'U P TH E W EST, guilty, in Chicago, of conspiracy to ob­ struct th e mail tra in s, and sentenced to six m ouths im prisonm ent. — PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING.— The p ile-driver has driven piling in — AT— front of Mover & K yle’s w harf, ami also F lorence , L ane C ounty , O regon put down several row s on th e w ater front allo ttin g th e M orris hotel property, on II. F. ALLKV, E d ito r a u d P r o p r ie to r . which a w harf will lie built. M erchant K yle h ad a large stock of d r e ss g o o d s p tled on h is c o u n te r s lust — T erm *: *2.00 a vear in advance. S atu rd ay , they having just arrived on E nteret! a t ttie post-office a t Florence, the R obarts. We th in k th ey are h an d ­ L ane c o unty, Oregon, aa ueeond-claaa som e, and th e ladies will agree witli us ■nail m a tte r. w hen th ey see th em . Since tiie Rol a rts cam e in, a look in Meyer & K y le ’s store recalls th e fact KDVERridlNO RATE« MADE KNOWN ON AP­ th a t th e liaudsoiiiest and largest a sso rt­ PLICATION. Local notices 8 cents per line, each insertion. ed stock of dress goods, fresh from New Y ork. Chicago and P o rtlan d , is now to T his will N otice .— Professor J . M. W illiam s, of he seen on th e ir shelves. E ugene is our agent autl is authorize«! to please th e Indies. L ate d isp atch es say th a t th e action receive subscriptions, advertising and m oney tor T he W est and receipt for the begun by tiie republican sta te central com m ittee to co n test th e election of Ja s. sam e. H. B udd, for governor of C alifornia, lias F or W est S ubbcriuekb .—Ar­ been throw n out of court. Tiie only a l­ tern a tiv e now left th e rep u b lican s is to rangem ents have been made where­ carry th e co n test to ttie sta te legislature. by we will give T he W est and the Weekly Oregonian f°>' 82.00. This offer includes all our paid up subscilbers and tnose who pay all arrearages, and pay one year’s sub­ scription in advance. It also in­ cludes new subscribers. W E S T L IN G S . W A N T E D —W ell preserved Elk In.rim, n o t less Ilian 14 points. A pply at A. 0 . F u n k e ’» H ardw are Store. A fine line of bedding a t M eyer & K y le’s. O ur m erc h an ts sold m any goods last S aturday. E ugene is to have a cream ery and cheese factory. T he circulation of T he W est is c< n- sta n lly increasing. W ool, h a ir, and wire m attresses a t M eyer & K yle’s store. T he Spruce P oint saw m ill will com ­ m ence operations today. C h ristin as e n te rta in m e n t M onday eve­ n in g a t the P resbyterian c hurch. Call on M arr & S itte v for bargains in C hristm as u n J New Y ear candies. B lacksm ith Behnke lias m ade two a n ­ chors for tu e pile d riv er th is week. A bout 100 piles will have been driven on th e river front a t the close of tne w eek. T he com ing spring will bring industries to add to tiie prosperity of ttie Siuslaw valley. O sborne Mowers and R akes for sale at M eyer & K yle's. Come and see for yourself. G reatly to ottr advan tag e would he a lew in d u stries tlia t give em ploym ent to w orkingm en. Bedsteads and all o th e r lilies of house fu rn itu re are a tresh invoice of goods at M eyer J4, is 48,134,029, a decrease of 43,809,889 from last year. T he handsom est dishes ever presented to view in tin s city are now oil e x tiiu l- lioil at M eyer & K yle’s store. T here are about 20 cream eries iu th is sta te . Ttie one to he b u ilt on th e Stus- law wili swell the n u m b e r one. A t a session of th e school board on D ecem ber 14,1894, th e clerk was ordered to pay 450 on school house seats. M r. C. D. Tlionias, th e genial m anager of th e Florence Drug Store, has some holid ay cigars for lovers of a good H a ­ va ua. M rs. S h elto n , of E ugene, diet! a t M on­ m o u th , O r., on Dee 12tn, aged 80 years. Deceased cam e to Oregon from M issouri in 1840. Tug R oberta retu rn e d from P o rtlan d a n d A storia on S atu rd ay last, being a b ­ s e n t for fourteen days, owing to rough w eather. M erchant O W . H urd m et with a eevere accident by trip p in g and failing to th e floor. H is foot am i a n k le were badly injured. T he dam age done to th e R obarts while a t A storia, by being run again st by tiie H a rv est Q ueen, will aggregate $2500, aay her ow ners. A pleasant party , given by th e young people a t th e residence of L eonard C h risten sen on T hursday evening, proved a n enjoyable g a th e rin g . T he Medford M ail inis been enlarged to a six colum n qu arto . B iiton & ork do not propose to lie outran k ed in e n te r­ prising journalism in S outhern O regon. T h ere will lie services in th e M E. ch u rch in G lenada th e th ird and fourth S undays of each m onth. R. C. B lackwell , P . C. S team er Coos will leave Florence on C h ristm a s day for M apleton at 3 o clock p. in., and tak e all who desire to a tte n d th e dance a t th e fish hatch ery for half­ fare. T he handsom est fu rn itu re , carpets, a n d o th er fixtures, have arrived for the new residence of M erchant K yle, and no lady in tow n is m ore deserving of them th a n Mrs. K yle. T here will 1* a C hrism as dance a t A cm e, on the evening of th e 25th, to w hich all are invited. C harges, includ­ ing supper, »1 25. Coos will charge 25 c en ts for round trip. M ethodist Pastor R C. Blackwell is in Florence and will preach a t G lenada on S u n d a y . N ext week please notice Ids reg u lar a p p o in tm en ts un d er th e head of “ church d irec to ry .” E ugene V. Debs, president of the Am­ e ric an R unw ay U nion, b a . tieeu louml . t-. X S B U T T E R M A K IN G . little che ntaile its d e h u t in to The Mail family M unday m orning am) is as bright A C u rrea p o u d rn t Iliu ru *«*♦• th e S u b je c t and lively as is tiie c ountenance and U Itli A b ility a n d P rofit. step of tins proud fa th e r as he sallies forth to buy cigars in honor of th e oc­ F lorence , O re ., Dec, 17, 1S94. casion.—MtdJ'uid Mail. M r . E ditor Seeing un at tid e in Bids were opened for the im provem ent yo u r in tv ie stn .g paper, a n d the query of tiie w ater front by th e council on last "W ill the ladies e x p la in ? ” I will ven­ M onday evening, and tliat of the Siuslaw tu re to ask space enough to try to solve Boom and T im ber C om pany was 41203 th e question of wliv it is th a t farmers* w ithout rocking and 41609 when n ek is wives generally m ake such poor bu tter. used. Mr. M. J . lla d s a ll’s hid was 85 I do not propose to e n te r into the p a r­ cents per toot, not u sin g ' rock, and ?1.05 tic u lars of th e subject as to why the w ith ruck. Botli bids were laid on tiie b u tte r is poor: hut to trea t the yi/sf tab le for th e present. I t is generally c au se; th e y "'ije re n c e which is the root believed th a t a cheaper class of work of ilie carelessness, neglect, ignorance, will he necessary, or th e w hole schem e am i in some cases tilth , which results in abandoned, as th e property owners can ­ our m arkets being tilled w ith poor h 'lt- not afford to pay th e price. Any one who has c hildren will rejoice T he fault lies as m uch with the dealer w ith L. B. M ulford, of Plainfield, N. J. as w ith th e producer. W hat in d u ce­ H is little hoy, five years of age, was sick m ent is th ere for a wom an to use th e e j - w ith croup. F or tw o days and nights tra work ami tim e in m aking good b lit­ he tried various rem edies recom m ended ter, w hen her neighbor hM just a» good by friends and neighbors. H e says: “ I a price lor her b u tte r a t half the tim e th o u g h t sure I would lose h im . I hud and labor spent in m aking itf U nless seen C h a m b e rlain ’s Cough Rem edy ad­ h n tte r is able to proclaim its own quali vertised mid th o u g h t I would try it as a ties to the purchaser, then* I* no differ­ last hope und am Inippy to say th a t a f­ ence m ade in tin* price. Jiie re it an in­ ter two doses he slept u n til m orning. ju stice in this ail around Id very good 1 gave it to him next ilay and a care was T h a t you will often effected. I keep thia reriiedv in the bread am i very poor 1er on a farm- k a s o n of th is house now and as soon as any of my e r ’s tab le is true, but children show signs of croup 1 give it to is obvious. M e^iatcprob- - them and tliat is th e l a if n f tf.“ 60 I'Wrt ahfy nttu t le It. -I.t^e. tne bottles for sale by Florence D ruggist. ¡ tire for m aking g. od bread for years, while th e o p p ortunity to practice upon P O U N D S O C IA L . ttie fine a lt of m aking good b u tte r is F or a few days M esdam es M. F. usually lim ited, on tiie farm, to a sh o rt P hillips and Alice E. B u rn s l ave been tim e du rin g tiie stiring m onths. Tliat arranging a pound social to he given at tiie a it ol milking good h n tte r ia one to th e residence of P a sto r K notts. As to which tiie average farm er's wife lias lit­ num bers it was c ertain ly a success and tle tim e to excel in, is a fa c t; and th a t w hen considering sociability ami a royal oilier ditties often prevent th e exercise e n te rta in m e n t, it could not have been of intelligence iu liu tter m aking to a tine surpassed. E ac h was to present the point, is one cause of inferior b u tte r be­ P a sto r’s fam ily w ith a pound of som e­ ing sold by tiie farm ers. And un d er th in g th a t was valuable. The literary these circum stances I believe » cream ery part began and ended w ith a reading by in any country is a help to th e farm er, R everend K n o tts. T h e presents were and 'lie b u tte r m arket also. Tliat th e Siuslaw c o untry is p articu­ num erous, and it is to he Imped, som e­ th in g of value. A m ong th e large n um ­ larly adapted to c attle and th e ir pro- id nets, is evident to any one used to ber present we noted th e follow ing: M r. ami Mrs. Jo h n Y a te s; M r and h an d lin g stuck. I would like at some future tim e to Mrs A m asa H u rd ; M r. and Mrs. L. C h risten sen ; M r. am i Mrs. Jack A nder­ discuss tiie lies! wav to m ake good but­ son ; Mr. am t Mrs. J . C. B ro w n ; Mr. ami le r w ith th e cheap facilities at hand on M is. C. C. B e h n k e; Mr. am i Mrs. F. J . a farm . But if tiie E ditor will bear witli K obe; Mr. and M rs. W in. K y le : Mr. and m e a little longer, I will m ention one M rs. J . A. M yers; Mr. and Mrs. O. W. m ost im p o rta n t item . T h at is: out of H urd ; Mr. ami Mrs I). E . Severy and good, fresh, enol cream comes good, From Mr. and M rs. B. F. A lley. M esdam es sw eet liutter, in spite ot you. M. F . P hillips, K anoff, A. E . B urns, O. poorly m anaged cream the best liu tter A. F u n k e, F oster, F u n k e, E . B. M iller, m aker in th e world will have poor b u t­ E. E . M arr ami H. Howe. M isses Mag- te r, and all tiie work and doctoring in gie Jo h n so n , B irdie S ettle and C hristine th e world will not freshen it. M bs A. G. W ed d le . H olger. M essrs. Geo. O. K now les, J . A. Pond, Ed F u rn ish , C laude Y ates and P E O P L E P O IN T E D O U T . C hristensen. For rh e u m a tism 1 have found n o thing equal to C h a m b e rla in 's Pain Balm . It relieves tiie pain as soon as applied. J . W. Young, West L iberty, W . Va. Tiie prom pt relief it affords is alone worth m any tim es the cost, 60 cents. Its con­ tinued use will effect a perm anent cure. F or sale by D ruggist. M any vv ill regret to learn th a t all of the ch ild ren of N. 11. B jeldanes are dead hut one, th e baby th a t was when th e fam ily left here for M innesota. T he c h ild ren , th ree in n u m b er, died of scar­ let fever. T he bereaved p a ren ts can lie assured th ey have m any sym pathetic frien d s in Florence a n d vicinity. A h an d so m e fire hell was puieliaeed in P o rtlan d bv M r. W in. K yle when in th a t city recently, and will be used by th e F lo ren ce fire d e p artm e n t. T he hell weighs 350 pounds and cost 440. T he com pany will soon have It hung, and its long-tongued tones will lie heard. I t arriv ed on th e R o b arts S atu rd ay . Mr. 11. II. l isk sta te s th a t on March 1st next th ere will he m ore sidew alks laid in his town th a n th ere a re iu Flor­ ence. We hope th e sta te m e n t will prove to he tru e , for a little wholesom e com pe­ titio n in th is d irection would prove to he beneficial to o u r people and s tir up th e ir e n te rp risin g sp irit a considerable. A p art of the ste rn and how of th e T. W. Lucas was w ashed on shore, near th e life-saving sta tio n a t G a rd in er re­ cen tly , to g eth er w ith the p a rt of the cral't on w hich h e r nam e was painted. T hese C aptain B ergm an, com m ander of th e life-saving sta tio n , has in keeping, ami prove th a t th e vessel has gone to pieces. News From Eugene. The L adies Aid Society recently gave an e n te rta in m e n t to raise money for a From the Eugene Guani. scm ml-hell. M erchant K yle was dele­ A m um m ified specim en of a cat was gated p urchasing agent, a n d when in P o itlam l th e o th er day, he bought the found under one of th e old buildings be­ hell, w inch is a beauty. T he directors ing torn o u t on N inth stre e t to m ake wilt have it put in place a t or over the room for th e C onser brick block. I t is school building, am i the stu d e n ts of this well preserved am i would do credit to city will he called together a t the tap of any m useum . It should he sent to the S m ithsonian In stitu te . the hell. If th ere is anv person who ju stly m er­ We are sending out, each week, a large lot ot e x tra papers to parties w ho are in­ its all the hard th in g s said about him q u irin g a bout th is co u n try . News item s, and deserves th e scorn of th e women of ami especially those w here im provem ents th e co u n try , it is th e would-he m asher. T hat th ere is “ no fury like a w om an’s are in progress, won hl add m uch to the sc o rn ” is w ell-know n, and one of these interest of th e paper. All th a t feci tlia t news of th is kind would benefit them m ashers found out last evening to his and th e ir neighborhood and th e ir coun­ discom fiture, ami profit we hope, th a t try generally, should not h e sita te to for­ th ere is scarcely any fury equal to a wom an insulted. One of these in d iv id ­ ward them tor publication. uals accosted a lady on ottr streets last Tiie McCor nackf, P astor K n o tts, Dep­ evening and before he had hardly re al­ uty M arshal H a rris, assisted by c o n tri­ ized w hat had happened th e lady treated butions w hich the la tte r gentlem an so­ him to such a perfect show er of locks as licited, built a sidew alk from M erchant she was enabled to lay h e r hands o n . H u rd ’s residence to the c h u rch . This If they were all tre a te d in an equally will en ab le th e lower tow nspeople to em phatic m anner, th e custom of street react» ttie P resb y terian editice on a side­ m ashing would soon grow unpopular. w alk, wtiile ttie less favored am i poverty- stricken citizens on th e south m ust go From the Eugene Register. through ttie sand or stay at hom e. “ I t is a pleasure to sell C h a m b e rlain ’s M r. E. E . B enedict, who lias just re ­ Cough R em edy,” says Stickney à D ent­ tu rn ed front tlie Siuslaw , says tiie peo­ ier, druggists, R epublic, O hio, “ because ple th e re are building a n um ber of good 11 custom er after once using it, is alm ost guhstantial w harves along th e river nt c ertain to call for it w hen again in need th e various boat landings. T here is also of such a m edicine. We sell more of it a m ovem ent on font to build a long th a n of any o th e r cough m edicine we w harf on th e G lenada siile of tiie river, h andle, a n d it alw ays gives satisfac­ one w hich will cost in th e neighborhood tio n .” F or cougus, colds a n d croup, it of 42.500. T he sh ip p in g business of tliat is w ithout an equal. For sale by Drug river is now lieconiiiig q u ite extensive, ami file people a re aw akening to tiie gists. T iie W est lias given to its readers and needs. tiie public generally, tastier and c heaper From the Oregon State Journal. periodicals th an all o th ers together in tiiis p a rt of th e co u n try . I t lias done M U S T W A IT F O R A L IC E N S E . ttiis largely a t its own expense, and now adds a n o th e r point to its e re o it tiy giving A g entlem an from Florence precinct th e weekly Ihegonian to all oi its sub- „ „ j olie „( , lle p re tty g irls of tlia t see- seiibers. T ne o p p o rtu n ity will he Inn- tjo || ,lt.ci(le(1 , o we,j. T his week tiie ited to a certain period, tln-relore parties gri)l)lll 8e„ , un or,|e r lb th e c u nity clerk m ust suliscribe at once. T iib W est for [or „ |,ut th e ord er was not ae- |2 and th e weekly Oregonian free. com panied by th e a tf d a v it as tiie law Mr. Ira P. W etm ore, a prom inent real requires und no license Could he issued e state agent id Salt Angelo, fe x a s, lias until such affidavit is filled. Ttie county used C lia m h erlain 's Colic, C holera and (.|e r k sent th e proper affidavit to ttie Diarrhoea Rem edy in his fam ily for sev- g entlem an and no dou b t it will come eral years as occasion required, and al ba< k properly filled out. Ttie license ways witli perfect success. H e say s: wili th en he issued am i th e re will he a ‘I find it a perfect cure for our baby, happy wedding iu the Siuslaw country, when troubled w ith colic o r dysentery. and an appropriate m otto for tiie event I now (eel tlia t m y outfit is not com plete will las “ B etter L aie th a n N ever.” w ithout a bottle of tiiis Rem edy at hom e M r. Cusidy will probably visit Siuslaw or on a trip aw ay from hom e.” For sale c o untry in tiie near future and arrange liy Druggist to put in a eream ery th e re . Some people E n g in eer Jack A nderson reported a t here, w ho do n o thing but sit around and tiiis office tlia t a huge a n d big-rolling com plain, have tieen try in g todiscouroge wave of th e ocean dashed a g ain st tiie Mr. Uasiily liv giving liini very tmfavor- lighthouse on Tillam ook rock, b reaking a i>|e reports a bout tiie Siuslaw , but tiie out tiie glass and dem olishing th e roof, gentlem an told our local scribe th a t it No light lots lietn reflected from tlia t siuslaw people c a ll raise cows th ey can liotise since Sunday nig h t last, tiie lim e gopport ami m ake money out of a cre am - th e dam age was done. T he in ju ry was e ry . We inform ed tlie g entlem an tliat easily discernable to the crew of tiie gm slaw is one of th e lies! d airy regions R obarts as site passed tliat statio n Fri- i|, Oregon amt gave Idin specific instances day. It is also reported tlia t men are o| (arm ers of th a t seetioti wlm each year engaged in rep airin g tiie dam age. nit Ik from 10 to 30 cows and m ake liu tter W. T. Y ork, of The M ail, failed to h y h a i n l a n d e l i i p t l i e s a m e t o S a i i F r u n - show up a t tiie office tiie fore part of tiiis cisco. And w h a t’» m ore, we told him week—th e » nyforeiieiM of w hich was ex- th a t tiie people down l,y tire sea are al- p ta in n l wl.eti it was m entioned on tiie ready interested in th e cream ery busi- streets tlia t Inuisebnld affairs—iu tiie ness and some ol th e d airym en are al sh a ll» of a seven an I a It n ( prem I girl— n nly n u k in g n t excellent q u a lity 0 , w ere u e m a n o ilig tils a lk rn tiv u . Ila tiilir w e Dr. S au b ert cam e down from Acme on S aturday evening. M r. F ra n k K now les, of Seaton was a visitor in Florence on last S aturday, Mr. .lam es F airw entlier ami wife were up from tiie G overnm ent jettie s on S a t­ urday. M r. J . J . C am pbell, who resides up tiie river, called a t our otftte last S a tu r­ day and inform ed us th at lie expected bis fa th e r soon to arriv e Ironi tiie east. Mr. J . C. Luckey, ol Indianola, Iow a, was a visitor to Florence this week. H e is tiie foster father of Ex. M arr, and tliat g en tlem an was tru ly glad to see Mr. L uckey. C ap tain Joint Bergm an, com m ander of tiie life saving station at G ardiner, cam e up to F lorence on Saturday last and retu rn e d on M onday. We are sorry to learn tlia t Mrs. Bergm an is iu poor ____ ____ h e a lth . SCH O O NER ON THE BEACH. 9 T h e M ary i i t l b e i t Awhore o n th e Houth 4|>It at A l«ea Itiv e r . (M News reached thia city W ednesday, th a t the Murv G ilbert, from San F ran­ cisco, C aptain Dodge com m anding, sail­ ed into th e Alsea liv e r on S aturday last and east anchor. After two or three days her anchor chain broke and the schooner d iitte d on the south spit where she ia now lying, partly on h e r side and considerably buried in th e Band. The : schooner was unloaded, stripped and left to her fate. The loss is not reported | nor ia it know n w hether the schooner id insured or not. SUNDAY G e n e r a l M e rc h a n ts . ★— W E KSE? THE S E R V IC E S . I!i:v. I. G. K nottb , P astor . Sunday School nt 10 a. in. Tiie ser­ vices a t tiie P resb y terian church Su it- day will be in keeping witli C tuistm as th o u g h ts. M orning th e m e : “ C h rist O ur M orn­ ing S ta r.” E vening th e m e : “ C hrist the New T heology.” & eas VO TE OF TH A N K S. B. F. A lley . D ear Sir:-4-At a regular session of our school T uesday, Decemlier JM, 189jU.it vole of i j ^ i k s | u s passed to yourself ittuT w ile'for i.fferntg the prizes which were given last week. We re­ quest th a t tiie above lie published R espectfully, T he F lobexcb S chool . [W e c ertain ly esteem tiie kindness expressed in th e foregoing curd of th an k s. I t is so little tlia t we have done, a n d tlia t little deserving a very sm all a m o u n t of credit, tlia t causes this kindly le tte r to he tiie m ore keenly a p ­ preciated. Som e way our own struggles for an education have led 11s up to a point ol tak in g a deep in terest in tiie m ental ■ acq u irem en ts of o th ers, and especially tiie stu d e n ts in our own school. N oth­ ing pleases ns more th an to encourage and help th em . Ed.J Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Glassware, Crockery, Drugs, Isdicines, Paints, Oils, Windows, Doors, Build* ers’ Supplies. WE TAKE YOUR MEASURE AND HAVE FULL SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED- 7 6 8 HANDSOME PATTERNS- A CARD. I L In th is public way we would like t o p th an k th e friends w ho gath ered a t the m anse in such num bers, rem em bering ua in friendly sym pathy and a gubstuu- tial donation. We have alread y forgiven thoge who planned th e su rp rise, and hope tiie Lord will take none of you “ to H im self in grace” until after the next donation. K indly, R ev . and M rs . K notts . * Coffee Yr Z E B RAKING MTCER i E M E l S T T S . * W hen R ates are e q u a l why n o t g e t th e b e s t? Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder World'« Fair H ighest Medal and Diploma. F ID D L E ALW AYS TRADE AT CREEK. Bv R ustí er . Fiddle Creek is im proving. J . M. Young is building a new barn. Fiddle Creek cattle are looking line; best of any I have seen. The wind is blowing and dead trees are falling. Look out for y our cattle, Uncle Sam . R eaders ol T he W est who follow the d airy business, see Mr. L ow e; lie w ants your calves before you kill them . U ncle W illis Brown has fine potatoes for sale for 35 cents per bushel a t home, and w hat he can get lor them in town. M eyer I ! j &> K yle’s. W. M. RENSHAW, RÆarr & S afley — The— «»e Wholesale ar.d Retail * * LIQUOR DEALER. i L e n d in g B ra n d s for OR. CREAM H ★ WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE GERMAN AMERICAN INSURANCE CO ,OF NEW YORK. AND THE PHOENIX ASSUR­ ANCE CO OF LONDON, ENGLAND. C F . Byers, lately from th e valley near Independence, is hniidiug himself a fine residence on Five Mile C reek. I J and S a a w iita l P a rs e s , wisli him good luck iu his new hom e. Fiddle Creek people, w it It tw o excep­ ASSESSMENT R O L L OF L A N E . tions, are all w orking on tiie road be­ May be Found in Follow ing is tiie sum m ary of th e as­ tween Fiddle C lic k and M aple Creek. We hope to have a good road to G len ­ sessm ent of Lane county for 1894: Acres of c u ltiv ated land, 398,037; a v ­ ada by early spring. Gut in and dig, Celebrated .Jesse Moore whiskey. erage value per acre, $7.88; total value, boys. 43,137,885. The Cralo Orcltartl Sour Mash RU D Y ’S P IL E SU PP O SIT O R Y is Acres of iininiprovgil land, 433,387; g uaranteed to cure Piles and C onstipa­ Genuine <>ld Castle Bourbon a v e ra g e . value per acre 41-37; total. tion, or money refunded. 50 cents per 469-1,300. ■ box. Send tw o stam ps tor c irc u la r and r— T h e O P . 8 . P055 Im p ro v em en ts, 468,525; town and city Free Sam ple to M ARTIN R U D Y , Reg­ g — g lots; 41,365,055. istered P h a rm ac ist, L ancaster, Pa. No M iles of railroad bed, 58.4; average Postals answ ered. For sale by all first- E ver R efreshing Cold Storage B eer nt 5 Cent« a GI jihh A w aits Your O rder, value per m ile, 43,090.23; total, 4309,023. class druggists every-w here, a n d iu Flor­ R ailroad rolling stock, 428 (ill. ence, O regon, by th e Florence Drug ( ’all for an Im p o rted or Domestic Cigar, M iles of telegraph and telephone lines, Store. And You Will be Satisfied. 99; average value per m ile',447.17; to tal, 44 070. LANL C O U N TY , O REG O N. CUCENE, M erchandise and im plem ents, 4358,- I’o persons d esiring reliable inform* 235. ntion regarding the wonderful resources M oney, 421,095. AN EX C E LL E N T FARM . of laHiie county, or for pi ices am i term s Notes and accounts, 4092,485. A bout seven m iles up th e Siuslaw Shares of stock, 1,429: average value of grain , stock or fruit farm s in the river from Florence, ami situ ated on the W illam ette Valley or town property per sh a re, 45,383; total, 460.780. bottom lands of th e river, is one of the H ousehold fiirnittire, carriages, etc., e ith e r in E ugene or Florence, v.e recom ­ m end you to correspond w ith E. J . I4 ra­ best farm s in Lane com ity. For grain 4220,869. or pasture lam , it i« unexcelled, ami H orses ami m ules, 7,310; average value ster, secretary a n d um miger of th e Lane th e best proof th a t ¡1 produces th e finest Co. l.am l A Loan C o , E ugene, Oregon. per h esd . 4*27.60; total, 4201,155. varieties of fru it, is th a t there is grow­ CattJ4L.17.3t 9 »vej-af value per head, Semi for one of Ilnur latest descriptive Bead tlteir ad. in a n o th er ing a large orchard eonsi.ding of tin* »8.99; to tal, 4 io u £ u ~ circulars. choicest kim ls of fruit-l rees now in Sheep ami goals, 18.500; average value p art of thia paper. heating. T h is farm will he fold ns a per hgad, 41.00; total. 419.630. w hole o r in te n , live or one acre trac ts Sw ine, 8,274 ; average value per head, to suit purc,)H»*ers. W rite to O. 1 K en­ Joe M ortis, J r ., <7 Florence., is rep- 42 44; total, 420,200. reseu tin g Brown B rothers Com pany, nedy, Florence, Oregon, for p a rticu la rs G ross value of all p roperty, 47,151,503. P o rtlan d , O re., wli<»se nurseries a te nt and prices. E xem p tio n s, 4038,010. R ochester, X. Y. T his C om pany has th e re p u ta tio n of being th e unist reliable T otal tax a b le properly, 40,513,493. growers of nu rsery stock in th e I m o u . FOR S A L E . No. polls, 2558. T heir stock is w arranted to be true to nam e ami free from insert p*sts. AU A fine farm of 100 acres situ ate d on th e ir trees m e perfectly united at hud nr thrtri:..U5. al renpa de ee r i" hi 1 a J‘ e i ’. . TK Ji.'lV JIi' .'.ÎLUK’- A l. C U ., L o .t v u . SLw* from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant P a RK R L M feuY G V ., WoBTON, M »'.v 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. •DR/ BEST— * L. :■ - , ■ A sim ui • shirk . BUTCHERS. B e e f* , B i s l i , G - s im e , Z P ^ r v iits , ~ \7 ~ e g e t a d o l e s . O re g o n if lo r o n o e li.M.('liainbcrlin. -T H E - J e w e le r , — CEALER IN - T ■ ■i lili ¿ - C LO C KS, J E W E L R Y . R. ; n il';!, ; i ’fi r .ip t ly I ’one a ;: d w o n n w a r r a n t e d . ¡ i; ,, - ;■ S r i : ; ! i . AVI OkFAT PEOPLE/^ V\ L -. T2ZÎ W e i i t F.D—I’lid d i O kf .OON. 4 Canva».cr of I nddiTRR. I.it ". tai Ridttry and e \ | i i i " paid w eekly; Permanent ,, . | ; i ; t i \ \ N BID'S. CO ., N u n e - r. .. ::, I’. l i l . . 1, O 13111.