TH E W EST. down to the mouth of the river Tuesday nnd spent the afternoon. The day was i delightfully pleasant and, in the words — P l'B L lS U E D E V E R Y F R ID A Y » O R S IN O .— I of one of the gentlemen in attendunce, — AT— ,, “ They had an elegant time.” The party F lorence , L a »« C ounty , O regon , . .. , „ was composed of Mr. and Mrs. John C. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Behnke, «• F. ALLKYi Kdltur sad Proprietor. Mesdames Foster, Kobe and Burns and CITY DADS IN SESSION, t h e s t a t e o ver . C A S U A L IT IE Ö AT CAR D IN E R . • T wí A o e ld r a t. W ith in th e W e ek . Koi u n t à i l **t IVl.tcL IS o .u li E ,«tally. u m , Astoria has levied n 4 till'd school-tax. The tax levy in Polk county this year c«respia'.saes of r.u Wan.] G. irdineb , Oa., Feb. 4th. is : For schools , 6 m ills; state, 3 mills; Two fearful accidents have happened county, 6 mills. This is u raise of 3 1-19 on this river within the last week. The mills for county expenses. Mr. Harris. —— T erms : *2.00 a year in advance.----- The people o, Thornton, Washington, first, last Wednesday, tiie victim being The experience of Geo. A. Apgar, of having secured a flouring mill, are now Mr. Ben Rowe, a logger, who, while German Valley, N. J., is well worth re­ looking for some one to come along and j felling a tree, was instantly killed, by a Entered at tbe poat-ottice at Florence, membering. He was troubled with smaller stick which was laying across a laine county, Oregon, as second-class chronic diarrhoea and doctored for live The Rag ( hewed But Little establish a creamery. Thorutun is a log and which was tilted up. striking him null matter. thriving village seven miles west of months and was treated by four different in the head. The blow crushed the Work Accomplished. Oakesdale, in the Palouse country. doctors without benefit. He then began 1 skull hut he lived until tiie following using Chamberlain's colic, Cholera and Umatilla county’s tax levy is 18 mills, day. Mr. Rowe was a member of the VOVRRriSlSO HATCH MADE KNOW» O» AI*- diarrhoea remedy, of which one small PLICATION. divided as follows: General fund, 19.5 G. A. R. Tiie body was Carrie I twenty Local cotice* a cent* per line, each Insertion. bottle effected a complete cure. It is for A n n u a l R ep o rt* o f th o U n tirin g C a p ta in mills; state, 3 m ills; school, 4.4 mills; miles by his friends through tiie timber WE KEEP TH £ 0 E 3 T - * sale ly druggists. o f (h e I Ire D e p a r tm e n t am i C ity indigent soldiers, .1 null. The iotal to his home and was interred Friday. T r e a s u r e r H ead anti D e fe r r e d —T ow n amount of property taxable is *7,908.207,1 T he W est has given to its readers and N otice .—Professor J. M. Williams, of 1« In a Hound F lu a n c ln l C o n d itio n — and tie polls 2097, making the amount Eugene is our agent and is authorized to the public generally, l>etter and cheaper Som e i»ig T a lk O ver S m a ll M atters. The second victim, Mr. Dennis Wag­ , raised by tax *141,000. periodicals than all others together in receive subscriptions, advertising and ner, was killed today liy a falling tree, money for T he W est and receipt for the this purt of the country. It has dons Last Monday at 3 a. ni. a Japanese which fell across, his breast, killing him this largely at its own expense, and now same. was found leaning against the depot a! instantly. The tree had to be sawed in ___________________________________ • adds another point to its credit by giving City council inet in special session on Meacham, in a state of unconsciousness. Monday evening. All the conncilineu His feet and face were severely bitten pieces before tbe body could be ex-' F or W est S i bscribers . - A t - tl , e , wee ‘ tlx •» aenbera. the opportunity will be bin- were present. Owing to the absence of by the cold and next evening he was j tracted. range met) tri have been made where- ited to a certain period, therelore parties President Alley, Councilman Hurd was unable to sit up and powerless to control Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World'* Pair Highest Medal end Diploma. his limbs. The mercury was down to by we will give T h e W est and the : ,,1U8t s,,hse,'ib8 at once. T he W est (or elected president pro tcm. *2 and tiie weekly Oieyunian free, The minutes of lasc meeting were read 15 degrees below zero. He was taken to W eekly Oregonian for S2.00. j Charles Anderson, living about nine and approved. C O M M U N IC A T E D . Pendleton for treatment. Mr. Hadsall, the contractor, presented ' Thia oiler iueludea all our paid up miles up the river, lost several cords of *1 Of the twenty true bills of indictment To T he E ditor .]—As I am compara-; ." aubacribera and tnoae who pay all wood on Monday morning. He had a a new plan for the imp-ovemeiit of the found by die grand jury at tins term of tively a stranger in this country and scow loaded with wood for Mever «Sc Kvie water front and tiid $1109. On motion >. arrearages, and pay one year’s sub­ anil Monday the tug went up the river of Councilman Kyle the hid was laid on court in Umatilla,county, 7 indictments particularly so in tho Columns of T he were fur gambling, :W ,r perjury, 3 for larceny ofca-t-tl , I fiA w aiil! .> itbwlan W est , I feel, as those interesting w i iters, scription in advance. It also in­ to tow down the load, only to find tiie the table. The matter of improving the water genius weapon. 2 for larceny from build­ 1 Gail Maker and Ich I)ien, have been ' scow swamped. Mr. Anderson states cludes new subscribers. ( tiiat every tiling was in order early that front, regarding the manner of improve­ ing, and 1 for larceny by bailee. Ten ; making a little mistake as to my iden-1 : morning, so that some crooked work ment, was discussed at some length. A men were sent to tbe penitentiary, 7 i I tity, that 1 ought to set them right. I ¡' W E ST L IN G S. am now living in the suburbs of Flor- j must have been done. It is rumored lively altercation ensued between Coiiu- were fined ami 3 acquitted. ence ami my husband is doing a general, that some persons swamped the scow cillneii Funke and Christensen. The Tho towns of East Cottage Grove and teaming anti livery business ill this place. Born—To the wife of John Mason, a and that revenge was the motive, because former favored the plan ol Mr. Hadsall Cottage Grove are now having an III- i daughter. | Anderson bad refused to rent a scow of a* lie considered it the most practicable teresting tight before the legislature at Therefore 1 have nut the privilege of : G. A. R. meeting at one o ’clock Satur­ them. However, this last statement is of any yet presented. Christensen stren- Salem. It seems that East Cottage making the good sweet butter that 1 j learned to make in the lirst 20 years o f ! i uously opposed the plan on the ground , merely a rumor. day afternoon. ' Grove people want the name of their The following was contributed by Mr. that there would be no place to land. town changed to Letnati, while the in­ my life on a farm near Eugene. So 1 j Masquerade ball at Acme on Washing Jos. Fellman. 1 married a widow who Mr. Funke thought that a bulkhead habitants of Cottage Grove object, as think it will devolve upon Gail Maker , ton's birthday. to bring the butter, and as the time ap- ! should he built lirst and if a landing w<« l Steamer Coos was benched Monday had a grown up daughter. My father necessary a step ladder would answer all they say that would change the name of proaclies for the reunion and wo arc WE TAKE YOUR MEASURE A ND HAVE : visited tiie heuse very often, fell ill love the railway station at that place, and and her stem repaired. ! witli my step-daughter and married her. purposes. K ylew asofth eop ln i.n l that thereby harm the old town. Both sides making up our program, 1 think I will j FULL SU ITS MADE TO ORDER ON Schooner Albion still remains in her , So my father became my son-in-law and a landing was a secondary consideration. > to the controversy have strong lobbies have something to offer as my contribu­ old position on the beach. tion to the entertainment of T rk W est ’ s Il something was not done at once, there SHORT NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED* my step daughter my mother, because at tlie capital city. The matter lets been correspondents, which will be more in Born—Oil Saturday, February 2nd, to j she was my father’s wife. Some time would he nothing lelt to which a landing 7 6 8 HANDSOME PATTERNS referred to the Lane county delegation my piesent line of business, and which the wife of E. Evans, a daughter. : afterward my wife bad a so n ; lie was could he made. Christensen wanted to j for a solution. will make tiie editor acknowledge tiiat Boating is becoming quite a pleasurable I my father's brother-in-law and my uncle, amend specilications by adding brush. A few years ago Mr. A. F. Stowe, a Daatime for Sunday afternoons. j for tie was the brother of my etep-nioth- Funke said that brush was tun expen- lawyer, located in Lebanon. He was a "axle grease” properly dished up is too good for tiie crows, alter all. sive and the town could not afford it. Hood's pills cure nausea, sick head­ ; er. My father’s wife, that is, my step­ Mas. A. G. W eddle . Hurd stated that the original plan was man of ability, ami soon secured a good daughter, had also a so n ; lie was of ache, indigestion and biliousness. 2oc. practice. Strong drink mastered him, course iiiv brother and ill the meantime to have the work performed as cheaply ami he soon began to lose his grip. Sev­ P E O P L E P O IN T E D O U T . Our clubbing oiler with the Weekly * WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE GERMAN my grandchild, for he was tiie son of my as possible. Kyle settled the matter by eral mouths ago his wife left him anil Oregonian will be discontinued in a few i daughter; my wife was my grandmother moving tiiat tiie street committee be in­ AMERICAN INSURANCE CO , OF NEW began a suit for divorce, on account of weeks. Mr. W. P. Shelley, a buyer of furs, | because she was my mother's mother; I structed to draw up new plans and spec­ A parly was given by Mr. W alter wa8 |„y wjfu>s |1Usliand an(j grandchild ifications and report to the couucit not bis intemperate habits. Now lie is in was In the city tins week. YO K, AND THE PH ENIX A S S U R ­ Saflely at the Florence Hotel on batur- a( the game time. As the husband of a later than Monday evening. Tiie motion tiie county jail on a charge of embezzling Mrs. Lucy Morris left Sunday for Sut­ ANCE CO- OF LON . ON, ENGLAND. *140 collected fora client. day evening. ton Lake to visit relatives. person’s grandmother is bis g-and-; was adopted. There is a growing tendency among Councilman Funke, chairman of street William Boomer trapped a cougar a father, I was my own grandfather. Mr. ami Mrs. S G. Limlsley, of North committee, read a letter from Surveyor the farmers of Umatilla comity to look Fork, were in town Saturday. couple of weeks ago that measured eight Ten days loss of time on account of C. M. Collier, in answer to a request for about for oilier crops to raise, either as feet in length. W hen Rates are equal why not g e t the best? sickness and a doctor hill to pay, is any­ l)r. C. M. Slayback arrived in from adjuncts to or as substitutes to tiie wheat The Yaquina Bay Cannery Company thing but pleasant for a man of a family plans of survey. Ordered placed on tile. crop. Il is a tendency which will be" Eu”'e,,e Weclnes.lay evening and is look- The bid of J. R. Weddle on grade has been incorporated to operate a can­ to contemplate, whether lie is a laborer, work on divers streets was opened and sure to result in untold benefit to the •"« t h e ‘» w over with a view of locating nery at Toledo. | mechanic, merchant or publisher. Jas. i permanently, read. The total amount of tho hid was whole people—not •lone to the farmers A masquerade ball will be given at O. Jones, publisher of the Leader, Maxia, *733.43. Laid on table. Mrw. M. Pierce, of San Francisco, ar­ —and will lead to permanence ami Acme on the evening of February 22nd, I Texas, was sick in bed for ten days with , Councilman Kyle thought that side­ stability in the business and pr is|tects rived here Friday, via Eugene, and will I the grip during its prevalence a year or Washington's birthday. walks should he laid before the streets of the farmer, which are lacking when apvnd about a month visiting her broth­ Scliuoner Mayflower, Captain Olsen, I tw-'i ago. Later in tne season lie had a were improved ami said that the proper­ wheat is the only crop. er, Mr. E. W. Cobh, of Heceta. second attack. H esnys: “ In the latter with 116,099 leel of luiuiier, departed ty owners were ready and willing to put J. J. Stiefel is the name of a gentle ! case I used Chamberlain's cough remedy Monday for San Francisco. down sidewalks if they were informed as man w ho, after a trip of investigation D O O R DIGESTION leads to , w itli considerable success. I think, only nervousness, chronic dyspepsia and •Mr. William Kyle will shortly tear to the grade. covering il«e loading point's iv* Washing • ’ being in bed a little over two days, l’lie down the old saw mills on tlie oilier side Councilman Funke moved that the ton and Oregon in search of a location great misery. Tho best remedy is | second attack I am satislied would have and use the lumber to build a barn on street committee lie authorized to exam ­ to establish a vineyard for winemaking HOOD’S SARSAPARILLA. been equally us bad as the first but for his farm up tne river. ine grades and report at next meeting. purposes, selected Grand Homle valley the use of this remedy.” It should be L A T E L IT E R A R Y N E W S . in preference to any other place lie bad An interest in a drug store or, if de­ borne ill mind tlirt the grip is much tiie j Carried. — The— sired, permanent employment guaran­ same ns a very severe cold mid requires j The annual report of the retiring cap­ seen. Mr. Stiefel is a native of Switzer-1 Wholesale and R e t ili* 1® General Lord Wolselcy makes a most teed to physician woo will reside here. precisely the same treatment. When tain of the tire department was read and land, and lived in several parts of Eu­ Important contribution to tbe literature rope before coming to (lie U. ited States. , I. ... , Exclusive practice in 40 milesol territory. von wish to cure a cold quickly and ef- I referred to committee on judiciary. ..... , , ...............’ of the China-Japan war. In an article Special committee of one, Councilman since which time lie lias resided in llli- The tug Ruharts has been laid utf lor ’ feet,tally give this remedy a trial. 69 for the February Cosmopolitan, lie dis­ I Christensen, reported the purchase of a nois, Louisiana, Texas, Minnesota und a couple of months and the entire crew cent bottles for sale by druggists. cusses the situation and does not mince ! lire liell at a cost of *40. After con- other states of tiie union. Leading Brands for disciiarged. The tug will do wtiat little matters in saying what China must do i traudietory talks from all the conncilineu E S T R A Y N O T IC E . Before Justice J. J. Ellyson, at Shel­ in this emergency. Two other noted totyiug there is until sue is put on i the hell was accepted and the hill ordered burn, Linn county, recently, Mr. Carey again permaiieiiily in the spring. foreign authors contribute interesting Notice is hereby given that two cattle ' paid. was examined upon a charge of coinmit- articles to thia number. Rosita Mauri,! Il you need a good medicine to purify have strayed onto my property. One is A hill of *1 for hoard of prisoners from .your blood, give nerve strength, and a light red and other the a dark brown, I the Morris Hotel was presented and till) rape upon the 11-year-old daughter the famous Parisian danseuae, gives the build up your euttie system, take Hood’s 1 J1’0 marks or brands visible. On ner can after another half hour of childish wrang­ , of Henry Kay. Tne evidence showed t,¡story of the ballet, and Emile Ollivler that the girl was in tbe habit of going to .tells the story of the fall of Louis Sarsaparilla. It prevents sics tiesa by have the same hyproving property and ling, was ordered paid, paying for thia notice ami other charges. i Carey’s bouse witli the oilier children, Philippe. From every part of the world ! making pure blood. W illiam K vlk . Tho May be Found in * , hill of W. t . Warren for street 1,11,1 ,ia(1 been enticed to submit to as- drawings and nliotogranbs have been The management of tiie Morris Hotel work was referred to street committee. .,.,,,0 at l e a s t t i i e r e n n r t t h e . . . . , , . erapns naie Deen , R i l l o f r \t Potliur s,um*1,1 1 < -1,st tllB rePnrt 01 «uc puyeuisns obtained of the instruments U9ed to L A N E ’ S T A X L E V Y FOR 1 8 0 5 . have built u new office adjoining tiie " i” lo 1,18 '‘fleet that she had been torture poor humanity, and appear as Celebruted Jetwc Moore whiskey. gentlemen's parlor. It presents a neat Á bUBOtSlIlUE. The county court has made the tax for establishing grades was ordered paid. assaulted. Carey was hound over under illustrations fora clever article hv Julian appearance and is a creditable addition Councilman Funke moved that the levy for Lsne county for 1895. The *159*) bonds to appear before the grand Hawthorne, entitled, “Salvation via the i The ( ’rale Orchard Sour Mtuth to the popular house. total amount of the levy is 16* tni'liZ' rec”r,ler ,le instructed to keep a separate jury The bonds were given. Kack..> Mri. ^ ¡„ „ ¡ ,1 do Koven, Ana- i Joe Morris, jr. has received a special divided as follows : Slate, 3 m ills: coun­ ’ 1 account of expenses of surveying, print­ Genuine Old Ctigtie Iiotirlion There is a person in one of tho little tola France, W. Clark Russel, Albion order, for a lot of A 1 furs, consisting ot ty, 0 0-20 m ills; indigent soldiers, 1-20 ing, etc., so as to assess tiie proper towns of Jackson county claiming to he W. Tourgee, and William Dean Howells . amount against property owners. Carried. Bear, Martin and Fischer Hides. Higo- mills ; school, 6 1» mills. /—The O F. fi. P on y-, attached to one of the several churches a:e among the story tellers for the l ’eb- Bill of Meyer A Kyle for *6.36 was eet market value paid for tne best qual­ The estimates of expenses on which as a minister, who lias united quite a ruaty number of the Cosmopolitan. B e e f laid on the table on motion of Council­ ity skins of that species. «s , KcfrcHliinic • the levy is computed are us follows: Ever CuM Storage Beer nt 5 j number of people in marriage since his Messrs, O. W. Hurd and I. G. Knotts Roads .............................................. * 1000 man Christensen. RUDY’S PILE SUPPOSITORY is I Cent« a GI uhi A waits Your Order, ! name was dropped by the M. E. church, H T is T i, Treasurer’s report was read and re­ were initiated into ttie mysteries of Bridges.............................................. 4500 South. If he cannot establish his iden- guaranteed to euro Piles and Constipa- Call for an Imported nr Domestic Cigar, ferred to committee on judiciary. workmanship Saturday uvennig and Mr. Bounties..................................... . . . G a m e , A„,, Yl)„ w i„ ,)e 8atiafiefl. ! tity as a preacher tie lias no right to tint., or money refunded. 60 cents per ' 500 Communication from county clerk F. J. Kobe saw the goat, out will not Paupers............................................. » » 0 ; perform a marriage ceremony; and, in box. Send two stamps for circular and I showing amount of taxable property in mount the bucking animal fur several Assessor...................................... “0 90 the town of Florence was read and addition to tieing criminally liable him­ Free Sample to MARTIN RUDY, Reg- i weeks yet. OR. self, Ids victims are illegally married istered Pharmacist, Lancaster, Pa. No Witnesses ...................................... 1400 placed on file for future reference. The Postals answered. For sale by all first-I — - — - __ Weekly Oregonian given free to any J«»«ices ...................................... boo council here exposed some more ignor­ and must again he joined in wedlock. class druggists every-where, and in Flor- one paying a year’s cash suosenption to Jurors................................................... 1650 More or less trouble is likely to result enee, Oregon, by the Florence Drug AN EXCELLENT FARM. ance hy ordering the recorder to write from this. T ub W bht . This unparalleled offer Constables........................................... 1600 Store. to the county clerk and ascertain the About seven miles up the Fiuslaw should at once be taken ad vantage of as Prosecuting attorney........................ 100) meaning of the coinnmnication. The Astoria Packing Company has O regon river from Florence, and situated on the It’l o r e n o o the still remain open lor oniy a few Sheriff.................................................. 4500 On motion tne fire hell was delivered taken no steps as yet to rebuild its large Joe Morris, Jr., of Florence,, is rep­ bottom lands of the river, is one of the weeks longer. Surveyor......................................... 250 over to tiie company. cannery, which was burned totlieground resenting Brown Brothers Company, best (arms jn Lane county, tor grain 200 Adjourned until Monday evening. Saturday while Mr. John Judd was I«egal services....................................... during tiie last fisliing season. It is Portland, Ore., whose nurseries are at or pasture land it is unexcelled, and Ko neater, N. Y. Tliis Company has crossing a foot lug on Hoffman creek, he Miscellaneous.. ............................ 360 clsiiuei their goods and inetli nedy, Florence, Oregon, for particulars 800 iiere, so will write yon this letter. We closer lo the mouth of the river oil Ids ods of doing business. ® regular teamen. The fire company meets County Judge. and prices. ........ 700 have had a very good winter tuns far, new Astoria pro|ierty. Ini’ at present on that evening in the same hall. City Commissioners nothing definite can be leurned of his Supervisors although it rained some last week, the ........ 2000 fathers take precedence. If the council intention. (PboreJ or a f.e4tw« er c ms. " ....... 200 lake being two feet higher than last hold forth until 11. p in., as they did Insane ........................... FOR S A L E . a R■•!«»<*• totrltury The 6hkW *»k4beedao» rl >*i,iii( bottom land, having nearly n mile lake Stock inspector ........ 22 theless there is no neeil of either in this Pt.s»n 4t«h»»,ae n-ua«. «'hrep. Toledo, Washington, says the has never abi».wer* ea t.4 CiruLlertTree frontage. Ten acres under cultivation j Indigent soldiers ....... ------ 275 country whore cattle, with few excep­ P. UASni^M A COM LUrb Me. 12. telubaa, O. Bern able to procure any medicine for and 5 more slashed : a goisl orchard ju s : 1 Interest on warrants ........ 3200 tions, are fat and good. A little verse rheumatism that relieves tiie pain so come into henring; 5 r oom s in a frame comes to me a? I write : quickly and effectually as Chamberlain's |)A R K PEN N Y R O Y A L PILLS house that is ceiled and papered; good Total ........................ *36100 The cow was old and poor and slow, pain Lulm and that she has also use*I it the celi . , » celebrated Female Regulator are out-buildings, ami stock of all kinds " ¡H !* -,. z Tiie levy for school purposes is heavier Slic’d rugsled her living in rain and for lame hack with great success. For than last year. The law requires a per per ectlv fnf( and always reliahlf. be sold with the place at reasonable pri , ( L O ( i v S , J E W E L R Y . enow, sale by druggists. one For all Irregularities, painful Menstrua* ccb if rleftircd. Price <»i tann, capita of 5.25 for each person of school Kepitti ino Promptly Itone But of late her milk is beginning to tions, Suppression, etc., they nrirr fa il half ciim I i arel n nwonable tin e p \e n for O. W. O. Hardman, sheriff of Tyler age. Tbe number of persona ol school fail, bal.mce. Apply for pai tit n to afford a »pretty and eti lain relitf. SO AMD WORK WARRANTED. Co., W. Va., appreciates a good thing age in I^ne county this year is 6,949, a So the farmer rushes her off for sale, ' bX PE R IM E S’T, hut a scientific and at tliis office. and dues not hesitate to say so. He was gain of 339 over last year, and the as­ To the butcher. positive relief, adopted only niter years almost pr.istrated with a cold when he sessable property ia leas, to the levy had . ir o n t S t r e e t , I' (iitEM F, O regon . Mr. lavage lost a fine cow a few days of experience. All orders supplied di­ SPEEDY bb <1 L procured a bottle of Chamlierlaiiii cough to be made considerably heavier. ] A S T IM O R E S U L T S . ago by her slipping down under a log rect from our otlicp. Price per package, remedy. He says. "It gave me prompt A fifteen mill tax will raise *98,339 63. and breaking her neck. AN1IJ>—l’liMhittg CanvHMurr of »1.00, or six pa*-' *ges for *5.00, by mail No loconveiiienre. fits,¡.Is, a , > relief. I find it to tie an invaluable The state tax will amount to *19,066.10; -o I ¡idtlx «.M. Liberal Mulury anti Everyone is busy making roads. •u r s . S Ï5 3 I.7 7 IL T postpaid. EVERY PACKAGE GUAR­ MOST PERFECT MADE. fro m a remedy for coughs and colds.” For tale tiie school tax to *86.064.62; the indigent fru.n .n n y y . inj.iri-v:« ■n’,«, .-, s. thia J < t p e n s i» -» i i i I w e e k l y ; Pernuin»4it Mr. Rath has some wheat in on top u s o i u ____________ __ n t a is iv n i m r .is . Ly druggists. . soldiers tax to *327.70; tho county tax of tbe hill that gives promise of going A pure Grape Cream of Tsrtar Powder. Fres ANTEED. Particulars (sealed) 4c. ,|/f Wo CUARAHTt C a CURT or refund your money po-ition. BROWN B Rn*, c o ., Nutsv* iom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant Cnrretpoatlene, ttrielly Cnofidtntml. f r l e e » 3 .0 0 per b o ttle . Sond 4c. fortrtT»ii IS«. A party of ladies and gentlemen went to *42,28.’.05, making «total of *97,730.44. 26 bushels to tiie acre. . • T K X N O X T M KDICAI. €<>., H ix to n , >(** . UP«. rymeii, Portin* tl Prr^on. 4 0 YSAPS THS STANDARD PA R K R E M E D Y C O ., BOSTO N,MASS They Meet Monday and Have a Gay Time. General Merchants. D ry G oods, D rugs, G roceries, M e d icin e s, Boots, Shoes, P a in ts , O ils, H a rd w a re , W in d o w s , G lassw are, D oors, B uild* C ro c k e ry , ers’ S u pplie s. ★ ★ ALWAYS TRADE AT Meyer & Kyle’s. W. Jl. KENS H AW , M arr & Safley L IQ U O R D E A L E R . Medical, Mechanical tai BUTCHERS. F ru its , V e g e t a T o le s . ^UCENE, oikr II Jl.Chamberlin. «T e v v e l e r , DR, *WC£i W . I F CREAM RANN« POWDHt PEOPLEXTX «»III X J