T H E W E S T , T he Florence lire com pany met at C a th e y 's ‘> h !I >> ii M ,d a v evening and tran sacted ,on»im* nu. i a*»s. 1). K S»-v- -eCMLH ik i > :\u n ' , h u d i \ ’ e*’. W • l e c h I p r e -1 1«*»,' i Wi il.i’n ' —AT— B't'UO.O* li aiei D » S W»'»e C .t'tl f LOUENi'K L ink Cott sty , to a i»entl>ersiiip in the com pany. D. E. Severy is engaged in refitting kLLKY, Edit »r » m 4 l*r.»pilet th e la id ci wi’h s■•me new m achinery. i A e V •« .O a -• •!< • » » , • , , | »till e pn* in. t i e - -» i n *r o i 4» »« — I LB Ms: -*2.0o I v titr Ut u 'lvum c. puiutiii « lien Hie g u t «e ith e r be.•min i jury • rin g som e open seam s on the Luu , E n te red at th e post-oIlice a t Florence, perm anent an I plared in service ilgiin. i ' caused by «t» iking thcg«»\er(ime,iT whut f. iatne c o u n ty , O regon, ns sccond-cluns file stun ling uf th e eluus in th e Ore- i m ail m a tte r. These will he calked and the Albion wii. g m Iutervullegiute F o .ball A ssueiatiun | at th e eii.I uf th e seusun was us fu llu » -: lie re-loadcd w ith lum ber for the jxjrt P u t laud »011 4, lost 0 ; O. A. C. won 3, Is R un Aground to Avoid San Francisco. A D V E R T IS IN G B A T E * M YOB K N O W N ON C. Y. von E ttiu g er, C. von Prenbrock P L IC A T IO N . lost 1; Forest Grove won 1, lost 2, tied Going O u t to Sea. I ami M. von Pre it hr«a*k, of M ichigan, nr- Local notices « cents per line, each insertion. 1; Eugene »011 1, lo .t 2, tied 1; M on­ IV IS O 4 ITEM.*- 1 lived here M onday from M ichigan, ami m outh »on 0, lost 4. j left uesdav m orning for G ienada in one B y h ii D ien . N o tice .—Professor J . M. William*», of C ity election » a s held in M idfurd lust ¡-a Eli B n g - ’s private conveyances,; E ugene is o u r agent amj is authorize*! to week. Following are I lie ollieers elected ! L U M B E R T H R O W N O F F Snow storm , rain receive subscriptions, advertising a id M ayor. G.-o. II. IL,.-kins; C onned men, 1 Q uite a o i.o iij • ••’ H ollanders are locating i I i!»t week. money tor T he W est and receipt for the C. J . II-w a rd , J . W. Law t m , F \V. at th at point. Gail M aker’s article on ‘Ii«»w to m ake lame« S ta rr and J . R. W ilson; Recorder, B. S The Florence stage, due S turday ! good hut ter/* was excellent and should W ebb; T reasurer, C has. S tra n g ; Mar The Schooner Luckily Escapes Any we ever have th a t reunion spoken o.‘ j night, arrived here this I'm-» lav a f te r ­ sh a i, Win. C h u rch m an . Three h u d r . F or W est S ubscribers .—Ar- Serious Injury. some tim e ago, I would suggest thr.t G. noon at two o ’clock. Win. P a rro h , th e and nineteen vote* were cast. Mugeiracnts have been lnaile wltere- M. bring along a lew toils of th a t l in e 1 d river, inform s us th a t tie reached rail- M any stubborn and aggravating case!» llavorel product of the dairy to nu tter m an ’s on tim e, hut at th at place In* . by we will give T he W est anil the of rheum atism th a t were believed to be louml the Sinslaw ami o th er stream s s our bread wit h. • » > liigo that oe was ootitp d led to le a te tin 1 W eekly O r e g o n i a n for 82.00. ihcurul le and accepted aw life legacies, F IL L S W IT H W A T E R B U T IS P U M P E D O U T . On account of high wat have yielded to C han ih ertu in ’s Pain wagon ami pack th e mail to the head « ; T his offer includes all our paid up B alm , m uch to th e surprise and grueun is in th e citv, the D tv is <& B uztrd. of W est M onterey, The wind was blowing a t a terrific any people on e artu . We should he in st. full suits m ade to order on C larion Co., Pa., sa y : " I t has cured rale S aturday, T he schooner Albion, thankful th a t we are perm itted to live guest of Rev and Mrs. I. G. K notts. in a c o untry w here crop failures are un- IIo.»d’s pills are purely vegetable,care­ people lh a t our physicians could d«. Mr. W alter R. McCormick a riiv cd it*. SH O R T NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED- fully prepared from the best m grediem s. n o thing for. We persuaded tuem to buy C aptain OJsen, laden w ith lum ber, was known. Tues'lay from E ugene on the stage, and 7 6 8 HANDSOM E PA TTERN S- a hom e of C hau,het la m ’s Cough Kern'- -»»’•'»r, w aiting un til th e bar should 25 cents. ' reported an ex trem ely rough trip . News From Eugene. T he steam er M ink has been re-ebrist- edv, ami they now recom m end it with be calm enough to p e rm it her crossing Mrs. Jo h n so n , of P oint T errace, a r ­ ened. She is now a p propriately styled the rest of u s.” 59 cent hotties for sale out. She had two ai c iors dow n, the From the Register. rived «low n on t he ( h eident Tuesday and O ccident. by ail Druggists. is visiting het d a u g h te r, Mrs. Evans. kind ordinarily used on schooners. About The sheriff is now sending out notices T acom a e x ported 59,983,553 tent of T ub W kst has gi en to its readers and 7 o ’clock S a tu r lay evening the starboard Mr. C harles G ettvs, of th e linn of to delinquents on the tax rolls of 1892 Kn -wie.* tt G ettys, m anagers of the Sea­ lum ber valued a t $693,099 during the tb e puolic g enerally, b e tte r and cheaper chain broke ami not a m inute a f 'e r the ami 1893 to cuine in ami settle. T here * year 1894. periodicals th an ail others to gether in W E ARE A G EN TS FOR THE GERMAN ton store, was in th e city on business W here she w’as is yet t i n e in taxes fr-mi 1892 th e sum of th is week. T ub H ep p n er R erunl lias su sp eu d id UPia part of th e country. I t lias dona port chain gave away AM ERICAN IN SU RA N CE CO ,0 F N E W tu is largely at its ow n expense, and now lying th e cu rren t was ru n n in g eight H934, and from 1893 ^2<>80, aside Iron» publication. Iiisutlicieni patronage «.is Mr. C. D. Tim inas, who has manage«! ¡1.Ill» aim ti.er Iiuint to it« i-reiliOiy giving an ho u r 1U,(1 tlie tide ebbing l'"sla ,' l,;l,'«*',l '■ !> > '> the mime. There YO K. ANO THE PH EN IX A SSU R ­ an hour and th e tide ebbing th e cause. the Florence Ding Store for the past few ttie » »eekiv O ,e ,i„ „ i n to a -ill l i ... of tts i t. n i i , - ^ u „ . r . t | ,e |><)rt ell;l|„ g;(ve away t|)e ji(> aru ''«Gveen 12-X) mnl 150) delinquent eekly to A N C E CO O F LONDON, ENGLAND. years, has retire«! to his country resi- j M r. W aiter McCormick nas w ithdraw n s o ibers. fiie o pportunity will bt* lim ­ deuce on account of ill health . Ilis de- ! from th e nuard uf u ireetors of th e Fir-. was hoisted ami C aptain Olnen en- In ing sm all. ited to a certain p n o 1, tie relor.* parties p a rtu re will he universally regretted. N ational Bank of E igene. The delayed stage from Florence a l­ must suo.serio«.* at once. Tm: W est l*»r deavore«l to run th e vessel in to tlie e v e B orn—On rues-lay, J a n u a ry 15:h, to }2 im l the weekly <9/190/f in free on th e w eather side of tlie governm ent rived here y e s,e r lay afterii«>oti. Wm. An average waltz takes one over tliree- W h e n R a te s a re e q u a l why n o t g e t th e b e s t? th e wife of F ra n k A. Fox, a 19 pound A i*»i»p,i e p aity was given M onday w harf, but owing to th e darkness ami ^ ‘irroI’* r I,e driv er, reports a p retty rough q u a rte rs of a m ile, a square dunce m akes boy. M other am t enit 1 doing well. evening tn Mr. L.i lwig Cbri-ee i«en, Ht velinrity of th e wind thin wu« iuipi.»sil>le. ' r‘P' Hl' " 1’" l " u 111 E , , n ll,a rt" you cover over Imlf ti mile, :nnl a galop E ev. M illard and aids are m eeting th e residence of Mr. and Mrs. Leo nurd ti . » -m i m rn S aturday night hut did not reach equals a good m ile. C «unt up for y«mr- w ith success w ith the ciaas in vocal C hrielen en. An enjoyable tim e waa ! 1 , e “ Jol,el « e » t » «iftly down tlie the bead ol tide m .iil Sunday night. He 8l,|f |,o » nm eh Hie girl w ith a well tilled m usic. H e is deserving of support. .....I, game» and o th e r am naenient« being rlVtfr , , r " ek tl,e c o ," er of “ je gov- found a large a m o u n t of w ater ail the prilgrttlllllie traverses in an evening. Several of our pleasure loving i.id u s im lnlged in. Am« ng those present were e m in e n t w harf, knocking <»ff a fender "*ty out, and a t Meadow, 43*2 m iles T w enty dances on an average y«m know, enjoyed a trip on the K o h a n s Sunday. th e follow in g : Misses Maggie Johtigon, pile, a n d then, a fte r rubbing along th e *‘a ’* to a l>and«m th e wagon ami go Of these about tw elve are .waltzes. T here ! T he tug carries a g enliem auiy crew . Horseback. J l e a v y rains ut ,,ll(.e nre nIlie „ ,¡1 ^ . T hree galops lorn» Z igler. E lla Satley, Rosa Mi-Net,e. dock, passed it, veered aron.l and ran *,,r;>,,gl' had prevailetl th ere, and th e stream s a n ,j Hj,e ¡1|tg «lone twelve m iles. Five Tile school hell Was paicc-l in po.-iuou Zell 1 R u ,-s. E m i l i a and B irdie Settle, ashore, bow stra ig h t on. were high ami several ctll «^ts were o th er «hun t's ..t - half m ile apiece bring last Sa> ..rda.t am i lie m elodious tom .» M e s - i - Y :«.s, Furiii.-h. lie ,rin g . M:»r- f h i • was alt that saved the vessel. If washed out ami frees ¡hid »C ^ ^ TiTock- her to fifteen m iles to say nothing of the •ire heard live day? in to e w eea a t o:4o ,i , Chn.-i, use» and Sarfey. im erniissioii stroll and ttie trip-« to th e • a . tn. Fi »rem e w arns a p:<>.»iciati, ami hadlv <’a p ta iu O.scn ha«i lost his presence of a k a n d ti e ,«»ad w ill be repaired a i d com plexion. Ami theze are probably M arshfield has a n a th le tic club, w tucti Lx». I 1 seem-« stran g e that th ere are no m ind and not put up th e jih ami rail hpr in a day or two. T lie n e x t stage will th e sam e girls who were too delicute to was incorpora ed last w ees, with a cap­ physicians here. H e w«mid have the ashore, she w *nld, in all likelihood, wash th e s inp^r dishes for ‘‘m a .” i i over f ’ > 1<>", a m i ji - re« arm «1 by nam e of Mt D n d el mid Settle, have th is gang of uieu nave lowered m e grade th e Y a lu n s river on borsenuck, th e an- tw „ hnm lred feet from shore. ’ "p3 “75- ',,u k i" g ........ live feel on Jefferson stre e t, betw een i.m.1 threw V a d - m ir in to the riv er Uv ,t(1 ltil . . , . , ln „ *'leat‘e 1' *8 W' 1" « 'a h ,u l.u h .......... . «lav di.-sdved th e ir h ith e rto ex istin g «•«»- : lettin g go the mail suck th e e.irri.'r A ,,,1b> " h ,c " " 1,H ul,',ut 10:39 ehan hse ns re ,true I by th e e.m nly p artn ersh ip bv m u,m il consent, at, I M ain and F irst. m anaged io get usliore and retu rn ed to " the crew succeeded in g e llin g l.uard «a-GWS.r,;;.), and as .e tu rn . d by agreem ent. B. M cDaniel will collect all Mail C a rrie r H . H. B arrett aid u it debts «l,ie the firm ami assum e all lia b il­ a rriv e last S a tu rd ay and as a const— A aulp-.ri to secure a n o th e r poueli. fh e aroinul ihe trestle work uf Ihe je tty ,lie " ,a ,e hoard :,..unljn, Celebrated Jesse Moore wbisk qlienee T uesday’» m an was nearly dou ne • n.rse aisosneeeeoed in ge ting sahuy nliieli « e re fastened to each windlass crease of if 17,911 f . u * a s ^ e s ^ m . 'i it o f ()reg«»n, th is 5tli «lay of Ja n u a ry , 1895. r.iilr<».i«l rollina stock ¡is returne«! b y ttie ttie usual am o .iu t. 'Fhe ('ra le Orchard Sour Mash ashore. Mr. Vadei re am ed Florence on en d , al, slack takeo in, am i th e selmmier J . M. S ettle . county b'lar l was <23.011, an t as re- Viola avenue in G leiiada is undergoing 1 h u rsday. 4t It Feb 1 B. M( D a niel . was so«*11 out of (langer, riie fores,ul turned by the sla te board was .'J.'»5,4s>3, G enuine Old Castle Bourbon A iisp itch fr un V kl lo o r r to th e Ya im provem ent. The avenue r.m ^ parallel was th en lowered. m aking an increase of $7,152, or a total w ith th e river am i will oe im proved loi q «it,a B ,y News s iy s : Mr. A. Bra lair R U D Y ’S F IL E S U P P O slT O R Y is - T h e o I*, s. P o n y -, increase in th e tax a b le property of tlie age tn lor tm* C anton liisaran cc C r.. was I T,,K NEW’8 bkovoiit here a half m ile in leu g u i. guarantee«! to cure Piles and C o n s tip a -' county «if $82.871. fh e total asse.».*nient g------1 At th ree o'clock a. m. Snm lay, the ti«»n, or m oney refunded. 59 cents per Alx'Ut th re e acres of land a t Acm**, here last. wp.*k am t a ij'isfi?«! to e tosses of the sta te was raised about four million E ver R efreshing ( ’«»Id Storage Beer a t 5 on tn e M iry tiilli r 's e i g . , m e vessel lllilte |ef, t |ie vessel and sin n e d for l»«ix. Semi tw o stam ps for c ircu lar ami ju s t above th e oid cannery, 1« gra 1 »any dollars. M r Je n n in g s will at once com- Cent« a Gias« Awaits Your O rder, going in to th e river, ih e property 1.« her»«*h was not ius ire 1 »m she i- value*! Florence, fh e d istance is a little less ,m*i,ce the w«»rk of correcting the sissess- Fre*4 Sam ple to M ARTIN RUDY, Reg- ( ’all for an Im ported or Dom estic Cigar, at 5 ) K). CapLiiu D >Jge. wt, » w :» mas is te rc l Piiaruiai is t, Lancast«*r, Pa. No ow ned by C ap t. Cox. inent rolls to correspond will, these Postals a,,sw«*re 1. For sale by all first- G a m e , ter of ¿tie schooner when sue went than four mile* but the nm te th o u g h t it Ami You Will la* Satisfied. A special seno d mee ing has been changes, which will probably requite a class «Irogd-us every w here, ami in F lor­ a*ii»»re le t . deciile i t h i t be can tak fhe was i» n. It was nearly 7 o ’clock when K 'l U L it S , called bv Inc boaixi of u»rvn#is lor . nurs- ence, O ifg iii, ,»y th e T loreuce Drug couple of weeks tim e. ves-ei >»ff to e beach, an 1 save her, d- be re ,cue«l th i-c i» y , am i th e otliecrs of S tole. EUCE •lay, J a n u a ry 24m , a 4 p in., io vote a Senator B. F. Aliev arrive*! t»e,<* from though -nt* i- very I» » I I an *g * I ie is e tug R-.li.trts were a t once notified of " V e g e t a J o l e s . ta x for tiie r n s u n ig year. Florence oil th e delayed stage ye»ter«lay. m»w c w«»rk tlie disas<. r. ¡Steam was r.-dsed as soon From him we learn th a t the t n t ’ter of Ttie tug K<»harts wen: d.»wu to inc Jo e \f »riis, J r ., of Florence., is rep­ AN EX CELLEN T FARM . T iere .«»-e in th e sta te of W .tsoi’ig’oii m o u th ot th e riv er Tuesday to look for a bout 259 s.W 'iiills. 234 »Lingle mills as possible a i d the tug left for tin* scene. county division has been : tioiis of Lam* a id nam e and ire* f«,oi,i iu-ect ix»sts. /Ill or pa stu re land it i- unexcelled, and will in stru ct the youthful m in d t nt m e wo.»d as r,»w m .iieriai. fu ese m ills ami f-ieir trees are perfectly united a» bud o r the best proof th a t ii produces th e finest Florence school for a couple of wcch - f;u*tor tu rn oni finished oalerial value«! hut were toppe«!, a»« the labor was use- D »uglas c o n n ,ie-, but a fte r in vesi iguti«»», g r a f » a id m> id wo.»«| ra n be found v aiieties <»f fruit, is th a t th ere is grow- Born—To th e wife <»f R. II. B« i uhaiU l, ‘r ut 15.0 > I GO giving cm pi *ymen, less, . he R »»»arts arrived a » 9 o ’« l'<*k it was fourni i l w o i i i - i I * * 1 th is Hnn i- r . . | , I O K . '!,<• » a rra n t ‘" y n ‘"U ia n l '•unsistinu <■« tin -' D uncan slough, on ’S undav, Ja n u a ry 13, *’«**»r«y 12,000pi rs« ns d irec t,a n d m any ¡Hid eudeuv »red to tug th e vessel off, |H*i»sive, so tn** m ailer wil» t.c*vf. m eans ««»metliing. Tm*v nave plenty • f cb«»icest kinds of fruit-trees now in 1 S enator A ey wi.l in'r.«ln** a hib to a «on. T he little fellow tip(n?d tne In* on ottiers im tirec , to w hom ¡ s p m i in wage- hut w ithout »„eceas, as the craft was ,e-ti*n. "n»N is t • t h eir guoils ami m ctli- bearing. T h is farm will be sold as a protect s dm »n on »he >i i- a v riv* r. r>ls f doing business. at ten |M>unds ami is g e ttin g along nearly >7 OX),9 ‘9 per vear. whole or in ten, live or »»ne acre trac ts heavily laden with lum ber, having a ina* iug it a I c d m ¡is ire. U nder the nicely. j “ I kn«»w mi old soldier w holitidchron- to suit purchasers. W rite to O. F. Ken- — DEALER IN - «leek load ul 65.000 feet a i d 86,090 in the pre e n t law d ie catciuug Reason «»pens „«•«Iv, F lorencr, Oregon, for p a rticu la rs Miss Roger«, who has lieen teaching ic «liairlue»» of long s tu n tin g to h iv e EltCTRIC TELEPHONE too e.i,ly and closes too early. B ut few hoid. Eo'.il O"» rijrlit, no rnn,. no rorni»». AHnplOrJ and prices. th e N orth Fork school for th e p a st six , ‘»eeii perm anentiy cured by taking cuin«»ok sal non now c i n » i to to ( ¡1). Vilitig’»* or « o'in»r\ ‘•••» 'la'l in t \e r f tioni«*, »Imp, atom nn»l off»»»* ()r«Hio»t con van m o n th s, closed a successf«,! term last , C h a m b e rlain ’* Colic, Cl,«»lera and D ia r'f C aptain Oiseu boarded the R<»harts biushiw r i\e r , and ,li«-v «•« me e i«nc>. nn»l ,»»••■« pad > r o n f: r th A|;«-nt»* m ake* lr«»m R.T Io R5O per rtnr. •week, mnl left T uesday for D rain to a t­ rlnea R em edy,” says E iward K irinipik, ami cam e to (Ids city and m ade a con­ w hile t:.c silver sides e me in ¡Uter One in t u n : f »r mm* men a i d a scow were png-ire«I. On , frontage. Ten acre-* u n d e r cultivation ity skins of that sj»vies *aile hv all Dfug^'g and 5 m ore sla sh td ; a g«»o«l o rchard just h»4 re tu rn here au«»toer sc*»w was taken T here are no ¡nsec»« on o u r hau l. Bm I’ wjk (IncsiTv F ills will reduce your come in to b e a rin g ; 5 room s in si fram e A tii.ti trip of , tu* - ’e.mit.|* Mmk was 1:1 ’ w a ,¡«1 -«he again pr«M*eedc 1 «l«»w n « few Additional in stru m e n ts w m ld w eight PERM \N L N I LY from 12 to 15 boiise th a t is ceiled a r d p a p e re d ; g«»od h e ig h te n th e effec* som ew hat. J . J.mi*»r m ade Sunday ;ii«»riuiig. >,.»• »teame-i »,»«• river. On arrival ¡it tie* gnvernm cul pounds a m o n th . NO STARV ING ‘ i« k- out-buildings, a i d stock of all kinds will z up he n v e r t • ih e R <«•,• Hili cannery M »rris i« talk in g <4 organ sing a c«>rp- ness or in ju r y ; NO PU B L IC IT Y . They wharf tin* in* ,1 were put to w«uk trans b<* s o d w ith tin* place nt reasonable pri | to be composed e n tire y of has- d m .n s. a«id •'«» u rn, in iking th e irio in very lair ferrm g ihe «leckioa«! «4 ium ta-r fr.»m m e build up th e health and Iwnutify the res if desired. I ' i <■ ■ nf farm , (2000; onr tim e. A serious draw back to her spee*i iír p n i i in..- Pi iiiiip tly h o n e o Hplex on |e.’.\ ing N< > W R IN L LLS or I t will pay yon to take H ood's S ar a- is th e old > oi er. I t was the iuretitnjti b . If rush mid rrnsuiiiil.le tim e g iv e" fur scboniier to ,h e two se ws. This wuh flabbiness. STOUT ABDOMENS a id p a rilla. W ith p u re hl«s»d you need not to place in tier th e i»»iler *4 th e Marv I ih I. i i k p . Apply (ur fu rth e r pm tieu!ft:> A N D WORK W ARRANTED. 1»etween five am i six o ’clrita, d ip h tlieri i >»r If «11. bu if w •- 'o * d th a t an ios(,ect- L X P E R IM E N T I ut a s ¡ent'lic and j*»s- ,‘*ri »-•:« The leg retu rn ed here bm fevers. H ood’« S arsap arilla will make to:: m ust III ic. .1 «1 'in* . sp.-ci'.r i h o s t S i n i.i.r , I'u d ip .M F. O kegox . , itive relief, adopted only after years of yon stro n g a i d n e a.th y . w rl pt ,»,n»iv not . - rhe Siu-.aw uiiln wen» town ct*.r money. a n d tlie b<\’ 9 a r e 1 r, 'roni Ammonia, zMurnor any ether adulterant 1 i < j »«•.; m l« ii'*«* * , » h ' t t \ < n fh 1«-n liftl P r l* -c n.i.'-o | i t h o h ’. r . Send 4c. for trey,iie. D r. P ri. v w t . ì l i v;.,.- - P. u d e i men, Pul .and, O i g u l l . anu tfio w «-»< • w )•.» nni'.uted. 1 IU J 1 U .M S1KD4LAL B te lu n , g « M , bis etruce«. W«rM*sF«4r 40 YF.ARS 1 H 2 STANDAKtt PA ftri R c M iO Y C J . , B i i t j . M ass Albion B reaks Her A nchor C hains IlÆ F.L .iE IsÆ EISrT S. ALWAYS TRADE AT Meyer & Kyle’s. M. RENSHAW, Marr <&, Safley JQUOR DEALER. Á BUTCHERS. ïis li, OR. II.M .C hiiiiibciliii. -THE- «T e w e l e r , *DSV F A T P E O P LE V LOCKS, JEWELRY. BAKING W W fR TXFAT PEOPLE» w -- ★ nOèai i D ry Go ds D ru g *, G roceries, M edicine s, Boots, Shoes P a in ts, O ils, H a rd w a re , W in d o w s, G la s w a re , Doors, Build* C ro c k e ry , ers’ Supplies.