OLE, cooperage. Such an establishm ent would social at th e hunk house. 'The Seaton F E C F L E F C tN T E D O U T . Queen arrived down from Portland, writh certainly pay if properly « . m in d e d hy q u a rte tte re m lerc l »n«»* g.»«>d m usic, and the four-m asted hark Prim rose Hill in C om rade Service w as in Florence on men who under.-tam l the himine-«. F. v t l i e la d i- •» lead an abun latice of th a t tow . ? be colini. I w ith the tug R oharts, — PU B L ISH E D EVERY FR ID A Y M ORNING.— gene ami Luu* county w -u: : give - ie'.i a which sali'dicth the inner m an. crushing in considerable of the port rail Sat unlay. Ich D ien’s suggestion about th e re­ — AT— ol th e latter and dam aging the m arlun- An attrac tio n brought George M orris business a good patronage. W hat we want in Oregon is m ore local in d u strie s so union is a pleasing one, ami when the O reuox ery and uteum pipcs to the e x te n t of to t h is c it y S u n d a y . F lorence . L ane C ounty , th a t our money will be kept at home w eather am i o th er things are favorable about $2>J. T he H arvest Queen was Mail c arrier and stage ow ner B a rrett, instead of being shipped to the east. we will expect the Col. to ntak(‘ a call u n injured. hud a rough trip to G ardiner on Sunday. It . F . A L L E Y , E d it o r an d P r o p r ie t o r . T hen pr< sperity will again re tu rn . for «»ne and appoint the tim e ami place, A part ol the caps on th e pilings of th e S. G . L indsly, a prom inent farm er on ami liim.-eli, lady ami staff do th e h o n ­ j.-tty lrack ca n • up t » Florence on S i n ­ North Fork, was in Florence on W cdiu>- T H E NEW COUNTY. ors of th e occasion. — 1' e u . m s : .,2.1k) a yt-ur in utlvu n ee .----- d a y ’s tide. I'he rock w >rk being insut- »lay. E ditor —T he ¡«lea advance«! by liii uitlv high enough to pr«»tect th e pil­ Wm. K yle, wife and son Davie, re­ F IV E M IL E L A K E IT E M S . E ntered at the post-office at Florence, ing, it is only a question of tim e when turned from a trip to P o rtlan d on F r i­ M. D. Lam lis, E sq., of G lenada, strikes me as “ A dvancem ent beyond P rogress." Lane county, Oregon, as second-class they w ill all he torn out hv drift-w ood. Li, E. H. day last. m ail m atter. T he Section to be em braced in th e pro- A lew thousand dollars expcm led th is It took Geo. O. Know les two anil one- postal new county—as I see it is very fall in placing rock, would have saved R ainy w eather. half days to come to Florence from Sea­ th in ly populate«!—the distance betw een several thousand dollars of our appro­ ★ — W E K EEP T H E B E ST ^DV EB TISINO RA TE « MADE KNOWN ON A P ­ 1 . A. Sim s is building a new b arn . ton, in a r>»\v boat, the first of the week. its towns great. If we are ready we priation. PLICATION. J . E. W ilson has a large lot of p o ta ­ Mr. Storm was in town Sunday and should at least have zome deiinite idea Local notices 8 c en ts per line, each Insertion. “ it is a pleasure to sell C h a m b e rlain ’s brought a storm , n o tw ith stan d in g Fair- of the cost, of ru n n in g expenses fo ra toes. C o u g n l i e m e d y , ” says S tickney.& D e n t-1 w eather was lit the m outh of the river. county, which I, like very m any others, Mr. Byers is b uilding a house on his N otice .—Professor J . M. W illiam s, of le r, druggists,. R epublic, Ohio, “ because place. C om rade R. B Mills was in tow n on m ust plead ignorance. a custom er a lte r once Using it, is alm ost E ugene is our agent and is authorized to Now I am led to believe our sta te sen­ Saturday last, and secured th e office of E dw ard m akes reg u lar trip s to l'id d le receive subscript ions, advertising ami certain to call for it when again in need C om m aiider of G eneral Lyons Post, of a to r, Mr. B. F. A liev, can give us some ereek. m oney lor T he W est and receipt lor the of .-neb a m eilicine. We sell more of it statistical inform ation in regard to the th an of any o tn er cough m edicine we this city. R obert Lowe is h elping Mr. Byers sam e. h andle, and it alw ays gives satisfac- I Messrs. B enedicts, senior am i junior, running expense» of Lam.* or Douglas build bis bouse. tio n .” For coughs, colds and croup, it left Tuesday for E ugene, w here they counties, which I am sm- would enable F or W est S ubscribers .—A r­ is w ithout an equal. F o r sale by D rug­ will rem ain d uring th e holiday weeks, nil to form some «»pinion of th e costs » I E. II. David passed through here to ­ running a new county, and thereby aid day on his way hom e. a t least. rangem ents have been made where­ gists. Noah Black has gone to D rain to a t - ; (e ith er for or a gainst) the vote. M eager reports reach us concerning a Mrs. Fred Mason, who has been visit­ by we will give T he \\ est and the |*r«»gress has alw ays found a sh elter in ten d school th is w inter. lively row on Lake creek, the night of ing in th is town lor about tw o w e e k s , Mr. Sim s is th e boss Fear h u n ter, h a v ­ W eekly 32.00. T hanksgiving day. A dance was in retu rn ed to her hom e n ear Point t e r ­ A m erican hearts ayd hom es. We are taught to believe t fc.«gr^]: i■. v in it ; m ake ing killed three this fall. T his offer includes all our paid up progress at the public ball when some race, Tuesday. it our watchw ord. It i <'a'n be clearly E. A. Sim s o.ml J o h n G abriel will controversy took place between two Dr. O. F. K ennedy cam e down fr«»m shown th a t the new county is a neces­ subscribers and those who pay all young men at th e supper table. Friends drive a tine team hereafter. his farm up the river, and is visiting bis sity in the near future, by all m eans W in. G lover ami family have gone to arrearages, and pay one y e a r’s sub­ took sides with each and the result of «laughter, Mrs. C hristensen. H is health let us have if. G ard in er to sp»*nd th e w inter. scription in advance. It also in­ th e general row which followed was four is so m uch improve«! th at he appears as Il not, let. us he as we are. content ha«hy m aim ed young men and some ol robust ami genial as of old. C harles Black is th e boss trapper, tinder the shallow uf old L a n e s wing, cludes new subscribers. th em w ill carry scars t«»r a long tu n e . I)r. J L. El I wood cam e up from G ard­ until tin* tim e m aybe, we shall stand having already twelve nice bides. Nti a rre sts were m ade.— Medlord Muni- We find it q uite convenient to have in er on T uesday to exam ine the physi­ al«»ne, upon «»ur own foun«hiti«»n. tor. cal condition of several applicants for W ESTLIITG S. T h a n k in g you very kindly for this our mail delivered at our door once a M r. Ira P. W etm ore, a prom inent real m em bership in P eip etn a lodge, A. O. U. favor ami w ishing you would kindly week. e state agent of Sail Angelo, lex a s, has W ., No. 13L________________ give us some light to ste er by Mr. L«lit«»r, J . II. G abriel lias brought bis wagon T he R oharts left P ortland last W ednes­ used C huniberluin’s Colic, Cholera and 1 am , y<»urs etc., G eorge i . A ei . en , in over the new road, a distance of t h ir ­ D R IV E W H IS T . day week. Diarrhoea Remedy in his family for sev- Point Terraee, Or. teen m iles. No work on th e harbor nt th is place eral years as occasion required, and a l­ A few gathered in the parlors of the S. A. Lowe was w riting to relatives A NEW COUNTY O B J E C T IO N IS T . ways with perfect success, lie sa y s: before May or J u n e next. WE TAKE YOUR MEASURE AND HAVE Mol lis hotel on S aturday evening, at the and fricm ls at th is place. Come again, ‘I find it a perfect cure for our baby, H ood’s P ills are th e best n iter-dinner request of M is. Lucy M orris, to play I vison , O k ., D ecember 7.—Seeing a Sam , and bring your friend, J . L. F ur­ when troubled with colic or dysentery. FULL SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON pills, assist digestion, cure headache. 25c. A handsom ely frosted coinmunieaHoii from M. D. Landis, of nish w ith you. I now leel th at my outfit is not com plete drive w hist. SHORT NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED- O sborne Mowers and R akes for sale at w ithout a hottie of th is Remedy at hom e cake was m ade by M rs. M orris for the G lenada, in regar«l to the form ation and Mr. Sim s m et w ith a cool reception M eyer & K y le ’s. Come and see for ' or on a trip away from hom e.” For sale victors, am i a long, lean, lank cake man establishing of “ C oast” county out of 768 HANDSOME PATTERNS- last week by falling into the creek and for th e booby prize. B. F . Alley and th e western part *»f Lane ami Douglas, yourself. b is in g his gun, but a friend arrived in by Druggist. Mrs. L ucy M orris won th e first prize, and in answ er to his q u e stio n : “ are we G uns, pistols, etc. , repaired by M. W. tim e to rescue it. T he W est has given to its readers and K rnow sky. Leave orders a t F u n k ’s the public generally, better and cheaper and th e follow ing verses will explain ah rem ly?” —ami 1 being a resident ol the D. S. H olden, constable at G ard in er, i about the booby. western part of L ine and believing that h ard w are store. periodicals th an all others to gether in captured bis man at E. M. B lack’s place, j THE DOOBY! we are not rea«lv for a new county— will T he P resbyterian Sunday-School is ib is part of th e country. I t has dona T he young man had taken some m oney ; try to show w hy we are not if tin* E ditor m aking p reparations for a C hrist mas e n ­ th is largely a t its own expense, a m i now th a t did not belong to him . The shades of night were falling fast WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE GERMAN will he so kind a* to allow me space in te rta in m e n t on C hristm as eve. adds anot ner point to its credit by giving As through a biuslaw village past I have been inform ed th a t th e Fi«l- his valuable paper. AMERICAN INSURANCE CO , OF NEW A youth, who bore m id w ind an d rain R everend M illard will he in Florence the weekly Oiegonian to all of its sub­ In the lir«t plae»- let us chisely con- dle creek people have gone to work to ! A bed q u ilt upon w hich h e’d lain in the near future to organize a singing- scribers. T ne op p o rtu n ity will be lim ­ connect the road from Mr. W ilkes’s to | YORK. AND THE PHGENIX ASSUR­ The Booby! si«ler the necessary expense <»f running ited to a certain period, therefore parties school in th e Odd Fellows hall. Maple ereek. T his will give the people lie played a gam e of cards th a t night, ANCE CO- OF LONDON, ENGLAND. th e husin -s of a e u n ity which would R epresentative W right, of U nion, says m ust subscribe at once. T he \\ est for a road from G ardiner to Florence. And for th e iirst prize he d id light; am ount t«» several thousam l dollars a n ­ A lthough lie made a g a lla n t strife th e P o rtlan d S an, declares him self in $2 and tne weekly O.egouiaa free. nually for ofTh.ers pay, besides w hat our S H R I F F ’ S S A L E O N F O R E C L O S U R E lie could not win to save his life H on. G. O. K inearson, of Giegon C ity, favor of the free coinage of silver. bri«lge building ami r«»a«l work would The Booby! F erd in an d de Lesseps, th e builder of one of the representatives-elect of C lack­ am ount to. Ami would not our schools W hen R ates are equal why not g e t the best? In several homes he saw the lig h t NOTICE is hereby given, th a t by virtue of »m ; th e Suez and projector of th e P anam a am as county, has been in town a «lay or Of household tires gleam warm and bright; suffer f«u want of the necessary money E xecution d uly issued out of the C ircu it C ourt j two th is week, a n d m ade th e T iding* a Above him high the pale moon shone, canal, died in Paris Decem ber 7ih. to carry them on? It would be well for of the Stale of Oregon, for Lane C ounty, on the j pleasant call. Mr. lim earson is a prom ­ And from his lips escaped a groan, us to consi'ler all these thin g s as the IHh «lay of November, 1801, on a Judgm ent re n ­ Joe M orris is erecting a comnio liu * The Booby! in e n t young law yer ol Oregon C ity, and new county would he c«unp«»sed m ostly dered in »aid Court <»n the _':.vd day of Oet«»Ler. j building as an addition to the Morris “ O stay ,” the m aiden said, “ atnl rest cam e out to A shland on legal business. of new ami undeveloped co u n try , ami lSlh, for the sum of <1181.3.'» w ith ia te re st th ere­ hotel, w hich will he used as a barber Thy aching c ranium on th is breast !” on a t the rate of 8 per c en t per a nnum from j In response to questions about the a p ­ th e settlers are in no shape for a heavy said 23id «lay of October, 1801, ami for th e sum , A tear stood in his blue green eye, shop w hen complete«!. proaching election of U. S. senator, Mr. B ut still he answ ered w itli a cry, tax w hich would he necessary a t th e be­ of <100.00 A ttorney’s fees, an d the fu rth er huiu O tis Savage has been found guilty of K inearson expressed the opinion th a t The Booby! ginning. \\’<* now receive m ore money of <38.85 costs in said suit, w herein David robbery of $15,003 on O ctober 14ih last, th ere will he a real ami spirited contest The player, by the fa ith fu l dog into th is p art of L ane c«»only for r«»ads, sm ith was VlaintHT; and N. II. B jeldancs, J«»r- from the office of th e Pacilic. E xpress j in th e legislature. H e does not believe gine BJeldancH, George Pederson ami Charles Was found, half-buried in the fog, bridges, etc., th en we pay tax e s. If we Andcruon were Defend ntfc, and a gainst said j Ami w rapped around his lifeless form Com pany a t The Dalles. th a t Senat-.r D»lph will he able to m us­ had a new county now, in our present D efendants, N. II. B jeldancs and George l’cder- ; T h a t bed q u ilt w ith its edges torn, Steam er Coos will leave Florence on ter votes enough to secure a re-election The Booby! undeveloped a m i poor condition, about son, mid on a decree of Eoreeh»sure and ()r«lcr ' C h ristm as day for M apleton at 3 o ’clock o i l th e first nail u .— A shland Tidings. of sale, rendered in said suit, com m anding me, | T hat little game he never learned, the first thing we wouj|l know th e m ajor­ in order to satisfy sai«l Judgm ent and c«»sts, and : p. m ., and tak e ali who desire to a tten I And often though h irfln g e rs b u rn ed, T he whist d u > m et mi Tuesday even­ ity «¡1 us would he sold out for tuxes, a cc ru in g costs, to sell the follow ing described j A voice H urd he. serene and far, th e dance a t th e lish h atchery for hah ing at the resilience «>1 Mr. and Mrs. A. ami would be un d er a bonded debt and Real Property, to w it: Lots 3. I and 5 of Section ' -The. W hich fell on him like a falling star, Wholesale and Retail *® fare. F. H urd, th e club were paired as fol­ 13; Lot 1, of See. 21, Tp. 18South, Kange 12 West - unable to pay it. The Booby! T he pile d riv er owne l by Benedict f Mr. ami Mr« Ailey. .................... C haplain. sta te se n a to r a<*te«l f«»r tlie goo«l <»f all Samuel E Lowe concerned, last w inter, by fighting A severe rain storm visite«! th is place h an d s an«! o th er p arts of th e t»ody. Hood s R U D Y 'S P IL E SU PPO SIT O R Y ia .Officer of the Day. Geo. W. C raven (•«unity «livision and I h« pe he will coil- giiaiw iteeil to cure Piles u tu l Cotmtipu- S arsap arilla, th e g ieat blood purilier, o i l S aturday night an I Sum lay, accom­ John M o tri« .......... .Oilicer <»f the G uard. R B B O K aU U L sh ie r well «»ur situ atio n ,a m i do the same tion, or money refunded. 50 cent» per C e le b ra te d Jesse M o o re w h is k e y panied hy a strong win«!. T aking the cures sa lt rheum . APPO IN TED . at the next m eeting of <»ur leg isla tu re . box. Semi two stam ps for c irc u la r and A . D. R isdon, form erly w ith th e A> /#, volum e ami rate of speed of the wind, CharlcH M itchell............ Sergeant M ajw . We all say a new county s«unetime, hut 'I 'lie C r itle O r e lia r . l S o u r M a sit Fre.. Sam ple to M ARTIN R U D Y , Reg* is now a life insurance a g en t a t San less dam age was done th an m ight he ex- M artin V. A n d r e « « .. . Q. M. Sergeant. not now. T his ¡a w riiten by one who Jo se, C al.—Marshtiel«! M ail. G us Ris­ pected. A sign from the hotel Florence iwicicd P oarm aeiat, E aneazter, »’a. No G e n u in e (»1.1 C a s tle I lo u ib o n holds th e welfare of the country, in Poatala answ ered. For wale hy all firat- Ill; PltE SEN TA TIVE ELI.CTEI». don, as he is know n here, was a t one was blown dow n, ami th e pile-driver of which lie lives, at heart. I give this ill Benedict « & Kobe torn from its moorings To represent this Post at the next De- ehm» d r iig g ia la every w here, aod in Flor­ tim e a se ttle r in th is valley. r - T l i e <» I ’ . S. P o n v —v n e ar K yle’s wharf and in its Hight up p artiuent E ncam pm ent, li. F. Alley « a s the kindest spirit ami ask all interesteil ence, O regon, t.y th e Florence Drug W hen th e stage cam e over th e river I- — s th e river cam e in co n tact with Mr. C a r­ elected and Andrew J . H arris a lte rn a te. to study th e m a tte r well and act accor­ Store. road on F riday last, they found a por­ E ver R efreshing Cold Storage Beer a t 6 ding!) in th e interezt of v«»urselves and m a n ’s w harf, tore aw ay a portion of it , T nirty-six m einliers were reported in tio n of th e B eecher rock bridge gone, Cent» a GI uhh Await» Y our O rder. ami then a little fu rth e r « hi struck the the ro ster, and the Post, free from debt fam ilies. Mr. L an d is’« plan for form ing LANE C O U N TY , O R EG O N. a n d th e horses had to be u n h itch ed and Call fu ra n Im ported or Donie»tic. Cigar, steam er Coos breaking the railing a t the and funds In the trea su -v , « Id le the in ­ th e new county is good, hut the main led over a n d th en th e wagon taken I’o per-',na deni'ing relialde info rm ­ ste rn of th e boat. T ne pile-driver was terest m anifested hy all com rades issueli question is: are we ready? No! And You Will he Satisfied. a p a rt and carried across by th e passen­ ation regarding th e wonderful reaourccH found on M m I iv m orning on the flats as to m ake G eneral Lyons Post one of Y ours Resf>eetfully, gers. of lam e eoutd j , or for price« und term » 8. J . D ay . near th e m outh o f N orth Fork and towed the most active in th e state. OR. A fam ily of im m igrants w ith house­ of grail., block or fruit farina in th e E U C E N E , to Florence. P O I N T T E R R A C E . hold effects, wagon, etc., from N ebraska, W illam ette Valley or town p roperty News From Eugene. Any one who has children will rejoice cam e up on th e Modoc last n ig h t aifd . itlier in E u g e n e or Florence, v,c recom ­ AN EXC ELLEN T FARM . with L. B. M ulford, of Plainfield, N. J. I'.v M oue A non . m end vim to correapond with E. .1. Fra- took th e O. P. for Y aquina to-day, w here From the Eugene Guard. Ilis little hoy, live years of age, was sick A bout seven m iles up the Sinslaw F l o r e n o o aier, aeeretarv and m anager of th e lam e O re g o n th ey will tak e a vessel for Florence w ith croup. For two days ami nights Almost a freshet. w hich is th e ir d e stin a tio n .—Corvallis M r. C assidy, of San Francisco, is at Co. Land it Loan Co , E ugene, Oregon. river ir«»m I* lorence, un«l situate«! on tlie he tried various rem edies recom m ended Ed H ailsall sta rte d a large raft of logs Semi (or one of th e ir luteat descriptive bottom lands of the river, is one of the the M innesota Hotel, and is thin k in g Times. by friends and neighbors. He say s: “ I ol e stab lish in g rreanierieH a t th is place down the river yesterday. eiienlara. Read tlieir ad. in a n o th e r best fsn n s in Lane county. Fur grain F or rh e u m a tism 1 leave found nothing th o u g h t sure I would lose him . I had nr pasture land it i* unexeelled, and , E very encouragem ent The infant son of George S aunders has part of thia paper. equal to C ham ber Iain ’s Pain Balm . It seen C h a m b e rlain ’« Cough Remedy ad­ and Florence. the best proof th a t it produces th e finest I relieves th e pain as soon as applied. J. vertised ami th o u g h t I would try it as a possible should he offered the gentle­ been d angerm i'iv riMs«r a few days hut varieties of fru it, is th a t th ere is grow-1 m an. Such enterprises are « h a t Lane is better at th is writing. -T H E W . Young, W est L iberty, W. Va. The last hope and am happy to say th a t af­ ing a large orchard consisting of the Joe Mori is, J r ., of Florence,, is r»p- p rom pt relief it affords is alone w orth te r tw o «loses he slept until m orning. county ami th e sta te generally is in Miss II. M . Vase, of 8t. P aul, M inn., re-eiiling Brown P,.others C om pany, choicest kinds of fruit-trees now in m any tim es th e cost, 50 cents. Its eon- I gave it to him next «lav am! a cure was need of. San Francisco and P ortland arrived on Tic sdav’s stage. S he Is v is ­ P o rtlan d , D ie., whose nurs.'iic» are a t bearing. T his farm will be sold as a tin n ed use will effect a p erm a n en t cure. effected. I keep th is remedy in the yearly use tons of E aste rn b u tte r which iting at the residence o f Mrs. H 'iles who R ochester. N. Y. T his C om pany has whole «»r in ten, five or one acre tracts ought to he pnaloced here a t home. F o r sale hy Druggist. ¡1 till < III ftietnl. ,'llss Vase is a n esti- the reputnlioii of being the most reliable to suit purchasers. W rite to O. F. K en­ house n«»w a n d as soon as any of my — D E A L E R IN — of nursery stock in th e I Ilion. The co n tract for b uilding the new nint.le lady, and as she is likely to re ­ growers I t seem s th a t the people over in Lake c hildren show signs <»f croup I give it to T h eir slock is w arranted to he tru e to nedy, I l«»rcnec, O regon, for p articulars preein ct, Douglas eon. ly, are agreeing them ami th a t is th e Fist of i t . ” 50 cent I,rick business hiis k for M is. E lizabeth m ain with us I bespeak for her a hearty nam e and free from insect |s*sts. All and prices. th e ir trees are perfectly united at hud or Cottier was let today to L. N. Roney. welcome. a bout th e benefits of a e re m ie ry , and hotties for sale hy Florence D ruggist. graft and no dead wood can he found As soon as the present renters o f the old will m ake a s ta rt in th a t direction. The In Spite of the storm ab o u t forty per­ T he B row nsville Timer, after copying th ere. As the com m ercial sta n d in g of FOR S A L E . fact is th ey are a little m ore progressive our local about our to w n ’s finances from buildings on th e ground» can move, sons gathered t ■ enjoy the Th ankagiving th is firm is reported G. K., the w arrant th a n ottr N orth Fork d a iry m en , and th e San, has th is to say about its own which will he hut a few days, the work m eans som ething. I h e y have plenty of A fine farm of D»0 acres situated on tcntlm onials as t . th e ir goods and ineth- the Lakes Soiitli from l !«»rence. th e n , too. th ey take very little stock in c o n d itio n : “ The above is a very goo«I t.f tearin g down the building will begin Awarued This ods of doing business. and th e new building will he hu iried to Highest Honors—World's Pair. stove polisher«’ opinions. ranch is m ostly abler ami vine m aple record we will ad m it, hut it sinks into A fatal accident occurred a t th e Pio­ u tte r oblivion a lie n compare«! to th e rec­ com pletion. N inth street is rapidly b e ­ bolt'iin land, having nearly a m ile lake neer qu arrv , M ednestlav a bout 1 p . in . , ord m ade by th e prosperous little city of com ing one of the most im p o rtan t busi­ frontage. Ten acre* under cultivation w hile hoisting th e m ast fo ra new derrick B row nsville. The stre ets have been im ­ ness stre ets of our city. and 5 m ore slashed ; a g«»«»d orchard just T hree residences in a row on T h ir­ in to position, tit« cable broke, letting prove«!, no assessm ents have been levied, P ark G iu hitv P in .■ '.ill reduce your come in to h e arin g ; 5 room s in a fram e tlie heavy lim b er fall; it rolled over on th e city does n »t owe a dollar ami lias teenth stre et were en tered hy a burglar w eight PE R M A N E N T LY from 12 to 15 house th a t is ceiled am i p a p ere d ; g«>od one of ttie workm en nam ed W in. M osher upward* o f . 003 out on interest. Brow ns­ Inst evening, presum ably while the is-- |s 11 1 Is a m o n t h . N*» S TA R \ I N<, siek- ouY-htiildings. and stock of all kind« will in stan tly k illing him . Several others ville is ail <>. K .” Brownsville is cer­ e n p an ts wt re a t c hurch. A w atch charm n .'s t o r i n j u r y ; N O P I B l . l t I’l > . They be sold w ith th e place a t reasonable p ri­ liad a narrow escape.—Y aquina Bay tain ly doing well, but our town does not was tHKen from ta e residence of W. II build up the health and Isam lify the ce-1 if desired. Price of farm , >2 >o,t ; oiu Ropiiiilng Promptly Done com plexion leaving NO W R IN K L E S or half cash am i reasonable tim e gi\»*u for “ sink into n ite r o blivion” by co m pari­ A lexander. Mr. Rog rs m ourn“ the h o ­ N ew t. A N D WORK W ARRANTED. of a gold ring anil breastpin and ; 2.0.1 in flabbiness. STOUT ABDOMENS and balance. A pply fur fu rth e r particulars P arties are com ing here to build a son. Florenc- is locate«! in a new coun­ cash. Mr. Law rence i» aw ay from town d ill'll 11II breathing surely relieved. NO try and has been incorporated only two at th is office. cream ery or see w hat can l>e done about i ' iu is r S ritbE T , I t ( i iie m ' e , O r e o o s . E N P E R 1 M E N T I- nt a »eientilh- and [xis- b u ild in g one. Some very insignificant y ears, and at th is w riting It«« {10) to and it is not known w hat was taken front liis liottse. Som eone a tte m p ted to itive relief, adopted only after years of people m ay laugh behind stoves about a h e r credit in the treasury. Br«»wj».*ville SPEE D Y And LASTING RESULTS. break in ¡-rank R eisncr’. residence la“t experien -e. All orders supplied dire, t W ld '.H P ushing C anvasser of cream ery, hut it will Is- hu ill, and when is an old town in a densely populated nigh’ , lint the noise awoke him , and from our oil'n c. Price ^2.00 pi r pack­ we are enjoying its la n e tits. how like c o u n try , and if we do ns well in th e fu- go«»il address. L iberal salary and the would lie thief was seared off. age or th ree pa kngci, for t-'i.W) by mail wilid'lm ga th re e «neerers will »well w ith , „ ri. in the | n t , « h e n H .r.-liv e i - -n « \por>*«‘* p-iid wi-eklv; P e rm an e n t from ..ny i n p i n n 'i- u i h u a n . e. MOST PERFECT MADE. Two or th ree gentlem en are here from |s » slp a i l. Test: .onia)» and p a rtien la ’ s c red it for w hat th ey have done to build old «» i» B ro«iisville. we » ill have hall «¡n .n. BIB >WN BROS. CO., N u it» u r.3 3 AB:-jgrva s t io e n . th e east w lm are th in k in g seriously of A pure Grape Cream o f Tartar Powder. Free s e a le d 2’ t - . a m illion of m oney. WeGUAR&NTtE a CURE or relunil pair mone«. a cream ery. ym eii, P o itlah d , O regon. from Ammonia, Alum or «ny other adulterant. F rir« . WX..K> |H r h o ltln . S.:nd 4c tor Irealno. A ll <'«»rr« *, * ’ ‘D n» • ’• • » I d ly < • n fbl«•ntlal establishing a factory in E ugene to mali- T H K A IO tIT M t il U C A I. C O ., U u .to n , M b s ». T lie Orey trtitiH i» ta te . th a t on Decem­ Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powder 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. P A R K R E M E D Y C O . , B cs to n M ass afactitre baskets, tu b s and ali k in d , of ber 6th, when the steamer H -m e a t W orld, fa ir ttlgbesl /-M at and Dlph T J E iE W E S T . M H E I & General F/lerchants. Coffee Teas Dry Goods, Groceries, Bools, Shoes, H ardw are, Glassware, C rockery, Oregonian ior Drugs, Medicines, I Paints, Oils, Windows, Doors, Build* ers’ Supplies. ★ ★ ALWAYS TRADE AT Meyer & .Kyle’s. W. M. RENSHAW, M arr d¿ Safley L IQ U O R D E A L E R . BUTCHERS. B e e f, F is ti, G a m e , F r u its ,. "V e g e t a b le s . H3I. Chamberlin ,T e w e l e r , . •DIV FA T PEOPLE CLOCKS, JEWELRY^ © FAT P E O P t-K ^ ^ .