f Cg f« j towards Florence. A il aorte of ac- i D ESERT of facts j>oiut that waj > L cumulation » 1 -----—— ------------ Ç L Vol. V. Q cN E R A L FLORENCE, LANE COUNTY, OREöJK, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY K, 18ÍI5. d ir e c t o r y BUSINESS CAR r ■■ TRAVELERS' GUIDE. i S ta S C R lJ E No. 13 1 sprang down to open a door ot th-; ‘cty, i guess toero mu t any out tm-, house, witli cordial, if somewhat awk trip. Wo don’t generally charge onr tile p o s t s of a barbed wire fence. N oth­ ward, hospitality. 1 friends for a meal of victuals in Wyo­ ing else broke the surface of the meas­ STATE OFFIOERS HORACE N. CRAIN, “ Come right in, ’’ he cried as Brown ming. Being sort of on the outside edge ureless, gray gr- a expanse, somber as J helped the girl tothe ground. “ Brown, , of the world, so to speak, w odou’t have an ocean in eternal calm, b u t' for the | just bring in the lady's things. Here,' much company, but such us conics flowers which w ire everywhere— blue G overnor......... ...........Sylvester Pennoyer you, Joe, going to the door andshout- along aro welcome to w hat they g e t__ lupines nud the pink and w hite of as­ tragali, tho silken petals of Mexican tn d D ealer h i F lu e W atches and J ew elry Secretary of State Geo. W. McBride j ing in the direction cf the barn, “ come you bet. ’ ’ E- B i n g s , ___ P ro p rie to r. poppies ju st bursting into bloom, tho oyer and hold these horses. And I g u e s s Treasurer .................... Philip Metclien I B u g e n e ”! & . < .............. Tin* gjrl drew back, glancing urouud O regon. I I 11 just light up the fire. It grows chil­ vcxedly. Although recognizing Iilytlio pink and w hite and yellow of primroses Supt. Public Instruction E. B. McElroy 1 Leaves Fugeue ou Mou«la<. s and Mppineott Company. J ly here evenings thia time of the year. ” as the actual representative of the ab­ and the red Arc of mallows. State Printer Frank C. Baker “ The boundary of Cameron’s land,” Thursdays at 6 a. m , arriving in j This to the guest, who stood by the sent proprietor, she yet instinctively HENRY A. BAY, Agent [ C O X T I M p .] Brown observed, pointing out the lino „ _ ) .................R. A. Bean , j door, curiously glancing about the room. I' lorenee the day following at 4 p. in. turned to Brown as the one chiefly con­ of fence. “ Hu Supreme Court t .............F. A. Moore! has bO.QOO acres here, Miss Ellery smilAd prefunctoriiy : It was still light enough to see that the cerned in her entertainment, and there Outside you w ill be quite beyond tiio , . . . C. E. Wolveiton : Returning—Leaves Florence on shivering slightly as the looked ahead 1 place was turnished w ith a certain ele­ was something th at jarred upon her lim its of good society—iu other words, Judge Second District .J. C. Fullerton j Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a. iu. The place, unrelieved by any light gance, although bare of ornament and curiously in the growing sense of obli­ Of Salem, Oregon. A ttorney Second District Geo. M. Brown ' upon the public domain, Which is wholly is the m e len d in g in su ra n ce eoinj Thi« is lciidhiK lnsunmce company of the arriving in Eugene tlie day follow­ seemed to wear an of eerie desola arranged w ith the uncompromising gation to him. The most careful hostess uusettled, ofcour.se.“ Pacific coast. Asset* a ou arter o f a m il___ _ i stiffness that told of a masculine hand. could not liavo been more punctiliously tlou in the gathering Aadows, and the lars. P rivate d u e llin g * and farm proper! v » ing at 7 p. in. “ Tlie land b« longs to nobody?” sp ecia lty . Address inc at .»iiitna rider. ■eemiiig to form attachm ents for p artic­ not have driven back tonight?” » * B. F. Alley, Adjutant. Leeks ami Mrs. Alcshine. Nothing can possibly molest yon. ” ‘‘Indeed they would have done noth­ "W h y should you not leave it for ular horses and cattle, becoming regular “ Yon aro very kind. Good night, and ing of the sort. They always stop over thank you so much. ” The unaffected your brother to settle w ith Mr. Cauivr- satellites. It is amusing to w atch tHeir R O. U. W. I'erpetua Lodge, No. 131, T I M B 3 S A T t l E H A R E at Cameron’s when they come down. eagerness of these mvn to make her w el­ ?.n?” BUBiIcsted Brown diplomatically. queer little* ways. W hen a couple of. • meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays them happen to alight near each other, The round trip is t-oo much for one day. ” ----A N D ---- come and to contribute to her comfort "They have so many business dealings each month. Members and visiting Edith sighed wearily, abandoning In all possible ways filled her w ith a together that it would be easy for them they w ill bnb-their heads hack and forth M O N 3Y SC A R C E- brethren in good stamliug are cordially * that hope. “ B ut »w you aro situated it to attend to it. “ And w ith this arrange­ liko a mockery of little old men saying, invited to attend . A.C. Kaniowsky.M.W . neems rather—well, undesirable- that sort of shame for the ungracious doubts ment Miss Ellery was forced to bo con­ How do do?’ Thou of a sudden, per- F. B. Wilson, Recorder. which had assailed her. The novelty of ¡ you siiouiu oe caneó to eiitenam wom­ liups, tin y w ill seem to trum p up sumo en, it seems to me, ” she murmured, fal­ the situation was even becoming pleas­ tent, although still persuaded th at this im aginary offense, hum ping up their I account would never reach airy more antly exciting. Brown had lighted a O. O. F. Heceta Loslge No. I l l , meets F o r T h a t R e a s o n tering embarrassedly. “ la m afraid I (boulders and w riggling their tails, lamp upon the small table and drawn substantial settlement than was ex­ «Wearing nt one another iu pantomime, • every Wednesday evening in l,odge ought not to have como. ” P u lin a n pressed in her thanks. I will sell gooda for the next Hall, Florence, Oregon, Brothers in 1 a,u ■orry that it did not occur to Mi easy ehair Invitingly beside i t The " I feel as if 1 had not thanked him 8t it were, sharpening thoir bills ou tho good standing invited to attend. B le e p in g C a rs to explain at the outset that there fro in the comer stove was sending 60 (lays at greatly reduced half enough, since ho would let mo give ground, as thougli preparing for most L. C. A ckkklkt , N. G. are no women on tho place,” he re­ forth a crackling soug of cheer, and tho M auion M okuis , Kec. See. him nothing else,” sho remarked .to sanguinary battle. But it is all a bluff, E l e g a n t ' rate« for spot cash, Try me turned, w ith simple directness, a fire of room began to wear an air that was Brown, glancing back as they wore for alter trying to stare one another out sharp impatience in his eyes. “ It was fairly cozy and homelike. D in in g C a rs driving ovi r tho hill behind tiio house. I of countenance for a moment or tw o it Left alone, w ith alert curiosity, sho when you have the ensit. I ¡ I^rhaps inexcusable in mo to overlook I ani sure you have quite over­ always appears that one is afraid and went alsjut examining everything in de­ CHURCH CORY it, but I have lived so long in the west tho ol her dares not, and so tlie affair T o u r is t mean what I say. O| thafc 1 had simply forgotten that a lady tail, relieved to find that locks and win­ whelmed h im ,” lie returned, sm iling ends by both Hying away iu a sort of broadly. “ I hopo, by tiio way, th at you dow fastenings were all secure. She S le e p in g C a r 8 cou^d feel herself unprotected and even RE8BYTEKIAX CHU RCH , Florence. havo forgiven me for bringing you to shamefaced flurry, never looking back. ” perhaps in danger w ith a dozen men happened, in her restless movoment, to the " Y ou liavo been very observing, ” sho O re g o n . S a h h a tli s e r v ic e , tta b lia th - place?” i catch a glimpso of herself in the mirror about her. ” ST. RAUL remarked, almost witli irritation. Why sehoid, 10 o'clock a in. Preaching 11 I am afraid it is you who are not 1 above the dresser and "B u t I havo not intim ated anything , ° V ,® . ,lros'"’r :1!>d «topped w ith a o ’clock a. m. ami 7 p. in. Sacramenl of was this man, iu whom nature and ed­ M IN N E A P O L IS her cheeks Hushing rather of the sort, ” she cried, re-ga ding him er on 1st Sabbath of ucation appeared to liavo worked to­ do with uncomfortably. “ I feel th at I was so resentfully th at he had dared to read (1° w lth . vanit.v, idly surprised at the D U L U T H January, April, July and October. gether in the making of a gentleman, ungracious last night. I ought to apolo­ unaccustomed brightness of tho dark Evervliody is welcome io all the services. her thought so clenrly. “ Of course I cut off from th e world to which it FARDO gize. " Pastor requests C hristians to iinske should prefer going on to tlie ranch, brown eyes which now seemed almost ) seemed he might legitim ately belong, TO G RAND FO RKS IN T H E C A R M A N B U IL O IN C . them selves known. black, with a touch of pleased appreci­ “ Oil, don’t speak of i t , ” witli rather but since yon are unw illing to under­ merely a break« r of horses on these Wy- I. G K notts , Pastor. CRO OKSTON take th a t” — She bit her under lip vex- ation for tiio brilliant color ltorrowed perfunctory courtesy. j oming plains? Why, when sho had so from the winds, which had roughened “ I was so tired, nud it was all ro FLORENCE, « OREGON. < edly, hoping to goad him into tardv as­ point«ally given him an opportunity, W IN N IP E G ethodist episcopal church tho nut brown Imir to a disorder only stran g e," she urged in extenuation. j would ito not explain himself? sent. H E L E N A end service. Preaching at Glenada ev­ Perhaps you would prefer to return tiio more becoming. A w himsical ques­ “ I hardly know w hat I did expect, but "8om e things have lieen rather foroed ery third ami fourth Sundays of earl BUTTE to tho depot, ” slackening the pace of tioning sprang up in her eyes as sho it was all so lovely, niter nil. Every­ , upon my observation,” lie said simply. luontli. Sabbath-School every Sunday the hom o, w hile lio regarded her w ith looked. She wondered w hat measure of body was so kind, and you ospecinily, “ I was line riileronco forawhile. Then at 10 a. in. Prayer meeting every T hurs­ day evening at the rliiitcli. Everybody exusperatiug calm, his awibumed face adm iration this man Brown hnd given Mr. Brown. By tho way, I have not tlie stock, tlie coyotes ami prairie dogs, cordially invited. R. C. B lxckwill , flubbing n shudo darker than it had been i her, this horse trainer, whose orbit thanked you for semjing thorn m aga­ rattlesnakes and birds were about all • ( TO Pastor. before. “ You could be sure of a chap­ could not often have been crossed by zines. It was so very thuuglitfuL ’•’ thoaqciety I had. N aturally I camo to F was afraid you m ight havo read know them pretty w ell.” eron there, of course, though tho role I women of lier world. Ami yet sho could C H IC A G O j not be sure. Her thoughts reverted to them, but 1 happened to have noth ing I “ Line rider?” m ight be a new one for good Mrs Flau- W A S H IN G T O N him in puzzled inquiry as sho removed else.’’ n igan." "Y ou don’t understand,” sm iling at NOTARIES. ; her hat and gloves. Sho was aroused P H IL A D E L P H IA “ You are fond of reading?” she ob­ her puzzli d a ir as lie spoke. "B u t yoi O'«PICT0»*'V Certainly not!” she cried sharply, ! from lier musing by a knock at the door, served tentatively. lnusf know that tho Wyoming Stock inexpressibly u n tie d at tho tone. ' Now N E W YORK TO Gf light reading—yes. I enjoy tho G rowers’ association lias had a fence that I am h ire 1 propose to stay—if I which, when opened, revealed a grin- BO STO N ANO A L L ; ning fellow whoso clean w hite jacket A. R. BUTTOLPH, magazines nt odd moments. I have no built along tlx; eastern lino of tho state SALT LAKE, DENVER, am allowed. ” , told that lie was the cook, even had not P O IN T S E A S T and S O U T H “ As a choice of evils?” smiling the tray lie («ore spoken more eloquently time, even if I had tiio energy left, for to ki ep tlx* cattle from drifting over in­ heavy literature. ” O M A H A , KANSAS C TY, to Nobrusku iu the h* avy storms, wliieii broadly. "W ell, I think yon are wise. " to that effect. For Info rm a tio n , tim e cards, mu,is en d tick ets “ You are very busy?” This as a ques- used to involve so mix li trouble and ex­ Edith was looking away in an offended ra il on or w rite O H IC A Q O , S T . L O U IS tiou. “ Mr. Brown thought you might like And Collector. pense iu getting them hack, to say noth­ dignity, and they rode down the last AND ALL "G enerally tim e is not allowed to ing of iucvituhlo losses. And they em ­ Office tw o d oors w eet o f F loren ce H otel. small hill in silence, the retail leading a cup of tea, even if yon did not earo A. D. C H A R L T O N , M o ro n o o , O regon. ploy four men to ri«le along tlie line of by the barn to the house. “ I will call for supper, m iss," lie said, moving the grow heavy oil my hands. ” E A S T E R N C IT IE S , A uni stun t G eneral 1'asHenver A gent. I nm afraid I have taken you. from this fence nil tho wldie, two to look Mr. Blythe, the manager, who is stand­ lamp asido to deposit his burden upon PortlO eixcl O r . ing in the door yonder,” ho remarked tho table. “ Mrs. Cameron often likes a some work this m orning.” This with after tlx; cuttlo aixl tlx; others to take JOE MORRIS, Jr indifferently when they were near tho cup of tea iu her room when sho is polite regret, although It struck her tare of the fence. It is a dreary life for down, ami I ju st brought a little broad w ith an odd sense of dismay th a t lie tiio poorf« Hows, aim« st as bad as herd 3 1 - 2 barn. “ He has charge of tint house. ” ight havo sent sonxdsidy else to drivo '"K «liecp, and men gom ad at that, yon Sho had been looking onrionsly at the and cold beef and a bit of jelly to help t m lm fflfttii a ----I l I I k llD W . ” Ö ' group of men, rough of dress and iu no the tea along like, and Mr. Brown sent the team, u contingency which she " I t must lie simply horrible,” sur­ case prepossessing of feature, grouped yon tlx; magazines, thinking yon might promptly adm itted to h. rs.df sho would F lo r s n o o O regon, veying tiio dreary expanse Is fore ......... against tlx; black background of that like something to read, and I ’ll just not have liked. fetch yon some fresh water, if vnn OF TH E " f i l l , this!” reddening slightly. "1 witli a shudder. ’T cannot imagine lx*w witlo doorway. At Brown's call one of snatching up a pitcher from ' know tho way so much better tlian tho one could chuoso such a life. " Southern Pacific Co. them came toward tho team, furtively piease, tho svashstami uml ATTORNEYS vanishing through others th a t it was best I should come.” i*«*w of us havo tho choosing of our eying the stranger. Miss E llery’s ideal Expreen T ra ill. Leave Portland D ally. Then, ns though ho would divert the lives,” lie returned in a tone which of tho cowboy, somewhat shaken by tho tho inner room. *«3« I I N.irth A low laugh broke from the g irl’s subject from himself: “ I judge that y«iu seemed somehow to discourage «picstion- looks and bearing of her escort, seemed ' 6:15 p ni I'ortlHii.l Ar I •:30 : n ni fairly restored in thia individnal, who lips ns sho looked at thnt improvised tea are interested in photography. You w ill ing or cpniment as to his own case. TJOTT P Q Q u ick er to O m ah a and 12:07 p ni 1 , '-V Eugene r Lv 2:44 n in ’ A. C. WQ0DC0CK, bv| ¡ lO:t.S a in 1 Ar ■ a I v / U A I i O Kannat» C ity . San UrHiiciRCo was evidently of more common clay table, whereon was provender sufficient find a fine field for snap shots at the K “ Fate ratlier keejis the gam«; in her _______ 7:00 p m “ Well, if 0 ranch. ’ ’ P at nil KtiitioiiM from Port­ and paiufnlly conscious of that fact in for a couple of linugry men. own hutuls, you know. Aixl if gome of land to Allmiiv IncluKive: a 1. no T an gen t. Shedd», one must he wrecked on a dosert island, “ You know thepluco?” she exclaimed ns happen to find oursclvi s line rid e i« T h r o u g h P u llm a n and T o s r la t A leep era, H alsey, lhirrifd>urg. J u n c tio n < ity . Irvin g, Eu the presence of this sm artly clothed one eonld hardly do bettor than th is,” I eogirly. “ You havo been there?” ill tin; course of events, if wo are phi­ gene, ConiMtfM'k*. hrrtiiiR and nil HtMtion« from young woman. F r e e lle c lln ln g C h a ir Cara, Ko«cburg to ANlilaud inclui»ive. she niuruiured, luxuriously inhaling the losophers, we simply grin and bear it. “ . "L et me introduce Mr. Blythe, M iss,” “ Yes; I have been there. I t is rather E u g e n e , O regon. | UOSEBUKG MAIL, DAILY. p in in g Cart». Brown began, h n ltiu g at the name, w ith fragrance of tho tea, which was per­ a nice country. ” I should think it would be too piueh 1 For rate« and general Inform ation ca ll on or suasively appealing to a latent appetite. '’^^Itoom , 7 and x M elaren '* B u ild in g, K:30 A in 1 l v Portland Ar I 4:30 p ni a questioning glance. “ Nicer tlian this, I hope,” she re­ for «’Vim a philoso])b«-r to grin under ripeeiai in ten tio n g iv e n to c o lle c tio n s and pro a d d r eu 1 2:H0 P 1,1 J Eiiu’fh c I.v “ As a desert island it could hardly bo 10:20 m m “ My name is Ellery. I am Hngh E l­ bâte bolineas marked, w ith a somewhat, cheapening sucli < ir«;tiiostaix <*H, ” sin* persisted. 5:i0 P !.. ' Ar Lv 1 7:00 a m K» »Ne burg « • U u arn w "A h, philosophers grin at all things. lery s sister, slio said to the new- improved, after all—w ith thanks to my glance at tlie landscape before them. D in in g Cara on O gden B o u t« , man Friday, whose real name is " _ j comer, w ith her most gracious smile, “ No better range, “ smiling, w ith tlie They know that it looks better Ilian cry­ A Mt. G eni. P am . A gent, curiously reading tho penciled inscrip­ P u l l m a n B u f f e t S l e e p e r s rather pitying the m an’s emharrami’- U R. J O H N S O N , eye of u cattlem an, upon the vast flclda ing, ami th at nine times out of ten it Mt W ash in gton St Cor. 3d. PORTLAND, OR ANO ment and going on to explain about tion on the books, “ ’Paul Brow n’— of rich grazing alioad. "B u t Big Cow goos Just as fur toward relieving the Paul Brown, a breaker of horses, who creek is quite a pretty stream, w ith a « vil. ” lio said, w ith a grim laugh. 8ECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS, tho miscarried telegram. “ I wanted to I a tta ch ed to a ll T hrough Trains. hire a team to take me onto the K 0 ranch I writes his name like a gentleman of ed­ gissl many trees along its bank.* , which |To i;!*. « ovTixcrn.J ucation, who talks like a gentleman of one appreciates in a laml where, for the tonight, but Mr. Brown did not seem I W est Hide Division. All niv work will lie w arranted to give most pait, there are hardly tre. si nough B etween P ortland ano C orvallis to think i* would lie advisable, ” she education and whose taste in literature ►•elf i’ TAriihrtl¡<»ii. ■atisfaction. Call on or write to me at I M A IL T R A IN li A I L Y ( g x < R r r H VN O A Y .) L.INH3. conclnded, with n lingering hopo that is evidently that of a gentleman of d a - to hang tiie hors«; thieves on. The coun­ I.; t not sltTp fall up >11 thy pyr« till ¡r s n a m ll.v Portland A r i» :M a m this gentleman might periiaim bo Inclin­ cation. Iteally, Mr. Brown, of all tiio try is more hilly ami broken, more pic Ihou haul thrice « x iiiiiuil thu triuiHQC* I 2 d . t p m j .tr < o r v a lll. l.v |l: ( M p m delightful features of this desert island, tures'iue, tlian tills. ” ed toward the furtherance of her wishes. A t A th en e and C o r r a lh , co n n e c t w ith tr a in . ti./iiv <»f tin' pn t day. Whnro have I I o f Oreenn Pari fir Railroad "N o; hardly pay you to make the trip I think you aro quite the most m ysteri­ They had passed over the line ef low turind n. ' overgrown w ith grass ami flowers, lay coiwhurion «t the ill which thou hoi* Connects with Steam er and Scott.- i a ^ . ^ m L ^ r T l a u '’ t** nbtidned At r a in X l ^ w with Y /h f — 'n»n> u <». A dair. A gen t. Rugrne The iwwt work at the most Reaeonable H r l c . burg Brown, and we ll see what we can do expressing appreciation of the hospital­ before them until vaguely lost in tlx done bo troubled and lejoi■■ • for tho trg Htavp Stage Lino Line Mr for B Drain. Also „ —* „ — _____ ity sho bad enjoyed, asked Mr. Blythe K nsw i.ra, Office over Orr nae Store K. P . It f X lK S » . Stage Line for Coos Bay. distance. Alm«*-tnt tlx* horizon a w ind­ I?ocxi. — Pc tiuiu- ri v. to make the lady comfortable. ” In some for her bill. Charge kfaiiaycr. A»«(. «1. F. sn«l Pain Axt. O r w c o x x . reasonable way he attached liimsclf to the bsek of m ill stretched its long arms frlly against Portland, ore,«,a “ B ill!” he repeat«! surprisedly, w ith the Luckboarri. wliruce the Hky, and beyond a d o ttid line ran Or. I ilCU :n Ba .»n Pc »d< r Pre cutlv o w n e r grin. "W ell, really. Miss El- 1 on cud down :*. rosr th rolling laud. I l IX .• EUGENE-FLORENCE Practical W atchm aker ¡•TAGE LINE. S tate Insurance Comp’y ate Head of Tide Hotel, m C L A in . Steam er to b a rte FIRST RATIONAL g AKK OF F lorence to Y aquina. F. MA ' ON : C ’othier. . . • COO 3,” M! H \T s A and Head of Tide. C A PS, f H THE PUBLIC. A N ORTHERN PACIFIC. N S I P J. M. SETTLE, M THBODGB t THROUGH TICKETS TICKETS Notary P ublic, Surveyor Notary Public, Land A gt DAYS to E A ST AND CHICAGO THE h o u r s T he A ttorney a t Law, Contractin' anil Bailler. Florence, - G L A w F L ID Ilsr Z E F L S T A aa - Ore. H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, DENTAL SURGERY. SHASTA SO U T H ROUTE