torch the targe dining room, where they tne m an's eyes as he gazed at hts wife. ail this work ts over t am very muen a < u io n i an s u m m e r. took their places at one of tho small ta ­ “ I don’t w ant to be entirely depend­ obliged to you for the million you threw In hot w eather a lemon sherbet or ble s< t for tw o near cue of the large ent on you, ’’ he said at la s t Ya encore ftende g tttv lh inn« L b fyue worko. iu my way and consider it cheap at w ater ic© is refreshing and wholesome. front windows. I tte was a Jyttlo encore f'vudc, “ Boolil” said his wife, anil then she £50,000. Draw eu me for all your ex­ The jnieo of an orange is a great addi­ w ith eyes of h e av ’nJy blue. “ We w ill tnho tho regular club added: “ 1 w ill make you a handsome penses w hile you aro at Monte Carlo. 1 tion to this ice, anil the proportions uiay A nd toe b reak ttppe ye show ho d id da lunch, ” she ssid to eno of the waiters. allowance for houseka ping aud as much mn sure yon w ill find tlie tables much ba varies!. Four large, juicy lemons As nincho as La could doc. “ And bring a bcttlo of '84 champagne as yon w ant bi sides. You are worrying less expensive than tho London wheat make quito a quantity when an trange Y e audience vrexeth Im patient. . —a largo bottle. " yourself to death about business You market. 1 am sorry that I can 't stay is used. Fe el tho yellow rind of the lem­ Jtte v. as a m u ch tried audience. “ I— I don't think I care for cham­ ought to tako a run to Brighton or go w ith you, but 1 am on for a dinner iu ons very thin, and from tne orango also, W ho w ere co m p elled toe waHa pagne, “ said Madax hesitatingly. “ It off to Monto Carlo aud give up bother­ the city Those who were w ith tua in anil put to boil in a porei Ulin sauce pan, A n h our u a d a h a lfe to suite Ye fleudo’a p ecu liar taste. givos mo a headache. " ing about city affaire. ” the w heat corner aro giving mo a din­ w ith 1 Q pounds of sugar and a quart “ Nonsense!“ cried bisw ife “ The man sighed. Ye p erfo rm ers accede to ye ftende'* dem and*, ner tonight, and I am duo tin re nt V of water. Boil five m inutes and set or two w ill do you good. Yon look llneli piece upon ye program m e was “ T h at’s all very well, but you don’t o'clock. I am sorry I can’t w ait to see away to cool. When cold, strain into R epeated o r more worried. ” see th at I w ant to make soiuo money the children. Give them my love and tho lemon uml orange juice. Strain the In a n sw e r toe >e c a lk s of th is "1 am worried, mid that is w hat I for myself. ” K n th c sla stlc bore. tell them 1 w ill ruu down in a few days whole) into tho frt i zer aud freeze until TW O GREAT WEEKLIES 9 0 9 9 wished to see you about ” “ But you are not m aking i t You’re and pay them a visit— that is, unless stilf; tin n take cut the beater anil the Ye a v en g er a p p eareth . “ Weil, wo w on't talk business d u r­ losing it. Yon say you aro up to the you tako them with you to Monte Car­ w hites of three eggs beaten to a stiff Ittc wns a u ilde, d e sp a irin g m nnne. • • • • AT THE PRICE OF ONE. ing lunch, if you please, ’’ adding ns she neck. IIow much does th at mean?” W ho teit th a t he couid bear la It m ust bo lovely down there just froth. Boat well togethers, cover close­ leaned hack in her chair: “ I t ’s a habit T h is so rt of th in g no m ore, an d who "Twenty-live thousand p o u n d s,"h o now Well, ta -ta Take caro of your­ ly or put into a mold, repack and set J u s t te ttie d it rig h t« lh a y re . I never indulge in. I t ’s a hail oiio . Wo said, w ith a sigh. self and your cheek. I may seo you ut away to harden.—Philadelphia Record. can have a talk in tho smoking room “ Dear, d ear,” sho said, “ aud 1 tup- Monte C a rla ” Ye ftende d ro ppeth. afterward. How are the children?” He fell u|»on ye y o u th fu l ffende. pose Unit is all the money you have.” Aud w ith that she left tho room and T hen cam « a » eene o f blood?. “ Very well, thank you. Tho girl is a Dealness Cannot be Cured “ It is more than all thu money 1 was w aving gooilby from the carriage *Twa* q u .ek ly o’er, ye fiend!«? dropped little hard on the hoy anil knocks him h av e," he answered. W ith a dull, slck’n in g th udde. window as the man stood w atch­ by local applications as tiiey cannot about a bit, but they aro getting on “ 1 wish you had spoken to mo be­ ing her through the open door before he Ye Cendc p erisijeth. very well. ” fore. It is too lato now D on't you seo hail quito realized tho situation.—Hub­ reaeli th e diseased portion of tlie ear W E E K L Y O R E G O N ! N A nd a s h is eyelets g en tly d o te d . There is only one wav to cure deafness "P oor little fellow, ” said Mrs. Ma­ that?” N ever to open more, e rt Darr in New York Suu. and th at is by .constitutional remedies. lie feebiy < lapped his ly ttle Landes dax. “ Boys are such a worry to their “ Yes, but I bad something to proposo. • I I AND I « • And ra ile d for an encore. W om en and W all Street. parents w hen one thinks th at they have You spoko of taking Sir Ciesar Camp to Deafness is caused by an inflamed con­ to encounter this world alone. I roust dinner. Now, I don 't know w hat you Ye ju d g e d ecideth In fa v o u r of ye d efen d an t. Tliero is an erroneous idea that wom­ dition of the mucous lining of the E us­ Itte was a ju d g e of r.spect stern e, run down and see them next week if 1 w ant to g tt him in on, but 1 do know en who dabble in W all street are bo- tachian Tube. When this tube is in­ Ye case he quickly try ed , ! can. ” th at 1 could get him on my side of the painted, bejowclod and live a life of flamed you have a rum bling sound or A rd Koone decided th a t ye crim e " I wish yen w ould,” said M adax w heat deal, and he would bring in oth­ sybaritic ease. They aro popularly sup­ W as fully ju stify ed . “ The children miss you very much. ers. Then we m ight bo able to stop tho posed to roll up and down W all street imperfect hearing, ami when it is entire­ Ye ftende re steth fro m his laborious occupation. Why don't you come home oftener?” ly closed, deafness is the result, and un­ break in tho m arket.” iu gorgeous carriages w ith prancing A nd now ye lien d let lyes b en eath « less the inflsniatioii can be taken out “ Well, very soon I expect to bo able Mrs. M adax's eyes sparkled as sho A tom bstone c h aste a n d neule. horses and a coachman and footman in No m ore h e’ll clap h is ly ttle h a n d rs to do so, “ sho replied; "b u t, like you, looked down at her husband. livery. It is believed by many residents anil this tube restored to its norma) con O r s tam p Ids tin y feete. I have a great deal on my mind at pres­ “ Can you really do all that?” sho iu tho U nited States that socio maelo ditiim, hearing w ill liedeslioyed forever ; —A m using J o u rn a l. ent, mid the m arket requires very eloso asked almost breathlessly. their fortunes bylr-c turn of a hand in nine cases out of ten ir e caused by ca watching. ” 1 “ Yes, if I had any assurance that wo W all street, unit that tho life of tho tarrli, whieti is nothing but an inflamed “ Can’t you como homo w ith mo to­ would get out w ith a little protit. It speculative female is ono long sunshiny condition of the iiiu c n iis surfaces. night?” ho asked. “ Tho children would i seems to me th at all their influence day. We will give One Hundred Dollars for be so pleased to see yon. ” thrown in on our sido of tho market If thero be any such fortunato wom­ any case of deafness (caused by catarrh , Mr. Mailax rat In Coro biff desk in a “ N o,” she answered. “ I have to tak o m int despondent attitude, Iiis head in Sir Ca sar Camp out to dinner tonight. ” would givo us t'iso enough to got out of en, W all street men know nothing of that cannot be ciireil hv H all’s Catarrh i the liole at least. ” them. There aro only a few brokers’ his bunds, and his hands in his hair. “ Tomorrow night, then?” ho sug­ “ O h ,” said his wife, “ th at is another offices where women aro ever seen, nnd Cure. Send for circulars ; free. Things were going badly in tho city, gested (leprecatingly. F J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O m atter! Yes,” sho added after think­ theso women do not bend over tlie tick­ as, alas! they often do. Mr.Madax was “ N o,” said the lady, shaking her ’¡'fi^S old by Druggists, 75c. ulonc in his ufliee in Old («old alley. head. “ It 's worso i till tomorrow night, j ing a moment, w ith knitted brows, er w ith foverish excitement and sip He wanted tim e to think and had given I havo a lot of stockbrokers dining w ith " th a t’s a first into idea. How much do champagne between tho riso and fall of you think it would all total up to?” prices on ’change. Tho woman who orders th at ho was not to bo disturbed. mo at tho Hoi born. ” T ilt; W est lias alw ays given to it» "A bout a m illio n ," said Mudax, ventures iuto Wall street theso days is All the thinking he appeared to be ublo “ It m ust cost you a lot of money, pleased to seo th at ho was getting more very much out of place. To begiu w ith, to do did not seem to help matters, so theso dinners ou every night. ” readers and th public generally, i attention than censure. few brokers, or bankers, for that m at­ nt lust lie pulled him self together and “ Yes, it does,” said Mrs. Madax, “ A million, ” said his wife, more to ter, care to havo women visit their of­ paced up and down thu room. Finally “ but my experience is if you w ant to belter and cheap, r periodicals than ho stopped anil said to himself: “ T hat ninka a good business deal w ith a man herself than to him. “ Aro you certain fices. They attract too much attention. j you could get all th at am ount on your They havo no knowledge of the value all others together in this p a rt of seems the only tiling to do. I shall con­ you must first feed him well. I always of time, mid they monopolize a busy sult w ith my wife. I wish she camo seo th at tlm wines are irreproachable. sido of tho market?" “ Q uite certain. ” ' m an’s attention so that business is often th e country’. It has done th is homo more frequently, and then wa I w ill say ono thin g for tho men—th at Mrs. Madax, us she continued her pac­ at a standstill. Then, ns a rule, the av­ could talk over these m atters.” tin y alw ays know good wino when tin y ing up and down, seemed to be making erage speculative woman is a poor loser. largely at its own expense, and Ho seized a telegraph blank and taste it. “ some mental calculations. She filially She can understand all about making wrote: “ Mrs. John Mailax, 20 Bullion u iw add. anotht r point to its cred­ “ W ell,” said Madax, “ I w ill tell tho money aud is brim ful of good nature court, city. Can yon run over to Old children th at you send your love to asked: "W hom aro you running against) while tho market is going her way, but Gold alley for a few minutes? I wish to them, but I think, you know, th at n it by m aking this unpreceded aud Who is at tho head of tho corner?” i when things go against her and her | consult you on business. Madax. ” woman shouldn't lose sig h t of her ch il­ “ Oh, th a t," s a id Madax, “ uouo of us margin is surely and sw iftly being w ip­ Ho rang tho bell for a telegraph boy dren, even though business is absorb­ knows. The business is done through tho ed out sho is apt to become disagreea­ and sent tho message, then, pacing up ing. ” Tokyo anil Jam boree bank, but we don’t ble, if not hysterical, so th at brokers, and down his room again, waited for Sho urged him to tako his sharo of I know who is behind it. ” as a rule, prefer not to deal w ith wom­ his wife to appear. Instead thero camo tlm champagne, hut Mailax declined, "Now, doesn’t it strike you that the en. And thus comes to an end otic of n prompt answer, w hich ho tore open saying, “ A mau must keep his head first thing for you to do is to find out tlie pleasing fictions of Wall street.— uud read feverishly: “ Sorry I can ’t clear for business nowadays. ” whom you are butting against? If i t ’s a Brooklyn Citizen. come this forenoon. Too busy. C alio n “ Yes,” said his wifo. “ I supposo a stone wall, tlio sooner you know it the me at 1 o’clock, and I w ill take you to man m u st." T a k in g a T e le p h o n e t o B e d . better, so th at you can stop before your the club, where wo can lunch and ltavu A doctor s profession requires him, if There was a slig h t tiugo of sarcasm head gets hurt. If it's a hedge, you A Page From Her History. a quiet talk. Joan Mudax. ” and comfort, in her voice, and sho put unnecessary m ight manago to get through. It would ho , seeks convenience , , . . „ to ThB T h e a Im p o rta n t e x p erie n ce s o f o th e rs a ro » A rr rrangem ents have been m ade The worried man consulted his watch. emphasis on the noun. Madax looked havo been my first work to And out who I ha\ B tw °.telephonca-ono in his office ,„™’ stiu g . T h e follow ing Is no e x ce p tio n : I t was not yet 11 o'clock. It would be grieved, but said nothin,-, IIow often was against mo. I anil ono in bis bedroom. As any i eno “I hud 1 b e en tro u b le d w ith heart, d isease 25 y e ars, m u ch of th a t tim e v e ry seriously. For whereby we will give T he W est more than two hours before ho could seo do women in their thoughtless rudm ess “ B u t,’’ said her husband, “ don’t 1 who has to pay tribute to the telephone five y e a rs 1 w as tr e a te d by one p h y siciau c o n ­ his wife. Ho sat down at his desk and cause pain to tlio tender hearts of those tell yon th at I d id n ’t know there was companies knows, their charges hardly tin u o u s ly . I w as in business, b u t obliged to and the W eekly Oregonian for 82 re tir e on a c c o u n t of my h e a lth . A p h y ­ devoted himself for those two hours to who love them I anybody on tbo other sido of the m ar­ represent the progress th at has been s ician to ld ntv frien d s tiia t I could n o t live a what business there was in hand. lie in other lines in the world in m o n th . My fe e t an d lim bs w ere b a d ly sw ol­ A fter lunch was over Mrs. Madax led ket?” per year. This olfer includes all len, a n d I was indeed in a serio u s con d itio n brushed himself up u bit, took his w alk­ tho way up stairs to the private smok­ " O h ,” said his wifo im patiently, cheapening commodities. But necessity w hen a g e n tle m a n d ire c te d m y a tte n tio n to in g stick and drove in a hansom to his ing room w hich sho had reserved for M iles’ New H e a rt C ure, a n d sa id t h a t his our paid np subscribers and those "yon can always count on somebody be­ is tho mother of invention, aud a doc­ Dr. iste r, w ho bad been afflicted w itli h e a r t d is­ wife'B offioo on Bullion court. After their use. It was in a corner of tho club ing on the other side uf the market. So tor in the east end found a way to s ease, h a d b e en c u re d by th e rem edy, a n d was who pay all arrearages and one having sent in his naino a neat little building, overlooking a b it of tho river you can’t find out who it is?” havo tlie convenience of two telephones a g a in a stro n g , h e a lth y w om an. I p u rc h a se d of th e H e a r t C ure, an d in less th a n girl showed him into a room and told anil commanding a view of Charing i ami yet ouly pay for one. He has his a a n b h o o ttle u r a f te r ta k in g th e first dose I could “ Wo ca n ’t ," said her husband. year’s subscription in advance. I t him th at Mrs. Madox would lie w ith Cro.-.s railw ay bridge. feel a d e cid ed im p ro v em e n t in th e c irc u la tio n “ Very well, “ sho said “ Now listou I ti lephiine hung upon hooks in his office, of m y blood. W hen I h a d ta k e n th re e d oses I him presently. the connections being made by the tele- “ Wo w ill bo quite undisturbed here, ” to mo. You have got £2,500 in this, co u ld m ove my a n k le s, s o m eth in g I h a d n o t also includes new subscribers. She was sorry to keep him w aiting, slie laid, “ und can talk business." s,a n d m y lim bs h a d been sw ol­ anil if you eau get all tho money of Sir phono coming in coutact w ith an eleo- d o n n e s o fo lo r u m g o th n th a l tiie y seem ed a lm ost p u triiied. bu t she sent ft copy of Tho Hkctoh for K in g in g a hell to givo an order, she Ciesar and his friends to help you 1 will trio buunl which he has hail constructed le B efore I h a d ta k e n one b o ttle of th e New hint to look over during tho interval. asked lu r husband: e a r t C u re th o sw elling h a d a ll gone dow n, guarantee th at you w ill como out with He also has wires rim to his bedroom, H a n d I w as so m u ch b e tte r t h a t I d id m y own Thu Sketch was a paper started in tho ! wiiere another electric board has been “ W liat w ill you drink?” ! double—th at is, £50,000. " work. On my re c o m m e n d atio n six o th e rs aro nineteenth century mid was at th at limo ta k in g tills v a lu a b le re m e d y ." —Mrs. M organ. “ Nothing, thank yon,” ho replied, “ Do you nicau it?” cried her husband 1 placed. The delator may bo said to take 569 W. H a rriso n St., C hicago, 111. ills telephone to bed w ith him every considered to bo rather in advance of hut added afterw ard, “ I w ill havo a eagerly Dr. M iles’ New H e art C ure, a d isco v e ry o f a n tho other slow going weeklies Now, glass of milk ami soda if you can get in e n t s p e c ia lis t in h e a r t d isease, Is sold by " I mean i t , ” said his wife solemnly flight, lie takes it from the hooks in his e a m ll d ru M fo is on a jxisitivo g u a ra n te e .o r s e n t however, it was thought to bo tho cor­ : it ,” “ And may 1 tell ¡Sir Ciesar that you office, carries it under his arm up to his by th e Dr. M iles M edical C o .,E lk h a rt, In d .,o u rect paper fur a man to read, although bedroom and places it upon tho hooks re c e ip t of p rice, ?1 p e r b o ttle , nix b o ttle s for “ You w ill smoke, of course,” said his said so?" he asked. |6, e x p re ss p rep aid . I t Is u o s ith e ly fre e from the women paid little attention to i t w ifa “ N o W hatever information I wish thero. Should any calls como during tho a il o p ia te s o r d a n g e ro u s drugs. In tho reception room tw oorthren other “ A cigarettn,” answered M adnx Hir Ca’sar to havo I will givo him my­ night, ho can answer them w ithout Sold by all Druggists. men were waiting, nursing their bats. When tho w aiter appeared Mrs, self. Yon w ill tell him that you havo leaving his room, thereby getting the Presently the ofilco girl camo in ami Madax said, “ Bring a glass of milk and had to mention tho dealer’s nitlno. ” uso of two telephones for tho prico of T h e subscription price of T h e W e s t told them all, except Mailax, that Mrs. soda, some of the best Egyptian ciga- I “ Very good, ” said Madax, w ith an eue —P ittsburg Dispatch. Madnx couldn't possibly see them until reties, two Havana cigars and a glass of intense relief in his face. is $ 2 .3 0 per ysar. T h a t of th e O re­ O n e W a y t o G et T h e r e . Inter i l l tho day, its she had an appoint­ special Scotch w ith seltzer.” "D u not let it get out, ” continued his “ Oh, Mr. do Cromol I. had such a ment, and would they bo goisl enough V lien i.u se m aterials were brought wife. “ Uso all your force und see if time finding your painting nt the exhi­ g o nian is $ 1 .5 0 . By paying $ 2 .0 0 in to cull about 4 o'clock. So tho men took and the w aiter had disappeared, Mrs. you can raise the market, and us soon their departure, and Madax was left Madax walked to (lie door and turned as the price gets up sell out nt one©. bition today. It was hung awuy up in advance for a year’s subscriptio n to alone w ith his paper, ulthough iiis wife the key in it. Her husband lit his ciga­ Have all your plans made fur selling an obscure corner. ’ ’ “ Yes. 1 am disappointed. I shall entered very soon after. She wus a tall rette from tlm m atch she held out to out. Promptness is the thing ill theso T . je W e s t you r ceive for one year C AN I O B T A IN A P A T E N T ? F ora woman, w ith fine, clenr cut, decided him, and tlien, biting tlio end from her matters. Now 1 must g a 1 w ill drop quit art and start a laundry. “ and on Loneflt opinion, wrlto to “ Mr. do Cromo!" MI & CO.« who have had nearly fifty year»’ features. As far ns tho upper part of own cigar, sho begun to smoke. She experience in the potent business. Communica­ you down at your ofilco. ” th e W eekly O regonian, and . . . . “ Yea. Then nty work w ill always be tions strictly confidential. A H a n d b o o k o f In­ her was concerned, she was dressed a l­ thrust in r two hands deep down in her formation concerning P a t e n t a end how to ob­ Mr. Mailax knew w hat his wifo said most like a mull. She wore a somewhat p ickets anil began to paco up and down about the m arkets generally canto true, 'm ug on the line.” —B., K. & C a ’s tain i hern sent free. A lso a catalogue of mechan­ ical and scienttfin books sent free. Monthly. glaring necktio and a standup collar. tho room. Patent* taken through Munn A Co. receive «a he, in g n a t jubilation, telegraphed irecial notice in th e s ic ie n titfe A m e r ic a n , and H er hair was cut short mid parted at "Now, Jo h n ,” sho cried, “ w hat's Hir Caisar Camp and others to meet hitn thus are brought widely before the public with­ ABOUT WATERWORKS. out cost to th e inventor. This spiendid paper, the side, while the hair of her husband, the trouble?” at Iiis office, anil they did sa He told issued weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the dark and streaked with gray, seemed to largest circulation o f any scientific work in the Mr. Madax's namo was Billy, but him that ho had private information T lir C on tly S c h e m e s W h ic h H a v e B e e n C ar W(iT,d- “ 3 a year. Sample copies sent free. rle«l O u t t o G iv e G o o d S u p p ly . part naturally in the middle. Thu neat everybody called him John because bis Building Edition, mont Jily, S2.5Oa vear. Single about the market, and after some slight * * * * * copies, cents. Every number contain* beau­ tailor made skirt which Mrs. Madax w ife's name was Joan. Mr. Johu Ma A t a cost of $12,500,000 Manchester tiful plates, in colors, and photographs o f new hesitation tin y all went iu. He nrrang- Wore had pocketN nt each side, high up dax w as tlie name lie was known by. houses, with plans, enabling builders to show th e is ju st completing a system of water designs und secure contracts. Address and very sim ilar in cu t to n m an's pock- i “ Homo months ugo, “ began Mr. Ma­ id w ith them th at the salo would bo supply by which Tliierntere, ono of the latest MUNN A CU, NKW Yoitlt. 361 B boa L wa Y. eta. Her right hand was thrust intoono dax, “ 1 went iuto a w heat deal, und 1 made nt once after tho rise. English lakes in Cumberland county, The W eekly Oregonian is made u p of daily happenings- Next day it was announced that a of these pockets, mid she jingled some don’t quite see my way o u t,” 05 miles away, him been dammed ami million of money was put against tho coins and keys ns she entered the room Mrs. Mailax stopped in her pacing corner, and w heat sprang up a few water supplied to tito city of tho best from all over the world. I t contains all of th e latest where her husband was waiting. and faced her husband in surprise. points, but not as much as they expect­ quality iu quantities sufficient for ull “ Well, Jo h n ,” she cried, “ excuse mo probable needs. Manchester has nlso “ A w heat deal!” she cried. "W hich ed it would. press dispatches, solid editorials, alw ays several in ­ Mailax could itnve sold for keeping you, but we have had a very side of tlie market are yon on?” out w ithout loss, but saw that lie would completed a ship canal to Liverpool, so busy morinng. However, if yon are that the largest vessels in the m ercan­ “ O il, I'm on for a rise.” teresting stories from th e pens of o u r best know n an d not double I'is money, for the corner ready now, 1 am. We will go to tho tile m arine c a n lie at her docks. The His wifo made a gesture of despair P ine Ear club mid havo lunch. ” Slio nnd began walking up mid down the tv as stronger than any of them had City of Mexico at a east ef $10,000,000 standard w riters, a page for the younger ones, an d approached her husband us she spoke room again. thought, hut after tho slight rise down is ju st completing a drainage system of either sex, any age, in any part of the country, and patted him witli some affection on that w ill carry the overflow of tho great “ in heaven's name did you buy went tlie price of w heat again. a t th* employment which we furnish. You need everything th a t goes to m ake up a first-class w eekly. the shoulder. Ho looked lip at her and for a rise for?” Tlie very bottom seemed to have drop­ Ivtsin to the sea, thus w arding off over not be away from homo over night. You c*n give smiled. Somehow lu r iutliiencu had a “ Well, " s a id Mailax very humbly, ped out of the market. Madax’s £25,000 flows and resultant malaria. yourwho’etim eto th e work, oronly your spare mo­ I t is a paper for the people, both nung aud old- •oothing, protective air about it. which "von see, the American w heat crop hail tvete swept out of sight, aud so was tho Greece has just completed tho Coriu ments. As capital Is not required you run no ri*k. made tlie iiiim feel th at lie was not b at­ practically failed, mid 1 thought 1 was million th at his deluded friends had thian canal a t euorinous expense, by We supply you with all th a t is needed. I t will tlin g w ith the world alone. pretty sure of u rise. " put iu w ith him. All confidence that which a short cut from Venice and cost you nothing to try the business. Any ono (Jne of the numerous gil l clerks came l “ Why d id n 't you speak to nio about Mailax ltad put in his wife had uow de­ Trieste is afforded to Athens and Con- ean do the work Beginners make money from in w ith a long ulster, which Mrs. Ma­ it?" she cried. many millions th« start. Failure is unknow n w ith our workers. parted, so ho merely telegraphed to her stantiuopla dax put on, thrusting ono hand in the Her husband Hushed uneasily. th at ho was ruined aud w ent homo a and was first unSeitakcn before the Every hour you labor you can easily make a dollar. arm hole and then the other, while the Christian era. A ustria lias ju st com­ The people of the Siuslaw country and the puhlie “ 1 wanted to do something off my broken mail. No one who ic willing to work fails Io make more girl held the garm ent by the collar. own bu t," he said. “ Of course 1 hud About 8 o'clock th at night a earriago pleted tho destruction of the “ iron money every day than can be made in three days When Mrs. Madax had buttoned up tho no idea at th at time there would be a drove up to tho door, and his wife chains of the Danube" at a cost of generally should appreciate the value of th is offer. at any ordinarv employment. Send for free book ulster and put a jaunty round hard hat corner in w heat." (prang out and let herself into the house many millions, a work begun iu tho containing tho fullest information. ou her head, she looked m iro liken man You will be well inform« d on all the living issues with her latchkey When sho entered days of the ( ’¡esars, w hich is of inesti­ than ever, nnd Madnx him self seemed “ Corner 1" sho erieil contemptuous­ tlie room, her liushaud never looked np, mable commercial valuo to the city almost effeminate beside her. ly. “ There’s always a corner: there’s but she crossed to where he sat uud pat These are a few of the great works un- for onlj *2 for a year. L avs than two cents p er Box 8 8 0 , " Is my brougham at tho door?” sho hound to lie a corner. Don't yon know ted him gleefully on tho hack. dertaken seriously in recent years anil ¡asked the girl. enongh not to look to tho United States PORTLAND, M A IN E . Copy. Such an opportunity as this is not given "Come, rente, my poor infant. Cheer brought to a successful conclusion. “ Yes, madam. ’’ nny mere for indications of the w heat np!” sho said Each one w ill prove a profitable invest­ “ ('onio along, John; wo have no time market? India nnd thu Ilultio hold the ment. They havo been carried out on every day nor every mouth, Consider; Two news- M adax’s ouly answer was a groan of BARGAINS. BARGAINS. to lose,” said Mrs. Madax decidedly, key to the situation. “ business principles. There are several anguish. and leading the way she opened tlie “ Yes, I know, at least I know now ," problems before tho people ef this coun­ papers for the price of one. •'And so your little £25,000 has gone Do not delay, but Will sell lots In Acme from $25 to $G0. carriage door, whoruapuu lie stepped in ­ he said, "h u t there is no use in upbraid­ w ith (lie rest?" sh e sai l. try, which ought nlso to bo considered Will sell lots in t ’bicago addition to side. ing me for w hat 1 have done. I ntn np “ You told me that I would double ou b u s in e s s principles. These problems Florence cheap and on ettsv terms. subscribe now. T his is a golden o pportunity. "T o tho I*itio Ear clu b ,” said the to the lin k iii w heat, and the signs to­ wy money, ” ho said, "au d I believed are important and can all he solved if W. A. Cox. lady to tho r o iic h n iiin . day are th at it is going lower Hiatt ever y o u ." courage, outi rpriso and sagacity are She took her seat beside her lttisbaild, Now, what would you adviso tne to dc\ "O f course you believed me, and here used. They will fall if old fogy notions -ife -Ü: -ifc -2A2 NOTICK FOR PTBLICATION. and the carriage drove off toward the Joan?” - tv ^Iv it is ," she said, taking a cheek from atv allowed to rule ns they have for west end. In a short tim e it drew up "Oil, advise yon!" she cried. " W h a t’s her pm se ‘’There's my check for £50,- generations past»— Fire nnd Water. lurnd O flc* at Roseburg. Oregon. October 27. the t t - e o f coming to me w hen it is too 000, so yon have doubled jo u r m oney." K a H lin f F o r Ilibic*» boforo a palatial huihling standing late? I advise you to get out of it as Notice i* hereby given th a t the following This offer ic one in a thousand and one which "W liat do yen menu by that?” said where tho Mctropnle ouco stood. This, cheaply ns you rail. ” The annual enstoni ef raffling for B i­ nam ed settler has filed notice of his in ten tio n her busabud, looking tqv as every otto knows, is the l ’ino Ear Hi r husband groaned. ’’Me in ' Yon |H>,irchild! I mean that bles at the parish church of 8k Ives, to m ake final proof in support of his claim , and all should take advantage of at once, as the time eluh, the sumpttions resort of women " I inn ufrnid, ” ho said, " th a t w ill I am the In ail of the corner It doesn't Hunts, took place ou Tuesday. The th a t Mkl p n x d w ill be m ade before W. V. Dong- las, V. S. C. C om m issioner at M arshfield. mom y fur the Bibles is obtatmal under i ttgngi'd in hiisine: s in the city. It is B ieait practical ruin now .” m atter now who knows it T hat was vix will be limited to a short p e r i o d .................... higher priced than tin Ciultoii or Re­ “ Well, my opinion is th at w heat is the reason I had S ir C asar nnd the eth an old charity known as W ylde’s chari­ Coo* county. Oregon, on December 15. Edward B, Magee, form, hut ts much more luxurious than going lower still. ” ty, w hich provides six Bibles to be won era dining w ith me. 1 had no idea that on Pre cm pi ion D S. No. 7*50 for tl.e lots 2. ft either nf these old fashiomsl men eluhe. “ Then it is utter ruin for me, " said you were on the other side, and when by three boys and thrix) girls who shall and 4 of see 2. tp. 20 s. ra n fe 11 w. “ Call for tne at half past 8, " s a id tho Madax dejectedly score the highest num ber of points while He name« the follow ing w itnesses to prove j yon told me that you could get them to lady to her coachman. Mrs. M.idax i.'.oppcd eneentoro In her assist it seemed too good to be true, for raffling on the altar ta b la The success­ h it eon tin nous residence upon and c u ltiv a tio n The stately doors of tho eluh wero p a c t ng the room and confronted her I did want th at million. Hustxniils aro ful candidate* this year were Sydney d, «nid laud. vU W illiam C ham berlain. Ed open« 1 by two girl porters, and the eott- husband. “ John, “ she said, “ w liy d o n 't ef sente use, after a ll Now, nty boy, Stevens, Frederick Ibbott, Henry W at­ *ard T Maher. George Perkins, Fred Perkins, ■le I entcrid. The lady plo bus- yon g n e lip your otlieo m the c ity and son, Mary Golding, Elizabeth Briars *11 of G ardiner, Douglas county. Oregon. . wrote her . ---- { hand R M. V iA Trn. i Mini S ti.i.a o in a book v bn li wai on a 1 go home ami tako. are of t h e e h lld r e it'’’ yon take th a t check and go down to aud H ilda Skcelcs.—Iznnlon Standard. Moute C arla I may l>e able to go after •W2 IT. U ls te r , Stan:1, ip tj:e hall, and together they i n A spcrlt qf resentment unpearvd in Y E BALLADE O F YE E N C O R E TIEN D E. $ FREE ( THE W EST. «Ö>2 .A . Y E A R REVOLT OF THE — * % % % % A RETIRED BUSINESS WOMAN. UNPARALLELED OFFER!!! c % % % THE M L Ï OREGONIAN GIVEN AS A PREHIDH. YOU RECEIVE THE B EIT WEEKLY IN OREGON FREE. $40^ FOR PER WEEK WILLING WORKERS i HE T IM E IS L I M I T E D ^ ^ H. HALLETT & CO., THE WEST, * Florence, Or. » Z