> Ï Ï Ï I < iB Jf 3i. The tide of destiny is turning fast OREGONIAN] ONE towards Florence. All sorts of ac­ • • * N0 • • • cumulation of facts point that way I T HE Vol. V. W EST 1 j YEAR I . . . FOR . . . r w o o o L 2.ARS- FLORENCE, LANE COUNTY, O R EG o/f FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 18V5. 15 GENERAL DIRECTORY BUSINESS CARDS I TRAVELERS’ GUIDE. i it on purpose realty, Metsine. A naaon rejolneu, witn a sarcastic little laugn. tor j on — look so discouraged. I am not yet wea­ "Heaven la given over to the making of ‘Well, and as for me’’—-who said as ried with well doing. Perhapa with two STATE OFFICERS marriages, don't you kuowt” ho hesitated, regarding him with a cer­ HORACE N. CRAIN, months more of repetition the statement It was Brown’s custom to ride each tain air of defiance. w ill stick. " horse himself until its spirit was suffi­ You, Miss Ellery? Why, it would Governor. .William P. Lord. ciently subdued, when it was turned havo given you another subject for youi CHAPTER IIL Secretary of State .11. R. Kincaid. over to one of the boys to bo handled A fortnight later, and the reign of re­ under his direction, and thus at inter­ camera, he said, with a short, sardon­ A nd D ealer in F in e W atch es a n d J ew elry Treaaurer Philip Metchen pose had passed away. "The place vals all day long a straggling proces­ ic laugh. “ I thought of that as I hung C. B a n g s ,___Proprietor. Supt. Public Instruction. ,G. M. Irwin. E u g e n e O regon. where nothing ever happened,” aa N el­ sion, exhibiting every degree of equine there like a jumping jack waiting to State Printer ,W. H. Leeds. Leaves Eugene on Mondays and sine liked so well to describe her home perversity, was oharglng by devious be cut down off a Christmas tree. I Attorney General C. M. Idleman. to remote correspondent», was now a ways about the place. Ill advised hens, wondered if yon were taking a snap Thursdays at 6 a. m , arriving in HENRY A. BAY, Agent scene of restless stir and activity which bent upon feeding about the confines of shot at me to add to yonr collection. ” ) o _ ) .................R- A. Bean Florence the day following at 4 p. in. Already shaken and unnerved, tha Mrs. Ellery's Supreme Court V ............... F. A. Moore n nea momen- filled every working hour of the day the oorral, contributed regularly to the ' C. E. Wolverton swiftly trans- with fresh interest, for Panl Brown had excitement as they scattered with cac­ girl’s auger flamed np instantly. "You Returning—Leaves Florence on tarily with sm_ formed to eoatasy. Judge Second District ..J. C. Fullerton Ih, yon darling come, and tho whole ranch was given kling protest before each fresh onslaught are perfectly brutal I” she exclaimed, Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m., girl, yon don’t her eyes flashing fire. Salem, Oregon. tell me”— over to the business of horse breaking. Attorney Second District . Geo. M. Brown T h is Is th e Of on their peace, while the little boys, lend in g in su ra n ce co m p a n y o f the arriving in Eugene the day follow­ “ Am I?” ho replied, looking at her "Mo, I don't,” ilied, with teas- The harrying hoofs of the horse herd like a Greek chorus, aided the proceed­ 1 aeifle coast. A ssets a quarter o f a m illion dot- ing nonchalance, lars. P riv a te d w e llin g s and farm property n ing at 7 p. m. 1 think I may ooming in from outsldo pastures wore ings to the best of their ability by shrilly curiously. ” 1 did not intend it so. Let sp e cia lty . Address m e a t Gardiner, Oregon, and before long.' now the family reveille, several times announcing each ohange in the pro­ me apologize for that unlucky speech as I w ill c a ll upon you and in su re your property. COUNTY OFFICERS "You are I, then?” her tempting them out in the fresh, dew gramme over and over until nobody well as for giving you such a scare. We Single fare . . . »5.00 face falling disa washed morning air to watch the open­ could be left in ignorance of all that w ill try and not let either offense occur Jy. again,” raising his hat as he turned to “ N otteerocs Round trip - - _ I have taken a ing iierformauoo of the day. This, the was going on. »9.00 leave her, Judge......................................... A. H. Fisk oonple of laonth I« if I w ill be. ” cutting out from the herd of gome 18 or Edith was out on the lawn oue morn­ Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s "Stopl” she cried out peremptorily, W. W. NELLY, Prop'r. "A ‘hat w 'van ot, vour 20 head for the day’s work, involving ing, assuming to read, although the twi-oL when he had gone a few steps. “ Am I Commissioners livery burn, fcugetie, bad at Hnrrf . . . . much expert -throwing of the tw ine,” i J. T. Callison book had dropped forgotten to her lap Tables furnished with all the to understand from that reference to my jumping at th*. on ~»*on with swift in oowboy phrase, was a soene of mttoh Wild & Davenport’s office in Florence fe.uinias intuition. "Well, of course it excitement, as at the first fell of the while her eyes were dreamily fixed upon camera that you have not liked being Clerk............. .................... A. C. Jennings delicacies of the season. is lovely, bnt all the same I wondered, lariat the animal that had never yet one moving spot on the gray green plain photographed so often; that you feel Sheriff......... ........................ A. J. Johnson game, fish and fruit in season. Best across the creek—a growing object yon dear, queer thing”— known the touch of human hand wag whloh she recognized as Paul Brown— that I have taken unwarrantable liber­ Treasurer ..................................J. G. Gray accomodations for the traveling ties in doing so without asking leave?” "After you had Invited me over and always driven mad with terror, fighting Assessor........... .......... D. P. Burton public. Charges reasonable. over again I confess I cannot see so for freedom in a frenxy which not in­ returning from a mad dash across the She spoke in a choked voice, her checks School Superintendent. .J. G. Stevenson country on the back of an animal which flushed red with wrath. 1 S A IL S " much occasion for wonder if I finally frequently carried the captor captive, had seemed as unconquerable as origi Hurueyor............................... W. B. Pengra “ By no means. Miss Ellery. I havo came,” the girl interrupted, with some with no little rude jostling, around the nal sin. She was reoaUing Hugh's On the 1st, 10th and 20th of each Coroner...................................J. W. Harris FIRST MATIONAL been highly honored. I only meant to gANK month. genuine pique. “ Mrs. B allet was re­ oorral before the rope oould be safely Words of the other day. Seven years Imply"— turning home to Denver, too, and urging brought around the stout snubbing post “ Well, I should be pleased to know Single trip 83.00. Round trip »5.00 me to come with her. Really my mind in the center of the ground. If the colt w ss the lim it of such a life, he had .aid. OF EUGENE. In such a little time, aooording to that Just what you meant to im ply,” she was almost made up to oome before— happened to be especially vicious, he T. Q. HENORIOKS. P re «. S . B . KAKIN, J r ., C arm r CITY OFFICERS. grisly law of the average, this man ■aid as he hesitated. There was a dan­ thia—happened. ” was forced into the seoure pea of slabs "It was sweet of yon to come, dar­ known as the chute or thrown to the would havepwMad away to the unknown gerous sweetness In the laborod courtesy PAIO UP CASH CAPITA L, •S O ,0 0 0 beyond to find out. perohanoa, why God of her tone. SU RPLUS ANO PR OFITS. • 6 0 , 0 0 0 For Passenger and Freight Rates ling, whatever the reason, ” kissing her ground and hobbled nntil the baokamore had let him thus squander his rich gift President. ...B . F. Alley “ Merely that Miss Ellery’s interest. rapturously. "But w ill you tell me halter of rope oould be slipped in plao«, of life. Suoh a little time—seven years! If she w ill excuse my saying it, in the when—this—happened, how it happen­ and it was at this point that Paul Oscar Funke A C C O U N T S S O L I C I T E D ------ apply to ------- However bravely he rode today, It case of her brother’s horse trainor could ed and all about it? I am simply dying Brown’s marvelous Influence beoame EUGENE, O. W. Hurd • OREGON. Board of Trustees seemed to her but as a losing race with not possibly extend beyond her camera. ” Win. Kyle apparent. Once the hackamore was ad­ death. Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. to know. First of all, who is he?” "And I cannot imagine any possible L. Christensen “ Yon w ill approve, I think. It is justed he would begin murmuring in a H l law her as be crossed the bridge, Marshall Woodbury. ” soothing monotone, aa though quieting raising his bat with that graceful air of reason why it should,” she answered, u K IS no Recorder................................ Drew Severy meeting his glance with a flash of auger. "Marshall Woodbury—of all men I” a fractious child, expostulating reason­ which more than any other Treasurer........................ Frank B. Wilson And, as to the camora, I cau assure S T E A M E R 1 C O O S , her face expressing glowing appreciation ing. as though the animal oould under­ deference thing about him seemed to betray un­ Marshal....................................J. C. Brown you that you need be under no fnrther of the advantages of such a union. stand, a curious tenderness as well as o — -- W ill m a k e -------- o mistakably the training of a gentleman. apprehensions. I shall be careful not to Justice of Peace......... H. M. Chamberlin 'You are to be congratulated if ever a an inflexible purpose in the tone, which Perhaps it was this movement that star­ AND R E G U L A R D A IL Y TR IP S girl was. But why did you hesitate, you seemed almost to hypnotize the unhap­ tled the colt; perhaps the vicious brute trouble you with even the impertinent Interest of snapshots hereafter." Sho perverse child?” py animal, which presently, to Its own had been summoning strength merely was dazzlingly pretty in the glow of — Between---- M E R C H A N T - T A IL O R , "The woman who hositates is lost,” surprise, as it seemed, would be led SECRET SOCIETIES. for a fresh coup. However it was, sud­ exoitement "Indeed, in the case of the girl murmured absently, her gaze about the corral as though helpless to D E A L E R IN denly leaping ucross the little bridge those I havo takon. If it would give you following the line of the creek. “ I feel resist that subtle charm of voice and and swerving violently to the left as ho the smallest satisfaction, I shall be only and rather lost when J think of it, N el­ eye. struck the ground, the maddened crea­ too happy to destroy every last one of F. A A. M. Siuslaw Lodge No. 107. sine. ” "It is the iron hand in the velvet • Regular communication on second ture made straight up the rise of lawn them. ” “It was not my way, ” pursued the glove,” Mrs. Ellery remarked as they W ^ L 8 FURNISHING GOODS ! Saturday night in each month. toward the trees where Edith was stand­ “Ah, now you aro cruel, " h e mur­ other reminiscently. “ When I fell in stood looking on over the fence. Thos. F. Oak.., Henry C. Payne, Henry C. Rouse Ree' C. B. M organ , W. M. ing, glued to tho spot with terror. Just love with Hugh—ab, me, what a gooso O. W. H ur d , Secretary. “But the horse w ill be avenged even­ beyond her, nearer the creek, a tree mured, but she had sailed by him into EUGENE, . ORECON. the houso. I was I—I could hardly cat or sleep until tually, ” observed Hugh comfortably be- I was sure of him, while you”— paus­ twoen the puffs of his cigar. "The av had fallen in one of the spring storms, [ to be continued .] the top still alive and clothed in a mass A A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58 ing tentatively and studying the girl’s erage life of these fellows it but saves of greenery closely interlaced with the M. meets after the first quarter of the calm face with a sort of puzzled won­ years after they start in on that sort of ENGLISH ARISTOCRACY. moon, linear month. branches of tho braco of cottonwoods der. work. For awhile they go on oonqnering against which it was leaning. There R. B. M il l s , Commander. I t Is S lo w ly L e ttin g Mown th e B ars o f Glass "My appetite continues good, thank and to conquer, so to speak, but sooner was just time to see that Brown was B. F. Alley, Adjutant. Kxclaalveneas. heaven,” laughing unconcernedly. or later each meets his little Waterloo^ pulling fiercely at the bit and to no pur- “ And unless I dissipate with ooffee at He gets a tumble that Injures him in­ Not so long ago the line between the- unseemly hours I still enjoy the sleep of ternally, he develops a kidney trouble A O. U. W. Perpetua Lodge, No. 131, aristocratio and other classes of the com­ the just. ” fl. meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays munity was very decidedly drawn at or something in that line, and next F O R C A S H . each month. Members and visiting “ Yon don’t appear to have it in you thing he rides a horse of another color trade. A poor family might lay claims brethren in good standing are cordially to make a gooso of yourself in that way ‘over tho range. ’ ” to gentility, and oue or more of its mem­ * invited to attend. A.C. Karnowsky.M.W. like the rest of u s,” Nelsine protested, bers might now and then flgnro at, say, “ It is dreadful,” murmured Edith F. B. Wilson, Recorder. a touch of reproach i t thetone. "Yon whether referring to fate of man or a county ball, but a tradesman’s fam­ IN T H E C A R M A N B U IL D IN G . have flirted too much. It has spoiled home was not clear, as she watched ily—never Now it is otherwise, the you. ” aristocracy themselves havlfig sieppeir O. O. F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets F L O R E N C E , with a sort of unwilling admiration the - O R EG O N . • »very Wednesday evening in Lodge "I have — experimented a little,” fteiwart figure that with the magnifi­ P u llm a n ovar the dividing line. Lord Shrews­ Hall, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in \ t h e o l d r e l ia b l e . . . smiling demurely, "Be just to me, cently developed strength of perfect bury and Talbot, for instance, who takes good standing invited to attend. dear. ’' Sleeping C ars precedence of all other earls, unblush- manhood was combating the struggles • a a a L. C. A c k e r l k v , N. G. ‘I don’t know what youexpocted. " ingly became a cab proprietor; "Lord of a colt bent on refusing the torture of M arion M o rris , Ree. Sec. E le g a n t ‘I expected a miraclo to happen, and the “bitting rig.” She had her camera Rayleigh” is the inscription that may it did not. I asked that the water be with her and had been that morning be read on tho signboard of oue or two D ining C ars turned to wine, but”__ London dairies. The Marqaig of Lon­ photographing the home, and inclden 215 M ontgom ery «treet, ex te n d in g from Pine T o u ris t CHURCH DIRECTORY- "You asked too much. Men are none tally the horse trainer, in all possible donderry is prepared to deliver coal by to B u sh street«, San Francisco, Cal. B u sin ess of them perfect. ’ ’ tho ton. "No agents”—such are the poses. "But it is magnificentl” her center o f th e c ity , c o n v e n ie n t to a ll banks, in “ But one must— experiment to find cheeks glowing, her breath coming fast Sleeping Cars final words of this nobleman's adver­ RESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, surance offices a n d p laces o f a m u sem en t. Con that out, don’t you think? Oue must be er, as she pressed the button for one last tisement, put in just as any trader boru Oregon. Sabbath service: Sabbath- ta in in g 300 room s. J. S. YOUNG, Prop. educated up to tho point of compro­ snap shot and bred might, put them in. This de­ «T^PAUL school, 10 o’clock a. ni. Preaching 11 T erm s—11.50, |2 a n d »2.60 per day. Free mise. ” scent from aristocratic seclusion into the o’clock a. m. and 7 p. in. Sacrament of coach to and from th e h otel. They stopped to order the breakfast M IN N E A P O L IS “ Oh, I don’t understand yon at all, served as they passed the pantry win arena of commercial conflict is not oon- the Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath of DULUTH January, April, July and October. you trying creature I Here you ought to dow, on the other side of which Artalis- flned to the male portion of onr nobility. Everybody is welcome to all the services. be tho happiest girl in the world, with sa was molding bread. "And cau you Titled ladies under disguised names FARGO CARL M . SLAVBACK, Pastor requests Christians to make such a chance before you—everything see the circus from here?” Mrs. Ellery carry on millinery establishments and TO G R A N D FO RKS them selves known. that you could ask To be suro, there asked, disposed to wheedling graoious- run cafes. Their dainty fingers, too, aro I. G. K notts , Pastor. CRO OKSTON may bo a slight disparity in point of nesg In view of the fact that they had not above manipulating flowers for years; but,’’ she added, witli naive in­ kept the meal waiting. profit Ko generally indeed has the W IN N IP E G OFFICE AT TME DRUO STORE. ethodist episcopal church genuousness, bethinking herself, “ there sacred thirst for gold infected the upper “ I’ve got too much to do to be watch- H E L E N A and service. Preaching at Glenada ev­ F L O R E N C E , -i- O R EG O N . is every compensating advantage. ” ten that, whereas they were wont to he in a lot of fool colts, let alone makin ery third and fourtti Sundays of each Brown w at pulling Jleretly nt the hit. BUTTE “To bo sure. Let us never forget the that man Brown more conceity and aeoused of living in idleness, they are month. Sabbath-School every Sunday pose, although blood was dripping from compensating advantages,” cried tho ■tuck up than ever.” She sullenly beat now accused of taking the bread ont of at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs­ something of sardonic mirth. at tho white mound of dongh while she tho tortured inouth, whon, with tho the mouths of those who depend entirely day evening at the church. Everybody speed of the wind, hors*, and rider had “ And I suppose you realiy do care shot oue sw ift glance at Miss Ellery’s cordially invited. R. C. B la c k w e l l , upon business for their support TO for him a little, or you would not even dainty, lace trimmed gown, with its passed her by, dashing directly toward • Pastor. Far beneath these noble ranks can be that low archway of tho fallen tree, think of i t ” C H IC A G O flutter of pale blue ribbons. “ He thinks as if the liorse had cleverly considered traced a similar descent Street music, “ I care for him a great deal, ” she ad­ enough of himself now, goodness knows, for instance, used to bo discoursed by W A S H IN G T O N mitted quite calmly. "If I am ever to though that’s generally the way with this means of delivery from tho hated tho utterly abject and broken down.. NOTARIES. incubus upon liis back. For an instant P H IL A D E L P H IA marry at all, I am sure I could scarcely these good lookin fellows, ” mattering Now men and women warmly clad and Edith closed her eyes, feeling as if P1CTO»*V do better. He is really very nice. ” N EW YORK the last as though somewhat repenting Azrael, the angel of death, stood beside well fed go about with organa Troops You ’damn him with faint praise,' her first petulanoe of men sing, rattlo tho bones and do a TO her, but tho man’s cool presence of mind breakdown in publio thoroughfares to BOSTO N A ND A L L A. R. BUTTOLFH, somebody says, ” Nelsine declared, “ He is good looking, is he not?” ra saved him. SALT LAKE. D E N V E R , P O IN T 8 E A S T and S O U T H smiling faintly, with a baffled air. turned Mrs. Ellery snavely, glancing the tuno of not less than tho better part As they neared the menacing of a sovereign n day per man. Two hun­ "The question is not as to the depths of back at the corral with a charming air branches, when it seemed inevitable dred ixiunds a year in an assured situa­ O M A H A , K A W A « C IT Y . For in fo rm a tio n , tim e cards, m ap s an d tick ets, his affection, I take i t Ho is madly in of unconsciousness. that he should be dashed senseless to the ca ll on or w rite love with you, of course. ” And Collector. H ml I’ve seen some enough sight ground from tho blow so swiftly ap­ tion was tiio salury that ono young man C H IC AGO, « T . LO U IS “ Oh, as to that, I might say, in the handsomer,” the girl exclaimed, tossing Office tw o d oors w e s t o f F loren ce H otel. threw up last summer to Join a nigger proaching, he loosened his feet from the troop at tiro seaside, and he doesn't re­ A. D. C H A R LTO N , words of the good book: ’He is of ago. her head with elaborate iudifferenoo. P ’lo r m r x o m , O regon stirrups, and when the horse plunged A ssista n t G eneral Passen ger A gent. Ask him .’ ” A hint of sarcasm lay in gret iL At the end of the season ho had E A S T E R N P I T I E ». Do you think so? Then I hope you P o r t l a n d O r . her rather mirthless laugh. “ To tell the w ill whisper it to Jim, Artalissa, for. viciously under the low trunk Brown’s more money than ho ever had at ono hands grasped a limb of the tree above, truth, ho appears qnite—rational. I do you know. I fear the poor fellow time before, and during the season ho JOE MORRIS, Jr ■winging him clear from the saddle, ate better dinners and drank better even think it is not altogether battering sadly needs some sort of consolation. ’’ EAST AND S O U T H *° whence he coolly dropped to the ground wines than he had ever eaten or drunk my Mlf V111 1 •^ber per- Artalissa simpered and bridled. a moment later. The colt, blindly mis 3 1 - 2 TO VIA suadeo tba^WABf, 5^ a Well, I’m sure he’s got no business calculating the height of the opening, before Hawking matches or laces or hotuelteeper which pAncipnily won me any other trifle in public house bars thinkln anything, so far as I ’m con­ O regon F lo ro n o o favor in hin eye», and he ia kind enough cerned, Mis’ Ellery. I wouldn’t have bad become tightly wedged under the used to be and still is a way of evading leaning trunk, eecurely held by the sad­ OF THE the law against begging. Indeed the to feel that I may be safely intrusted him it he was made of gold from head with the care of the children. He is a to fo*>t and was as big as an elephant to ! dle, from which plight he wae released custom of singing on the streets arose Southern Pacific Co. by a oonple of the boys, who came run­ ATTORNEYS widower, you know. And when affec­ boot.” out of the same necessity for those in ning down from the barn, and presently want net to incriminate themselves. E xp ress T ra ill! Leave Portland D aily. tion, are served up warmed over, who T h e Q w lc k e a t to C hicago “ Well, were he such a freak as that wae led away, a sadder and it ia to be South 13 3 2 2 Z TSoftsr is it says of second love that it is mere­ I should certainly hope not, ” cried Mra Now you will be In tho saloon bar of a a ad th e B ast. hoped a wiser animal. 6 15 p di L y Portland 8:20 a first rate refreshment bonse. In comes ly a flower laid on the grave of the Ellery laughing amusedly as they 12:07 p m L y Eugene 2:44 a When this task was accomplished A. C. WOODCOCK, first?” U Y IT 1D Q Q u ic k e r to O m a h a and 10:45 a m Ar San F rancisco 7:00 p walked away. “ But what • touchy Paul Brown walked over to where Edith 1 1» top hatted, well dressed man with a U V U It o K an sas C ity . bag. Somo successful stockbroker, you A bove train» »top a t all Btations ____ from ____ Port “ Oh, don’tl How can you? When it creatnro she is I” she observed, with waa »till standing. "I hope you were think, if it bo iu the city. You fancy land to A lbany in c lu siv e ; algo T a n g en t, Hheddf», H alsey, HarrÌBburg, J u n c tio n C ity , Irv in g , Eu Is such utter nonsense too. The adapta­ somo anxiety, when they were beyond T h ro n g h P u llm a n a nd T o u r is t S leepers. gene, Coroatocks. D rains and a ll sta tio n » from not frightened?” he said, the question you ore tho victim of a delusion. Here bility of men’s hearts”— Roeeburg to A »hland incluitlre. range of the open window. "Was it be­ rather ridiculous, be felt, in view of her is this man, as well dressed as your F r e e R e c lin in g C h a ir C ars, Bugen«, O regon KOHKBL’ R O M A I L , D A I L Y . "Oh. yes. The adaptability of a lob­ cause we kept the breakfast waiting that evident terror. principal, holding his open bag beforrv D in in g C ars. ster in the matter of its claws. We have she was in such a temper, do you 7 and 8 M cLaren'! B u ild in g. 8:30 L y “ It was horriblel I never saw any­ yon and asking you to buy a box of vad- Portland Ar 4:30 p rn For rates and gen eral in fo rm a tio n c a ll on or 2:30 heard the comparison so often, and we think?” S p e cia l a tten tio n g ir e n to c o lle c tio n s an d pro­ Lv Eugene Lv 10:28 a m thing more dreadfull” sho cried, with tas. Well dressed women are going hate business. 8:50 Ar R oseburg address Lv 7:00 a rn know it mnst bo true. Only if one wnro There was a carious expression abont a shudder, pale to the lips. “ Why do abont from publio house to publio houso D in in g C ara on O g den R o u te , disposed to bo «looting, unreasonably the lines of Edith's inouth, a hot flash you do it?e pursuing similar callings. They spoak W. H . H U R L B E R T , critical in selecting one’s lobster, tho upon her cheeks. ” 1 wonder you can Pu.llnaa.CL B u l l e t . S l e e p e r s di not d oit, Miss Ellery, ” well, too, do these people, betraying a “ Oh, I did A sst. G eni. Pass. A gent, U R. JO H N S O N , first growth of claws might seem rather endure the girl I" she exclaimed vehe­ he protested, with a broad smile, show­ fair amount of education. If tradesmen AND 2M W ashin gton St Cor. Rd. PO RTLAND, OR preferable on the whole, don’t you mently. “To me she is simply detesta­ ing all his strong, white teeth. "Don’t have any grounds for complaining of SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS, think?” ble. ” a tta ch ed to a ll Through Train*. blame me, please. It was all the doing tho aristocracy trenching on their terri­ “ Ah, that is itl I understand at "Ah, but if she gives us three meals of the colt, 1 asKiiro yon. ” tory, surely tho poor and needy havo We*t S id e D ivinion. last,” cried Nelsine triumphantly. All my work will be warranted to give "But tho danger of such a lifol" sho grounds of similar complaining of hav­ B e tw e e n P o r t l a n d a n d C o r v a l l i « "You nre jealous that he cared for an­ a day, ” tho other protested in a tone of m a il TRAIN bAti.y (KXCBFT SUWD a Y i ) good humored compromise. satisfaction. Call on or write to me at urged excitedly. "It is scarcely less ing tlio instruments of their profession S T A O H L IN E . Yon really do care for him a m I l.v Portland ArTS:S6 a in other first. “ Of course you observe that your than suicide. Why w ill you take such thus confiscated by an apparently supe­ 13:16 p m | Ar Corva l l i . l .v | 1 h i p down in your heart more than you are prediction is fulfilled? She is in love chances?” rior clasa Of course, with such a gen­ At A llm nv and C o r r a lll. co n n e c t w ith t r a in , w illing to admit, you proud littlo ioe- with your horse trainer. ” o f Orexnn Faclflc R ailroad. “ As to that, ” he answered, with a eral downward trend, the poor and berg.” zxfss ». tk . in « daily ( sxcxpt . curat .) "Oh, do you think so?" faltered Nel- careless shrug, "men mnst work, and needy are driven lower still, and this in Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ J ’iS P m I Lv Portland Ar | s-26 a m days and Fridays, "Do you really think so?” Her smile tine, as if loath to oredit the statement in my caso there are no women to weep. a measure is seen iu the ever increasing JOHN C. GRAY, 7:48 p m | Ar M eM In n vIlls l.v ) 8:80 a m Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ was half sad, half whimsical, but there alter alb If I had got my head knocked off—well, charitable institutions, relief agencies, T h rou zh T ic k e t. to all p o in t. In th e Eastern was no smallest, blush of girlish con­ days and Saturdays. ” 1 am sure of it." it would have been only another horse soup kitchens anil so forth, and tho ever Ftatv«. l anada and Enropv ran lie n b t.ln e d at Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ lo w est r a te , from L. O Adair. A »ent, Eugene sciousness. "Well, do you know, I toll “Then I suppose she w ill marry him, ’’ trainer dropped ont of the rare. A littlo Increasing strain on tho resources of work a t th e m oat R easonab le Prices. burg Stage IJne for Drain. Also with myself that a hundred times a day, but ejaculated the nuhappy housewife, de­ inconvenient for Mr. Ellery just now such establishments.—Uiis.« Il's Journal. R K FHI.FR. F |> Rnqga,. O fllre o v er Orange Store. .Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge Manager. A w t. o . F. and f a s . Agt. somehow every morning I have to begin spairingly washing her hands of tho probably, in view of the work ho wants O r e t o n . reasonable. P o rtla n d , Oregon the story all over again. It is like Penel­ whole business. “ But heaven forbid!” done. Bather shocking for Mrs. Ellery, Dr. P rice’s L -an Ha .in Pc vd< ? ope’s needlework. Only I don’t undq KM« "Oh. heavqn never forbidal” Edith as occurring on her pretty lawn, and Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter H ir, lan EÜGENE-FLOKENCE Practical W atchmaker STAGE J JNE. State Insurance Comp’y Head of Tide Hotel, Steamer Robarts Florence to Yaquina. E. HANSON, Clothier. . . A HATS Florence aefl Head of Tide. CAPS< SELLING AT N ORTHERN PACIFIC. H ard T imesi COST R Ü N J. M. SETTLE, S i RUSS HOUSE. F PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. M THROUGH THROUGH TICKETS TICKETS Notary Public, Surveyor Notary Public, Land Agt days CHICAGO HOURS Attorney a t Law, Coitractor and Builder. O -JL F L ID IIsrE R Florence, - - Ore. H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, DENTAL SURGERY. THE SHASTA ROUTE