COMMUNICATION. composed of yellow chrysanthem ums. After nearly two years of city govern­ A healthy climate, brought about by The piece was made by Mrs. George living contiguous to health-giving breezes ment in Florence, during which rime E ditor W est :—Being asked i y m s ny Millican, and was presented on behalf many improvements to streets, side­ of old ocean, is one thing to he thankful i a new, - I M r. M i 'l r r ’s many ire mis here. Mr. — PUBLISHED KVEIIY FRIDAY MORNING.— tor. walks, street crossings and bridges have citizens my opinion of the idea ’■ i western ih .o h k acknowledge«! li e gift ill a or coast county compot^ed of — AT— State senator C. A. Cogswell was de­ been made, city Marshals and other ex­ Lane and Douglas counties, c used me vciy appreciative little speech. F lorence , L ank C ounty , O regon feated for mayor of Lakeview ut the penses paid ami no tax levied on the to give I he m atter seme extra thought, town election there last week, John Mc- people, the tow n to-day is in debt omy so I concluded to answer all at once If such stringent economy was I n ia the Eugene E.c;,i. ter. Elidnney receiving 61 votes to 58 for $19. 11. K. ALLEY, Editor and Proprietor« practiced in every incorporated town, through the columns of your va hr.’, hie Cogswell. paper, yon being kind enough to grant There is to bo a wedding this evening fewer complaints would be made by the e n e r a s © It yon i'.ced a good medicine to purify the necessary space. at the re i htice of Mrs. Stevens on the ---- T erms : $2.00 a year in advance.----- your blood, give nerve siiei-gtii and people. That the tcr*it«uy of which the new corner of Oak ami 13th streets, the con­ Our neighbors, jtist over the way in build up your system, take liooU’s sarsa­ county is to he comp sed : an extra tracting parlies to be Mr. Darwin E. E ntered at the post-office at Florence, parilla. It prevents sickness by mak­ Douglas county, will be interested in expense to Lane ami Douglas counties is Yoran and Miss Ella Stevens, both well knowing t h a t one of their county papers Ixme county, Oregon, as second-class ing pure blood. undisputed, saving nothing of the incon­ Know n y< ung people of this city. Kev. ' has been talking loudly for reform in mail m atter. Several grey squirrels have lately been county expenses,—which, by the way is venience, hardships and extra expense W. S. G iu c .t will officiate. A house on seen on South C*>os river. These squirrels a new departure since it lost the county necessarily imposed upon the citi •; • * of the corner of 12th ami High streets hue ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ used to be numerous there once, but printing—put in a bill to the county the proposed new county—which I shall been fitted up and will be occupied by AV2 K E E P PLICATION. several years ago, during a hard w inter, court for work at $35.75 which was re­ call Coast county for convenience. The them. Local n o tices 8 cents per lin e, each insertion. old question, would the luxury warrant they disappeared. duced to $7.35. Paradoxical as it may NOTICE FOR GRADING STREETS. Watch the pulsations of progress th at seem, big bills and talk for low ones go the expense would^not, and I he.¡eve, - •.-mMe'T’g g arc JÒL3Ì.S 3 5 T : ~ ■>-ir..?. will not be raised. The only questions N otice .—Professor J. M. Williams, of are beginning io beat at a lively rate m hand in hand in th at cilice. Notice Is hereby given th a t th e Board of are: Are we ready? When ami how T rustee-, of The Tow n of Florence, ; reposes to , Eugene is <»ur agent and is authorized to this city, and il you are residents of the T he W est has given to its readers and shall we p r« »cetx 1 ? Yes, w e a re read y t o establish the grtvle a» m ade and surveyed by C. j receive subscriptions, advertising and town and do uothm g but watch, you will : T I the public generally, better and cheaper make the primary move as s<»on as our M. «’o ilier under th e a u th o rity «>1 the Board of money lor T he W est and receipt for the soon be lelt Lehiud. periodicals than all others together in state senator can conveniently prepare Trustees, front G argnicr uveuuo on Jefferson ; street to M ain: then e on Main street to W ash’ same. Wo believe th at arrangem ents have this part of the country. It has done ï and introduce the hill. ington, in the original town site of Florence:I E been made whereoy over ^106,000 will he this largely at its own expense, and now 1 will suggest the following as one of thence on Front street X » cast side of IIiimliti F or W est S ubscribers .—Ar­ employed in a business uere next spring. adds another point to its credit by giving many plans th a t may be a« Iva need, street, thence on H am lin street to Main, and Il mis should prove true, I he W est will the weekly Oregonian to ull of its gub- |IOpi,lg t |,at our eell;,tor will tint itiink front the intersection of H ow ard an d Main rangements have been made where­ have the clea n ui bringing it about. 1 ge,.jiierö. The opportunity will be lim- ’ , liat J „ ¡s|, to outliue a course for him streets oil Main street to W ashington, ami on ............." Lincoln from Front to Mailt street, in Morse’s | by we will give T he \\ est and the Durmg the month of November, six ¡ted to a certain period, therefore parties to follow, or in any way hinder or inter- a d d ition to T he Tow n of Florence. The Board Weekly O regonian f°r S--00. sailing scnouheiei loaded out with lumber , must subscribe at once. T he W est for fere w ith him in tlie discharge of his of­ of Trustees also proposes to grade the follow ing | ficial duty, but simply oiler i op*. it »ti- street-, to wi : C om m encing ott Main street at This otter includes all our paid up Horn mis port, and carried awnv a Utile $2 and the weekly Oregonian free. the u t-! side i t Adams street; thence east along over l,6dO,OOJ leet ol sawed tim ber to Henry Wilson, the postmaster at as any citizen of Coast county should do Mam street to tlie w o t side of W ashington Ftibseribers and tnose who pay all tne San Francisco market. Welsh ton, Florida, says he cured a case or forever after h< hWiisTK st-c -t, li. orig in al tow n site of Florence; thence arrearages, and pay one year’s sub­ The discussion lor a new county is of difirrluea of long standing in six hours Let tlie new county ho c^ At d in sug­ cr - t along Front street to th e cast side of Hum liu ire«-t. Also Main street, c«»mmenchig at scription in advance. It also in­ commenced in ibis issue of T he W est with one small bottle of Cham berlain’s gested, of »he western poilion of Lane th e east side of W ashington street, thence east by a correspondent. Now is m e lime Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. and Douglas counties, tlie boundary lines to the west side of How ard strent. Also Lincoln cludes new subscribers. for an citizens to express t ei vl ws, and W hat a pleasant surprise th a t must of which 1 shall not undertake to out­ street from Front street to Main street and h a \e been to the süßerer. Such cures line, not being well enough acquainted H am lin street from Front street to Main street. - we hope it will be lreeiy done. are not unusual with this remedy. In with the geographical lav of the coun­ in M«.r \ .> ad d itio n to Florence. p. E.S every , ' borne excellent wearing apparel for W E S T L IN G S . \ v-v « r Clerk ami Recorder. ' gentlemen’s uses is sold by A ir. 11m, many instances only one or two doses try, but not take effect until after the agent lor me Brownsville Woolen Mills. are required to give perm anent relief. next general or state election, and let NOTICE. THANKSGIVING TURKEY. He is now in F lorence aud will take your It can always he depended upon. W hen tlie county come into existence upon the order and measure and guarantee a nt. reduced with water it is pleasant to take. installation of the new officers. Tliis On or 1« f ire December 8, the Recorder i The d u ck is a cu n n in g household bird, would give us some eighteen months to ' of the Town of Florence w ill receive bids for i Southern Oregon lias been visited by For sale by all Druggists. A regular feathered w obbler, Croup is a terror to young mothers. prepare and fit ourselves for tlie new grading as follows: (.'om m encin# on Main j some heavy Hosts during me past week, B ut fo r T hanksgiving he is n ’t in it street a t th e west side of Adams street; thence and what tender vegetation remained To post them concerning the lirst sym p­ condition of affairs, ami would leave the east along Main street to tlie west side of W ash­ W ith th e bloom ing tu rk ey gobbler. WE TAKE YOUR MEASURE AND HAVE has been destroyed. A number ut la­ toms, and treatm ent is the object of this m atter of locating the seat of govern­ ington street in original Florence; thence east ' FULL SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON Of all th e birds I love th e best dies mourn the loss of choice Bowers, item. The first indication of croup is ment. originally and entirely with the along Front street to tin' east side of H a m lin ' Give me th e bloom ing turkey. legal voters of Coast county \\ e would street; also Main slivet com m encing a t the east , hoarseness. In a child wtio is subject SHORT NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED- too. He takes th e lead of all th e rest to croup it may be taken as a sure sign live under the government of am! be side of W ashington street, thence east to the J W hen he’s not tough or jerky. The road to greater success is paved west side of How ard street; also I-iucolu street 7G3 HANDSOME PATTERNS- subject to the laws of our respective of ttie approach of an attack. Following from Front street to Main street; also Hamlin with combined energy ami economy. Of all th e m onths th a t come and go, tins hoarseness is a peculiar, rough counties until our officers were elected street Lorn Front street to Main street In That kind ol a road has been traveled by We sh o u ld be more forgiving cough. If Chamberlain's Cough remedy ami installed, ami our county seat per­ Morse’s ad d itio n t*> Florence; said grading to be many ol our people on the b iu s la w and To bleak November, since we ¡enow Z l Æ F ’. ' L i H î M E I S r T S . is given as soon as the child becomes m anently located. The election could don«* fiei’oiding to profiles and speeilleations to She’s bringing us Thanksgiving. m eir course has been marked with suc­ I tic seen at A. <>. Funke's H ardw are Store. hoarse or even after tlie rough cough be managed by the courts of Lane ami • L> E. S every , cess. T h an k sg iv in g day has come again; lias appeared it will prevent the attack. Douglas counties except that a comm it­ i’lcrk and Record r. Recently at an election tlie cities ol It lias never been known to fail. 50 cent tee, composed of citizens ot Coast conn- The tabic groans w ith toothsom e food; Vt/E ARE AGENTS FOR THE GERMAN A nd were it not for F rid ay ’s pain, 1 New York and Brooklyn voted for a con­ bottles tor sale by the Florence Druggist, tv, might he appointed by the courts to SH _R IFF’S3A LE O N FORECLOSURE T h a t alw ays treads on T h u rsd ay ’s train, solidation ol the two governments, which AMERICAN INSURANCE CO-, OF NEW meet at some place in tlie new county, I should be fu ll of g ratitu d e. NOTICE is hereby given, th a t by virtue of an Last Thursday afternoon says the t o i , tl„ eiJllrtM o tanvaM BI1,| w hen it is carried into eifecl w in greatly Execution d uly i“<■ ... .................... l ; " : - Meyer & Kyle’s. Come and see for I «»factory, as a ditch from tlie m ain pon«l can be springs, tlie light-hou!-.*, th d fine carriage driven — ’xn advertiaeiuent to lie mgerteu id do Store. foie with many well-expressed thoughts Fork, Anios H aring, came down to Flor­ yourself. m u through tliis lam l, elloriliug tw enty four ever hills ami level beach, com bine nioro a t­ i papers in that section last weeek. for the advancem ent of education. His ence on business Saturday. Remains of our last year’s enterprise LANE COUNTY, O tiEG O N . j feet fall. Also room for tw o large bn ilies’ traction th a n can !»■ found a t liny Other p o in t career as an honest, pains-taking mayor The next game the football team will Comrades Colvin and Lowe were in on the «• >ast. T b ” tra c t iias tw elve h u n d red is good seed th at is growing tliis year in l’o person, desiring reliable inform ­ i houses on tho chief busines» street. It i;« worth of Eugene, in which he lias shown play will he on Thanksgiving «lay, with from tlie lakes Sat unlay in attendance ft « t of inuitag«* on Lily lake a n d nearly a half Florence. the hoys from Pacific university, at For­ ation regarding the wonderful te.onrees ; $1000. marked ability, leads many to suggest on a meeting of the G. A. R. No. 3. Nice dw elling of 8 rooma ami large mil« on th«1«»« an I khc I i , am i em braces one of M arr & Safley are to put in a hand­ his name lor United Stales Senator. est Grove. Mr. Church is still training of Lane comity, or for prices and term , Miss Maud Dunham who lias been stop­ the team and they are making great im­ of grain, Btock nr fruit farm , in tGo 1 grounds in best residence portion of Eugene, the fin st groves «»f n ative tree» to l«e found an y some line of holiday goods in their \ a- Deputy Murslial H airis is doing some ping in Florence and vicinity for some provement as their game with the O. A. Willamettu Valiev or town pro|»erty I w ith all kinds of fruit. 0. with enlightened ideas if sidewalks were tqty aie getting not less tinui ^100 ex- our streets Saturday and attending to was logical, to the point, ami was re­ St-nd for t-ne -if their latest <1 «•riplive as Fairm ount, «ill platted in lo t, and acre tract* No. 12- Lots an d block« in C hicago A ddition anotlu'f im portant business. circular». Read their ad. it soon laid on the main streets. pended in the improvement of their por­ ceived with much pleasure by the stud­ to Florence, lying from four to tw elve blocks H ave sold ab o u t one h u n d r < 1 acr«*s at fr »m $123 M erchant’ \Vm. Kyle, wife and son ents. This was one of the most eloquent, part of tliis paper. Prosperity in Florence will receive a tion of tne town. to $780 per acre a n d w ill close o u t th e balance fr- hi tlie post office nnd bmdue** c en ter of tho new im petus in manufacturing industries For two days and one night Mrs. John D.ivie, were passengers on th e stag«! for practical ami encouraging a«l«hcs; ever a t surprisingly low p rh ’es. If you w ant Home town. Thi.s grouml is sm ooth ami level a n d J«xi Monii*, J r ., of Florence,, is r*q>- Eugene on Friday last. They will visit j^Hvere,) before rite University. to be established here in the spring. YVhiaman suffered continuous bleeding above any po sibilit;, of overflow. Have sol«l of th is fin«* property, m ake an offer. Bro’ . vn Brothers Company, An el(}(.|i(iI1 W(|H heW „„ tllC The K lam ath Falls Star states th at a from the nose, and it was only on Moti- Portland and Aatoria before their return. Portia ml, Or««., w lm -»1 n u rs c ric H nr«* nt No. 5. 100 acres one half m ile from Acme b i » in tie n«lj«tii:iii.: block* f«»r $128 each, or a t Comrade J. L. h a. been sum- evehi„g of Nov 20th, to fill tlie vaeaney R«. re n t, n» r m a lt f. Ad d «M of, and some dealer should find a market ,n « il» . V ili un«* < >r « on g »ry. N» • 1 •»» • -»Ty nt fifty cent* per th«m*nn«l, for «tumpnge, I* i(.r from $¡00 to $K)0 cm 'I i It y«»H Aarrt to g et in Fork agree to bring milk or cream to a ns with a call at our office. O ur pleas­ by the Stnttz company. Little Una homo, ««hoi , s' or« «md < <«* k <• Oraaieft conven for them . - i, I!;.' • ;i-iun<1 Ib-or" now is the time. Make a i F i n <•(• und »wet rp I 1er on «nrt h. creamery, and tlie up river dairymen ure in having them here was augmen­ Luckey went on tin- -tago and pre-etited A k <* h I m from f;5 lo Î-5 » p« r cfnr. w orth $7,800 for the tim ber «lone. Make an of Parties interested will find tlie plans join tlie forces, one would be built. I bid. One in « »»••Idoo«« m «»n* a «m oto «il in» ted by a handsome present of a briquet to Mr. Frank Reatlrick, a floral nugget fer. neivhbon*. I in» in-i i unter,t-«, no «oy«. and specifications for improving the wa­ • ..15. V’jieant lot* and blocks on tlie w ater «nywhero. nny dieta- ■ C om pie'*. r« t.dy for No. 7. 4 1 ' crc* of fine lldc land meadow, on For a pain in tlie side or chest there is of chrysanthem um s from Mrs. Tripp to ums when ahi di «d C»i» ho pu: op by «• ’f « no ter fiont now made out and ready for fr-Mil In l ion itc, l,. tw«cn tlie post-office am i never out o f ordr-r, no rd enul». They are likely t o S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S . worth $100 per acre when dyked. us. W hat entertainm ent for tlie little pain. ’ u te a h lie fore m any year*. No. k. F ifty acre* a djoining Florence on tlie I. w oith It all-lids prompt and |>erma- ones on Christm as and what for the old­ neul relief and if used m tim e will "oiten I ! i-.t ef property i* ««dug to be sold nnd cast. Thirty acres of tbi* i* fine m< i:«low, three R ev . I. G. K notth , P art »»«. er ones on New Year? I’ abk On,MTV I’ti.i.h will reduce your acre* i* high ground f«»r building purposes and t! 1 '-id pally w ith tin* eesh or its e q u iv a len t, prevent a cold from resulting in pneu­ Sunday Sclmol at 10 a. m. Preaching Cottage Grove is improving right monia. The same treatm ent is u sure at 11 a. in . and 7 p. m. The morning weight PERM «'.'FATLY from 12 to 15 th<‘ balance I* tide laml on tlie w ater fr«>nt. - »lit- w ill K« t a baigaiu. in nd th >ib«»ve list I have a large along. Several fine building» are under cure for lame back. For sale by all service will consist chiefly of the Sacra­ pounds a month. NG STARVING si-k- able for saw -m ill rite, w harfs <»r m anufacturing I i ir-.‘ , . .f f i. , . i i t land . -lock ranches ami construction, and they are putting in Druggists. ness or injury; NG I’l IJLK 11 A . They nite*. W orth $80 |* r nt r ■ . M» * !» < • an off« r. m ent of the Lord's Supper. All are build up the health and Is-autlfy the water works costing 15-900. No. 9. T w elve« ;«• , coverii; ,’ «»i; ■ 1 »!f t.b ’< « •’ ■•<• - p« rty, left v,ith n.” f«>r said upon com- Mrs. Frank Rogers has just received a most cordially invite«! to theac services, j i'i « r lo « l.i«o out I will give complexion leaving NG WRINKLF.S or t.t «le« p w ater frosilu . • on south • • » n-i '•« The Morris hotel is doing a good bus new ami handsome Maortment of mil- h • I est I r.».ln* possible. flabbiness. Si Gt 1 ABDOMENS aii-l Ray. including tin ’ Tim m ons < - iiu ty ► Ru. ¡nets. This is positive proof that many ,jnery goodgi an,i they are now ready NOTICE. G;: • M. M itt • r, dilli ult I reathing surely relieved. NG Two acre* by mail lions oi nice h a t s and handsome bonnets bloek* as shall be determ ined, In MorH«*’« midi- paat, lor reasonable appropriations. postpaid. T .-ti.uonials and particulars tion to T he Town of Kloreuee. P lans and speci­ MOST PERFECT MADE. Do not be too late in purchasing one trimmed to order, o fication* to be seen at the stores of A. O. Funke. J (sealed 2 ts. A pure Gripe Cream cf Tartar Powder. Free of tiiose handsome holiday baskets con- — ~ H urd A Davenport and M ey ’t A Kyle. A ll <)»rr.-»p..... I - S t r l r t l v < • nflilen tlsl from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 1». F. Hrves.v, i P A R K l i E M F D Y C O ,, B oston M acs YEARS THE STANDARD. rtrrk and Rernrlcr. ' T H E r o W E ST . LÄ3 k J rohants. K- C offee eas 1 D ry G oods, Jgs, M e d icin e s, G roceries, B oots, Shoes, P ai sits, Oils, Windows,. ¡Hardware, G lassw are, B oors, Build* ers’ S upplies. C roi ALWAYS TRADE AT K' OF 'S, SALE QtCTRIC TELEPHONE W . •IDSL FAT PEOPLE SM 0NG P(»?M G eoi’“? M. ‘.¡¡lier. 40 f