H U R D ¿3 ID JL V E ä K T IP O R .T . postage is a thing tl.nt will 1* ditlicult to bring down to a basis th a t will satisfy all concerned. To-day we have a letter New floods are Constantly A rriving at the (ORIGINAI. AX'D SELECTED.) carried across the continent for two cents, and if it is carried a mile the same In moral improvement it is of; rate is charged, which is a kind of trav- esty on the theory of “ long and short pected th at resolves can be instantly haul” discrim ination in railroad rates and thoroughly put into pr e ’ice, that and fares. A party in our own country virtues van he developed, an« 1 ng habit is vigorously agitating a one cent post- eradicated, and tem ptation r.-fcit td , and ago rate. I t would certainly be pleas- obstacles overcome suddenly and with- ----- Among the L atest is an E legant Line of ing to us all to have a penny postage out one bavkward step. Thosa who | system in i our own country and a special make such enthusiastic resolves simply postage rate with the Empire, ami if Mr. expect im possibilities; they suppo-e that Nature rests, and we each wrestle l o r it ‘ . ---------------------------------- Heaton Heaton and and our our own ow American friend tbuy are able at on. c and completely to share of her bounty, and offer grateful the f'irn' to the " .deli w ith every swing of the pendulum succeed in bringing this about, they accomplish wl.at really takes much In all Shades. The Choicest Selection Ever B rought to Florence. •thanks to N ature's God for Ilia abound- ia immensely larger than any movement Tiaie ig niea8ure,| w ith the eternity of will undoubtedly confer a benefit upon time, much patience and much persist­ ing goodness. It is seldom enough, in- in the opposite direction. It is only a torgotten yea„ t ,u;d th e present last Also a full stock of Eider-down, Sw an’s-down, Satins and Ch.tinbrays. e n t effort. TI.ev inia; ine th a t they their fellow m en. alee.1, th at we remember whence fam e H'» a" besille lho ';1'eat riv‘ r > ““ J welfare of our farmers in this country is have only to make up their minds in or­ We are also in receipt of a fine line of Fancy Goods, Silks, Laces. HONORS FOR PROF. MCELROY. the good things th at fall to our lot. we introduce it here, not so much as an s,.orlt.nvC i a j i ’b i u a r y , plicated as « sp » m anual or m ental re­ to set ap art one day 6nt of tbo hazy seeks to exchange the monotonous rural upon his retirem ent Ifoin tlie state sup­ quirem ent. Toey demand much time golden weeks of late autum n, on which E verybody has read General Scho­ W e arc agents for the well know n and responsible Firem en’s F u n i life for the excitements and pleasures of er! n tendency, and will thus fill out the und effort and patience, they are as slew to recall the loving kindness of Him who field’s claim of having an arm y sufficient and London & Lanca iter insurance companies. the city,” says the article. “ .Some go to rem aining half of the present school and gradual in their growth, they are .giveth us th e increase witli which we to enforce federal law in all possible cir­ trades, and others to professions, but year. To th at end he will remove his as certain to involve as many mistakes have just filled our barns, our cellars, Remember you will alw ays have fair an d honest treatm ent at cumstances. The United States is quite ■and our granaries. It is the epilogue of alm ost all abandon forever th a t best of familv from Salem to Eugene in tlie and failures, and to require as constant safe from invasions from w ithout and Part ol 1S95. and untiring an energy to retrieve and .the happy dram a whereof May-day is «» pursuits, agriculture, to th eir own m ust only guard against invasions from The growth of the state university has avoid them . Those wlio suppose tiiat the prologue. Under the caressing sun­ loss and th a t of the country. Why is w ithin. been great during the past few years, such things can be done at once over- j light of May we welcome the coming this? Because our schools plant the N one should feel more pride th an the and the needs of tlie institution required rate their powers ami anticipate w hat is ,of young life to the world all dewy with i seeds of ¡inch ambition in their breasts.” the silver showers of April and bursting Here is a plain charge against tin- cjt jgeng of Lune county in tlie election of an increase in tlie faculty. Tlie coming utterly ini practicable. under our feet with purple and red; and \ schools. Continuing, tlie writer becomes yjuj,jr ,;eo q . Yoran, of Eugene, to the retirem ent from state office suggested to A3 Much human suffering is dark, gloomy then when the autum n air, blowing '»ore specific. Colonelsliip of tlie Second Regiment, O. tlie board of regents th a t an educator of and painful. W hen communicated and from the brown woods, or tlie gray-blue' W ont is tlie reward held out to tlie y . Colonel Yoran is acknowledged fine attainm ents and ripe experience diffused, ii spreads abroad a useless sad­ Keeps a full line of E x tra Quality fields of the ocean with the sharp sting ' b’ood hoys or good girls who pay atten- to lie as excellent a soldier as lie is a gen- m ight be secured, and tlie opportunity ness; but w lien silently and courageous­ of chilly waters on its breath, stirs one’s ’j’v’^ i.'J i/'^ ^ m p lc '- u id 'inlliience tlen,a,b 11,1,1 •>'* promotion is a credit to has been taken. The professor, wlio is ly borne, it is capable of evolving blood like wine, we bid the life tliat lias tle v a t e 'la r m in g life, and the regiment, himself and Lane county, in Portland, has already signified his strength of character, patience, forti­ wrought so well l'or us through tlie sum - apply their educated energies to the Accompanying our congratulations is ac e e p ta n e e ,a n d tlie re g e n tsa re c o n g ra t- tude, tenderness. A man meets with a m er days adieu, and as we prepare for intelligent cultivation of tlie soil? Not the wish th a t Col. Yoran may lie further ulatiug themselves upon their great good bereavem ent, or a loss of fortune, or IA R D W A R E , T IN W A R E , BOOTS & SHOES, .the night of Nature when tlie world is j - t h e prizes held out for their achieve- advanced in the line of m ilitary eleva­ fortune in being aille to secure such a some cherished plan is defeated, or , , m ents are the prizes of social advance- HATS & CAPS, M ED ICIN ES, NUTS & CA NDIES, notable addition to the teaching force. tucked cosily in under its soft « '»I'U Ilient in thl, prok.ggion8(_ uitv | iie is to tions. some bright hope is extinguished. His Professor McElroy has been state sup­ blanket or brown and yellow leaf for a be lbe rvwarj of t heir diligence, present sorrow is inevitable; but l.e can TOBACCO, CIGARS, FU R N ISH IN G GOODS 1 r is the merest, of platitudes to repeat erintendent of public instruction for 12 -winter’s sleep, we lift grateful eyes to 1 A nJ h(j (R .(.hlr(.g ug,Un lhftt deal with it in two ways. He can loudly over and over again th a t tlie Oregon years, having been first elected in 1882. th e Giver of all Life whose single h e a r t-, (1.t t<> t,mt w(j inust gQ w mourn and lam ent, detailing his griev­ Prices W ill be Found Reasonable Legislature ought not override the will throb lias warmed the earth into sum ­ remedy the disease th at is sapping the o( tlæ peop,p w h o guyg thílt ¡t onght7 He came to Oregon from Pennsylvania ance to friends and neighbors, claiming Goods as Represented. in 1873, and became a mem ber of tlie their utm ost sym pathy, painting his mer. M a n a g e rs . roots of agricultural life! When the T iiose who indulge in this language for-I old Corvallis agricultural college faculty. Tlie people of the Siuslaw have much woes in vivid colors, thereby producing i , ... . , ,, .children aro taught b etter,” lie says, . t(J ugk tliomselvcs bow the will of -tins year w herewith o garnish t e . ,.ke,y (o u He was elected superintendent of Ben­ much needless and useless sadness, ton county three terms, and while the while at the same time only intensify ’ bouse of prayer. R«P®>-ts from all parts mfty po8sibly be for their 1 is expressed by the majority of tlie Leg- incum bent of thatofflce was elevated to x,f the country indicate th at we shall lie j n||jch nku,y his trouble by thus dilating upon it. the state superintendency. His tireless able to m eet the demands of home con- ! their d etrim ent.” This charge against O Ü ís) XV W Ô X» Ü > O '’’fe' O ö ’’Si»- On the other hand, lie can school him ­ ing true, there is no other course for the energy ami exceptional capacity soon sum ption and have som ething to spare • ja inlbed c d -a n d for argu- Now is the time for an exam ination of our stock of D ry next session of tlie Legislature to pursue became known to educators and people self to bear the inevitable and to learn 4or any demand abroad. No frosts or iiR,ntivu purpoge8 necu8sarily s o - iu a whatever lessons it has in sto re ; lie can Goods, for fall and w inter uses, by the people of tlie but favor, in every way, the free coin­ throughout the state, and, as a conse­ winds or blights have wrought damage ,nagg of gtatulllent intended to show th at abstain from m arring the happiness of Siuslaw country. Y ou will find the latest styles and age of silver. Any other course would and everv-whero . . . is a profitable , occupation. ,. ,,,, w ill every „ o c .v n the .. harvest has been farming The be diam etrically opposite to the wishes quence, he was re-nominated and re­ otln rs by intruding liis personal woes; the lowest prices a t J. II. McClung's Dry Goods House. elected in 1886 and again in 1892. He he can cultivate a brave spirit and a most abunduut. This should enable the moment it is adm itted th at present con­ of tlie pi ople. was the only Oregon state oificer wlio cheerful aspect; in a word, lie can “ con- OUR METHODS OF BUSINESS----- farmer, tlie artisan, the store-keeper ditions press cruelly upon the farmer, - j «and, we hope, .th e editor, to gain a returning him meagre pay for good N atikai . i . v in a country like this, was ever re-elected twice, and it is said sum e bis own smoke, ” and in tim e lie No li’o use enjoys a b etter patronage than ours front the tlie only superintendent of public in­ will have in its place the ruddy glow breathing space in th e bitter race people on tlie Coast, and th is is attributable to our methods work, a Bulflcient cause for the farm where newspapers are constantly en­ «gainst tlie tireless debt gatherer, and, in exodus is at once found here, ami it is lightening the public regarding home struction in any state who was elected and w arm th of a nobler character and a of selling goods a t very low prices, and th e q u ality of .easing their burden, will reduce the fret not necessary to go to the schools or achievements in productions, manufac­ three times. No one previous to bis firmer grasp of the future. goods as represented. This is especially tru e of our and friction of the w orld’s machine unywhere else in search of one. So to tories and the results of disposing of time was ever even re-elected to this Ladies’ anil G ents' boots and shoes and foot-v. ear of all kinds, Life is a fountain th at overllowrs only L, I olfice in this state. Professor JIcElroy generally. get grounds on which to attack tlie products, we are perpetually being at daw n and early morning. As it gets ! £ LAR(}EST STOCK. is known personally to more teachers spread of education, the prosperity of brought into contact witli other people’s older, it still lias pleasures, but they are 1 FARMERS-EDUCATION. and those interested in educational sub­ It is generally known in Lane county th a t th e largest tlie farmer m ust he assured. Yet, so experiences, and it would be Against all sober and staid, tinged with a darker stock of merchandise is to bo found a t our store, and th is , , stupid is the crusade against tlie schools, we know of human nature if we did not jects th an any other person in Oregon. green or autum n brown. Spring leaves ' As we have written much on tins suli- In his twelve years at the head of tlie fact proves that we have no questionable m ethods of doing , ,, , this assumption of agricultural prosper­ profit by sin'll experiences. When view­ have a tin t we miss in July or October; e d , we give the following from the . , , . state public schools, bis duties called business, and tlie future will be b u t a repetition of th e past •' ity compels tiie critic of education to ser- ing the extent to which creameries have their freshness and soft transparency ’ liiui constantly to all parts of the state. when our friends call and buy from our well-assorted stock. lously argue, in effect, Unit tlie result been profitably used by tiie farmers in pass. The brook sings as it ru n s ; the I No teachers’ institute was complete of education is to make an ambitions otiier parts of our domain and dating, river glides quickly; the sea moans, j flvial observers to ebarge the schools w ithout him , and few im portant gather­ young man turn bis back on an obvious ns it were, only from yesterday, il gives Poets always paint the gods young, and w ith depleting the farms. The exact ly prosperous calling to follow one not us a keener reason for persistently urg- ings of educators were ever held w ithout half our heaven lu in the thought of meaning of this accusation is seldom iiearlv so promising! Surely, here is ing the building of like establishm ents his presence. youth returning. Every tiling young is ii «et down plainly by even those who have Professor McElroy is a classical scholar refutation of the charge lying in its own here. There is an intense sentim ent in happy. There is an universal morning i the tem erity to make it very boldly. It being a m aster of arts, ami doctor of Isiso m . us of local pride in having tlie dairy gladness before the beat of tlie day. V.'e is a thing better put iu vague phrase, This assumption of farm prosperity is product of the Siuslaw taking its place philosophy. Various otiier scholastic spend boyhood and youth in an enchant- zispocially M a land where the farmer is degrees have been conferred upon him . D enier in patent enough in all articles of this in the markets of other towns, and our ed world, w ith fountains of joy scatter­ n ruling force. These skin-deep phil­ class. In the otic in question, for in- farmers reaping tlie rewards of such a Teachers and others throughout the ing rainbow s; it is a delight simply to l osophers do not like to say ill (wild En­ state will be gratified to learn th at he is stance, we are told that “ there is no condition of affairs. live in these years. As we get older, glish th a t education unfits a man for ' to rem ain employed in educational work. trade or profession which is so sure to liappiness gets daintier and needs more farm ing; but tin* statem ents that they Glassware, I t seems impossible th at tlie Siuslaw —Oieuoitian. Carpets, Gents’ yield a comfortable livelihood, and some­ --------------- catering; but in our springtim e it laughs do make can mean nothing else. It is a Groceries, country should not come into eonipeta- Boots and F u rn ish in g thing more in reserve, than farming The populists in congress have intro- and thrives on tlie poorest fare, “ stock” notion—thia idea that young Etc. Etc. tive contact in various m arkets of the lined bills for the appropriation of $96,- ___________________________________ Shoes. Goods. when intelligently and diligently pur­ men leave the farm ls'cause they are world, witli otiier parts of this eoast in tXW,009,000. Can the people lie blamed sued,” ami ag ain : H eadq u arters for educated above (?) it—and lienee it Is tim lwr supplies. To secure tiiis it needs for ridiculing and looking witli suspicion But though, during the farming sea­ a p t to nppeur in unlikely places. A son, tlie farm er’s hours are lung, the tact, judgment an 1 firmness. The main U|H>I1 the ideas of the tiiird party? Nine- typical article which appears in a West­ city worker ex|«eriemes no cessation cause of our cnikura--«i.ient in taking (v. gix bilbon8 „( dollars! Ju st think of H ighest Price Paid for C ountry Produce. ern paper ou “ Schools and Farm ers” is from daily toil—summer or winter his (,ur unsurpassed lir ami cedar tinilier it. This proposed expenditure for the a fair sample of tlie kind of argum ent hours are the sain»-—and the average ¡n („ n ative ami foreign nuvkets, is the E U G E N E , .............................................. OREGON. United States alone is nearly ten times that this nonsensical idea calls forth. Il period of Inlior is greater than that of ill-will of tiovernuient olti dais wlio have more than all the money in all the na­ begins with the general complaint that the farmer. Ami the town-dweller has ati antipathy to tlie improvement of our to purchase, at high rates, th at which tions of tiie earth, including gold, silver, ambitious young jH-ople leave tlie farm costs a farmer little or nothing, so th at harbor, and a lam entably apparent per­ paper ami every otiier form of currency. for the city. To deny th at there is a the suvings in the one ease moie than sonal financial policy in tlie improve­ This will be independent of nil expendi­ drift Iroin the country to the town (.„iinter-halanees the higher rute of wage m ent of otiier parts. This is a v. rv ex- tures which woitftFUe incurred in cun­ would be to collide with statistics ; though m the other. Accumulation is easier to til,.lbl(, 1>ni, inexcusable position, but ning all tlie bureaus and otiier machin­ i, ...1..1.1 i... ■nl.l it,a! „...awaiiv drives the farmer th an the city dweller, f> > r it might Is sum th a t neusooty drive # ( j Uie ini.rvag„ ll( ,liH since it exists, we m ust turn our atten- ery created by these bills. These pro­ hilly a» often a» ambition Un«l,, and Ht(h k ; unU to the Vllhle o( hii4 (arin, if he tion more devotedly to the growth ami positions illustrate populist ideas of th a t it ia by no means alway» the eleve» -H n ,r ifty and imlimtrinuh; while the eit- expansion of our tim ber output. We finance. If they had been in control of son who is crowded off the farm. The jZt,n |i,,ds his ex|s'lises increase as he cannot hope to get rid of our enemies CALL ON OR A D D R E SS ■question, however, is not ’ 'l>o tlie de- advances in the social scale. Altogether altogether, but we may tem per their the last congress they would have hank S crofu la C u re d -B lo o d Purified by rupted the government and the country » Hood’s Sarsaparilla. T H E L A N E C O U N T Y L A N D & L O A N CO., scendants of farmers crowd into tlie the balance of advantage is on tlie side of tlie farmer if l.e can to ''» ’‘’f"1 inn.ienee by showing that we twenty times over.—Coos Bay Iftict. •C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass.: can lx- Iw induced induced to rities?" hut, rather, "W hy do they do think so. ” I t is with pleasure that I scad a testimonial EUGENE. O REG O N. an’ resolutely determ ined to m aintain , . . . _ . ;■ t l . n t n .,.,1 •oncerniiig w lu t Hood's Sarsaparilla has dons An interesting statem ent is that mad R „ a wo|lllerful mwllcine ■o?” R eal carefully the following aifi lavits by prom inent citizens regarding Flor­ There are, of course, prosperous far- ’■¡K1'” nn’’ «''vantages of our conn- bv the Coquille creamery for the month gnj I cannot recommend it too highly. Surah« ence property, now on the market at wonderfully reduced prices: A part, and a wholesome and legit.i- trv uiers. But there are also millionaires ------------------------- of September. It shows that the amount wh° ’r<“ r’.old.’ ”” bCCD_ ln ate p art, of the exodus is explained hv TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : ami seinl-millionaires iu cities. Tlie A fflictecf W ith S c r o fu la T iikgk is always a cheaper postage of butter fat in tlie milk delivered there th e natural redistribution of occupations. •ver since she was one year old. For five year» I hereby certify th at I was the original owner of the property known as Frasiei contention is not Unit no one prosjiers movement. Recently we rea«l an article isconatantly increasing» and now* rea?he' ■he ha» had a running sore on ono side ot her Many a capital uoctor, luwycr, iner- e. We tried every remedy recommended, but and Ber y's part of Florence, which E. J . Frasier is now offering for sale. That the at tanning; hut that, taking the average in th e A .7 j -In. c m R i i e i r , hv M r. J. 443 »M»r cent, while the price p a il to fa noshlnc did her any* good until < fninwiiupd ,chant, railway man and the like is born . „ . . . , os» ng flood's Sarsaparilla. My married laughter same is level and free from drifting sand. T hat fruit trees and shrubbery do wel ease, industry, th rift, economy ami H anntkcr Heaton, a member of tlie l.n- butter fat ha» in. reused to an average of advised me to use flood’s Sarsaparilla because upon said land and tiie same is desirable for residence propeity. J . 0 . S tevenson , sin th e farm ; and, under proper social brains are not paid on tlie farm us well Supt. Public Schools, Lane county. gli»h Parliam ent, in which he endeavor» 22 h. cen t« ¡n r pound, thus bringing in conditions, he will find his way to his as they should ls>. Men give up reluct­ to persuade the Americans that they the dairymen $1 per hundred pound» of natu ral vocation as water finds its own ? Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th It had cursd her ot dyspepsia. She had been antly the agricultural calling they under­ »hould enter into a penny postage nr- milk, which is a money •m aking price, j 8EAL day of March, 1892. J oseph A. M orris , level. To keep such a man ou tlw farm troubled with that complaint stnee childhood, Notary Public. stand uml try to learn new ones in tiie rangem ent with l'.nglan I. The inevit- and since her cure she has never b. en without a would lie possibly to spoil a good lawyer bo lie of Hixsl's Sai saparitta in the house. W e When the licet sugar factory at Chino, eotnmenee.t giving it to Sarah about one year mills, the factories ami tlie otliees, be­ able reply 1.1 sny pro|xis.il to lower the TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : and spoil a good farm nt the same time. ill operation it gives em - ­ a*"- »»'' 1» has conquered the running «ore. alifornia, is in Being first duly sworn I depose and say: T hat I have iieen a resident of Flor* cause they feel th a t tlie rewards ill tlie postage in this country is that at the California, Y et—if we may anticipate tlie argument Only a Scar Rem aining ployment to 3Ô0 hands. The daily con- enee. Lane County, Oregon, for the past twelve years; th at I am fam iliar and wel latter case are apt Io 1«' larger. It is present figure the service does not pay. , , v - trace ot tlio dreadful disease Previous to aeqeainted with the property known aa “ F rasier snd B errv’s part of Florence,' a little—under present conditions in n o n se n se to argue that tlie effect of edu­ ami it is as re •uhirlv retorte.l that this by sumption ot crude petroleum tor file taking the medicine her eyesight was «fleeted which the farmer is forbidden to give .-a i l. -ei... .,1^. but now she can see p o rte e d v In connection th a t tlie same is adm irably suited for resilience property, being perfectly level and cation is to blind a man to the relative 110 means proves that it won! I not pav av erag es 1.6 barrels. Tht factory ala. > ith Hood's Sarsaivirl:; i we h a.c used H. .d's ree from drifting sand. Tiiat fruit trees and shrubbery grow well in tlie soil and bis boys the fullest chances in the world i .o n . i i . , . . . ..... ,..,.1 ’.1 Vegetable Pills, and lib I them the best." Mu», value of different occupations. It is mg nt a lower rate. Experience lias taught u s e s i l a i l j 100 ton« of limestone, and . M*ai* tiairrix . Xenia. Illinois. th at pure well water is found on tiie same at a depth of from ten to fifteen feet. by his lack of means, sueli u man is J oseph A. M orris , M erchant. P i l l , cure nausea, si. k headache, only noioensi.nl, it is futile, for the iis to a certainty th at a cheaper stam p tons of coke. It is expected th at tlie much more apt to be kept ou the farm output of sugar this season will nearly tadixesUon. biliousness. Sold by all druggUM. farmers will not believe it. No farming w ill augment the use of the mails in a } Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12tb than if be bad a better op|s>rtiinity to reach 20.OOO,(XXJ pounds. The amount — — day of March, 1892. I - B ii . yev , comm unity can ie personded in this greater pr.qsirtion than tlie loss por pai,| i,v the factory for beeta will ex- D r. Price's Cream Baking Powder Notary Public w alk nlmut the Works!; qi of tlie world d a\ that its children will be better off if stam p woui.l re tr.ee tiie revenue. Cheap eeed $4«X>.(XXJ.—Union W orld'« Fair tllghe.’ t Award. ;CIiJ umke Ids el.o.ee, Siuiilar'.v there Literary. they burned own their school houses. are good farmer» born in tlie cities, and ‘ t |,eg0 ni, „ sometimes find their way to The thing to do is to make farming a their proper place and sometimes they better paying occupation ; and one way ---- PLBLtSREU t r IRV m iD .U f MOKNINC,— do not, making a comparative failure of «-> it ¡« «» ‘’ “ ‘ion on the con- Burning classes. Education helps a farm- —i , — it in the town, and longing from sum ­ cr—not technical training merely, but a ffto w ts x . L in e C ix n t t , G beqos . mer to summer for the calm and quiet of the country. This class, too, is met I road education th at makes a reading :nd a thinking man of him . He wlio bv no greater barrier in its road than THANKSGIVING. the deplorable but indubitable fact th at feeds us all has as much right to have a library and to have time to »pend in it the profession of farming is woefully Once a year, when the returns from as the best of u s; and a policy which m a n ’s sum m er partnership with Nature underpaid, This natural redistribution of occupa- gives him that, will refill the deserted are all well in, we pause for a day on farms of the east a.id people the north- tioris will not, of course, explain any the brink of th at oilier season when .. . i i b , f „ r ,. considerable portion of the steady move west. T H E W E S T . G O O D S K ’r e s t t T -iirt© of G i-o o s n e s > iH u rri 5 S i D au an p o ri’s Ì TOIM STORE Q Í GOODS a GROCERIES. Knowles & », f)RY GOODS AND CLOTHING. - y J. H. S '"lU K G , * * EUGENE, I LEAD, B U T N EVER FO LLO W ! Friendly D^Y-C O G D S , HOPS, WOOL, AND WHEAT, OATS O O T H IN Q , AMD BARLEY - BEA i T e STATE! - O nly a S c a r R em ains Hood’s ^ ’Cures Hood’9 f For Bargains in Real Property