1 ■ T H E — PCBLIAUFU W E S T . News From Eugene. '• >•».»» it • ifcLMi F£!D.n Ctianl. »ERL S TO SODAI OFFICIAL RED TAPE. ’ll» « R e m a r k a b le J o u r n e y in g » o f a L ig h t« w e ig h t »'.JO (>oi«lp iece. rcury ha» risen, nr i he Assltt to bear thu siesta of the sods T milH Oh. tbs is n ic la It i blnyln »'t-j to it clingiu Vid « tim es 1» brlngln thoughts that 'ter w ith m e »till. .of r."-tar and vanilla. ft and eamaparilta, ' and* that would ft 11 a boy with h i t delight, a many years have fleeted Vvet lies I treated, ihtln.eiit deop seated th at good oat of sight. *7keiy to lean to arrest, on suspicion, us ; an innocent Englishman f i n d vh o p.azod enviously for live minutes at the foreign office. The customs inspectors have been instructed to investigate the contents of everything larger than a small orange. The bill for the suppres­ sion o t anarchy is one of the most dras­ tic pieces of legislation in history It literally fulfills Macaulay's prophecy that it might prove m-cessary to destroy liberty in order to preserve civilization. It almost forbids people to think an­ archy. It certainly forbids them to men­ tion it in a private letter. It tries offend­ THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE RECEIVED AN ers without a jury and on conviction sends them to solitary confinement and possibly to Cayenne. Arrangements for international co-op­ eration against anarchists aro believed to be making satisfactory progress. Ger­ many is the principal obstacle. Moro complete police co-operation w ill un­ Our store and warehouse are filled from floor to ceiling, doubtedly be agreed upon. Tho French- and we can safely say that our stock has never police system w ill bo reorganized and been more complete than now. placed under one national head. Chief Inspector Melville, head of the • • • • • special or secret political department at Scotland Yard, has been pretty well worked to death in the last few months, what w ith murderous anarchists and WE QUOTE A FEW OF OUR MANY B A R G A IN S : roving royalties. Tlie latter are a per­ petual worry, for in these revolutionary C O R V A LLIS FLO U R , 1 B B L .................................. F O R .......$2 90 days they have to be watched with the greatest care, and M elville has to do the G R A N U L A T E D 8 U G A R , 16 L B 8 .............................. .......... 1.00 “ 18 “ ......................................“ .............. i . oo work with a scanty staff and inadequate E X T R A C funds.—Now York Sun's European Let­ S T A N D A R D T O M A T O E S , ii C A N S .................... 1.00 ter. S A V O N OR L E N O X SO AP, 20 BARS ...................... .......... 100 T H E .Some weeks ago, in performance of < ounty Judge A. II. l'isk Las received his duty, Public printer Benedict ex­ T lO B C iC K , L a Hit Covxtv, a letter written by D. Yerloop, who re- pressed c. quantity of wasto gold leaf to tddea at (iivtiuda, Paying that Mr. Sclin- thu Philadelphia mint, with the request , eiidvr»., roeiding at that place is acting that its value be returned to him in gold The legislature will adjourn tomorrow . _____ ptraugely. J)r. Slay hack vats called in coin. He did not advertise the gold leaf for sale, as he might have done, but World's pipulatfoa is 1,479.7»,«0». 1» u “W co"’ preferred to deal with Cnclo Sam di­ ________________ , dltion. It seems, so Xerloop write», that rect In a few days he received by i be wants money and nothing else; he express from the mint for the waste Today is the birthday of that noble wants his wife to insure tlie iiouse so he gold leaf several bags of gold ooin, the patriot whose name will always he dear can hum it up; disowns his wife and value of which was $1,610.54. Ho ac­ 1 g r r o f whisky i i a i ¡low frisky, to the hearts of the American people. , children and everything else. The letter knowledged its receipt and at once sent risky stuff to monkey w ith ----------- " " J w 1 s , is written at the request of tlie wife. A it to the treasury department to bo ra y s make merry The Brownsville Times is red h o t' warrant will probably he issued for the placed to the credit of the miscellaneous Over tuuvSOf Tom and Jerry, receipts of the treasury. after Senator Dawson for shelving the arrest of the unfortunate man, so lie can king the n : m i Ellen Terry, M l.s Lang­ Tho gold coin contained In the bags 1 try. Pau. Hall; bill dividing I.inn county ami creating be examined by a hoard of doctors. received from the mint was taken out L et saple it tl r. touch glasses To th e liasith of Suxout lasses. J. J. Poill came in from tlie Siuslaw by tho treasurer and conntod and Oaiapooia county with Brownsville as B u t soda tulte -"rpassesali the drinks that country on last evening’s stage, fie weighed. r.s the law prescribe*. Out of ' m a k flr .n ight. the county seat. tho $1,G10.54 one $20 goldpiece, accord­ I l ’s a beer sg it's checrln, was sent out about one month ago to ing to the treasury scales, was exactly LapreferApu pearln. procure men and superintend the im­ T ohum ai l y o i. earln—aye. It'» clearly ont The U. 8. senate has passed a resolu­ $1.25 lig h t Treasurer Morgan wrote provement of the lower Siuslaw road. o f si lit tion inaugurating tlie project of laying a Mr. Poill informs us that the result of the public printer to that effect and re­ —Mlcha. J. '.nelly (n St. Paul Globe. quested that ho at onco forward $1.25 cable from the Pacific coast to Hawaii. the work makes an hour and one-half’s to make good the shortage of the $20 FRIN L AND POET. The first appropriation is to be $503,CJO difference of the schedule time of the goldpiece. Some Thing»»« t l E is t e d d f o d W h ic h M a d e The public printer did not propose to Siuslaw stage and mail hack. Consider­ and the whole cost is estimated at $3,- E n g l Idi V (to rs V ery W e a r y . able blasting lias been done, about one pay the $1.25 out of his own pocket, , OPJ.OOO. _________________ keg of powder being used on one point. so ho wroto to Superintendent Town- ■ “ After €00 » .rs tho Prince of Wales send of tho Philadelphia mint, inform- ' comes home. ” > sang Lewis Morris in The Lincoln County Leader, published One bridge and some corduroy work has fng him that ono $20 goldpiece was an ode read liel a the royal visitors to at Toledo, is full of righteous wrath be­ been done also, besides straightening short $1.25 and tb please forward that the eisteddfod «s Carnarvon. The ode out several sharp curves and feeling for amount. This was done. In his letter was read ix Eng ish, and the Priuco of cause the contract for county printing a better location of the road in some containing the $1.25 shortage Superin­ Wales and bly»piotested to those around 3 LB. PK G . G O LD D U S T W A S H IN G P O W D E R . “ .......... 25 LOCUSTS FOR FISH BAIT. was awarded to tlie Post. The editor of places. Mr. Poill left just 30 days ago tendent Townsend expressed regret that him that tie chri.nological statement re­ P IE F R U IT , 8 C A N S ................................................... “ ........... 1.00 ferred to y U ' quite accurate, as ho the Lender claims that the Post lied as and w orked every day while gone, getting tho public printer had not returned the A n E x p e r ie n c e I n C a n a d a W h ic h M a y B e G E R M M E A L , 10 LB. S A C K S ................................................... 25 had bee» t»'fqr”^’*ihough cer- T a k e n A d v a n t a g e O f. to its circulation and lias appealed to the assistance of men residing along the original $20 goldpiece. R Y E F L O U R , ................... ................................................... 30 tow- Mr. Benedict on beceiving the $ 1 .2 # - Tho/ I7V year locusts are here this road convenient to portions of the road the circuit court. ever, til» lalrly good, and as it lie was repairing. Mr. Poill has built sent it to the treasury department and was ill Enu’lish and lauded the Prince year. Old time anglers have had experi­ got a receipt for i t This, he thought, O T H E R G O O D S A T C O R R E S P O N D N Q L V L O W P R IC E S . ence with this insect before, and those The Chinese emperor has restored to some mail that will he in good condition would close tho transaction. Bnt it and Princtss of Wales in the fulsome who are posted w ill he ready to take ad­ 10 or 15 years from now, and this is just didu’t Tho treasury officials, it seems, fashion that might have been looked for vantage of their periodical appearance. Li Hung Chang the yellow jacket, jtea- what all road builders should aim to do. were not satisfied. Several (lays after­ from an expectant poet lanreate, a ver­ How the locusts may affect the fishing cock feather and other honors. He will One mile of good road that will stand ward tho public printer received tho sifier who aspires to succeed Tennyson, can bo judged by an experience I had he summoned to Peking, where lie will tlie wear and tear of travel is better than $20 goldpiece stamped across its face their royal highnesses thoroughly en­ in Canada mnny years ago I was fishing joyed it and graciously accepted a in a stream near St. Thomas, Canada, be given an audience by tlie emperor, 10 miles of road that has to be repaired “ light $1.25," with the request that he bound copy ot i t THE PEO PLES' M ER C H A N TS. return to the department $18.75, so as in which I before had caught many fine every year. thence he will proceed to Japan to ar­ Lewis Morris ranks as a Welsh bard, small mouth bass. to make his account balance, tho de­ partment having received $1.25. This bnt ho was the only one of that mystic range terms of |>eacc. At one point, above a dam, there was was a surprise to tho public printer, but und, truth to tell, somewhat ridiculous n m ill race, with a gate at the head of “ FO LLOW ME ’O M E .” body who wore the clothing of nine­ the race. When the m ill was running, ns he was dealing with government offi­ The attendance at conncil meeting on There w as no one like 'im , 'orse or foot cials he thought ho could stand tho teenth century civilization. Tho others this gate was open, and tho water rush­ Nor any o' Ihe anna 1 knew. last Monday night was fair; much better racket if they could. Ho sent tho light were decked out in quaint garments and ed through on its way to the mill, a And because It was eo, w hy, o’ course he went Keeps a full line of Exira Quality $20 goldpiece to the Philadelphia mint, Druidieal trappings and were evident­ half mile below. Many a flno string of In fact than it la s Iteen for several an died. ly tlie cause of violent delight to the bass had I caught below this gate, but W hich la Just w hat the beet men do. with the request that they forward months. We are glad to see this. The Treasurer Morgan a certified draft for Princess of Wales as she and her hus­ at tho timo I speak of I could not get a Ho It's knock out your pipes an follow me. voters should take enough interest in band sat among them on the platform rise. I tried live minnows, crawfish and An It*» finish up your swipes an follow ms. $18.75. Oh, 'ark to the big drum calllu. After a lapse of nearly a week ho re­ in tho eisteddfod hall. The Sun report­ flies, but without success. Tho locusts the affairs of the town to see for them­ Follow m e—follow me 'omel ceived a communication from Superin er who attended the gathering is now were everywhere. Tho bass, I noticed, HARDWARE, TINWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, selves what the council is doing. teuilent Townsend stating that ho had* sorr7 he did so, as he has lost all ven- wero rising to something that foil from ’Is inaro she neighs the 'ole dar Iona, She pa we the 'ole night through, weighed tho disputed coin, and that he eration for bards and a good deal of tho trees, and at last I saw they were HATS & CAPS, MEDICINES, NUTS & CANDIES, Saaator John H. Mitchell’s hill, pro­ Au th e won't take 'er feed 'cause o' w aitln for found a shortage of hut $1 and request­ respect for the eisteddfod institution it­ locusts. This gave me the cue, anil se­ 'la step. TOBACCO, CIGARS, FURNISHING GOODS ed the public printer to return to him self. Welshmen thoroughly enjoyed tho curing a number of locust3 1 soon had W hich la juet w hat a Least would do. viding for the election of United State* whole business, bnt to the English visit­ one on my hook. tho 26 cents ho had paid out in excess. sanators by a popular vote of the people Ts g lrl’she goes with a Ixtnikardier A demand was made on the treasury ors, royal and plebeian, it was weari­ No sooner had it touched tho water Before *cr month Is through, Prices W ill be Found Reasonable has Isen knocked in the head, the com­ An the banns a r eu p ln ch u rch ,for she's gotth e for 25 cents. It was received, and in some work listening to a long succession than there was a rush, and I was playing Goods as Represented. of bards reciting poems in an unknown beggar hooked. turn Publio Printer Benedict forwarded a bronze backer. Within two hours I mittee to which it was referred reporting W hich Is lu st w hat a girl would ilo. tongue. The poems, in their translated had caught 27 small mouth bass, all it to the m int adversely. Where, oh! where, would J. We fought 'bout a dog—last week It were— This ended tho transaction, but the form at nny rate, proved in nearly ev­ nearly the same size, weighing a little No more than a round or two, question arises, Who made good tire ery case to be sad doggerel. Bard Eos over 1 pounds each. Going below the N. Dolph lie had this bill lieen in force But I stroock '1m cruel 'ard, an I wish 1 'adn't shortage in the $20 goldpiece? Did tho Dar, however, created much appreciated dam, where tho water flowed over, 1 now. in Oregon._______________ superintendent of tho mint at Philadel­ diversion by singing or chanting in fine gave it another trial with locusts, nnd W hich la Just w hat a man can't do. style a “penillion,” which ho subse­ phia make the shortage good out of his thero I caught two three pounders. It Oapt. Symons lias made a report to ’R w as all th at I 'ad In the way of a friend. own pocket, or was it charged to the quently turned into English.—London seemed as if they wanted nothing but '*-S-^.S-*.S-*-S'*.S-*.S'*.S-W.S'*-S-*-^ An *'ve 'ad to find one new. the effect that the bar at Yaquina Bay is Cor. New York Sun. But t 'l give my pay an etripe for to get the government? And, again, if tho officials locusts that day, hut later in the season beggar hack, not worthy of further improvements, of tho mint weigh the gold coin, as the Now is the time for an examination of our stock of Dry : they would not touch them. W hich It’s ju st too late to do. SHE SHOPS, B U T PAYS NO BILLS. law requires, how is it possihlo for a Should tlie locusts appear in large and the report is indorsed by Colonel Goods, for fall and winter uses, by the people of the light coin to get out, and must not some­ C a se o f a B r o o k ly n W o m a n W h o I n d u lg e s numbers this year, 1 w ill give them an­ Ho It's knock out your pipes an follow me. Mendell. Naturally the newspapers in An It's finish off j our swipes an follow me. thing he wrong with the scales used by Siuslaw country. You will find the latest styles and other trial whenever the opportunity of- H e r M a n ia t o O t h e r s ' E m b a r r a s s m e n t. Oh, 'ark to tho lifes a crawlin. the treasury department? Tho treasuiy thn section of tlie slate most interest»«! the lowest prices at J. H. McClung’s Dry Goods House. A curious mania has como to light fpr«. —T R in Anioi:i/ifln Attcr lav Follow mo—follow mo 'omel are wrathy, and accuse the enptnin of Take *lm away! *E*a gene where the host men officials stain pi'll tho coin $1.25 liglit. recently in Brooklyn through the con­ U n tig h t II I h G ift I n a P a w n s h o p . Tho mint peoplo say it is bnt $1 light. tinued suffering of its indirect victims. 0ER METHODS OF RTTSTNF.SS. ____ - go. gross partially. Symons owns a town- A funny thing which is just leaking Take *lm awaj] An the gun wheel» turnln Had this matter occurred with privato A woman living in one of tho pleasant No house enjoys a better patronage than ours from tho individuals instead of government offi­ residenco portions of the city has been ont happened at tho recent Sherman wed­ »low. •ite on Oxis Bay.—Roseburg Review. Take *im aw ayl Thcro’« more from tho place cials the privato individual would no annoyed now for nearly three years by ding in Boston. A man who was a people on the Coast, and this is attributable to our methods 'e come. prominent guest, in looking over the The nerve of some people passes our Take 'lm aw ay, with the Untlter an Ihe drum. doubt have had to pocket the loss.— the persistent appoarnneo at her house presents at the house, discovered a val­ of selling goods at very low prices, 'and the quality o f Washington Post of delivery clerks from tho well knowu For If» "Three round» blank” an follow me. prwhensien. Mr. Millard has a class goods as represented. This is especially true of our shops with C. O. D. parcels for her uable old clock, au antique, that ho had An' it's "Thirteen rank” an follow me. CELEBRATES HIS O W N FU NERAL. in vocal music and his charges are very number, hut not her name. Tho pack­ bought abroad for a big sum and that Oh, pa»»in the love o' woman. Ladies’ and Gents’ boots aud shoes and foot-wear of all kinds. hail been stolen from his Iiouse a year Follow ma—follow nie omel A f t e r S o le m n M m m O v e r a n ICm pty C oflai ages aro always addressed to Mrs. Hor­ reasonable. The class contains about 30 W more beforo in some mysterious way. —Rudyard Kipling. A l l A J J o u r n t o a B a n q u e t. ton, w ith tho street nnd number of the WE CARRY THE LARGEST stock pupils. Last Thursday evening the hall Ho hunted up tho douor and found he An up to date disciple of Charles V woman who is not and never was Mrs. had bought it from a pawnbroker that W IT H H IS W H IP . It is generally known in Lane county that the largest was packed with a crowd of jieople, near­ of Spain has held at a village of tho Horton, nor has any one of that name had called his attention to it as a rare stock of merchandise is to be found at our store, and this ly nil of whom attended out of mere 11« f l i c k e d t h e <op., 10; Weatherford, dem., 7; road I saw a figure of a man on horse­ where a grand banquet took place, at Dwarfs live much longer than giants, back standing by the side of the road. which the heiullc, tho choristers and Headquarters for A n o t h e r I t a lia n I la n k S c a n d a l. Lord, 7; alieent anti paired. 6. the latter usually having weak consti­ He yelled to stop, and I saw a gun liar- tho priests who uro to offieiato nt his Another bank scandal is threatened tutions and soft and brittle bones. rel gleam in the moonlight The horsee real funeral were present Each guest were going at a siieed that might lie pledged his word in a buni|r. Ilo ln ira * A u t o b io g r a p h y . Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes is report­ ed to have said recently, apropos of his autobiography: "I work at the memoirs an hour or two each dny and am mak­ ing satisfactory progress—that is, I have about one half completed of all 1 shall write. Then 1 shall place the manu­ script in the hands of my publishers, and they w ill keep it in their safe until 1 shall have possedaway My belief hns always been that a man's nietnoin- shottld be distinctly posthumons, and I shall carry out that belief in my owt graphed her surface in sections, which tit, making a great image 5 feet in d i­ ameter. The work is so perfect that town», forests and riven wonld bo per­ ceptible if they existed. M s warm weather. For 12 years doctoring me but little good. We read about the great chsn ige H ood’» Sarsaparllls could effect in the __ en _____ tire ___________ constitution. _ ANA R CH IST MAD. K n r n p e .n s K . p e e l . l l j t h e r r e n e h , l a s t a t e o f A la r m A p p r o a c h in g l'a n te . “ Dear Sirs: A t’the «ge of 10 year» I wss “n<5 Be" y “ f “'’1,0/ F1° rence' " hich E - 1 is now offering for rale. That the eonflned to my bed with inflammatory !'nn,e ls ,evel “nd fr,,e from drifting ssnd. That fruit trees and shrubbery do ws rhsumstism. I wss treated by a local 'GH” ' pai<' ,an,f an*' ,,le »sine is desirable for residence property. J. G. S tbvxksos Ghystctan,but relief onlv came to me with 8uPt - Public Schools, Lane county. ■ The French authorities n r e in a state of alarm approaching panic otct the warnings of fresh anarchist plots. The information has beeu furnished princi­ pally by London nnd other foreign po­ lice, ami extraordinary precautions have been taken to prevent the execution of the bloodthirsty désigna. These meas­ ures nre no stringent thnt all foreigners in I ranee are likely to suffer inconven­ ience. Merely stopping to admire the 4rehitenture of the public bnlldings is I I After taking the content» of three bot- tlsa 1 was »Die to walk a little. I have continued to take it and have not missed a day for six month». During the bad Hood’s Cures w in te r weather nor any tim e since have I felt say of th e symptoms o f the return of tny rheum atic trou ble.” C has . O. F axbhsr . W alla W alla. W ashington. Snbscrilied and sworn to before me tills 6th day of March, 1892. Josara A. Moss is. Notary Pablic Ws concluded to give it * trlsl and It ha* M a d * a N ew Young M a n o f M o. I I TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : Being first duly sworn I depose and say: That I have been a resident of F lor­ ence. Ioine County, Oregon, for the past twelve years ; that I am familiar and wel acquainted with the property kncfwn as “ Frasier and Berrv’a part of Florenca, that the same is admirably suited for residence property, being perfectly level and ree front drifting sand. That fruit trees and shrubbery grow well in the soil and that pure well water is found on the same at a depth of from ten to fifteen feet. Josara A. Moaaia, Merchant. ) *1" ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12tb day of March, 1892. L. BtLvrr, Notarv PnbUe