F T he tide of destiny , is turning f ist ”] tow ards Florence. All sorts of ae- J cum ulation of facts point th at way '""VVw— w— v-v-v— yv- w n j Vw v-v’v’v’v The habit of T he W est is one of j push, energy, pluck. It is the news ft I granary of these m ountain slopes. < *■**-* TT-V-W-M-V-, ^ y y v i ai M - u w i u Vol. V. FLORENCE, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER II, 1891. U S IN E S S CAR T R A V E L E h S ’ GUIDE. GENERAL DIRECTORY EUGEXE-Fi 0: EXCE _ Practical W atchmaker STAGE I/X E . HORACE STATE OFFICERS . CRAIN, A n d D e a le r in F in e W a tc h e s a n d Je w e lry Governor......... .......... Sylvester Pennoyer • • O re g o n . Secretary of S tate....... Geo. AV. McBride i. u g o n o T reasurer..........................Philip Metchen Supt. Public Instruction . E. B. McElroy State P rin te r.................. Frank C. Baker H ’ NRY A. BAY, Agent _ „ ) .................R. A. Bean Supreme Court A ...............F. A. Moore ) . ...C . £ . Wolveiton Judge Second D istric t.. . .J. C. Fullerton Of Salem, Oregon. Attorney Second District Geo. M. Brown E B i g s ___ P rop rietor. State Insurance Comp’y T h is is th e le n d in g in s u r a n c e c o m p a n y o f th e P acific co a st. A ssets a o iiu rtc r o f n m illio n d o l­ lar». P riv a te d w e llin g s a n d fa rm p ro p e rly a s p e c ia lty . A d d ress m e a t G a rd in e r. O reg o n , »uni 1 w ill c a ll u p o n y o u find in s u r e y o u r p ro p e rty . COUNTY OFFICERS Judge....................................... A. H. Fisk Commissione s . Eli Perkins J. T. Cullison H ead of T ide H otel, W. W. NEELY, Prop'r. C le r k ..,............................A. C. Jennings Tables furnished w ith aR the Sheriff..................................A. J Johnson T reasurer...................................J . G. Gray Assessor. .......................... D. I’. Burton game, fish and fruit in season. Best School Superintendent. J. G Stevenson accomodations for tlie traveling S u ru e y o r ...,......................... AV. B. Pengru public. hnrges reasonable. Coroner....................................J. AV. H arris flltS T UITY OFFICES. NATIONAL ( President . . . . . . . _______ ...B . F. Alley BANK LUQENE. T . O . H E N O tîIC K S . P a ts . S. B. EAK1N. J»., Oscar Flinke PA ID U P OASH C A PIT A L , Í5 0 .0 0 0 O. W. Hurd S U R P L U S AND P R O F IT S , Board of Trustees Ï 5 0 .0 0 0 Win. Kt le L. Christensen A C C O U N T S S O L I C I T E D Recorder............... ........... Drew Severy EUGENE, OREGON. Treasurer............. . . Frank B. Wilson M arshal................. .............. J. C. Brown Justice of P eace.. . .. II. M. Chamberlin , LEADING E, C S E O -iE T S O C IE T IE S. F. & A. M. Siuslaw Lodge No. 107. ■ Regular ‘.toiiiinniiieatioii on second Saturday night in each month. C. B. M organ , AV. M. O. W. II uiid , Secretary. A A. R. General Lyons Post, No. 58. ■ meets after tlie first q u arter of tlie C muon, linear month. R, B. M ills , Commander. B. F. Alley, A djutant. l o t h i e r . . . AND ........¿ ■■ ■ M E R C H A N T -T A IL O R , DEALER HATS a n IN ( ’A P -, j ; { - ’ S FURNISHING GOODS EU G E N E , - ORECON. U. AV. Perpctna Lodge, No. 131, every 1st ami 3d Saturdays A O. • each meets m onth. Members and visiting brethren in good standing a r e cordially Invited to at tend. A. O. Futike, M. AV. J oseph A. M orris , Recorder. O. W . H U R D , PROPRIETOR. C. D. T H O M A S , MANAGER FLO RENCE, O .O . F. Heceta Lodge No. I l l , meets ■ every Wednesday evening in Lodge Hall, Florence, Oregon. Brothers in Pure W in es good standing invited to attend. Drugs, W m . B krniiabdt , N. G. J. I. B utterfield , Ree. Sec. Medicines, I OREGON. and Liquors. Leaves Eugene on Mon lax s and T hursdays a t 6 a. in , arriving in Florence the day following at 4 p. m. R eturning— Leaves Florence on Tuesdays and Fridays a t 8 a. in. arriving in Eugene the day follow­ ing at 7 p. ni. Mansions W here Legis- lators. Abide. McMillan’s Beautiful Wash­ ington Residence. 4- Singlo fare . . . - 85.00 R ound trip - - _ _ JO.OO O t h e r H o m e s o f ’ e 1th n in i G o o d T a s t e a t t h e < Mpittal. tu«. t u t lin g t h a t o f : T ickets for sale at E Bangs's ' K c n a lo r J . Jff. l> o lp h . ’ ivery barn, Eugene, and a t H urd & D avenport's oflice in Florence. to find between sunrise and sunset on the 21st of June, which being tin- longest day in tlie year, would naturally ufl'md bun the longest period for his search. Site is an ideal hostess, and a woman wlio is a complete mistress of every fem­ inine art that can make a husband or a guest feel that her homo is one of the J pleasantest places on earth. I The interior of Mrs. Senator Davis’ home is licit ami tasteful, hut at the same time warm and home-like. It is a home in which Ute visitor feels thor­ oughly at home front the moment of his entrance, a result due to tlie charming woman whose presence and influence are ttgteeahly iiuutiiest in every appoint­ ment of tlie dwelling. I No. 35 RESULT OF OUR OFFER. ___________ P hilosophers ’ S tone .—The stone or preparation which the alchemists for- I nterly sought as tlie instrum ent of con- i verting the bn-er metals into pore gold. I Alehemy was the fore-runner of clteiuia- z-, . rs . J ames tolnier C arnes lry Being 'tt'iil.le to , , ,, Oil the lienors. lie Gives the Most Creditable Answers. M is» D e ll a M o r r is a n d W i l l i e .1. K y le C a r r y D ll’ li t e S e c o li,! a n ti T h ir d P r i z e s X t e s p e e llv e ly . obtain access to an encvclopeilia I have had trouble to ans­ wer Nos. 3 and 4, The above communication is plainly written, every letter so distinct tliat J there is no mistaking it (or another, and i vie have failed to find an error in it. B it tiiere are some of the questions ive I propounded unanswered, and such must he taken into consideration, no m atter what tlie cause, or our sym pathies for tlie reason of failure. Tlie third answer is tliat presented by AV illie J. K yle and will he read as below : It must be confessed that it has been Pho fed squarely on the corner of Six­ P hilomel .—(Philom ela)—Procne and more difficult to arrive at a decision for teenth street ami Massachusetts avenue, J ---------------------------------------- ---------- [ Philomela were the daughters of Pan- W ashington is a city of magnificent northwest, in full view of Scott Circle, <‘rst Pr*7-e than was expected when we ilion, King of Attica, who, in return for homes, of which llte majority are those with its equestrian statue of the famous propounded the questions for the school warlike aid rendered him by Tereus, of members of congress, cabinet minis­ ” - S A IL S __ - old hero of the Mexican war, Gen. Will- utudents to answer. Two have ans- King of Datilis, in Tiirace, gave liitn thé ters, or other persons guineway connect­ field Scott, is a large, square double uereit all tlie questions, amt have writ- lust-nam ed in marriage. Tereus, how- On th e 1st, 10th and 20tli of each ed with tlie adm inistration ol the gov­ house of pressed brick. It is self-assert­ ten their letters eo nicely, th at these | e' e r’ l’vil|K enamored of her sister, inont . ernm ent. Many of tlie stateliest of these must he selected, from the enlire nun,- bi" wife dea‘* nnd in" ive, bluff ami heurtv, like tho old lady Single trip 83.00. Round trip 85.00 j duced Philomela to take her place. On mansions, says a writer in tlie Detroit ,■ . , ., . , . .. ,, ,, ; from which the rich state of Nevada her, on which to give lirst place. First her discovering the truth lie cut out her l iee Trees, are tlie residences of senators who for so many years made it her home, in their order, we print the reply of tongue to hinder her from revealing his who have built or bought them. Phre­ deceit, lint she depicted iicr sad story on J ames T. C olmer , ami won all iiearts tiy her kindness and F o r Passenger and F reig h t Rates nologists tell us that t l i e character ami courtesy to all. It. stands back from the whose letter contains our questions nnd a robe which she sent to Procne, and tlie two sisters then contrived n horri­ distinguishing trails of different individ­ --------- A P P I.Y TO---------- street, with a small, neatly kept lawn in his answers thereto, and is as follows: ble revenge for the infidelity of Tereus, uals may le lead not only from tlici** Moye & Kyle, Florence, Or. “ bumps” ami llieir face, hut also from front. A carriage wav passes before its W i t . liam D ean H owls .—When and bv killing ami serving to him at table portal, beneath a small stone porch. where wus he horn ; what trade did lie his son Itvs. Thereupon the gods inter­ learn; what office did he hold from 18(il their walk, the carriage ol their arms I’wo gas lamps project from its walls on to 1865; what did lie do in 1871, and posed, changing Tereus into a hoopoe, and body, their handwriting and ninny Procne into a swallow nnd Philomela STE AM E each side of the fiont door. It stands what is lie engaged in now? into a nightingale, wliiio Xlys was re­ other things pertaining to them . If o— W ill r n u k c -------- o Ans.—Was horn a t M arlin’s Feery stored to life as a pheasant, and Pnudion ; alone, completely detached from the this he true, why may we not iell some- near Clunibus, Ohio, Marcii 1,1837; changed into a bird of prey. (See os­ . neighboring dwellings, and hay windows R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R IP S thing of a m a n s personality from the I )(j stained glass abound on its every learned printers’ trade, being printer, prey.) ----- B e tw e e n ------- reporter and news-od. on Ohio Slate house which he lives in? A big-hearted, S tentorian .—1st.—Pertaining to a side. One of its most attractive apart­ Journal; was consul at Vinice from 1861 open handed man, of a cheery, hospit­ ments is tlie dining-room, which is fur­ to 1865 under Lincoln, being appointed stentor; extremely loud; as, a stentorian able nature, will naturally desire a voice. nished with a hold m ixture of modern for writing life of Lincoln; In 1871 as­ 2nd.—Aide to utter a very loud sound ; cheerful, lug, roomy house, while a man sumed entire control of magazine called! and antique. Here and there is a plate as, stentorian lungs. “ The loudness of or woman of mean, small nature will he of rich-colored clolssotine enamel, a "The Atlaulic,” pub. at Boston and be­ his stentorian voice.” —Fuller. “ Ho Thos. F.* Oakes, Henry C. Payne. Henry C. Rouse Rce'vrs came its e d ; Is now engaged in literary contented to live in a small, mean dwell­ piece of Nankin china, a specimen of old persuits, his connection with “ The At­ measures out his own stentoronic voice.” ing, This theory is sustained by many brass work, a bracket of real old hard lantic” I,living ceased iri 1881, Is now —W arhurton. A herald spoken of by of the residences in Washington in which llom er, having a very loud voice; hence, oak, an antique lamp or some other writing for the L a d in ’ Home Journal. any person having a powerful voice. our senatuis’ wives have their luxurious P hilomel .—W hat bird is called by article dear to the heart of the collector. There was much painstaking in tho homes, not a few of them corresponding It was Mrs. John P. Jones, the wife of th at name and what is tlie story tliat writing of W illie’s answer, and although in character with tliat of their fair tc- gave rise to it? the great millionaire silver king and cupants. Ans.—The nightingale. Origin— it contains replies to only part of the senator from Nevada, who made this (Greek—Philomela, tlie daughter of questions, it is truly a model of correct­ There is no senator’s wife who 1ms a beautiful home so tasteful and magnifi­ King Pandiuti of Attica who was ness for so young a boy. more beautiful home than th at of Mrs. cent. changed into a nightingale.) One au­ Notwithstanding we offered only Jam es McMillan, wife of the senior Uni­ thority says that King Pnudion of At­ * te« Stales eei. a'o r from MiL.iig.ui. I t is .Mrs. Senator .fosepli it, Hawley, of tica lu l l two daSlil »<*; I h . i . o e a n d three pujzes, u o ttiin g ^ m o re elia a large, massive doubie.hd.isc ol pressed Connecticut, lives at 27 I sh eet, in the Philomela. Prokne was in irrted to Ter- done than tlm publishing of a reply to a brick, liberally auppiiyM witn h a y w i n ­ north western section of the capital. 8he ens, king of Trace. Prokne got lone­ part ol the questions by a very young some and scut her husband Tereus after dows from the groumi-'lo the third lioor and tier husband arc old-fashioned peo- Philomela. Ho went ami got her and lioy who lias takon marked pains with on both sides of the front entrance. It pki al„, their house is a rambling mau­ on the way outraged her (his wife’s sis­ li is letter. It is th at of S te a m e r i^obarts Florence to Yaquina. 1 “ COOS,” ORTHERN PACIFIC. S le e p in g C a rs D avid M. K vlk giolli ,„ || of „ ia(| owa> wi„ , a big> wjl|e. ter), and cut off'her tongue so tliat she could not tell and then confined her in a open staircase leading up to long cor- lonely castle, culled “ cage” by some, and here it is : D in in g C a rs Chemicals, W illiam D ean H owells .—An Ameri­ ridorri, where one’s footsteps echo she however by means of some lace or can author who was horn at M artins­ Perfum ery, T o u r ist CHURCH DIRECTORY strangely. It is a house that should al­ cloth communicated with Prokne that ville, Ohio, in 1837. He learned tha Stationery, ways he full of light-hearted guests to she win not dead as Tereus tiad report­ printers’ trade, hut soon began to write S le e p in g C a rs W all Paper, ed. She got her liberty and to revenge RESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Florence, veranda, on which it is delightful to s i t i give it )ife an,, ,.,,„ ,.,,„ 1 ,,^ . A llt(>tt (or tlie papers, both prose and verse, and Oregon. Sabbath service. Suhbntli- Blank Books, 8T. PAUL on summer evenings ami watch the line I rel„uter p,.ri„(1 thttn tollay. But t(ieJ she killed the son of Tereus mid served ill 1858 he was editor of the Ohio State scliool, 10 o’clock a. m . Preaching 11 the son as a banquet for the King, his o ’clock a. in. and 7 p. in. Sacram ent of Journal. In 1860 lie was appointed M IN N E A P O L IS specimens of Imrsellesh tliat go speeding hBrillollize perfectly with the kindly T oilet A rticles, father. Tim king was enraged and per- tlie Lord’s supper on 1st Sabbath of Unite I States consul at Venice and D uluth up and down th e avenue. Entering the ' presence of the delightful lady who pre- W indow Shades, sued the women and when lie drew Ilia January , April, July and October. there remained until 1865. His Italian main pot tai you find ymirsell in astutely ( Everybody is welcome to all the services. Physicians’ Prescriptions Carefully FARGO j sides among them with a charm ing old- sword to strike them both were changed experiences are expressed in his “ Vene­ Pastor requests C hristians to make TO C R A N D F O R K S into birds, Philomela into a nightingale hall, with the d-awing-room ,—Compounded.—, your i fasb¡,,|,(!,| grace and courtesy. Mrs. Ifaw- themselves known. tian l.ifo nnd Italian Journeys." After CRO OKSTON I. G. K notts , Pastor. left and the reception-room on your ,ey WM „ ll0gpita| nonw ,,y pr„fe8si,,„ and Prokne, his wife, into a swallow. his return to the United States Mr. P hilosophers ’ S tone .—Anciently to Howells became editor-in-chief of tho W IN N IP E G right. Both of these rooms are mag,.ill- bef,„e her mar.¡age with the senator, ETHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH what supposed substance did tlie word Atlamir Moothb/, 1871, and is noted for H E L E N A »» he removed to New York to take while above the mantel there is a Psvetie G. W. Q uimby , mirror which is a veritable work of art. At mm,her 8 Lafayette Square lives rior metals to gold. Alchemy and the charge of the editorial departm ent of Pastor. science of chem istry were discovered in Jiarpcr'n Magazine. C H IC A C O Tne door IS of richly ...laid woods, pol- Mrs. j , IHe|lll x Do|pl, wj(u ()f , ne searching for it. Piiti.osofiiKit’s S tone .—Stone or prep­ W A S H IN G T O N ■shed like marble, while the f l i r t , it.,re is 8enator frolll Or,.g„n. , , er bollle) |ike S tentorian .—What is tlie meaning aration which the alchemists formerly NOTARIES. P H IL A D E L P H IA of the most dainty and luxurious de- ,1(,arly aU Washington houses, is of red mid origin of the word? sought as the instrum ent of co, verting TO N E W YORK scription, and a few choice pictures hang brick>plaill all(1 iub8tantia, in it, Ans.—Exceeilingly loud or powerful tlie baser metals into pure gold. SA LT LAKE, D E N V E R , BOSTO N A ND A L L upon the walls. The reception-room is terior- I t is of the straight li^and-dow n as applied to voice or lungs. Origin— R. BUTTOLPA, AWAIIDS O F l - K I Z E S . P O IN T S E A S T and S O U T H O M A H A , K A N S A S C IT Y , liberally supplied with velvet sofas and style of architecture, with a double door Stentor—a herald mentioned by Houier First prize, Jam es T. Colmer. wlio had a voice like thunder. rigbt C H IC A G O , S T . L O U IS F o r In f o r m a tio n , tim e card » , m a p s a n d tic k e ts , divans ami cl.a, aeterized by the same flallUL.(, by Uv„ willllow, ,,,, Second prize, Miss Delia Morris, and The above answers arc complete ill de­ c a ll o n o r w rite mr of comfort and luxury that pervades The pri„ci,,al feature of its interior, A N D A L L And Collector. in consideration c f tier perfectly written tail, mid give correctlw what one author O flice tw o d o o rs w e s t of F lo re n c e H o te l, the drawing-room. Mrs. McMillan is a wbicb ¡„ riC|, and substantial throughout E A S T E R N C IT IE S , letter, the time of subscription for T iik A. D. C H A R L T O N , says regarding tlie lirst three questions. I y io re n a e , • - O re g o n . thoroughly domestic woman ami gives ia „ ,arg(J ba( k r(JO|11 ¡„ , ||0 i|ory( A s s is ta n t G en eral P a s se n g e r A gent. W est is extended to one year. In the answer to the last question, all P o r t l a n d O r . her personal attention to the conduct of „„.scum , half library, where Mrs. will notice the diircreuce as given in our 1 Third prize. Willie J. Kyle. JOE MORRIS, Jr her household. | Dolpli’s other hull fulminates those dia* own reply, which we believe to he nu-1 All know that we arc in sym pathy EAST AND SOUTH j tritieg which have made him a genatorial thentic. The letter of Jam es is plainly with the efforts of the sm aller children On MaHSuchufitmg^uvenuc, northweat header und one of the bent-known 1111*111- w ritten, mid as we print it letter by let­ in their endeavors to gain knowledge, of the capitol, ami hearing the number hers of the senate. Mis. Dolpli is a F lo r e n o e O re g o n . ter ns it appears in manuscript, it will and we have decided to give Davie OF T H E “ 1428” over its door, there is a hand­ woman of q uietam i retiring disposition, ire seen th a t there are a fe w words in- K>lu « >,rii,e ior 1,i" «0(kI wtio finds tier chief happiness in her Southern Pacific Co. some huu,e of a rich, dark bluish stone. Imine and seldom cares to wander from correctly spelled, but taking the age of ani,w‘'r ‘- 80 T h e Q n ic k e n t t o C h ic a g o l,« 'e left the selection to ATTO RNEYS a n d th e K an t. It is a cheerful, pleasant looking dwell­ it. E x p re s s T r a in s L eav e P o r tla n d D aily . the hoy into connideiation and the the Literary L ditn’ss of this paper and S o u th 1 N o rth ing, sugge-ling good taste ami refinement she will present it on Christmas. Q u i c k e r t o O m a h a a n d 6:15 p ni l.v length of his answers, these are few. P o r tla n d A r|» :2 U n III K a n a a n C ity . Mrs. Shelby M. Cullom, wife of tlie in its every outline. I t is the home of 12:07 p in l.v EiiKeii« Lv 1 2:44 n o ra A.ss’.vEm r<> qi fSMrioNfl. III A. C. WOODCOCK, The next reply, which we also give 10:45 n Hl A r S an F ra n c isc o Lv 1 7:00 i, 111 the youngest mid most lajautiful w o iu u ti senior senator from Illinois, lives nt 1413 After viewing all tlie authorities upon A bove tra in « s to p n t all F tatio n « from P o r t­ verbatim, nnd tho next inorderofcor.- T h r o u g h P u ll m a n a n d T o u r i s t S le e p e r s , la n d to A lb a n y in e lu a iv e ; alno T a n g e n t, Mheild«, in Washington who can boast the honor Mussach :sctts uvenue northwe«t, ’ in one sidcrution, •• . , the subjects we gave out for answers, wo H n l-ey . H arrfo b u rg , J u n c ti o n C ity , Irv in g , Eu is that of F r e e R e c l i n i n g C h a ir C a r s , g en e , <;om«t(K*k»<. b rn in n a n d a ll « ta tio n a from of being a senator’s hridr*, for it is occu- °f Hie few Washington houses having n Pi 11 \ Moirus believe ihe following to he perfectly au­ D in in g C ars. K o e tb u rg to A sh la n d in c lu s iv e . O re g o n KOSEBC ito MAIL, DAILY. thentic : pied by Senator Cushman K. Davis, of dtatinctivs individuality of their own. aH foj|ow s• F o r ra te s a n d g e n e ra l in f o r m a tio n c a ll o n o r 7 a n d A M cL aren'« B u ild in g . a d d re s s 8:S0 a P o r tla ie l Lv A r i 1:30 p ni Minnesota, and his charm ing wife, who W illiam P e w H o vzijs was born nt °* •’M'bt gray san Istone and has not P hilomel .—A bird of the thrush fam- S p ecial a tte n tio n g iv e n to c o lle c tio n s a n d p r o ­ 2:30 I, Lv Eugene l.v 10:26 a ni b a te b u sin e ss. 8:50 p Ar w . B . K rK L B F R T , KosehiirK I’lus bird sings M irtiJiwille, Ohio, March 11, 1H37. Ho l.v I 7:00 a in heiore her marriage was Anna Agnew, escaped the influence ot the present era ily, the song thrush. AksL O en l. Pas». A g en t, I r i n i n a C a r s o n O g e le n I t o n t e , Mrs. Davis is the mo.st talked about and florid architecture. The outer door '*l,el1 otiier birds are silent. 1 he learned the trade of a printer, nnd when 251 W a sh in g to n St C or. M . P O R T L A N D , OR P u l l m a n H u f l a t S l o a p e r s the most written about woman in the stands open, and ns the visitor enters word U derived from Philomela, daugh- ‘I’“ 1« young entered upon journalism , L. R. JOHNSON, ter of Pandion, king of Athens, who, ae- Urom ISdl to 1805 he was United States AMD nation’s capital, and the diff. rent stories ,ne vestibule he hesitate« between two (.or,|jng to an ol 1H71 became editor of the Atlantic sod a Ivetitures are simply legion. Proli- W e st s id e D iv i« io n . All my work will be w arranted to give hack into the house proper, while the The song thrn-h is ta ing imported to M i B etween P ortland and C orvallis . . i ¡ ■ ¡li-.n w liieh he still holds. ably most of I hem have no more fotrn la- latter lends into the senator’s library mail T R A IM D A IL Y (KX< F I T « I N H A Y .) satisfaction. Call on or write to me at S T A O K L .IN B 3. 1- i b iii- i i¡ i in th.it magazine and our state from Germany. 7:30 a I" I l.v p e n ï,,,,,! A r! am lion in fact than have the fabulous ami office rooms, whose? cozine««, to- 12:15 p m | A r C o rv a llis l.v 1 1:00 p ni S tbmtokiax .—Prom stentor a herald «it.i» r p. i e ‘ii. .»Is, he has published a A t A l l a n t n ie l i ..rv n llis e o n n e e t w ith tr a in s s t o r i e s t h a t m a k e u p t h e c o n t e n t s o f t h e g e t l i e r w i t h t h e w e ll, d i v e r s i t y o f t h e i r o f G reffon P a c in f' '’ u K nflrim . n . . — d. a with a loud voice. Very loud, “ lie volume i¡ pitelin au 1 numerous novels, j "A rabian N ights.” Be th at as it may, *>elongings, make it seen, quite appro- K t l ’ R E - s TP l I M f l |» A f I Y (BZ< FPT M’S'I»» Y.j and a few hooks of travel. Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes­ 4 »0 p m I Lv P o r tla n d Ar | - ' r, m , t ‘ piiatu I d apply to them the name of snored in stentorian tones.” days ami Fridays. JOHN C. GRAY, , 7 25 p m |A r M c M in n v ille Lv | ft.V) a in the interesting fact rem ains that M r s . W illiam P eux How ei . l «.—He was Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, T hurs­ “ snuggery.” Mrs. Cullom s house, P hilo M ei —Tin? story which gives to T h ro u g h T ick et« tn mil p o in t« in th e K a«tem Davis is one of the moat agri-, able and though small, is elegant and tasteful in horn in 1837. He is hii American au­ days ami Saturdays. State«, < a ñ a d a a n d FurotH- r a n at i----- — «----. .. i - Connects with Steam er and Seotts- low thor of prominence. He wa» once sent the nightingale tlie name of Philomel is e«t - — rate« fro m I,. < Asrent, K npene. attractive women and one of the most its every npp.,in»oieut. I’ m lion. King of Attica, T h s b est w o rk a t t h e m o s t R e a so n a b le P ric e s b u r g Stage Line for Drain. Also with as M inister from oar country to Koine. a; follows R. K o r h l r r . K. P. R ookr «, perfect hiistre: - -.i of the art of entertain­ O S c e o v e r O rc n g c S tore. Stage Line for Coos Bay. Charge had twodeaighteis, Philomel and Procne, M an ag er. A««t. (}. P. a n d I’a«« Affi. Dr. P ric e * » C re a m Bakin# Powder He is, I think, editor of the .li/i •' O r e g o n , reasonable. Pl ’iJa o d , O r r p » . ing that the fast, -t walker would be aide G44 Mcbl Midwmtw I sir, m T r« , MftniKhj. IConiuiued on next page.] ls located on Vermont avenue, in the northwest section of the city, and has quite an extensive yaid a t one side. That side, by the way, is the most a t­ tractive part of the house. It has a cozy Elegant P M THROUGH THROUGH TICKETS TICKETS A. Notary Public, Surveyor 3 L2 Notary Public, Land A gt DAYS T0 CHICAGO HOURS HOURS Attorney a t Law, fiSugexie, Contractor anfi Bonder. Flore C3, - a-JL F U D IK T E R • Ore. H. H. Barrett, Prop’r, DENTAL SURGERY. THE SHASTA ROUTE