SBNATOfilAL SITÖATION. APPLES LETTER THAN WHEAT. deed lias not been wasted. His friends expnwscd much anrpriss at his accept­ ing his present office. Those who had known him from childhood were »ore perplexed that one to religious as ho ihcnld voluntarily venture into tho de­ vious path of politics. And their per­ plexity uuntiuued until they were uhle to appreciate the truth ef his declara­ tion that he accepted tho position be- eausc he believed it to bo bis duty to life* country. They tell a -tory of the first recorded search Thurber w.wlo into things jicrtajuiug to another life. Ho was but u tot, seoree out of petticoats, but quite precocious withal. The canary bird of a little friend hail died, and it hud been buried in a tiny coffin with much honor. Two or three days later tho owner of the bird on reaching tho grave to drop her tears sur­ prised young Thurber before tho grave, which ho had optued, and with the bird in his hand. “ Why, Harry Thurber, “ .»bo cried, running up and shaking him, “ whatdo you mean? You naughty, wicked, had boy!” “ W hy,” tho naughty, wicked, had boy replied between shakes, “ 1—I— only— i r —wont —, ter—sec— if— if—if — tho— 'ittle — bir— birdie— ah—had— gone— to — to — heaven. ” — Chicago Post. and, second, that the act required to lie THE ELEMENTS PROTEST. done would havo been a violation of section at I of the criminal code o f Ne­ A W arn in g tM (h e C haps W h o T hink I lx* ft» Ii H tsrr T e lle r I t safe. braska. The decision says: j hat it w ill not do to put all of one’s TUESDAY, JAN. “ That a couiu.aniting officer has a dis­ Lrnmet Washburn and Irving ¡Smith sees in taie boski-t 1ms leer, thoroughly cretion under exisitm g orders to require were on their way to Wilbur's mill, The S’ ‘notorial situation remain» prac- demonstrated l y th* ts-rry crop thia sea- target practice by his command on .Sun­ near PiuesviNe, in upper Delaware val­ t -ally unchanged. The only changes Con. With thousands of onitos ripe tho day in c a s e of necessity is uudoubte d. ley, the other day. Washburn was driv­ Mere: Curtis and Craig from Hermann ability to teach a market is without any Tlie- evidence iu this case tails to fix up­ ing a team of valuable young horses fault of oara suddenly taken away. Tho on the commanding officer any abuse of I > Lori. Hof. r frum I.ortl to Williams. etiawberry crop has Iccii the tjriociput discretion in the issue of tho order com­ The sun was shining brightly over their I • ’ter from Lori to Lowell. Kincarson one of this seotiou, and while it w ill not plained of by the accused. The- legality heads, but tho sky to the northward of that order and tho obligation of the was black with thunderclouds The front Barkley to Williams, Tho vote tnly hold its present yield, but w ill aohburu remembered while accused to obey it when duly transmit­ last thing today was: I>olph, 42; Hare, pop, 10; double and treble it, it w ill iu a year or ted to him cannot bo questioned. It was they were driving along was that he THE UNDERSIGNED HAVE RECEIVED AN two become of ecc'-udary importance Hermann, 7; Weatherford, deni, 8, not for him to judge ef the necessity for was listening to a fish story Smith was Prunes, peaches, cherries and small the issuance of the order. Tho discre­ telfing him, when suddelv there., camo a Williams, 10; Lord, o; Moore, 2; Bark­ fruits generally are a nrcessity to the tion pe rtained to bis commanding offi­ frightful crash over their heads and a ley, 1; Lowell, 3; Absent and paired, 2; fruitgrower bix-anao they furnish him cer as to whether one existed, and, Cash of intense light. Total, W. with money early in the coasou as well whether erroneously or not, it was the Tho next thing Washburn remembers — duty ef tho accused to obey. It ia conced­ os early in his business. They arc a is his finding himself lying in the bot­ ed that soldiers stationed a» Belleview means to an end, fam ishing money to WEDNESDAY, JAN. 30. rifle range, Nebraska, who, us individ­ tom of his wagon, with Smith lying Our store and warehouse are filled from floor to ceiling,, inppert the family and to improve the The seventh ballot was taken today. farina They all bear ouo fatal objection uals, engage in hunting and shooting near. Alter awhile he was able to rise and we can safely say that our stock hits never on Sunday, would he within the provi­ mid look about him. Both of his horses Representative Cooper, of Benton coun­ as a crop to bo relied upon, and that is been more complete than now- sions of the sections referred to and lia lay dead iu the road. Smith revived ty, who left the Dolpli forces several tho alieolute necessity of finding a mar­ bio to its penalties, but after careful soon afterward. The sun was still shin­ • * • days ago, is again voting for the ninn ket for them as soon us they use ripo. consideration the reviewing authority ing brightly, and tho thunderclouds iu This not lie truo of tho prune, but is of the, opinion that the state could with money, Davis, of Umatilla, who the north had broken away. A thunder- for ft tho some condition exists—it must not make, nor has it by this section or lias voted for Dolph since tho commence­ be taken care of at once when rips. any other legislation to which his at­ bolt from u clear sky had evidently we q u o : e a few of ock many b a r g a in s : tention has been called, attempted to burst upon them. Each liorso had a ment of the fight, joined the anti-Dolph ! Thu fruit of Hood River, the ouo that is to mako her famous as well as pros­ make the performance on Sunday of hole in liis neck. Smith was wearing a ? O R V A L L IS F L C U R , i B B L . ................................ F O R forces to day and voted for Stephen A. »2 90' target practice or any other duty per­ pair of blue overalls, with a patch, in perous, is tho winter apple. That can GRAP l U L A E D S U G A R , 16 L B S . ............ 1.00’ Lowell, The changes of the opposition Ixi kopt. It can ho gathered leisurely, taining to the instruction and discipline each knee. The patches were gone, hav­ DEFYING THE DOG DAYS. is •• .............................. ing been cut out around tho edges as E X T R A S 1.0D of the army u criminal offensa ” were: Baker and Hofer from Hermann onco iu hearing, bring better and stead­ .............. The occasion is deemed opportune for neatly as if the separation was done S T A N D A R D T O M A T O E S , il C A N S 1.00 ier returns and at tho very least outlay. M etiliaatcal Proccnscn E m p loyed to to Williams. Booth by and Wright from John Sweeny's orchard last year, its W inter T em p eratu re Thin Sttiniuer. inviting the A'teimon of the depart- with a pair of shears. The rim of Wash- S A V O N O R L E N O X S O A P , 20 B A R S . r.oo The effort to bring the advantages of mtul.*A* 'hat tbl of bum ’s straw hat had boen cut entirely 3 B. P K G , G O L D D U S T W A S H IN G P O W D E R . Moore to I’ord. Craig from Lord to first year of bearing, produced more net away in the same manner. P IE F R U IT , h C A N S _ Hermann. Guild and Him-arson from money than would or could have bceu refrigeration obtained 1-y nnxffituicid o..»imk i t . , xio win m verpermit ¡»sol­ . 1.00* Neither of the men was injured in derived from thé same area of land precesses wit hit: tho reach of small con­ dier to,refuse obodieueo to an order bo 26 Williams to Claude Gateh, mayor of sown to wheat in 80 years. This year ft sumers has taken two directions—-tbo canso iu his judgment it is unneces­ the slightest degree, but each felt a G t R M M E A L , 10 LB . L A C K S ............................. 30i strange numbness iu his body and limbs .(Y E F L O U R , .................... Salem. The vote was: Dulph, 42, Her­ should j told CO times as much, next production of small und inexpensive au­ sary. — St. Louis Globe-Democrat for two hours. They buried the horses tomatic nia< hints and a system of sup­ mann, 10; Hare, pop, 10; Weatherford, year 70 times as much, and then for 20 i at the roadside. O T H E R C O O D 8 A T C O R R E S P O N D N Q L Y L O W P R IC E « .. years 108 times as much. In other ply of tho refrigerant from central sta­ RAW BEEF FOR WRINKLES. dem, 8; Williams, 5; Lord, 5; Lowell, 4; words, ouo aero of winter apples is tions. Tho latter is now in successful A peculiarity of this freak of freaky I worth more, year in and year out, than operation at both St. Louis and Deliver. A G irl W ho I'aH’fl It Isont Hep Lover, bat lightning is that while Smith can re­ Gatcb, 2; Moore, I; Barkley, 1, D idn't Give Hack 111 m Presenta. member distinctly tho story lie was tell­ In ono of the St. Louis restaurants, I 100- acres of wheat. Six acres of good Joseph Slavinski, a tailor of Browns­ ing Washburn up to the point when it : orchard w ill yield a larger net yield which tho enterprising owner has deco­ THURSDAY, JAN. 31. than a section of wheat laud. Multiply rated in a mauucr suggestive of tho ville, Brooklyn, was to have been mar­ was interrupted by the thunderbolt ho polar regions, pipes upon tho walls nro ried to Rosa Murks, a neighbor, with cannot re::» nibir tiio closing part oi The 8th ballot was taken today and tho acres tu Hood'River valley by 100 THE PEO PLES’ M E R C H A N TS . and some idea of the wealth that it will connected with tho street lino, so that whom ho had kept company for nearly it, although ho says the incidents of it resuled as follows: Dolpli, 42; Hermann, eventually produce may be gained. iu sweltering summer ho can turn on a year, in about a mouth. Rosa is happened to him this season, and lie In other worils, every section iu fruit the sold and defy tho dog days. An at­ known all over Brownsville for her good hud told the riory several times. The 8; Williams, 11; Lord, 3; Lowell, 3; will produce a cash value equal to threo mosphere of 12 d e g r e e s below tho tem­ looks and had many admirer» before team was valued' at $500.— Hoverdale Barkley, 1; Moore, 1; ex-Supreine Judge townships of wheat. Tho winter apple perature out of doors has an enticing sho met Slavinski. Ona day last week (P a ) Dispatch. Waldo, 1; Hare, pop., 10; Weatherford, is going to accomplish this result, and ooolness. Slaviuski received an anonymous letter A JOKE ON THE P. G. Another example of the varied nppli- saying his atliano-d was iu the habit the next tow years :ia tho youug or­ deni., 8; absent and paired, 2. Keeps a full Line of Extra Quality chards come into bearing w ill prove the cations of tbo system to bo seen in a ef using raw beef to beautify her face, Ufc’,1 C lvc a W e ll's Salary to I .n e w V.'lio Is truth of this assertion, though it now cafo window daily is a display of eut- and that she used paint to blacken her K tisponsibiy l o r irC vrtain.Story. FP.IDAY, FEB. 1. »»ills a wild «ne. We can but rciterato ablos upon a heavily frosted table. This eyelashes. Slaviuski made an investi­ Tho postmaster general is irate. He attraction is secured by making for tho gation and ¡3 alleged to have discovered Dolpli, 42; Hermann, 9; Williams, 13; our former words: “ Plant apple trees. top of tho tutdo a shallow closed tank that tho girl liad wrinkles in her face wants to know who wrote it. About ono Twenty acres if you can; one tree if that Lord, 3; Lowell, 3; Barkley, 1; Hare, is your limit, but plant at every oppor­ completely filled with brine, through and for a long time had used raw beef week ago a correspondent for a western HARDWARE, TINW AllE, BO©T3 & SHOES, paper sent out a story to the effect that tunity. ’’ When this valley Is nn orchard which are passed the pipes of a refriger­ to take them away. pop., 10; Weatherford, dem., 8. the postoffieo department hail decided Slaviuski wrote to Rosa breaking off IIATS & CAPS; MEDICINES,. NUTS & CANDIES, from the mills to the summit cast of us ating »oil. The brine, being e'.xded be­ to furnish a proof of ouch of tho postage and from the river hack for 20 miles, low the freezing point, gathers its snowy tho engagement and requesting her to stamp» issued by the department npon TOBACCO, CIGARS, FURNISHING GOODS SATURDAY, FEB. 2. then only w ill it havo attained its full covering from ¿lie moisture of tho at­ return a diamond ring and a silk um­ application for same. This item touch­ development.— Hoed River (Or. > Gla­ mosphere. Above it in tint window are brella which he had given her. She re­ ed a respousivo chord in tlie breasts of Dolph, 38; Hermann,9; Williams, 11; cier pipes curved to form tho letters of the fused, and Slaviuski had her in the Sec­ Prices W ill be Found Reasonable pronrietor’s name. They, too, constitute ond distik't civil court in Broadway, tiio great A'mtri.iau pnblie and was Goods as Represented. Lord, 3; Lowell, 2; Hare, pop«, 10-; i widely copied. The applications havo an expansion coil and glisten with a CAêUTH’3 CU2CTIONS. Williamsburg, on a summons to explain Weatherford, deni., 6: absent and paired, heavy, snowy coat, in a drug store an why sho refusixl to return the articles. begun to Como in. Several hundred Caker and Cooper, Conn and Scott, Hi« rinrwt F o r I«if