V W E S T . why he did nut discharge the lum ber in * the hold ol tiie schuouer, Capt. Olesen i said tliat it would make hut two inches — PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING.— I difference in the draught and would be — AT— a useless expense. Another attem pt P lor « nce , L ane C ounty , O kkoon will probably be made to get the vessel j off at the next full moon tide. F . A L L E Y , E d ito r a n d P r o p r ie to r . I The experience of Geo. A. Apgar, of German Valley, N. J ., Is well worth re- ---- T erm s : $2.00 a year in advance.----- mcniliering. He was troubled with chronic diarrbuea and doctored furtive — ----------- E ntered a t the post-office at Florence, months and was treated by four different latne county, Oregon, as second-class doctors without benefit. He then began P E O P L E S WISHES DISREGARDED, m ail m atter. using Chauiborlaiu’s colic, Cholera and , diarrhoea remedy, of which one small ADVEBTIS1XG KATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ bottle effected a complete cure. It is fur T h e r e I s t 'n ilo u lit r a lly * S a c k llel liu l I t - sale by druggists. PLICATION. T h e J u n e t l a n t i t s I t e n e g a d e TV i l l G ical n o t ic e , s c e n ts per lin e , each in sertion. T he W est lias given to its readers and i M e e t W it h I l l s Reward. tlie public generally, better and cheaper N otice .—Professor J . M. Williams, of Iteriodicals than all others together in Eugene is our ugent and is authorized lo th is part of the country. It has done) receive subscriptions, advertising ami this largely at its own expense, and now 8. I,. Moorhead, representative from money tor T iie W est and receipt for the adds another point to its credit hv giving Lane county, is eternally disgraced. He the weekly Oregonian to all of its sun- same. ___________________ j scribers. The opportunity will lie lim- :s steadily disr garding the wishes of the S c n s c K iB E W t.-A r-! * * * * V 'er“ ' i,‘ p- ri,>' ’ “ ¿ ref” r? ‘ people who elected him, indifferent to F or W est must subscribe at once. T he \\ est for what they may say or do, and to sum rangement« have been made where- )$2 and the weekly Oregonian free. th e whole m atter up in one sentence, by we will give T h e W est and the Morris, Jr. was 28 years of age H E IS VOTING FOR DOLPH. ... , , ,. , ,,, M >nday. A surprise party was planned And now he writes home a letter, and j ’/ / / ^ u / t i u / t » , by Mrs. Morris, ami in the evening the Thin offer include» all our paid up hotel parlors were thronged with a such a letter. He en leavers to excuse ___________ ________ _______ subscribers and those who pay all “ierr? ,x,rty uf invited guests. M Morris was the recipient of manv hand- __ _________ T 8IL T C O O 6. A Newsy L e tte r fro m su u al Ilit* .ukr* Per- B y G ail M aker . A CHANGE 4 KILE, Continued from second page. Moorhead Continues to Vote For Dolph. arrearages, and pay oue year’s sub- , oilie va|U4ble pri.IBIIIa. Games "»'isle were in I algo I in until a late scription iu advance, It also in- hour, when the assemblage departuJ, eludes new subscriben having passed an enj »yahle event g. W E S T L IN G S . Cith council meets ext Monday Rev. I. G. K n itts lias a new boat­ house. ' A physician is what we want Hnd must have. A party of ladles amt gintlem en went out to lleeetu \\ ednesdi.y. M. E. Sautiert, of Ae,..e, received a new organ on the Mayfioaer. Jack Poill is at work oil the Si isliw road on tliis side ol Meadow. Tug Roberts arrived In ¡rum Y quin Saturday afternoon woli freight. John Morris will return lo Fi .renc - to reside preuianeiilly on Murcii 1st. J. C. Brown lias taken a c m tract io fill iu the schoolhouse lot. l'he price is $26. Mr. A. P. C. Ilald has liecn appointed postmaster at Ileceta to succeed E. W. Cobb. Among those present w r e : Mr. and Mrs. F. J . Kobe, M-. an t Mrs. A. F. H urd, Mr. and Mrs. it E. S-very, Mr. anti Mrs. J. C. B o ah , Mr and Mrs. E E. Marr, Mr and Mrs. Win S.fi.-r, h i. and Mrs. J . A. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Reddy, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Morris, Mrs. B ernhardt; Messrs. Daliliu, H arris, Car­ man, Martin and Fellman. Ten days loss of time on account o sickness and a doctor hill to pay, is any tiling but ,leitsant for a man of a fan ily to Contemplate, whether n e is a laliorer, mechanic, m erchant or publisher. Jas. 0 . Julies, publisher of the Leader, Maxia, Texas, was sick in bed lor ten days w it tiie grip during its prevalence a y en o two ago. Later in toe eason ne had a second attack. He says: " lu the latter case I used C ham berlain's cough remedy with considerable success, 1 think, min being in lied a little over two days, Flic second attack 1 am satisfied w< u d Inn been equally as had as the first hut h the use of tins rem edy.” It should In borne in mind that the grip is much tin same us a very severe cold and require precisely the same treatm ent. Win you wish lo cure a cold quickly and ■ fecuially give this remedy a trial. 5 cent hollies for sale hy druggists. Moorheifi 115. ing F oplaiftory Jette . him cl' or votin for the corporation ienator putting orvvard the w iak and e'ekly pic th a t lie deems it liis duty to w a d h s conscience to vote for the caucus nominee. W hat a pitiful excuse. Did McClung, Alley, Baker and Iliilc- gas abide by the decision of King Caucus? NO! W hy then, should you, Mr. 8. I.. Moorhead? Cun it be possible th at M intie’s ex­ cuse is yours? Mrs. Ruia-rt Lowe slid Miss Lida Food and dairy products- -Yates, Lowe paid a visit to Mrs. Brewster last Rinearson, Smith of Polk. Tuesday. Reform and chairitable Institutions— I hope we- shall hear again from our Myers, Gurdane, Burleigh. Five mile correspondent. I think Clear All members present except Scott. I-ike might come down from her ex- Ou motion of Coon house returned to , alted dignity mid furnish a correspondent also, fourth order and Mr. Coon introduced Mr. Lowe presented Mr. Colvin and concurrent memorial asking congress for Mr. Flint each wi’li a nice pup, pup. Tiie fh c J enac.tn,eu t o( (or election of V, S. ! poor little doggies were dreadfully ireadfnlly sea­ sea- , ,. . , sick on the voyage to their new homes. senators by direct vote ol the people, j Miss Kate E rh art has ordered a hand­ j U nder suspension of rule the resolution some organ, which will ornam ent th e received immediate action and passed. new home on the hill. Mr. E rhart hss The m atter of election of a United decided to postpone building lus house States senator was then called up as a until his lumber seasons. ! special order. Mr. Mitchell has recently set some The vote in detail w a s : traps near Ids home on Fiddle creek and Dolpli—Beach, Blundell, Bridges, is having good success, having already Calvert, Cardwell,Cleeton, Conn,Cooper, caught two otter mid several mink. Am glad to tier neighbor Thomas is Daly, David, Davis, Gowdy, Keyt, Long, moving home. It isn 't pleasant to see McCracken, McGreer, Mintie, Moor- the smokeless chimneys on our m igh- head, Myers, Paxton, Schlhrcdc, Shut- hors’ hmises. I also hear matrimonial rum , Stanley, Smith of Clackamas, Smith rum ors; if they are verified 1 shall be ' of I’olk, Smith of Josephine, Templeton, all the more glad. Thompson and Mr, Speaker.—29. An occasional •ce ’round at Prof. Supreme Judge Moore— Baker, Iiark- M artin’s is the ou 1 h e a r of in this TiiaT made by t h e l c .v > Boothby, Burke, Cole, O o h , Craig, neighborhood 7*exc gentle south wind. Curtis, Gates, Guild, Gurdane, Hillegae, When Mr. Geer ol Cottage Grove was Hofer, Hope, Lester, Lyle, Patterson, lu re, he made it a point to enquire of Rinearson, Smith of Linn, Tigard, every land holder the value lie placed W right, Yates.—22, •m liis properly. With the exception of H are—Buckman, Burleigh, Huffman, me man, all gave him tiie requested information. Tiie prices ranged from Jeffery. Neaison, Stewart, Young.—7. $1090 to f2000. Lord—Dunn, | I thunk you for tiie compliment, Ich Absent—Scott. Dien, but really, aren’t you a little mis- _____ ikea? Seems to me I was lelling you WEDNESDAY JAN 23 • o w to make bad butter, not good, and ,,,, , . . ,i t want any ol ( ,, .. at . our re­ When the time arrived to vote for U. • • ou i, don that union dinner. No, we will let Mrs. 8. senator the joint roll was called and j Weddle bring the butter ami 1 know it all members found present except Scott will he good. If we cannot have it he- of Linn, sick. President Simon read! foie, we might liave our reunion at Hie tiie act of congress relative to tiie man­ Siuslaw fair m xl fall, and perhaps we Could induce lie- edpur to offer a prem­ ner of election ami called for tiie joint ium for the longest letter containing tiie roll call. Senator Alley broke tiie Dolph i ranks and named Binger H erm ann. luast amount of news or otherwise. Tiie vote was: Dolpli, 41; Moore, 17; N O T IC E . ¡H are, 10; B ennett, 8; Lord, 5; H er­ m ann, 4; Williams, 1. Absent, Scott, 1. U xited S tates L and O ffice . Roseburg, Or., January 24, 1895. Necessary to elect, 46, Notice is hereby given th at tiie ap ­ THURSDAY, JAN. 24. proved plats of survey of tiie following Dolpli, 44; Moore, 19; Hare, 10; Ben­ townships liave been received from the nett, 6; Moody, 4; Lord,2; Kincaid, 2; surveyor g'-ueral of Oregon, to-vvit : Williams, 1. Township No. 37 8 R. 14 West, Township No. 34 8 R. 14 West, FRIDAY, JAN, 25. Township No. 35 8, It. 13 West, Dolph, 42; Moore, 11; H erm ann, 10; Township No. 36 30 8. S. R. 13 West, H are, 10; Bennett, 8; Lord, 2; Williams, Township No. 38 8. 13 West. 2, Lowell, 1; Barkley, 1. Moores paired And on SATURDAY, MARCH 9, 1895, at 9 o’clock a. ill., said plats will he [ with Scott. Cooper changed from Dolph filed in tliis office, and the laud em- j to Williams, braced lherein will lie subject to entry I SATURDAY, JAN. 26. on and after tliai date. Dolpli, 42; Moore, 6; H erm ann, 8; R. M. V eatch , Register. Hare, 10; W eatherford, 8; Williams, 4; It. 8. S heridan , Receiver. Barkley, 3; Lowell, 3; Lord, 2; Tongue, YO UR T E E T H 1; Simon, 1. Absent, paired, Scott and Templeton. May he nil light and they may bo rotten MONDAY, JAN. 28. ami decayed. However, Dr. A.B. Prentis, Dolph, 42; Hare, 10; H erm ann, 8; d ntist, is in tiie city ami can be found until February Otli, at tiie Moriie Hotel. W eatherford, 8; Williams, 8; Lord, 4; I liis is your opportunity of having some Moore, 3; Lowell, 2; Barkley, 2; Tongue, strictly first clase dentistry done. Prices j . Abgent and , ired 2 liave laien reduced one-hull. All work fiillv w arranted. At Morris Hotel. ' RUDY’S PIL E SUPPOSITORY is guaranteed to cure Piles nnd CoiiBtipa- Q R E A T B A T T L E S are contin- ' 'on, or money refunded. 63 cent« per ually going on in the human sys­ •ox. Send two stamps for circular an I tem. Hood’s Sarsaparilla drives out dis­ /re«-Sample to MAR »TV RUDY, Reg­ ease and R E S T O R E S H E A L T H . istered PharmaciRt, Lane inter, Pa. No I’ogtnltf nnatt'ttred. Lor Mai by nil lirat- elai«s drnggi.-ta every where, und in Flor- I ence, Oregon, by the Florence Drug i Store. General Merchants. KEEP THE Teas B Z 3 T ---- ★ Coffee Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Glassware, Crockery, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Windows, Doors, Build* ers’ Supplies. WE TAKE YOUR MEASURE AND HAVE FULL SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED- 768 HANDSOME PATTERNS- WE ARE AGENTS FO *' THE GERMAN AMERICAN INSURANCE CO -, OF NEW YO K, AND THE PH tN IX ASIUR- ANDE CO OF LONDON, ENGLAND, A social party was held W ednisday evening at m e residence ol Mr. and Mrs. Rudy. When Rates are equal why not get the best? Hood’s pills act easily, yet promptly and effectively, on the liver and bowels. 26 cents. P O IN T T E R R A C E . Mrs. G. W. Masterson grve un after­ noon teau to a lew friends of Miss Delia By M oue A non . Morris ou Tuesday. CAPT. SYM O NS HEARD PROM . Florence is without a physician. This We are having a real w inter her is a deplorable stale of affairs and oue a bunts and a bright sonny one, too—no M a k e s a l t e p o r t o n t h e K iiifclnw a n d for which we cannot account. V m p q u a E lv e r B ar«. one of your sloppy, drizzly one», with Mr. E. T. Johnson, a funner resident dark, overhanging clouds, and no ray of ol tins city, is now superin ten den t of sunshine or moonshine or starshinc Captain Thomas W. Symons has made tiie Portlauu M etuodist Hospital. You should see our stars shine tiie- the following report on tiie condition of Will Johnson, of G ardiner, intends cold frosty nights. Old Orion strike tiie Siuslaw harbor: Tiie Siuslaw liver enters the ocean in moving to G ardiner, where he lias a strikes out witli tiie fierceness of an position with the G ardiner Mill Co. Ajax, determined to win or die. The the midst of a vast sliifting sandy beach, — T he— Wholesale and Retail A childrens party, in honor of Mabel big dipper overflows with got leu stream» v.irtioui any headland or fixed point to Morris, was given oil Friday evening at of glory, while the lovely seven sisters determ ine the location of tiie entrance th e residence ol Mr. tutu Mrs. 5>. Morns. ne8tling in tiie strong neck of Taurus, channel. Tiie uuconfined channel has a range of about one mile, over which it Mr. William M arlin is a decided suc­ open th eir eyes with dazzling brightness wanders. Tiie deptli on tiie bar varies And tiie new moon is to he on hand to cess in his present position, and quite a L e a d in g B ra n d s fo r from 5 to 12 feet at low water, and the y/».’’’ / favorite with the pupila ol the Florence 8,ll'*e serenely over all. Ali, w hat u bar channel is very vnriatde in position j lovely wintei we shall experience (pro school. and direction. At times a channel ru n ­ ä l A new sidewalk is unde* construction viding tiie weather d o n 't change). ning near parallel with the eoast is d e ­ i? m \ These bright days arouse tiie amhi- between tiie Piesuyteriau courcli anil veloped inside tiie bar. This channel is tion ; just listen to what is lieing done Jefferson street, cuunecuug wun toe narrow, ill-defined and dangerous, a» hy our neighbors. walk on th at street. beats liave to pass through it in tiie A w Frunk and Charles H artley are getting trough oi tiie sea. At other limes there Uncie David Morse is failing quite ----- May be Found in ____ ‘ are two channels. ■ apidly of lute. He has no one to care out logs on tiie latter’s place. Tiie plan of improvement is to confine tor biui nut his neignoors, woo are doing D. A. Bradley and Geo. F. Alien are i filling a large contract for cordwood. tiie waters between high-tide brush and a ll yuey Can lor nls eomiori. ▲ sn&oisunuL We have derided to make a change in D IS S O L U T IO N OF C O -P A R T N E R S H IP . Colebnttod Jew e Moors wlii.-key.! Iia and Morgan Allen are cutting wood stone jetties, so located us to direct tiie A n in te os iu a drug store or, if de­ - currents upon tiie bar in a direction condiictii g our business, deeming it sired, pennane..t employ meiir guaran­ by contract for the Sweet Bros. Notice is hereby given tliut B. Me- ; The Crale Orchard Sour Matth practically per|iendicular to the coast. siihscrviant to tiie best interests of our teed to p.iysiciau who will reside here. Sweet Bros, have just completed a new flaniel and J. M. Settle, doing Inisiness customers, as well as ourselves, to sell The nortli jetty will lie 4530 feet long, E x c h i.i.e practice Hl 40 nines ol territory. substantial wharf at their landing. Genuine < )1‘" n estim ated a t j been aide to procure any medicine for I use when s h in C»n be p at up by m y < ne Awardsa A fine farm of KM) acres pitimfed on J never out o f order, no repairing, i»et>* a life j 9000. Il was found during tiie pa-t rheum atism th a t relieves the pain so » tim e WnrrRRfed. A moaev mnker S r i ' « Thin Highest Honors—W orld’s Heir. W. A Storm was in town Sandsy. ’ W. r. Harrison S Ca., Ci.ru 10. ColuinliiM. 0 the Lnken Kontti fr«»ni Florence. ■ year th at th is eel ¡mate was insufficient quickly and effectually as C ham berlain's ranch is mostly abler ami vine maple Mrs. A. F. H urd visited Ft. Terrace - and tiie cost of the completion of tiie; pain balm and that site lias also used it bottom land, having nearly a mile hike project was estim ated at <6 8)0, making for lame back with great success. For Tuesday. frontage. Ten acres under ciiltivatiou ! a total ealimatkd cost nt ¡¡21,685 89 W. T. Kavser. the Elm ira merchant, sale by druggists. and 6 more rihtHhcd ; n good orchard jiiNt P ark O bkmty P ills will reduce your The am ount expended prior to June O. W. O. Hardman, sheriff of Tyler was in tiie city tliis week. come into hen ring; 6 roonm in a frnoie weight PERMANENTLY from 12 to 15 30, 1893, was <14,245 16. A large am ount Mesdames Bums and Foster are visit­ Co., W. Ya., appreciates a good thing lioune that in ceiled and papered ; good pounds a month. NO STA HYING sick- and does not hesitate to say so. He was ing Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm on Duncan of rix-k was removed and navigation otit-huildingH, and Ht'»< k of all kind« will ness or injury; NO PUBLICITY. They tlierehy lienefiied. alm ost prostrated with u cold when lie Slough. l>e «old witli the place at u anonnhle pri I ( build up tin- hcnltli and Isaiilify tiie The amount expended during tiie rear procured a bottle of Oiam berlaiiie cough Roliert Vanderburg ami wife returned res if desired. Price of farm, $200(1; one | complexion leaving NO W RINKLES or Repairing Ui-.niptly Done remedy. He says. “ It gave me prompt home last Monday after a short visit to ending June 30, 1894. was $123.5.15. Two half cash and reasonable tim e given for I flabbiness. STOl'T ABDOMENS ami hundred and fifty-two and five tenths • relief. I fiud it to be an inraluatdc J. C. Flint of Clear Lake. balance. Apply for further particular. A N D WORK W ARRANTED, difficult breathing surely relieve,I. NO • tons of roek had lieen removed whet) tiie remedy fur eongbe and colds.” For sule at tliis office. Mr. J. B Hill, tiie clo th ing _ m‘’n i ■ appropriation gave out. Tiie propose,! EXPERIM EN T lint a seientific an,I poe-/ by druggist». came in on tiie Eugene stage Tuesday. ' channel is not ciimpleteil. Tiie appro­ ' t » r \ T »S t k e e í , I ' m » ke 5 c e , O r e g o n . itive relief, adopted only after years of T h e tug went up to Acme Sunday and He expects to be here and at G ardiner priations nmoniit to $33,609, of which ex|s'rienee. All orders supplied direct •P E E D Y a a A LASTING nE SU L T S. endeavored to pull the Albion off tiie for several months FA T PEOPLE $17,914.11, appropriated in 1871. was from our office. Price $2.00 per pack­ I I T A M , J ) Pushing CfttiVHMeer of beach. After tugging for three quarters Mr. O. W. Hurd, of Hurd <& D avenport, expended prior to the adoption of the age or three pm ’..ages for $5.00 by mail i | ginn, uldr Liberal salary and , o “ a S ut V i S l i f “ •” MOST PERFECT MADE. of t a lion* and failing to more the ves went up to Seaton Tuesday on the Gcci- present project. fro m a n y I, u r i , c . u S o in r e . U lia postpaid. Testimonials and particulars expen«.w» |uii I weekly; Perm anent A pure Gripe Cream of Tartar Powder. Free u»a: AS55«;t3 s*rn:ia. eel, the attem pt was alumduned and ttie dent, to take stock in the firm ', branch -, _ , . _ . Ws G9ARAXTE E s CURE or refund your money. potitm n. BPOW.Y KL«iS. (<>., .\u rae­ kom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant (sealed, 2cts. D r. Price's Cream Baking Powder 4«- leelrnal»». Robert» returned here. When asked (tore at that place. A ll C 'lr r e s p u ,d a n c e N lr l c ll y C o n f id e n t ia l 40 YBARS THE STANDARD. T K U I t m » iE L U C A I. C « . . i l o e t o u . M ass. ry men, K C laud, Oregvn. WerM’s F a ir Ilighe-1 Medal and DipKiaaa. P A R K R E M E D Y C O .. B obtom M ass ALWAYS TRADE AT Meyer & Z yle’s. W. M. RENSHAW,! M a rr & Safley L IQ U O R D E A L E R . N O T IC E . BUTCHERS. B eef B is li, O am e, B rix its , V e g e te ü o le s . .T e w e l e r , *D IV VWCfi F FAT PEOPLE LOCKS, JEW ELR Y . CREAM BAKING PffWMH y rx J tl