar, Our public school is in charge of a the third time tiiat Lizzie had seen finest tiling for rheumatism, pains and rors that are serious. Three had plays, by tlie United States- District Land Of­ competent teacher, so we are told, and Joint and the eight must have tieen sat­ swellings extant. For sale hy druggists. And You Will lie Satisfied. however, cost them their defeat, not fice: isfactory. the pupils are progressing rapidly witli IVISO 1 ITEM j . To all persons having made settlement counting other odds that they claim A lady at Tooleys, La., was very sick their studies. OR. were against them. There were two upon trai ts ol land in thia district, and E U C E N E , Bv Icti D ikx . with bilious colic when M, C. I’isler, a Eleven men came up tlie tieueli Mon­ overthrows to first hy the catcher, and given tiotiee, as required tiy law, tiiat day (rout Marstdield and they are to lie prominent merchant of 1 tie town gave Items scarce. one inuIf hy the right fielder Our home tliey claim such lands as donations tin­ AN EXCELLENT FARM. etnployeil on I tie works of jetty building her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, boys counted four tallies on account of der the provision« of tlie act of Congress Wea'lter variable. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He About seven miles up tlie Siuslaw for our harbor. entitled “ An net to ereale tlie office of these mistakes. Gardens are looking nicely anil prom­ F lo re n c e O re g o n say- sue was well in forty minutes after Go down to tlie Energy telephone ine Smith Taylor ami Joe M »rris umpired surveyor-general of tlie publie ill Oregon river front Florence, and situated on the taking the first d ise. For sale by all ise an excellent crop and ring up Mr. Progress We want bis the game, and tin* usual amount of kick­ and to provide for tlie survey and to bottom lands of tlie river, is one of tiie L. A. Chastain and wife are visiting services ill Florence fur awhile. Everv Druggists. ing was done. As ♦«» goose-eggs the make donations to settlers of tlie said best farms in Lane county. For grain Reverend Knotts preached an excel­ their mother, Mrs. B inker, near Browns­ home nine are credited with two ami the public lands,” approving September 27, or pasture land it is unexcelled, and thing is dull since lie left. lent sermon on ¡Sunday from the text: ville. 1856, anil tlie various nets amendatory tlie best proof tiiat il produces tlie finest Seaton nine with two. Councilman Kofie left on to-day s “ I have fought a good fight.” I t is to Vegetation is attaining a very exuber­ The score stood Florence nine 18, Sea­ and supplementary thereto, and to their varieties ol fruit, is tiiat there is grow­ stage for Eugene. Mrs. Kobe accotnpa - THE - he regretted tiiat the inclemency of tlie ant growth on account ol tlie warm ton nine 17. Probably another game heirs, devisees, grantees, nnd nil persons ing a large orchard consisting of tin: nied Iter husband, and tliey will tie ale weather prevented a larger attendance rains and sunshine of tlie past week. choicest kinds of fruit-trees now in making claim to donation claims wheth­ will he played soon at Seaton. sent about a week or ten days. of Post mem hers, hut those who did at­ J. F. Chastain killed tlie champion er by descent, device, judicial sale, nr liearing. Thin farm will lie sold as a The Lane county delegates lead in tend were well pleased, and expressed SUNDAY SERVICES. conveyance in good faith, wtio tiave whole or in ten, five or one acre tracts mutton last week. It dressed 101 amount of contributions for tlie lietiefit thanks to tiie pastor for his timely and hitherto failed to make and file in tlie to «lilt purchasers. Write to O. F. Ken­ pounds. Il was a yearling, and wito can — D E A LE R !W - R ev . I. G. K notts , P astor . of the state Republican club. It aver­ kindly words. beat it? Presbyterian Church. Sabbath school proper land office final proof of sttcli nedy, Florence, Oregon, for particulars aged a dollar each, all in silver. When a ship is launched in tltis coun­ Most of tlie orchards in our part of tiie at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m., and claims. Notice is hereby given in ac­ nnd prices. Captain Johnson, of the tug Robarts, try, a bottle of wine is broken upon her country which are young, hear consider­ at 7:45 p. in. The last lecture in the cordance with tlie requirements of sec­ reports insufficient deptli of water on prow. Tliey have a prettier as well as a able fruit at present and tlie chance« are course, “ The Third Law of Motion,’’ tion 1, act of Congress approved July 26, FOR S A L E . the bar to permit the crossing of loaded mure significant custom in Japan, where 1994, and in pursuance of tlie directions will l»e given. good for tests of several varieties vessels drawing over nine feet of water. a cage of different kinds of birds is pr,r A fine farm of HM) acres situated on of tlie Commissioner of tlie General Tlie schools on Wild Cat are progress­ A school meeting was held in Glenada vided, and us tiie ship begins to move, Land Office tiiat tliey are required toap- the Lakes South from Florence. This this week to determine where a new tlie birds are lilierated, flying to all parts ing nicely tins summer. Mr. Frank Awarded I e ir at this office and make and file fi­ ranch is mostly alder and vine inutile school-house should lie built. Report of tlie compass, and typifying tlie nature Taylor, of Hermann, is teaching tlie Highest Honors— World*» Fair, nal proofs for such claims and perfect bottom land, having nearly a mile lake lias it that the matter ended in a row. of commerce far better than a bottle of Walton school, witli 24 pupils enrolled; their title thereto before tlie first day of frontage. Ten acres under cultivation Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. Miss May Lyons is teaching the Lyons When down in Portland recently, we wine. January, 1896, and tiiat if tliey fail to do and 5 more slashed ; a goisl orchard just school, with 14 pupils; Miss Maggie stopped at tlie Perkins hotel and found so within tiiat time si.eli donation claims come into hearing; 6 rooms in a frame Pat McEnroe, that genial gentleman Lamb is teaching tlie Cliickahominy ! nearly all tlie Lane county delegations and farmer residing near Meadow, thia will lie held to have been abandoned by house tiiat is ceiled and papered ; good school with 4 pupils, and Miss Minnie nicely cared for at that excellent hostel­ county, lias made some valuable im­ them, and ttie lands enthrai-pd therein ont-buildings, and stuck of all kinds will Kelly tlie Ivison school witli 12 pupils will I e restored to ttie publie domain a- tie sold witli tlie place at reasonable pri­ ( L (K KS, r l i:\Y E L K Y . provements on his ranch, and we recent­ enrolled I wisli tlieni success in their ry- provided in said act of Congress of July ces if desired. Price of farm. (*2666 ; one ly noticed tiiat iiis garden, grass pastures The Perkins Hotel, corner 5th and Kepniring Promptly I tone calling. I would like to see a report of half cash and reasonable time given for 26, 1894 Washington streets, Portland, Oregon, and grain fields are in a condition tiiat all tlie schools in tlie Siuslaw valley, balance. Apply for further particulars A N D W O R K W A R R A N T E D . is head-quarters for Florence and Lane speaks of good farming. Mr McEnroe through tlie columns of T he W est . I RUDY'S PILE SUPPOSITORY is at this office. county people generally. R. S- Perkins believes in diversified crop raising, there­ am sure such a report would compare guaranteed to cure Piles and Constipa­ I t t t l X T S ì b i l i ' . I ' l I HI M I -. O li lt G O X . fore lie is one of tlie most prosperous far­ creditably witli any other section ol Proprietor. tion. or money refunded. 50 eents | ht ■ rU E D T wad LASTING RESULTS. mers on tlie Siuslaw river. Lane county. Tlie Siuslaw country fur­ Florence sent to Eugene the spirit of tiox. Send two stamps for circular and FAT PEOPLE, - Do you know if you want to go East nishes several very aide and energetic TED- rupliin# CanvH.spcr of progress recently, and that towns’ peo­ Free Sample to MARTIN lit D5 , Reg­ ™ U fi Inconvenience. 8 im p tc.T and desire Pullman Tourist Sleeper, •J iblfli- • - j . l iberal p i » hirv ami teachers, Ix-t us always tie ready and ple are building a flouring mill. Tlie sore AE33L7ULT T B I i , istered I’hatmai 1st, Lancaster, I’a. N’o from any in; in«. is s u b s ta n c e . «•x[»eli«» *» I '¡'I m« kly; I’criiuineiit skeleton of that innch-to-lie-desired indi­ tiiat yon will la- detained from 12 to 16 willing to give tiie teacher our coopera­ Postals answered. For sale by all first- usai ab : : mi : k 3 u :?: so . p i-iti .n. BLOW \ BUGS. CO., Nuise- vidual is now quietly reposing in this flours unless yon take tlie Northern Pa­ tion and siip;iort lor tlie liest interest of We GUARANTEE a CURE or refund »our money class druggists every-where, and in Flor­ F rier» SZ .O O p e r b o t t l e . Send 4c. for treatise. town and we desire that which we have cific? Reincmia-r tiie Northern Pacific tlie pupils, as out schools are tiie na­ ence, Oregon, ny the Florence Drug TucxoNT M e d ic a l co .. D u s tu n , jtu *» . rviiieii, Puithin»!, Oregon. Most Perfect Made. loaned our capital city returned at once. is the only line running Pullman Tour- ' tion’s greatest support. Store. 40 Years the Standard. g to n n ; weather prevailed during the past week * Alt vegetaol—. of home raising, arc in ALWAYS TRADE AT Meyer & K y le’s. W. M. RENSHAW, L IQ U O R D E A L E R . Hedical, Mecdaeical and Sacramental Purposes, BUTCHERS. B e e f, lo is ii, G e tm e , IT rix its , "V e g o t E ü o l o s . ILMA'Iiaiiiberlni. T e w e le r , •D IU F CREAM BAKING P0WDIR