aini w ■ k n uv th at it t. ill , itien- m .tí truck to ta k e r iv tu g g a g e to n tty. An gun corp 111«’ JO IQ CU C lU ll. A vtrygoo.; food anil - tw ice! :ng had .•an-r at GO degrv«> C.— throughout i ont- an 1 should pass with u t a di-: r of cold water in placo Hardware. gave the names oi 32 persons whom they slush of the sidewalk in goloshes. We of tiic hot i. lilac. Iu tho ocurso of H-tiiit'ì' voie. w o nearly smashed by a cable car slink- {¿Barter Duck amt Gangs, ay. about an hot tho nitrocot ton is dis- elsimetl as “ who are reliably known to Q uarter deck originated from tho ar- I Ei-Q ueen Liliuukaiaci lian formally have east th eir votes against Dolph.” fug along, ringing a fun real clanging solved in tip nitroglycerin, tho two belL 1 see a disused lamppost, w ith a bodies uuitin: to f rin a more or less rangem eut that the portion of the d- ok T H E U N D ER SIG N ED HAVI- R E C E IV E D AN renounced lier right to the throne of Dolph received 40 votes ; 72 votes were dark red letter box fastened to it; jjtxt. stiff hoinegent jelly, jt may indeed so called was about ono-fonrtli of the Hawaii. V ívela Republique ! pholcgfaphic collo- wholo space. Fore or forward castle e a st; now another explanation is in order. a tall, black, electric light pole. On b • compared to. the lamppost 1 read, on olio side, Fifth -lion, thickened J j; ain lat.i.n, the gun received its name as being the principal — Eugene Star. avenue; on thoother. East Twenty-sixth cotton liaving jjB R I i aolved not in tho part of tho ship in w hich tho fighting We have been flooded with country str--i t. Ou the top of a huge building usual aleuhol-eilier mixture, but in n i­ took place, being raised much above tin corn «pon lence tiiis weak. A portion oi HÂ there’s a huge sky sign advertising troglycerin. v»Tien cuinpu.-t-d of 93 per level of tho other part of the deck and curtain cigarettes. On the face of cent of the latter, With 7 per cent cot­ holding a commanding position. Poop, it sought the w aste banket for Until re ­ it three largo (locks tell tho tim e iu ton, we g -t a most powerful explosive. tho raised aftorpartof the ship, set apart pose, _______________ Gut1 sturt- anil w arehouse ere filled from floor to celling, London, New York and Denvc-r. As wo Mr. (J. Mauroberi . tho manager at for officers, both in meaning und deri­ i jolt past, np Fifth avenue, 1 read on a a n il we can ,-afely say th at o u r shock has never vation, comes from the Latin. Ard -or, obs -ryes upon this point: Several interesting articles, among MONDAY, FEB. 4, board, “ Oh, Mamie, won’t you take “ Of all tbo nitroglycerin explosives Gangway iius been handed down from been more complete th a n now. which was the city treasurer's report, Dolph, 35; Williams, 9 ; H erm ann, C; yonr honey boy to seo Peter F. Dailey blasting gelatin is the strongest. If tho t ’-c days of tho ancient ¡talleys of the were unavoidably omitted iu this issue Lord, 4; Lowell, 3; W eatherford, dem M iu ’A Country Spirt.1' ” This is New energy of dynam ite be represented by Pinanicians, Corehagcuians and lio- e « e e 100, that of blasting g-tatin w ill be 130. mans, it having been a board which but will appear next week. 7; Hare, J>op., 10; absent and paired, 16. York.—C’um hill Magazine. Nitrogelatin itself shows I. j energy ran ulong tho whole length, serving as BY S E L L I N G F O R C A S H A N D C A S H O N L Y W hat l*asne<1 B etw een T hem . than blasti’ g g e la tin .’’—Nineteenth a passage for tlio rowers to and from Many of the loading Oregon papers are Two men of more or I t s bibnloslty Century. TUESDAY, FEB. .5. their scats, it was also utilized us a V. E QUOTE A FEW OF OVU M »X V HABOAIXS : jum ping Captain Tommy Symons for resting place for the m ast and sail Dolph, 11; Williams, 10; Hermann, 12; who hail ulways been friends got into a ClCOlWT.i’t RI y o J. 5O3VALUS FLCUR, l EDL, row one night which ended in ono get­ (2.90 FOR when not in use. Tho term now denotes his report on the Yaquina liar. Tommy Lord, 3; Ixiwell, 3; Weatherford, dum., ting pretty badly battered and tho other Tho beautiful Octavia, tho wifo of a placet of exit or entrance from or to a JRAWULA’; ED SUGAR, h LS S. 1.00 undoubtedly deserves it all. iXTRA C “ is “ 8; llare, pop., 10; absent and paired, 2. being arrested for assault and battery. the groat genagsl, I it weak and infa­ vessel, generally from tho shore, by 1.00 mous, Antonin* was a woinan of raro means of a long plank or platform .— a T A N D A E D T O M A T O E S , 11 C A N S Ou the trial one of the attorneys was 1.00 Work on the jetty at the mouth of tho The changes were: Baker, from Williams quite anxious to know why tw o such per.ion al integ (f and moral worth. Chambers' Journal. S A V O N O R L E IY O X S O A P , 20 B A R S 1.00 Wh< u Anton a iho hoeoud tiine, Columbia will be resumed about the 1st to H erm ann; Curtis, from Lord to H er­ friends had got into such tronbi-. i 53. P K G . GOL D D U S T W A S H I N G P G W C E R 26 PEARL I4ARËOR, HAWAII. ' lell ander the “ Will you state just how tie diffi­ aunt this P R U l T . s C A t S ................................................. of March. Work on the jetty at the m ann; Hofer, from Ixird to H erm ann; culty originated?” ho inqnive<-ii:eit aa well ns my honest convictions when every m ein-1 up nil my luggage, and we shake Inuids tho latest t i-.'ui i.f d;. uatnilcz ur Foltili- is si t apart tor his exclusive use. In this heartily. I shall never forget him and Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th lier of the home delegation baa deserted tlio oranges he brought me sluek ou a fnd liitrotfly(-*rin are thy c dosigunted room smoking is prohibited u n til 9 p. 4 > SEAL 1 t d«y of March, 1892. J o s tr n A. Monets, not too happily as “ blssting ff'latin«. " in., a place being <1; voted to that pur­ m e.’ How funny; »uch peisonitieation fork. Notary Pnblic Many p,a>oi.s inmgiuo, quite naturally, pose nt other times. The traveler takes As I go down the gangway n crowd of pure unalloyed “eonsisumey,” and hia meals in the commercial room, the TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ef foi es hs'k up nt mo from tho dock. thikt tlucc ix-nsast c i scute form of gela­ dinner being n net affair in which nil Being first duly sworn I depose and say: T hat I have been a resident of F lo r­ “ honest convictions;” jumping from A tw inkling Iiisbm nn ¿arts at me with tin, isinglass i r glue, , .uvuned iy tTarehrs in the house generally partici­ ence, I.atio County. Oregon, for the pest twelve years: t h a t I am fam iliar and wel I-ord to Dolph ; and still worre, "when a telegraph form and u pencil. He ebemieni in cu r, into a powerful txplo- pate. The dlili st man ts r.t the head ot Five, lint “ blasiiiig gi l.'iiiu" contains acquaintc I with tlie property known ns “ F rasier and B erry’s part of Florence, every member of the home delegation Intvr« them w ith, vtithnew i -t.stisf- no particle w hatever of gelatin, pr-qc the table and is called the president, r e be’icv' IT ' > ;•«» s imparE’.a !n» no equal and ful unite, and rasaos awny a f'er ethers. that tlie same is adm irably suited for residence property. Icing perfectly level and w hile a t the feot is tlio youngest man, I rc.’d iw ! ! .! U.” W. b. K im », Fluff lUJe.Tex. Jias desarted ME.” Alley, McClung. My luggage is all w aiting for me un­ Orly so cal led, the term In iug applied to a roe from drifting sand. T hat frnit trees nnd shrubbery grow well in the soil am* nnd he is termed vice presj-li-ut. Seloc- m ixture of tiitroglyivriti nnd a nitnx-i 1- H ood’s F ’ . b e s t hu liyeathirtle. Ilsker, Hillegas. stand up ami tell u a - der my initial in the huge shed. I have 'b a t pure well water is found on the fam e at a depth of from ten to fifteen feet. tiens of food aro often made by vote, gvi.Go anil effective. Try a boa. <3 cruta. to open every trunk ami bag and watch Inleao. It is prepared at Ardcur, in Ayr- jo u r constituents, what made you ”de- huge, dirty hands play over my clean iliiru, N. B., by l-.cating nitroglycui-iu and two or three w ill club tog , r far — J o s x rn A. Monms, Merobant. t SEAL a ert" .Moorhead? We await an auswer. linen Ham coimes t » shake ban Is with in “ jack e ted '' jciiis to Is-twccn 49 de­ Fpectal dishes or wines, tho president I Subscribed and sworn to before rre tb it 12tb g -mrally p attin g the qin-sti- it Dr. Price’s Cream Raking Tow-der mu atraiti ami a r t . me au LLhni.ui nn 1 gree« mid w ater ut GO degrees I ’. — 1 10 day ut March, 1892. L. B ii . vkc . dinner coats in th.s way from 60 to I degrees F. — i is-rtain proportiou i f drv .6 A World’s Fair Highest Award. N otary Publia cents ard other iiteals in vroo'rtion. W S S T . TZE-IE ANNOUNCEM ENT. IM M E N S E S T O C K 0 E GOO DS! n DAVENPORT I H Z STORE S E A T O N GOODS s GROCERIES. .C n o w l^ ® G e tty s , PHYSICIAN ANO SURCEON. H ard T imes .' SELLING AT COST M. SETTLE, c ? # EUGENE, OREGON L E A D , K U T N E V E R F O IL L O W !” .5. H . F rie n d ly RY ^ O O D S , ------- '<3fea------------- HOPS, B W03L, E A AND WHEAT, L OATS O O T H IN C , AND BARLEY. ESTATE! For Bargains in Real Property S a v e t h e C h ild r e n H O O D ’S S a r s a p a r illa CURES co.r