r i L The tide of destiny is turning fast towards Florence. All sorts of ac­ cumulation of facts point that way FLORENCE, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1891. Vol. V. TR A V ELFR '-’ GUIDE. BUSINESS CAR J.' □ : mer \ l directory HORACE N - STATE OFFICERS C R A IN , Governor...................Sylvester Pennoyer - • O re g o n . Secretary of State . . Geo. W, McBride H ju .g © n o Treasurer.........................Philip Metelien Supt. Public Inst ruction E. B. McElroy State P rinter................ Frank C. Baker H EN R Y A. BAY, Agent i .............. It. A. Bean Supreme Court - ............ F. A. Moore ) , .. ,C. E. Wolveiton Judge Second D istrict.. .J. C. Fullerton Of Salem, Oregon. Attorney Second District .Geo. M. Brown This is the lending insurance coin puny of the State Insurance Comp’y Judge............................... - ...A . H. Fisk „ . . I .................. Eli Perkins Commissioners ............ j . r . Callison C lerk................................ A. C. Jennings •Sheriff................................ A. J Johnson Treasurer................................. J. G. Gray Assessoi................................ D. P. Burton School Superintendent.. J. G Stevenson Surueyor........................... W. B. Pengra Coroner..................................J. W. Harris C ITY OFFICERS. Pneitie const. Assets a quarter of a niillioit dol­ lars. Private dw ellings and farm property a specialty. Address me at Uurdiuer, U i w i u *nm ’ VU T h r o u g h T a l l m a n a n d T o n r l n t S le e p e r « , land to Albany inclusive; also Tangent, Hhedds, NEXT CONCRESS COMMITTEES. Halsey. Harrisburg, Junction City, Irving. Eu F r e e R e c lin in g C h a ir C a m , gene, Comstocks. Drains and all stations from H e r m a n n J»o D o u b t W i l l b e I ’ l a r e . l aa Roseburg to Ashland inclusive. D i n i n g C ars. ROSEBCRO MAIL,DAILY. C liM irtn K ii o f R i v e r * a n d H a r b o r s . For rate« and general inform ation call on or 14:30 p m Portland H -30 a m I Lv address 10:26 n m Eugene 2:30 p in Lv So many new men as there will he on 7:00 a in Roseburg 5:50 p m I Ar W . H . H I R L IH R T , Leaves Florence Mondays, Wednes- days and Fridays. Arrives at Florence Tuesdays, Thurs­ days and Saturdays. Connects with Steamer and Scotts­ Also with work at the most Reasonable Price«. burg Stage Line for Drain. Stage Lin* for Coos Bay. Charge Office over Orruge Store. • • O r e g o n . reasonable. KKTtL SURCERY. The best For information, tim e card», maps and tickets, call on or write OF THE • O re. H . H . B a rre tt, P ro p ’r, JOHN C. CRAY, ALL P O I N T S E A S T ’<"'1 S O U T H DAYS to EAST AND CHICAGO THE SHASTA Asst. Geni. Pass. Agent, U It. JOHNSON, YORK BOSTON AND A. D. C H A R L T O N , E A S T E R N C IT IE S , O re g o n . JOE MORRIS, Jr JPlor«xio® S T . L O U IS A N D ALL And Collector. Office tw o doors west of Florence Hotel. F lo r e n o e , DENVER, A British Ship Nearly D r if ts ^ ^ o r e Leaves Eugene on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 a. n i , arriving in Florence the day following at 4 p. in. Returning—Leaves Florence on (Iff False Tillamook Rut is Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a. nt. Rescued by the Harrison. arriving in Eugene the day follow­ ing at 7 p. in. W. W. NEELY, Prop’r. Tables furnished with all the rScbarts delicacies of the season. Wild S te a m e r ------------S A I L S ------------- game, fish and fruit in season. Best accomodations for the traveling! On the 1st, lOtli and 20th of each month. public. Charges reasonable. Single trip $3.00. Round trip $5.00 OF President............ STAGE LINE. Practical Watchmaker Vnd Dealer in Fine Watches and Jewelry OOUNTY office ». s EUGEXE-FLOKEXCE WAS LOST IN TRE FOG. No. Sr. Lovi», Nov. 14.—A special from Birmingham, Ala., says: Reuben F. Kolb, tlie defeated candidate of tlie pop­ M inneapolis , M inn ., N cv . 25.—A. ulist party for governor of Alabama, Gray (S. D.) correspondent of the Jour­ publish)» a lengthy address to the peo­ nal, wires tlie following information ob­ ple of Alabama in tlie People’s Daily tained from the amanuensis of one of Tribune, tlie state organ of tlie Kolbities tlie leaders of the movement.. “ For sev­ and populists, in which he declares his eral month» an understanding lies ex­ intention to be inaugurated governor of isted among the leading silver men o tlie state December 1, and calling upon tiie United States that an emphatic de­ his followers everywhere to gather at mand shall be made that Ilia republican Montgomery that day and aid him in platform of 1896 shall contain an une­ taking liis seat. Tlie address begins by quivocal declaration in favor of tlie un­ saying that the paramount issue in the qualified free coinage of silver, and in late state compaign was honest elections, tlie event of failure of the republicans to and charges tliat frauds were committed so declare, a new party movement shall in 1892. Kolb says there was almost a forthwith be sprung with a two-plank universal demand against tlie repetition WRECKACE OFF SIUSLAW BAR. platform declaring simply for protection of these frauds. He then says just after and free coinage. Tlie management of tlie election this year lie issued an ad­ S an F rancisco , N ov . 24.—Tlie schoon­ tlie movement is largely in the hands of dress stating lie had been elected, soon er Berwick lias arrived from Siuslaw Senator Jones, Stewart and Pettigrew, after which liis leaders held a conference. with a cargo of lumber and reports that and they are looking to Senator Camer­ As a result of this conference, meetings she passed a quantity of wreckage off on as a presidential candidate in the were called in every county for tlie pur­ Siuslaw bar October 29. A number of event of the new party. The results of pose of ascertaining the wishes of tlie doors, windows and panels'from some tlie recent election have given tlie lead­ people with reference to tlie alleged vessel’s cabin were floating, but none of ers renewed confidence, as they now be­ frauds. A convention was also called nt them had marks that would lead to lieve they will be able toabsorbthe rem­ Montgomery November 12, says the ad­ their identification. The doors and pan­ nants of tlie populists and secure dress, at which resolutions were adopted els were painted white, with brown through tlie protective plank the adhe­ that Kolb was elected by the qualified stripes and decorative figures on them sion of the labor vote of the east. Thus electors; tliat the will of tlie people was in tlie shape of a border. The schooner they hope to centralize the entire free set aside through the agency of election also passed a cluster of logs in about tlie silver strength and much of tlie labor managers and county officials, aided anil same locality, and her skipper thought vote of tlie country. My informant i» abetted by a corrupt judiciary. Kolb that the wreckage and piles were front positive in tlie declaration tliat the re­ then says that last Saturday, when tlie the brig T. W. Lucas, that was "aband­ publican party will he forced either to legislature convened in joint session to oned at sea nearly three weeks ago. adopt a silver plank or be destroyed. count tlie votes for state officers, Senator COURT MARTIAL ORDERED. This intention to rule or ruin is tlie fun­ Goodwyn arose to file a protest signed damental tenentof tlie movement. It is by 44 populist members of the legisla­ D enver , N ov . 21.—An order was re­ already said Senator Catneron lias con­ ture against counting the vote of certain ceived to-day at head-quarters of the sented to join tlie movement.” counties, where it is alleged frauds were department of Colorado from Washing­ committed, when Speaker Clark, of tlie ton directing Captain Tlieopliilus W. SOLID FOR SILVER. house, ruled Goodwyn out of order and Morrison, of tlie Sixteenth infantry, C a l i f o r n i a , C o lo r a d a , N e v a d a , M o n t a n a ordered hint to take liis seat, calling up­ stationed nt Fort Douglas, to be tried by a n d I d a h o 's I n f l u e i ic '* . on tlie doorkeeper to seat him. The a court-martial for alleged insubordina­ address then concludes: tion during tlie railroad strike last sum­ N ew Y ork , N ov . 23.—Arthur D Thom­ “ The official count as declared by tlie mer. Officers here refuse to give partic­ son, one of tlie best-known California speaker gives Oates a majority of 27,272. ulars regarding tlie case, but say tlie hankers and financiers, is now in tlie Tlie election frauds committed in the court-martial was ordered by Assistant city. Mr. Thomson is thoroughly ac­ counties named in tlie protest of Senator Secretary of War Doc, against tlie ad­ quainted witli the poliilcal-flnuncial Goodwyn, of which wo have positive vice of General Schofield, who favored condition of tlie Pacific coast. and sworn evidence, would he more than tlie appointment of a retiring hoard, as “ Tlie monetary issue will be the great sufficient to wipe out all the majorities Captain Morrison’s sanity lias been issue in the campaign of 1896,” said lie, claimed for Oates. The foregoing con­ questioned for several years. “ and in tliat the Pacific coast will he sidered, and in view of tlie exciting con­ greatly interested. It will come into ditions in Alabama, I have determined SILVER MAN BUT A REPUBLICAN. prominence tliat it lias never before at­ to discharge my full duty to tlie people W asiiinoton , N ov . 25.—Renewed re­ tained. While not a silver state itself, of Alabama. I will not fail to repeat ports that Senator Cameron lias given California will naturally sympathize the pledges which I have made to the witli Colorado, Arizona, Nevada, Mon­ people who have given me their confi­ consent to he the next presidential can­ tana and Idaho, all ot which are natur­ dence and stood by me so heroically dur­ didate of a “ protection and free silver” ally tributary to it. This combination ing the past four years. You, fellow- parly meets witli emphatic denial from will have a. big influence in each of tlie citizens, have twice elected me governoi close and intimate friends of the senator here, who are in a position to speak with party conventions.” of tliis state, and tliis time, by the grace authority. Mr. Cameron said recently of God and the help of the good people WILL HELP THE REPUBLICANS. tliat while lie was a silver man, lie was ot Alabama, I will be governor. That N ew Y ork , N ov . 23.—Congressman day I shall be in Montgomery for the none tlie less a republican and it was aa elect M. W. Howard, of Alabama, purpose of taking tlie oath of office and a republican tliat lie hoped to see the , , , , , ,, white inetal suitably recognized, author of “ If Christ Came to Congress,” my seat as governor. And I hereby call delighted a large crowd of populists to­ upon the good pe'qile in every part of STEAM SCHOONER TO BE SOLD.. night by hard raps nt Cleveland, the the state to aid me in all proper and I -------- Tammany tiger and tlie money power. peaceable methods to uphold tlie law I In pursuance of an execution issued in Before liis speech, tlie congressman de­ and set aside tlie power of traitors an il' tlie state circuit court, in tlie ease of clared that his party would repudiate usurpers in Alabama. I appeal to my Philip Buchner vs. E. H. llabighorst any deal its senators might make w itli friends and supporters from all parts of and others, Sheriff Sears will sell tlie the democrats looking to the control of tlie state to he in Montgomery tlie firs', steam schooner ilundurille, at tlie foot of The the senate. “ If our senators form any duy of December, 1894, there and then Davis street, on December 30. alliance at all, it will be witli tlie re­ to give me theil support in a lawful and amount of the judgment is $10,356.10, publicans,” continued the congressman. peaceable manner to vindicate their and attorneys fees, $603. Hie Bando- “ I would not he surprised if such a man liberties. I counsel against any unlaw- ill plys between Portland, Coos bay and; ns Allison, of Iowa, were united upon iu| j ein0I1gtr«tion, but ask the co-opera-1 San Francisco, and is estimated to bw by tlie republicans and populists for jjon frt.emen in tho necessary effort worth iu tlie neighborhood of $2.i,000. president pro tern of tlie senate. Ululer j en,orce the law and carry out tlie will WHAT PETTICREW SAID. no circumstances will our senators affili­ of tlie people.” I -------- The arrest of Kolb for treason is not I Snivx F alls , N ov . 24.—Senator Pet- ate witli tlie deniisirats.” improbable, and if liis followers under- tigiew was seen l>y a reporter regarding FREE SILVER CONFERENCE. take to seat him, which, judging from « dispatch from Garry, S. I)., touching The FrieiKi« ot F r e e s t l v e r t » F o r m u l a t e the sentiments expressed nt their meet- |,ia connection w ith tlie new silver party. a P o ll e y . ing in Montgomery last week, they will He denies tlie truth of the story, and W ashington , N ov . 23.— The executive undoubtedly do, it is believed there »ill branded it a-an unmitigated falseliood. T w o - P la n lt P la tfo rm D e c la r in g ; fo r P r o t e c t i o n a n il F r e e S i lv e r . committee of the American bimetallic i be seriou. trouble, MRS. KINNEY LEADS. league lias culled a conference in St., PARTY ORGANIZATIONS. C levei and , N ov . 20.—In the W. C. T. Louis, November 27, at which the policy -------- to be pursued by tlie free silver men will 1 Weaver, of Iona, flopped out of tlie U. convention to day after the election he deeideil upon. 1 Republican party, when they would not of Miss Willard as president, Mrs. Nar­ cissa White Kinney, of Astoria, Oregon, . . . . ri J - continue him in office any longer, into Dr. Price's Cream B akins I owder kd the devotional services Awarded Gold Mr-Li Midwinter Fiir, S«» Frvuuc» j tlie g r e e n b a c k p a r ty . ItlLII, W lltll 1118