TH E IL*. t>ie in^egt*n g public ia not strange when in the banks and the result ¡Bacon- _ ________________ j ili W est , regardless of expense. i pie, after nil, pay too dearly in order to not be m yself,” the senator added with WHERE THE CHICKEN GOT THE AX. J . M. B e n n liifft >», t h e ' >rxer, C a u g h t b y M e a u í o f a D e c -y f le t t e r tu K u g i-u e. Saturday night when it became known that J . M. Bennington had been arrested at Springfle d charge 1 with for­ gery, excitement ran high. While there were a good many who were saying, “ I told you 80,” nevertheless to the larger num ber of his acquaintances the news came like a thunderbolt from a clear sky. He cam» here about nine months ago, and haded from Tacoma where it is 8a*^ has a sister living, but farther ^ lttn this notlftng is known about him. H ‘‘* Jeu“ !r has been that of a rather inventors, one in America, the other in England, Langley and Maxim. For dOO years the min Is of men have been occupied by the problems of aerial flight, and there now seems a good prospect of their practical solution before the close of the present century, especially when the experim ents are conducted by men of such high standing. Tbs time has arrive 1 wiien tiie perennial jokes regard­ ing “ Hying machine cranks” have lost 1 their p j.n t.—Scientijl' American. Literary. •/ ZKTTZFCD & New Goods are Constantly A rriving at the — Among the Latest is an Elegant Line of- D R E S S (ORIGINAL AND SELECTED.) In all Shades. The Choicest Selection Ever B rought to Florence. P‘OU8 >'oun« •««” »nd he has been quite H e gain as much in avoiding the feel­ ( keep pace with Europe in destroying a smile, “ but it will be some one besides Prol“ 1,,emt in church and society circles. ings of others ah we dq in im itating th at Also a full stock ol Eider-down, Sw an’s-down, Satins and C haiubrays.- Our of the 8 i clerks detailed from the He is handsome, of pleasing uddress, a in which they excel. W e are also in receipt of a line line of Fancy Goods, Silks, Laces. tqe use of one-half of our principal a m ono-m etallist.” pension office to do service in other tle- money metals? good conversationalist and easily became dartnients recently, five are Union sol­ Older ia the sanity of the min 1, the THE CREAMERY BUSINESS. a favorite. j health of the body, the peace of the city diers. The fact is its own comment. THE FACTS. Sometime ago a check for $39, drawn About eighteen m onthsagoa creamery the security of the state. A nd provisions constantly arriving. L argest stock of boots and shoes, ■ on the First! National Hank of Eugene G rx . vtly to our credit is the indom ita­ The Florence W est is now of She o p in -, company was organized in Vancouver To he free-minded and cheerfully dis­ H ats and Gents Furnishing Goods this side of Portland. ble perseverance which some of our ion th at the people of the western por- and a num ber of leading citizens sub- ' was sent to tie Eugene Loan and Hav­ posed at hours of meat, sleep and exer­ dairymen are working tor the establish­ tion of the county are against the forma­ scribed fur its stock. Since that time ings Bank r | ' »ting that hank to send Those who desire to have suits m ade to order, should not fail to call' tion of a new a t the present tim e. !.. , . . . . __ in cure id the rem ainder in a cise is one of tiie best precepts of long ing of a creamery on this river. Success The statem ent county th at the Florence country , the eo,uI>Jn y 1,118 expended about »3c,«00 and have ìneasurcineuts taken. E legant line of samples to select lasting. post-etficaflB » ' order and payable at i _ . . . . . should follow their effort« us it surely I i.......... has nyeived several . . thousand «(¡ollars in ! i in the p lan t and it is now operating one from, cither from Chicago or San Francisco. If wrinkles must be w ritten on our stered to .Goshen. 'excess of the taxes received "by the coun . of the most complete creamery plants in Crcs^HC^ will. jj A J \ ty treasury is correct and cannot be the United States. The success of the The check bore the signature of Wm. brows, let tuem not be w ritten upon the ! We are agents Tor the well know n and responsible F irem en’s F u n i ’ No one denies th at gold steadily in- successfully denied notw ithstanding ¡in­ heart. The spirit should never grow venture is shown by the simple state- Neis and was drawn in favor of D. M. and London & L ancaster insurance companies. creases in value and the products of the plications to the contrary. Still the ta oldi payers of this section have eheerfuiiy “ ,ent tl,!,t w,'^n eonipuny first corn- Williamson, and was sent in a letter soil and the price paid for labor deereas dated Pleasant Hill, Nov. 16, 1S91. No true man can live a half life when Kcmember you will alw ays have fair and honest treatm en t a t es. Who is growing the richer under contributed taxes ami subscriptions for n,en 1 business, the creamery handled Coming to the First National as it did, he has genuinely le.trned th a t it is only 1 such conditions; the owners of gold or the benefit of the im provem ent of our D0O pounds of milk daily, while at pres­ coast senior» and we hope will continue en t 45,000 pounds of milk a day is con­ through a legitimate course of business, a naif life. Tiie other half, the higher th e producers and laborers? to do so. Still in these times of depres­ sumed by this single plant. Tito iin- it was paid and tiie registered letter was hail must haunt him, sion the jieople of the country west of . . . , Kindness draws out the better part o f ' N bvbly every day a creamery company the sum m it of (lie coast range of m ount- Portlln,'e of tllc lo ’ahon of the creamery sent Nov. 17, and the supposed William- sun called for and receipted for tiie same every nature—disarming resistance, dis- for some Oregon town is incorporated. ains must not expert an inordinate pro- ilt ' ancouver to th at city and country Nov. 20. Toe forgery was discovered in sip ¡ting angry pasiiions, and melting The movement is growing. The Oregon portion of llie revenues of the county.— adjacent can he fully appreciated when a feu days anil tiie bunk and officers tiave the Hardest heart. Eugene Guard. i it ia stated th at this plant now handles cow men must be protected, and Salem \\ i.l the Guard define “ the Florence I milk received from Clarke, Cowlitz anil been quietly working on tiie ease sin e. must have a creamery.—Salem Slate»- Write your na no in kindness, love, The hank was surprised Friday m orn­ ¡country.' ii it is m eant the whole Skam ania counties in W ashington, and nio/i. Shake, Salem. Same here. an 1 mercy on the hearts of thousands Keeps a full line of Exira Quality i county, outside of Eugene, why not say from Columbia and Multnomah counties ing, Dee. 21, wiien another check signed you eoaie in eou'.a t with year by year, R vkri . v enough indeed do we scechar- so. b u t I lorcncc claims no portion an in Oregon. The company now operating by the same person for $70 and payable and yoa wall never be forgotten. ity exhibited without the accompany-j its own savo th a t from which it receives this plant finds a ready sale for its pro­ to R. D. Wilson, was presented hv the T.icro is a kind of knowle Ige which mo selfish motive. But the gift made trade and furnishes supplies. In such duct, including bu tter and twenty-six Lane County hank for paym ent. Toe many persons shrink from. It is that by our Workman lodge for a deserv- domain the county has not paid one varieties of cheese. The success of this forgery was immediately discovered and HARDW ARE, 11NW ARL, BOOTS & SHOES, which involves certain duties an 1 re­ .ng charitable subject w ithout the least i hundred dollars (or any improvem ents, ■ company, which first commenced busi- a decoy letter was registered to the sup­ sponsibilities w.iicu they are not willing HATS & CAPS, M ED ICIN ES, NUTS \ CANDIES, exfiectation oi any returning reward, is either in taxes nor subscriptions. Flor- nuss under the panic conditions of 1893, posed Wilson at Springfield as requested to accept. Some will not listen to a tale 1 commendable and worthy of emulation, ence has given over $600 in money and shows th at legitimate industries, if in his letter to the Lane County bank. TOBACCO, CIGARS, FU R N ISH IN G GOODS of woe for fear of arousing tiieir emo- I labor to improve roads in a community properly managed, can be made to pay J. J . Poill was appointed a deputy con­ tions or their consciences. Others will Tins week a communication was re­ stable by Constable Linton, u n i was from which Eugene is enriched by trade. ' in this territory.—Ashland Tiding». refuse to examine some unwelcome idea Goods as Represented. ceived from Fiddle Creek signed “ R ust­ Prices W ill be Found reasonable sent to Springfield witii instructions to Florence has been very liberal in paying j lest they should be forced to admit its ■ ler.” T he W est has repeatedly stated MCINTURFFS LATEST FREAK. arrest the person calling for the decoy ! taxes to improve the roads and build truth. And others will shun the friend­ that communications will not bo pub­ letter. Late Saturday afternoon a man j the bridges in Eugene, and has done so lished when unaccompanied by tiie name willingly and cheerfully, nol w ithstand-’] r h e M e th o d K H n t o c H k o » w G l o e o r , d I O ’ » ld n n S r a r n l y ta o f E u - dressed in working clothes presented ly adviser lest he should convince them J of the w riter, and not then, when the C la iiH in t h e I l o a d . himself nt the office for the letter, and of a eherishe 1 fauit they ought to aban- ' ing the county seat lias never contrib- J article is devoted to the mistakes and mis- don or a neglected duty they oujkit to uteil a cent lor this city. The Guard, J The children of the F irst Methodist on giving his receipt for it was arrested hapsof neighbors. perform. Of course such persons delib- when driven into a hole, finds it very church made m erry around a Christinas by Mr. Poill. The man proved to be | erately bar the way of their own moral none other than said J . M. Bennington. I t has been rumored here th at Mr. C. convenient to do a large umiAiut of tree last evening, says the Spokane Now is the limo for an exam ination of our stock of Dry i progress, and a lopt instead a retro trade ' question begging. Si>ul:e»mgn-l{erieir. It was laden with He was immediately brought over to H. Page, who was engaged in superin­ Goods, for full and w inter uses, by the people of th e motion. They shut out the tru th th a t presents for all the children and some of Eugene and on exam ination was hound tending the work of building the houses Siuslaw country. A’ott will find the latest styles and FOR RAILROAD COMMISSIONER. would purify an I uphft them , and court ! the grown-up folks. Iiut Santa Claus over, and his bonds fixed at $2,000. Mr. j at Heceta light-house, was shot and the lowest prices at J. II. McCluug’s Dry Goods House. an iguocau e wuucn m ust end in degra- i Among the ninny candidates for rail- •••. Such celebrations, No house enjoys a better patronage than ours from the so far as we can learn, there is no trutlp] H . E. B attln, General Kapits, P. Il was all because the pastof, Rev. d >wn and cried, and finally begged to he i re9o'j r.'cs of the world and those of man jieople on the Coast, and this is attrib u tab le to ottr m ethods i —the former, if not developed this year, j S. Malcom, «itxl II. F. Gullixson of Port- Mclntnrff, is opposed to Santa shot, saying he would rath er ha.te it so of selling goods a t very low ¡»rices, and the q u ality of ic tlie report. j or this centur , may ba brought out in than bo caught thus. ' — " • | la n d ; Sol. Abraham of Roseburg| L. K. 1 Hans, and early in the preparation for goods as represented. This is especially tru e of our Bennington had left Eugene in ,L the succeeding one; tiie latter if not un­ Ec«BNB linn received appropriation« (look of Pendleton: A. N. 1 ¡¡uni I ton of the festivities lie put his foot down, met- Lathes and G ents’ boots and shoes aud foot-wear of all kinds. from the state in excess of the taxes Rhe Ilitker county, who ban before tasted (he nphorieally «pinking, on old t-anta « buggy wearing his usual clothing, but folded in tiie short life o f the man poss­ has paid into the Oregon treasury sweet« of olliee; C. M. Donal' so 1 of neck, and lie did not rise again. Dr; took along those used for a disguise in a essing them , m ust perish with him. WE CABBY THE LABUEST STOCK., "Htill the tax-payers” of the statu “ have Baker ( ’itv, and c. W. Cardwell, of -M'Tnturif said beforehand that if ¡Santa valise, lie ulso wore goggles to disguise Tiie gems that none have yet nnsxrthed ' I t is generally known in L ane county th a t th e largest I may bo brought to light by the efforts o f ! cheerfully contributed taxes for the hen- Astoria. These stock of is to be found a t our store, and th is all republican« Clm:« went hi« ehildfcn would not. his appearance. A reporter endeavored to interview a future generation. The r.iurvels of! fact proves th at we have no questionable m ethods o f doing •■fit oi Eugene, but “ in these tones of Among the democrats, Dr. J . Guv ix'wis, fht re are four little McIntnrfTs. Threo business, and the future will be but a repetition of the past depression the people of th e ” county of Union county, and ex-Slate Senator 1,1 them are big enough to go out even- Mr. Bennington today but was not ad­ c l e . d t v . whi di are as yet in their in- F re sh £_iixye of* G r o c e r i e s H tir ri i j IlauEnpnrt’s TH2 SEATON STORE DEY GOODS s GROCERIES. Knowles Si Cettys, Managers. [)R Y GOODS AND CLOTHING; no one. lie real- ' Dncy, only aw ait the inspiration of fu- when our friends call and buy from our well-assorted stock. eeat “muet not expect an inordinate “ Juff” Myers, from tiie forks of the San- bigs, and they are such bright little m itted, as lie wi proportion of the revenue” of the state. tiam, arc also on t he trail that leads to children that a coiicc-sion was made to izes his |g>sition and feels it kcenly.— tiir<- genius to blossom into full m atu­ rity. But t i c powers which might have ' a fat olliee and free transportation over insure their attendance. Even then Eugene Guard. made one mem a statesm an and another I t i « indeed interesting to read the la- all the railway lines in Oregon. Never- there were some protests, and so, to set­ TRIAL OF THE AEROPLANE. a poet, which might have bloomed info •iies’ articles on the subject of butter tlieless, an attem pt will be made at the tle it all, the in sto r agreed to let it be On the afternoon of December 8, in a emi,ienec or heroism, but which have making. Much knowledge is gained by coming session of the legislature to en­ decided by a vote of the Sunday school, lundiockeil bay at Quantico, .Mil., with I,cver been nourished by exercise, fade tile practical experiences of otliets, and tirely do away willi the eonimission, and it stood • w n ti ö only fishonnen for spectators, a trial "U erly away, att l can never lie revived if these writers will point out the liesb it is not nt all eertniu th at it will lie tin- Rev. Dr. Meiutiirff, 33. was made of Prof. Langley's new aero- T “e th a t so-iety thus sustains is ut- D e a le r in inetheds to adopt, in the production of successful.—lto se h u rg /’Zui'.i/cufci. Santa Glaus, 32. Tiie powers th at lie good butter, iiimer existing dillieulties, The past'.r non by a majority of 1, plann. For some time|),ist preparations te rb' incalculable have been made for this trial in a work- 'll-ent 1111 * 11 >ei-peetc 1 in men an 1 wo- SENATOR TONGUE ON SILVER. ke -ping in m nd bat w bat is w cr.n doing and S an ta’s d>«im was sealed. Rev. Dr. Mi ltitiiri'f told a reporter the "1,op “l tl,u rewr ^ '"» h so n ian In- ,nen who live i‘ (lf P'M ive and inert should be done well, i, would not only Gents’ Carpets, Hon. Tlios. Ii. Tongue, in a r»«vnt r«ias«»n why he had been Orm in insist­ stittltion, of which Mr. Langley is the ex,Htence would doubtless, if put forth, (»lass ware, enlighten tiiany interested pnrtie« on Furnishing Boots and Groceries, this subject, but broaden the field for 1,1,1rv" " • wuiil : ing upon the abolition of the dearest of honored secretary, Quantico is a village Proaioto tho growth of civilization, of Goods. Shoes. on the west side of the Potomac, about Pro£re88» ot* while to the in- “ i am opposed to allowing the present all the m yths of childhood. Etc. Etc. their on n writings divelti il himseif the loss ia irretrieva­ administration to drive the money out thirty miles from Washington. A «mall “ We don’t want Santa Olaus,” lie H eadquarters for Now tlint Baker city is alinont afcHiircd of the country by issuing millions of said. “ H r is an old Roman CatlioTic workshop has liven installed on a s.ow ble. of a flour mill we can turn m r at »rn I ion dollars of gold Ixmds and paying the r.ryt.i of past a,res. One»* he flourished; which is anchored in the narrow channel more to Eugene where a mill ¡ h hh badly gold now in the treaaury out for eurrenc; but now he is dead. 1 «hui’t believe in between the m ainland ami an island. H ighest Price Paid for C ountry Produce. needed ng one in at the first named city. and silver ccrtilhates, thereby contra l- lying to the little «.ms in the first place. To roof of this workshop the new ( UGENE........................................................OREGON. Me kind’er have an idea that Ku ene ing the eurren y, then re viving t .e I’ueii 1 Relieve that altogether too many machine is suspended. Quantico is ad­ aleepeth on the flour mill proposition; gold the brokers have drawn for their children spend O nr.stmas thinking of mirably «nited for exjuTiments, ¡is it is we are surprised that they should sleep, currency hack for their bonds. 1 am ¡n Manta t' aus when they ought to h ive not likely to he frequented by inquisitive wh once on a time that eity had the rep­ favor of retiring all gold smaller than O rist uppermost in th e ir minds. visitors. The shape ot the ni w air ship utation of living composed of cm rgetie, five dollars and making it into larger So ue day every child learns that it is is som« w haHike Uo., of a porpoise. The enterprising citizens with vim. Some denominations ; and the same w ith cur­ only a fairy story, an«l shall we sav that wing« iW irw iljX ard and the ma-hine say that they only had tne reputation; rency ; retire the small currency, issue ird o esn ’t bring a doubt ¡ it bis mind is snspcii led milch as a kite is oel l in others that they sleepeth; o f the two we larger denominat ons in plaea of the re­ whet.icr other tiiin.-s we tell him arc Iiur of what of the dvvii? he w ¡11 argue. screws. After experiment« on different Airs, dudue Peck C A L L ON OR A D D R E S S tion now arises, “ Will they ever wake coining all ottr own silver and increase Chil l l«v»ie is something bar«’ to answer forms of motive power, .Mr. Langley ha« the pel* capita, keeping, however, inside Up?” .............. at times, und I beli<*ve in l«eing on the decided that a light steam engine i- T H E LA N E C O U N T Y LA N D & LO AN of the line where it would have a ten­ safe side. My little one« ate taught ¡ireferahTe to the heavy storage b aiter'.. A poRTt.tM» corres|>ondent to the EU G EN E. O R E G O N . M r s. J u d f;c P eck T e lls H o w dency to drive gold out of the country. that C hristm as is tiie festival of the The trial was eon b u t'd in a rain. T ,e Rogne Rirrr Courier says: “The eotn- R* t <1 carefttlly the following affidavits by prom inent citizens regarding F lor­ Site W a s C ured Silver is the money oi the masses. If birth of Christ, who redeemed the worid ; maehinesy was started ; nd wile tiie m itte of 100 has prepared lulls for the Sufferers from hyspepsia sianilil rru t the fol­ ence property, now on the m arket at wonderfully reduced prices: any money is lost or burned up, it is not llie m s .ting day of S uita Cialis, w ho projwr degree of tension w a s reae. cd. it lowing letter from Mr«. II. M. Peck, wife of legislature to effect some financial re­ silver. Tiie ¡>coplc throughout the en­ w a s released The great alum .num ■ rd, Judge r e c k ,a Justice n t T racy Cal., and a w riter TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : brings them presents.” forms, both as to the R vurity of public Connected with (I k > A ssociated Press: tire country «1«» their business with sil­ I hereby certify that I was the original owner of Hie property known as Frasier measuring ten fwt from tip to tip of toe "lly a deep sense of gratitude for the great The frit nils of the goo«l old mVth-Tnan moneys ami the protection of private benefit I h o e re. rived from the use of flood's and Berry « part of Florence, which E. J. Frasier is row offering for sale. That the ver, and we can safely coin our own wings, rose slowly in toe fa e of the S irs ip iro, I. I lim e lai-.i led Io v.-rde Ila' foilin'. re, C. K. Reeves Snpt. Fublic Schools, Lane county. H onrt T rouble. 1 would stop short of coining silw r to j>ros|M‘ets hold out, and among them and Mark 1'. Mendenhall supply his water, where it lloated. it was pi ked Almost everything I ate would distress me. I impair our linaneial system. Silver liv­ I lace. The tree wa.« brilliantly ligbt.xl up ,'-v “ J s - .. 1 Snbscrilied and sworn to before me this 6th «ml brought to the tried different treatm en ts and mcdiclaes, but will Is* many g I con- Although the experim ent w ts sucees-- tlnotMi t.iking it. It til l me -*» much k » xm 1 that TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : the ears.” The legislature of the state of coin our own product of ailver it w«»uhl press an 1 lu.lly. The joke of the even­ n y rrteiuls «p • < f the lin|»:-Gveinep,t. 1 have not materially increase our per capita, Being first duly sworn I depose and say: T hat I linvo been a resident of Flor­ Oregen is at the service of theeomiiiitti'e ing was one of the gifts for the pastor fu , much remains to be done to perfect rvcviveil such great beiiefli (rum It that as the losses by abrasion, lire, etc., and ence. Lane County, Oregon, for the past twelve years; ti nt I am fam iliar and wel C ladly R e c o m m e n d It. ttie air ship, and make it more dirigible. of 100, and will, of eourse, proeiMxl to th at the tree contained. I: Was a long, I now Imre an cm client a p a t i t e an.l nothtftff I acquainted with the property known «s “ Frasier and B errv's fa r t of F lo r e n c e ' the increase of our population would The aeroplane is subject to strangi ec­ pass all hills that the committee may crisp loaf of bread, bake