■ I * V A / — PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY — AT— F lorence , H. r. L an e C o ü n t y , A L L E Y , K d lt o r a a d The problem lias been pre- * Hente11 mid does not desire one giil of soured m ilk. to have the doctor misrepresented. The vessel coot -n'tig the c-e. 111 should : be placed in wa er at 19.) il'g . F all- ., 1 lore sex, F«b. 20th. and allowed to remain unt'l tiie cream To T he E d ito « . j — After introducing reaches t>5 to 70 de,— 33 l-'alir Sti’-r'-ig Dr. Slayhack to M r. Schreuder at liis should lie kept up du i ig tiie warming home as a new minister just arrived, so procera. Remove tiie c ' ni vessel, M r. Schreuder would not know it was a cover warmly for 24 hours when it w i'l doctor, having previously stak'd that if 1 be ready to ch 11-n. L se a tested da'-y any doctor came int J the house lie would thermometer if possible. The -e is 110th- leave quicker tlirn he came. D r. Slay-1 ¡ng sore in butter making without a good back held a conversation for probably theimometer. M rs . S co ? t M o « r ib . Iialf an hour, and concluded th a t no --------------------------- board of medical wen could send Schreu-1 iier to ^the asylutb at present; th a t his illness would becurtgi tiie best by change of place and occupation, it being a case Barreled salmon sells for *4 per barrel of monomaniism. aggravated by having in M arsh deld. been scared, overworked and probably Ex-Sheriff Shattuck will put In forty tiie inhaling of smoke. D. V ebloof . acres of melons this year. O U R F IN A N C IA L c o n d it io n . There is t Ik of securing another boat M rs. F m ily Thorne, who resides at i Toledo, Washington, says she lias never B e t w e e n 8 e n t t $ »»»r< att«l K l k t o ' i R i p i d a been able to procure any medicine for N u t C n p n a l e n f |* e T u a a v n t E c u p - ------ T erms : 12.00 a year in advance. • m lc a l ) n p r u v e in e o t. ! rheumatism that relieves tiie pain so Entered at the post-office at Florence. Q ^ k ly and effectually a . Cham berlain’. Lane county, Oregon, as second-class pain balm and that she has also used it Captain Thomas W . Symons, United for lame hack with great success. For m ail matter States corps of engineers, reports offi­ sale by druggists. ------$ cially that tiie Umpqua river, between O. W . O. Hardman, sheriff of Tyler Scottsburg and Elkton rapids, is not ADVSMTISI. no bates made know n on k t - Co., W . V a., appreciates a good tiling worthy of improvement. The report lias PLICATIOM. ★ ---- W E K E E P T H E B E S T — ★ Local notices 8 cents per line, each Insertion. and dues not hesitate to say so. H e was been forwarded to General Thomas L in ­ almost prostrated with a cold when lie coln Casey, chief of engineers, w itli tiie procured a hottie of Chamberlains cough indorsement of Colonel George H . Men- N o t ic e .— Professor J. M . W illiam s, of remedy. H e says. ‘ ' I t gave me prompt de'l, division engi, eer. General Casey Eugene is our agent and is authorised to receive subscriptions, advertising and relief. I find it to be an invaluable concu-sin tiie indorsement, and forwards money for T he W est and receipt for the remedy for coughs and colds.” For sale the report to Dan S. Lam ont, secretary same. by druggists. of war, who sends it to congress. The . — s----------------------------------------- --------------- Do you want the W eekly Oregonian? rC(X). t, says tiie Oregonian, :s as follows: i o n W est S ubscribers .—Ar­ If you do, say so. I f you do not, sav “ United States engineer office, Port­ rangem ents have been made where­ nothing. The Oregonian and T iie W est land, O r., “ General: I have the honor to sub­ to run to Tillamook in opposition to tiie one year for only two dolls ■*, , rath in by we w ill g iv e T he W est and the adyouce. Two newspapers for the prire m it tiie following report of the prelim in­ K lg lit y D u lla r a I n t h e T ie a a u r y a n d N o steamer Elmore. W a r a n ts O u titr n d in j. W eekly for 82.00. of one. This offer w ill be discontinued ary examination of tiie Um pqua river, U m atilla county sheep are in prime Oregon, required at my ham's by tiie Repo’ t of F. B. Wilson, Trenmirer of condition, and an unusually large crop T his offer includes all our paid up w itli out next issue. D on't delay, but take sdvan.age of this unparalleled o f f e - te-ms of your letter of August 20, 1894: Florence, irom Oct. 1, J8V4 to Dec. 31. of wool is expected. subscribe*! and tnose w ho pey all now, before it is too late. “ Tiie examination of the river ¡9 re- The freexe duriuy the past few days o il h l-W j, . ............... *103 03 qni ed from Scottsburg to Elkton Pnnids. Arrearages, and pay one year’s sub­ 509 has resulted in some d.'mage to the h ill ciJ* ' k Burnett The experience of Geo. A. Apgar, of ‘ I t is my opinion that tiiis por ion of ilcD anils 100 00 whe.i,t crop in Y am hill county. scription in advance. I t also ‘ - German Valley, N. J., is well worth re­ the Um pqua river is not w orthyof being Dec 4. Lice1 flk a membering. H e was troubled with Pendleton consumes about a ton of improved by tiie getWral government, elud es new subscribers, p ’ Total. L - . *208 00 butter a week, all of which is made in chronic diar.hoaa and doctored for five 'xjeause of tiie g -e.it cost of the necessary months and was treated by four different U m atilla county, mostly in Ute Camas work required, .lie small local inle.ests d Tux W kht . . 25 04 val'ev. doctors without benefit. H e then bega t W E ’i T L . I N O S . involved, and ihe d ej'-'h of any par­ Aintrew Ha - is . . . . 20 00 using Cham lierlain’s colic, Cholera r id The railroad company w ill have to ticular public interest in the work. Hurd A Davenport. 11 90 d'-rw its check for the snug sum of diarrhoea remedy, of which one small “ The Um .iqua is tiie largest river of M r. T . J. Neely, of Seaton, was in the J. C. Brow n.......... 21 50 *91-f0 40 in payment of its ta::e? in Jose­ bottle effected a complete cure. I t is for Soutlie n Oregon, having its sources in city Tuesday. 22 A. F. Funke............ 1 80 phine county this year. tale by druggists. tiie Cascade mountains. La two main Schooner Confianza arrived in port 27 00 28 C. M . Collier Adolph Geyer killed a ferocious looking T he W est lias given to its readers and btanc'ies unite just below Roseburg, last Thursday. C. H . Holden......... Dec 4 500 cougar on Savage creek near Grants the public generally, better and ch-> i.ier and it then flows swiftly in a rocky (< Three schooners came into G ardiner C. R. D av'd .............. 2 00 Pass last Thursday. Seven feet wns the periodicals than all others together in channel through a narrow and precipi­ 6 Marion Mort-'s 3 00 measurement from tip to tip. T h ecou gr1- Saturday to load lumber. thia part of the country. I t has done tous valley to the sea. WE TAKE YOUR MEASURE AND HAVE 19 B. B arn ett................. 200 had been living off the farmers' hogs Born—On North Fork, Feb. 18tb, to thia largely at its own expense, and now “ The entrance to the river front tiie Florence Drug Store 80 and was very fat, weighing 125 pounds. FULL 8UIT3 MADE TO ORDER ON the wife of James Bay, a son. adds another point to its credit by giving sea is one of the best along the Oregon L O. O. F .................. 0 09 The schooner H alian M arion is due at the weekly Oregor.ian to all of its sub­ coast, and the river itself is navigable G ardiner had a little blaxe early Tues­ SHORT NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED- — — thia port from San Fiancisco. scribers. The opportunity w ill tie lim ­ for small steamers as far as Scottsburg, day morning. About 2 o’clock a. ni. 763 HANDSOME PATTERN. • ..................................... .»127 24 the I mates of the Prcific hoiel were Hood’s pills for the liver and bowels, ited to a certain period, therefore parties 2ft mile? from the mouth. Scottsbui-g must subscribe at once. T iie W est for is practically the head of tide. Just aroused by the smell of smoke and upon act easily yet promptly and effectively. above the town are some rocky rapids. Balance on •'?*d Jan. 1,1895.. * 80 76 iuveiiigalion discovered a fire in a closet M r. C. D. Thomas w.n in town M on­ *2 and tiie weekly Oregonian free. in which rubbish was sto-ed. The blase day and made this office a pleasant call. T iie classer of the slalc untvereify have From this point up to Elkton tiie liver IV IS O N IT E M S . generally flows witli a very swift current, was extinguished in short o der and tiie Our clubbing o fler-w ith tiie Week.y chosen their delegates to the state ora­ witli alternating pools and rapidB. At damage was slight. torical contest to be held at F o re*. B y I ch D ie s . C-egonian w ill be discontinued in a few low water tiie navigation of the river is Attorney Wallis Nash is taking the WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE GERMAN G .ove tod v. Mis* Julia Ve >e will weeks. necessary step- toward perfecting an ap­ ■eo »seat tha university la th e content. e.iti.-elv impracticable on account of lack Superfine weather. The fire bell is now in place and re?-'. AMERICAN INSURANCE CO ,OFNEW of water, and as the river rises the cur­ peal from the recent order of confirma­ The delegates a re: Senior cla Frank Roads getting good. for se-vice. The c o m ;.my have m ount' rent increases in rapidity to Buch a YORK, AND THE PHŒNIX ASSUR­ tion of sale of the Oregon Pacific proper­ Mai hews and Mias Tna McClung; junior the tower with a fl:>$ pole. Everyone busy at work. deg ee as to preclude any practicable ties to Bonner and Hammond. One c ' m s . Chs-le M i-C lu e a id M iss J e tn ie ANCE CO- OF LONDON, ENGLAND. Read the announcement of J. "O. and pro.i-able navigation. A . .Morrison is still Blushing on liis hundred and sixty notices of appeal Beattie; goohotito e class, E. P.S heituck W at's, the Eu jene jeweler, in this issue. The bed of tiie river is generally of farm. have been served, the attorneys ol record and M-ss Edith Ve zie; f e linis 1 class, H e offers some rare bargains. rock, and the average slope is eo g.eat J. F. Chastain lias moved liis family accepting service in lien of the iiitiiie--ons B. E. ric h ? «la a.id Miss Sybil 1 hu s-0.1. that it is entirely out of tiie question to to Harrisburg for a short time. M r. W . H . Wentlierson was in town clients. The transcript in this case will W hen Rates are equal why not g e t th e beat? »• W illiam M artin clos'd a success­ intp’-ove tiie river by regularising it to last week with his couniena w ea-hed Misses E ttie and Lottie W ard, of No­ probably be the largest ever made in the fu l term of tchool on F '¡«lay. An i lter- : onvert it into a navigable stream. Tiie io smiles. A daughter b-s a - iv -d at tie, visited Bertha and Effie Day Irst slate. I t will include 50) prg -- o-' plead­ e’ l i i i j p ro j’ sm was p eo. T t' wh'ch con- only metiiod by which the river can ever hie borne. week. They had a very enioysble time. ing* and 2003 page? of evidence. t ;a.cd mainly of rec.it ions by nc ty all T he M in k steamed up to the boom at the pupils. J iiio " j ' e num'oe.s mo t be converted into a watery commercial Coos Bay News: The ol's V.’a nh ” bv Edna and M a y Horn. at present; they ere emaciated wi n b ve to be a large but undeteimined reports tiie roads in good condition i.t m ill to be sawed. .n i eo we_e awa ded tlioce receiving tiie n i.nbcr, between Scottsbu g and Elkton the valley and tiie farmers busily plow­ sorea all over tio m , and their appe.ii- ance would disgust anybody. W ith steel­ The l'st of jurors baa been drawn 'or la-gent number of head marks. The ing for spring g ain. rapids. heads it is different. This is their run­ the March term of the c’ -cuit o - t > ’o" fi -a. was given Io Delia Mo - is; second Died— Feb. 3«I, of paralysis, nt tiie “ The valley of the Um pqua between ning sc; son ; they are now in irc-'h iroin Laae county. A m on - the na ,,«•? is t - u . E'>a W i'son; th ird , Robert Weddle and residence of J. A. Bronson, P. K . Robi­ Elkton and Scottsburg is very narrow; the ocean, are a.s bright es a dollar and of W . R. M c C o a r-k . fourth to Edna Horn. Four handsome tiie arable land along it docs not avciage son, aged 84 years. The old ge,itlenir,i The wbist club w i'l not meet this even­ bool.e we e the prir.es. Quite a number more than 3 half-mile in w iddi. H ills iiad been over tiie Bt-.iiimit to gather up in prime condition. They are considered a No. 1 pan fish, and those shipped irn..i W . M. K E N S H A W , ing as annoum-ed but w ill be deferred, of visitors were present. more or less timbered rise abruptly o. some traps on Friday, Feb. 1st, and Oregon to the east sell readily at from on account of numerous other goin-.s on, returning home about 6 o’clock in tiie The whist club met Friday evening at both sides. — 15 to 20 cents per pound. Prof. Jordan until Friday, March 1st. “ At Elkton, the Umpqua rapives the evening, was sitting by tiie lire, talking, the residence of M r. and Mrs. D. E. «»«■Wholesale and Retail* • says they are not salmon, but are a Born— A t Glenada on the morning of Severy on the corner of Washington and waters of a considerable tributary, E lk when all at once he stopped talking pud species of trout. Sunday, Feb-uary 17th., to the wife of M ain st -eets. Owing to the illness and creek, and upon this, and tiie main river leaned over. H e grew stradily worse H enry Bosch, a 10 pound g irl. Father absence of several members, but two aitove E lkton , are small valleys and until Sunduy evening nt 8 o’clock, when P R O T E C T IO N fro m th e g rip , < not expected to sui vive. A wsgon-road runs up he expired. H is remains were interred ■ p n e u m o n i a , d ip h th e ria , fe v e r and lablea wete run. The usual series of settlements. Mrs. John Bergman, wife of (lie com­ four games were played, and resulted as E lb creek to D rain ’s station on the O. & at tiie cemetery near Varien. L e a d in g B r a n d s for epidem ics is g iv e n b y H o o d ’s Sarsapa­ mander of the life saving Station on the follows: M r. and Mrs. Cli istenseu, 37; C. railroad, a distance of 17 miles. Tiie On Monday, Jan. 28th, while Llovd rilla . I t m akes p U R E BLOOD, i Umpqua, wss in towu last week, aicoin- M r. H u rd and Mrs. M orris, 15; M r. old Scottsburg runs up tiie main river to and Ernest Barron, sons of W . S. Bar­ Brodie and M is. Sevetv, 27; M r. Morris Roseburg. panied by her son and daughter. ron, were out hunting on Notie, near A C H E A T S A C R IF IC E . “ Historical.—In the early days, when M r. Langworthy's, Lloyd’s gun was ac­ A lter the gr iD, dipbthe -a pneumonia and Mrs. H u rd , ?2. Ret'ieshnienls were the settlement of Oregon was taking cidently discharged, tiieclinrge striking served and the club adjourned to meet This is what you have been looking **.; let fever, typhoid ,’eve , e-c., Hood’s piece, at the mouth of tiie Uutpqua was him under tiie right aim and ranging for. Watches and jew elry as low as you Sarepa'ilU is of wonder ul benefit in im - on next Friday evening at the residence located the principal em -epot for tiie upward, killin g him almost instantly. could ask. I must have money and >or pai i n - the strength sad vigor so much of Captain and M~a. A. F. Hurd. upper Umpqua end Rogue liv e r valleys. H e ran about four rods, fell and expired one month will s a c ifice goods to raise # _ M ay be Found in ------ s|t deal red. A b ill c?eatii’g the new county of Merchandise and supplies weie thought in about two minutes. When shot lie it. M is t Em m a Foreyihe, who has been Vernon out of a part of the county of into tiie river by oce.in-going craft, taken exclaimed, “ Oh, Ernie, I am shot; I Ladies' Gold Filled Watches *11 to a t tue Um pqua life saviug » L l 'o i . o r U m atilla lias passed both houses of tiie a anaorunow. (?«‘l(‘l)rat«‘Hse Mooro whiskey. to Sctrltborg by smaller river craft, and am ruined for life; I ant k i'le u !” These *18. R«»gnlar price *16 to *24. legislature. Tiie tempo ayv county seat aaveral months, returned to her home thence out into the upper valleys by a we're liis only words, lie was 14 years Gents' Gold Filled W aiclirs *11 to « a taa inila laka Tnaadey, to re main a of tiie new coouiy ia to be M ilto n. The v,-agon-road located along tiie Umpqua The Crale Orchard Sour M hh I i old. H is remains w ire carried home to *22 50. Regttl r p, ice >19 Io *23. governor ia to appoiut tiie new officers few days. river. his grief stricken mother and a S|iecial Fine 8 day clocks *3 to *3 50. Regular G enuine Old ('antic Ilourlion Joe Morris, Jr. has received a special of the county whose successo-s are to be “ So difficult and expensive was tliia messenger dispatched tor liis father, who price *5 to *5 ¿0. Be.,t p 'a ie t ih le cast­ order (or a lot of A 1 furs, consisting of elected at the gene al election in 1806, wagon tiausnoriation, that relief was was at work near Har.isburg. His re­ ers *3, rnd every tlibig in ptopo. ,ion. ^ -T he O. P. 8. P o n y -. Bear, M artin and Fiaclier hides. Hi-rh- The new county w ill have for a legisla­ sought in the navigation of tiie river, mains were laid to lest at Stephen’s These prices ca'l for cash down. If T — | ’ tive a join t senator w ith U m a tilla coun­ ast market value paid for the best qual­ and a small atei-mer was built which cemetery tiie following Wednesday. The you ern ’t come to Euge -e, w i,e me and ty . The salaries of the new county’s Ever Refreshing Cold Storage Beer at 6 ity skins of that species. made one trip at a suitably high stage sorrowing parents have the sympathy of I w ill give yon the very be -t p -iir-i on officers w ill be as follows: 8'ne-ifT,- 800; Cents a Glass A waits Your Order. of water f o r t Scuitsburg to Roseburg. all. Coos bay is b e-o m in/ the y-om inent ________________ anything you mav want. opvnty cle t . *1500; county reco.der, Call (or an Im ported or Domestic Cigar, coaling station of (he co. at. 8 term e:* The difficulties, expense, and risk of J. O. W.« the Jeweler. *1200; judge, t-SOO; school sope.ini.eud- T O R IP E N C R E A M IN W I N T E R . And You W ill be Satisfied. are continually cal'iog tlie-e for iiiel, the t 'ip were, however, found to be so ugene. Oregon. ent, t-003; county com miss ¡one t, and the co;il being supplied them at the g e: t that the idea of naviga’ing the To T he Enr on.]— Mis. Weddle pud c o a .ity aesersor, *4 a day for the time S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S . river in its then condition was ahand- Gsil M aker iieve given us m in y bunker for >2 ¿0 per ton. KUCEN OR. em p'oyrd. -•rd . W illia m D j > oh, who bus b°ea di iving good points on butter making, but the e • Ee'ief was sought f ora the govern- I C rp i in O'sen of the schooner A thio 1 M k v . I. G . Krov-rs, P sstoe . stage lor E li E ■ igs for the past two or is one point which >iiey have not men­ AN EXCELLENT FARM. Pi-abyterian chu.ch. Suudey .chool three years, h r* resign'«' his n t il.iou has e-oer'en?cd co is'de •able t-oubie. l i c i t , and in 1871 an appropt i-ition of tioned, and which is the itii in stumbling Alxiut seven miles up the Siuslaw and leased the G a y pmue o xha d a 'i i a c e w o . fou1-men led by the mate fcJJ 00 'or tiie im -iove-iie.it of the liver block to so many winter but■ er rnekera. at 10 a. in. Pic. i-hi.tg at Point Terrace. O re g o n F lo r e n c e have "ebelled and refused fo pe.fo m was inede. W itli tiiis money a large few miles north of 1 ngeue. In a climate such a«- vre have lieie— to Pleaching in Florence st 7.80 p. nt. Sub­ river from Florence, and situated on the any *cbor on b o .'tl. Accordingly tiie ent » -.II' f wo k wpsdone hut e . ne 'ence The band; th on a ? . WVso 1, ii..,. care for tiie milk om tiie rp’ll.in j to ject, ‘F i iding L i,e.” M ill-neek meeting bottom lands of the river, is one of the or,», i t on Saturd. y m o.ning p -id off an ' ub e va 'on during tiie p>ogress of best (arms in Lane county. For grain tlie cream vessel is a com i. ratively e..sy l u iday at 7 :b0 p. m. purchased a tenor ho 1 . 0 n a ..eo-1 and d ite b a r, d the entire crew. Each p,® ope-v'ion» conv'.t-ed M ajor H. M. or pasture land it is unexcelled, and man ot G a-diuer. T h e - w o t ’» eP.‘ »t • - job. But to properly 'i-ieu the «, ni in man rr eiv d some ittug over LiO and robe--.- who it. «1 charge of the work, R U D Y ’S P IL E 8 U P P O S IT O R Y ie the best proof that it produces the finest at am ent* a -a three co n e t \ tub. 1 ho winter :etnti es inixe skill The follow- they all p.ore ded to telehia e. The \ het :t we* ini >o**i lie by .ognlai'i%'lion guaranteed to cure Piles and Constipa­ varieties o l fru it, is that there is grow­ I ing"metliOifa *uu<. s 'Is rc to -, ; tenor, snare and boss d 0 ns. went up to Acme and Sunday mot tling to put the -iver into a condition auffi-. tion, or money refunded. 50 cents per ing a large orchard consisting of the F ill a qu - t w itli sweet s' t n -m i'k . M r. James Furnish arrived i 1 . 0 0 tere was not * 0 among the four. Three cienth* good to pe -nit water navig.rtion box. Send two stamps for circular and choicest kinds of fruit-trees now in I t should be r * i , e o.n ere m ss , m » s - Eugene Monday to visit bis p. eo-v. lie ; of the men. Cook Petereon excepted, to success.ully co.ineie with wagon Free Sample to M A R T IN R U D Y , Reg­ liearing. This (arm w ill lie sold as «'< sibie rnd quite sweet. S’end tl»e j? r of lias been en ..ig°l by rail much cheaper and better •a n id r i ing to O r.d ’ ne t'ne of'»»’ up the c e ^ 1-. Cn .'I Olsen of Acme. L « « U d a r •» •*> ¡ . * Agents. <79 FO R SA LK . than they i-onld lie supplied by the route : • »H» ■ » e la riv e te rri ta r y T b « I t i s a g r e r t »wn the Umpqua, either by wagon or i A fine farm of 100 acres situated on Ten days loss of time on account «■ diakea fer « fMBtly fi la a«e a l a « t e W w krt, rlaaae aam lx>.'t. V ltfca al w eit la « tha bande Tea r-ath «he b n tta n, ib e ntnebla» daan Quite a n n n ib e -o ' the young ma- o' thing but pleasant for a man of a fam ilv ‘O< the *22 500 appropriated, all but n i f n w t rxwiQO—w®rMi • rsic ranch is mostly alder and vine maple »ha r»nt. R ria b ', peitebed dlebea. Gardiaer have made a wagon road in» bottom lami, having nearly a mile lake io contemplate, whether lie is a labore- *4 liSo.SD was expended when Ihe work d n «» re.»a sailed b aa d aa r « la th i*« . " b ra«»« diab»a, «a a w ae. C h»«$. G ardiner Vo »he ocean b - ch, e-Gemlin;. m--ehanic merchant or publisher. Jas. was dertitbely ab-wd-ined. frontage. Ten acres under cultivation «Jarable,w «fr««t»4 C lrc u lare frea at. r. aaau sex * ce., cu.» »» ia u * . » « a. and 6 more slashed ; a gissi orchard just over three miles. This road will be a O. Jones publisher of the Leader, Maxi.« “ The supply ronie via the Umoqna^ g cat convenience to anyone de -i dog ic Texas, was sick in bed (or ten days wii '< iver a id - he o w n h,is been entirely ' come into hearing; 6 rooms in a frame visit the lakes sad Flo ence. house that is ceiled ami papered ; gissi the grip during its prevalence a year or abandoned. A at.i te ca--ving mail and U p to the hour of going to pre- -b two a$O. Later in the season lie had a passeser* make* three t.-lpa a week over £ the celebrated Female Regulator arc out-buildings, and stock of all kinds will rchoone-s A Ibion and Con a s-cond attack I am satisfied would nave E X P E R IM E N T , hut a scientific and of the river and the eoi ’lty of the cur-j _____________________________________I front S treet , I’ i . orence , O bcoov . b en equally aa bad as the first but for ait» the eity. positive relief, adopted only after years -e n .i, would render kek and dam con- ! of experience. A ll orders supplied d i­ Steamer M in k w ill leave fo >0.. the ute of this rem edy." I t should be st rue. ion ve y - o tlv. rect from our office. Price per package, aad way point-», iixpuding Ac * ' •» ' o-- e in mind that the grip is m.tcn the 117 A N T E D — Pushing Canvasser of Ve.y re -.n -L n lly , vour obed'ent ser­ ’a i f - " - " » I *1.00, or six pad--ges for *ó.00, by mai 111 good address. Liberal salary and mediately unon her relu-n ’« • er- Mine as a very severe cold and requires vant. Ttio • is W . 8-r. o . i. When postpaid. E V E R Y P A C K A G E G U A R ­ expenses paid weekly; Permanent, aooa. Tlia t! me will nro > ly he 3 :JO m'cisely the same treatm ent. MOST PERFECT MADE. from »ny injurioot tabtiancdb “ Cap1 ¿in or,w of engineers.” l a m i Àicoxiira nsrcis. A purs Grape Cream of Tartar Powder. Free A N T E E D . Particulars (sealed, ic . Ah Tboaa d eji in g to att -to e' cer- c 1 01- tou wish to cure a cold quickly and ef- position. BROW N BROS. CO., N i i ' sk - lUaSAKtt C a CURE or retunS joor sionrr. Gom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant f'orrdpnndfni-f tlrirlly Coofidtatial. aa.no » » ’ b o t t l e , tend 4c. lor Irritilo. rvnn-n, Portland, Origliti. or fceton km ns sboatd b 1 ba id ( e c ually give thia remedy a tr ia l. 6 0 , O r. Price’s Cream Baking Powder IONT M E I lI C A I . C O .. H o r to n , Mao». $O YEARS T H B S TA N D A R D , cent boltlej (or sale by druggists. aptly at th a t tim e . PARK R E M E D Y C O ., BOSTON,MAS« A General Merchante. FROM THE STATE OVER. Teas Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Glassware, Crockery, Oregonian Coffee Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Windows, Doors, Build* ers’ Supplies. ★ ★ FA R M IM P L E M E N T S . ★ ALWAYS TRADE AT Meyer & K y le ’s. M a rr A Safley L IQ U O R D E A L E R . M eal, Mechanical: and Sacramental Purposes BUTCHERS. B eef*, F is li, G a m .© , P ru its , "V e g e t a b l e s . H.M.Chamberlin. -THE D IL two CLOCKS, JEWELRY» CREAM BAKING POWKB WwM’ • Petr Ml»*’ »« Medal end Dt; ...I