£ ]S T . ,h e tr u th ln'lfht '« t h a t » Uuited States -------------------- senator is elected by and in the interests WAY Moaxtxo,— o ia ra ‘lroad company, or any o th er cor- _ »oration. We believe, however, that and all th e populists, and two thirds or w heiher the gaum I»,, s ip p re is v l all over or tbreu io ilrtha ol the republicans agree the state an IJ fc io t. to f.rm u late more with them , they should not be blamed lnmtnqe ru le sj^ r regulating the games for th a t. On the other hand, the ze d of T.ie k ^ y & i m s L t e university takes C s w rrr, O araox. we « re rig h t in our construction of the some of the gold standard repuhii mns law : b m -e we u ptim e th at a United did not break out so violently until a •iso hundred and nmeTv-free is b!lUM e”" a,o r rt”’uW ’»> “ be ‘" « » t. few weeks ago. I f the silver iidvoeates the people s representative. 4 are ‘ under-sized republicans,” trying to upon im Companies who have always lieen u n . ride into o ’Hce “ astride of silver and fii our citizens will swear off just and Inequitable with the govern- they are criticized l'or he.ng numerous til next time. ment and with the people, with both tfee us well as small—what is one or two «T wishes its many readers a prosjxTous New Year. .-= 7 - byte and until the return ’r. E. E. Brodie will con- east, surprising, after tries Japan has ut- would sully her fair rinv - km .11 11,b . s pi ople. •WENT in producera und the consumers of the Pacific coust, who have and who do to this day fail to pay to the governm ent " hat is justly due by them to it, t er. tainlv are not in 11 position to appeal to equity’. Equity can lie evoked only by’ Idin who first does equity. It is rather rem arkable th at the Ore* gonian makes no editorial comment on the little bagatelle of 51,000,000 a-res of | aIll| w|,jei, Senator Dolph voted to be on foot in the state o( Pre88nted to the railroad». We presume ton »f grant! ho right of suffrage th “t » " » W O O "m ild not he an ex- . — -4 . i t is said n sim ilar move, orbiUmt value l=? T=Ccs;<=^ Toe Oregon Pa.’iii • train yesterday to Corvalhs carried a number of citizens of Albany, w.i , vfent over to I e present at the sale of the toad. At 1 o ’. Io. k a large crowd had as- setnbled at the lo rthouse. Sin r.if Os- burn appeared a tiiat hour and ion- We bear no repnbli an, demo rat of pop- sumed nearly an our in reading all tbe u listan y ill-w .il I h - « usu he tninks he o r d e r - of sale^im. • • by the court during H ats and G nits ’• urnishing Goods this side of Portland. kmAvs p iy rc a b o u t L ie m o n e y ■. n - i .a f i _tbe I"t4bA*Z' to e road to- erat'' in intensity an 1 ditr.it.on. We say j u rat or any other question, than we do. t!l" t 1'11 ' r " i tb ThPhotn e of sale. As Soon enjoy because m oderate e x e rto n is Those who desire to have suits m ade to order, should not fail to call in the interest of harm ony and good as the sheriff hail finished read.ng tiie.c p ensure, and is onlv the su.ier.ng at- and have lneasnreincnts taken. E legant line of-sumples to select feeling and the future happiness of all d o u m e tita , Attorney W. E. Yales, who te n la m on labor earned to ej xccss which from, c ith t from Chicago or San Francise concerned, we wish to suggest that with J u d g e d . 1!. Bryson, represented has given rise to the m um on opinion it won.d be just as well for both sides to Geo. S. Coe, gave written notice to the th a t retirem ent iro n W a a r '.il v for ta • w 11 k t >\va a t 1 responsible F irem en ’s F u n i live industry is eonline th e.r statem ents to fa ts and sheriff that their client was in person the goal of happ .less, and London \ L ancaster insurance cam 'iauics. * principles, and avoid personalities, de- the owner of 75 a. res of land ,n Albany, All from the .1 , „blest to tie’ h i - h e s t Remember you will alw ays have fair and honust tre a tm e n t a t traction and abuse. If all the talent, upon which the tracks and rouml house need to cultivate a careful ami a curate experience, wisdom and greatness is on of the Oregon Pacific are located, also method of thought in all t h i n T . i e the gold sale of tins question, as the tiiree b!o ks upon which the depot cause of t.iin .s and tueir true reit advocates _ , , of , th a t policy claim, they can stands, also about ten a res, in. lading other do not lie ou the.urfi fa. e wait- tf.ord to d eal kmdly with the r weaker the depot ground, in Corvallis, also cer- ¡„g to he picked up lmt are often far brothe e r., w ho ought to he allowed to «am water w irks at Ya ,ui,i.,, the title down out of sight, and m ust he dug to make up to some extent in numbers for to w li.-li he .......... u. O W l i ’ll he would ontest against any he dis. overed. W ,v , , ,,, .. ? ' ’e «1 > aivercd. V. e siaill find them if at w.iut tiiey size, coquet, e.oquen e and bi bidder. w.,at t . a i la l a k k in size, l ler. Notice was given by men on „1!, in the nature of th in g , t e,„selves dignity. It Ma nell, H erm ann, Eilis, the tug Resohlte th at they held a claim not in some chance co.neiden e having p,,,,), TtKlg tie, W rignt, Donald- of ah o it $.100 against the tug which they no bear.ng but that of a-sm iat on. Pre­ son. Bourne, S non, Brownell, McBride, woiid oil test under m arine laws, s.lied to ti.e,r will real origin, Ford, Toompson, Moody, Alley, Hoi , an, The .heriff th en of ered the road for judices, will of en w.,cn di.uppear, ferns d.ssolve D re sb . L in s o f* G r o o e r i e s S,,'æ 5>i H u rd ; & ; D a u B n p a rt’s D cba.iiniutt, Bancroft, Wisidard, R.n- earson, Mintic, Judge Bo.sc, Lvie, Yates, Baker, Moorhead, Hillegas, B o o t;, by, Patterson, Ourtis, Lester, Gates, Byars, Kelsay, Folsom, and many "tiler repui,- lictilis, 1 ot to mention such de.no rats and populists as Pennoyer, Pier, e, Raley, Huston, Goidsm.t.i, Dell, Gaston, and H' ”rcs of ot.iers. are “ uuder-s zed,” " 'hen measured by the gold standard, as everything else is, tnev are nevertlie- less fair specimens of tne men of tiiis new country. If they are not entirely UP to «astern or European ideas on li- nam e they can grow up with the conn- try if tnc financial policy of the United state s.iall perm it any (urtuer growth. —0. /■>.! .S’c, f J m il ill. sale. Mr. E. L. Hammond, . f the firm of B urner A Ham m ond, of Montana, the gentlemen who have entered into the contra t to build t.10 Astoria-Portland road, bid $¡03,000. T.ie s .erii'f 1 ried the hid, hut waited in va.u for a raise. It " a s the only hid and after due time and fair warning t.ie road vas kno ke I down and declared sold to him fur that sum. -Mr. Bonner sai-a to an Albany II , "itn o u t tiie expend.ture of a large am ount in improveme its and extens.on °f t e road to make it good propertv. Nobody now lie t.ioug.it would pat a lar^C-Umouii, of . as . ¡y ¡0 tiie extens.on rooted uversions w.Jl be pulled up as weeds. M u te well-.Meaning pcop e never seem to rea.ize t n t, 110 natter 1 >.v I *."> aii atta nuient may exisi between re atives and tre n d s, t .ere ,tr • times w n s i - tu.le is desirable. We wonder t nit so many fr.en Is.dps are broken; it is very often he mice e a 'h se. s too mn .. of t ic ot icr. T.ie little ti ne so mt io n • cives vs cabled the state d e p a rtm e n t, 8,1(110 th at free coinage of silver wotld one an opp jrtutiity io t 1111k up t ic kind­ ncse governm ent has ap­ substitute a “ d ebas'd 50-cent dollar’ nesses passible, t ie deli : us of 1 fr end ; enco commissioners, who for an “ honest dollar,” are very arro- and t leu, too. it is t ie ti ne for one to once on their mission g ant and offensive in their allusions to takeout one's so il an I s t : w sor: of the Japanese capital to republicans who do not agree with them. condition it is in ; t .Jnk over w iethi r ted The fact th at the men who imperiously on ''s tongue has l«es:i too q 1 ; th nk 'em and gold straight in their medicine. over t ¡e sin i of o nissiou and o umis­ .¡fj.rC ’ent a iiTtnoritj^of tne republican sion; think over every-day life. party in this state, as they certainly do, 01 v co u ld h o g it Itc a n ’ be m adir'to gr> easier;’ PENN9YERS MESSAGE. cheap. He said his ompany was ready ami a very slim minority of the w hole I never do tiiis wiien surrounded by elves ¡11 a state of en- people, ought to restrain their Ímpetu- ! w ith the necessary money to extend the ers. s, the federal grand jury osity a little, hut it docs not. They as- ' Governor Pennoyer has been giving road if tl.e sale is confirmed. N o house cnjiT Hope is a marvellous inspiration, out, in conversation, some of the items .,U sought to pass away the sume an air of wisdom and authority, Tne am ount hid wi.l not pay the court peojile on the Coast, amT ipn? is y casting a straw ballot for United politically and financially, as advisers he will present in his memage on the costs, and after $ ,0,000 ,s taken out for w li -a every heart onfesses in so.iieseu- of selling goods at very low P-'r '> it cuti put nerve .stes senator. Paper was procured | and lenders of the people, altogether out convening of the legislature. He will taxes there will not lie much left to dis- ,n 01 ,,!Ctrt! g „ids ¡is lept’esi nted. T his is especially tru e o f our d, a n ! Hcetness into tiie and some discussion indulged in. ¡Sever- i of proportion to their ninnile] ers, experi- coniine his message to a lieta led ¡index- tribute, lmt the ro .d has been o . crei I in t ‘ « ,e ,an L adies' and G ents’ hoots pud shoes and foot-wear of all kinds. Lyt the slim a n i al jocular attem pts were made at brill- c nce or knowledge. They assume tiiat haustive exhibit of slate fiumi es. He for sale so many tunes and as the costs feet ° f e s ' CARRY THE LARGEST STOLE. erv, but it was, apparently, uuheeded. j they are the custodians of all the linan- will snow cost of state government and are pibng up liigher and the h.ds grow- feathery p il n-zrove be dim ly des r e I, th o ti'h ever so rem otely, and the cara­ Xach n u n passed in his vote and tlis J cial wisdom in this country. Hut, in so appropriatons of legislatures for a ser.es itlg sm aller, t .ere is a strong current I t is generally known in Lane county th a t th e largest foreman read them off. lio n . C. W. ' assuming, they arc rather more modest of years, us well as the appropriation belief th a t tl.e court will confirm tiie van will on, spite of the fatigue of the stock of in. i-ehandise is to be found at out- store, an d this Fulton, of Astoria, was elected, lie re- than iu their treatm ent of the free coin- and am ount expen Ic I fur e.i ’ii p irticu- sale, so th a t the road may he extended, traveler an I tiie si n o ).n ’j h'in I n *, to fact proves that we have no questionable m ethods of doing ceiving the highest num ber of votes cast, age “ fools” ami “ idiots,” inasmuch as lar p irpose by the last legislature. Tne There are suggestions th at per.nips the w’.icre, by the frinry roo ’ets, tbe desert bn iness, and the future will he b u ta repetition of th e past H on. Thos H . Tongue, of Hillsboro, they eon ede nearly all tiie wisdom on govi nor t stunates the total appropriation court will not confirm the saie unless waters flow; let there glim m er one star wiien our (fiends call and buy from our w ell-assorted stock. •eame next to Senator Fulton in the race that suhj.ict to the “east” and to the of the last legislature at $2 703,030, wt.ile the labor and m aterial claims are paid, thiougb tbe mnrky waste of night, and for popularity.—Sun. great financiers of the world,” w ithout lie Will show tiiat only ulsmt $1,800,000 lmt these sp e illations will be set at rest though the spars be shatter 1. and the wnose knowledge and experience the of this has lieen expended. Of $.«,030 on January 10, wiien the court sets iv sails be riven, and tl.e hurricane bowls ---------------------------------- -----------------g g g g j D0LPH S GIFT TO THE RAILROADS. J United Slates could not survive a vear, k’vied for the jute mill, only $3,003 has Corvallis for tl.e purpose of confirming for its prey, the brave sailor will be ii lashed to tbe helm, and see already, been expended for making brick. Tiie the sale. Last week, in the Uniteti States senate and the west eouhl not survive a week through tiie tempest*« breaking, calm — ------- Mr. J , N. Dolpli, Oregon’s senior sena ¡against the d n a d iu l schemes of silver r o t will probably be conveyed into the I waters and a spotless sky. Oh! where treasury as the law will be probably be MARY G’LBERT WRECK. to r, reported adversely the general land j mine ° " 'ner8 •«> eomp.etely snow the _____ ¡ 's there, however he'p'css his lot or for- repealed. 1 he money levied for many D enier in g ra n t forfeiture bill, and expressed the people under with “ debased 50-cent Tlie Yaquuia Buy .Ver»lias the follow- ,orn 1|Ì!< 8llrr,,:,ndings, who is beyond the dollars,” which would soon be worth " ,ller in hiding the branch ns belief th a t "congress hail not tin- power •to forfeit these lands, hut tliut the right nothing on account ol the vast over-pro yluin, has not lieen ton bed, and with a in:-’ on the wreck of the Mary Gilb :rt at i,lH‘'cn e of this clioieest of e a rtii’g l om- am ount added. the first Alsea: forters; this faithful friend which sur- t o them was vested in the railroads. I 'I*1'«<<'» of silver, caused by improved small w j. H. KüNä, i > EUGENE, OREGON. 1 LEAD, EUT NEVER FOLLOW I” 3. F rie n d ly SiY Even if congress had the power to forfeit 1,11,11,1' m achinery and the low price of ♦hem, it would he niijnst and inequitable t lalK,r! Tnese wise financial and poiiti to the railroad companies.’ The p or(. ! l'al leaders claim infallibility for them - land .Skin in eoiiiinenting, enyst j and their friends, upon this ques- O ur marvelously popular senator, Hon. Gi«n, and sneer at all who do not m- J . N. Dolph, with his customary solid- Htantly agree with them . They call the tude for the interests of the people mid 1 M*'v, r advocates “ fools," idiots,” and •«vijlent freedom from entiinglenieiit with republicans with populist »«rate interests,, in the senate e m u -! I’rlni'il,l« s.'' Tnev ridicule the i tea of uditee on public lands voted to re p o rt' “'D' n,“n . ,>r any iiumlwr of men, in t)r- advcrsely the house hill providing for !' •i011 ” ll,,'r ll,“n Ul*ir candidate, having forfeiture of the lands of railroad 1 l,l‘ ability or m erds required for o licial i where the roads were not com- ' lMK,,*i,’U- f!',:"c of them s iy it would l«e a great calam ity” and “ a ilisgrace to .-»irtlie time specified in the hills, the state," s mu..I .my other than their • built at a later period, understand th at tho apparent candidate lie elected, while others de- •if' of the gentlem an’s position is, uoun ’e mar-plot candidates or threaten St, th a t congress has no right to forfeit to read them and all their supporters •M the power to forfeit them , it would 1,1,1 *'n>I " ords to express their contempt building can he co up'eteil and furnish­ At about 2 p. m „ De -. 15t’i, the V1' e'‘ *',c «light of riches, and the wreck ed. The govenor says with tiiis an I the s hiMiner Mary Gilla’rt, after beat ng off ri'P :,tation, an I the break of health, l'r,s ,',,t « u>3 »1 the state prison nearly the co ist for tiie past ten days waiting and even the loss of dear and cherished linisned. Ore on will not need any more I°r the tug Koharts to to a- her into this friends? puhl c buildings for at least four years, hay, and weathering one of the worst l’ue governor w ill leave all sag. estions hurricanes that ever vis' teil I lie I’acifi • for new legislation to his sue,-cssor. Be- Coast, «ailed in over the liar hut unfor- voud making a eompre tensive s low.ng tnnately after she got into the bav the of state finan. es and lo ieily calling at- " ind failed her, and an chors were let go tention to some 21 re em endations in and sails taken in. At this time the tide past messages, w'oi, Il have never lieen " a s ehliqjg.very str.in ; an I t ie strain on acted upon by the leg islatin ', he w ill her cables «o great that the i-apstanear- gracefully give way to the new order of ■‘"“'I away and th en the vessel was run tilings, realizing tiiat Governor Lord and 0,1 «he north beach to prevent her drift- liis associates have a more recent billet "lg out to sea. Sue |iouii lcd around on of fresh instructions from the people. tile la a d i all Saturday night an I Sun­ Governor Pennoyer is very well satis- day, an 1 about 3 o'clock Monday morn- A dam s. lied with the condition of the state's big the tide and wind carried the sc I khiii - ,,ni1 118 «hiaticia! standing. He ♦♦ back into the c innnel where the crew *,1,'i ''o ,,tl'h‘liee in State Treas- “ ban loiiej her, lest they should dri t unjust and inequitable to the railroad ^,,r lll,'n *'ho, they say, advocated “ sound " r, r ban, and says that on Jan u - bito the breakers and !<• lost, but s c arv I, 1895, after two years of panic an 1 "'!ls carried a rosa the channel and went •«mpa mes. m oney" last spring, and are now trvn The way we understand the m atter is, I to “ ride into otliee astride of a d eb ased bard times, there will not be a state agr.,mid again on the south beach oppo. ♦lm t the railroad rompanica agreed to •|O-cetit dollar'" mounted on a “ |»q>ulist warrant outstanding, and there will lie money enough on hand to d fray the expenses of the legishi ure. Toe state has no debt and its financial standing is 8,'l'oni1 1,1 »one in the Union.—Lebanon build roads under certain conditions and lad.” Their intentions nia, I«1 good, w ithin a certain lim it of time. This «»it their information is not correct. " f*il(4l to do. They did not comply fbey lire measuring other |>eople's in- oe conditions. They failed to build tentions and motives by the gold stan- road within the time prescribed. ! *l*r'L Not one in a thousand of the K.vpi'fsn, ■ fence, we oonclude that congress has silver advocate« are interested in silver COLLEGE FOOTBALL. both the power and the right to forfeit mines or ever expect to be candidates ♦he grant. Having th at power, it ill Iw- fur olttee, and most of the republicans A roin.nuniealion to the Portland .«»„ «Cjiies a repreaiMitative of th e people to who are now advocating tbe restoration from Eugene contains the following: th at it would lie unjuat and in- °f tbe old silver dollar as a part of the l ootliall is doomed. Tue faculty of the to the railroad companies, primary money, ndvo ated the name state university hen- today passed an e-andingof our ex i.tm g run- .bing long before the people's party was order «ha, it will endeavor to prohibit ro v .a .o n a a n d la w s ls .th a ti. -g u m sed . They are simply go,ngs,m ight the game next vear The „!«„ is " ' 7 7 ...... tbe.v believe to have a meeting of uli p resalen u ■ of the people. M e may : for the brat interests of the whole in the state willi one representative onr m natructlon, snd i l*»ple, and if nearly all the democrat«. I student from each college, to decide rf^ O G D S , Guilts’ Furnishing G l o t h in c , Carpets, Boots und Shoes. G dim I s . Glassware, Groceries, Etc. Etc. H eadquarters for HOPS, W 331, WHEAT, 0AT3 ADD BARLEY. H ighest Price Paid for C ountry Produce. EUGENS . . . OREGON. T) F o r B a rg a in s in Real Property CALL ON OR A D D R E SS Hood’s is Good THE LANE COUNTY LAND & LOAN CO.» EGON. M akes P u re Blood l i ’i l c i - e i,lv F l- E I .'I U . G vi E Ig N 1 li E I , vita O |,v R p i.rn iie u t citizens regarding F lor­ S c ro fu la T h o ro u g h ly E r a d ic a te d . e n c e p r.ip c rty , II" w m the m arket ut wonderfully reduced prices: site S. Iteynoids's res.den e. where she T . I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: rc u m is . At low w ater her cargo was "It Is with |.|.usurp th 11 give you the details TO WHOM IT MAY CONUEBN : removed, ail I the s diooner ia rapi llv of our llttlo May's sichuess nmt her return to t I,c ic h e e r i l l e th a t f ............ o w n e r .,f th e p ro p e r, V know n ss F rastel health I jr the use cf Hood's barsaparllla. fcbs and Le,uv s „nrt ,.f Floren, e. «hiel. E. J Frasier is now ..(Tei mg for sale. That th e tilling w ith sail I and water and sett!.ng. was taken (tow n w ith 'A 1' " " 1 ...... f" " f1- ’'1’ I’ifn ,d s „ ,.l . T hat fruir trees and shn.bberv do we F ever a n d n C ad C eutxX S b ew illlw a total loss. The steam er Following this a s re came on her right si Ie be­ “ P-'ii «-ml land atol th e .a m o is desirable for residen inee property. J . G. S tevxxson , August i was at Wal.ljairt, hut was una­ tween the two low er rlhs. In a short tune an­ wop!. Public Schools. Lane comity. other broke on tho left shlo. She would take ble to render any ataistan e. Tiie crew spells i f sore rnsuth an I when we h id tuereed- j se vi. } will go down to Fr si o on the Homer, r I in « rrri.im ug tills she wool.I sun r with nt- Subscribed and sworn to before me tbis 8th tnc .s of high lever nn.l extwl Id .u .• I ..king _____ ’’’’T ”f M ardi. 1RH2. Jo arn ii A. Mmiais, and the captain will remain until he corrnpuon. h e r head w 's cheated u.ul inntier oozed from her ears. A lter each attack sha be- Notary Public hears ironi the vessel’s owners. TO WHOM JT m a y CONCERN : B ein g first d u ly - n .- r n I d e p o s e and say: That I liave tu rn a resident of Flor- Dr. P ric e ’« C ream B aking Powder esme worse and all treatment f i ’ed to yiveher C ' n n ' Oregon, lor t h e |>sst t s .'l v r years ; t i n t I rm fi,u ilir r and » e l eame and an treatm ent I fied to rive her W o rld 's F a ir H ig hest A w a rd . reli’-f u itilw e I rg-in t »i.-i-1! ... s a „ ■ . nil». Att. r she hadU h-none-half Ixrtth’ w eeo’uld s-e ' '1 "dinted u itb the property known ns “ F rasier and Iterrv's part of F lo ten ee.' ¡.'li* .’ ’L1' 1'"'¡‘T- eoic.lii .cl until sue H the -am e is lolmirahlv suited for residence property. Icing perfectly level and had taken taree laittles. New >..z t x»ks h.e CIGARS. rce from i|r i‘ting saml. Tlvat fruit I ret s and shcuht ery gro» well in tb e soil and T h e d o o m o f H e a lth and I. fat as a pig. We feet grateful, a id cannot th at pure well wa’e r is found on the sam e nt a depth of fr< n ten to fift.cn feet. ksk C. D. Tliotitas for a 10 or 6-ccnt s y mcniuclt i.i favor . I Ih snl's ¡var ap n iilix '' J o s k p ii A. M oaais, M en h s e t. eigir, ami the best in the market will G' Mi:*. A. M. A dam s . Inutan, Teti;ie%'*ce. b a v ,.’ Snt.scri' cd ami sworn to heh re me this I2lli H ood’s Pins i i’t easily, yet prtiinikly and |„ M I,cum ¡ng. eS.-iently, on the liver and howeh. 2So. day of M arch, Htjlg, J,. R tLY ir, Hood’s ^- Cures Notary P t t k > » ^