The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, December 07, 1894, Image 2

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: bow grappling vi
oi bn sduti ’ • . 1 raw
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and tuen v.<xt.n.; tix-in t>y a large v-»-.e tbe earn" problem th at nas engaged tiie to j*»y more for sam e by iu.-ri. sing tin-
as against tl.« unlrie t liin-ry of Peiinoy- attention of m ankind in all ages, the bullion value of silver tne world over;
- > ; buiaíiud
raxD vY w a - a w , —
er'» fiat mom-v system. All the m e in - same th at absorbed the attention of the for by doing this, o"r eo.up
, on a
New Goods are Conatanlly A rriving at the
bi-re of the Legislature, in the Will- merchant:» of 2900 yearn ago, namely, silver monetary stun lard cannot pur-
L a i « C o r* rv , Onzxiox. am ette valley and on the eoast, were I k ,w much silver to put into the dollar chase ns much labor -,.itli the gold re­
In moral improvement It is often ex-
nominated and elected npon a pledge of with which we propose to pay our debts, ceivtd from the European i.iar'tet in :
e I that
ctolvea cun be instantly
favoring »r.-u
free eoniage,
coinage, auo
and I.
if sueli
to m th a at
r e- - and
IiW certain th at Great Britain has ‘ovoitug
o o e ii p
iv s ig e u or
i M words
i n u s io
t e effect,
.i e .t , m for
i m the
e pi principal
.n iiu iii exchange
e a e u a irg v for
lo r t'i
I .»> - 'r r pr
(»1 ' ■ >!a-lr,
»' I I: , end,
u 11-1, ti
1 1 e lew
a m i thnrou
l e n r o ll/ dy put into practice, that
«•fired to re--og;cze the Nicaruguan " ere no! 8'ive.i in so many words in all study of the majority of mankind is how fore, have to pay more as measure I in virtues ran he <icv loped, and lung habit
govarunient, and both British and cases, it was by im plication. Whatever to pay debts or how-to get rid of paying gold for their land and labor and const- era 1. ate I, an 1 lem p - .tion resisted, and
o'?; taelea overcome su llen ly and with­
American war ships are ordered to Blue- some mav think about th prudence of them —three-fuiirtli» of the people, in all quently cannot pro Iu e ro cheaply,
It certainly must lc apparent to the out one hack ward step. Those who
fields. This warlike dem onstration will endeavoring to follow up the victory the countries where so much coin is re-
-Among the L atest is an Elegant Line of-
probably end in an amicable settle- t'«e Kepublicnn parly has gain d by ipiired to keep up civiliza ion and dress most superficial observer th at w ith silver make such enthusiastic resolves simply
fresh announcem ents in the Legislature, in the latest fashion, are aAva s in debt bullion wortli one-half of our coinage ex poet im possibilities; they suppose that
it must be done if she rem ains mistress over be id and cars, an I always will lie value, or its gold basis, then upon the they arc able a t oin e and completely to
Two very im portant congresses have ! o f the situation in the future. Tnc jxo- as long as they can get w hat they want same land and labor values, based upon a • omplish what really takes much
been io session at St. Louis recently, p|e o, Oregon will look with marked In- on credit,
Iii all Shades. The Choicest Selection E ver B rought to Florence.
the respective iu »n .‘V stun lar is, our time, much patience and much persist-
and both have declared in favor of free (crest to see w hether licr representa-
The silver question is a big tiling, com pet»tors—ladui and E /y p t— an pro- en t effort. They imagine th at they Also a full stock of Eider-down, Sw an’s-down, Satins and Chambrays.
coinage oi silver. It will lead many tives (n the Legislature know how to bigger than the national bank or inter dux- their cotton, and India, Russia and have only to make up their minds in or-
W(J a re a k o
r e e c i,lt of a fm o i ; u e of Faucy Goods, Silks, Laces.
men to form the conviction th a t the de-
the greatness she lias known how to ital improvements, over which the Whigs the Argentine Republic can produce dcr to subdue an evil passion, to put
*ire in the west is very strong in favor gain.
Will Republican trium phs be and Ltcmo. rats struggled 50 years, and their other eerea s for just one-half th at down a hasty tem per, to change a cruel
of the white metal free coinage.
turned aside, or will the State's S ta te s - listened to the eloquence of W ebster,and it costs the planter and farmer of ti.e disposition into a kind one, to control
L argest stock of boots and shoes,
men have the sagacity to fix tlic-ir eyes Clay, and Calhoun, an 1 all the great Un.ted States to prodm e t.e is, ,s far nervous irritability, to cultivate indus- Ami p ro v isio n s c o n s ta n tly arriving.
B omb adverse criticism regarding the
firmly on the abiding interests of free statesm en of the first half of the present as first cost of land and lubor are eon- try, or thrift, or justice, or mercy, to lin ts a n d Gents Furnishing Goods this .side of P ortland,
aalnry law is indulged in, but the lea-
coinage of silver and the strength anil century.
cerned. It is not necessary in the dis- strengthen a weak will or direct a strong
«ons assigned can be swept away by
courage to resist the gold standard iu-
I t extends over all the world, and cussion of this question to go into toe one. But any of these or sim ilar under- Altóse who desire to have suits m ade to order, should not fail to call
am endm ent, rath er than return to the
and bave measurements taken.
E legant line of samples to select
11 nenies which w ill inevitably strive to there a r e ‘Millions iu it,’ yes, hundreds details of clima'-. : conditions, fertility takings aro at least as difficult and corn-
fee system as advocated. It is the
lead them astray? All such w bo do not
of millions. We don't 'in ad that any of so',1 or cost (>■’ 'r iiisiiiirtat.oii. but ti.e plicated as any manual or mental re­
elector* fault for the passage of the law,
meet tliiH issue manfully and in conso- Congressman from tit-'n inopoly-i d d -nJ ¡ííhrt
frrtlin t if th e .. ( ilreuient. They demand much time
and considering nil the advantages that
F irem en’s F u n i
nance with the popular will of the peo- East or British monometallist and gold- last nam «!condition- were equal in ail and effort and patience, they are as slow
W e are atj.iilts for'tae W'll known ilttil re s p o n sib l
bave accrued to them from the saving nt
pie, will find themselves buried in the bug maniac, or any other man, shall get these countries, th.-n Wuatevvr fall t..ere and gradual in tlie.r growth, they are a n d L o n d o n & L a u c a iter insurance c o m p a n ie s,
money for public good instead of going
cobwebbed attic cham bers of the for- away with t h e ‘dollar of our daddies,’ if w as in th e bullion price of silver bebiW as certa.n to involve as many mistakes
Remember jam will always have fair and honest treatm en t a t
gotten political past.
! we can prevent it. Messrs. Senators and our coinage value ($1.2) 23-100per oan e) and failures, and to require as constant
trograding step is not needed. Nothing
Representatives, if you have any respect would represent the difference in cost of and untiring an energy to retrieve and
can be more linrinful to currying out the
for the rights of the p.-ople, for goodness production to thu planter an 1 farmer in avo.d them. !’ .ose who suppose that
provisions of law- than stinginess, and
sake, d o n 't lake from them tiie ‘dollars India, Egypt, Russia and tne A rgentine sm-h things can be done at once over-
reasonable salaries and sufficient help
Some have disputed Secretary of S tate of their daddies,’ for most oi the young Republic an 1 m e plainer an I f inner in rate their powers and anticipate what is
should be furnished..
H . R. Kincaid's position on the silver voters and bloods of the period depend the United States; th at is to say, with utterly impracticable,
Mu. li hum an sul'ierin ' isdark "loouiv
Mt'cu bas been said alioirt the Orrgo- question, therefore we p rint an editorial on t h e ‘dollars of their daddies’ for a silver budion at 61.01 cents per oan e,
m an “ reading o u t” of the Republican
th at appeared in the Oregon Stale Jour- living, and you may s a y ‘we told you so’ upon the assumpt.on tiiat too above- and painful. When communicated and
party all those who favor free coinage oi naf on J an. 16, 1886, long before the if you want to. Aim high. S trike at named conditions were equal, Ind.a and iLhiisel, D »¡»reads a!>road a useless sad­
Keeps a full Hue of Exira Quality
silver. If such is the case, it can place Populist party was born, us follows:
! bigger game, and let the px>r, miserable Egypt could produce their cotton fir ne ss; but when silently and courageous-
on its “ out” list tliree-fourths of the
“ If they don't stop talking about silver ‘buzzard dollars' of ..ur an esiors, which just one-half of what our planter in the ly borne, it is capable of evolving
Republican voters in Lincoln, I’.cnton, hi Congress, some of our Lane county are so odious to the people of great United States could produce bis, and strength of charm :er, pat.en c, forti­
L inn, Lane and Douglas counties. This friends will draw the records on these wealth, rest in peace. Y»'e common peo- India, Russia and tiie Argentine tlie.r tude, ten lerness. a man meets with a
position, however, is so contrary to ev- festive statesm en, who talk so much pie need buzzard dollars,_and are sillier-
wheat for one-half of w hat our farmer her.avem cni, or a loss of fortune, or
T IN W A R E ,
ery thing pertaining to independent with their mouths in these days of toil ing because we cannot get more of them , in the United States could produce Ids. Eo:he plan is defeated, or
opinion, th at we cannot accuse the and trouble, when monopolists, lsnid- These are our sentim ents, and we be-
We trust that we have made it plain some bright hope Is extinguished. His
Oregonian of such presumption. Any holders, landgrablx rs and Mugwumps lieve that every man, woman and child
to those w ho are open to conviction m at presen t sorrow is inev. ta b le ; hut he can
num ber of Republicans in Oregon have soar aloft, and hold high carnival right in this community would vote to have the bullion value of silver is, and will deal with it In two ways, lie can loudly
a right to differ from that journal on before the eves of honest Democrats and the mint give us a doable dose of dollars remain as long as our competitors are mourn and lament, detailing his griev-
any question, and as a majority of them Republicans too. who have served their every m onth. They grab at them here on a silver monetary basis and the Uni-' an .e to fr.t nils an d lie . glibor , claiming Goods as Represented.
Prices W ill be Found Reasonable
do on the silver question, it would be parties faithfully for these many years, even when they have holes in them . Let ted States up in a goi 1 basis, a tre a n l- tbeir utmost sym pathy, painting his
folly to attenipit to coerce them to accept i and now can’t get to even smell an of- all the silver be coined into money as ous factor in toe price of oar cotton an I woes in viv.d coSorn, t.ivrehy producing
th a t p apsr’s ipte d ijil iu regard to free i Hoe. Already we have bad several in- fast ns it can be mined. Tiie people w ¡11 agricultural pro la g s in the wori i's m uch nee ilesa and useless sadness,
coinage of silver.
I quiries for the Vonyieetioiiul Record o( take it, mid w ill wonder why the mines m arket. Therefore, the questio i for in- while at the same time only intensify
------ -
| 1878, containing the debate on the pres- turn out so little. It will he like the of- vestigation by the people of toe United his trouble by thus dilating upon it.
B inmahck , in 1881 said: Gold has be- ,.|it silver coinage law, from gentlemen fiees— no scarce to go around.
States is to see if by any a lio n or legis • On the other hand, he can s nool hiin-
-c. u ^1. o
a. « «1» 13 e --»> i,
» -1». i ' L '——"
come «00 scanty a blunk.-l, wliiel. every „!.,» wish t». p .sl them selves m. (he nil-
lation of theirs they can raise the bill- geif
bear tiie inevitable and to learn
one struggles for ami which makes peo- ver question, w ith a view, no doubt, of
lion value of silver throughout tiie whatever lessons it has in store; he can
Now is the time for nil exam ination of our stock of D rjr
pie squabble.” T ub W est some time wri(i,jg it up, or waltzing into the ¡io-
world, io our mind it is self-evident, abstain from m arring tiie happiness »>f
Goods, for fall and w inter uses, bj* the people of th e
ago said “ th at there is not enough'gold [¡(¡eal ring at the coming election. Regarding
the question of the free provided one grants the soundness of otie rs by bis personal woes;
Siuslaw country. You will find the latest styles and
to m eet th e requirem ent* of a world- t.01,ke,, iu,d primed for any emergency, coinage of ailver, the Portland »S'un say s: the luw of supply and dem and, th at the he cun cultivute a brave spirit and
the lowest prices a t J. II. McClung’s D ry Goods House.
wide standard of v alu e; and tliut, con- 'p|,v volume* of the Record containing ] We sell our w heat and cotton to Eu- United States by tree-coinage leglslatio
cheerful aspect; in a word, he can “ con- Q JJJJ
■equently, tins scarcity of the n ieasu r-, t |,at dubute caR.t be found in our ollice. rope and w e arc brought into competi- say at the ratio of 16 to 1, would im- sum e his ow n snn lie,” and in time lie
illg m eU I pcmitixely incTewi«! i t . vw(„i. vmn It De ma- 'ill, Hell, an,I T.tck WII- leu,
No house en jo js a better patronage than ours from th e
V f ■ the no joiUujv bv .,* ^ ;^ le^ixlatV * c re a te , ^ i l l have in its qihice the .ruijdy glow
and thus benefits the creditor class to (jams, and Tom Brents, and all of our sale of tlioi■ produ. ts w.tli i: »-¡oi that w hat ever/ one must concede would be and w arm th of a nobler character and a
people on the Coast,«and this is attributable iff our metiiod#^
the loss oi the debtors. Trade is ear- friends who were iu Congress at th a t are virtually upon a stiver monetary
of selling goods at very low prices, and th e q u ality of
an increased demand for silver and firmer grasp of the future,
ried on by means of Ixirrowed money. (bnV| (urg0( ,,H entirely, and failed to basis, while we of the United States are the.eby raise its price.
goods as represented. T his is especially tru e of our
Lif(J ¡8 a {ollntaln th a t overfldws only
However much gold may increase in Heml a hound copy of the concentrated u}x»n a gold basis.
L adies’ and G ents' hoots and shoes and foot-wear of all kinds.
We assert that such legislation would at (, awn a n J ear|y mornin(Ji Ag it gut„
value, (lvbtH contruutvd in gold have to wisdom of tlni nation at the most eriti-
Hence, we of the United States pro- practically provide an unlim ited demand
older, it stiik has pleasures, but they are W E C A R R Y T I I E L A R G E S T S T O C K .
1 m 5 paid in gold, with no allowance
for caj jHjriod in American history—all peri- duce ujion a gold basis hut Hell upon a (considering the very limited supply th a t fc.ober anj bta (,
tinged with a darker
I t is generally known in Lane county th a t the largest
the appreciation which has taken place , <Mjg are t jlC lll(IHt critical—or can it he nilver basis, for tiie reason that tiie there is of silver m the world, as com-
green or autum n brow n. Spring leaves
■inee the eonlractiou of the debt. The that the boys in the ollice have worn prices we receive for our products (upon pared with its monetary use) for silver
stock of merchandise is to he found a t our store, and th is
have a tint we miss in July or October;
d eb t aud the interest remain the same, the volumes of th at year out by using the same law th at the prices of the sur- bullion at $1.29 2J-100 per ounce and
fact proves that we have no questionable m ethods of doing
anil the unfortunate Ixirrower, the mail them for stools to sit uj»on. Be that as plus fix the prices of our home m arket) thereby tix for the worl i th a t minimum tneir ires m ess and soft transparency
business, and the future will he hut a repetition of th e p ast
pass. Ti.e brook sings ns it runs; the
of enturprise anil activity, is obliged to it may, if th isjliin g goes on much long- arc fixed by the prices that our competi- bullion price of silver less p ssihly the
when our friends call and buy from our well-assorted stock.
river glides qui kly; tiie sea moans.
struggle against falling market« with a er, we will have those Reeorth, even if tors receive for their products. As long cost of insurance and transportation.
Poets always paint the gods young, and
weight around bis neck which is con­ they have to lie procured from a second as our corn|K»titors remain on a silver
W ith the full appreciation tliu t udvice, j,a | f olir heaven is in the thought of
stantly increasing.”
hand hook store or junkshop in Wash- basis and can pay for their land and though sound, is not always acceptable, youth returnin
Every thing voun*’ is
W E S T .
oi* G r o c e r i e s
I T r e s i i T _ iin ©
Hurd ; Ì 5 Davenport s
Knowles & Geîîys,
Ta “re is an universal mornimr
A mocai . ls . o philosophical iinnrcliist, ington, where there are always plenty of labor in silver—the amount of land and we would point out w.iat evidently lias |ulp .,v
Indore the heat of the dav We
H am lin Garland, delivered a lecture in
Chicago recently and eondeinned state for the Isittom facia, and write this measured by the weight, and not by tiie of the gold standird in this state, tiiat B pendlM Jvhoodam lyouthinanenchant-
socialism, claiming th at “ the words an­ vexed question up in a way that will as- bullion value of th at metal, as is today the only possible ground they have to t»d world, with fountains of joy scattcr-
archist and Hixdalist have diam etrically tonish the men who, in th e elegant lan- the fact in all the silver-standard na- fight on in attacking the position taken ing rainbows; it is a delight simply to
guage of Boh Ingersoll, ‘have broke into tions, and as long as we remain ui>on a by the advocates of unconditional free- live in these years. As we get older,
oppoaita meanings.” He tries to define
Congreiw, and who, as the late lament- gold basis—just so long will our asser- coinage legislation at no greater ratio
the difference in the following state­
linpp.ness gets daintier and needs more
ed Nesmith put it, ‘are astonished that tion remain true, that we produce upon than IB to 1, is w.ietiier the United catering; but in our sprin time it laughs
m ent. “ Anarchy is the minim um of
they ever got th ere.’ We will liegin a gold basis hut sell upon a silver basis. States can furnish the practically un- mid thrives on ti.e jxxirest fare.
governm ent; socialism is the maximum
Our com¡ n *!itors receive gold for their limited demand necessary to lix the
of government. One is for the liberty wliere l.ish Applegate always begins his
wheat an* 1 other cereals as do we world’s minimum price of that metal,
of the individual; the other is for p ater­
nalism.” We lielieve th at I m * lias a ill then come down gradually to Moses of the Unite 1 States, hut our com)K'titors It is useless and false to deny that if the
eiimmed up the whole belief of Isitb so­ and the prophets, dallyinc along <l«>wn can, with their gold thus received, pur- United States can do t;i s that such a
chase more than double the amount of result would not prove extremely hene-
cialism and anarchism in this sentence; through the age's to the C. iiristian Era
huilion at its present price of B3 ticial to all classes of our people, except
“ I am an individualist. I frankly ad­
m it tliut I have little faith in the thing great s|>eccli on silver, which it took cents jx*r ounce than they could prior to thoee who hold gv>!d hut have no other
railed government. I come nearer lx- nim nenrlv a week to read to the Senate its demonetization. The same number property and those wi.o have fixed and
gently gliding through the dark ages, of grains of tine silver will buy the same perm anent salaries payable in gold. Toe
ing w hat is called a nihilist in Russia.
dwelling on that terrible period amount of land and labor today, when advocates of th e single gold standard say
1 believe in lilx-rty and hind.” That
the coin of the world, both silver 480 grains are north in the world’s that this cannot he done. Tue advocates
class of men represcnleil by Hamlin
had almost disappeared, and a m arket, in our money, only 03 cents, of unconditional free coinage say that it
G arland believes iu the lilicrty of men to
th e extent expressed in the word li­ man in England would not sell for as that they would in 1873, when the same can. question is, who are right?
cense. According to such a se n tim e n t1 much as a hog will sell for now in the mini her of grains were worth in the Wu wouhljy*^'eased to hear the reasons
as told in the alxivu quotation, individ­ I nited States, where silver is supp<»se<l world's market over $1.29 cents in our upon winch the advocates of the single
Cor.s »quently, the
lower gold standard base their assertion. The
uals are not to lie controlled by the to In» abundant, although it is a little money.
22. L, C fit'uvron t
wishes of a majority of the people us ex­ scarcer in and around our otlice and in the bullion value of silver goes the advocates of unconditional free coinage
Leonard, Mo.
pressed in thv word government. A this place than is convenient. To set* cheaper can our competitors produce have driven the enemy from every stand
man would lx- endowed with liberty to
the extent of robbing another of his on t his c o u n tn , like they did on Europe ductive co: ts are primarly based upon natural and economic laws from the
projx rty if he were possessed of supe­ when coin got scarce and civilisation land and labor values; tiierefore, the best known authorities and by state­ 13 Y e a rs W ith S a lt R h e u m
rior physical strength to do so. Such ment down—it takes a great deal of coin greater the fall in silver the greater the ments of facts, not theories, h ive ex-
philosophical anarchistic dextrine as to keep up civilization, and to keep up bonus for all our competitors having a ploded the fallacious theories advanced H ood's Sarsaparilla C ave a P erfect
C u re.
|»v the sin ¿^-standard advocates, like
laid dow n by the reformer in his Chica­ with the procession while civilization silver monetary standard.
MC. I. Hood & Co.. Lowell, Mass. :
Now. to reply .to m hat the Orrj-mmn the shop-worn argum ents “ stability of
•• Hood's Sarsaparilla Han excellent medicine.
go speech, leads to the selfishly organ­ inarches along in its good clothes, as ev-
I bad eczema In n.y left leg for fifteen years.
to di-t-ni itx knn'k-ilowu qut'Hi.on,
e;it iloilar," "in irin -i ■
ised power uf might ami the dow nfiilI oi <*ry man of i,x|x-rii-in-e knona—is what xii-nis
•* i
Part of the time my leg was one mass of scabs,
wo have twcti running the Journal for, •I m l.ngtAii I to be com pel u I to pay us
'h :mn<tfintion oi si.\<r on in- M1M, ab<?ul
v < •»<; < ■, rrupn n y g a t h e r
... .
cou n t til it«i fivs»ei»r»»diii*t’on *’ “ tle n r * h - taiilvr the sr.i.i and the scabs Mould sluiigh off.
luring th e last 22 years. W ith a little mure for o ir than for the like
ts o \i |
. .
, . . h i_ „
in g and
,, ,
sion of value* in general due to overpro-
h 1 Itch
.n r i «»im
SoTwrrnsTAXiitxu the predicted risks coin ix-casionnll.v from our piitrotii, to wheat from all other parts of the world?”
.|iol| ¡.K
.ln | ,,, r . »<,-1 tr r o ­ sensation miule me suffer indescribable agonies.
I spent a great deal of money tor different rem-
of political complications that will arise pay for pajx-r and other necessary ex- V e will sun tha: while the United States portation facilities,” an I such other
edii's but I'id not get relief. About a year ago.
from th r coming la-gislature determ in- pensvs, we propose to continue to resist has not the |x»wer by legislation to make ehililisl» an I sa»nile m aunderin .'s as our leading physicians mblseit r e to take Hood's
barsapand.t. 1 did so and halo taken lit» but-
ing its attitude on free coinage of silver, a»y and all attem pts of the dark ages to England pay more for the w heat oi the
h ive tx-en paying 'l - ‘ per year
that issue will lx- made, as l»e made it come again, or to interfere in any wav United States than she d.x s for like
ttie statement of these fallacies did
must. There is no conceivable way of with the coin or the rights and privi- wheat of otlier countries—for certainly a great harm lieeause some (x'op'e had Ucs. Now nil the sores, seats and pain hav
avoiding the demand* of a inaj.wity of leges of the free and independent |xoplc purchaser will always seek the ehea|wst court d e n e ,n their source and did no
l i s ^ n T to M ^ a n j
th e R epublican partv on this imiHirtaiit of Oregon, more particularly those resiil- m arket, the same ns a producer will L*1'*' the tim e to inv» <ti. ate for t ‘ tun- gladly recommend It to «¡1 suit ring humanity."
. i t - ,
»1 L. I HEtVKoXT. Leonard. Missouri.
question. They virtually brought tins ing in l.nne cmmtv and Eugene Citv, us always seek the dearest still the ’“ Ives. \,».v. however, w ant little pro-
----------------------- -
mulgation thev mav have can do no
H ood s P l i l a act easily, yet prom ptly iu>4
issue to the fore in «electing candidates ' charity begins at home. Aa Blaine said States haa power to force England ami ,
sfflcieu'.ly.oa the liver aud bowel*. 23«.
. harm
I « , . . « . , , as
I ' 1 I ’ • X
I have
II’ » t
I had
I . , ‘ 1 ’ their
1 ' I l I I
in Ins speech on the silver question in the other European nations th at have to denee l etraywl and are doing tl.eir own
Dr. Price*« Cream Baking Powder
the Senate, which we had the pleasure . depend upon other countries for Itieir thinking.
World’s Pair Highest Award.
In Agony
S. H. Friendly
D e a le r in
C l o t h in g ,
Boots and
Shoes. •
Etc. Etc.
H eadquarters for
H ighest Price Paid for C ountry Produce.
E U G E N E , ......................................................... O R E G O N .
B S .A X
E S T A T E !
For Bargains in Real Property
O R EG O N .
R e t 1 etrefitllv the f »11 »wing a'fi I tvitg bv prom inent citizens regarding Flor­
ence property, now on the market at wonderfully reduced prices:
I hereby certify tlmt I was th e original owner of the properly known as Frasiei
and Berry's part of I'lorem e, w bieli E. J Frasier is now offering for sale. That the
same is level and free from d n f iag sand, ("hat fruit trees ami shrubbery do w el
upon said bind ami the me in .le«irable for residence nropeitv. J . G. i S tbvcrsom ,
■ '
>upt. Public Selnxil«, Lane cniintv.
Siibsi-rilied and sw orn to I eh re n e th is 5th
J o sr e it A. M orris ,
N otary P ub lic.
t Mar- li 1RH2.
B ein g first d u ly sw orn I d ep ose and sa y : T hat I h a v e been a resident o f F lo r­
en ce. Lane C o u n ty . O regon, for the past tw e lv e y e a r s ; that I uni fa m ilia r and w el
leq eu in tvd w itli th e property know n «» “ F rasier and B errv's j a r t of F lo r e r r e ,'
’ h e sm n e is adm irably suited for re«i.lcnee property, being perfectly letel sod
ree from drilling snn»l. That fruit trees and siiniblw rv grow well in the soil nod
. ,
. . . . . .
-hat pure well water is found on the same at a depth of im p. ten to fifteen feet.
J o sE rn A. M orris , Merchant
Subscribed nml sworn to before me this 12tb
day of March, 1892.
L. B îlvf . v ,
Notary Public