TH E W EST. "LABBY” SCORNS A TITLE. Tht E ia tl.h R a d ic a l L tu d rr I tr a ili Q aseti —MOIIIOAC tvan ïr .u u ï m - jz XIXS,— 1 I tlo r iu uu I r o n ica l Strove u. went ns r: -t ns nor-.' count carry us. W, had ju st i re t the m onth of tho Ian.) when tl: * 'Federate •' appeared on the sum m it tho little lrili. "Vs ith tho far.ou >‘rebel y o U 'th ey camo sni ng down tho lam »hooting ai i very ju m p Wo put spqrs to our hor-. a mid pi i-mtcd as bicall a target as p.i : ible by lying 1- w on tie ir necks. It was a race, w ith tho chances in favor , f ti e Confederacy. For two tr.iits the ‘grwybnclfs’ chased us, keep­ ing tip a constant end rapid C o; but, thanks to our her. * wo (leaped w ith ­ out tho loss of a man. T hat was not tho only tim e th at 1 ran, but the story w ill b-i,i.'.'■ t,.i H i , time. — ~-he.uisVi.. a Coir- titr-Jouni.l. Loma, m ddenly cn«t part of its upper ii veis into r hb.Ting rivers. carrying death and le -tra i tima iu its wake. For some days 1 t f i o prolonged sub­ terranean sounds—it t » T of \ i.arso rum­ bling and ro a rin g -^ P ie I. ".rd, indicat­ ing tl.rt nr ila j^ io i- \. v. .: .. e ' at lo !.i/ig ;) Jetions occur, und cu tho info pvutioned t ie upp r par t of tho 1 ! iho hi J sudd n ’y cut­ in, the i ìiormeu ; qu jm t y i f i arili de- l ■ ' ■ » • t. ‘ of t'i” rivcis G u .e jí ’.'C, r h d in o : ad d .Om tho river i v ,. .1 i , . » a n i l ; ■ . ' • iv c i n ­ undation, or thak (Making av.ay tho earth dam, w hole vjfciges and vaii’.ible properties will ix>d£royed A. mi im- im diato re m it of IliBoceurreuc I r r- soii.’ v. i ro killed, bie!i ve dle was a guest at tho bouse, and as and wants one badly. Con lucter—‘•Hoiv obi are you, little w hat any ono M is too; thcreforo the tin i lerkw lio to him is still ia In all S iia.l •< T h e C lnrie-st S eh etion Ever Biouglit to Florence. danger seems io my to be n real c ue. .My lx nver we w ill allow him to tell tlie girl? ' Little G irl—" f t the company W* should like to have our regular objection is a donblo eno. 1 pro fir the story in liis own way: "H o bad on A lso a full stock o f E iilef-d o w n , Kvvan’b-dowii, S a tin s am l C ham hravs. doesn’t O ’ject I'd prefer to pay niv are correspondent* route more oiten. plain “ m ister” of a B ritish citizen, ami store clothe» and a red neekiie, and W e are a lso in ree ’¡¡4 o f a lia ’ litie o f F .taey G ood s, S ilk s, Laces.- and keep my own statist!- s ." —Voc e. 1 should fear, wore I knighted, th a t my what lio d id n ’t l-iow w asn 't worth The reunioa will be Leid all right, Ich rtadc rs would cuspvct me of being re tu ­ knowing. When lie starred tip to his “ 1 low oid wo lid yo l all Mrs. Flight?” rned rath er l y gratitude tl: i byrincero room at ni t, f told him tie. re was a Dien, on tlio return of the Senator. Hicks—" E r—well, it would ail depend adm iiation w henever I M t called upon folding bed in it, and, if lie wi bed, the to praise her maje sty's advisers. bellboy would show him how it Worked. — U a id ad Nacional.) upon whether the lady was in hearing A nd p rovision s co n sta n tly arriv in g . L argest sto ck o f lioots and sh o es, Are you a physician? Are you a good THE PLA.CU8^AC:hLU3. * Not Imb ed Unit I obj- ct to any eno be­ But not nnieh. lie d id n 't w ant to be or n o t.” — Inter O. can. physician T If so. iiere is a chuuce of a ing kniglitr d if th is adds to bis ideas- shown anything. Ho knew a tiling or ; an I G at F u rn ish in g G oods th is sid e o f P ortlan d , Ax?y I . -r B e fir o uro in existence. A knig h ilu o d at two about tlie city, he did, even if ho I t I* JHCVrcnt Sibyl—“ When Steve proposed to me lifetime. ________________ i'our.J l a I r E ;ly least has I lie advantage of not «1» scend- did b ra down i n the range, la* acted LI;*- a iis.i out of w ater." Tirp'e 1 iiosc w oo d sire lo h ave s a ils m ad ■ to order, sh ou ld not fail to call The news (!.„» f w t r t b r J i ICO,CCO There is no better opening any where ing to the» son of the gentleman who be­ "S o 1 let iiir.i go, and next morning p <1 s Imv : be] t or San E rau ciseo. Florence. _____________ t tote- i r :niy,( f tl: :• . i.tif • tn- had declined tho honor w hether it was be on that floor, and a ciiamts ruiaid ¡lit, Bat . i t ’ s Clerk—" r .ia t -h iro p o l-t au ndvantege to a j grliumc u tsry cuvdi- i r.lled me to take a look in Ins room. v c.-'iition of the tiisras ■ w! i i have The town of Florence should purchase dato or the r, cer.-ss. Ho contended te r t, A ■ t ’ ’ i ■ its for til ! iv i ivv i i l l re p n is ild e F irem en ’s F u ll J A nd wiiat a sight met my eyes! Tlio la. 11 r -ecivid here. Two J -pant -e ordered some meat Sent up, but I have a scraper, instead of borrowing from our such is the inherent na.bbi: ni of tho bottom draw eri. f th e bureau was palled expert) who 1 lie n s t u 'yiug for f. r.o ttcn what kind.” Bui. -hi r—S eal a:i I L nulou (i E a.iea ¡ter in su ran ce com p an ies. Anglo-Saxon race, tho advantage is c«ii- out a . far r.s it would come, raid iu it severnl yc:as a t the Koch in. tiirde wi re neighbor across the way. siderabla. There is a e .lain am ount of wi re all tlie rugs in the room, w ith a sent by their government to make in­ him corned lice!'.''— P idlide'piiia Iie oid. It in uaher y o u w ill a lw a y s h a v e fair and h on est tr ea tm en t a t towel spr, ad ovi r one end for n pillow, quiries. It is commendable of tlie iitizrn s Io 1 ‘ ' n , '1‘ - He—‘ liut, I,iv dear girl, there’s noth­ , A lthough not ycelf d, • •frcu'i of be­ luviihiitly hi’ bad tried to sleep there, They r-p .rt th at tho period i f incuba­ ai ; mid tlio institu tio n of monarchy is now try: “ It v;a:i in 1850 when an old lady, o ile r alternative hut that either t in surprised that he is so, considering the from the weak. judged very much on the merit.) or de­ Mrs. .John B a i t l t t of 1 .h ill, Me., bacilli or tho patient m ust die, i:; on the ir. qiren -y witii w lii.di he is broke.’’— m erits of the Incum bent of tho throne. boiling some fidi for her chickens, ob­ lookout for bac'terioeides, but it is too The Oregon State Journal is 31 years The quit n i njoys a personal popularity served a thin scum of oil upon tin: sur­ early to expect dcfmito conclusions.— New ’ ork Press. HARDW ARE, U N W AKE, liGGTS N IIG E S , old. During ail these years the paper w hich m ust lie far mere g ratifying to face of the water, i-lome of this the bot­ London Cor. New York Gun. Snuiilwort—" I hear th at Mrs. L-.ise H A T S ci C A P S, M E D IC IN E S , N I T S A. ( A N D IE S , has lieen published by II. It. Kincaid, her than the abj et sentim ent th a t leads tled, and when on a visit to Boston soon D on DickinNon'H E xclu sive I’rl*.ilejjo. is going to California. I wonder if the free men to grovel before a crown, after carried samples to a loading oil our now secretary oi state. May it ever w hether it 1 o on the la nd of tlie vilest About the only man who goes on the climate will agree witli h er?” Ford— merchant, who eneonraged her to bring rO B A C C O , GIG A ITS, I l KN I,SIGN G GGODir last anti prosper. or the In r t i f hum an beings. W iiat J more. Tho following year the B artlett floor of tho house who lias no rig h t tliero " I t will if it knows its business.”— is Don Dickinson. Tho man from Michi­ object to in monarchy is not to much fam ily iliductrionsly applied their gill Captain Olsen, of the Albion, under­ the monarch— when, :vi w ith un, tin, nets and sent to m arket 13 barrels of gan 1ms never been iu congress and lias Cincinnati Tribune, Goods as Boprosented. P ices Wi'l be found Reasonable no rig h t to mingle witli members on H arry—“ W hy, she was rigid up in stands ids business. Many a man would sovereign reigns, liut does not rule— but ’ oil, f i r which they were paid at tho I he floor during tho session But the tlie courtiers and the flunkies th a t it , rate of $11 per barrel.. In the following have lost his head in such a dilemma, brings into existence. Charles fi was year this fam ily made 100 barrels. doorkeepers pay no attention w hin ho arm s win-n I proposed to,” l'red— K n o w ' - 5 ii (£( and the loss of the vessel witli all on not a commendable sovereign, b u t I a l­ T!ien, the value of menhaden oil hav­ walks in, and it may be that tin y re­ "W hose arm s? Yours?” Harr. —Yo i’ve gard him as npir. onal representative of ways liavo had a liking for him on ac­ ing become recognized, many oil presses nit it. But. I.ow'd you happen to guess?” board would have been the result- count of his undisguised contem pt for —of a more < r less im perfect construc­ Mr. Cleveland. No cue on tho floor his courtiers. tion—Welti ( stabiil lied along tlie coast, makes a formal objection to liis pres­ —Boston Tr ins r.p t. [ ) R Y « O K S A X I> F I . O T H D G . Our indulgent readers will perhaps and llio industry developed so rapidly ence, so he stays. If ai y congrcfsinan Till* Lu-Il-Judy—" i 'll have’ lo .-qiy-iog zc bhoulil object, the doorkeepers would EUROPE’S TORCH OF WAR. ■ ,-i ., ■ . ii >1 sf. C ’ th at w ith in 20 years tlie yield of mi n- pardon the frequent repetition of tlie have to d ) their duty and refuse him foe tl.e proton-e of : round» in ill ,-o ¡eo preposition ‘alioiit’ in an article in this Tin» C n-n t P o w e r s Iti-mly F o r llie K|iurli linden oil exceeded th at of tho whale adm ittance. —Boston Advertiser. tliis m orning.” Tiie New Boarder—"E r N ow is tin (ini ■ for an csin n in a ti >n o f ou r .stock o f D ry from tlie American fisheries.” T h a t W ill S e t II AUume issue headed ‘‘Ashers in a Gale,” In I-iniin anti Ilaiu . G oode, for full and w in ter u ses, liv llio p eop le o f' tlio —too weak to stand B.e s tru m I sup­ A fter the dreadful Franeo-fierm an Mncliii Cnfl’e c. such a piiglit no note of time is taken w ar of 1370-1 the principle of prolonged Bacon and ham is a combination now pose. "B uialio ( ourier, Kiumavv c o u n tr y , Y ou w ill find th e la test s ty le s and Everybody knows I hat, much of tlio m ilitary service anil of dim inished all­ attracting mneh attention in Georgia. and the writer is compelled to guess. th e low* I i rice at .1. il. M ei'¡tin g’s D ry G ood s H ou se. \\ ynnam (taking a walk in He? eoun- unai contingents was givi n up. Tlie uncalled Mucha colTeo sold in the I'n ited This combination is composed of Colonel States is no such tiling, bnt only a monstrous principio of univi real n-rvico A. O. Bacon, who is canvassing for tha • ry)—"D- ;ui I f find uiv way t-l iron li How uiujestic grows futurity us we ap- (H R JIE T1ÍO IH OF BUSINESS. was adopted instead. By this principle few persons know how somi! of thoeouu- United Slates b» o^‘o»rhip, ami Colonel | forfeit Mocha is made. Tlio berries these vv-wouUs?” M an a cos.oil—“ Not —Jiroael, it, how fur off seems tlie eartn the whoin Dation is under arms. \Y_illi;im J. H u m . m is, iiiu "sjioliy- N o in i:.--- enjuvf ¡i I. -if i r putrona;.; B an our from tlur A country is no longer a country; a , growing on the highest lin ilr^o f tlio gaster” iJnifor,"! ilic"'sfly nrgos the ,f it is true tnut'tiie man Woo i- .es'lateH as we are aliout to leave i t ! Its troub­ cotTisi tree ia Brazil are often sliriveled people -n th.- Goa. t, a,id tii ir i. ai 11 iluilablt- to our un tbods people ìh no longer api opio; nnutioii is i ,, .... ,, , hum s of Mr. IiY?u. —Atl mta Letter. is lost.”—Hariem Life. le», its perplexities, its pains, appear now nothing but an army, and a com.- ‘ ' 1,? the true Moelia, and o f se llin g good s a; very ” W prices, anil tire q u a lity o f ° ai'' car‘ fl,1|y sut. “"’'le, slapped but as eloud-sliadows of a day ; toey a re try is only a barrack. Everybisly is er.r I thc’O “ For a funny man, Mr. Wagg. you HAVE YOU INDIGESTION! lo - n ii .i port famous for Mocha coffee good.; as r or t! I' id.- is e t ’ ciu lly trtic (if our lost in tlie contemplation of tlie infinity lo qui vivo. If w ar bn aks out. lodny, Him sent tbuncc to Ilio »visterà world as P erh ap s T her« I s a H in t Fur I' m In Thia don’t say many hrigut tli.n.,-.” "No, >. ; J n . < : . • « . .. ; ; id i { i hio », i .v ai’ if ali kinds.. all professions In c uine 1* Som o Alling: C hickens. air. Porker; mid I noii.e that for a deal­ beyond, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thins abandoned; tho life of tlio mil inn "Troubh d w ith indigiwticu.aroyon?” W F , U A R l-.Y T H F L er in hums you strew sin"iilar:y few of stops, so th at national activity may bo I'isT s i'ot'iv, B iigtit H aro ISi-.'ii Itotli. Tlie Oregon legislature which con­ said to in-gin cgi.iu only w itli tlio blood 1 7. cl all puffed up, eh? Well, i t ’s a pity o in around in society."—Jud e. First Boarder— Wiiat ails Dumback'» Hint Home one couldn't treat you tho ft la g n s'a ly ko iw lu Luu. cornu - that tío- largest' vened Ohis week lias one Butler, ami a th at is ril’ d. .ippi'tit, ? H elias hardly cat oil enough wav my brother-in-law ’s wife treated Oid gentlem an—"W iiat? .'■! ,ri” teat Moreover, before tw o ho»tilo arm ies— for two days lo keep him alive. stock o f m »rcuaiidi.».’ i: lo be found at ou r ..tore, an d th is Darter to convey the members i-vcr her ehiekens. T h at was when they lived tliat is, tw o nations when they are ene­ . oung pauper! Why, iie . a n ’t even ai- . econd Boarder— I t’s lovo c r policy— out iu LcvviKtown, Pa. ” fact prov, . that w ■ h ave no q a t-.tioaalil» la a ti.od.» o f d o in g Bridges and via an Alley to a King. mies—join in combat inch of tho two "G oing to tell ns another story now, lord to buy ( o n .” D aughter—"B ut lie burines», an d tii • fn iu re w iil lie but t i - i d itlo a if ta e oast There is etw linker to roust a coon arm ies—th a t is, each of the two inliuilc 1 do .'t know which. He's cirjrting tlie land 1 ally':, dang ¡her. —t 'iiieago Tribune. I suppose, liko tlioso about «itching • o n 't have to buy »mil, pa. W e're go­ 1 hl nil for the feast l'er woicli one wol honlis w hich traverse th eir several n o a r fri ml »’¡di and !ai\ from our w .-ll-a-.-ort»d sto c k . herring in the grass and limiting shad counliics to meet eventually on toe A sm art little hey calls him self com­ ng to board.’ —New Yock Week y. w itli a dog and gun, a in 't you?” tfehlhrede and Dole.—Siaic“man. tl hl of lia—v, ill h avo behind it, a pass because ho is boxed so of tm . W ithout paying any attention to tliis com try in lamin-', its factori.s silent Bagley—"T hat paw nbroker bowed Flighting r.-mark tho Jerseynian went Eugene Guard: “ E. E. !!■ • I e, w i nail ii ; trade paraiy; d iur wile; does lie know nor?” lir.v SHE PUZZLES THE DOCTORS. on: Again, i--ioii. h is i .iM'kscf food rup known here, is holding dow o ;nc "M y brother-in-law 's wife had a fine I presume lie feels t .at lie does; plies m ust be necumiilati d on the lion- A R ,'iiinrlinl,li' Serli-si f Trannttlnns of Con- of tli» Floreiieo W kbi ' in good » pi tii r v, Ii, re tiie two I.nan s . ro liki ly to crop of chickens that snianier. They gttioiin In a Vli-siiurl G irl. seen her pi tare so oiten ins'.de while Senator Alley is io.ikiin ail. e ... i meet, but beinre ro.ii liing these i; ex A strange ease m at is attracting the were all hatched tliat spring and were, e of my wati'li." —New fork Her; hau’ lililo in ,.i i:.i s Cm am y mu I he attention of and pu: sling tlie local doc­ grow ing well when one day tlio whole c o m t j ’t ueterests at K’lu ii. Ii, tid v .li le i tin ir own ter: ¡torn s, tors ,-I' Kama» City is thai of l.iiinm (lock got at a bag of dry cornmeal mid ‘ It lias lieen as er allied Bud t ie bright young newspaper man. I . a d tliat i .money. So tliat lie- Miller, a girl of t I years, who lias u n ­ filled their crops full of it. Tlio first io siiington • nee wro.e jmetre. fo’.n i vi a I ' t g '¡i is iirid i ii dergone a m u tt leeun '..ilih' change w ith ­ tiling my brother-in-law's vvifo know •wiuily, Uro. Diliupllell. Go iiio iih I of this was when tlio meal began to - eil toe horse e i or. "T.uri s ,r , nr v w ill ll.iV « • ’ , bd< d 1 i. :« di s in tlie pc. t year. a year ago Lll Deucons an»I take a u:i I lo/. I . SW( 11 and turn sour, ami the whole SU: 1 •t 1 ft ill it < t . . n t W.” ■ : ■ \ I lian was a slight girl, of extrem e nerv arke i the sna e i-.h or. ”.-u ie ••»cegars” at our expenri . hi - ■ . ¡1 , ■' 1. 1 II».fi 1 t ; • on-: F' e had a fainting til troop of chickens Were waddling around ¡in j sti- c. here is no t c i ’. t • ( un.: y \ a at that tim e vvldi li the attending pi’.y w ith crops twice their regular size nnd (¡íiS S V .H pp. (very cliieken looking liko tlio bass e e er t e o ge i, _ : .... h l ” thu ic b k — ?.U \ xuro’s •;ei.: i attributed to m rvousne s. Fro Ao attempt 1« tn-.ii. u 11 ’ i 1 e fe f ie t» drum m er in a Gorman band. Yon hoc . Ma;. f ; tim e on t ni fsin tin g spells pre ur t run, i.- i , r. ncgriH's m toe coo m u tlio chickens cither had got at. w ater i i . ;lli nt I II .1 Ic :d!y lin y took F i te. Etc. too soon or else didn't have gravel A SOI! R’3 LEGS. to replueu toe w mle ..i o I M erf I ■- •’ . a: .! v. ith t enough in their cropi to grind up the far a failure. T.ic w ........... Tin y J I I'C .*.1 1 1 ur, !••«<’ <«». »•»•. a Hnt/t i ,.:i ,e e-1 ¡e one tk..t Was w onderful i meal, and it w ouldn't dig it and seem t i ■ ..r :i th . I . . j»« m i < have induced tuc no ro.-. u.i. . (d likely to burst thorn. ii'1 .V O 3A ÌL E K .'U h lie child, wiien cut of the convnl “ Pf c r ’ ’ '. ill I .c r 1 j li.-t, u v 't m : •’ A “ Thero was no ono by to give help or work and tiie priwpe -is an- now v. :-.r st mit . ’ sa. 1 n vt i» r.iit Bin i ¡in r t ii . i o: '¡'k e ’ii d ef much pain nnd uilvice, and my brother-in-law’s wife day, ‘‘hat v. 11 1 ver h. : r of r.iiy of Uch J as a en i hl of ' ragev.ould. na'nral- w asn't going to lo»o that lot ef more tlio countv court of t»»w , uuiit) w ■ y tq ly. B alin g lie' e. ivuh.ioiis and imine- have to- foot tlie hills for s.upp n_ t , tll( V.I felli: ;f ( f B i ir tuiinfi ■; rxperi- diat. ly al ti r k I ic i than 100 lino ch ick.m if she could help ¡’ear', d t i I'ci-o! i ■ an- »net a. It j.l 1 nt I : causo tin y never tan , OREGON. ’’ ir, so she startl'd rigid iu to d i Hie best negroes bock to Virginal, t.iey is'.iig Vi :-.r i ei • i.., ■; jie ir- fur r.l 1 < f til Ivavo Imen Biron :!i Hint other pi ison. Fh I. slio could. The children ec.nght the anee i f a v, i v oid wonmii iu : p. : ¡uni z < i . ¡mol. N o v an ( v. r v.iiit. into b au le destitute circumstances. Tie» .out in n. chickens and brought tin-in t » her, and ^*¡1-' '.'Bi"»' hut 1 but la» v < t ¡al when it w as ovtr. Wanner, f lic Would e. av.-r-e ie- an old w itii her buttonhold sci' .-or-t sho cut n in Waaliington use mostly negro e p. "TTî A to t!io e iiround ..•A.'.’ - L Tlio legsi f t':io hr .vest g t Veiy Weak v a n a n .and give i TM slit iu ( aah one of 'l a i r cr, ps. She i < t '- - ■ C' : I ■ A Oregon »gate Journal. I in (tie pre-i neo of shot and shell, and Siie c la im d t 11’ ■ 99 y- ar i old ami squeezed out. tlio e n n i-m l, wasiied í r.S» - hiaviiv, nft« r alt. is i nly a m atter of did not kn.-w Hi - e ef Ba- fa:: iiy who their crops out mid s» v , il them up 3t C.W t> \ f W ': * TO PROTECT SIUSLAW SALMON. honor—tlio man w ithout honor is acow - »» ere »vtill liiT. '1 !.. ; pe< uik.r i - udiii n again. 'Hie eliiekiii: s’s’iie-d grateful. i.nL Tiie lioiioi-ahio man Inis nothing to la. Is for an lan:r or so, ¡.nil i In n i h le ­ '1 In y were I cpt xei»iris- for a conplo of fear, and in b attle lie would snti'er 10,- tam a to her u. m ini condition. Tie -.’ He»nator B. F. Alley, oi Florenec, i.sin- CMiO deaths ra tlu r than have a comrade changes have I’ve, m e irixpu'lit uni il days, fed lightly, mid «veryuneof them n covered. ” —New York Sun. county, who is now in tlie city, says tm say he fail’ <1 lo do liis wliulo duty Bat now site al-on! iqr.aüy (livid»» her time between 111»’ I wo comi iti: ns. ss to run n in g —yes, 1 hnvc run. Ti ll Orvgoniun trf the n th , wishes that (or A n o th e r- t i ange feature of H u- ca.c you about it? Certainly. C A LL O il OPv A D D R E S S thenast 40 dsys and nights lie could "Gnu afternoon w hile I was in charge is Hie l'art t ’n at ».hilo slid is in her nor­ mal I "ah!: n s',1’ eats ve-.y little and •pell bis name witli a " s.” He is lirst Of the rear guard on a mareli in V ir­ E ig h t Y e a rs o f S u ffe rin g L A rJ E CO UNTY LAKO & LOAN CO. Iropped ont ef B i^rentiy lia» no apt»; (ite. Win u she on tlie senate roll, and ii mini in tlmt ginia a numb» r of n takes (ni tho teeeTulary condition, she T I L D E S -A.TÒ3 IIÆ FLID Hie ranks for tin» pmposo of liunting E U G E N E O R E G O N . P e rfe c t C uro by H o o d ’s 3 « r3 a p a rlll« position is always ri’garded ns a steering 'applejack. ’ Tin' ciininuimliiig oillecr of e .ts heartily, ar.d during tin' Just throe — -A N D --- MC. I. flood & Co., I.owe a. Mass.: II » i 1 <• »••o'dlv th * f »'1 vi »4 i H 11 vjts hv nr iiidn»»?! citixons FPtrnrdinjz Flor* committee of one for others of Ids party tlio guard ordered me to take a deiarii- ni>M»t!:s has gr »wii to the s’at uro and ** Pear Sirs: U*e have tried IIood*9 Sarsapa­ once nroperfy. now on tho market at wondonnliy rpdneod p-icc«: M O M I3 Y S C A R C E - niciif, return to tiie little town through d»’Vt’Iopr.a ” t ef a y unan V k iiv she i* rilla nut find it to bo nil you claim for it. My to follow when called upon to vote. which we had pass, d nlinlf hour before iu tho condition of an old v. i m an pho vl.e was Isoae.l t y ivy when r. young v. t man, TO WHOM TT MAY CONCERN : Uio i-’ w ith o u t pain nnd is j crfo.^ly Only once last session was lie taken by and arrest tlio itraeg lers 1 olieved tlio and for eight years \»ai troubled every season well, fiho ; iy < U v kn» v s of no ono Command nnd I y fa» t riding foon had T borebv certifv tbot I w:»s th»» ••rigionl owticr ti p nroper-vkncw n a® Frnsie; ■tirprlee, nnd lie had to usk Hint liis For T h a t Reason tlio ’applejack’ limiters ia charge, t'n who Î ; naan d I ;lii.:n X ilh r, but insi ami B .'rrv’s miri ..f Flnrenre. wbirii E. .1 Frasier i« tiow .riTering for siile Tino the name lie passe l for n minute. tlie return, :.s il vva< laic in tiled ’v, vve thut »ho i. vt :y old. Kho lu t •» Jangua .o 1 w ill sell giHxk» for th e n ext Tini» fraft tre. » r r il »1 11 » I » ty B. « r vdtli the brea’ : oat and terrible itching and • i n • D |e» el ,T,.f frr . fr en .Ditti Ig This session lie will introduce a special moved at a h i tiroly pace. A half milo nni^ rocites t > ;:y far tuo >nd the ahiìi ’non «at’l lami ami the -im e is ileeiml.fe f-r re»,'.tener pr, p rt'v . J G. SntTKKSON ty of a Iitti > girl. burning. 1 th »tight liers was as bad a as from (ho town a lane cf«'«PH d ays at g r ea tly reduced anyone ever had. She t .a In this distressing s »»pt bill for the protection of Minimi in Hi,. t’ ilh lie Sclmols. Tome ci’iitilv. Dr; C D. and Perl; *’oP laid, h - on winch wo w< ro (raveling. Tins lauo Riuslsw river, to I»' independent of all a ■ No Sign of th e P oison S in ce. m ean w iiat I sav. in the state, to tliat thu hatching of tho mouth < f tho lane 1 notiot'd a sus­ Tho pan nt » an» anxious that the scion- TO WHOM IF MAY CONCERN : She is well and hearty. I have taken Hood's B ’ing first duly «w<»rn I depo«»* and «nv: T hat I have h««en n rpsidpnt of F\>r- young salmon can lie carried on. Sena­ picious object moving along toward ns. title world may • \ t: ;?;*>.— Sardinal -illa ador th.« nip with >od results, aud p, uvxnat. It dodged iron» one lornor to another of 8t. Lou;.; ( ; h a\e . ’so g iv en lttao n r four < Uiidren. W e ar® cnee. Lane County, Oregon, for the pn«t twelve yeara: th at I an; fan ¡liar n rd wir? tor Alley s.-ty» he is pledged to no one (Jut iHiU'tt HimnrimOv twiorv ♦«» «..n/v»«» ah lúe lures of iwrfect health atwf qw; ;b w MvqrxTrrpn wh r» ihv ;a- |X‘rtv kmvjrn hr ‘’Frnf'ier nnd R» rrv’a part ri Florence,* THE MOUNTAIN LABORED. for senator. The Lottie county delega­ itself. Whilo wondering what tho f- ’ flood s Sarsaparilla.’* J. C FpL^aaM . V*t> itiil the lame D admi- * Iv anited f« r reaidt'n« c pr« r»rty. Icing perfectly lc\el and dalia. H'D'Gviq low—fer t,y lili» I .liseov. ve.t Hint A «.l II»H F e r ii. 1 . ,1 !. nn.l U cZ a- . 8 KV|1 tion will hold u meeting at Salem to s . K. Tf v ¡ »’ io tik e Hvo'd's S ;r>ap> r«*e fr<»ni d 'i'tin g sand '»»»«' fr»u* tree» nnd «1 rvl let»- gr».w well in the »».il and Hie object vv is a eel.iv - -I mail— lip livu to it Stale crt'ulunibla. -*-■ « « I I » x » filia do iu»t be induced to buy auy other iostead. consider tho question, and tiie ch siiei- »o I wn« near enmigli in sp.-nk 1> n 't *hat purt* well writer i< f> u id < i tl ♦« «■ ~r* •- ?♦ . • . \ t *b > r b» » «1 ’• fik» vn fi c t . About ! >4 r.iii.s fieni tl.u !. > i; ef H ood's Fills arc tia-i.l ramie, un 1 perfeij sro that they will vote ns a unit on a s li p. ' S.i"l th e man. Ge as fast a» ven Ri„ Bhuie.», state ef C..u?:i. I . h -ml .a. a J os ^ pu A M id.ria. M erchant. tu i>.»i oi coil tual ai’i', oiMioo. Ittc. per 1 ox. IN THE CARMAN BUILDING. cun. l i e I . (feral,n II git yon. I), .-'» reiuaikabl-e g eievie d piienoa. neu i'.-ie rliohc for 1'iiiled States r. nainr.