w itn total waste is very a itttre n l trom and th at no compensation shall lx* al­ the rig h t r ant], raise it over y e a r head tiiai w h ic h ’t undergoes when kept dry. T H E lowed any clerk or expert on the insane and swing it from left to rig h t in a c ir­ Tlie one is putrefaction—dangerous, cle for live minutes; then reverse the capable of causing illness if its gases asylum, penitentiary or reform school motion, circling it from left to right, committees for a greater period than ORIGINALITY OF THE AMERICAN NEE- holding (J im pitcher upright and avoid­ are breathed by susceptible systems. Tho other is n atu re’s mode of disposing OLEWORK GUILD. ing spilling atty (.f the fluid. When th i, of all things of earth—a true decom­ ten day». The resolution was adopted. call bo accomplished w ith ease and ac­ Special committee reported resolution A d elaid e >2. A iM lrnon — For m -autifat position, or nitrification, a process of curacy, tak en second two gallon pitcher give and take worked out by living or­ in favor of joint comm ittee for reform A rm s — W ill S h e i- P e t t y B e tty filled w ith w ater and swing that first ganisms. T he (la u g h te r , and th e D am es- K itch en from left to rig h t with the left hand, j school, deaf m ute and blind school. If the refuse pall is left in the open aud us facility is acquired reverse the air and all liquid kept out, practically R .t a .e —Sh e’» a T rue H eroine. I Adopted. ( motion from rig h t Co left. More prac- no harm can bo done, hut tho heat and ! Also resolution for joint committee Only tw o now garm ents a year, no tico w ill be found necessary w ith the stearu of the kitchen accelerate putre­ hand. Both hands faction. _ with two experts and two clerks to in­ n a tte r how sm all or Inexpensive na left than tho right The penetratiug power cf Jong as they are n ew ,” ia tho uppeal aud arm s being trained, next take a two steam, greater than tiiat of dry heat, THE UN D ER SIG N ED HAVE RECEIVED AM vestigate state treasurer’s oiiice. Adopt­ gallon pitcher full of water in each made by th e d i t r i c t presidents of the goes deeper into tho refuse pai) than is ed. hand aud make the movement w ith both American Needlework guild in drum ­ realized. simulraneoualy, being careful that the Also resolution for joint committee ming up recruits for tho organizaiton. A handful of earth should bo a house­ Thia needlework guild is a distiuctly rapidly revolving pitchers shall not keeper’s ever ready sanitary aid, especi­ : with two experts and two clerks to in- tew chariiy and is conducted on a p rin ­ touch. The vessels must cross tach oth­ ally in city houses. Taken floor the I vestigute secretary of state's offh e. ciple different from any heretofore a t­ e r’s orbits a t different angles. surface in any back yard, it w ill be This is a most developing exercise to teeming w ith invisible life, ready to tem pted in tiiis city. Tho object of the t Adopted. arms, neck and back, and when perfect Our store ami warehouse are filled front floor to ceiling, Also resolution for joint committee for guild is to furnish new, plain and suit- in the exercise it w ill be possible to per­ perform specific functions and reduce nb’.o garm ents to tho deserving poor, all to its own kind, earth or dust. aud we can safely say that our stock has never state schools; also for m ilitary affairs. w hether they bo in tho hospitals or in form the neat little centrifugal experi­ W hether in earthworms or bacteria they been more complete than now . ment of the w hirling of an open tan of th eir own w retched homes. Tho idea of serve as agents of sanitation and avert Adopted. giving new garm ents is to rai te the self milk around the head w ithout spilling a danger of rising gases as well as defeat­ * • I Aiso resolution for joint committee respect of unfortnnato people who so drop. Three months of this simple ex­ ing those pestilential scavengers— flies. ercise w ill perfect the arms of even a with one expert ¡tad one clerk for insane frequently undergo hum iliation in be­ A covering of earth is a cleaner lid than delicate woman most beautifully and ever tinsm ith made.—Now York Timos. Cooper of B enton Shakes I asylum. Adopted. ing obligi d to accept castoff clothing increase her physical strength to a point Tho headquarters of tho National I Resolution by Oieetoo providing that Off th e Gold M antle. WE QUOTE A FEW OF OUR. MANY BAROALNS Sh e’, a T rue U e ro lo s, guild are in Philadelphia, where it was where sho may w ithout effort control ! sessions of the house be 9:30 to 12 anti organized nine years ago on a sim ilar her c..;ire household A husband who Ono of the missionary heroines of the 3 O R V A U S FLO U R , i BBL. í?.90> FOR plan to th at organized by Lady W olver­ s.’cs his w ile w hirling four gallons world Is Miss Annie Taylor, a Prosby- G RANULA E D S U G A R , 16 C ? S . 1 1 r30 to 6 o’clock. Adopted. 1.00 and terian missionary to T ib e t W ealthy ton and put into execution in England. around her , head , with „ the " grace , ,— ä C s 'li A O ” 18 “ l.Off The Iceberg Senator Stili tacks »POfi.^e 'vm g o n j cultivated, she decided in spite Jf For a tim e tho work in this country was • • n 1 00 confined to Philadelphia. A branch was- v d l hesitatoabi n t differing w ith her in the opposition of her parents to give -T A N D A D T O M A T O E S , li ’. A . 5 ............................ Three Votes—The House TUESDAY, JANUARY 22. -iA O • O X f F- 20 ?" Vf--®.............. ‘ 1.00- eventually started in New York, and a men : m atters of oyp-' in. —New Orleans kxi-rtielt to missions. She studied modi XlIUUà». Committees. SBNATIi. few weeks ago Miss W illard came liere G L O D U C T Y. A S H IN 3 POWD2.!?. 15 cine uad worked as a nurse in a hospital - I F H U Í 7 .8 e .V L S ...................................... to prepare herself for tho work. She P 1.0» Win atbui ~ Denny moved th at the senate proceed from Philadelphia aud organized the third city branch of tlio N ational guild. 26 W ill tho sweet girl graduate of this also acquired a knowledge of dentistry. G E R M 4 E A . 10 » . S A C K S ............................. I with balloting for United States senator; The meeting was held at the residence “ “ v ar openly patronize her parents? Of Largely at her own expense she went to R — F L O U R , 3» of Mrs. Hbraco Davis. Jli-s W illard, i motion prevailed. Brownell nominated MONDAY, JAN. 21. i: o they are comparatively uncul- China, assumed native costume, settled I Dolph. Hustoh presented the name of who had been in correspondence w ith a ' r I pe iple, hut i f she realizes bow on the borders of Tibet aud began to SENATI- I T H E R C O O D S A T C O A R E S P O N O tN O L V L O W P R IC E S , number of the prom inent ladies of this i il they are in a financial way she learn tho language of that fierce people I Judge Alfred S. Bennett of The Dalles. city, had her plan well outlined and ex­ iNTFonfcriou o r b i l l s . among whom Christian missionaries ■ • ' ib!y w ill n o t Brownell—to create office of state irri- Holt nam ed Win., D. H are of Hillsboro, plained it in such a comprehensive way I s.i ' when in tho course of her have not yet obtained a foothold. Having thoroughly prepared herself, r waudering i she meets a famous gation engineer, being a move to reclaim on the part of the people’s party, first th at tho utdias present im tuedint !y be­ came enthii aaslic and organized a local she made an entrance into the country, i a i.,t or philologist, feel tiiat i t is arid land. I ballot had following result: branch of the N ational guild before tho * or duly to tell him of the latest results and there she has lived for some time. Alley—amending code requiring se- Dolph—Alley, Bancroft, Brownell, m eeting adjourned. Since th a t it has f : ■ cureh in a particular field? If she She lias been exposed to the most terri­ TH E PE O PL E S M ERCHANTS. : v.- h e.v g ateful he would bo to her ble dangers, but the people ot Tibet eurity for costs in civil actions. Galbreath, Carter, Dawson, Denny, continued t i grow witji surprising rapid­ ity. I£o.ro it is tlm middle of summer, '• • have spared a woman where they would ; ir on so doing, she prob- Brice—amending code increasing pay j Gesncr, (Iowan, llohson, Johnson, Max- when, strictly sjr aking, all s-'ci ty is . j oa >: d i- abstain, ____ not have spared a man. Tho chief sev­ out of town aud most charities ar* tem ­ ef county commissioners in Umatilla well, McClung, McGinn, Patterson, V.'iH . ho r ill up her sleeves and help eral times tried to poison her. Sho was porarily suspend, d. But this guild has .■ d r old m o :. ..r wash dishes? Mo.,t made u prisoner. She was exposed, un­ from |3 to $5 per day. Brice, Steiwer, Wotsiani, Simon.—19. excited a deep rooted rather than a tu u i.y it i ! Why not? Because the protected, to rain and snow aud intense Senator Patterson reported on part of Bennett—Beckley, Butler, Cogswell, spasmodic interest, w hich lnui grown Keeps a full line of E xtra Quality eet girl graduate has lovely white cold, sometimes sleeping at night in a committee on ways and means, recoin- Huston, McAllister, I’ aley, Smith of until it has- hooome a popular fad.. li Is aud arms, and even when sho hole dug in the ground, and yet through Groups of ladies discussing tho guild ars sleeves sho docs not care to wash thousands of dangers, through famine mending committee clerks as follows: Clatsop, Smith of Sherm an.—8. aud death and w hat was worse than and outlining plans for its extension i. hi s. Irrigation, judiciary aud public lands, H are—Holt, King, Vanderbilt',',—3. may bo found any morning on tho ve­ V. i I s!i i make a bonfire of her books deatli, sho was safely carried and has re­ each 2; printing, assessment, railroads A numla-r of bills were read first ami randas of the fushionablo resort hotels i i i i oxuberauoo of her joy,or w ill sho turned to tell us wonderful things of i j i n r n v i n r TIN W A R E, BOOTS & SHOES, A ltE , It is a recognized topic of conversation. s ’ll tiiem to tbo nextclussfor much and that dark nation and to inako ready a and revision of laws, each 3; enrolled second tim e and referred, forco th at shall take Tibet for C hrist.— Tho organization being nousectarian ■ ive it l.o the poor fcotlu w ater man? HATS & CAPS, MEDICINES, NUTS & CANDIES, bill», 10; engrossed bills, 9; and others | creates a more general and with spread W ill she w rite to each girl in tho G cldtn Ride, HOUSE. interest than would otherwise exist. elms during the summer, as she prom- one each ; compensation in most cases ' TOBACCO, CIGARS, FU R N ISH IN G GOODS Sbo<"H In H ot W eath er. Speaker announced standing comm it­ Tho work is planned on a simple yet .? U roj.bly not, and, if she does, being $3 per diem ami none exceeding Don’t try to wear shoe that is too practical basis. Any one may become n tees as follows: tm nk win t a sweet surprise those epis­ sm all for the foot in hot weather. |o. Report adopted. Oiember by giving two garm ents a year. Goods as Represented. Prices W ill be Found Reasonable Elections— Beach, Hefer,. Sm ith of A member obtaining ooutribntious from tles w ill ho to.niost of the girls! This is flying in tlio faco of common , W ill sho try to sail a boat unaided, Denny—Amending code as to time for Clackamas, Patterson. 10 or more persons am ounting to 22 or to swim in unknown water, or to sense. The feet require a little humor- I ing in the summer. They get irritable 1 executors and adm inistrators to report. Ways ami m eans—Wright, Gates, garm ents may become a director Tho rnlo nnfnm liar horses in tbo course of and excited under tbo least provocation. ! city brandies are divided into sections. tii -summer? Doubtless. Wny shouldn’t King—An act incorporating Baker Paxton, Sm ith of l’oik, Hofer. Which are tinder the supervision of a s.i ? I) site not perfectly sure that sho Evea tlie iron rails on street ear lines City. swell under the fierce lays of tlio sun, Education—Barkley, Blundell, Clac­ president and several directors. Each I;.. ;w-i i v . ly tliii.g that can be known? and w hat can be expected of flesh and Price—Creating office of exam iners o f ' president is responsible for 110 gar­ W ill she do all these and a thousand ton, Conn, Jeffery. ments a year. Sho pledges herself for ■u il one other things? Sho probably blood? W ear n size, or nt least a Half • tate and county treasurers. Judiciary—Paxton, Long, Sehlhrede, th at number and m ust abide by her ob­ w.ll. O r w ill a stray ono or two of her size, larger shoo (luring the summer Brownell—Amending code relating to-! fhun you did iu the w inter.—Boots and ligation. Smith of Josephine, Cole.. In re and there take tho advice of ono Now is the timo for an examination of our stock of Dry interest, making legal rate « per cent, U...OI i i n luu It was feared this regulation- would who it.is been Ibero herself, which is, Shoes Weekly. — Chums—SmUli of Linn, Cooper, Will- ,ia .whilt of „ l]rawl)iV.k to Goods, for fall and winter uses, by the people of tho eon tract rate 8 per cent. •’D on’t?” —Chicago Times. S ilv e r I le d s t e s S s N o w . egas. co si hired for paasiug h er huusu, remarked: Capitol building und grounds—B lun­ tho occnsion, and all tlm garm ents that grounds, increasing to five members the "M y old sweetheurt, Betty Bliss, Miss Annie W hitney of Boston has been • • dell, C alvert’ Buckman. have been donated by tho gnild mem­ lives liere. 1 must call upon her at purchased by subscription by Connecti­ committees on pnldic lands and oil bers (luring the year will ls< on exhibi­ once.” He lost no timo in doing so. cut women and placed in Wadsworth Agriculture—Craig, Dunn, Kevt. D eitler in r.tlieneum a t Hartford. education. Amendment adopted. tion. The publie w ill lie invited to a t­ Alcoliolic t rallic—TigariL Hope, Nealon. tend and inspect tliv display. Mrs. E is '1 be o.fleers of tho old army invariably , ai 1 t.ie r respects to Mrs. Daudridgo. Bill by Lester—Enabling m uniy tourls The most adventurous journey said to Railways and transportation —Smith ton and Miss Gwin, assisted by several A io gh ardently southern in her fecl- have ever been taken by a woman was to improve county roads by plunking or ladies, w ill then sort over the article», t ’g.i nn* .syiiipiithie-s, sho always re­ of Josephine,, Gales, Duly, Thompson, laying puncheon thereon. do them up in pack lges, label them anil ceived them with- the most gracious recently completed by Mrs. Littledale, Guild. (Jents’ Carpets, Glassware, direct an expressman where to take eourtesy. Kiuoa then, except mi ocoa- who, w ith her husband, started from Long from special committee on reso­ Constantinople and crossed Asia to F u rn ish in g BoGte and Assessment and taxation—laing.Conn, thorn. Any Section is privileged to sug­ lo iia l European tour, Mrs. Dandridge Shanghai. Groceriesr lutions reported. After reciting the G o o d s. gest to the committee where it prefers lias been living quietly nt her home in S h •>, Battel son, Burke, David. Etc. Etc. having its contributions sent. There is V irginia. She is the only surviving abuses heretofore characterizing the Manufactures—Scott, Duvls, Nealon. considerable l.ilsir attached to the d istri­ c i d of tho hero of Buena Vista and is : Headquarters for employment of clerks by legislative com­ Medicine and pharmacy—Smith of bution, but tie- Indies think nothing of still u eh,it ming woman. — Washington mittees, eommitte iiitrislueed concurrent tlieir tim e und work so interested are P ost __ Clackamas, Calvert, Smith of Linn. they In alleviating tho distress of the resolution with follow ing resolution«: T he lla n x lite r . amt th e Dame«. Horiicirlttire— Coon, Yates, Rincar- poor.—San Francisco Examiner. Highest Price Paid for Country Produce. T hat joint committees of senate and There is tremendous rivalry between son. the two organiaations of women known house 1« appointed to examine the state A«IrlAhlp 51. An tarwon. GENE........................................................ Public moral»—Boothby, Barkley, OREGON. The goisl service retnlere 1 hv women as tlio Daughters of the Revolution and offices and js-nnl and reformatory Insti­ Burleigh. as factory inspts-tors is attested by tho the Colonial Daincs. It is based upon tutions for which it Is noeessary to em ­ antiqaity of lineage, as to be a Dame Rules and joint rule»—Jeffery, Hille- appointm ent of Miss Adelaide M. An­ takes a few more ancestors than it does ploy clerical aid ; the following shall he derson lo a n tnspceterial office. Miss gas, Calvert. Anderson, it is gratifying to roniem- to be a Daugliter. Not long ago a t a the num ber of clerks and experts to Salaries and mileage—Moorhead, Pat­ I k t , i s tlm fonrth lady inspector detailed woman’s club reception u stranger from which each special cumiuittce upisnntcd to carry tint the provi.-iuus of factory the west naked to be presented to any terson, Gowdy, legislation ns they affect women in tho Ibitighters who n ^ j t hnppeu to be shall be en titled : Publie lihrun —Kevt, Cole, Lyle. United Kingdom. Hbe i t a daughter of Pres*'u»- Kol,1(' " ho w" ignorant Secretary of state, two experts and Fish aud game— Lester, Myers, Coon. the latu Mr. Alexander G avin Anderson ,,f tlu’ nl<* distinction between tho two ;A d an \s. two clerks. and is of Bcottish extraction, though or,I’'ri,> forthw ith introduced her to a Bridgaa, Stewart. Melbourne is her birthplace. woman who, at the word Daughter, State treasurer, two experts and two Liilsir— Stanley, Curtis, Mintie. Bite was educated nt Glrton college rtra'A’ haughtily aud ox- •larks. C A L L O N OR A D D R E S S Banking and insuranee— llofter, T»m- and took honor» in 1887 in the moral claimed: “ You have made a mistake. 1 It S tats printer, two experts and no sciences tripos. A year ago she took the an t a Colonial Daniel" pleton, Paxton. clerk. Gamble prten tx-eupied titude of the Dantes. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : ’ • * taken down with with work tinder the dirccthui of tlie The slate asylum comm ittee ahull lx Gn the other hand, the Daughters Fever and a Bad Cough. I t is very antiudug to read the various I hereby certify th at I was the original owner ot th e property known as Frasier entitled to one expert ami one clerk. comments made when sonic voting »•xuetary of tlio labor eominissioB. The claim that their order is much more Following this a sore came on her right side b e­ axpcrimice gained in this way should tween the two lower ribs. Tn a short time an­ and Berry’s part of Florence, which E. J . Frasier is now offering for eala. That th a Penitentiary, one expert and one “ privilege" Is accorded to women. prove particularly useful to Mias An­ honorable, tuusiauch as Damesltip does other broke on the left side. She would take nine is level and free from drifting sand. T h at fruit trees and shru b b ery do wa not determine one’» ancestors to havo “ Now, ’’ aayaeome enterprising journal, derson in her new ollbs as sltonld also been patriots or tories, while the de- spells of sore mouth and when we had succeed­ upon said land an d the same is desirable (or residence property. J . G. STKvxNaai«, clerk. " le t us »80 if the women w ill take ad­ «•«I in m overcoming otrrcomnig this m is she sue would suffer with at- » »» n - u i i t her practical knowledge f the co-opera- secmhuit of a Revolutionary hero is ed lacks of Mgb fever h i i «I e M>e| blosM.r lookina Public Schools, l4tne county The last three committees shall have vantage of the favor thrown out to them. live move ¡out. In tlio latter corruption. Her head wns affected and matter stamped with an talienable loyalty. It eoiod If the m ajority of them don’t w an t tho from her cars. After each attach sho be- ten days each to make examination and j SFAI. I Suhsvrilted and sworn to before me this 6th privilege of voting, why should wo tion it is in te re « Ing to note that Mi«s is unquestionably true that if m erit of report. day of March, 1892. Jo sx rit A. Moaat», bother to give it to tlie few wltotlo? We Anderson hits ts'fh lectured to and ex­ lineage counts for lucre than mere Notary Public T hat experts shall lie allowed |7.li0 don’t need uioro voters, but more intel- amined the women of the Co-operativo btigtli then the Daughter« have the guild in elem entary t-eonomirs sho upper hand. Moreover, the objects of eante wnrwi and alt treatment f.-iHwt to give htr TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : par day (or each day actually employed, ligent ones!” This living so, how litany relief until »e began to u.*e ll,*-; , Kaixaparllla. organization among the Dantes are pure­ After site had taken one-half bottle a e eon Id se» m en would huvn to com« off th e list of bus also been for several years a me Being first duly sworn ! depose and say: Tiiat I have Iteen a raoidenr of Flor- and the clerks fft per day (or each day American voters? It is a question of ber of the southern section of the Co­ ly social, ami s o c ia l among tbemselves. had' uieu'three’biHlk** Ndw'ihe'looks Uk* en<*> County, Oiegon, (or the past twelve years; that I sm fam iliar and wel Tin Daughters aim to help each other in operative union. From this brief state- actually employe I on spt-cial rouimittec right and wrong. In any ’’iute-ltiganU acquainted with the property known as "F rasier and B errv’s part of F lorenea,’ The Bloom of Health many m aterial ways.— New York Re country intelligent persons rresupjxHod «nelit of facts if wifi be evident that sn«l h fat a* a pl<- We feel grateful, and eannol work, and th at no com|»'nnation shall hat tlie some is adm irably suited for residence property. Iieing perfectly level and to g o v ern . In ti llt g e iic e lia s n o sex. and Miss Anderson possess« s strong qualifl Corder. say too much in Favor of II imm I' s SarnapariHa ” ! ree Noni drifting sand. T hat fruit trees and shrubbery grow- weH in the soil and A. M. A d am m , I u du ui . TeoneMee. be allowed to any exjiert or clerk on the ita rights kbonld l«i resptx-ttxl w herever cnU'»«*> w hich liave doubtli». had their It I When Rvhue. "Nood’a Pilla set easHyTyit^romduriM ’h"t pUre W<’11 W,,er is fe,,ud on th® " n,e “ * »• present ap p o in tm en t— Loudon •tate, stale treasurer and state printer's difficult nt this season is the disposal of I toeonntt rnet the ittflu. tw e of "bought kitchen refuse. Tha cantoiu is empita Subscribed and sworn to Ic-'nre me th is 12th O flees greater loan twenty days’ tin e. up xof.-s of t na m-t-so-. of t -t .»ranltn ¡le ¡ Dr. (M cc’a Cream Raking Powdar Tnr fle a n tlfn l Arm«. sized at least to keep it dry. The change day of March, 18W. L. B tiv x r, citixena.— Boston teietjt. W orld’« Fair Highest Award. whi h tnk--s vince when w ater is mixed N"tary Fr.bflfe Tako a tw o «all-w u tteb eref watt r jp A E WOMAN’S WORLD. GREAT WHITE STOHE A NN O U N CEM EN T. Is W hat Peo­ ple W ant. IMMENSE STOCK OF GOODS! D o lp h L o s e s a V o te In t h e C o n te s t. • o o BY SELL ING FOR CASH ANDCASH ONLY HURD & DAVENPO RT T E SEATON STORE DRY GOODS g GROCERIES. n o w le s & Managers. Gettys, j l O Id OHS AND CLOTHING. M c C l BNG, EÜÎBR3, ORE60K “ I LEAD, B U T N EVER FO LLO W !” S. H. Friendly p g ï- C OOP8’ HOPS, WOOL, and WHEAT, C lo th in g , OATS AHD BARLEY. EEAL_ ESTATE! H o o d ’s i s G ood M a k e s P u r e B lo o d w m Hood’s ^ Cures M u m For Bargains in Real Property c©„