■ I, ' , • I . -I.-. - • a : i t .e'.y grade; it onouiu nave A fitindretl leant Ae«- I rial condition of the nation is from a S h e F lit H im tu t h e T e s t, Women grow more frivolous every its brunches in every town or outside | woman’s standpoint, tho first or.mfiitcr- “ Yes, d a rlin g ,’’ be said in tones of w erv town, and it should have its great day Young ladies scorn housework anil j a i . t ’ion." —Boston Transcript. t TO A ■ b a rn to embroider, to play the piano central institution, its hall of liberty. deep tenderness, “ I would do anything to show my lovo for you. " ■GIRL. and to flirt while their mothers are en­ in London. When ?.Iy Lndy Sleep». “ Tlio corps m ight be known as the “ A h ," sight-d the gentle maiden, gaged io ail the drudgery of the houso- Tho new night robes r.ro victims of ‘th a t's w hat all men say when they old. They eschew all useful reading United Corps of Women Volunteer«, Good R e s u lts the lace craze, liko all eho which p< r- and it could be classified in companies fro striving to w in a woman’s h eart.” • /¿ t* J e e p s - T h e Fe- tains to my lady’s wardrobo. T iny aro and pri fir French novels to English “ P u t mo to the proof," he said in under different names, certain duties classics. In self i ting husbands they 9**—Ite m s o f I n te r - gay w ith ribbons, too, and many are pret­ being apportion«! to each. These com­ wild, passionate tones, "p u t me to the chouse dandies w ith social graces rather ty and elaborate enough to appear us ,i*ekeepere. than men w ith solid attainm ents They panies could furnish w hatever the na­ proof. T e s t me and see if 1 fail. Set mo tea gowns. tional ueed required, trained anil dis­ any test w ithin the bounds of possibili­ •' ’oliniit, Mir.xCur- The night robe in best taste is white. are full of strange, whimsical notions ty, aud it shall be perform ed." jx}?, who cannot com- A dainty and not too dressy gown is peculiar to the nge. Reader, this is a ciplined bodies of women being forth­ coming in any emergency to supply the “ A h ,” she m urmured, “ if I could , appreciation. Sho is made of sheer cambric w ith a deep yoke synopsis of the opinion« of an English service sought." cnly believe you!" r of 1789 on fho women General Basil Dnke, of torchon lace. This is ontliued with magazine “ P u t me to tho test. Say to me, ‘Do Before Lady Dixie announces her u n i­ . hey sound very much as u-lnw m ill successor to Gen- n rufile of cambric edged w ith lace, so of his tiin< this or that, ’ and it shall be done. ” n . Morgan, tlio daring Con- that the whole appears much lik e a s a il­ if they were w ritten by certain pessi­ form sho paves the way w ith an an ath ­ "Yes, ’’ sho fhurmured slowly, “ thero airy leader. Miss Currie re- or collar. It is fastened in front with m ists of t inlay There is no new thing em a against modern dress, aud then introduces her “ neat Norfolk shaped is ono th in g 1 should liko you to do, ne lis t year after five years narrow whito moire ribbons. The fnll under tho sun. —Boston TrauscripL tunic, reaching to ju st above tho knees; i f " ------ m usical studies in Germany, sleeves aro also tied w ith a littlo bow , “ Uh, tell me, and let mo do it! Now knickerbockers and gaiters to match, A Vastful C lu b . been engaged ns a soloist for at tho w rist aud finished w ith u deep There is a club of women in New the gaiters to be substituted for brown you shall behold tho height, tho depth, orchestra next season and is a fall of lace. \ 'onion as well as an accom- | Nightgowns of nainsook are trimmed York city th a t is as modest as it is re­ tanned top boots, lacing up tho entire the length, the breadth, tho circum fer­ Jpsiciau. 8he hits been admired elaborately w ith Valenciennes laee. markable. It is called «he Best Y.'ay front to tlio knoe, where mueh riding ence of my love lor yo u ," ho cried ex­ ultantly. Tho maiden dropped lier S i C I a t borne, and at a concert Many of the gowns have the laee inser­ club aud is composed of well to do wo­ is necessary. “ For head dress 1 would recommend lashes, a nolle dimjfiiil the corners of st week at Lawrenceburg tion arranged to sim ulate a bolero jack­ men living in a huiidsoino cross street cap, Tam o’ Shunter or Carl h ir m onth a.; sho gently murmured, a C arter of that town in- et. The lace frills w hich outline it up town. Tho objects of tho organiza­ a 1st colored in shape, a plain round straw hat in "M a rry tome other g il l.’’— London Tit- tion aro m utual help and encourage­ witli the following bit of make tho effect soft and pretty. hot w catlu r or helmet if deemed more Bits. 'uclty rhetoric: W hite embroidery with a colored edge ment It takes its name from the obli­ suitable Anil to harmonize w ith sueli Ik- .Hight. ladsomc morn of creation, is much in favor for the less expensive gation a member i.s under to disclose to ) sang together and the nightgowns, and coarse, embroidered her colleagues I ho details of any discov­ a coitumo woman s appalling headgear There is a man in Chicago who has *?d w ith the symphony yokes are finished w ith heading through ery she may make as to the Li -t way of m ust be ab; a h . iied. No head can be lived there for 40 years anil has visited J swept it into har which narrow ribbons are run. A ra th ­ pi rform ing any of tho duties, hibou or truly comfortable or nt .t which is doom­ Now Y ork 50 times or more in that pe­ .ayed no small part in er eccentric novelty, and one which pre­ obligations th u td volve njxin her in her ed to wear the present «lay erections and riod. He has never uttered a single ’world. All men ev- sumably w ill not be welcomed w ith fer­ various ri lations of life It is an open ci iubinatious of false and real hair, word in praiso of Chicago or in dispar­ — oarbaric and civilized—aro vent joy, is the gown of delicately tin t­ secret that tho club has cari fa..'y avoitl- frizz s anil fads, all pinned together in agement of New York. It is thought to its magic spell. I have nl- ed chambrny, trim med witli ecru inser­ ed d in > :n g the b t way of obtaiuiu; bov.ildering eonfu.-ion ’’ that if he were not deaf aud dumb he H iving thiiH am ihilatod the present n i i l i A l l ie d th at th at education is York World. aiotained m ight make a few rem arks.—New York tion and lace.— Philadelphia Times. i th e - -.‘J en —N coiff ures, a wom an is nrged "e ith er to pieté wbieli vhieh dovelops the body in Mail and Express. cut l a r hair vi ir it in the C lii rt-n on] H i: t. T h e F e m a le llr lt.R li *‘l)r u iu im :r .‘* _ _ _ ~.TU _ _ iiuin, tho m ind in the col- j K ing t.’IntriiTff.ust mvndcpted by tiro 'In -ery h-.i wt tiler ’• » W ncclam and a is my ens- *•5 leaves uncultivated I ! Tho “ lady com m ercial” is fast be­ Dealness Cannot he Cured tho emotional nature. To think and to do coming an institution in Birmingham, to m ,’’ said n u t -line:' . bysician, “ to cavaliers, or if sho prefers to keep it The rig h t it is necessary to feel tho rig h t as elsewhere. Sho is, generally speak­ give babies small quantities of brandy very long w ind it in a neat eoil behind by local applications as they cannot h trb c a d . ” Such a feast and such a pleasure have ing, quite as sm art and resourceful ns By sm all quantities I mean from 15 to Lady Dixie adm its that tho move­ resell the diseased portion of the ear. 1 the honor to herald to you to n ig h t her mnlo competitor, anil her sex given 20 drops < aro must bo taken not to “ The very distinguished daughter of her an additional advantage. A part a l­ overciothe children in hot weather too. ment is radical, aud that "th ere are Tiiere is only one « tty to cure deafness ono of Kentucky’s most distinguished together from the difficulty of saying They should bn treated ns grown people difficulties to be encountered, sneers and anil that is by constitutional remedies. aud honorod sons—a son who, both in “ N o" to a woman, especially if young treat tin l u s e l v i s in the m atter of clothe« jeers to be lived down, satires to be re- Deafness is emised by an inflamed con­ “ Thero is very much more danger ; luted, converts «0 bo m ade,” but she is dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- the tented field and at tho bar, lias rep­ anil handsome, tho more drastic m eth­ resented tho highest type of Kentucky od« of getting rid of unwclcomo itnpor th at children w ill catch heat than that sanguine of ultim ate success and con­ I tacliian Tube. When this tube is in ­ manhood—is here to ravish nud steal tunities ate obviously out of the ques­ they w ill catch cold. Bp to a compara nects tiie arrival of the women volun­ flamed you have a rum bling sound or away our hearts witli the sweetest tion when tho “ traveler” is of the gen­ lively recent tim e in New York all eases teers with great national reforms and j imperfect liearing.iind when it is entire­ strains that ever breathed in human tler sox And then, of course, tho lady of cholera infantum were called ‘heat all the rest of i t ly dosed, deafness is the result, and un­ souls. Mythology tells us th a t Orpheus is be,mid to have the last word. An en­ strokes ' In Hot w eather a child should S e rv in g H la c -lc b e rrle *. less the inflaniation ean be taken out played so divinely on the lyro th at all terprising member of the fraternity—or havo a cool bath ones a day and be out A pretty way »0 serve blackberries aud till« tube restored to its normal onn- nature stopped to listen to his music, should 1 rather say sisterhood?—called in the air as mueh as possible, day aud witli cream is to pick fresh, ripe ber- j dition, bearing will bedestroved forever; and sho who w ill open the crust of care upon a local firm tho other morning. n ig h t ” [ ries over carefully Heap them in a tonight and start the liquid flow of joy She wns assured th a t the stock in her N e c k t ie a n d H a tb a n d . glass bowl and set on ice, serve on sau­ njne eases out of ten are caused bv ca- in your soul is no unw orthy disciple of special line was full up. “ But I should cers, w ith littlo bowls of sugar and j tn rrli, w hich is n o thing but an inflam ed To bo absolutely swagger tho necktie him whoso head aud lyro floated ’down liko to show you my samples. I ’m sure p itclic» of cream, allow ing each person eoniiiiion of the uiuenns surfaces. -fh o sw ift Helms to tho Lesbian shore.’ you'd liko them. ” "N o t today, thank and hatband must be an exact match. at tho table to sugar tho fru it to suit J We will give O ne H undred D ollars for From tho hours of p rattlin g childhood you. Besides we havo no account with So says tho sum mer girl. Not in so taste. I any ease of deafness (caused by c a ta rrh ) many words, but in practicing w hat sho tho witchery of her performance on the your firm. ” " I know you haven’t, but Blackberries may be served w ith me­ violin was known and appreciated, the you’ll allow mo toopen one, w on’t you? silently preaches. If tho necktie hap­ ringue as follows: Place a quart of ripe th a t cannot be cured bv H a lt’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars ; free. wonder and pride of her friends. W hat G ulya small line for »beginning?” “ No; pens to be dark blue, witli diagonal white blackberries iu a bowl, sprinkle w ith F J. C heney & Co., Toledo, O. The greatest masters at homo and abroad wo positively don 't require anything in stripes running in opposite directions powdered sugar, beat tho w hites of 3 id by Druggists, 75c. could do was done, and in the fullness th at way jn st n o w ." "R eally! Well, and form ing little diamond shaped eggs witli half a cup of sugar anil spread plaids, it is tlio c o rn et thing to wear a of tirno sho burst fortli on an astonished good morning. I ’ll call again in tho over the berries Set on ice until very world a star of the first magnitude, be- afternoon. Gentlemen nro generally hatband exactly liko it Gf course if cold. 1 foro whom paled tho greatest reputations tuoro oiien to reason when they have thero isn ’t something a bit different Blackberry flummery is made by plac­ from tho generality of plain solid col­ in the musical world. As a violinist she dined. ” — Birm ingham Mail ors in either it is hardly noticeable that ing a pint of rips blackberries in a 1 stood w ithout a peer among womankind, they aro alike aud the correct thing. | saucepan w ith a pint of w ater; let boil ; W o m e n O ffice h o I dvr* A b r o a d . H ml w ith very few, if any, among tho slowly w ithout stirring for 10 minutes, Thero are at present 6,35.1 women in ¡inter sex Tho greatest talent of Eu- E n g lis h C'olfl'ures, moisten 2 table-spoonfuls of coni- tiuch French provincial postofiicos and 1,000 e wondered, adm ired and praised, with cold water, stir into tlio berries, ' A peculiarity of English women is female telegraph clerks, lu 09 towns tho her native land receiver! hor us the tlio wearing of elaborate coiffures. No­ let thicken, take from tho fire and add id of her pride, woll worthy the tri- telephono stations arc under the man­ where is so much false hair worn as in half a teacup of sugar When ccol, servo lplis; but, above all, Kentucky is agement of women, affording employ­ England, it is made up in nil sorts of w ith sugar mid cream. . ’ d of her most distinguished daugh- ment for 745 women. The national sav­ ings banks employ 425 women, etc. Tlio ingenious ways to be pinned on bodily, i 'laim s her as her own: M in n ie IlnuJi D e c o r a te d . railw ays havo, however, been the be; 6 Tho fashion of parting the hair aud , Jslle ¿ c a l) i I s m lovo rem ain*, Mine. M innie Hank, who is making wearing the little curl in the middle of friends to tlio women. 11 was tin: Bombes --'«lit d iv in o anil h u m a n , --’i jo u i la m e i-nilears, company which made tlio experiment the forehead so prevalent here is not a tour of tho world w ith her husband, ( ft ' piro In com m on, w ith employing fem ale clerks at the of­ seen thero Instead the fine frizzes worn the Chevalier von Hesse Wartegg, a r­ [ i n t e r n a i years. fices or as station mistresses at the small by the Pi'ince-s of Wales and her daugh­ rived some time ago at Singapore and ed, distinguished, sang at Johorv by invitation for tho su l­ stations, but gradually nearly all the ters aro im itated by most of tho sex. S u p e r b typo of wo- tan, the princess and datos, who were French railw ay companies havo follow A M e x ica n I n n o v a tio n . • to you in The por- greatly pleased The sultan conferred cd tliis example. Women arc empl, red Miss Maria Gouzali s Hermosillo has Ifty ticket offices ns watchers, etc The been appointed by President Diaz of i n the prim a donna and her husband the order of tho Crown of Johorc, this 'm ’U/jny. em ploy«, ¡LUití v. i. Mexico postmaster at TeocnlticJie, in .. who h a re had nearly flftv veara* some of tho Sioux nre also becoming apt experience tntcrim u or in the su rf Iu giving chil­ dozen women as members of th e bouse, in th e patent busincM. Communlca- H E R E IS T H E LA TEST ADVANCE. pupils of quarrelsome whito farmers. y conflU>e S r i r n li H e A m e r ic a n , and among tho first thought of, for tho pas mosphere completely prostrates one. L:idy riorcnce I lxie finds m atter for pute ovi r a piece of lamb An Indian où, CO« rn°,UHhi before th e public wlth- named Eagle Imuse liail taken n farm time, unlike many others, serves a not require«) you run no risk. •iwi was 11 far more effectual ing suits was made recently by n party corps for women cither merely as a Hawk was shot and killed. The m ur­ Ws supply you with uU that is needed. It will rufliuuism tlam the police of six Philadelphia girls, who are stop- im dical 1 ne, a I g h tin g one or nu am- derer now lies in the Deadwood jail cost you nothing to try ihc business. Any one have lieen. Every male votet ling at a «well m ean front hotel at At- bill. lin e one My idea of a volunteer aw aiting the next term of the Bnited can do the w.'t k Beginners make money from •r, wife, mother, daughter 01 antic City Three of them are sister« corps of women i 1 one whose members States court, w h e n lie w ill be tried for the start Failure is unknown witli our workers. ■ ‘ ' j On the afternoon of Ju ly 4 they created til tim e of national m ad could volun­ the crim e.—Bharalierlain (S. D.) Cor Every hour you labor you can easily make a dollar. No one who if willing to work fails to make more c equally dear to him for whose a mild sensation on the beach by ap­ teer for all anil every kind of servieo Chicago Tribune. money every day than ean bo m ade iu three days •iotonsness must be restrained. " pearing iu lovely pure w hite cashmere and p! rb 1 m t lie same efficiently whether at any ordinary employment. >end for free book ’**J7 paper« were unanimous in bathing robes, made in the regulation it 1«? fighting, nn dical work, timbnlaum M a n n in g a Ml« lU rth d n jr n io s r o n t . eontainiug the fullest Information. 44 to tho good order that stylo and neatly trim med at the skirt. work, iitir-o g or anythiug else mid th» So far a fam of 18,000,000 taels, or •l«ctions resulted in a Waist and sleeves w ith many stran d , of u n ity ot th s volunteer corps should be ncsrly £3.000,000, has boon sabscrilMtl H. HA LLETT & CO., ■uservative«, hut many narrow black cord Abont the neck o f lin n and strong knitted by the iudiasolu- by tlio t liiu i y-i officials anti w ithdraw n Box 3 S O , „ - si to bling this alcuL A moh fair niaiden was a black silken hli tie of c i-rit de corns, wiiich would from other funds for tho purpose of ccl- •non» distinctly attributable to cord, from which depended a small sil­ build it into a powcrfnl organization. cl ratiu;’ thosixlii th birthday of the em­ P O R TLA N D , M A IN E . ’ icn’s viffc is th at "tho present ver whistle. The latter were vigorously " i t should Is) the great national press dowager. But even this cnermoos ■it is a cleansed mid purified pl|ied when any of the merry party sehi" I I. r woi king class girls and Wom­ sum is ii, t suffieient, and 12,000,000 lnber of M. H. K. 'n, whoso strayed from the flock, and altegether en who could di pend upon receiving« more are called tor to make the celebra­ BARGAINS. BARGAINS. had been uusavory, havo the girls were the eymwnre of all eyes, technical eiltn ntion if desired therein. tion upon w hat tho im perial advisers M ill «ell lots in Acme from $25 to JtiO. a I'tid, though professing tint had a good time and were niurh arimir- It should I o tho national d u b for wom­ deem :,n nppropriato «calc.— London 1 *" ' ’ i” *n "" io n to reed iu politics. In all this it ed-—A tlantic City Correspondent en of all das.-es; it should Is' able to Spectator. Flo:ence cbenp and on easy terms. 1 fPOB," twy? the New Zoaiairl furnish tu cx-c i1 need skilled w. t i - tY. A. fo x . FREE TWO GREAT WEEKLIES • • • • • • AT THE PRICE OF O NE • W E E K LY OREGON! N • • « A N D ■ ■ i THE W EST. * * * * * T he W est always given to its- lia s readers and tlie public generally, better and cheaper periodicals titan all others together in this part o f the country. It has done this largely at its own expense, and now adds another point to its cred­ it by making this unpreceded and UNPARALLELED OFFER!!! Xrrangementa have been made whereby we will give T he W est and the Weekly Oregonian for 82 per year. This offer includes all our paid up subscribers and those who pay all arrearages and one » year’s subscription in advance. It also includes new s u b r ^ ' A RETIRED BUSINESS WOMAN. THE WEEKLY OREGONIAN AS A PBEÏIDÏ. The subscription price of T he W est is $2.00 per year. T hat of the Ore­ gonian is $1.50. By paying $2.00 in advance lor a year’s subscription to T he W est you receive for one year the Weekly Oregonian, and . . . . YOU RECEIVE THE BEST WEEKLY IN OREGON FREE. * * * * * The Weekly Oregonian is made np of daily happening« from all over tho world. It contains all of the latest press dispatches, solid editorials, always several in­ teresting stories from the pens of our best known aud standard writers, a page for the youuger ones, and everything that goes to make np a first-class weekly. It is a paper for the people, both young and old. THE T IM E IS L IM IT E D $43=29 The people of the Siuslaw country and tlie pubtRf generally should appreciate the value of this offer, X on will be well informed on all the living issues PER W EEK for only 82 for a year. W IL L IE WORKERS copy. Less than two cents per Such an opportunity as this is not given every day nor every month, Consider: Two news- pa|K‘rs for the price of one. Do not delay, but subscribe golden now. * f * This is * * * opportunity. This offer I e one in a thousand and one which all should take advantage of at once, as the time will be limited to a short period * * * * * THE WEST, ■ Florence, Or.