rrT T T n ^ A 7 " ~F*~!s ^ r T~i be» ‘°wer « » < 1 wo.u » ¡ u u c m i - C A P T . SY M O r A G A IN . i done in a few hours liv the action of . M ( bm m m H in a tb o rt i t tbov net oi August as 15 feet could safely enter or depart. mail m atter. r this part of the country. I t has done * * 17, 189-1, Captain made a pro­ zlz T .: - this largely at its own e x p e n d , and now --- fjyiaona f? “ s'-’ . Abdication. ‘ In my opinion it is beyond the power < Y aqnina bay, of man to make it into a harbor of sulfi- iitninary exam ninatv,,, inai of ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ adds another point to its cred it by giving ; to determ ino h i". j ovem ent could be eient capacity for deep-draft siiips ell- the weekly Oregonian to u 11 of its sub­ PLICATION. Local n o tices H c e n t, per line, each Insertion. scribers. The opportunity will be lim­ ! made hv increase reasedr t 4e, —pili. IIis report gaged in foreign commerce, or, in faet. ★ — W E K E E P T H E B E S T ---- * ited to u certain period, t aerofore parties C o e n c ilia a r . K y le ln tr o r iu c •« an O r d i­ was t fowardtsi to G>4re."ai rhom as Lincoln to give this entrance a bar channel depth n a n ce l'.»r P r o te c tl >n A g a in s t F ir e — Casey, chief oi Onttinoe: s, through Col. appreciably greater than th at now cx- must subscribe a t once. T in W est for N otice .—Professor J. M. Williams, of A tx .llie r S q u a b b le O v e r S tr e e t Wort» Mendcll. General forwarded them ¡sting. Very respect full v. voitr obedient Eugene is our agent and is authorized to $2 and the weekly Orcga lia n five. - D. ° S. Laiuuijit, ........ T, howah \V. S ymons , to " lion. secretary of war, servant, —R e p o r t« o f l ire C'npt. and T re a su r er . ■ Mrs. Alice E. Burns entt ttuined the recoire subscriptions, advertising and an t.$ tif ,h,. speaker of the “ Captain, Corps of Engineers.” W IIO sent them w hist club at her residence o; 1 last Friday money for T he W est und receipt for tiic house uf reprosent^tiv s in due form, evening. Following are th e pairs and 1 I same. Printed copies of , tb.- report, says the D r. P rice’s C ream B aking P o w d er scores: M r. Fellman and Mi is. Christen­ World’s F»l»- Highest Medal and Diploma, Council met Monday evening. Present Oregonian, have j | st i tched Portland. F or W est S u b sc r ib er s .— A r­ sen, 31 ; Mr. Morris and Mrs Severy, 28; Counciltnen Ilurd, Kyle, Christensen It is us follows : Mr. Brodie and Mrs. U urd, BO; Mr. Sev­ N ew s F rom Eugene. ‘•V. 8. E n g i n e e r ... Portland, O r.,! ra n g e m e n ts h a v e b een m a d e w h e re ­ ery and Mrs. Morris, 25; M r. Hurd and and Funke. H urd took the ehair. Im mediately after the roll wi.s called . —G eneral: It is u,y ..pinion that Yu- b y we w ill g iv e T h e W est a n il th e Mrs. B ernhardt, 16; Mr. Christensen Councilman Funke r«»se slowly to his i quina bay bar is i(,,t worthy of further From the Eugene G uard. ami Mrs. Burns, 27 Kefree hments were W e e k ly Oregonian fo r 82.00. served by the hostess and the club ad­ feet and, with a voice broken with sobs, improvement hy tli.. g(. , g o v e r n m e n t The preliminary examination of the for the following r.'.ls,.„s; T h is o ile r in c lu d e s a ll o u r p a id u p journed to meet at the resit lence of Mrs. tendered his resignation. The council »State of Oregon vs. E. J. Frasier, on the ' wept aloud and tearfully demanded the • “ The entrance Yuquiua hay lias I s u b s c rib e r s a n d th o s e w h o p a y a ll L). E. Severy on this Frida; ’ evening. Ilt ,,y (he g„lleral cause, but no cause was given. Tiie city ; been under impro Toledo Leader: WnBfci C. Bailey, of fathers refused to e >nsider the resigna­ Skipworth, attorney f<>Y the. defendrnt, ’ government for I I years, tl.a first appro­ a r r e a r a g e s , a n d p a y o n e y e a r ’s s u b ­ Eugene, was in this place last Monday, tion and it was laid on tiie table for an priation for the rk having been made waived exam ination, und the district s c r ip tio n in a d v a n c e . I t a ls o i n ­ coming up from Newp ,rt . Mr. Bailey is a ’toii.ey making no objection, Frasier indefinite time. At this Mt Funke be­ June 17, 1880. I i interested in a sawmill < >u th e Siuslaw. was field to appear before tiie grand jury t i tid es n e w su b s c rib e rs . came indi?mtni ami stated t bat. ‘ f ‘ >’ * 5 * 5 2 ^ Hi? March term of the circuit cour: While here he co n tracted for the pur­ not compelled to serve the council a n d 'T i ’W l / 7 ’ ,' .¡hount ot stone1 chase of the old V in c e n t sawmill at on his own recognizance. hoping that th a t hotly would rest easy Bas been ad le i, it a IB be fully finished, W E S T L IN G S . I Caledonia. lie stated that it was his Prof. E. B. McEPov assumed his i he would bid them one and all n fond i “ The work lias been eminently suc- intention .to tit lip tit i mill to mann- good-night. Chairm an Ilu rd called Mr. cessful. The improvement of tiie b a r duties as an instructor in the University Geo. W. Masterson is in Portland on le.cture sash, door«, win lowjj, mouldings, F unke’« attention to the fa< t th a t he has been all or more than the board of Oregon yesterday. The men s parlor etc. Tim sale of the mi il /property was business. bad taken an oath to serve the citv until hoped would be accomplished. From in the dormitory has been fitted up for Masquerade ball a t Acme on Washing made hy G. A. L an d is, at. 11 w e under­ bis term of office should expire. The an uncertain bar channel of about seven his use at present, it^neing tiie only stand th at the price wan to n ’s birthday. belligerent councilman resumed his seat feet at low water, varying greatly in po- room now available for use. The regents Captain Olsen succeeded in getting the aud the council proceeded with routine , sition, there is now a perm anently lo- are entitled to the thanks oi the people School closes today. An interesting Alnion off the beach ou Thftirsday morn­ huainess. cated channel of 12 to 14 feet depth at of Oregon for their wise selection. Prof. program has begn prepared. ing last. 12 x 14 tim ber was placed McElroy’s long years of work in con­ Minutes of the previous meeting wer? low water, W. E. Warren has been appointed W E TAK E YOUR M EA SU R E A N D HAVE under the hull of the sc hooner and hv read and approved. nection with educational interests ren­ ' ‘‘.lite r an intim ate acquaintance with road supervisor for this district. tbe aid of an ex tra force o i 14 men the der his services of inestimable value to j FU LL S U IT S M A D E T O O R D E R O N »Street committee should have dr iwn Yaqnina hav, having had charge of the Our clubbing after with the Weekly vessel was floated after tw o days labor up new plans and specifications for water works there for live years, I am unable j the school. S H O R T N O T IC E . F IT G U A R A N T E E D - Oregonian will be discontinued in a few Nearly all the hold load < f lumber was front work but the cli.iirm m mated that at tiie present time to devise or recom­ weeks. 76 8 H AN DSO M E PA TT E R N S discharged. The arhoom ir now has a the plans had lieen draw n up before mend any modification or extension of From the Register. Florence lias been blessed with a few load of about 75,000 ■ Fet She was without his assistance and therefore tie the plan of improvement as now prac- i showers this week, after a mouth of lowed down to the Spru to Point wharf had thought th at the council could get tically completed which would nive any The Nicaragua canal is to he construct-1 sunshine. Monday, where she now ties. It is to he tlong without him. For tliat reason ho marked or appreciable increase of depth cd. Now give ns the Oregon Pacific' J . M. Settle is selling goods at cost hoped that Captain Oise) j will have no bad tendered his resignation, lie had on Yaqnina hav bar, and for this reason railroad connection with Yaqnina, or for cash. Read his announcem ent in dofticulry in speedily ge‘ »ting out. j no report to make. This was it very had I deem it unworthy of further improve- railroad connection witli Hie Siuslaw ’ this issue. harbor, and we w ill have excellent s h ip -' The ladies of the in fcsionary society hreak on the part nt Mr. Funke. 1 ment. W E ARE A G EN TS FO R THE CERM A N The judiciary comm ittee reported fa-1 ‘‘The depth w hich can he obtained ping facilities, and will save thousands The Russ House is the most popular gave a “ tea” at the res/dence of Mr. and A M E R IC A N IN S U R A N C E C O . O F N E W of the San Francisco hotels. Read their Mrs. William Kyle <> t Saturday evening. vorahiy on the report of the captain of and maintained upon the bar of a harbor of dollars yeariy in freight rates. Nearly 10) invite I go ists were present. th e fire departm ent. Tiie report f o llo w s lik e Yaquina hay is mainly dependent H erbert Condon, who recently pstab- ! ad. in this issue. Y ORK. AND TH E P H Œ N IX A S S U R ­ To tiie council of the Town of Florence: upon tiie am ount of tide water flowing lished himself in tho practice of law Mr. F. F. Frazier, representing W ell­ Tiie fore part of the evening was pleas­ A N C E CO- O F L O N D O N , EN G LA N D . Report.of Captain of the Florence Fire in and out, and the velocity, direction wttii liis brother, S. \V. Condon, at Oak m an, Peck & Co., of San Francisco, was antly pissed with Jb*4itic ami conversa­ tion, alter, a tasty Iv ncheon was served. Company for year ending, Dee. 7, 1894: and concentration of its flow. The tidul land, California, has made arrangements in town tiiis week. A pantomime wren» was given hy Dr. No. of calls answered, none; amount volume is practically Independent of any i " ill‘ F . O. Potter to enter partnership I Marion Morris went down to Gardiner Prentis, who pulled u tooth, accompany­ of money expended hy the city for t efforts of man as far as increasing it goes; with him, and is expected her«» about Wednesday morning and expects io re­ W h e n R a te s a re e q u a l w h y n o t g e t th e b e s t? ing the operation w ith some funny company : all he can do is to give direction and the 8th inst. for th at purpose. Mr. Con­ turn in about a week. antics, which conv nlsed the audience. Ruckets and axes $29.50 concentration to its flow,sons toproduce don has had an excellent education in A masquerade hall will he given at Tiie curtains were p: irtsd , calcium lights L adders............... .$14.00 the maximum scouring effect upon the that line, and the new firm nill un- Acme on the evening of February 22nd, thrown on, and J.itt le Ina Kyle was por­ --------! bar. ; doubtedly be a strong one. We wish the W ashington’s birthduy. T ola!................................ trayed keeling in an attitude of prayer. $43.50 “ This has been done at Yaqnina bay. boys success. Joe Morris, jr. has received a special The see neo was a very touching one. RECOMMENDATIONS. The two jetties built to above high tide Word was received here yesterday order for a lot of A 1 furs, consisting of The n ,e affair all.nr was a s access, both socially Tiie captain of the Florence fire com­ : direct the ebbing ami flooding water« that another shooting accident bad oc- Beat, M artin and'Fischer hides. IL gb- and financially, over <13 being given to 2 / i e y e r K y l e ’ s . pany would recommend th at all smoke perpendicularly upon the bar in a chan­ ' cured, this time in tbe vicinity of Na­ cat market value paid for the best quid- , aid the society iu tiit'ir good work, houses he removed from tho business nel having a minimum width between tron Louia and J. L. Moorhouse were ity skins of tliut spocies. -pur) j avs |„gl) o, , | ID0 on account of portion of the town to a place of safety tiie jetties of about 930 feet. Any further , out hunting, and Louis was some dis­ Dr. A. B. Froutis, the well known and sickness and a doctor I I'll to pay, is any- and that all owners of Imuses should he contraction of tiie width between the tance in advance of his brother, when popular dentist, who has been in thia j thing hut pleasant for S w an of a family compelled to use brick chimneys. : jetties to increase tlio velocity of the in some manner his brother's gun was : ~ ~ city for tho past three weeks, left Wed- to contem plate, whethe r he is a laborer, waters and constant scouring effect upon accidently dlselimgod, ami the shot cn- v . r Respectfully subm itted, »r 1» I? V Lt 11 t 137 nesilay on the B arrett s*uge for Gardiner, mechanic, m erchant or publisher. Jas. the bar would tie dangerous to the tering bis back, penetrating quite deep- $ V . 111. M a rr I t L A O H A IV . D. E. S every . From there he will go to Drain ; thence <). Junes, publisher of tin Leader, Maxia, A petition from the fire company was Wructui-es themselvv‘5Tr Already, with a ly. At last accounts the young man was 1 to Lebanon. | Texas, was sick in bed f< ten days witli presented asking the council to situate thousand feet between tbe jetties, it has considered in a critical condition. Lane ' —T h e ----- -^ W h o lesa le and R etail•>? On Monday morning Dr. C. M. Slay- . the grip during its preva fence a year or - the tower for the fire hell. After con­ been necessary to protect the south jetty county seems to ho more than breaking i back assumed the management of »he two ago. L ater in tne : icason lie had a siderable discussion it was decided to with groins. her own record for gun accidents o f late. Florence Drug Store. Tne doctor is second attack. He says: “ In the latter place the to n er in the street on the east “ To extend the jetties farther would E3TRAY NOTICE. thoroughly at liuiuo io this business and e a se l used Chamberlain ’s c o li g li remedy side of the ja i l; also a shed for ladders do very little good, as it would not m a­ th e esiabiirbm ent will no doubt prosper with considerable succe ss, I think, only and buckets. terially change the co-relations existing Notice is hereby given that two cattle ! being in bed a little uvei ■ two days. The under nig regime.^ An ordinance was introduced by Kyle between tbe tidal volume of the bay, tbe have strayed onto my property. One is would have velocity of tbe w aters,the moving sands, A letter recently received from Colonel for protection from fire. Read first and a light red anil other the a dark brown. as had as i the first but fur Isaac Britton, by a gentleman in this '’een equally No marks or brands visible. Owner ran second time and referred to committee and the winds and waves of the ocean. It should he on fire anil water. “ The depth which can he maintained have the same hv proving property and city, indicates th at the colonel is still at the use of this remedy work on the Siuslaw railroad project. borne in mind th a t the jrip is much the Bill cf H urd & Davenport, for nails on a bar like th a t nt Yaqnina is also de­ paying for this notice and other charges. W illiam K yle . He says in the letter that he is going to same as a very severe e »hl ami requires am ounting to $8 50 was referred to com­ pendent upon the magnitude of the wave 1 . c ,, precisely the same tre Atment. Whet m ittee on claims. action to which it is exposed. The great­ build tliat road y e t.-L u g e n e Register. vu„ wlgh , o c„ t.e „ S U N D A Y S E R V IC E 3 . quickly and cf- Bill of Meyer and Kyle am ounting to er the wave action, the less tiie depth ! Mrs. Finily Thorne, who resides a tj feelnally give this ren n -d v a tr ia l 50 $6.35 for blankets and nails was taken which can be looked for perm anently in i Toledo, Washington, says Bhe has never . cent bottles for sale by < Irnggists. R ev . I. G. K notts , P astor . . the bar channel. fioin the table and ordered paid. been able to procure any medicine for • Presbyterian cimrch. Sunday school “ There is an outer reef off Yaquinn B L A C H L Y I F E M S . (.’p lc b ra to d J e s s e M oore Bill of tV. E. Warren for street work rheum atism that relieves the pain so at 10 a. m. Preaching at 1 1 a .m . and was taken up. At the previous meeting bay which has undoubtedly a powerful quickly and effectually as Chaiuhcriain’s 7:30 p. m. Morning tlien.e, "A Ixtsson B y G ueeni : orn . T h e C ra ie O rc h a rd S o u r M asit itV a s referred to the street committee, efFect in sheltering the bar and entrance pain balm dud that she has also used it in Life’s Philosophy,” The evening against the heaviest waves, and in per­ hut the chairman of that committee said lor lame hack with great success. Forj G e n u in e O ld C a stle B o u rb o n I. S later lias rcturue J from Junction th at he had no report to make on the m itting the bar channel to maintain service will consist of an exposition of sale tiy druggists. tile 12tli chapter of Hebrews. I City. itself a t a greater depth than would hill. K tle moved th at the report (?) he -T h e O O. VV. O. Hardman, sheriff of Tyler j S. i ’o n v - J. D. Deminings, of A .cine, was visiting aceepteil. Christensen seconded, hut otherwise be possible. j RUDY’S PIL E SUPPOSITORY ii Co., W. Va., appreciates a good thing § “ Tiie existence of this reef is one , . ir friends here the past w* »ek. when tho motion was put he voted no. . . O1 guaranteed to cure Piles nml Cunstina Ever Refreshing Cold .Storage Beer nt 5 and does not hesitate to say so. He was j ' / Die ci ren instances which has rendered »ion o r in o n e v a r. . , alm ost prostrated with a cold when lie ! Jasper Smith is p.rs iparing to build a So the motion was lost. j “ ‘DtS “ ‘ih""‘ Y° Ur ° rdey 1 F i s l x , The judiciary committee reported ns the work a t Yaqnina ,„ y s„ successful. b(ix.’ 8el„, two 8tailip/ f,ir procured a bottle of Chamlajrlains cough j ®I,e restdence on his -place, The bar now lies about mi Iway between Free Sample to MARTIN RUDY f;,.’- C ' Iln Por,cideM(iun |1 2 t Q “ It might a t ..... first sight >v..r.u,-.tu considered! | A F o r tn er I t e . b le n t o f F lo r e n c e Sayg rv he ---- best farms in Lane county. For grain steam ers will 1« run in conjunction with i T h e r e A re No W lg n ed XuneciR in th at at Yaqnina hay, ns at Rome other the steamer R. P. Elmore, at present on Tl,'e Bluel,|y «roc sry store is doing a 215 M ontgomery street, ex te n d in g from fin e or pasture land it is unexcelled, and th e W in d y c i t y . , bnrborfl, an increase«! duptb on tbe B a r ¡to B ush streets, Ssn Francisco, C hi . Business, tho best proof Unit It produces the finest good business the i winter. We need a tiie Astoria-Tillamoqk route. ' coule he obtained and moiutained hy eeuh-r o t the city, c onvenient to a ll haul:-, bi i varieties of fruit, is th a t tl dry goods store to i uake our town com­ icre is grow- C hicago , Jan. 27, 1895. Mr. Henry Bultman will shortly make plete. Ireilglng, but a know ledge of the local 1 "iir""'!e »Iticc« a iij places o( am usem ent. Con , ing a large orchard consisting oi the -T H E - E ditor W e s t : Inclosed please find condiiiw e, ami of t' c phf ..omena of the ■ t,ln,n* 31X1 J- a. YOL’NO, Prop. the round among our leading dairym en ¡choicest kinds of fruit-trees now in Mail 1 contractors Berkshire and Dy $4.00 ill iwymeiit for my stihseription to ,Ili>v X-'A. un(, t h e | T ern..-».», »2 and »2.-0 per d.y. Fre, with a new patent churn, of which he | . M“' w e l e r , l lienring. T his farm will lie sold as a , « T e /^ T -su e i, a method I cundí to ami (rom the Lutei. has secured the agency. It is claimed e,ngPr ,n,or,,, tbe ’ wil1 i,ut on a "t“«e T he W est . If the weather iu Ftorem.-.: X c W o t ! whole or in ten, live or one acre tracts j is to warm for you come oyer to.Chicago; I Plllin.,y inappli, . > ^ „ T ,|e by parties well versed in the dairy bust- ! U‘® J " “ 1 is °>’en bc,,,w tl,B to suit purchasers. W rite to O. F. Ken­ fr,.ely jn v* ,t e, — DEALER IN - ness th at tins churn will fill a lung felt I lake. This will tie . mudi hetler wav. l.h m k yon can get cooled o ff a httie. , lnoVB ELECTRIC TELEPHONE nedy, Florence, Oregon, for particulars We wish them succi The mercury .s only fifteen .legrees h e-: tie, th a t (lr,,lJgi, g , (int be Is. B o ld o n * r i i r l i t , n * r * r .t , n o r o jo if » . A d u p o d want, practically substituting tiie now and prices. to C it y . V i II hk « o r C o u n tr y . Nss»dod in » v-ry ow zero and the snow not more than done ln wou)d be entirel horn»«, «hop, Mforr a n d o ftirn . ( r r e u lo - t »«»nr* a expensive machinery used necessary in iene*» nn«i »>#•«» o ri 'o r r»» »«nrih S E / TON. three feet deep, and^let me tell you th at j A t e n l a m i i U r f r o m BO I o ftOB p e r « la r . running separators ami creameries. On** in n lerutonru m e a n » a m»!e to a ll O * there are no flies in Chicago at present. , r> «ip h b 'rw . I in n H u t ru m e n ta , no t«»yn, w o rk » FOR SA LE. Tiie experience of Geo. A. Apgar, of Messrs. T. J. Mei ly and Aaron Fotin- N n y w lie re . nny d ix la n r » . Coinp]»-»», r. . <|> fo r Y our, truly, um » v b t . i u h i n ed C a n U« por u p ».y ,,,.y . a., German Valley, N. J ., is well worth re­ tain are engaged il eutting wood for the Awardes n o r e r o u t o f o rd n r, n o r e m l r i n v , !*» • - n u tn A fine farm of 100 acrea »¡tualc*o. using Cliamlierlain’s colic, Cholera and . «ml ■) nt«»r$' »latthcd ; a good orchard just diarrhoea remedy, of which one small '^ 'i i” ? *7*" ° * >P i -------- I’ srk O besity I’ ii . i . h will reduce your I weight l’ERM ANEVi'LY from 12 to 15 conic into hearing; b ro«»ina in a frame bottle effected a complete cure. It is fur , . 111 lrk' gret .y no mgs great- A dispatch from San Francisco on tiie house th a t ¡a ceiicfl and papered; good sale by druggists. j ly hnpro vo th e look, of the country. inst. .aye: i pounds a m onth. NO STARVING sick­ out-hiiilding^, ejid Mio« k of nil kinds will The young people of Seaton mid u p , John G. M tuning, for wlnwe a rre tt ness or in ju ry : NO PUBLH ITY. They Dr. Cart M. Slayback lias concluded rivar ............ L W K L Ii Y . build up the iiealtli and beautify the be sold wilh the plnrc nt re isomihic pri- to locate perm anently in Florence. The j , Meets »verv'J n " '* lr ' ‘"K the State of Oregon has offered fOOJ i r ­ ros if desired. I’rice >4 farm, $20()0; o n e ' t> • • , , I (onplexion leaving NO W RINKLES or half cash ami reasonable tin e given forj is a physician of twenty-four years ex- ' : . 7 r’’. »rre’ fed ou Third street thi- I ro in p lly D oue i .• f «i vi ’ I ’ nowiei«, preside!»t; f. ,1. Neely, afternoon bv Detective R oh « Jiahhiness. STOUT ABDOMENS i;n,I penencp, graduating from the Llect.c v ic ^ p re sid e n t; M i« E stella Boan, were- l e c c t n e K o i W I,..taker, balance. Ajqdy for further puiliciilar. A hiD W O R K W A R R A N T E D . 1 difficult breathing surely relieved, NO M He is wnnteil iu Cuoa connty, O regon,' Medical Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio in ta r y ; Hylvester Johnson, manager. t tllia offirc. EX PE R IM E N T but a scientific ami |ios- Mr. on eh irgi'.s of robbery, arson and jail „ - V ------- ^.s.. 1871. He has also taken a post-graduate W. W. Neely’s string hand furnish the I rn o x T S t r e e t , F l o r e n c e , O rfoom . breaking. Last year lie and Chas. Owen ' f itive relief, adopt.>1 only after years of course in tbe Hospital of Chicago. The mu tic. J, u. I broke into the store of tho Southern 1 experience. All orders supplied direct SPEEDY and LASTING REfilTLTS. people of this community are indeed 1 I from our office. ju jH,r * A \ fLI> - Lushin* Cmivneter of fortunate in securing the services of Dr M O S T rem arkable cures on Orevon Merchandise Company, stole a ^ -1 7 “V j age or three packages for $5.00 hy mail large am tint of money and g.r>ds, and MOST PERFECT MADE. g« o I uddri'w». Liberal ««lary and Slayback. Sec his card in uiiotiierculuiiiii. • record b a re been accomplished by fr- - my n ■. i , « ¡'.«tj i- r. kk thÍA then set It e to the place. Manning and A pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fret «islpiid. Testimonials an I particulate exp n*” j j ;,i I n»ckJy: Perm anent LAUZ Aiuwr.ro aíSTC». The tire company have secured a por» H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla. It is unequalled Ow hi e-ca.« J fro n j til together. Owen 4ro:n Ammonia, Alumot any other adulterant I sealed Sets. _ IV - « - GUARANTEE - TtC « CURE or rotili.*! yotr none*. p itiön, h io V. N liu o s . CO., Nuisc- ) p® tion ol the lumber necessary to buihf a fo r pll B L O O D D IS E A S E S . Prlcw **' Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes. Hardware, Glassware, Crockery, y Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Windows, Doors, Build* ers’ Supplies. ★ w ALWAYS TRADE AT & r Safley L IQ U O R D E A L E R . BUTCHERS. B e e f, G-ame, F ru its , RUSS HOUSE. H.M.Cliamberlin. A •DIV w FAT PEOPLE i ¡.Oi K S. *J BAKING THE NWMB ^XFAT PEOPLE^ ,0) 11 I y P A R K R E M E D Y C O ., bcaTon M aes