1 Is • p.c...- il', (J s' 1 C .u .i, c. .,.i, . Cough R em edy,” says Stickney At R ent­ ier, druggist«, R epublic, O hio, ’’because — PUBLISHED KVKUY FRIDAY MOUSING.— a eustum or after mice using it, is alm ost — AT— certain to call for it w hen again in need F lorence , L ane C ounty , O regon of such a m edicine. Wo sell more of it th an of any o th er cough m edicine we handle, and it alw ay i gives satisfac­ B . F . A L L E Y , E d it o r nnd P r o p r ie t o r tio n .” For coughs, colds and croup, it is w ithout an equal. F o r s a n by Drug­ - T erms : J-2.00 a y e ar in advance.------ gists. -LA-I V V T H £ Î U . r 'E A HAS C O M E . P ù Ü H -E POINTED a Cft¿A nAfcftY C F F fcR . r A P i o n e e r I.atljr o f t h e a t u . t a s r C o u n tr y Mrs. E. B. M iller was a p i<-,-ng »r on The foil »w ing letter is Helf-eXpiana- B a rre tt’s stage for G ardiner o n W ednes­ lo r y : day, ruM iLA N D , O r ., N ov . 20, IS1M. In th e last issue of th is p ip e r m ention M erchant C harles G«-ttvs. < f Seaton, E ditor W est : was m ade about Mrs. Jo h n W hism an 1 am rpeciul agent fur B aker A H am il­ a t'e n d e d th e dance here on T hanksgiv­ being pro strated by bleeding from the ing evening. ton, San 1 raneisi'O. We tire engaged in nose. T his was tem porarily checked, Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Neely came liuildtug a n d equipping cream ery com­ but comm enced again T hursday evening, down fro m S e a to n on S aturday to attend panies. We call to g eth er and assist in N ovem ber 22, at 7 o ’clock, and c citiu- c<>-o|«rating tiie ta n n e rs in to corpora­ ued until 1 (»’clock th e following after­ a W o r k m a n ’s b anquet. tions, t.y which llicv enable lltem selves Mrs. J. R. Stiles, p « tin i.-ter a t Point noon. From th a t lim e until fh o rs lay M essrs. H urd & D avenport will have E ntered a t th e poat-oriiee at lìo re n e e . to secure a m arket for ail they can pro­ fatue county, Oregon, as «second-class a new show-case and it will be tided m orning, Decem ber 6, 1891, a t half-past Terrace, was a visitor in this town for a duce. 1 un d erstan d th a t your country m ail m atter. with th e handsom est assortm ent of sil­ four o ’clock, she g radually passed to her couple of days d u rin g this week. is a good d airy c o u n try , hence I take ver plated ware, a d th e nobbiest and final sleep. She died calm ly and peace- Mrs. Ja m es Neely arrived here from lliis liberty of asking vim if th e people ■ fully w ithout a struggle. late st p a tte rn s, for C hristinas presents Seaton S aturday last past to a tte n d at of y our country wish a n y th in g of this ADVERTISING KATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ Miss A bbie E iiz ib e th Johnson was the the bed-side of her sick m other, Mrs th a t has ever come to this city. Tiie PLICATION. kind. Tiie only prosperous cou n tries at Local notices 8 c en ts per line, each insertion. goods are now on th e road and will a r­ eldest d a u g h te r of Rev. J . Jo h n so n , a Jo h n W h ism a n . th e present are those w here th e cream ­ ---- W E KE EP T H E B EST---- M ethodist m inister, an 1 was horn n ear rive in a few days. They will also have Miss E m m a Forsyth came over from eries are located. If 1 was alm ost posi­ a full line of o th e r H oliday goods and Bedford, M assachussetts, on December M i p ie creek on T hanksgiving »lay to N otice .—Professor J . M. W illiam s, of tive of doing business I would com e out custom ers are invited to call early and 15, 1849. H er fa th e r brought her Io the vi jit her sister, Mrs. Drew Severy, and Eugene is our agent and is authorized Io there for a nm ntti a n d oiganize. I sup- | west in h e r early y o u th , and finally se t­ atten d ed th e dance. m ake selections. receive subscriptions, ad vertising an»I ’ pose we could sh ip direct from Hm tled in W atsonville, S a n ta Cruz county, T iie W est has given to its readers and money tor T he W est and receipt for the Messrs. Fred a n d C hester Bean cam e ; Francisco, could we not? And should j C alifornia, w here she was m arried to the public geuerudy, b e tte r and cheaper sam e. to Florence from M apleton on T h an k s­ we expect to do business w ith you we ¡ J o h n S . W hism an on Ju ly 21, 1807. A periodicals th an all oth ers together in giving day and were seen dancing in the j should have to know- w hat lum ber, few years later Mr. and Mrs. W hism an (his p art of th e country. I t has done evening at th e hall. ! shingles, etc., would cost on th e ground. F or W est S vbscr i b e r s .— A r- this largely a t its own expense, and now • I cam e to Oregon and settled on a farm Mr. George N ichols, who resides near H um boldt county, C alifornia, is tiie adjoining Lake creek, in the Siiwlaw ra n g e m e n ts h a v e b een m a d e w h e re ­ adds a n o th e r point to its credit by giving banner county in C alifornia in dairying, valley, w here they have alm ost c o n tin u ­ M apleton, was here to attend the dance b y w e w ill g iv e T h e W est a n d th e the weekly Oiegonian to all of its sub-1 ously resided until m oving to Florence given by th e Florence C ornet B and on ' an d , if I am cotrcctly inform ed, you D r u g s , seribers. T he o p p o rtu n ity wiil be hm - ‘ Itave th e sam e kind of country. There Thanksgiving evening. W e e k ly O regonian h>r $2.00. lied to a c e r t a i n period, therefore pai ties ! in August last past, and w here she died tire 29 cream eries in th a t county w ithin as before stated. The Mi-ses M ary and Luella Neely, [ live years. Please answ er me by return T h is offer in c lu d e s a ll o u r p a id u p m ust subscribe at once. T he \\ est for The decease«I leaves a husband, two accom panied by >nei- b her Thom as, n- and the weekly Oregonian nee. m ail if your people wislt a n y th in g of the s u b s c rib e rs a n d th o s e w h o p ay a ll m arried daughters, Mrs. A nna II. Tay- were in Fiorem ili»* t^V u 1 - n rin g evu- kind. We will co n tra ct to build and Mr. Ira I W etm ore, a p rom inent real lor and Mrs D dsv I) Neely, and Cora, ing » i te I I t i > ’Î i i i ■? a r r e a r a g e s , a n d p a y o n e y e a r ’s s u b ­ e state agent of San Angelo, Texas, e q u ip com plete and s ta r t it up to work has i an unm arried dau g h ter, and two sons, Mr. and M r-. N. E B erkrem , of the , to y our utm ost satisfaction before you s c r ip tio n in a d v a n c e . I t a lso in- u-ed Clittiiiberiaiii’s Colic, C holera and W illie and Frances, to m ourn th eir loss. I ii life-saving statio n at G ardiner, cam e up i pay one c en t, th en we are easy on the Diarrhoea Rem edy in his family for sev­ T he funeral will tak e place from th e to o u r city on Saturday last, a n d on e l u d e s new su b s c rib e rs. subscriber. A w aiting an early reply, I eral years as oecasiou required, and a l­ family residence, in West Florence, to- Sunday sta rte d lor Eugene w here they I a m , G eo . 8. C asizdy , ways .w ith perfect success. H e says: ! day (F riday) a t 2 o’clock. g o to consult physicians for M rs. Berk­ P. O. Box 028. T find it a perfect cure for our baby, W E S T L IN G 3 . Mrs. Abbie W hism an was a m em ber rem . when troubled will» colic or dysentery. of the Methodist, cnurcii and lived the T he W est lias been urging th e b u ild ­ I now le e l m a t my o u th l is not com piete life taught in the noblest doctrines of IV I3O . ITEM B asket dance a t the sta te fish h a tc h ­ w ithout a bottle of tin s Remedy a t home ing of a cream ery for m any m onths. Its C hristian ity . H er kin fly sym pathy for e ry on C hristinas night. 1’ y I ch D ien . or on a trip aw ay from hom e.” For sale th e sorrows of others was never w anting, | p e rsisten t efforts Itave so far only re- New an«l latest style of silver plate- by Druggist. and th is high gem in th e se ttin g of her i suited in talk am ong th e farm ers, they Fine w eather. w are a t H urd & D avenport’s. A fine sm oked salm on from Verloop ch aracter won the love of ail who knew having formed no plans ns y et. We G etting cool ol nights. • T he products of the c o untry find a and Schroder’s sm oking and curing es­ her. She was friendly to her neighbors, | believe arrangem ents itave been made ready m arket here, especially eggs. lovable in disposition, and so earn estly Salim in com ing up ihe creeks. tab lish m en t, in G iem ula, was presented WE TAKE YOUR MEASURE A N D HAVE H ood’s Pills are hand m ade, and per­ to tiiis oilice wit!» the com plim ents uf devoted to the welfare of husband, c h il­ Alien Cbustaiii is conieuiplatiiig a trip am ong the dairym en on Maple creek to FULL SUITS M ADE TO ORDER ON fect in proportion and appearance. 25c. < J the donors. I lie salm on was in pei- dren and her hom e, th at her w orth will to Brow nsville in a lea d a y s. j purchase a separator early in th e coming J . I. C ritzer, of G ardiner, a socialist, lect condition, suiokeu to a tu rn , and we grow the b lig h te r as we recede from it. SHORT NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED- .b e post office at V tirien, is now in year. Tliere can he no doubt a bout tiie ____________________________________________ has been w riting for the R oseburg A‘c- i-mud it a ceucious article. Several H er circle of friends was large, and to ebarge of Sam uel W iilirow as B M. erection of a c rea m try on th is riv er in 768 HANDSOM E PATTERNS view. ino'E-and ol tne choices! Siusiaw n v t r th e bereaved family and relatives th e ir A W arden is busy engage I in build­ ttie near future, but the exact tim e for Hympathy is extended, and in th e la n ­ O sborne Mowers and Rakes for sale as ush have heeu sm okeu by this urin, and ing an addition to bis dw elling bouse. active and personal work by builders we guage of E dw ard A. D ty m an say : M eyer & K y le ’s. Come and see for ii iney meet with good success in sales, M rs . Ler-iy E ilm ak e r leaves iu a few eaim ot now determ in e, as we have not Sleep tlfy la st sleep, they win ex ten d ti.cir building capacity i yourself days io visit relatives in S o u th e rn O re­ Free from care and sorrow ; oe com ing season. the advice of the d airym en. G uns, pistols, etc., repaired by M. W. Rest, where none weep. gon. ’Til the etern al morrow; K rnow sky. Leave orders at F u n k e ’s N otw ithstanding th e Lane county A. W arden and family visited W. T. SH RIFF S S A L E O N FO R E C L O S U R E T hough hark w aves roll hard w are store. WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE GERMAN p r o s were unanim ous m support of es- C ornelius am i liis family n e ar P leasant O’er the sile n t river, Tlie T rans-M ississippi congress win iuoiisiiiog tin* S ociiers’ Home at R<»se- NOTICE is hereby given, th a t by v irtu e of an Thy fa iiiiln g soul H id, last week. AM ER IC AN INSURANCE CO ,0 F N E W Execution duly issued out of the C ircuit Court Jesus can deliver. n e x t m eet a t O m aha, th a t place receiving ourg, ihe Jie ie>v, tru e to its ch ara cte rist­ G lad to near th a t our w orthy E d ito r YO K, AN D THE PH Z N IX ASSUR­ of the State of Oregon, for Lane C ounty, on the ics of u til. in iie-s, show s its enm ity to the 92 votes to 87 tor P o rtla n d , Ore. lia s a new wood shed. H ope lie lias it 9th day of November, 1894, on a J u d g m en t re n ­ T â iL T C O O S . St.ite U niversity in m any paragraphs, ANCE CO- OF LONDON, ENGLAND. One hundred and eight cases are on dered in said Court on tiie 2:trd day of October, full of dry wood. l.S'Ji, for the sum of 91181.33 w ith in te re st th e re ­ th e docket to he tried a t th e next term the following being being the late st: A Newsy b e t t e r f r o m th e b a k e s —P e r- Most every one in this neighborhood on a t the rate of 8 per cent per a n n u m from s n u l M e n ti >11. of th e Douglas county circuit c ourt, i “ The S tate U niversity cost the sta te a has had th e la grippe th is fall, hut a I said 23rd day of OetolaT, 1891, and for th e sum g reat deal of money, and they are tu r n ­ T h ree of these cases are for m urder. of flUO.OO A ttorney’s feen, and the fu rth e r sum j are ab o u t over it a t present. B y G ail M aker . W h e n R a te s a re e q u a l w hy n o t g e t th e b e s t? ing out som e line football p u tte rs, in e of |-.:s.35 eosts iu said suit, w herein David T he M ost rem arkable cures of scrofula H enrv Cam pbell left for C alifornia a Sm ith was I’luintiir; and N. II. lijeldanes, Jor- tax payers are, also, doing a little kick­ o n record have been accom plished by ing, althougn not so scientifically profi­ “ The wind bloweth w here it lis te th ,” few days ago. H e lias been stopping giue B jeidanes, George Pederson nnd C harles H o o d ’s Sarsaparilla. T his m edicine is A nderson were Defend n ts, and ag ain st said • with A. F. Davis for the p ast year. cient as the hoys th e ir money is educa­ Jch Dien. unequalled for diseases of th e blood. D efendants, N. H. B jeidanes and George Peder­ tin g .” J . R. Davis ami P ostm aster Mu he sold son, and on a decree of Foreclosure uiid Order M r. E i h a rt im proved the fine w eather T ake only H o o d ’s. j a lot of four a n d five-year-old steers last of Sale, rendered in said su it, com m anding me, Any one who has children will rejoice getting his house lum ber hom e. The citizens of west Florence are re- ! ueek to B. S. H yland, of Ju n c tio n C ity, iu order to satisfy said Jud g m en t and costs, nnd . . . . . . ,, . ., « , I w ith Is. B. -Mulford, of Plainfield, N. J. Supervisor F lin t is on Fiddle creek pet ring the sidew alk in th a t p a rt of the ,, , ,. , . , accruing eosts, to sell the following described i Price I* , e d i t s per pound. ........... ,v,... I “ ls llttl,! buy, five years ot age, was sick su p erin ten d in g work on the road. Real Property, to w it: Lots 3, 1 and ft of .Section c ity iu a substantial m anner. W hen it w ith croup. F or tw o days and nights L. A. C h astain is a t hom e a t present 13; Lot 1, of See. 24, Tp. 18 South, Range 12 West i s com pleted, no more com plaints will he I am inform ed th a t Mr. Fisk of A cm e lie tried various rem edies recom m ended from ILtlsny w here lie lias been w orking ftud Lot 8 of Sec. 18; a n d Lot i of Sec 19, Tp. 1« .made a bout its unsafe condition. wiil build on liis Tsiltc.oos ranch very .. ■ J . i n l l i l > « n , r n 11 U Z ..u * I .. I ~ , « c nt • by J p e n d s and neigh tiers. H e say “I for tiy/ue tim e . out u lo t of South, R ange 11 W est,-co n tain in g lGft.91 Acres soon. in Lane C ounty, Oregon, together w ith th e ten -gaWlOgS ftfe gettin g few iu the th o u g h t sin e I would lose him . Inni fruit trees a n d otherw ise im proving bis enients, hered itam en ts a n d a p purtenances Mr. S chuster has also been hauling rancii. boom s here, it is q uite a serious question \ eeen C h am b erlain 's Cough Rem edy ad- th e re tb belonging or in anyw ise ap p erta in in g ; W . M. R E N S H A W , and scowing lum ber Irom th e river with w itti som e m ill men how they a re to sup­ vertised and th o u g h t I would try it as a NOW THEREFORE, 1 w ill offer for sale said T hanksgiving panned very quietly in ply th e ir m ills w ith saw tim b e r before last hope and am happy to say m at af­ which to build an addition to his house. Real Property, at public auction, to the h ighest th is neighborhood. The conventional bidder for cash, nt the C ourt House door in E u­ tiie frestiets swell the flow of th e river. te r two doses lie slept until m orning. The report of a cold, driving snow ­ W holesale and R e ta il--«**• turkey ami cran b erries failed to m ate r­ gene, lam e C ounty, Oregon, on M onday the T he Medford M ail is now prin ted on a I gave it tu him next day and a cure was storm from the old easte rn hom e on ialize with y m r bum ble servant, so we 17th day of December, 1891, between the hours pow er press. T out is a practical and a effected. I keep th is rem edy in tiie Nov. 12th chases aw ay a little of the bad to c o n te n t ourselves w ith sausage of 9 o'clock A. M. and 1 o’clock P. M., to w it: nt 1 o’clock P. M. of said day. hom esickness. n a tu ra l result of publishing a new spaper 1 house now and us eoon as any of and gooseberries. A. J. J ohnson , in a town where th e people understand children show signs of croup I give it to I was in hopes those head-lines would Sheriff ot Lane C ounty, Oregon. We were glad to see item s from so its benelits. T he W est sends congratu­ tiiem and th a t is ttie last of i t . ” 50 cent | he too tired to “ set u p ” a g a in ; too often L e a d in g B ra n d s fo r m any different sections of our co in try in latio n s. bottles for sale by Florence D ruggist. i there is considerable hyperbole ahout R U D Y ’S P IL E SU PPO SIT O R Y is the Iasi issue of T iie W est . 1 e x te n d a A drive w hist party was given on last Salem Statesm an:— The official resi­ th a t “ newsy le tte r.” hearty welcome to all new correspond* gnaianteeil tu curti Piles and C iiiisti|ia- T uesday evening by Mrs. Alice B u rn s to lience of th e new Secretary of S tate, To relieve the m onotony, keep up the en ts and would like to see th e old ones tinn, or money refunded. 60 cents per a few friends. A very pleasant evening H arrison R. K incaid, will he at Salem , dignity of office and add an item to ttie m ore pun ctu al in th e future. tiox. Send two stam p s for c irc u la r nnd was spent. Cupt. A. F. H urd was un­ as tiie constiiu'.io. provide«, hu t, as >, e county expenses an occasional law suit is Free Sam ple to MARTIN' R U D Y , Reg­ M r. E d ito r, why not arrange a plan fo rtu n a te enough to secure th e booby constitu tio n also proyides, his actual vo­ brought belore the justice of Lake pre­ istered I’liariuacist, L ancaster, Pa. No lor a reuuiou ot I' iik W est correspond­ Postals answ ered. For sale tiy «11 tirst- prize, which was represented hv an un­ tin g residence will he a t liis hom e. T h at cinct. e n ts to tak e place som etim e in the near * ------May be Found in----- :ü dressed kid. nas been th e rule with past secretaries, Col. C. II H olden, a fte r an extensive future? I l would be pleasant and in te r­ elass druggists evcry-w liere, anil ill Flor­ and it is th e rule of ttie present official, D eputy Gam e W urden C. W . W atts, pleasure (?) trip across and around tne esting to all and we should not lose ence, O regon, ny tiie Florence Drug Store. Mr. K incaid has ttie hikes, bespeaks a g reat fu tu re for the re tu rn e d from Josephi tie county to-day M r. M cBride. sight of sociability in our haste to devel­ CtTebrat<‘eness (H our upland soil siuiuld visit are in th e p ru n e b u sin e ss.- P ortland d uic» rs th a t have m et in this town at R ochester, N. Y. T his C om pany fius Imst farm s in Iatne county. For grain Lust evening at th e hom e of J . J . liie tr fields) tu rn ip s and beets as large R ural Northwest. line tim e for m any m onths were there. the re p u ta tio n of being the most, reliable or pasture land it is unexcelled, and M uths, ahout leu milee west of hen* on F o r rheum atism 1 Itave found nothing sp e n c er creek, q uite a serious accident as w ater buckets, squashes, cabbages, The m .sic was good, the dancers iu a grow ers of nursery stock iu th e U nion. tiie best proof th a t it produces tiie finest T h eir slock is w arranted to he tru e to equal to C h am lierlaiu ’g Pain Balm . It happened to little E m m a Muth». Sue etc. iu abundance and equal lu the tiest. happy hum or, and n o tlijj^ w a a w anting nam e and free from ins<‘ct pests. All varieties of fru it, is th a t t lie r e is grow­ I- lias Deen calculated by a resident to m ar th e enjoym ent a th e evening. th e ir trees are perfectly united a t hud or ing a large ort b ard consisting ol th e I relieves th e pain as souu as applied. J . w ent with her uncle, J . J. M ithg, to W. Young, W est L iberty, W. Va. The haul Home w ater on a wle I. A<*cidentl> inatlieniaticiaii th a t U a cream ery or a At three o’clock in the niorning the graft and 110 dead wood can he found choicest kinds of fruit-trees now in th ere. A h th e <*ommereial sta n d in g of pro m p t relief it affords is alone w orth whe wan throw n oif. and a nail p ro tru d ­ cheese laclory were established a t a con­ com pany di^perrted, each guest speaking th is firm is reported O. K., the w a rra n t lienring. T h is farm will be sold ns a J m any tim es the cost, 50 cents. I ts con­ ing from d ie Hied caught on her left v e n ie n t p o in t on Tsiltcuos lake, the in high term s of the baud boy«’ dance. m eans som ething. T hey have p len ty of wliole or in te n , live or one acre tra c ts ’ tin u e d use will effect a p erm an en t cure. lim b helow the knee, tearing the flesh luiik Irom 200 c o « s Would lie avaiiunle The receipts of the evening aggregate«! testim onials as to th e ir goods and m eth ­ to su it purchasers. W rite to O. F. K en­ — DEALER I N - ods of doing business. nedy, Florence, O regon, for particu lars F o r sale by Druggist. clear th ro u g h , m aking an ugly garth Hl once, Uinl in lieu ol such an event, $26.60 and after paving sm all expense and prices. T he schooner W. F . Je w e tt, C aptain about four inchert long. Dr. M< K innev, tne nuuitjer Would quickly be doubled, bills, ttie balance will lie expended for Jo b tiso u , is a t Port Angeles W asii., re­ hrtwirtted hy Dr. O ailev, dreused th e wound I t Hie Siualttw gels a cream ery our dairy ,u, iustrom i-nt. P ^.r.^A oenl.aT S ceiving tire* first cargo ol ties and s tru c t­ tfiis morr.ii g. and th e little sufferer is b u tle r will certainly i « j left in m e shade FO R S A L E . • »"k K m lt i.lr « u -rrltu r; T K * —or the sun. u ral tim bers for railw ay construction on getting along nicely. K a p u l)1abW a«h«r. W *«b r> « Il th« l d r lts tb .rn «H h u u t tfca tianda. Yoa tiie latkes South from Florence. T iiis BASKET DANCE. be 669,000 feet of ties and stru c tu ra l ru n ­ From tiie Eugene Register. |'««b ib« hm toti. ib« m auhin« do«e H i g h e s t H o n o r s — W orld’s Pair. »n* r«at. R rl« h ’ . p «ll«lird dl«h*a, ranch is m ostly alder and vine imtnle way tim liers. Sue will it ake tn e round and r h e -rfu i w i»r«. St aeuldH f l» * ’ r« n o .o il*ilh a n d « o re lo ih in » . lioltom land, liaving nearly a m ile lake On C hristm as nig iit, Decem ber 25tli, tr ip to H onolulu 111 U9 days. N b '»k e n d l« fe 'a .o » m u *« . Cheap, S. H. F riendly shipped a car load of d u rb h le ,w a rra n i.d C ire u la rtfr« « frontage. Ten acres under eultivation th ere w ill tai a dance a t tiie tisli hatch- i , (Urfe «a. 12, C a l 4*. L ane county boys are com ing to the oats to Sau Francisco M onday, and also W. P. B A lU ilK O N A CO. and 5 more slashed ; a good on hard just fro n t in o th er Idealities We learn irom m ade unotlier larg«- sh ip m en t of cln ttem ery, M apleton, in is is io he a basket come in to lienring; 5 room s iu a fram e dance, th e ladies bring lunch, and hoi th e E llensburg (W ashington! Regitter, I» h rk. house th a t ia ceiled and p ap ered ; guisl ci ffl e will be served a t th e M apleton |) A R K PEN N YR O YAL PILLS, tiia t Dr. J. W. B ean, one of Lane coun­ P e tty thieving lias been quite plen ti­ th e cel» ttie eelebrated Fentalo Regulator are out-buildings, and stuck of all kinds will t y ’s sons, is nom inated by th e repim li- ful of late, and tiie pcphahhitiert are th a t hotel, fn e steam er will o ake tiie round perfectly safe and alw ays reliable. he sold w ith th e place a t reiisotialde pri­ cans for m ayor of th a t city. H e is a th e thieves reside right here in town. tiip Irom Florence, charging only half \ For all Irregularities, painfa! M enstrua- ; ces if desired. I’riee of farm , ¡*2'ti l; one g entlem an of high sta n d in g and his Sunday night the residence of Mrs. Mc- fare and th e ticket for the dunce 75 I.’upaii iu g P ro m p tly D ono cents. Ail are invited. , lions, Suppression, etc., they nerer fa il half easli am i reasonable tim e given for friends here wislt for his success. Cornack on th e corner of Lincoln am! 1 to afford n spenly ai.it rrrtain relief. ,\rtt balance. Apply fur fu rth e r pat titu la rs AND WORK W ARRANTED. Messrs. M arr A Salley are adding six S eventh streets was e n te red by some A D VERTISED L E T T E R S . K X I ’E K IM K X T , hut a seientille and at th is office. feet to th e height and about 14 iret to one w hile th e m em bers of the family EKONT S t r e e t . F i . o k en c e , Oitotnjr. positive relief, adopted only a lte r years List of letters rem aining uncalled for tiie lengtli of ttie building belonging to were a tte n d in g ctiurcii. A purse con­ of experienee. All o rders supplied d i­ ■PEED RESULTS. M rs. M organ and recently occupied l>y tain in g about six dollars in money was a t tin* Florence post-office for m onth re, t from our office. Price js r pm kage, ANTED—Pushing Cnnvartter of Jo e M orris as a variety store, and will taken. E n tran ce u a s gained through en d in g N-.vem oer 39, 1891. N o Inconvenience. Simple, 11.00, o r six p » «<-ves for ♦-'».Itll, by m ail g(nwl mhlrvrtrt. Liberal salary and m ove th e ir stock of goods and m eat raising a w indow , w hich was found often Howe, S. E. Ifu n n n e, Jacob. •lire. U30L7TILY T l t t M O ST PERFECT M A D E. iss.tpa.ff. E i l.l Y I’A C K A tiE ( i l AK- from >ny injtinooi niihkt.mce. vxpeiiM** pii I w eekly; P e rm an e n t m ark e t therein when Completed. Tins when the occupants of tiie house re­ P arties calling for a n y ot th e above A pure Grape Cream of 7 artar Powder. Free U S 3 J A S*3«i:3 2t:7i2D . _ A N TE E D . 1’a rln u la rs (sealed) de. .Iff i is a decided addition to our to w n 's im­ tu rn ed hom e. Tliere is no clue to the will please s ly “ advertise I.” GUARANTEE a CURE cr . refund «our I (*>« ¡tiun. B P O ’iVN’ HBOS. CO., K u lta ­ from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant Correspondence strictly Confidential. . . 4c. . for mor.ey- P ------------- r ic e 9 3 ------------ .0 0 p e r V b -------- o ttle . Send tr?aHe* nen, P artial.d, Oregon. provem ents. > tln ef. 1 TKlCMUfiT MEDICAL CV., Mu*». Ww. K / l e , P o stm aster. ! 1 *•«•»-« Q u ie tly A \. uy. Cenerai Merchants. ★ ★ Teas Coffee Dry Goods, Groceries, M edicines, Boots, Shoes, Paints, Oils, H ardw are, W indows, Glassware, 3 Doors, B u ild ­ C rockery, ers’ Supplies. ★ ★ ALWAYS TRADE AT M e y e r à K y l e ’s . L IQ U O R D E A L E R . and Sacramental mmoses, I BUTCHERS. G am e, "V e g e t a b le s . II.M.Cliiiniberlin; -THE - J e w e le r , DR; $ S C E f f CLOCKS, JEW ELRY. CREAM BAKING POWBHI 40 YEARS 7HB STANDARQ .VXVVÊS p Æ PA R K R E M E D Y C O ., B o s t o n , M a c s W t » w