Fdlt Li i i | jt j 1’ O b h .s . cn in charge of coalyards alsiur town etid .iitly attending to sales ns well as -• ,-pilig I. tola. A newly established e -■ t om on tin New t oik Central s ilarleui illusion lias ixcn pur incur« of a young woman, who already has a nodding acquaintance with naif tin- pa troiis of tiio office. She occupies her lei sure with novels and poetry and is an object or interest to all that come and go at the station. Two young women at Mount Vernon d r iv e a delivery wagon and get about with husiuesaliko dispatch —New York Suu. Ir K o i, and iuu Gtuiu* ea—iua lu.,, tiessi.in. -a« average Ihigiisnmau is public lie would remove in I fingi tu^e • -rv© I Janies Townley had no furce of char­ spiriti d, and for the public good de­ TJ«» (liu ila u t lr . Mlaa L'-UBlIy Hidi-a A bout Au hare in In., decree. nounces any imposition npi u himself, F i/te e a v iile ä ,, liny. acter anil was, moreover, improvident No rank iig entry: sjo’s favorite trip mid oue that she takes •»'got Throw her wim-oroe gage, tbn nmv increased — > , by _ the I desire to call the attention of th© the liousehnM household, now quite frequently. She is able to dodge bw eet «entiruent would rule the earth. birth of a sickly boy. management and the general public to '' ith banner high Uhfur.rd, T W O G R Z A T W E E K LIE S e ■ • • (a th e r ir w l>re<«*|. Arm Lappine»« no more a deal th Rachel Barron had known the elder m ™ *”1 'i'“' I have bwn nP hero two Could lore tu t r ife the world. ’ A woman of much business ability is -------------- - mornings for the express purpose of Townley anil nursed his sou when ill Alow happy all v ould be, » I Catherine Drexel, now a nun. As a with a fever, and she came forward ing the sun rise from this mountain, • • • • A T T H E PR IC E OF O N E An Cden vale joung woman she had control of a gr» at Again the ear: h would «e», took tho Stricken family to her own and that on both occasions I have seen fo u h l love prevail. fortune, and, what is more, she spent home at the "Fourteen Chimneys” mid nothing whatever but clouds. - I to s e U anlier lu Home and Country. “Oue failure to keep the understand­ it after In r own fashion, which, for the cared for them. The husband was then most part, was in the way of philan­ dying irom quick consumption and the ing with me—an implied contract_I T O W N L E Y ’S H E I I i . thropy. Who is a fervent Catholic. and wjfo failing in health, and both were in might have passed otter, but two fail­ effect paupers. ures I regard as a distinct imposition. much of her wealth went to found ami “J. R obinson , LiverpooL” support missions among tho negroes in In the mouth of March. 1827, a small There nre a few Philadelphians liv­ W E E K L Y O R E G O N IA N tho south, in whom as a southern worn- thin man, evidently English and look- — Youth’s Companion. ing • who still remember the “ Fourteen lug very much like a ferret, camo to see mi she felt an interest. It was through r„ T h e-A n tico n tet L eagu e. ____ ____ ___ this work that sho - herself was led , to be- C1‘imueys, 1 h,ta“ ey«. ” a noted city landmark dat- James Townley. IIe was, he said, a • • . AND . . . Of leagues of women there is no end. coiuo a nun. It was not to be expected to tbo Revolution. They were friend of his father’s and had but re­ that such a woman would immerse her- rtcozod in the old directories thus: cently heard of the son’s uffliction. He The latest is an anticorset league, of II. o “,C" tho raost reu,arkable feature is self in a suls.rdiuato place in some ob- | “ Sam. May, oysterman. No. 5 Fourteen talked sympathetically, left that men are invited to join. This does again, dol- and uot •cure convent. Instead sho used her Chimneys.” They stood on the w .st lars and promised to call several mean t])at tJ)e ,,padded mau standing and influence tosceuro permis­ side of Fifth street, above Race, and ex- this ho did several times, alw a^ giving | wears the stays, ” as Tennyson once de­ Mrs. Town ley money. sion to establish a new order of nuns of * * * * winch she was to lie head. She had her tended from the southwest corner of Rachel watched him closely and be­ scribed Bulvver-Lytton, is supposed to Mulberry alley south to the present No. be in need of a league to save him from way. She retained full eoutrol of her came very distrustful. Mrs. Townley tWs enormity. The real reason, avowed f her hnsban 1« own money. Sho followed her own 222 1,ow UI1 ,„k faetl>rj. , u faot the w toW hergvlnofhj hack part of this establishment is the history, and after many injunctions to with refreshing candor, is that, as wo­ plans with regard to her order and spent her money in furtherance of them only portion of t h . building left, and nothing until she returned the res.,- men w ill persist in wearing what meets a part of mansion, th ^ E « ^ luto Rachel R ^ ê l * ^ •4 i d a vishto'th^lato r " X 'heei ^ ,‘^ 1Ì“ì - BPPrOTa1’ ” is <*PC -----Ettris lot© i-s«... . . . Tho new order, of which Miss Drexel is this was i «u , ?■ ,'nako luen scu tha »gliness and sufierinnisH, is now fully established, belonging to a tnrioug family who owned ard McCall. the futility of the corset. No doubt fi" heard b and tho fact is due to her lino business much of tho land th» reubouts and note»- b ¿tnev x o w indifferentl.v, u le v V « tut n,°." WI" ”O<'k to tb0 meetings of tho for eccentricities in dress and o p i n i o n r * ^ qualities.—Brooklyn Citizen. *'** ” Airs- xowuley should sign There wero in all eight houses, and they no papers without letting him know of IiUb,ic of fem­ * * * * bad been built to tit tho chimneys, us lb I he woman hurried home, and on inine apparel being notoriously of ab­ t ie r W h ite r RsiK lbag. sorbing interest to the male intelligence. One of tho indispensalilesfor summer these were much higher than the two tenug the housejieard some one talk- —London Graphic. St«>' to the travel, e- peeially for busy women whose th .^ t'1^ ‘¿ ‘"m' k»«!«"" ih front from Towuley'a room and peeped in. only vacation consists of flying trips to H ank '. R ed H ir e r ( a r n p .ip ,. In among the trucks and c’rclo around seashore or mountain, is a lightweight which tho neigiibors were supplied with men were at the bedside. James, prop- When tho troops left Alexandria, tho the horses with all the case and sang vahso or trlesoojio bag. The nemo of vegetable«. ped up by pillows, had before him on a froid of a grown person. The principal industry here in early piece of board a paper, and bis wife had city took lire, and a part of tho force p ,: ¡ecrion in tliis lino of requisites is 1 he W est has always given to it» Tho wheel that this 7-vc-ir ' -velist soppl’otl i,y the oblong wicker baskets tunes must have been butchering, as just placed a pen in bis feeble hand was sent back to fight Ihe flames. Gen­ eral Banks in uniform took a bucket rides was built esoecia'ly ' ;» layers of bones, cattlo horns and heads re.nl. m ai d the public generally, Gn the table was a pile of notes and and carried water with tho rust. He to bo f ille d in Chinese a- d Japanese Wood had considerable tri,able 1, f ,i-e J shops. As tin y come in nests, m y Kizo ore tinned up when tlio street has lx, 1-, gold. % N With ,1 m .i, h , . never lost his dignity, however derno- 1 > Her and , heaper periodicals than he wns able to pet a machine that was desired may be obtained, from tiie very opem-.L In 18ts one of the most re­ v\ ith a rush tho mulatto grabbed the «ratio ho might lx. He was especially satisfactory to Miss Bessie amt in ac­ small ones which w ill carry only a spected residents of tho “ Fourteen paper, almost upsetting both men, who « z;- annoyed by a West Pointer who had a a ll d in rs together in this part o f cordance with his own ideas. The lunch and a favorite volume totholargo Chimneys” was a Miss Rachel Barron turned 011 her fiercely. contempt for volunteers and persisted wheel is like a racing lightweight run- ' ' but not weighty affairs which w ill hold a bright mulatto who had beon left a “ Bo careful what you’re doing, wom­ in addressing him as Mr. Banks. Colo­ the country. It has done thia ner with steel rims. small fortune by a member of the Bid­ an. That is a legal document that Mr. nel Rice says that while General Banks Tho steel rims did not give safisfac- I a.l the garments and other essentials for dle family, whoso servant she had been Tovvnley has received money to execute, largely at its own expense, and a several «toys’ sojourn. Tlio baskets, was bravo and even daring at times ho tlon at first and wooden rims were used snugly fitted together, are held by nsub­ for 20 years. and 111 hold you responsible for dam­ lacked a certain executive ability, and for nwhilo with poor success, so the stantial shawl strap, and this convenient Miss Barron was very charitable ami ages.” now adds anoth, point to its cred­ ,(Ì was * stBiiding joke in tho war that steel rims were put back. arraiigenient costs less than $2. Any did much good in aiding tlio poor, w h r 1 ' ‘All right I This yer is my house, I r a Confederato general wanted supplies it by making thi- unpree ded and Her bicycle snit consists of navy blue j abb-bodied woman, old or young, can weroplonty enough in tho numerous1 loug-ot out and take yer money with take them from Banks. His bloomers and a pretty braided jacket easily carry one ami still have strength courts mill alleys of that vicinity, and y°x' ? , ai“ ’t,iiKniuKauything today. ” he ™ would .......... baggage train never seemed to be prop- and eape. One of the troubles of this enough left to rise up and call blessed it is in this connection that our story And ton men were resolutely hustled prlv guarded.— Popular Magazine wee maiden's outings is to get to her the intelligent person who adapted a begins. down stairs. In an hour after Mr. Me- ---- ------------------------ ---------------- - In 1800 it man named Richard V il ,no Call and his clerk came walking in and wheel, which is kept in Ti.irty-third foreign article to the uso of tho inde­ Townley was li ving in Philadelphia. >>ard the story. street, without letting the public know pendent American woman. He ♦hat she wears bloomers. Her mother 1111 E“* lil’hmmi, handsome in '“ “ Let me see th o paper. A ll v o s a puts a dress over her costume until she appiiirauce, witii polished maimers and „ shrewd to - get Townley ~ F air Woman*« W liim . v " scheme . * , to 0011- Pleasing address. He had many friends Iorohl8,i,lght Is roady to mount. When she is in tho “ '““«uittcent estate for Tiio tiny kid pouch witli a metal us it was reputed that lie camo from an •addle, Miss Bessie considers her bloom­ clasp which mademoiselle guards so A G re a t M is ta k e . «-00. \\ e are just in time, it seems. ” ers quite proper and modest. Townley was almost unconscious, but carefully in her shopping expeditions is excellent family at home, but there was With her fair complexion, bright not valuable in her estimation for tho a mystery about his means of living. fie lived long enough to know that he Yn-aiigeineiits have been rnatte- A recen t d iscovery Is th at headache, blue eyes and wavy brown hair am. dimes and dollars it contains, but be­ He al ways had plenty of money, dressed was tho owner of Apley Park. Thin flight, childish form sho makes a pretty cause of the beauty aiils so snugly tucked and lived expensively, so it was sup­ freak of fortune came about in this dizziness, du llness, confusion of tho mind, whereby we will give T he W est etc., are du e to deraagom ent o f th e nerve picture ns she rides her wheel along the away in its discreet little toilet pocket. posed that he had an income from prop­ manner. cen ters which supply th e brain with nerve boulevard.— New York Herald. and the Weekly Oregonian for 82 Mrs. Childs’ husband died before tho tercel th a t indigestion, d y .p . ,, |a, neuralgia, There is a smult, ivory handled pad, erty in Euglaud, but- all this was dissi­ filled with her favorite powder or a bit pated by the report that ho had been baronet, mid she was the head of the wind bi stom ach, etc., arise from tho d eran ge- per year. This offer includes all An A pple. of ft puff which tniricruw.H, «bowing it« principal in a duel at Saratoga Springs; family. . ami Frank were two borsp© powdery contents, a morsel of a mirror that tho alleged cause was u quarrel at Pl our paid up subscribers and those hitched to a yellow cnr. All the morn­ and just the daintiest little silver or tor­ the card table, and that the courteous, the ing they had gone lack and forth pa­ toise shell bang eointe The purse itself stately Englishman was in effect u pro- de who pay all arrearages and one tiently, with only a rest now mid then, is tisi small to even hint of the existence fissional gambler. .aiKl|.ll,.7 ,“nj,ll,'r.cc<’civC'l a letter telling w hite lin es a r e 'Vl,en this was known, it affected of her sudden iIlD«ss’"m,'l with the nerves whi ’h t>ot Jerry was beginning Io feel iclsd- of these articles, but they nre there all year's subscription in advance. It I I IXVII lotv’u __ J.. . . ad- . children, _!.!» 1 ’ »»*«« several con vey the nerve nley’s position in socioty a maid lious. He was lired, and it wasgetting Ihe same and mi l not a little to their • ilr . fow and » man attendant for *e from t h e versely. also includes new subscribers. hotter every s«|nare. Jerry was not by owner s comfort by remedying a shiny to cross the cbnn,„.t ► ©I . e eenter.d to nature such 11 lueek horse as was Frank; nose, wind blown tresses and tho like. but, then, too, lie bad ,,„t ..... .. „ c i, ’ car horse as long as Frank had In ecu. A n tu in e tts Starling,* Frank knew the only way to «Io » WflH t(> 1 Antoinette Sterling is becoming a fa- go on au »1 on, whetb '•r you wi re tir»»d uiipnmuu was a boy about 1.5, whe ver, and the maid and postilion Ordinary * * * * I miliar figure upon the platform at the was his only child, the mother being or not. The driver had it all to say v',k:,W ,ail ,o great tuiupcrauce meetings, Sho speaks •lead. James was a delicate lad, but alone escaped. Thus the Childs family i,h- r e z iin l t i i i s f a c t ; By the time Jerry hurl made up his sometimes, though not at any great was extinguished. I nst,-ad (,f treat- luinil te Is. stubborn the driver stepped length. Most e.'ten her spei-eh is merely gentle, and he was put in a private lie ii » tv »5 cen ­ The attorney for the heir lost no time lriuj l for r a i l O R E G O N IA N G IV E N tho cause the horses on a switch to wait until the a brief intriHlnetion to her song. Gu school m„| „„„ h lik d i.y b is assix'iateK, in communicating with Mr. McCall, a p ­ o ters AS A P R E M I D Ï . f tiie disorder« but his father, mindful of tho vicissi­ prising hill! that one of their clerks a risl n jj tli»*refrorn ear a sijitaro nvviy hail passed. these occasions she usnnlly sings w ith­ th ey t r e a t tho Rigid then* mi tho curbstone sat a lit­ out uny ai'cmupaiiimcnt. It, is very inter­ tudes of his profession, bound James to liad ruled for America, and that his er­ part affected. tle bootblack. On the pavement lav his esting to see tin. great singer come for­ Benjamin Jones, at the southeast corner rand was to make some arrangement for Franklin Mile«. T h e subscription price of T h e W e s t torn rap mi l he let people go by unno­ ward so simply, as she dots, quietly of .Second and Chestnut streets, to learn his own benefit with tho new heir and W. 1)., Li,, it., th© highly celeb rated ticed as he rubbed mi apple on his jacket dressed, with 1,0 music in her hand, engraving, ami this lie did, becoming a to wain tlmt gentleman at once. is $ 2 .0 0 per ysar. T h a t of th e O re­ to make it sliitiy. A sweet lady bad at one of the packed Exeter hall meet’- good workman. His father, however, Thanks to Rachel Barron, no warn- « p e d a l 1 s t and ______ given it to bim, and he was jiv t over mgs, and by menus of her beautiful •upplnsi hi,,, with too mnch money ing was needed. James Townley died K M rM « realiztM l t iie » ru th «»/ g o nian is $ 1 .5 0 . By paying $ 2 .0 0 fn bis Hurpriso and getting ready to eat it, voice holding flic dense throng breath­ and lie ca sed to work, became unsteady two months after hearing of his good truth of »»>« lh e <■_* flrat. ^ u ccew and finally .lissqwted. When left w ith­ fortune, and his wife, attended by Ra- hi ?urbl5e al'i,,';n2!,i“ when ho looked up and saw J.rry stand­ less with att.'iition. Comil mrer- out resonrees by tiio doath o f tho elder advance for a year's subscriptio n te ing near and looking at the apple long- I fu»k in impassioned speaking, fts lo an the «hl >• «terted for England. Inside of to l" Is ttH,,thoiih“rV|OU' f lr^ ’sl'*rnr, '''‘‘ ^rtitoS'(l5r- cx- J own ley, ho w lUgl.V with his pifi'ul eves. as forced to go to work two years Isitli the widow and sou died. ih iis h> J ,san'1; uasollelted testln mo- etied crowd the effect is usually delight- ut hi« trade. T h e W e s t you receive for one year The little bootblack nnderdond. fur.— Loudon Letter. Bio com pany m anufi U ie h s r .lT ™ i ... R*chel n,arrie^ » »ery respectable white u i h ., .1 fac- rov©. Or k ! h min''’., whohnve had nearlTtlfiv »»ara1 standard writers, a page for the younger ones, and bumneiw. ¿onuhânic™ Wf ■- and was sent «way from Oxford in dis­ gauge may he correct ut low pressure and not so ut higher pressures, and tho grace. and for a time forbidden to np everything that goes to make up a first-class weekly. The l lls h r r Kilscatlwn. ot "‘Mhan- reverse may also be found, especially :»! Ä ^ t ' , a^1* ^ r' io his latest hook: pear at Apley Park. Sir Edmund was with gauges that have been in use some 1 »(«‘Hts tuken through Munn A Co recpi»»» It is a paper for the people, both vonng and old. "The highir cducuti.in is part of the getting quite infirm and much controll­ time. By many it is not considered ad­ «penni notice in the S c le n tiflr trnerienn anti r a t’o'wt i>,mU£,h' n'd 'l<','F ‘"■’" 'n l’lP public hi •m i ll Meal which we have derived from ed and influenced by his housekeeper, visable to use a gauge for reeordiug pn-s- i-Ju,,i W J ii i I 1 h” »Pienani l-aror. 1Y- ••» « n ’lr llliinrstcd. hx- by far n,» tin- past from Europe. It is part of the Mix Darby, who had lxeu in the fam­ suros as high as that shown mi tlx dial, Mei .11 i t nny «neollflc work in iho Huiidin,/ r X ear' copies ceut free icon s,,«, f r the life ,,f leisure, the l,f„ ily from girlhood. Slip iiitcrrodeil for as few springs w ill stand such un ex­ Richard, and he was finally restored to >1* 1 ' • w*• vents, river) ntiuii ,-r con» Ainu H muh of Ila, aristocrat, which Hotesly ,,f ()ur tension without becoming pcrntanentlv fiful plntci«, in color«, mid phottwranha of new hihÌM dsZtiiÄST* “rmb,in« builders Fo show th« gi-ncratiou leads except women. Our raver and camo back to the park, only set, to a certain «ffcmt, this Is-iug es' woman rosily have some use for the to get into a fresh serai«,. Mrs Darby peciallv the cnee with the chuaper T iie p eop le of the Siuslaw country and the public bad a niece staving w ith her. a very Said the W asp 1« (be S., d r, "I, . build tin a ciliication of a gentleman, but our men beautiful and good girt, and with her gnuges. it is, according to this writer, •hip, have none. ” generally idionld appreciate the value of this offer, Ricliurd fell madly in love, and failing not a difficult matter to devise means W ith a red maple leaf to r a sa I. W -’ll fseren it right at ihe from to g, t her on less honorable terms per- for comparing witli a test gunge any ) a chip, A d v a n ta g es o f M rltlsh Matron«. kind of force pump serving the purpose, Like mariners bold, « e n ll ls ia n , n a trip ^ou will be well informed on all the living issue« s,u,del her to elope and get married. And weather the b o a .lo t mile •• It may be a question whether the T lx aunt had awav mi « visit or the boiler feel pump may Is, util­ Woman's Suffrage society should not The Spider arrred. nod tliay boil, railed away for only 82 for a year. Less than two cents per and rot,unci to find her nice., gone ized Again, gauges can lx tested by fit FOR take up the question. At all events, kurneer the eean, to H eir dory Suspecting the Worst, she nt one - in- ting them to a pieec of lead pijx, a fjut whither they went I really <«„•( «ay. there must he something wrong in tho forimsl Sir Edmund of his nephew’s gauge at cither end, the pipe being bent copy. Such an opportunity as this is not given r °r j’‘nt. Do uot delay, bnt cannot do so, " s;,i,l fjlo judge, ’because with local applications, as they cannot yourwholeiimototho work,oronlvyoorspare mo­ (lie truth and found that she had sue. LrnB^ I,y o ,,r li" 1’■<>”« intelligent? the law prevents me sending a married subscriba now. resell tlx .eat of the disease. Catarrh menta. Aacapllal lanot rv,/aired >oa run nortak. This reeded m disinheriting In r sou in law, ta a golden opportunity toiiall Nephew— Well, be biisti’t g o t woninii to prism, for di bt. IVrhaps the is a blood or constitutional disease, and We supply you with all that 11 needed. Jt will SO lery much seiiso in his head, but his law ought to 1«, altered, but there it but was too shrewd to let I be muster know (h»‘ r»’ftl fact«, nx he was intense- in order to euro it you must take in colt you nothing to try the builaua. Any oue tail «mins to k n o w |,,t.— N,.w< is. And tiie tnarriisl woman went free, ly proud and would regard the misalli * * * * * ternal remedies. Hall’s catarrh cure is ran do the work Beginners moke money from which is a valuable hint to the single.' taken internally and acts directly on the atari Failure It unknown with onr workers. P rev a llln a W oman. —London Telegraph. miro as m?ro flagitious tlirni tho sun the blood and mucous surfaces. H all’ Every hour you labor you can eaally make a dollar. It Is interesting to note the trades pos<>(| m durtinn. No one who ir w illing to work fails to make more T w o L o w ly A eiorlcan W „lev a . ■ml professions into which women aro Mr. Heropo vf Shrewsbury was the i ntarrli euro is not a quark medicine. It money , ,erv day than can bo made in three days This offer ic one in a thousand and one whieh Andreas Zorn, tlx artist whoso orig­ more and more finding their way as n by one of tiie best - physi- at anyoratlnar-. employment. Send for free hook family solicitor, mi upright gentleman. «as prescribed ... - matter of course. An up town stamp inal Style of isiriraitiirc was much ad­ wh-iliad known T o w n le y fa th e r , and ‘ ll,n* 111 t"'* country for years, and is all should take advantage of at once, as the time agency of tliopostofflce has recently come mired during the World’s fair, says he persuaded the huroi.et to make his regular proscription. It is composed of -ontainlng the fullos, informatioa. into the core of „ young woman, and that Mrs. l'„i Palmer and Mrs. will ns follows: Mrs. Childs, his nlero, the lx»t tonics known, combined «¡th H. H A L L E T T & C O . Orover ('levi bi .............. Iironiptii- ss mid euro she .re two of the most Imd the property for life; then her cbil will be limited to a short p e r i o d .................... the Ixst blixxl purifiers, acting directly > Box Is a happy rontrast to tlx man that pro. lOYclyirpnwq.tutave, ,,f woi.iunbtxM hv ilrcii by seuority inherited, and then on the mucous surfaces. The perfect! Ir» ©ver h © » » ii . rodwl her. Home small telegraph offices # I . . Lidi»* lw» grat»»« heirs male, and failing them or issue PORTLAND, M A IN I. in varions parts of the town ¡in- in the fui for these kind words, f,,r tmi often combination of the two ingredients is the son of Richard Townley to inherit « bst produces such wonderful results in care of Women, ami the faros Is hind tho » happens that foreign artists, having in fix. As there were nine of the ( 'liilds BARGAINS. BARGAIN3. Instrnments aro usually of a kind to taken Ih e Sh ek els, will ,, safely mi the curing catarrh. Send fur testimonials ' children, James Townley'• ebanc. of W ill ■ell lot« in Acme from »25 to »fid make one glad t!iut Women have taken o in sido ,,f the ocean criticise tlxir free W ill -e l 'n t- in Chi, ago addition to' (■ tadqpapbj. , «»ero with », verity - B , , i Herald. . gaining the inheritance his father had F J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, 0. forfeit,-,! sixin, d very remote. lorence cheap and vu caav tern,« ?l,l bv Uruggigts, 7Jc Eiiniuid died, leaving a Uuaa W A Cox I 2» k * *»•“ . MU LITTLE BESSIE’S BICYCLE. If love could rule the universe, Howr »hanged w ould m J I th in g s tie» the w est . -A . Y E - A . R , J r SURROUNDED BY MYSTERY! UNPARALLELED OFFERIR wi YOU RECEIVE THE BEST WEEKLY IN OREGON FREE. * * * * * if, THE T M E IS L IM IT E D $4Qd2fi PER WEEK WILLING WORKERS THE WEST, ■ Florence, Or.