A BOOK’S CLOTHING. tne Dee oniy rnat tnoy m ay sip up had for bidd^L them to taxe part in tne S m a ll, but Im p o rta n t. A S U C C E S S F U L R A IN M A K E R . tho honey. Unless driven uway a few banqu3t in ^ B fiite r ’s temple, according R usty N a il (in the street;— W hat are soch bird robbers would soon depopu­ H o w ( lu y fo ri 11. J e w e ll C o s t m M o la tu r « to the ancient custom, withdrew, every B I N D IN G S M A D E F R O M T H E S K IN O r you doing here? late a hive. f ro ru ( lo u d less Skiett. one of them, to Tibnr, so that nobody Carpet Tack— W aitin g for a ride. Occasionally tho bees organize and H U M A N B E IN G S . was left at Home to play d rring the sac­ Clayton B. Je w ell o f Kansas, who is " D o you think any of these fine peo­ fight the birds. They issue in a b.sly figuring extensively in western Kansas rifices. T h is incident shocked the reli­ ple w ill stop their carriages to pick np T h o n n * C a r ly le ’* ( ir o ff Speech a t th e D in ­ from the hive and make a bold attack gions sontimen of the senate, and the a worthless little thing like you ?" and contiguous states us n successful apon the assassins. In the quick, sharp ner P a rt^ -A D eck o f Card« Wade F rom senators sent messengers to invite the in­ "N<\ bat the first bicyclist that conflict that follow s the birds invaria­ coaxer of rain from cloudless skies, op­ habitants o f Tibnr to make every effort comes along w ill pick me np without th e S h in o f In d ia n « -T h e T roublesom e bly get defeated. Indeed they do not at­ erates under the auspices of th > Ch ica­ in order th a tfth e players should be re "B o o k w o rm » ” and T h e ir K avages. stopping. ’ ’— Good N e w s t e m p t to resist the onslaught, but seek go, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad I f the bees surround company, using a special car construct­ stored to tho Romans. The Tibnrtines, "T o be strong b I a r k e d a n d n o a t safety in flight. having promised not to neglect any­ boand, ’ ’ eays Charles Lam b, " is the de- , one o f the birds quickly enongh, there ed for hi n by that company. The P itts­ thing n e c e s s a ry for that purpose, caused Mrs. M artha G . K im b all, who lately Biderâtum o f a volume. Magnificence | Is little hope for the robber. They settle burg Dispatch tells the follow ing inter­ the flute players to come to the place died in Philadelphia, was the first per­ comes after. ” In spite, however, of this I down upon him and sting him to death. esting story of his work and methods: where the senate met and exhorted them son to suggest the observance of a na­ Mr. Je w e ll raid: " T o produce rain it axiom nt the gentle E lia , not a few of He may fly away, but the bees clin g to to go back So Rome. Seeing that they tional Decoration day. TW O GREAT WEEKLIES • • • • this well thumbed, torn and dog's cared his back and sides tenaciously. H is is necessary to work w ith the laws of could not prevail upon them to do so, favorites turned their backs to the spec­ flight soon becomes less energetic and nature and strive to bring about the they employed a strategeui in keeping C h a r m o f N ow E n g la n d -Scenery. tator, coverless. Upon a goodly row of more and more uncertain until at last same conditions that produce a natural w ith their character. • • • • AT THE PRICE OF OAlE. There is som ething in the N ew E n g ­ encyclopedias and books w hich are no he drops to the earth anti gasps out his ftorm. A ll rainstorms arc caused by the O n a day o f festival, under land landscape, whether taken in the life among the leaves and bushes, whilo meeting o f warm and cold currents of books the Jealous essayist burst forth: that inusio would increase the jo y o f ____ lowlands or in the highlands, whether " I confess that it moves m y spleen to the bees return trium phantly to their air. When the cold airstrikes the warm feast, every citizen Invited the "flute on the seashore or among the mountains, home, air, it naturally fa lls rapidly, being the „ U v e r . ln J i v i X » ? ,“ » v k , see these things in books’ clothing ____ ______ causing a a vaennm vaennm into into IL,/.. I to. . howi.P' an< w hich is permanently attractive. It is In tho w ild forests the honey loving heavier, thereby by causing perched upon shelves, like false saints, wine, of w hich people of that profession never wearisome, never monotonous. In usurpers of true shrines, Intruders into birds sometimes make an organized at­ w hich the moisture in the atmosphhere are usually fond, was given to them in winter the W hite h ills are sternly the sanotuary, • • • set out in an ar­ tempt to drivotho bees away from their rushes, m aking clouds and becoming a such quantities that they fell into a rene and beautiful in their mantles of ray o f Russia or Marocco, when a tithe home in the hollow trunk of a tree. cloud center. I t was to produce this con­ deep sleep. They were then thrown into snow, and though less in vitin g than in o f that good leather would comfortably They first discover the placo o f the h id ­ dition that m y efforts were directed, wagons and transported to Rome. They summer appeal to the im agination w ith reclothe m y shivering folios, would den treasure by follow ing tho bees on a and I believe that I have discovered a only became aware of w hat had hap­ striking effect. The variety o f h ill and be an gas that w ill do tho work. renovate Paracelsus him self and en- warm, . sunny day, and i f there ------------------ “ A t any rate, every tim e that I have pened on the day after, when dawn valley is such that even when the snow able old Rayniund L u lly to look like OP*‘,I,,IK 1,1 the tree large enough to ad- surprised them lying on tho carts, covers the ground and natnre takes on him self In the world. I never see those m it them they plungo down the hole in sent it into tho air in sufficient quan­ w hich had been 1« ft in the forum. A the appearance of uniform ity the charm tities a rainfall has followed. T o m anu­ impostors but I long to strip them to a body. large crowd had assembled, and they of the view is not lost, but heightened Then there follow s a sharp conflict facture this gas I use m etallic sodium, warm m y ragged veterans in their I have found the W hite mountains on inside the tree, the birds snapping at the anin>oiiia, black oxido of manganese, were induced to promise that they would sp oils." remain at Rome. .e right of attend­ a frosty winter morning, w ith heavy " potash ..................................... and alum inium . In com ­ O f curios in the w ay of binding there bees and cutting them in two at each caustic in g the banquets -. is restored to these clouds sweeping over the shoulders of exist in England several examples. In snap. The only chance for the bees is to bining these materials dangerous ex­ flute players.—(Nev York Tribune. Mount W ashington, and the snow white the Exeter museum there is to be found lig h t on the backs and sides of tho plosions are apt to occur, and in m y peak glistening in the sun as if it were .• volume bound in the skin of George birds. I f they fa il to do this, they are preliminary experiments I had some THE FAM._Y GOAT. covered w ith diamonds, irresistibly at­ Cudmore, who was executed in 1830 for soon routed, and the rich treasures of narrow escapes. W ith these I also use tractive to the im agination and awaken­ Aa f sappi S K k P ro d a e e r W h ose an alloy known as murium, w hich I sweets are captured by the enemies poisoning his w ife. In the library of in g strong emotions w hich could not C h e ap . These battles terminate In various ways, have manufactured for m y use, |and B u ry 8t. Edm unds there is a " L i f e of easily be controlled. There was a sever­ Tho h a r d ly C o rd e r," a murderer, bound in a piece sometimes the bees and sometimes the w hich costs 10 cents per pound. ” ity in theiriontlinee w hich never ap­ •Pl . . . ____„ _______________________ W hen rain is to be produced Mr. birds coming out victorious.— Our A n i­ .-/in the o f his own skin. In the library of Mex- Je w e ll’s car is run onto a side track. A old wurlo tin ta.uily goat is only less pears when ,ey are clothed in the ever­ horongh House there were form erly two mal Friends hole 6 feet In diameter and about e s te e m e d than the fam ily cow. The milk green and the browns o f the heated sea­ books bound in the skin of M ary Bate- I 8 feet deep is dug and connected is considered better than that from Je r ­ son.— Donahoe’s Magazine. T h e U w * i D elay. th e Yorkshire w itch who was w ith the car by a rubber hose, after sey cows for culinary purposes. In a recent law snit In W ashington I early in this century. S e le c tin g a C o lle g e . There is, moreover, one great advan­ 1811 a man named Horwood suf- the court was frequently compelled to w hich the top of the hole is covered by The wise parent, in trying to select a tage in goat keeping over cows. I t is boards. D irectly over the hole and co i the extreme penalty for the mur- cot short the cross examination of w it­ college for his son, w ill ask first, not ’ o f a girl, and the follow ing trades- nesses by a certain lawyer who was said the top o f the car Is a tank filled w ith this— that a cow usually provides a where the most learned professors a r e - »’• aooount of a book In the infirmary to believe in "th e quantity rather than 800 gallons o f water. Between the tank much larger quantity o f m ilk than can still less, of course, where the best base­ T h e W ebt has always given to its the quality o f questions." H is point and the edge o f the car is a space o f be utilised to its natural state in the esy explains itself: ball team is, or where most sons o f m il­ household, the consequence being that "B risto l. Jane. 1838. _ Richard evidently was to mako the case last as about a foot In w idth through w hich readers and the public generally, lionaires congregate— but where the Sm ith. Baq., Dr. to H . IL Essex. To long as possible. Tho follow ing, whioh three pipes project 80 inches apart. On either a portion must be oonverted into tone o f social life is purest and m an. better and cheaper periodicals than « fa d in g in the ekin o f John Horwood a is given as an illustration of tho man- i top of the tank is square box 34 inches butter so many times a week, necessitat­ liest; where the yonng men behave nei- [ in g labor which is not alw ays profitable wsstety o f papers relating to him, £1 uer of his questioning, exemplifies the long and 12 inches wide. ther as yonng monkeys nor as rakes, all others together in this part of Inside the laboratory part of the car and frequently unsatisfactory in its re­ 1 0 a , the same being lettered in Latin on remoteness from common sense of some a wide shelf abont two feet from tha sults, or some of the m ilk has to be sold, where the conditions for complete moral eneh aide o f the book ’The True Skin of of the methods of law practice: ? » autonomy are most fu lly established. the country. I t has done this Counsel (to the witness) — W as it floor extends from one end to the other. entailing other inconveniences. Jo h n Horwood. ’ ’ ’ W ith a goat, on the contrary, this A t the same tim e he w ill ask w hat ool- On this aro many carious looking bot­ W hether the skins o f hardened crim- white? largely at its own expense, and tles and boxes said to contain the chem­ difficulty can never arise. A good speci­ lege best understands its business, Witness— Yes. i are more easily carried and dressed w hich is to impart that cnltnre, in tel­ men w ill generally provide a small icals from w hich tho rain producing “ You think it was whito?” those o f ordinary mortals I must now adds another point to ite cred gases are made. Under tho shelf are household w ith enough m ilk for general lectual and moral, whioh is essential to " Y e s .” I I am unable to judge. free manhood, and does not attempt to use during eight mouths of the year. largo boxes, securely locked, w hich the it by making this unpreceded and " I t is your opinion, then, that it was .. ! • wee nt a dinner party that Thomas young rainmaker declared were never Were the plan once started no doub: forestall the university by dabbling in C s s ly le gave vent to his oplniou as to w hite?" professional knowledge or erudition.— opened in tho presence of any one. i m any Am erican village dwellers whi. “ Y e s .” W adin g books w ith human skins The T h o m a s D a v id s o n , in Forum. Above the shelf and near the top of the cannot afford to keep a cow would And " Y o u are suro it w as white?” dyepeptlo sage had so far sat in morose that a m ilk goat would answer the pur car is another shelf on w hich rests a 24 " Y e s .” r il^ e e . A n unpleasant feeling hung ewss the party. many of whom had been " I t is your impression it was w hite?” cell battery, besides an unusually large ' P °s" tairly well. Goats w ill consume leaves and rough jar connected by wires w ith the battery. " Y e s .” specially Invited to hoar his erratic There aro also wires connecting the bat­ forage that cows w ill not tonch, and " I t w asn't black?” view a A g s n ln l old gentleman was on- tery w ith the rain machine proper, l they are sure to get a good livin g so " N o .” dsnvoring to infuse a little warmth into w hich consists of six large jars divided ’ on* as digestible material is with- " Y o u are sura it w asn't black?” ablage by p layfully remarking r " into groups of two each. In theso jars In their reach.— G . C . H ills in Massa ” 1 am. ” oung political enthusiast who sat the gas is made and released through chusetts Plough. b a ld e him , "T h e British people can a l­ “ W asn't it a little dark colored?" // Arrangements have been made the three pipes mentioned above, that " N o ." to laugh at theories ’ ’ A n O r a n g -O u ta n g * . N eat. project throngh tho top of tho cor by the “ W hat color was it?” . . This remark woke up Carlyle, and whereby we will give T h e W est The nest of an orang-outang has side of the water tank. " W h it e .” •peaking for the first and only time N o force is necessary to send tho gas been Placed in tho Natural History mu- “ W hito?” during the evening he observed In his and the W eekly Oregonian for 82 Into the sky, ns nt tho tim e it Is re- seuiu at Berlin by Professor E . Salenka, “ W hite. ” M l 111 bred w ay: " S ir , the French leased It is much lighter than the air. nlld Professor Mobius has discussed it Here are 10 questions, nine o f which per year. This offer includes all no b ility o f 100 years ago said they could e * W d to laugh at theories Then came aro unnecessary. Hut i f tho lawyer had In escaping it makes little or no noise iu tho Berlm academy. Professor Salen- and is almost invisible, being of a ligh t I1 “ relnoved the nest him self from a tree our paid up subscribers and those • Who wrote a book called ‘The succeeded somewhere in tho question­ Serial Contract. ’ The man waa called ing in undermining tho certainty of the blue tinge. A t the other end of the caris *n Borneo. The nest, w hich was situ- who pay all arrearages and one 80 feet from the ground, in Je a n Jacques Rousseau, and his book witness he would have made a small a pipe running down from tho plank crotch ot a tree 46 feet high and w«e a theory and nothing but a theory. point for his side o f tho case, and from abovo and connecting w ith a large wood- year’s subscription in advance. It The nobles could laugh at this theory, his client's point of view his long wind- en vessel* w hich in turn is connected about one foot in diameter, measured 4 »ve been ju sti- w ith “ nother wooden vessel o f sim ilar feet IouK.a>id 1 to2>g feet wide, by about but th rir skins w ent to bind the second ed examination would have also includes new subscribers. pattern. The remainder of tho laboratory 7 inches high. It is made of 20 to 25 fled. — Y outh's Companion. edition o f this book. ” is filled w ith pipes, bottles and other branches locked and twined together 1» is • matter o f fact that during the apparatus ordinarily found in a small alul large enough for a fu lly grown C o u n te r fe it. I n P h ila d e lp h ia . 1 of th e French revolution fanner­ In the ruinmaking depart- oran8 to lie in it at fu ll length, though ’s established in various parts of Morn counterfeit money is said to tie laboratory. meiit o f the Chicago, Rock Island and this niontey probably always sleeps as A Page From Her History. ------where the skins o f the victim s of in circulation in Philadelphia now than * * does in captivity, with logs drawn up . T he e x p e rie n c e s o f o th e rs a re the «uillotine were tanned, and m any o f ever before. Am ong the counterfeits is Pacific Railroad company there are threo cars fitted np in the same manner, au<1 arniK crossed over its body. The so T h o fo llo w in g Is n o e x c e p tio n : Jneee were used to bind books on account a dollar silver certificate n< rked "P la te I h a e t e e n tr o u b le d w ith h e a r t d is e a s e 23 and they all operate at the same tim e a cal*ed nests of the orangs are not skill- ea rs, m u ch o f t h a t tlm o v e r y s e r io u s ly . For e f the fine grained surface exhibited aft No. 1 0 ." The check letter is A , series few miles apart. A fte r showing the car built huts or closed shelters for { ve y e a r s I w a s tr e a te d by o n e p h y s ic ia n c o n ­ • bring curried. of 1891. Another bogus $1 dollar note t in u o u s ly . I w as In b u sin e ss, b u t o b lig e d to newborn young, but sim ply sleeping r e tir e o n a c c o u n t o f m y h e a lth . A phy­ A t the Chicago exhibition one o f the has tho check letter B, series o f 1886. M r Jow ell proceeded: "W h e n the rainm aking machine is P*acea> *s many careful observers of s ic ia n to ld m v fr ie n d s t h a t I c o u ld n o t J h e a curious exhibits was a paok of playing Other counterfeit f I bills that aro afloat m o n th . M y f e e t a n d lim b s w ere b a d ly sw o l­ in operation, 1,600 feet o f gas escapes these monkeys in Borneo have estate cards w hich had been manufactured in great quantities contain tho check le n , a n d I w as Ind eed In a s e r io u s co n d itio n lished — Leipsio Gaea. from each of tlio threo pipes projecting w h en a g e n tle m a n d ir e c te d m y a tte n t io n to 1 from the akin o f some captured Indians. letter D, series of 1891. A bogus $3 he est Dr. M iles N ew H e a r t C ure, a n d sa id t h a t h is I I remember to have seen at an old curi­ note is nlso very well executed. s is te r , w h o h a d b een a fflicted w ith h e a r t d is ­ It bos from tho top of the car every hour. A U n iq u e H an d k e rch ief. W hen it is liberated, it is warm and as­ e a s e , h a d b een cu re d by th e re m e d y , a n d w as 1 osity shop on N ew Oxford street only a the check letter A , scries of 1880. »n.ia 8t,r?n&’,Jie a lt h y w om an . I p u rch a sed W alter A ld rich , tho bibliographer of cends steadily. In four hours it has te w years ago a piece of hard, dry, e H e a r t C ure, a n d In le ss th a n These counterfeits have been scattered Providence, has in his possession a a a n b o h t o t u le r o a f f t th reached an altitude of from 4,000 to e r t a k in g th e first d o se I co u ld tough, leathery skin, w hich, I was as- around in profusion. Others of larger unique bandanna handkerchief, one yard f e e l a d e c id e d Im p r o v em en t In th e cir c u la tio n 8,000 feet, depending upon the condi­ , torad, w as the tanned hide o f a Maori. denominations liavo lately made their o f m y b lood . W hen I h ad ta k e n th r e e d o se s I iquare, made of silk of red body, w ith c o u ld m o v e m y a n k le s , s o m e th in g I h a d n o t Th a tattoo marks were plainly visible appearance. One is a rather carelessly tions, altitude of tho point of operation, portraits o f D avis, Beauregard, Semmes, Clone fo r m o n th s,a n d m y lim b s h ad b een sw o l- i vegetation and hum idity. A fter the Ou its snrfaoe, and on exam ining it w ith executed |5 note, series of 1880, letter n s o lo n g t h a t t h e y see m e d a lm o st p utrlfled. Lee, Mason, Slid ell, Morgan, Jackson le B e fo r e I h a d t a k e n o n e b o ttle o f th o N ew a powerful glass the grain o f the human D. Another note for tho same denomi­ la|>se of a certain tim e it turns cold in­ »nd Johnson printed in black, encircled H e a r t C ure th e s w e llin g h a d a ll g o n e d ow n , he est stantly and drops w ith a rush, creating 'akin was d e a rly shown. nation has tho check letter D , series of a n d I w a s s o m u ch b e t t e r t h a t I d id m y ow n a vacuum, into which tho moisture con­ with wreaths o f characteristic southern worK. On m y r e c o m m e n d a tio n s ix o th e r s aro l a speaking o f the binding o f books 1880. th H v a lu a b le r e m o d y .” - M r s . M organ. leaves, w ith ferns and the cotton plant one oaanot refrain from alludin g in pass­ Bogus small coin is to lie met w ith on tained in the air rusiiea, form ing clouds, W »W . H a rriso n S t., C h ica g o , 111. on w hite ground. It is said to bo the Dr. Miles* N ew H e a r t C ure, a d is c o v e r y o f an in g to the enemies of books— enemies ail hamls. Quarters and half dollars aro and they form the storm oenter. in e n t s/“ ‘', ’ u *’"* -xi........ ■ . . . “ When 1 have done this, I have ac­ snly ouo extant o f the 13 ordered for e a m that usually make their depredations tho counterfeits, which are cleverly made ll drui the Confederate government in Englan d b y t h e __________________ apon bindings. Them insects, popularly and are dotected by tho shopkeepers only complished all that is necessary, for na­ The sizo of the by Ju d a h P. Benjam in and was rescued r e c e ip t o f p rice. |1 p er b u ttle , s ix b o t t le s for known as bookworms, are found in pa­ by ringing on a glass, metallio or mar­ ture w ill do tho rest » . e x p r e ss p rep a id . I t Is p o s it iv e ly fr e e from storm depends upon the velocity and when on bis w ay to this country from a ll o p ia te s o r d a n g e r o u s d ru gs. per, leather aqjl parchment. The la rv» ble surface.— Philadelphia Press. direction o f the w ind, together w ith the Alabam a when she sank. It subse­ o f Cram bos piuguinalis w ill establish Sold by all D ruggists. the temperature. I do not claim to be quently became the property of General A M om en t o f Iboubt. themselves upon the binding of a book, Kirby S m ith , but Mr. Aldrich now owns able to always produce rain at the point and spinning a robe w ill do it little in- A good many soldiers north and south it and has it framed and glazed and Jnsy- A mite— Acaraa erudltua— eats must romember moments which will of operation, because the wind may values it at «1,000.— Exchange. •he paste that fastens the paper over the enable them to sympathize w ith the carry It many miles away, but rain w ill The W eekly Oregonian is made up o f daily happening» edges o f the binding and so loosens i t spirit of u question recorded in a south­ surely fa ll in tho direction the gases A M o d el's Request. were carried. On a calm day rain The caterpillar o f another little moth ern magazine. from all over like world. I t contains all o f the latest Sir Ed w in Landseer once had a mod* should extend abont 20 miles in each takes Its station in damp, old books be G n a tiresome night march a Florida I el who said to him : “ Sir E d ’n, I sees direction from the point of operation. tween the leaves and there commits soldier, sleepy and worn out, fell into a press dispatches, solid editorials, always several y»- from the papers at you of'n dines w ith CAV t A I Ù, I M U t M A R K s ^ r A 10 mile wind w ill spread the rainfall great ravages. B u r n s has addressed to ditch by the roadside. There he lay lie- C O P Y R IG H T S .^ her gracious majesty at Buckingham these bookworms an epigram w hich be­ m oaning his fate when the next regi­ 10 inilaa In one direction and about 60 tercsting stories from the pens o f our beet known and palace. N o w , S ir E d ’n, my missis is a trays the cynical humor of the poet: Ä OBTAJ M 4 P A T E N T » F o r a ment came up, and bearing his means miles in the direction It is blowing. In R T r ìf» , ÛSf ani V 1 honert opinion w rite to rare good washer, and if next tim e you Through an d th rou gh th a In.pIreU le a v e . some o f the men hastened to his rescue a 25 m ile wind the area o f the storm re a r.' standard writers, a {»age for the younger oaea, and w ill bo extended from 100 to 150 miles dines w ith her m ajesty you would just Y . m a g g o t. m a t . rou r w ind! in d in gs; tlons strictly cnnfklentli A s they stood him on his feet, be­ A H a n d b fr fr k o f In- But. ah, re p o rt h l. lord.hlp'a to st. In one direction, and no rain fa llin g to prevail ou her to give m y missis her formation concernn n te n ts and bow to ob« draggled and demoralized» lie turned to S i l 1 .‘¿S'11 • « itekw n e o f mechan- everything that goes to make up a first-class weekly. And . p a r . h i . g o ld .n b ln d ln g .l windward of the point of operation and washing it would set us up, it would. ” •c* i and «clentiflo txxik« sent free. Tbe little boring wood beetle w ill also ouo of thorn and said: I «tents taken through Munn A Co reeelm It is not stated whether the request was but a sprinkle at that point Su?H . lp2°i,Oe,n»,f? e .,5c! e n , ll , c A m e r i c a « , and " I say, stranger, don’t yon think, It is a paper for the people, both young and old. books and has been known to imt rnl? tbX”.u»? . w,de,y before the public with« "W h ile splendid success has attended ever put to her m ajesty.— Ch icago H er­ South Carolina was a little hasty?" the. ‘“ ventor. This splendid paper, i through several volumes. An my efforts so far, I w ill only require ald. TSJST* Illustrated, has br far the 1 S.*J®u ,a t,on of any scientific work in tbe t ie mentioned of IT folio volume! proper machinery to make rainfall al­ world. W.1 a year, jsample SaniP'e copies C?P,W' sent free C e n tr a l A .l a In th e N in ete e n th C e n tu ry . A CwtwvMwkew. being perforated in • straight line by Building »2.50« < , Kditlon^inonthly, »,iv"uj_aajvriii 0 a year. Single most Instantly. I have completed a de­ ti’(Ç,i n i'ï.î.OTr 2 * L . , ~ SI7 » » amber "’¡’• r o re n ta im baau- Some details of tho late Russian ex- sign for apparatus which I hope to have Mm Jan m n M id to M n . I .annui» in *he tarns inseot in such a manner that tifu l Platea. }n colors, and phot>kgrapbfl of new bonaes. w ith pie perfect oonfl.lrn „ „ _____ _ _ _________ _________ _ _ ____p'” *’er Prejevulski's lost journey throngh enabling builders to show tba know In ine W gasring a oord through the perfect for next season's work that w ill ac­ latest dmisns ai and secure .xmtracta. Address ” round boia made by it the 2T vrium ei tho