“ H T H IS W E E K . . . The tide o f d estin y id turning fast D E S E R T C L A U T . u towards F lorence. A ll sorts of ac­ cu m ulation o f facts point that way I S U B S C R IB E MOW PW v-Y'v-iwr'V'*"* vTrv-Y-'rv'Y-w-w’w’Y-vnrM-trr'rY’* Vol. V. GsNERAL DIRECTORY STATE OFFICERS Governor.................... Sylvester Pennoyer N. CRAIN, EIGEN E-FLOKEME Practical Watchmaker STAGE LINE. HORACE State Insurance Comp’y COUNTY OFFICERS J u d g e ..............., ............................. A. _ Commissioners H. Fisk . Eli Perkins P n c itic c o n st. A s s e ts a o u a r t e r o f a m il li o n d o l ­ la rs. P r iv a te d w e l l in g s a m i fa rm p r o p e r ty a s p e c ia lt y . A d d r ess m e a t « ia rd in e r , O r e g o n , a n d 1 w i l l c a ll u p o n y o u a m i in s u r e y o u r p r o p e r ty . Head of Tide Hotel, W . w . N E E L Y , Prop'T. ) ........... - ............J. T. Cullison T ables furnished w itli all the delicacies o f tlie season. W ild Clerk..................................A. C. Jennings Sheriff.................................. A. J Johnson gam e, fish and fruit in season. Best Treasurer...................................3. G. Gray accom odations for the traveling Assessor ............................. D. P. Burton public. Charges reasonable. School Superintendent. J. G Stevenson Surueyor............................... W. B. Pengru Coroner.................................. J. W. Harris Recorder................................ Drew Severy Treasurer....................... Frank B. Wilson Marshal....................................J. C. Brown Justice of Peace......... H. M. Clusuilierlin S O U C IT a D - • Clothier. . . AN D - M E R C H A N T - T A IL O R . DEALER F. A A M. tiilisiä»' Lswlge No. 107. As Regalar :!oin in indent ion on second Saturday night in each nnoith. C. B M uroa », W. M. O. W. H urd , Secretary. a A. R. General Lyons Post, No. f>8. • meets after the Urat quarter of Ho­ moon, linear month. K. B. M ills , Commander. B. F. Alley, Adjutant. C OREGON. E. HANSON, LEADING - C U E SECRET SOCIETIES. « 5 0 .0 0 0 » 5 0 ,0 0 0 P A ID U P O A 8 H C A P IT A L . 8 U R P L U 8 A N D P R O F IT 8. Oscar Funke A C C O U N T S O. W. Hurd EUGENE, Win. Kyle L. Christensen Board of Truateea RANK S . B. EA K IN . J h .. C * IM '» j T . Q . M EH O R IC K 8. P«e«. B. F. Alley ........... RATIONAL OF EUGENE. CITy OFFICERS. Preaident flHST H v and C t s 7 HU1' ' A IN P S , : ^ f'JSNISHIN.'. SDODS EOCENE, - I mean what I say. ti _ ■ |u | W • ■ A P"n«rw,ito A. D. C H A R LTO N , A s s is t a n t U e n e r s 1 Passenyer Agent. E A S T E R N C IT IE S , A ND ALL F o r r a te s a n d g e n e r a l in f o r m a t io n c a ll o n o r R- J O H N S O N , W A S H IN G T O N O H IO A O O . f l ^ R n o m s 7 and » McLaren'» Bull «liny. RpSrlal attention given to collections snd pro­ address bate business. u C H IC A G O NEW HOURS Attorney at Law, TICKETS TO ' 1 T h e Q n lck en t to C h ic a g o an d t h e Rant. A. C. WOODCOCK, W IN N IP E G BUTTE Ofllce tw o doors w est of Florence Hotel, n o v o n o w , o x -w s o x x . Notary Public, Land Agt PARCO C R A N O PORKS TO OREGON. TO JOE MORRIS, Jr S H E L E N A »"d________ NOTARIES. And Collector. Florence and Head of Tide. C R O O K S TO N FLO RENCE, month. Sahhatli-Scliool every Sunday at 10 a. m. Prayer meeting every Thurs­ day evening at the church. Everybody cordially invited. R. C, B laciwkll , Pastor. Notary Public, Surveyor Robarts Florence to Yaquina. IN T H E C A R M A N B U IL D IN G . episcopal church service. Preaching at Glenada ev­ M ethodist ery third ami fourth Sundays of each A. R. BUTTOLFH, Steamer N I o'clock a . m. ahd 7 p. io . Sacrament of the Lord's supper on 1st Sabbath of January, April, July and October. Kvervlxxlv is welcome to all the services. Pastor requests Christians to make themselves known. I. G K notts , Pastor. CHAPT With an air of br impatience, if it bad been mill I to pass by a R eturning— Iauive F orcnce on as spot of earth so insig nt, the long Tuesda;.s and F ridays at S u. in., ovcrlund Wain halt fore the tiny box of a station th: introduced tlia arriving in Eugene th e day follow traveling world to 'ord City. A in at 7 p. in. few pieces of baggage express mat- te r were shot out u] the platform, Single fare . . . - <5.00 while from the last si ir, so far in the outside thn Bound trip - - - - Itt.tiO rear as to seem aitow eerporatn limitAof * "oe one pas- I Ticket» for wilt* a t E. JUanga's j •eug) - vTftTiv» .. . o tno groa’ o w.fh livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd » gallant care on the part of conductor i.ud porter which told all observers tlint & D avenport’s office in Florence. tho lady was yonng and fair, even bo- fore her features were fnlly revealed. Then, with blatant grnnibiing, as if wholly exasperated at so much time wasted, the heavy train strained dog­ S A IL S 1— gedly onward toward tho glowing west, On th e 1st, lOtli and 20th o f each and Hcroford City was h ft to a desola­ tion which seemed akin to shipwreck. m onth. Edith Ellery stood for a moment mo­ Single trip 83.00. Round trip 85.00 tionless on tho bare, weather beaten plat­ form, glancing expectantly around tho assembled faces, her gazo rather blank­ ly straying on to the frame section house across tho way, like tho station For Passenger and Freight Rates neatly painted in that d3rk red brown beloved of tho Union Pacitio railroad, ------ apply to ------- surprisedly considering the untidy array sheds and corrals that littered the Meyer & Kyle, Florence, Or. of foreground nearer the tracks and tho huge water tank on the other side, with the engine house squatting in its shad­ S T E A M E R “ C O O S ," ow, from tho door of which the bluo shirted engineer returned her gaze with o— W ill m a k e --------- o meditative interest. These, with a few R E G U L A R D A IL Y TR IP S empty cattle cars on a side track, ap­ peared to comprise all that man had —— B e t w e e n ------ been able to do tor Hereford City. She had an annoyed consciousness that she had become an objoct of quito intense interest to all the small community. A slatternly woman appeared in tho open doorway of tho section house, uu ceremoniously brushing the children out Tho». F. Oake», Henry C. Payne, Henry C. Rouse Rec'vrs of tho way while sho usurped their placo on the step. A couple of men, who had been lounging iu the rear of the cow ■beds, strolled heavily nearer. The alert young station agent plainly had one eye upon her while he delivered some of the luto arrived express matter to a man of tho cowboy typo who also betrayed his interest iu covert glances, while a R mangy dog, having the advantage over bis linmun competitors in freedom from conventional restraint, walked up, sniff­ ing abont htr gown with sanguine dem­ onstrations of friendliness. There had been a distinct expression of surprise and discomfiture in the first glance nroaud, comprehending that, no friendly face was tliero to bid her w el­ P u llm a n come, which now was deepening into S le e p in g C a r s something like consternation as she grasped the limitations of this place in E le g a n t which she found herself, to all intents, alone, with night so near at hand. But D in in g C ars Edith Ellery was not given to nervous tremors, and although sho felt her heart T o u ris t sinking within her sho 3till wore a stur­ Sleeping C ars dy little air of self reliance as sho made her way toward tho observant gentle­ man in tlie official cap. 8T . PAUL “ I was expecting tho Ellery carriage M IN N E A P O L IS to meet me—from the K ti ran h, ” she began, with a questioning inflection, a D U LUTH U O.O. F. Ileceta Lodge .No. I l l , meets Fo r T h a t Reason s every Wednesday evening in Long-- I w ill sell goods for the n ex t Hall, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in good standing invited to attend. 60 days at greatly reduced L. C. A ckkrlkt , N. G. M 'Rlox M orris , Her. See. rates for spot cash. Try me RESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence. Oregon. Sabbath service. Sabbath- P sellout, IO ’eluck a. in. Prencliing 11 Ix’itves Eugene on Mondays and Thursday, at ti a. m , arriving in Florence the day follow ing at 4 p. in. ORTHERN PACIFIC. ■ O. U. W. I’erjietna Lodge, No. 131, T I M E o -A.T3.B3 H A R D A s meets every 1st and 3d Saturdays ---- A N D ---- each month. Meinlicrs and visiting M ONEY SC A R C E brethren in gis>d standing are cordially invited to attend. A. R. Karnowaky.M.W . F. B. Wilson. Recorder. when you have the cash. Proprietor. N OYECON. JO THE PUBLIC. CHURCH DIRECTORY E- B a rg s , S T A O I L IN I. Ore. H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ days and Fridavs. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ Also with T bs W st work »t the most BcMonable P r ic e , burg Stage Line for Drain. Stage Line for Coo. Bay. Charge ornee over d r e n te Store. JOHN C. GRAY, BEHTAL SURGERY. reasonable. " I wai expecting the EUci~u carrhuje to met t me." oertain peremptory note sounding out of the polished sweetness of her voice, F o r U S k x x d O r . hinting that she had been schooled to expect all possible attention as no less her legitimate right E A S T A N D S O U T H than “They don’t appear to be here,” the yonng man snperfluonsjyjobscrved, nerv­ ously polling at tho cdus drawn over his shirt sleeves, as his glance reverted OF THE to a bncklioard with a restless pair of horses waiting at a little di-tance. Southern Pacific Co. “ Oh, I Ray, Brown!” he called out, nt Ex pre* a T r a in s L e a v e P o r t la n d D a ily . which tho yonng man of the cowboy ap­ I N o r th pearance. who had started toward tlie P o r tla n d A r 8:20 n ni team with a box balanced upon liis 6:15 p ni L r E u gen e L v 2:44 a in 12:0« p m Lv turned hack inquiringly. Ran F r a n c is c o Lv 7.00 P ni shoulder, 10:45 M in Ar "Know if the ElJcry ontflt is likely to la n d to A lb a n y in c lu s i v e ; a l s o T a n g e n t, S h e d d * , be along?” H a ls e y . H a r r is b u r g , J u n c t io n C it y . I r v in g , Eu “ We haven’t seen anything of them g e n e , C o m s t o c k s . D r a in s a n d a ll s ta t io n s from R o se b u r g to A s h la n d in c lu s i v e . at our place today," flushing iugenn- ROSKRt’ KO M AIL, D A IL Y . onsly as tie spoke to the young lady. “ They usually get down about noon, Ar 1 W p ni Portland 8:30 n in 1 hV Lv 10 : 26 a ni too, when they colon. ” E u gen e 2:H0 p ni L v I.v 7 :00 a rn R oseb u rg 5:-r0 P m I Ar “ But I telegraphed from Denver the D in in g Cara o n O g d en R o u te , day before yesterday, ” she quic kly pro­ P v x llm W L Z X B u . f t e t S l o o p o r s . tested, with a woman’« uneonscions trick AND of seeming to hold all men at once ac­ countable for her mishaps. ‘ Sorely the 8C CO ND C L A 8 8 SLEEPING CARS, a t t a c h e d t o a ll T h r o u g h T r a in s . message must have reached them .” “ Probably you wited by way of Chey­ W o t S id e D i v i s i o n . B etw een P ortland ano C o r va llis . enne,” the agent suggested, bis tone ■ A IL T S A IS U A IL T ( y x c a r r S C S D A T .) ▼agm ly discouraging. ■ m » m 1 Lv Portland Ar I »:»» a m “Certainly. That was the direction 12:15 p m | Ar C o r v a llis I.v 1 1 no p m they gave tno. ” A t A lb a n y a n d C orvsÌW s c o n n e c t w it h t r a i n , of U r e e o n P a c ific K nilroa.1. “ No doubt. But a wire must go by t i r m o ' v a a is s daily (« x < sct acsd a y .) mail from I 'heyenne to— Big Cow (.'reek, 4 mi p ,n 1 I.v P o r tla n d Ar I a **s a rn isn't it?—just so, and tlie mails in this 7:25 p m | Ar M c M in n v ille I.v i 5 5 a in T b r o u r h T i c k e t , t o a ll r-oifit" io t h e F a - tc r o part of the conntry ain't like di ath and S t a t e ., C a n a d a a n d E n r o l- ’ c a n la* o b t a in e d al taxes for certainty. Probably your mcs- lo w e a t r a t e . fr»on I,, d. A d a ir . A y e n t , K u y e n c . •ago got laid over somewhere Your R. K n e n t t k . E. P. R o n » « « . trii nds may gi t it today and be along M a n a rn r. A . - t . d . E. a n d P a s t A r t. P o r t la n d , O r e g o n . | tomorrow all right." “ But meanwhile what a m i to do?” THE SHASTA tlie g in anxiously, ner gianco tne air alter tno onst.v, stuny ears. wistfully following the gleaming lines Her tone hud grown insensibly more of rail marking a straight pathway to­ friendly. The refinement of his speech, ward the red and gold of the western liis easy courtesy, indicating no sm all­ horizon. “ Is there a train by which I est consciousness of any social difference can get back to Cheyenne tonight?” which might count to his disadvantage, “ None lint tlie freight n t 1 1:30, which teuded to deepen her impression that wouldn't be pleasant for yon, even if this could be no common cowboy. “ And they were allowed to carry passengers, do you live there?" she asked iuterest which they are not,” he replied, his tally, pursuing her own train of thought. face clouded over with kindly concern. "At Cameron’s? Oh, 1 have been “ Can I get a team to take me on to I stopping there fur a couple of months the K 0 ranch?” now. I am there off aud on. I have a "They might send somebody over with you from Cameron's, “ brightening placo of my own over on Lost river— at this possiC., solution of the difficulty. | not much of a place” —as if fearful of "How wouM r, be about that, Brown?” seeming boastful— "but, such as it is, I “ I guess we could manage that all J live there when 1 am at home. I have been breaking horses at Cameron’s. ” right," the young man said, who hail j pat down his box and lingered with evi- j “ Oh!” returned Miss Ellery, with a dent desire to assist if ho might. “ We ] slight fulling inflection. She was con­ scious of a vague disappointment, cou­ can tako you over iu tlie morning per­ pled with a sort of unreasoning rescut- fectly well if tlie Ellerys don’t put in ment, as if he hud been guilty of w illful an appear« uce. ” misrepresentation. Any distinction “ In thv luoriiingl” she exclaimed, which might appear in her mind be­ with frank dissatisfaction. “ Cut why tween a cowboy and an acknowledged not tonight?" hor.so breaker could only be to tho ad­ “ Why, mainly because it is thirty xxl dial like giving to boots on is rather out of date now iu airy nothing a local habitation and a Wyoming, while it is not considered name, doesn't it?” lie laughed ai he re­ gixxl form nuder any circumstances to sumed liis place lieside In r. There was snuff the caudles with six shooters iu a slight flash of surprise iu Miss E l­ these days. ” "That was hardly my idea,” draw­ lery'» averted eyes. Khukcspcnie on the lit« of a cowboy seemod rather more in­ ing herself up stiffiv, rather ruffled at the chaffing tone. congruous than the lack of piatols and "At all events, it is very nice that we long hair in Ids general makeup. "Tho name seems rather a misfit," somewhat exceed your expectations. It she remarked, furtively measuring him is a great thing even to come up toother people’s expectations, ns a rule, to say with another glance. "Well, rather, but I suppose, at the nothing of going boy on d. ” Ho added, outset, there was a city here—on paper. with abrupt irrelevancy, as though of a These places are generally planted out snddeti guessing that sho was not quite with no end of great expectations, only pleased with his careless joking, "By in this case tlie seed seems to have fall­ the way, from the top of the next rise we shall see t'ameron's place—the en upen stony ground.” "And how far is it to this Camer­ honse, that is. Ot course all this land on’s?” she irrelevantly demanded, winie- is a part of the ranch. " "Bo soon?” with frank surprise. "It wbnt dubiously regarding the road thead, which seemed to be leading has not seemed like three m iles!” There was a flash in the gray eyes that might away into an unbroken wilderness. “ Only about three miles, though I am have meant masculine vanity well afraid it may seem to you longer," with pleused, nnd she linxti ned to add, her a deprecating smile. "There is a certain face warming with u sudden, unreason­ over and ovirishness alxint the scenery ing flash, "And is this placo a sort of which seems appreciably to lengthen the inn?" "About ns near an approach to such r.dles, and especially to a stranger. You w ill find it a tiresome trip, lam afraid.” an institution as you w ill ho likely to •'Oh. no! It is pleasant to be out in find in this cart of (be country.” he rc cned 1 H A V fc L t? tS ‘ GUHJt. BUSINESS CARD tint Dealer In Flue Wnk-hv. and Jewelry Secretary of State . . . Geo. W. McBride O regon . Treasurer.......................... Philip Metchen E u g e n e Hupt. Public Instruction . E. B. McElroy State Printer................. Frank C. Baker H NRY A. BAY, Agent j .................R. A. Bean Supreme Court > ............ F. A. Moore ) . . . C. E. Wolveiton Judge Second District. • .J. C. Fullerton Of Salem, Oregon. Attorney Second District.Geo. M. Brown T h in is t h e le n d in g in s u r a n c e c o m p a n y o f t h e A No. 42 FLORENCE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY I. 1805. ROUTE I plied, as it greatly amused at the sug­ gestion. “ They dun’t hang out any sign, but they are always ready to take in whoever comes along aud offer the best they have.” "The lady of the house— Mrs. Camer­ on, I suppose—must be u nuxlel sort of housekeeper to be always prepared for company in a place where there appear to be no markets around tho corner," the girl went on carelessly, merely to say something. "Mrs. Cameron!” with an accent of surprise, almost of embarrassment. "Oil, the family don’t live here, yon know. They make their headquarters at Cheyenne. Mr. Cameron is down off nnd on, but lie don't happen to be here just now." "But who does live here, then?” Miss Ellery indifferently demanded, looking ahead, ft did not occur to her to feel any particular concern as to who her hostess might be so long ns it appeared nnqnestioiinble that she was to bo prop­ erly entertained. "There is the place!” exclaimed her companion as if ho had not heard tho query, indicating with his whip a group of low buildings scattered in dark silhouette in tlie valley ahead, where a watercourse was plainly indicated by an irregular line of trees. "Tlint is the house— the frame building, with tho red roof, near tho w indmill. Tho great sod- house at tlie right was built when tho ranch was first taken up, but it is al­ most in ruins and is only used ns a barn now. Tlie uevz house is not nineh to look at outside, but it is comfortable, anil tlie part reserved for the family is even fitted np quite handsomely. Occa­ sionally Mrs. Cameron comes down aud fills tho honse with a great party of her friends, for the roundups, or perhaps for a hunt, and tlie rooms aro always kept iu readiness for lior.” "Tliero seems to be almost a small village,” remarked Edith, curiously studying the cluster of dark blotches on the twilight grnyncss of the landscape. “ Some of tho objects that look liko houses nt this distance aro only the soit walls of corrals, and others aro mostly sheds, toollionses and tho like,” he ex­ plained, liis attention occupied with holding back tlie horses, rendered fret­ ful by tho evident nearness of their goal. “ And who did you say lives here?” “ Oh, tliero are only tlie foreman, Mr. Blythe, and six buys—cow puncher^ you know—besides tlie cook nnd myself, stopping hero nt present, " h e returned unconcernedly, halting the team hoforo a lust gate. Miss Ellery gazed at him iu blank surprise, too much overcome with dis­ may to think of accepting the reins ho half offered. “ And is there nobody else?” she faltered incredulously. "Ncbody, barring tho stranger with­ in our gates, " w ith a friendly little smile which seemed to bid lior welcome as ho returned to tho wagon nftrr ho hail led tho horses through tlie gate. “ And is tin) cook a—cowboy, too?” she demanded, eying him severely, as though sho would call him to account for a condition of things which began to appear so wholly objectionable, not to say terrifying. “ Well, by brevet rank, I fancy, he counts himself one, ” sm iling amusedly; then, with a quick change of expression ns ho caught sight of tho cold discontent so sharply expressed upon her face: "But—oli, 1 say, it is all right, yon know. Of course 1 should not have brought you otherwise. You w ill liavo tlie family quarters quite to yourself, which you may find a bit dull and lone­ ly, but”— hesitating, witli a frankly mortified face, "you will ho at least comfortable and—nerfeetlv safe.” [TO t in C O N T IN U E D .] Ind ian TrllwM and Nation*. Tho tlifforonee betweon “ tribe«** and “ nations’’ of Indians is not generally understood, tho two terms being fre­ quently confounded. Mrs. Harriet Max­ well ( ’«inverse thus marks tho distinc­ tion: “Tlio Soneca Nation is composed of eight tribes,and tiiis nation is as dis­ tinct among Indians as France,Germany and England aro distinct among the na­ tions of Europe. Tho six nations com­ posing tho original confederacy of the Iro