í T H E W E ST . — FC»LISBE» EVXOY miUAT MOBXtSQ,— clerks are the ones liable under the law and not ihe employe*. The board meets in Salem in February next. —AT—- pLOBEXfE, L.VXS CoLXTT, P oi ' cla * county should certainly in ­ terest herself in building a passable highway from G ardiner to Glenada. As a county she would receive many ad- vantages in settlem ents along the 1 ne, for the land is good, and otherwise her interests would he augmented in in- ould creased travel, as we certainly wc have a daily mail from Florence to Gar- O«»GOX. A cstoaua last year produced a mil­ lion more gold in excess of any other co u n try . ________________ M innesota has a state fish hatchery foT propagating trout only, and it Is lo- cated at St. Paul. K eal enterprise is to he found in building manufactories th a t will lend « id to working people. — —— ------■ .-------- Tim shipping industries of both Gar- ■diner and Florence are sufficient to sup- I REASON FOR GOLD SH1PMFNTS. -------- A hurried issue of bonds just prior to the convening of congress. A presiden- tial message dem anding for himself or his secretary of the treasury the deiegtt- tiou of P^wcr* fro:n congress to issue bouds ad libitum - A t!ireat ,h a t unleM th e powers be granted the president will continue unauthorized issuing of bonds as he deems best or whenever Ins part- nerB request him to do so. A renewal of gold shipim nts to Europe. Soon Ihe English press and tier jour- their attention in th a t direction as th e oniy wav to Increase our mail service. ’ ------------------------ s A ssessors from the various counties lnet ¡n p o rtiand on t he 12th instant, and paaseti reH0iu tions to present to the next naHstlc satellites in this country w.d again take up the hue ami cry: The honest dollar is being driven out of the U nited States by the dishonest do llar!” Remarkably shrewd men are behind this movement. Their resources ore legislative body of the state. Among . other m atters recommended is tiiat oi D aily inconveniences rem ind us »bat having the assessors paid by salary, o u r mail service should be increased to Under the present system of having on an outgoing and incoming mail each i assessor for this county, if he were paid day. ------------ ' to visit all parts of l.ane and do thor- vgi-M. 11.« advocates , QUgb work A n riNANLiAL Strategist«« would be necessary to pay of the gold standard 0,1 ■ ’ him about $10,000 if he met expenses Their contradictious fairly overlap e a c h ,.neurred ju , raveHng fln(J d#j||g tbv practically unlimited. The bulk of the world's wealth is concentrated in a few bunds. They arc fighting for the world s financial supremacy. They have con- quered Europe, I -Oause they have fa- t-.s tar far a* as they ilareu, dared, keeping m tlie i vorod, as was««1« oi the | »op!/' T po rt a telegraph line to ¡tra in . other. ________ once to w ant. The battle wages fast and furious. The promoters themselves be- co|Ue nppa |ie d . not al the ruin tuey bave brollgbt t0 „tbers, hut at the mag- niVjde o( t |le;r own iocte*8. They have invest some of their ill-gotten gains jn try jng to arrest the avalanche they have started, for feac.it may turn into a nationai diia.te r and sweep them also R R ig , hug readily hmderstood l10w a jew rb.b men by ¿^goperation ean by Btaudard ran the this lcBson we ‘ran am uck.” would think th a t tik i eople of our state WOuld “ tight to tlu /if ” every move „( t he single gold st: rivet gtd | Htrnm»T amArri Htq « v . az will lose the battle i,n the L’nited States jjygjj and cruslrir1* the very bones of our becaU8e> by the b ig , state of perfection ,e , - , ) : work. T he Portland papers are announcing I m atters little, for forced paym ent of the enhances the va.tie of gold to the extent b(j ^be jcuthblow to any free-eoinage tiia t Willis K. Dumway is to be private , debt would have been made som etime tiiat tiie amount of the gold bsue hears it,giBiation in this country for some years secretary for Governor l.ord. if this ago if we had not found out tiiat Sm ith '° total am ount of gold money in to come. tiie selection will j was virtually in the hands of hank- tiie world. The total am ount of the This is tiie real vantage tiiat the pow ers should prove true, ! ruptcy, and a judgm ent ugainst him not w o rlds gold used as money, does not behind the tlirone are fighting for. They probably lie a good one. - | worth the paper it was w ritten on. equal, according to the moHt liberal csti- reabxe th a t unless this battle ean he T he Salem S«Ki«.»oa lias it th a t Sius- Su(.b (lisbolu,sty alwavB ,ill(iB il8 re. mates, $3,800,000,000. They cun readily wQn noWj tbpn by tb{J next nat;onill law is entitled to a health olticer, ami d , und tb .d q( ,g nQ excpp_ of{ord to pay the comparatively small election frce coinage is bound to sweep th a t Governor Lord cuu appoint. Some ( tjon , ,.ost of insurance and expressage on tbe country< T t^ tw fa rm e rs and plant- resideut physician should hold the place twenty or thirty, or, if necessary, on a crB of t |ie U nited States it is fre coinage I t will lie many years, if ever, th a t b u t as yet none reside in Florence. hundred million dollars, and simply or deBtitution. Of course, failures of the Kiuslaw country will he perm itted to , rangfer tho gold from their New York crops or a European war might give I n L onuon there are half a million of jlttve u representative in Lane county braneh hanks and offices to their parent tem porarily better prices for a year or people who are members of families affair«. Certainly she will not he per- hanks and offices in London. The loss two. Our single gold standard, which wiiich have not a weekly income oi minted to have a representative in the of interest is comparatively nothing, as is the great parasite of their vitality, tw enty shillings. No such condition oi • legiMhiture. Noll ling is more eer- often they ean draw against the gold to will never be destroyed until tiie bullion affairs can be found in this country. tain than th at strangers to our interests arrive. Undoubtedly they expect a bit­ price of silver be increased by the re- will take little heed to our wants or re­ ter fight in congress from tliose of our monetization of th at metal. This ean I n O ctoukk last Jam es Antiton y quests, and the only recourse left us is American statesmen and patriotic legis- on)y bp acvon,p|ished by free-coinage Froude died, and it is not generally lo swell our population tip to a point of ,gtorgi wbo ,|HVe ,n)t i|llbue(, legislation in this country. known that the burning of unorthodox importam e in political affairs la-fore we witb ,.ngligb i(b,.lgi nor ,.onvi.rU.j to the A few short m onths ago the advocates books at Oxford was periornu'il for the ean again even suggest the desire of he- En(?llgb ,K(lil.y accon,pli8iiing results of the single gold standard were mas- last tim e upon Mr. Froude’s Nemesis of coming an independent county govern­ by human purchase. querading under the cloak of interna- Faith. _______________ m ent. But we must not lose sight of If, after a careful canvass of the situa- tional hinietalisin. Cleveland, Sherm an, N eaiilv every county in this state the fret th at the older portions of the tion, they decide that even if they win and tbtqr “ legislative echoes” strutted « ith er lias a creamery or is at the point county will proportionally advance in eventually, tiie fight will be a long one, tbrough th eir public career and vaunted ■of building one. These paying institu­ population, and as to num bers, we will and they will have to export many mil- tbemge|veB through the press as being tions are numerous on this coast, ami lie left in the same ratio as now. lions of gold, then, with a realization tbp on)y tru e fr ;en,iM o( Bj|Yer. They A TBLBOBATU line should lie liuilt from Drain via SeoUsbtiTg and Gardiner to Florence. The people ill each of these towns should interest themselves in this guatter, and in the event they can lie induced to do so the line would lie ( n i i l t , _____________ V kobahly there will l>e sutiniaction to Dome in the fact th at this it, the last in­ ane of Tux W est that we will otlii until •ite r our return from the IvgiHluturo. Preparing u few bill« (or introduction . and getting ready to leave h o m e will consume all the time prior to January lttli following. Now tiiat a new county over here on tiiat continued gold shipment* mean a the coast is under consideration, it is fall in price of American securities, they w ill immediately la-gin "selling safe to say that if we were safely laiineh- sh o rt" our securities. In this m anner, ed in the bark of self-government, the even if they fail to secure their desired a d v a n ta g e s to e v e ry p a rto fth is e o u n try legislation, they will make money by would he manifold. It would stim ulate covering the.r sales when the panic is at the settling in our midst .,f hotli people and cap ital; every dollar we earned and its height. The public will have to dance pnid would go d¡recti.’ or indirectly to alld pl' y 11 *’ ," l'i r as wvl1' " llst IR meant by sell,ng short? A person sells foster home advantages; our ambitions securities lie does not ¡Ktssees but which and hopes would have a keener im petus he hopes to tie Hide to httv in at lower in the thought of taking rank with prices tl-.an at which he has agreed to other counties, and raise our minimum d eliter them . If the purchaser demands of depenilenee to older settled portions the securities tiie seller borrows some ol our respective counties to ¡1 maximum from some broker or hank, sometimes of independence. To step from unknown payiag a small commission for their portions of l.ane and Douglas counties tnh, a prom inent sisterhood of the state l.a n , thongh often getting tho use of O ver in Union so we are told by the is » feature in the furtherance of our po- Republican, will Is' built a creamery, T h at is tiie proper tiling for Union ■county farmers to do, but when tin- m anufacturing industry is well under Way, and you have it to spare, send a car load of progress down here and dis- trib u k , it among farmers. T hebe is little force in epithets—cor- tainly no argum ents. The age of intelli- genee is too far advanced to admit of coarse names as a means for reason or an illustration for im partial, reasonable discussion of quest sms. It is commend- able in the Portland Nun t" editorially treat all questions in u dignified man- » •r. Kucli journalism should succeed, litieal, educational and financial advan- tafies, th at is little considered by most peiqile. True it would cost us a few more dollars in taxes nt the start, and a eo n sid crn b le tro u b leto sh ap co u rex p en - ditures to correspond w ith tl.e income, Bnl these disadvantages should lie con- sidered with the advantages, hut they ,,r,. nob p u i,he opinion trends to eon- sideration of present inconveniences und expense* an l all Unit pertains lo tl,e dark sub* of i I i, testio is of udv.inee- „o ut, leaving I :ie other aide to take i are „( itself. 1‘ar.tdoxieul ns it may seem, ne really believe o u r c o u n try would Iw fi, la-tter condition under tier ow n cotin- ty government, hut rejoice that the ef­ fort to make it such will not come alsuit while we are in tiie legislature. O u rex - perirne«'witli county «livisiolt questions ■scompleta. It is a m utter that one is damned it lie does and damned if he don’t. T he state Isiard of pharm acists has jttM closed a session in I'ortlund, and all parti«*, whether regular employes or assistants not having lieen examined and passed, are to be reporte«l, and pro­ prietors prosecuted for violating the pharm acy law. It ap|iears from a late Guns, pistols, etc., repain'd by M. W. ■arrest in Portland, that the proprietors Kmowsky. Leave orders at Funk's «of drug »tores who employ unregistered I hardware store Think all you can of the goo 1 qualities of others; forget an l k c o silent con­ cerning their bad qualities. W herever wo fin I a great deal of grat­ itude in a poor man we may take it for grante 1 there would he as much gener­ osity if lie were a rich m an. ■ 'ne is much less sensible of col l on a bright day than on a cloudy one; thus the sunshine of cheerfulness and ltojte will lighten every trouble. Tiie dreariness of drudgery may be changed to the blessedness of drudgery, if toe daily duty be regarde I as the col­ lege of life for growth in mental power, an 1 as a gymnasium for building up character. The days are ever divine. They coins and go like taufiloj and veiled figures sene from a distant lan d friendly party but they tay nothing, ami if wc do them 1 1 and the people people. 1,1 ’" r ' 1'* credit and linan eial standing is gisil. Supts'se a clique of hankers and brok- 1 1 1 ers in New York wisli to make a big "bear raid” on the general m arket. . They ship a few millions «>f gold to Eu­ rope. Mark up the loan rates on the stock exchunge. Have the newspapers they control or sjiecially tuhsidiic for the campaign write long editorials als,lit the dangers of free coinage legisla­ tion, probable unloading by foreign in­ vestors of our se, urities on this country. The ball opens. Stocks begin tum bling. The public are, as a rule, uneducated in tbe metho.Is of Wall street. They l e- lieve ti e alarm .ng reports. They are tremling on, to them , unknown and dangerous ground. Many sre frightencl and sell their «eeurittes. Tiiis simply helps send the m arket lower. A few with more stublsw nness than wisdom, h e ld o n ; some, Is-lieving thut the tide must soon turn, buy more. The spirit of speculation seises them and soon eon- sum rs tla ui Isith mentally and flnatt- cially. Fortunes are daily lost. Many sre ruined. Families hurled from afllu-1 c|aiIIU,j to pæ the real fathers of the deliver the people from gucb p„rentg. In sucli a ease, figura- , ivvly Bpgaki„gf parricide itself would he j„ Btitiable. Certainly it is the duty of tbe ,o politically kill them off. The hour for unmasking has arrived Tiie gong has sounded. The cable has flashed with instructions from London, Tbp |]iugkg ure rem0V(M, und the gende. men appear in their golden colors. They now come out defiai.tly for the single gold standard. Their journalistic organs in clarion tones, with fish-horn effects, issue edicts, but they fall on deaf ears. They offer stones, hut tiie people no longer mistake bread. The p , ^ an, . ^ a e ■n« their slumber, baV(, rubbed their ere* *nd fully realize ! , . . , . . ,, the danger which is threatening them ™,. h i . <■ , . They will elect new officers for tiie slop , . . m. , , , of state. Those wlio nave been true to ■ . . . ‘ '•_ , ,, , . their interests the people will re-elect; those w ho have had the “ tem erity” to consider their own judgm ent and per­ sonal interests siqierior to those of their constituents will It© retired to private life. They ean then learn hv associa­ tion with the peopfe, if they will con decend to mingle with the masses, what are the real wants o f 1 th e people. Truly tbe peacock is a royal bird, and when strutting in its wealth of plumage—not patronage—is pleasing to the eyes of many. When pludted of its feathers, wlint a sorry looking bipt-d it becomes! How iew its Admirer* I in fart it lias none. It w as the plumage, not the bird, people ndniir«*il. The people are the highest tribunal i.t our form of govern­ m ent. Let them sr-c that their interests are protccteil and their wishes correctly represent ed.—I’ort land .Sun. H U R D I t i* *o.y enough to spoil tl.e hve ■s of our neighbors w ithout taking much trouble; we ean do it by lazy acquies­ cence and lazy omission, by trivial falsi­ ties for which we hardly know a reason, | by small frauds neutralized by sm all ex­ travagances, by maladroit flatteries, and clumsily improvised insinuations. Labor is beneficial to the whole hu­ man economy, and it is mere folly to re­ gard it as in itself an evil; but in order th at it may he enjoyed it must be mod­ erate in intensity and duration. We say enjoy because moderate exertion is pleasure, and is only the suffering a t­ tendant on labor carried to excess which has given rise to the common opinion tiiat retirem ent from active industry is tiie goal of happiness. Many weil-meaning people never seem to realize tiiat, no m atter how deep an öö New Goods are Constantly Arriving at the (O R IO IX .tL AND SËLÉCTED.) systematic plans rub what in ordinary parlance is term ed “ a financial coup.” We would term it »legalized "flim-Uam gam e.” The people of the Ilnited States had one bitter object lessbn last year as to the ease witti w liiub* "coup” could be run The advocats*Iof the single gold of our public schools, our people are Should the gold men fail to force con- K ixce Astoria lias the assurance of a , . . bctler educated tiiun those of any other gross to authorize the president or tiie .« i a corkespondent last week requested nation, ih e people will not he longer 6ecrebiry of the treasury to issue bonds, . figures . , n railroad, u u u m , it i n is curious to note tiie coquet- us to give for expenses m con­ deceived. They are making their own j ben t „„,ea the real battle. On its re­ ing of tiie people of Portland witii those mg ui ««•<= t- ^ t , j uet,ng the affairs of a new county, of Astoria. ________________ , formtxj fronl Lmic and Douglas. We investigations. I uey are aroused, They sult depends the prosperity of ourcoun- have tl.e power to protect themselves by (ry (or „.any years, at least. The Car- R etaliatory measures have been have had such a statem ent made out for their ballots and they will exercise tiiat bg|e gcjlfu ,„ wq | n„t he indorsed by the adopted by Germany to compel this sometime, and ill the event tiie people power. conservative national banks until it he country to recede from its legislation in within the limits of tiie territory pro- Congress convenes. The cuckoos modified so thut tiie governm ent be sub- posed to be cut off bad been a u n it in favor of the sugar trust. are hurriedly marshaling their forces to st;tuted as guarantor for the circulation ' favor of tiie new county we would have and p u b | igbod it U u l t-lu b(javy U x . p a y e r s give battle according to tiie command of oj faj|vt| or suspended banks. Tiie sol- E vobxe is to have a cream ery, auu the ItegiMr says it is to be a "cow of b()tb j. jort,ni.„ and (jardiner, on tlieir m aster, lie acts in full accord veId national banks, by enforced assess- cream ery." The next tiling in order for wboin tb(; burden w ou|J ,.dl tbe buHVi. witli the real powers, tiie English mon- jUeiit, are tiie guarantors after the ex- ey-ehangers and their Anglo-American bausdon of the failed bank's guarantee Eugene is a bull cream ery. (.gt, ftre not, we think, in favor of the representatives. ih e latter will nor gnd Btt{ety fund under tiie Carlisle 1 division at this time, therefore it is of openly appear, realizing that American­ scheme. T as state of Maine lias stringent game little use to publish any financial state­ ism permeates the great masses of tiie laws and diligent wardens to see th at With such modification then, those ments. people. It is a great scheme. A ntach- bank managers who are not strong advo­ they are obeyed. W ithout law worthy the name in this state, officials are pow­ R ecently tiie Eugene papers published iaveliun conception. cates of the double standard will bring Tiie advocates of the single t old stan­ all their powerful machinery to force its the failure of a groceryman by tiie name erless. ________________ of E. C. Sm ith. This Smith made a dard will attem pt to force congress to legislative enactm ent. Tiiey appreciate T he conviction of Kelly of Portland statem ent of his liabilities and assets enact legislation so that they ean ex- the legislative donations they would re- «nil Brown of Douglas county for m ur­ but lie failed in iiis detailed enuniem - change their legal-tender notes which ceive. Many of them in the east, with d er, is an evidence tiiat crim inals in jtion to insert a »25 bill he owes this pa- arc not-interest-boaring governmental E ng|isl, connections, realize the fact, this state arc hereafter to lie dealt with per for advertising and which iie has re- promises to pay—f. r interest-hearing wbicb jg illtinite|y more im portant to according to law. ___ Ipudm ted. Ko far as his report govs it gold bonds. Every issue of gold bonds tbenliV |x: th at such legislation would th e Kiuslaw valley citizens ought to be in line with other progressive peoples. Literarv. -----Among the Latest is an Elegant Line of- L-5T In all Shades. The Choicest Selection Ever Brought to Florence. Also a full stock of Elder-down, Swan’s-down, Satins and Chambrays. We are also In receipt of a Hue line of Fancy Goods, Silks, Laces. F re sh L in © of G ro c e rie s Anti provisions constantly arriving. Largest stock of boots and shoes, Hats and Gents Furnishing Goods this side of Portland. Those who desire to have suits made to order, should not fail to call and l n ^ ‘ measurements taken. Elegant line of samples to select from, either from Chicago or Han Francisco. We are agents for the well known and responsible Firemen’s F u n l and London & Lancaster insurance companies. Remember you will always have fair anti honest treatment at > iH u rd i X i U au E n p n rfs THE SEATON STORE Keeps a full line of Extra Quality DRY GOODS s GROCERIES. HARDWARE, TINWARE, HATS & CAPS, attachm ent may exist between relatives and friends, there are times w lien soli- tude is desirable. We wonder th at so Goods m any friendships are broken; it is very ofte" ''‘•cause each sees too much of the o ''“*- Tiie little time spent alone gives BOOTH & SHOES, MEDICINES, TOBACCO, NUTS & CANDIES, CIGARS, FURNISHING GOODS — — —- as Represented. Prices W ill be Found Managers. Knowles St Gettys, o n e a n o p p o rtu n ity to tliin k u p th e k in d - nesses possilile, the deiiglits of a fr.en d , and tnen, too, it is the tim e for one to take out one’s soul an 1 see what sort of condition it is in ; think over w hether one’s tongue has been too quick; think over the sins of omission and eominis- 8io,1i think over overyilay life, and liow il ean 1,u le to uasier- One can never do this when surrounded by oth- D R V GOODS AND ('L O T H IX G . O W O -ui • Uk- • 5». » « traveler and the simomn’s blinding, to where, by the fringy rootlets, the desert w aters How ; let there glimm er one star through the murky w aste of night, mid though the spars he shatter,!, and tl.e sails be riven, and the hurricane howls for its prey, the brave sailor w ill he lashed to the helm, and see already, through th e tem pest’s breaking, calm waters and a spotless sky. Oh! where is there, however helpless his lot or for- lorn his surroundings, w ho is beyond the influence of this choicest of e a rth ’s corn- forters; this faithful friend which sur- vives the Hight of riches, and the wreck of reputation, a m i the break of health, and even the loss of dear and cherished friends? U. • » -Us a ® Now is the time for an examination of our stock of Dry Goods, for fall and winter uses, by the people of the Siuslaw country. You will find the latest styles and the lowest prices at J. II. McClung's Dry Goods House. OUR METHODS OF BUSINESS. No house enjoys a better patronage than ours from the people on the Coast, and this is attributable to our methods of selling goods at very low prices, and the quality of goods as represented. This is especially true of our Ladies' and Geuts’ boots and shoes and foot-wear of all kinds. trs - Hope is a marvellous inspiration, which every heart confesses in some sea- son of extrc.nest peril; it cun put nerve into the langtt.d, a n l ileetue-s into the feet of exhaustion. Let the sinn mi l feathery palm-grove lie dim ly des-ried, though ever so remotely, and the cara- van will oil, spite of the fatigue of the Reasonable WE CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK. It is generally known in Lane county that the largest stock of merchandise is to be found at our store, and this fact proves tiiat we have no questionable methods of doing business, and tiie future will be but a repetition of the past when our friends call and buy from our well-assorted stock. ( J. II. C f “ I LEAD, B U T N EVER FO LLO W ! S. H. Friendly »> 3 -3 0 Dealer in /> O O D S , D" R Y y _C L O T H IN C , AND Glassware, (í roce ries, Etc. Etc. Carpets, Boots and Shoes. Dents’ Furnishing Hoods. Headquarters for HOPS, WOOL, WHEAT, OATS AMD BARLEY Highest Price Paid for Country Produce. E U G E N E , .............................................. OREGON. B E A L •rí ESTATE! ' vt'i1 I'fX'W « AW M For Bargains in Real Property CALL THE LANE After the Grip COUNTY EUGENE. IT. J . lta k r r North Pembroke, Mass* ON OR A D D R E SS LAND & LO AN CO., O REG uw . R -t l ctirefully the (olhiwing alfi lavits by prom inent citizens regarding F lor­ ence property, now on the market at wonderfully reduced prices: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : R elief from H ood's Sarsaparilla I hereby certify th at I was the original owner of the property known ae Frasier W onderful and P erm an en t. and Berry's part of Florence, which E. J. Frasier is now offering for sale. That the •*C. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell. Mai*.: •‘I had kidney trouble a n l severe pains in sam e is level and free from drifting sand. T hat fruit trees and shrubbery do we" ray back, which was brought about by a cold upon sai reslor. World** Pair Hlgbeat Award. I tug the pert«tatt! .- action ot the alimentary eaiisL I I SE Kui'serihed and sworn to l-ef,,re me tide 6th day of March, 1892. J oseph A. M orris , N otary Public. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN ; Being first duly sworn I depose and s a y : That I have been a resident of Flor­ ence. Lane County. Oregon, for Die past twelve years; that I am fam iliar nnd wel acquainted with tiie property known as "F rasier and B ern 's part of F lorence,' that the same is adm irably suited for residence property, being perfectly lev el and ree from drifting *nnil. That fruit trees and shrubbery grow well in the soil and that pure well w ater is found on the same at a depth of from ten to fifteen feet. • J o s s ru A. M ouris . M ereliant. I I 'L Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of M arch, 1892. I.. B u y e r. Notary Ptiblle