, « I i T h e tide of destiny is turning iasT ^l n tow ards Florence. All sorts of ac- L cuiuulation of facts point th at way L i r h a b it of T he W e < push, energy, | luck. I t i gri n a ry o f these m ount M AW yvww-«-W wa-ev. V. FLORENCE, LANE COUNTY, OREOON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 28, I8M. BUSINESS CAR Jb. GENERAL DIREOTORY T R A V ELFR & ' ÜUlUfc M F IG B T iM l O could, und then stopped and fuuglij. I found my.^lf where I could neither go forward nor backward. I was between NO HUBBY OB CONFUSION mannger has told the chef t the cooks in charge of thf t TATE OFFIOERS soup send up on the dum two fires. So J lay down behind a big pantry on the banqcetin pine tree, and—answered some corres- And Dealer In Fine Watches and Jewelry G overnor.................... Sylvester Pennoyer eens of soup. The earvi jfa.ndenee th at had been accumulating. E. B a n g s , ___ P ro p rie to r. Secretary of State .. Geo. W. McBride tx g e n o - . O re g o n . the interm ediary betwr J After about three hours it became dark '^'reM ,lrer.......................... Philip Metelien Leaves Eugene on Monday s and the waiters, stations > ’ , ^enough for me to ¿0 back into our lines. Supt. Public Instruction. E. B. McElroy I hursdays a t 6 a. ui , arriving in try. His office is one State Printer............... Frank C. Baker! “ In trying »u.dislodge Johnston ‘from 1 .................R. A .B ean 'l HENRY A. BAY, Agent n I- o lorcnce re u c e u the ie d day a y following at 4 p. in. sible of all in cone th at poajlion we fought step by step Supreme Court . . . . . . . F . A. Moore t r\ , R eturning—La quet. In servir —Leaves Florence on While the People Were At­ along uVbuntain sides. The troops were T » » i» y » Fl The Amount of Labor on a er dishes be ni ridays a t 8 a. m., Judge Second U istrict.. ..J. C. Fullerton so near tpgetber th at they could taijf to tending Church. so tbgt all dine A ttorney Second District.Geo. M. Brown arriving in E ngeue-the day follow- Of Salem, Oregon. each other. Once somebody on our side Publio Dftiner. T Í Í 8 1 s t * 1* le ,*.‘b '> g in s u ra n c e c o m p a n y o f th e i l l f f a t 7 l > 111 and that withoi cullet) out: H ii ilfto l ii n i iid , risai. n V* ** '.'barter of a in eh .«“'i f? dw elling» and farm properly a cooked in a d fan t I ’irin iV ii . A',',ri'8s *“ * “ ■ O 'lrdliicr, Oregon, and ( " 'Hold on, Johnny, and hear the COUNTY OFFICERS I w ill ta il upon you and insure your property. Ite m ln lu c e M « <1 Single fare . . . _ $5.00 pots im mersed^g Ig. ‘P n t . u M „ „ h . d pr?e k k „ t > iwuci#niation? Th© C h e f U hr an A rm y o f C o o k s an f him. We were before Kenesaw one Itefore him. Sherman wouldn’t listen office a s the carver, though the respon­ day evening at the church. Everybody lay, when General Thomas came up to forms is in the hands of four experts. cordially invited. R .C . B lackwell , to it nt first. After some time be sent sibility is not so great. When the the breastworks and began peering Three men make the ice cream. Two Pastor. TO McPherson down to pass through the through the logs at a distant part of the nas left the hands of the four r o a s tin g C H IC A C O men make confections and cakes alone. cooks the strain iu the kitchen begin« I gap, and then h it Johnston a lick as lie W A S H IN G T O N Bread making is an a rt in itself, in lessen. The roasting cooks, soup CJOk»7 NOTARIES. What are those fellows doing over PlCT0P'*V retreated. Meanwhile Thomas, with the P H IL A D E L P H IA charge of three bakers. Eight men are there?’ he asked. ‘Building some new arm y of the CmnherlunJ, held the front vegetable and frying cooks, and tb» lh « n TO N E W YORK works, are th ey ?’ kept in reserve to clean things and assist and center, and was to attack Johnston III the meat room, look on at th e men in S A L T L A K E , D E N V E R , A. R. BUTTOLPH, “ 1 looked around. The rest of the generally, and ten women and two men BOSTO N A ND A L L the pastry, ice cream , and c o n fe c tio n e r y and push him hack. That was tlie posi­ staff had slipped buck I was young then O M A H A , K A N S A S C IT Y , P O IN T S E A S T «ad S O U T H tion Thomas held and the work he had and didn’t know any better. So I spoke are occupied in washing pots and kettles departm ents, and listen to the rattling C H IC A G O , S T . L O U S For inform ation, tim e c ard ., m aps and tickets, to do all through the 118 days. Thomas np: ‘I'll go out and see what it m eans.’ and cleaning dishes. Over all the force "f pots, kettles, pans, and dishes In tho cal, on or write And Collector. AND ALL “ I started out hi front of our line. I Mr. Ranhofer keeps liis eyes. He Is fa­ scullery. The forty cooks are a tired attacked, as directed. Howard was Office tw o door» wcet ul Florence Hotel. had out a notebook and sketched the miliar with the specialty of each of bis E A S T E R N C IT IE S , called on to make the movement. W'e lot ul men when the banquet is over, A . D. C H A R L T O N , new works as rapidly as I could. I had cooks. He can give a scullery man A ssistant G eneral Passenger Agent. had to go through a narrow pass, just got about ail I wanted when a t il figure and glad enough to hear the chef say points on scrubbing a soiled pot as well P o rtla n d O r large enough for a railroad track, a loomed up before me and made a pro­ “ au revtiir.” An hour after the 300 JOE MORRIS, Jr as tell the man iu the meat or roasting wagon roH,l and a small stream. In found bow. It was Colonel Bloialgood, people have been served the kitchen and EAST AND SOUTH departm ent how to prepare a canvas- front of ns was a small hill. Behind that as calm and cool ns if there wasn't a the scullery are ns quiet as a sacristry. Confederate w ithin Bid miles, and all tbe hack dock; lie can judge an uudercrust riio tables and benches have been T HE SHASTA R O U T E we didn’t know what we would find, time the bullets were going ‘sip,’ ‘ping,’ with the same certainty th at lie can save th at we knew that Johnston’s army on all sides. I returned the greeting. 1 scrubbed, the ranges have Imen close1' bonlmns, mottoes, or odd confec­ OF THE was there. and the stone slabs are spotlessly i knew I was in fur it. tions. Southern Pacific Co. Making sketches?’ lie suggested. ATTORNEYS howabd ' h bravehy . ’S S X ’Ä ? “ - WOMAN SUFFRACIS"' When the dinner hour arrives the m a­ ‘Yes,’ said I ; ‘Imt I've finished.’ ExpreMK Traili« Lenve P ortland Daily. “ Howard—well, he is the bravest man I think you could see better over chinery of the service is set in motion by I | N oni, T acoma , Dee. 22.— A cat, personally I ever knew. He went through this wav,’ leading me into the most e x ­ Mr. Ranhofer in the kitchen and by En- I f-v Porti,in . Af | 8:2« " " ' “i'.;.;.',",".;1- ■-■' i.:1* h p ,n ) Lv A. C. WOODCOCK, Fugeiie I.V 2:« a iu j ^ ,e kap to that hill for a good position posed position. woman suffragists inWl, lO.inn ni I Ar San r'ruucincu j.v , .. . gene G arnier, the m aitre d ’botel, iu the county delegation to th o /1 “ He kept this 4 up about 15 uiiriute«. I » T h r o u g h P o ll,n a n and T o u r is t S lr r p t r ., Ìnuu'i'^ìu*'"1 U " 1! Hl 1,11 " '" b o n s tro n i p * o r t to direct the troops. I said to him just la ll.r r 'i'i ‘ " " K - 'd . a lle r t it i. , under pretext of «citing i better views of , banquet room. The head waiter looks week that a sygteniaticV B liefore we s t a r t e d : iia lM -> . I la r r f s h u r g . J i i i i f t l o n t I t y , I r v i n g K n F r e e I te r lln ln g ( h a ir t a r a . ge n e, , o in s t.a ks. O r a i , , , a n d a ll s ta tio n » fr o m the new Work«. I knew he was doing it for a glance from the m aitre d ’botel. started toward securing »'to. D in in g C a ra . R o-eburg to Ashlauil h irln slv e “ ‘General, you are a corps command- • O re g o n Busen«, to get me shot. I stoml it just as long Thirty waiters, one for every ten per- For rates and general inform ation call on or BOSKBVRU MAIL, DAILY. women of W ashington. TJ» i er. 5 on ought not to expose yourself in as I could, and then I said : •fW Koonn 7 And R M cLaren’« B uilding. address «:«<) sons, stand silently by expecting a look Ialine will be asked to d r c l A IU 1 1 I.V P ortland Ar 1 exo I. m this way.’ pecial i 2 P m 1 Lv Eugene “ ‘Coloiml Bi is id good, you are the bate busiuexs. Lv 10:20 a m „ from the head waller. The manager 5:50 P in 1 I f W . H. HVRLBUBT, Kocehurff Lv 1 ■joo « m lumai am endm ent to 1« e Voteci. O n , n o ; said lie, ’come on.' bravest man I ever saw. I ’m scared to Asst. d e a l. Pass. Agent, says “ all rig h t” to Hie head waiter, the people in .Xovcnihtr, 181 d eath ,’ and I made a run for our line. 81)8, a < ' I "W ell, we s'arleil—four of us. Before •XH W ashington St Cor. Ed. PORTLAND, OR P u l l m a n B u f t e t S l e e p e r s L. R. JOHNSON, head waiter waves Ids hand at the wait- then adopted, will give w o n ic^® "Bloodgood, as I learned afterward, we got to that little hill the general had I ARD to vote o i l all propositions a t w | bad got hack into the arm y with a new er". »‘»d the thirty men g-i to t h e i r « bullet throng!) his coat, the orderly SECOND CLASS SLEEPING CARS command. Now, just to show how in- signed places at tlie tables. The head l ui (Mi un «•<| iih I footing atta ch e d to a ll Through Tinlna. was shot in the leg. the color-lwarer w as justice will follow a man, let me say I hut The effort is being harked to J» waiter lias divided the men under him extent try tlie W. C. T. U. of t l / ’ : All my work will be w arranted to give _ Weat Side Divisia killed, and my saddle was gone. What a^ er war Hloodgoisl got a commission B etwefn P ortland ano C orvallis satisfaction. Call on or write to me at into squads of six or ten, and ha« given T*“’ .... .. of six T h u rtd ? M a il t r a in i » a il y (ix< f i - r - i m » a y j « e found beyond th at bill was a great ! in the regular army. One day lie had S T A O E L .IN H 3. 7:W n m the best waiter in each squad instruc­ a s k e d (I n 1’ie rc c c o m ity d e k ' I F e r r ia n d Ar I S:S» a si sone words with a young lieutenant. The 12:15 p m am phitheatre with the stream damned, C ervsllla Lv 11:00 p m "CIO p r e s e n t , t h e p l u i l l ^ R latter taunted him with having lieen dis- tions to keep a watchful eye over the o f O ^ , m 7 a í ! ' l i c , ¿ . " ¡ ñ 1i Ü . ' ' o n , , ' ’r ‘ ” " h ' " ’ »»>• « " ' I all around on knolls and behind missed from the army for eowardiee. th e y h ,i in r c g a id to ftypa more inexji. riencid men. Tl Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes- K trR R x M TRAYXrt D A ÎL T (EH KPT R I'X h A T .) maître 11.c v w e re s u r p r i s e d t o works Were artillery and infantry. A s B loodgiH id g o t h is fellow officer in a r,a,ni JOHN C. GRAY, ilayfl and Friday«. « a, p m l l v P ir tk o .l ArlM a d'liotel conmiimicates thn a s|K'.ik- •iX u ie iid a rs of t h e d e le g a ti Lv | * fn aoon as our troop* (smetrated that great and gave him a thorough licking. Both Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs- 7-25 p m I Ar M cM innville D E N T A L SORCERY. fuvored subm itting the qiles davs and Saturdays. were dismissed from the army. The last ing till« w ith the chef. "'<• "«•tern Rtid !.. Enro|K. «r pit the atom, (.pencil from all sides. It 1 heard of lllisslg oil he was postal agent Connects with Steam er ami Scotts­ • lowest <. < I l l the kitchen the forty cooks stand constitutional am endm ent, rs nnndn te . from G. i d s ritn l r . A tw re n «, Eugene Tha twat wnrk at the moat Reasonable Prices. burg Stage Line for Drain. was a trap. To make any impression Also with Office over Grrnre Store. on a railroad.”— Sun. silently in tin ir various departm ents. Taylor says he te n suffragists ' R. K oewler . f p j Ü x ,*,,,, Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge ■ * * « • « • O rw g o n . Mau.p r A-t. f». F and i’a-« Art. U pon s u c h a position was lieyond human will Vote to submit the reasonable. D r . P rice’sC rcaitt (iakinji Powdet Tl,ey talk more I....I’le and vote to can- PorUand. Greg»«. . |«iwer. Our triHips went as far re tbev /-«.wrjsd i »«I M*,l>: MMvalir I nr .» t rasca than la absolutely necessar Wimn the at the polla. HORACE N. CRAIN, eugene - flo rex ce Practical W atchmaker — STAGE LINE. Howard Wouldn’t ’Fire on Marietta Production of a Perfect­ ly Punning Force. State hisnrance Comp y Head of Tide Hotel, Steam er N «?obarts ßANK Florence to Yaquina. E. HANSON, Clothier. HATS of Tifle. CAPS, O R TH ER N PACIFIC. JBOG STOKE. P TO M THBOUGH THROUGH TICKETS rout T IC K E T S Notary Public, Surveyor ^'koranoo, ^CrQgon. 1 Notary Public, Land Agt .Fiorano» 3 1-2 DAYS TO CHICAGO HOUKS HOURS Attorney at Law, Cofltrattor and Boilfler. Florence, O J k F lID IJ S rE F l Ore. H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, Kffl qqpy, ,