----j uoueisiuou, watcuiug aer pretty, hamming bird sort of restless­ tne g in tnongutiuiiy, looxing away. , susP*ci?usly odd," prouounced las£ “ “T fake the first nnd welcome, so ness, how it was that her husband’s m HORACE N. CRAIN, eyes were always turning toward her Mrs. Ellery decidedly. "I am sure that far as 1 am concerned at this moment, ” bo has a history." luxuriously swaying back and forth, en- with a kind of doglika devotion in their CHAPTER- II ¡ S & the “,DdSCUP0 Wl,h h“,i gray depths. “ We had happened to be G »v«rn oi............... . Willi«in 1*. Lori. invited out to tea at a neighbor’s, ten Secretary oí State • H. H Kincaid, The buildings of the K 6 ranch were i “ Yon are perfectly blasphemous, yon miles away, and it was 10 o’clock when tint Dealer in Pine Watches anil Jewelry Treasurer................. a Philip Mntrliwi • C. B i n g s , _ _ Proprietor. we reached home. Ah, I was perfectly grouped in picturesque disorder on a ! conscienceless creature! X lament afresh Supt. Public Iiistrm-tii n. .G. M Irwin. ; . u ? e n a O regon frantio when we found your telegram little plateau dotted over with box elder tIiat we are 60 miles from church priv- ’>* O. State Printer............... . . . .W. H. Lenin. Leaves Eugene on Mondays and (Copyright. 1301. by J. B. Lipyincot’ Company.) there waiting for ns. I wanted to start trees, forming a natural park at a bend ‘leges.” of the shallow creek. The small stream “ What a relief it must be in tho mat­ Attorney Generai.. . . C. M. Idleman. right off, I nt it wus so dark, aud Hugh 1 hurst lays at 6 a. m , arriving in HENRY A. BAY, Agent deserved its name of Big Cow creek ter of bonnets!” rejoint'd the girl, sm il­ [CONTINUED.] was persuaded that you would know ......... R. A B.-uii S'ture m Court F. ’ A. • Moore Í I S t a t e i n s u r a n c e C o m p ’ v h lorenee the day following at 4 p. in. They were now well oat 5^ u the how to take care of yourself perfectly only by way of comparison with a tiny ing incorrigibly. "For my own part, I !' consort three miles or so across tho shall appreciate tho opportunity for find­ Returning—Leaves Florence on open plains, tho road, crossed aid re- well. He says you always da ” “ He is very kind, but I might have country, to which it became united a ing 'tongues in tret'8, books in the run­ Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a. nt. crossed with tho deeply trodden trails of cattle, mere wheel marks, at best but found it rather difficult last uight but few miles below. In point of beauty in ­ ning brooks, sermons in stones, ’ und all arriving in Eugeue the day follow little worn from travel, all’ so uncer­ for Mr. Brown. ’’ Edith hastily interpo­ deed both deserved fairer titles, but that sort of thing, without the draw­ ••lillJ :» . . r p. ing at 7 p. ni. tainly defined that Edith eon'prehendi d lated, with a smile of sweet friendli- the early settlers of Wyoming were back of a congregation, but I suppose fully Brown’s objection to»'lrrtakiu t ncss at the young man. Now that all practical souls, given to considering ev­ there are neighbors somewhere?” her the trip by night. s»«utto her anxieties "ere at an end siie was in ery object with refcrenoe to their par­ glance speculatively ranging tho dis­ ticular interest, tho cow. In all the tant hills. Single litre . . . . *5.0< L _ fnLf.it »'2i '. i-to tho »! ra,hapt good humor. “ If ho had not country round no fairer grazing ground "Oh, yes. Within aradiusof 8 0 miles R o u n d tr ip - ” $¡1.0' ’ tam ed u l s s t th e station’’— might ue found than this, where t l * there are several families—such as they “ And so you w. wout on to Cameron's _ . — — a.»out lucra .n vast Tickete for sale jtt E Bangs’s numbers, looking up from their grazing aud were there all the while. How per­ cattle might revel knee high in grasses are. Good people, too, but you know • f Y. » r t . i livery burn, Eugene, and at Hurd with heavy eyed curiosity, sometimes a fectly lovely 1” cried Mrs. Ellery raptur­ in this blossom time of June. The val­ the type”—shrugging her dainty shonl- : t... . 1 Wil i ,i:i tl • ley was walled in on either side by tiers. “ Nottingham lace curtains in the & Davenj>ort’8 office in Florence sullen faced Taurus moving a little to­ ously “ Oh. we were sure that you abrupt, flat topped heights, revealing I parlor and ‘God Bless Our Home’ iu C - r . t ....................................... ,f uie rtfOeOll. Wild • in w . •ucttfi. ward them, as if with half formulated would mauago just right. ” SSeriîf ..................... . A •I “ But it was Mr. Brown who did all tbe boundaries of the ancient river, and worsted work over tho mantel. ” thoughts of battle, while from a rise g a l l i c , f l s l i ami fruit in season. Best , “ I recognize tho description, and is ahead so imperceptible that it seemed the managing.’’ the girl protested, with along the banks ran a procession of old rr*-i»«0ir»*r....................... .•J. "It was only a matter of luck that I tlie winds of centuries, their fresh foli­ ently crossed tho way, exquisitely Hiirueyor.. . . .. W B Pengra happened to be over at the station, but age a glory of green ami gold, while yonng woman by the creek, who bad Ctt h 8ract',ul * “ their lithe, free motions. , ____ . __ On the 1st, 10th and 20th of Cormier................. her© aud there an old cottonwood tow- now put down her pan and was gather­ J. W. Hun ir It reminded Paul Brown to speak of ! of ,c?urso 1 a,u very glad," he said, month. the roundup, and seeing that sho looked Rmiliuff baak at hor gratefully over his ered head and shoulders above the others ing roses on tho other side— "ob, Arta- Single trip $3.00. Round trip $5.00 interested he went on to describe the I work of «‘owing her small baggage in almast somber in the dignity of duller lissa is from Nebraska!” aud darker dress. Crowding down from OF E U G E N E . “ Artalissa of Nebraska. What a fetch­ |W| «»V VAAV WUCU iiu u saiifis < of cattle were sceno when v thousands fro,l£ of ‘he carriage, where it con- tho hills into luxuriant masses on the IT, OFFICERS. ing titlo that would bo for a n o v ell” T . Q . H E N D R IC K S . Puts. S B EA K IN . J » .. C ash w sidcrably threatened tho legs of tho two a plain like banks of tho stream was a gay riot of idly amused with the idea. frightened creatures small boys, who sat looking on in shy wild flowers of every hue, as if, for this PAID UP 0A8M CAPITAL, “ I bcllevo sho might tell a bit of a •60,000 wonder. Presideat brief carnival time of summer, nature story if sho chose. I have heard some B. F. Aliev SURPLUS AND PROFITS, • 6 0 ,0 0 0 For P ^ m g c r and Freight Bate. “Ah, tho poor children w ill be crush­ had been minded to give beauty for hints of a romance. Somebody—I think at tiny moment. He told of the hundreds ed under my things! Come here, you ashes with mad prodigality. Oscar Funke A C C O U N T S S O L I C I T E D -A P P L Y it was her sister—married her lover, ” of riders swiftly circling around tho dtrlings. I want you both on my lap. O. W. Hurd Iloani of Trustees The house was a low, rambling struc­ Nelsiue explained, with the smiling in­ EUGENE, • OREGON. VVm. Kvle Meyer A Kyle, Florence, O herd upon tho wiry little cow ponies, as At d shall I offer to pay him for the ture, complacently violating every wo accord to the tragedies of L. Christensen intelligently trained in the running tetin aud for his trouble, Nelsiue?” known law of architectural stylo in tho difference other lives. down of an unruly cow as the riders she whispered hurriedly behind a small series of additions which had grown Recorder............... THE . Drew Severy “And so Artalissa’s heart was bro­ D lf themselves. Hu described the routine of b ty ’s back. "He has been so kind. " E « LEADING Treasurer............. upon tho first settler’s cabin, but within ken, " E d ith rejoined, regarding tho Frank B. Wilson S T E A M E R “ C 0 O 3 , " the roundup, its hardships and dangers; “ Not for tho worldl" returned the it was most ingeniously contrived for girl with languid ouriosity. Marshal....................................J .C . Brow the extempore circus, with bucking other energetically. "He would take It o— Will m a k e ......... o If it was, sho believes in tho theory Justice of Peace H. M Chuiiitierii horses scarcely more than half broken, as an insult. It was so fortunate for both comfort and convenience, lacking of those luxuries that have come to of similin similibus curantur. In her R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R IP S w iich regularly begins tbe day; the Miss Ellery that you happened to be few bo.tho necessities of modern refinement limited sphere Artalissa is a dreadful and long hours of riding in the fierce sun­ there," she went on, turning to the ---- B etw een ----- “ It is not in the least an ideal cattle flirt. Tho boysou the place are all dead shine, often where gold could not pur­ young man with that radiant smile SECRET SOCIETIES. M E R C H A N T - T A IL O R , chase one drop of good water. He told which, to most men, had been a reward ranch,’’ Edith declared, with a laugh­ in love with her, for which I am de­ D E A L E R IN of tho dreariness of tho night herding, sufficient for any service. “ And we are ing nlfectntiou of disappointment. “I voutly thankful, hoping they may amuse her sufficiently to induco her to when, worn with tho labors of the long, so much obliged to you and to every­ must reconstruct my ideas from first to stay. ’ ’ A F. A A. M. Siuslaw I salgo No. 107 last. I came expecting to ’rough it, ’ and and C A P S , 7 hard day, tho rest of tho camp all sleep­ body at Cameron’s. I wish we could N s Regular cuiiiiiiiiiiication on second find silk portieres and Persian rugs, “ Death to tho frogs perhaps, but”_ ing, the poor cowboys told off for that have been sure that she was in such high Saturday night in each mouth. art furniture and the latest books’ “ Oh, men have died from timo to duty must ride about the IV J r N 5 FURNISHING GOODS Th«. F. OshM, H.nry C. Psyns, H.n», C. R.s>. R.c\ — surly herd good hands. ” C. B. MoaosN, W. M. I feel that I have been a victim of mis­ O. W. H urd , Secretary. hour after hour, always singing, partly Tho wagon from the ranch had just placed confidence; that ’the wild and time, but not for love,” replied Nel- siuo, calmly cynical. “ If it is fun for to keep themselves awake, but moro to come up, and Paul Brown, with the EUGENE, ORECON. woolly west’ is a myth. This is a para Artalissa, I am not disposed to worry keep tho animals diverted aud prevent driver of the team, was engaged in disc. ” about the frogs. Tbe servant girl diffi­ ^ A. R. General Lyonn Post, No. 58 them from “m illing, ” that crazy whirl­ transferring Miss Ellery’s trunk from meets after the first q uarter of the She was lying in a hammock in tho culty is too serious in Wyoming to be ing round aud round which may end in the back of tbo buckboard. Tho work uioon, linear month. a stampede; going on to paint tho hor­ kept him silent for a moment, but he shade of tho wide piazza, that, save for squeamish about trifles—another of the R. B. M ills , Commander. rors of that stampede by night, when turned around with a gay, infectious one broad entrance way, was all walled drawbacks of Arcndia. Wo havo more B. F. Alley, Adjutant. tho maddened herd must be rounded np laugh which showed all his firm, white in on its open sides with vines of wild than work enough hero for two girls, and halted, though to venture before teeth. “ Hospitality, liko virtue, is its encumber. Through that wreathed open­ but even with the bait of $30 a month R * O. U. W. Perpetua I.sslge, No. 131, T l f i i l E S A .R .H ! X I A . K . D those flying hoots might mean no less own reward sometimes, Mrs. Ellery,” ing ono looked down a velvety slope of it is all we can do to find one. When I ™ meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays than death for somebody. Ho told “ of he said. “ Angels’ visits are few and far lawn to tho creek, across which a noble read of 200,000 working women on the ---- A N O ---- each month. Members and visiting moving accidents by flood and field,” between at Cameron’s. When they do group of trees joined hands, flickering verge of starvation iu New York, it brethren in good standing are cordially M O N H Y S C A R C E ever encouraged to go on by tho girl’s Mine, we consider that tho luck is all lights chasing each other across tho pol­ inakos mo furious. If only the seuti- * ished leaves as the light breezo buffeted uumtalists Ti.m silly philanthropist« A K " »VWBkA ,M. W. rant attention . on our side. N F. B. Wilson, Recorder • s e s e tho w |lling branches to and fra A wood­ wdhM stop t o F aud writing ftt ' “ Ah, ’t 1« all soiuivioACingl’ rlaimed, drawing en bridge crossed the creek in the shadow unit devote their energies toward urfng^ s t r s s s » * ? ...... ’ ■ at of the trees, and resting on Its timbers ing those starving women west, where I. O. O. F. ileceta Lodge No. I l l, meets Fo r T h a t Reason ^ * Hhamcfaced conscioiiHiiess of unaccus proceeding to engross her guest's atten­ at one side a small flume carried water they are needed ’ ’— every Wednesday evening in Ludg. P u llm an I will sell goods for the next "Sho is rnther handsome,” remarked tomed garrulity. "My brother is not a tion with a vivacious flow of question­ from the irrigating ditch on this side to Hall, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in good standing invited to at tend. Sleeping Cars good correspondent. He has told us so ing and talk which left no thought to the garden beyond, the tiny flow langh- Edith absently, her eyes following the 60 days at greatly reduced L. C. A csss i . kt , N. G. littlo of this western life, of these wild spare for tho young fellow still stand­ ‘Dg, gurgling and rollicking on its way girl. “There seems even a certain air M arion MostRta, Ree. Sec with ten times tho noise and jollity of of refinement about hor. I should hard­ experiences. ” rates for spot cash Try me E le g a n t ing beside the carriage. the murmuring creek below. Between ly havo regarded her as belonging to “ And your brother is aoowman—not Aud how soon are you going to be the swaying branches one caught a sap­ tlm ta >> D in in g Cars that t rln olass. when you have the cash. I a cowboy. There is a vast distinction through down there?” asked Ellery, de­ phire flash hero and there of the water CHURCH DIRECTORY "That class! For pity’s sake, Edith,, between the tw o,” he observed, with a T o u rist taining him as he moved to go. "We mean what I say. winding about among the wild rose don’t breathe such a reflection aloudl’“ “ If he attends the roundup, it have quite a bnnch of colts that ought Sleeping C ars smile. tuickets, as though searching out the cried tho other in comical dismay. '‘Ar­ • RESBYTERIAN CHUR CH, Florence, is only for tho fnu of it. ” to bo broken, aud 1 was wanting to see fairest flowers, its low banks guarded talissa belongs to the best society— In, ■ Oregon. Sabhatli servl c e . Sabbath* “ Whilo you havo had the work, ” her you, to ask when you coubl come over. ’ ST^PAUL by a diminishing line of trees in fresh Arcadia. She teaches a district school' school, 10 o'clock a. m. Preaching 11 glance uudisguisedly questioning. "Why, as to that, I ought to bo got summer bravery softly outlined ngainst iu the winter—with half a dozen scliol-, o'clock a. in. and 7 p. tn. Sacrament of M IN N E A P O L IS “ Yes. I have had the work, ” smiling ting back to my own place, I believe, the Lord's supper on lnt Sabhatli of and shrugging his broad shoulders as he Mr. E llery,” tho yonng man returned, the misty gray of tho sandy bluffs below. ars. I11 tho summer sho has done house­ DULUTH January, April, July and October. Under tho trees by tho bridge, a pret­ work in certain well recommended fam­ spoke, “ but then there is some fun with an air of uncertainty, his Everybody ia welcome to a li the services. eyes ty picture ngainst tho background of ilies, partly, I believe, because of thoi PARDO about it too. By the way, have you no­ fixed upon the ground, "llow Pastor requests Cbristiiuis to make soon shimmering greens, a young woman in littlo family unpleasantness before re­ ▼O CRANO PORKS IN T H E C A R M A N B U IL O IN Q . ticed that object ahead?” themselves known. would you waut me?’’ a brown cotton gowu, bareheaded, and ferred to, on account of which tho pre­ I. G. K notts , Pastor. «• J "A carriage! Do you think—can it be CRO OKSTON "Right now, if it would suit you— as with well rounded arms showing to tho fers not to go home, and partly because really Hugh?” eagerly peering ahead, soon as you get through atCamerou's. FLO RENCE, ' - OREGON. W I N N IP E G elbow, was feeding a flock of downy of a canny eye to business. Aud I sup- ethodist episcopal church flushing faintly with a consciousness " I’m about through there now. chickens, the clang of the spoon beating poso tho next thing sho w ill l»o gotting H E L E N A >nd service. Preaching at Glenada ev that in tho interest of this mail’s talk but”— against the pan railing her charges to married. 1 live iu fear anil trembling__ ery third and fourth Sundays of each •be had almost forgotten this possibility ■ UTTI k ou might come for a month now if month. Sabbath-School every Sunday of encountering tho carriage from tho you can givo us no longer and then gether sounding like an accompaniment such liavoo ns matrimony has always at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting every Tburs of cymbals in the drowsy summer sym- played in my household. Nover a girl ranch. I come for another in the fall, ” urged El day evening at the church. Everybody havo 1 lntd who has not left me to ba “It is the Ellery outfit," he pro- lery rather anxiously. oordiaily invited. R. C. B lackwell , married within six months of hor com­ nounced, altboagh the carriage wan still "Well, perhaps if that w ill d a ” he Pastor. ing. There seems a fatality about tho too far away for its occupants to bo rec­ hesitantly agreed, with a half glance at C H IC A G O place. I believe even you would suc­ ognized. “ It is the only four-in-hand in tbe back seat of the carriage as he cumb to the sentimental influence— hard W A S H IN G T O N i Wyoming, so far as I know. ” His turned back toward liis own tcurn. "I hearted littlo wretch that you are__if NOT.*?.lie. kmilo was slightly sardonio. Of this, have my own horse at Cameron's and P H IL A D E L P H IA there was any mail in tho country wlumi ° s AtCTO**^ j however, Miss Ellery was nnconscions, will ride over in thoconrse of a woek or you coaid possibly marry. ” N E W YORK being wholly absorbed in looking ahead. j so if I can arrange it to come. Other­ TO “ Do you think so?” and Edith looked ' This turnout of Ellery’s, a handsome wise I w ill drop you a line. ” -J f OLP.4. SALT LAKE, D E N V E R , BOSTO N A ND A L L away as she spoke, with an odd littlo j victoria drawn by four spirited horses, Tho ladies were paying no heed to P O IN T S E A S T *»»l S O U T H smile. so incongruous in its splendor against anything besides their own absorbing ONI A K A , K A N S A S C T Y , “ Speaking of that, do you know ft: For infurm .tlon, tim e cards, rasp, and tickets, the grim background of bare plains, i coiivertuufion, but aroused by seeing him seems rather strange, dear, that you calx on or write was generally regarded as a fit subject C H IC A G O , S T . LO U :S moving to go Edith started forward And Collector. don’t seem to find anybody to please for good humored smiles among his tut- impulsively. “ Oh, Mr. Brown, are yon Office tw o floor« west of Florence Hotel. yon?” Nelsine observed insinuatingly, assuming neighbors. I going? You must lot me thank you A. D. C H A R LTO N , F lo r a n o e , O regon, hitching her rocking chair a degree, E A S T E R N C IT IE S . “ I am so glad that you w ill be spared again,” peremptorily holding out a Assistant General Passenger Agent. nearer. “ I wonder how much longer» the rest of the long drive,” Miss Ellery f ’o i'tl-j.n ci O r . small, gloved hand. Tho man had been you w ill keep ns in suspense, ” regard­ remarked, with a slight accession of really kind, and now that sho might JOE MORRIS, J r ing tho girl with a sort o f tender curios dignity, as if with the approach of her never lay eyes ou him again, for sho had ity, «certain gleam of excitement light­ EAST AND S O U T H friends she had remembered afresh who not heard a word of tho arrangement ing her dark eyes as sho perceived a she was and to what sphere of life it Iter brother had boon making she felt smile doepening and dimpling about tha had pleased heaven to call her. tliat she could well afford to be gracious. pretty mouth. Catting tier chargen together. F lo r e n o e O regon ’’Are you?” he dryly returned. "1 appreciate all your kindness so inuoh. phony of bird song and the ham of in­ “ Not much longer, I think, Nelsine,” "Well, perhaps 70a w ill ?■» ’» GoCidby. " OF ÍH E sect life, the soft swish c»t many leaves, tho girl's face flushing faintly as she) say that I am not, but”— .J “ You need not havo shaken hands Southern Pacific Co. “ You arc very kind,” she has ' , . f with him, dearie,” murmured Nelsine and tbe melody of running watet. Edith answered. v?ith a soft littlo laugh. ATTORNEYS terrupted, "but 1 ant sure that r ’filve in her ear, "but of course you could not looked at all the fair picture with ex­ 1 J / | T T O C J T h e Q « l« k * a t t<» C hicago Express Trains 1-e.ve Portland Daily. [ to uh continued .] l l V ’J í t o and the Raot. quisite delight, hutinostof all sho look­ h I m < » r 111 — given you trouble enough Ah, it is”— in know His manners are so gentleman­ ed at this girl. m ttu ecs*a‘i° ‘one, excitedly fluttering a ly”— T h e W ay o f L ong T w ilig h t. 6:15 p m I l.v Portland A r |S : 2 0 s U /lT T D Q Q o le k e r 1« O m a h a and IJ:«7 p m l.v "You havo not had time yet to find Eugene Lv a m handkerchief, radiantly pretty in her A. C. WOODCOCK, On first thought it seems to bo a “ Except perhaps when he happens to ont tho thorns beneath tho roses, ” re­ 10: *5 a m I Ar San Francisco l.v | 7:no p 11V L llO K an aas C it y . delight,— "it is Nelsiue and Hugh aud be exhorting the bucking and impenitent Ai«»ve trains stop s t all stations from Port turned Nelsine, almost with an air of rnther paradoxical statement that tho land to Albany Inclusive-. *l«i Tangent. Shedds, the children!” broncho,” laughed Hugh parenthctieal- pique, being, in fact, rather given to u nearer we ugiproaeh to the equator tha T h ro u g h P u llm a n and T o u r is t Sleepers, Halsey. Harrisi*urg. Junction ( tty. Irving Eu In a moment moro the sisters-in-law *7', gene, i.'umskM-ks, Drains and all stations from certain enjoyment in tho littlo airs of shorter is that intermediate stage or F r e e K e r lln ln g C h a ir C ars, were clasped in tumultuous embrace, Ho-eburg to Ashland inclusive. "But ho was so very kind, you know, martyrdom sho assumed by reason of transition from duy to night and from O regon pouring out incoherent exclamations of aud I could not pay him "_ ROSEBl'KG MAIL, DAILY. D in in g C ars. night to duy, which we call "twilight. ” her social isolation. joy between even more confused efforts Thi i being the ease, however, tho period For rates and general information call on or 8:M “ He probuldy considers himself mu­ “Room a 7 and R McLaren'* Building. Lr Portland Ar 4 R0 p “I shall see nothing hut the roses, at mutual explanation. Hugh Ellery, a 2::« dal attention g iren to collection ! and pro­ address Lr Eugene Lv 10 2ft a nificently rewarded now ,” laughed her my dear. I never saw so many together of riurntion of “ tho dim, uncertain bate business. 5 Ar Koeeburg Lv 7:00 a broad shouldered, blond whiskered, sun­ brother teasingly. I iu all my life before. And to think that light" in all tropical countries is very W . H. H VRLBVR T, burned and handsome fellow of 80, ■ lin in g C ars on O gden R o u te , "There is something almost snspi- I actually huvo been waMting sympathy short when compared with that of coun­ whose own greeting had been cut short Asst. G e n t Pass. Agent, tries o f high northern or southern lati­ P u ll m e L z i B u f f e t S l e e p e r s eiously refined about that young man’s U R. J O H N S O N , by tho irrepressible enthusiasm of Ids manner, ” observed Mrs. Ellery reflect- upon yon, you wretched little impostor! tude. Tho explanation is this: On the J.M WMhlnxton 8 t Cor. ¡Id. PORTLAND, OB AMD wife, sat smiling sympathetically at .ively. "It seems as if he must have a Yon write charming letters, Nelsine, equator tho sun's path is at exact right SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS, tljeir rapture, while Brown waited rath­ bnt yon belong to tho school of tho im ­ angles with the horizon. Tho lost Isstin history, as if he might be hiding in this attached to all Through Trains. er awkwardly in the road, uncertain ont of the world place for some reason. ” pressionists. Your scenery is always de­ of light fades from view when tho sun lightfully vague and sketchy. I bad West Side Division. what to da AJl my work will be warranted to give is at IS degrees below tho horizon “ A ll, Nelsiue, your imagination, if B etween P ortland and C orvallis “ Oh, the baggage!” exclaimed E l­ devoted to sensational literature, world imagined yon in a howling wildernoss. ” This IS degree mark is quickly reached satisfaction. Call on or write to me at M A IL T M A IW D A IL Y ( I Z C g r r S U .Y D A Y .) S T A O B I_ITTB3. "Well, I think tho wilderness ia here, comprehending the dilemma. make your fortune,” observed her has 7 R0 a m lL r Portland ArJ.S Ró a m lery, at the c JAti r for reasons given In the 13 16 p m I Ar < o r v e lli« » l. v ' I no p ,,, "There is a team a little behind, com­ baud indulgently. "As for poor Brown, for all the roses. Yon forget that one of first cutenoo of this explanation. Thu tho drawbacks of Arcadia is a lack of At Albany and Corraflls connect with Trains ing for that, so just throw the small though, givo the devil his due and stick society. ” farther from thoeqaator we get the loss of Oregon Parifl«- Railroad traps in there and drive on a bit with to what you know about him. ” KxraRs» tbaiws daily (« x < « r r ■< wday .) heeomo tho angles which tho sun’s I-eaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ "No. I don't. I conrit that Iu with « 40 p m l l .r Portland Ar ! « ?s a m the rest, won't yon, like a good fellow?” JOHN C. GRAY, days and Fridays. “ But he does not seem quite like • roses and other blijaungs. Bigtlety is course makes with tile horizon, and tho rn tr M.’M lnnvllle l.v ' 60 a "To think of onr not getting your common cowboy, really," pot in Edith a the Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thnrs- longer tho time required for him to nuisance. ” T h r o u g h T i c k e t s t o sail p o i n t « in th» Ra»tem telegram until last night!” cried Mrs. interestedly. “ What do you know about ,'8/ ’ , n '^ Saturdays. reach tho IS degrno mark; hence tho State«. Canada and Europe can I* obtained nt "Ah, yon are liko a man who had Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ lowest rates from L. G. Adair. Agent, Eugene. Ellery between two kieses. She was a him?" The host THE PUBLIC. N ORTHERN PACIFIC. U S J. M. SETTLE, M THROUGH THROUGH TICKET, TICKETS Notary Public, Surveyor Notary Public, Laud Agt 3 1-2 DAYS m CHICAGO THE Attorney at Law, Contraclor ail Bnilfler. Florence, Ore. H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, KRTAl SURCERT. SHASTA ROUTE