The West. (Florence, Lane County, Or.) 1890-1921, November 23, 1894, Image 4

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J t C ro w » W i l d I u Bom«* F la r e * , b u t F lo u r -
U h e * C ent Xa a W e l l U e p t C a rd e n
d e l a t io n to th e I a m o u * A a p b o d v l— T h e
>■**«**1« l ’ *v d F o r Co£»‘ee.
A« a tickler of tho palate ccparaaca
has conic down the I'gtoi w ith all ti:
Tac fu n n y
□* cuiisLin*
na th e
j V.’h-’t is it
fid© o’ t h y life, w h a t la it to tffo
rU -cniia, (h c a u iln , or» th e vft.*cy>
lo th e riv e r b a n k s v.kero honey-
» 'v!r • o t j *) luotkl.'» birdsar® p .a u;> f c r t?. i.:g?
Tho tu n n y tid o o’ c ity ii-o, w liut i-s It to tho
K -U
riii.ti* ta n J" 1 la th o woodland», w l.ei« tno
purple ».’» th© w hilo
0 ’ ep: iuk’iin .c ’i* cu isieti Llos-.oms te e m biow ;a
in ;o jru n ,
K ith t hj rtn.»!i’i'."l trees» on a-how ’n
“ llo w d y d e f”
The f an I rani I»-« H. Io.o’.lioy Whoa. Nome
C ost H im rt-rlia p ii a F o r tu n e .
In one of tie? paidio nhool ii.f this
city is a bright tycil lad of 1, years
known a; I ’l d t..>ui,i. l-Io one to 1 ek
at him w ,e!d ever dream how near ha
camo to b jin g I’m favorite m p.’:cw if
the late w ianid of V.’ail street t r v. hat
a petty trick i f frrtune it was that
cheated him out of a million or two.
Frid, wkow» full name is Jay Fred-
I ri ( b ■: Io, is t r i i : . .' : ' a 1 ■ d
i f ; t. L'-ui.. the only brother of Jay
»Josld. Abram ht a t abroad in n iu tho
employ of tho Texi a und. PaciCc and
•iisourl Pai ifie. Ho never traded on
his r< bitionsi.ip to the rxidionaire, so
that ho is litti.: kuov. a out-ido bis im-
i a diate ei, ele of railroad acquaintances.
Fred hr t saw the light of d;.y in St.
1 hi happy 1 lathi r not ilk d hi-
brother in W all street that he had a sou
ami la ir, and Jay, in a spasm of fra-
I rgal h ding, allied ti n t the child
should be e'liistencil Jay Gould, Jr.,
and promifvd th a t lie would do some­
th in g liandsonm fcr bis naini.-i.lie.
Tho fatlu r dch -ttd tb.;.- junior, which
ho thought his boy would lmvo to writo
ufter his liamo for n good many years,
so be i oir.promi: i d by calling the Loy
Jay Frederick.
The lad w as left mother’.;-ss nt nu early
age, but ho received a m other’s care
from tho wife of Captain Austin of the
Pr.cif n Alnil company, who j,Tactically
tid i; fid tho lioy. Jay Frederick was
lir ¡a,-.lit to Oakland, where 1m lived un­
til tho A ustins moved to this city. Re­
cently the captain died at Panama, but
the vviibiw lives biro anil sends 11: ■ bey
t i school. Tlm boy has tho Gould fea­
tures and eon.¡ill Moll. He is vt ry slow
in bis movements and in liisrpeech, teat
ho inherits the business ragacity of bis
uncle, as ho generally gels tho b ttvr of
any of his playmates in a trade. Ho also
s'aows a shrovvdm: s beyond his years in
p u n hiving any arlicl.s.
W hen his u n d o died, A’r-i. Austin
was very anxious to leaxii w hether tho
m illionaire bail done anything for his
nephew. Khe km w th at Jay had 1 n
wrotli because the lather had not follow­
ed his instrudiiiiis ill nam ing the Ley,
but she thought tho m illionaire might
have relented. The w ill I bowed that lie
gave Abram $25,000, lint thero was ab­
solutely no mention of the little toy
whoso m iddle liamo knot in d him oat
of a chance of a fortune.—Fun Francis­
co Chronicle.
Great Mistake.
Is th a t h e ad a c h e ,
A recent dlscov
u ,lon of th e tulnd,
d!»dn< , cHîlno*,,
r, ?;t c f th o n e rv e
et--., a ro d u e to u
b. ..ia vl h nerve
c e n te r s v h ic h suj»,.
>la. neuralgia,
for«*«*; t h a t In d ite it
th e d e ra n g e -
w ind In s to m a ch . e<
upplyiug th e s e o r -
nient c i th e n e rv e ce i
g an a w it h n e rv e flu; 1 ‘
’ I bi-, U ¡¡I«” ' ' i-e
tr u e o f m a n y d is e a < ~ " t 'I*'- L«’a r r.iu iu m is .
i : ' o-in.
T h e n e rv e s y s te m i- *iko a •
aa will be see u by * the uccouapuny Dig
c u t. 'I’ll© iitU o
w lil'o line» a r o
tli • n e r v i‘ 4 b le h
c o n v e y th e n e rv o
f r o from t h o
r»©rvo c e n te r s to
, .y n i r t Of thO
i>udv, ¡u-i a» tho
eb c i ii- ••irrent 1»
c e n v e y e d alo n g
th o
i' '
w ir e - to <• v e r y
s ta tio n , la rg e o r
sm all. O rd in a ry
pliy-i ¡ m s fa il to
re >rd th is fa c t;
in s tc id o f tr e a t­
in ’/ t be G- rv o c e n -
te r » for t no c a u s e
o f th e d iso rd e rs
a ris in g th e re fro m
th e y 1 1 e a fc th a
p a r t a ’J c ’tod.
T ANTED— Pushing Canvasser of
good address. Liberal salary and
expenses paid weekly; Perm anent ;
I isition. BLOWN BEOS. CO., Nuise- :
rviuen, Poitiand, Oregon
f,o m a n y injuriou s su b sta n ce . W ln 'X*
Lisas as : cut ; t 3 sisu : zd .
We GUARANTEE a CURE or refund ,our money.
P r i r e x s . o i l p .* r b o t t le . Send 4c. for treatise.
T l l E M O K T .X IE U IC A L C O ., B o e to n , Slaae.
w eight of Greek tui:l Homan approval.
P lato ate it by tho plateful, atul Ar: -
tophuues, the humorist, regard.-!I it tu n Tho C’lr:; y tid e o’ c ity life, th e poets »lu3 it
groat aid in tligtafiug the crunk p h i­
1.1*11 ff't» in Acmi* frinì! : 25 in fflO,
losophers of tho tlay.
Will sell Infs in d iff iix’i. iiildition to
It is an odd fact th at this culinary t u t th©
b ri;: e -t l.’j h t I j bcam ln fro m a w ikl-
Florence cheap and on easy lerins.
plant io closely related to the famou.-
e r, h w ee; e r wid,
\\ . A. C ox.
asphodel, w hich was snpp* o il by the V h e rc ih j d - ' « t violet» d ro a ra in te n d rr.fcr-
ancients to be the leading How r in Iff)
—L .a...;. L. 6.
» in C hicago In te r O rt-n .
ganlcns of tho ciysium, tins Greek pur-
gutory or paradise. A part of the
K o N e ed e d T E e ’r I ’m ; > rs.
ol 150 acres gitnufeil on
aiutnc:©) of this lies in the fact that
ngtd mau in a town adjoining
the Lakes South from Florence. Tiffs
the roots both p.««*. s purgative q u ali­ Lewiston tells n story of tho obi days
ranch is mostly abler and vine mar.le
ties, The i*o t. and fru it vl Loth w tro v. hon every mliustvr w as not a college
b a t m i land, Imvin« nearly a mile lake
formerly much usod iu medicino for edueati 1 mail and wii. '.r thuraues a.'.il
(roiitaue. Ten acres nnilei cultivation
th is purpose
parishes often had no o,her luocung
According to tho superstition of the house than schoolhouses at the three eor-
and 5 more slashed : a pood orchard just
Romnuu, tho man. s of tho dead fed on
Frank I la Miles,
conic into l.eariuu; 5 rooms in a frame
Tho congregation cf tho town
tho roots of tho asphodel. They planted
?.E I) , LL. B., th e
tho si ry t iler iiv? 1 In. I been
house Hint is ceiled and papered ; »>i«sl
hl ’’I'y c e le b ra te d
it, therefore, iu and around the come- wln.i i h ad d up m 1 turning that I
ont-tiilildings. :*nd si* ck of nil kinds will
p e c i a l i s t and
ÜX «aitai UiSfcii «U
tcriea. Hence to this day it covers w ith preacher hail departed under most dis-
s t cl -it o f n »rvc’H diseases, and a u th o r
he sold willi tlm pi ce at ri'iisoiiable pri
of m a n y n o ted tr* a ises on th e la ttc i
its beautiful golden bios.- mis as profuri - ert ditable eircumst a ices. On the follow­
long sin o realize I tlm tr u t h of th e b rst ces ii desired
Price of farm. 2050: one
ly as dandelions the A pulian hills and ing Euuday it aeemeil to bo tho aim of
nr fo m e n t* .
1 1 Id . ,U<~;‘o ra tiv e N erv in e
it fff cash and reasonable lin t* given for
valleys, and tho sheep teed on it greed­ nearly eveiy one to hush up tho scandal,
is p
' ; '7* Ml* 'W 1 ! ’
In c u r i h i
■ '.nice. Apply for further particulars
anil m u ll r g n
restraint many int. rest­
fill. ;i tb ■ th o i - i n I * c f tin olb lied tt -tinio-
It fcolongs to the sauio natural order ing eonver.-atious w ere held, merely to
i this office.
ni iIs ia p )..<•. d o’» of '•(» com pany m a n u ia c -
of perennials, and tiro only differ, nr. show that tho member« of tho church
t u ’. ‘ng Hi • r * io<ly am p ly prove.
h r M. ‘ li' s orn i \ <• N ervine Is a re lia b le
betwocn tho uspuragus and the asphodel could ri.- ■ above ten. atiou'il go; .••ip. Ju st
i*. ... r,” f
a ll n e r v c is diseases, such as
appears to bo iu the fru it and tho color before tho services wi ro eloscd ono elder
I: .» i • ! ig . n rvous d e b ility , p ro s tra tio n ,
s •• •;,:* s .¡¡I** ». di zlm - s hyst« rla, se x u a l de-
of tho flowers. Ho abuudurt is the wild brother cr o m id ¡ .till: “ Brethren and
. S '. V itii. dan-
epilepsy, ele. It Is
asparagus in tho steppes of Russia that
s »:d v all d r u /.’1st» oh a |>o<i| i . e in is ira n te e ,
sisters, since we last met, in this
j . . , ] ,
it, d ir e c t i. y th e h r. Miles M edical < O.,
cattle eat it like grass, ju st aa Italian something w hich seems to have e;e t a
E . S i r t. 1 ml., on receipt of price, -1 p e r bot-
sheep devour its botanical cousin.
gloom over this congregation lias oc-
iic-H jrTtivo N rv i'ie po-itively c o u tu in s no
Not. native to America, it has here,
eurreei. W*; w ire nil much attached to
■ ■xi',/');"..' :eaBfi25Ksa».
o p ia te » or d a n se ro u 3 drug».
however, been raised to ils greatest p i r- our m inister. In fact, wo loved him,
: T *
fictiun as a table delicacy. Pcrhu; no
S o ld b y a d
anil I now propose th at wo offer up a
■ v v ««^»>4'
other plant gives as good pro* f of w hat prayi r f; ,r the wanderer. ’ ’ A sen.sational
cultivation can do. In its w ild state it wave went over tho audience, ami an ­
IlE A L C f
rarely grows higher than afoot orthick-
h r n r»
c r than a slate pencil. Culture has mill other brother, tho s uior even of the
other, arcsi and snidt “ I'm iv.tonislied
»¡plied its height by four and its thick­
th at you shoul I desico the congregation
ness nearly as much, adding ill.-t to its
In p,, y for e,nr ir rh e : m inister—you,
d *H”
i ■ ..
flavor—not, however, to its value as a
above all e ib irs .” “ Why?” “ Eee:m-o
food, for it still posses.-! s very little n u ­
he rail away w ith your young wife. ”
tritiv e substance.
V C O P Y R I G H T S .^
••Y< i k u iw. Mid thal lathe »« « o n
I t w as once regarded as a garden or­
wby I th in k be w ill need our prayers.”
C A Y I O B T A IN A P A T E N T ?
F o r«
nam ent in this country, anil iu New
nrcii , ' nn •. • r
I un h< 'icst opinion. wri»e to
.Ml \ V .V C O ., who h av e had icaiiy lifiy years’
England rural places especially was us< d —Lev, intoii Journal.
e.vperit'.co in th o natenfc business. Coni’nuiilca-
t.'.nq stvieily < i,ni A lln u ilh o o k of In-
in making up bouquets. Dried .speci­
Ma»*rla;;u Ii> l i b aii u n d I ’ u r a l H cclon*.
forniiiRGn co.i ’i’rnlng I'n te n iN un«l bow to ob­
ta in tiir - s-rn ti>“«. Also a c.i’.”'o g u o o f luechan-
mens can still bo found in Maine and
In the north A tlantic division, w hich
I cji I nrs! sciei’i , i.: Docks ■■ n t fr-’C.
Massachusetts parlors. Nor is this, eon.-tiiute;; tho principal w im ufaclunug
Pat- '-.1.3 * :. ”i th ro i’i • M:’ 57i & Co. receive
special i-otD ii th o K< i« :»th«e V u e r i c n i i , and
which would strike those who know it lection of the country, a section made
th u s
bicD -ht w id o lt bel.'ro th e public w ith ­
o ut e st to th e in v e n to ’. Tins colcndid paper,
ouly to eat it, as a curious old fashioned up largely of urban populations, tho
e sue i w c e k l < errantly iihi. fi if»-<!,bits by tu r t h e
taste, w ithout good foundation from ninglo m foui d i « mill r pn p rtiou
l.’irce-t eircul.’if •» of Hi-v
illiic work in th o
world. # 3 a
H; i, •
. . --S sent free.
an nrtistio point of view, for tho full tli..-l in any i art < 1 tho eountry and tho
We offer One Hundred Dollars reward
Bui i:nu I', nou, nn.i
I ’. > ’..'0a year. Sinar’.O
contains beau­
grown plant is remurkublo for ils t’.eli- m arried imd widowed in huger propor­ for any ctiFe of CalaisIi Hint cannot l e tiful plates, ui colors, .• >d photographs
o f new
hous ■«. with pi ris, enabiuvj builders to show tho
cute elegance, i t 1ms many branch« s tions. Ciaive ; i ly tho south A tlantic
Repairing Prom ptly Done
la test designs mid secure contracts. A ddress
loaded w ith line, threadlike leaves and and south e; ntral divisions, which aro cured bv I hill’s Catarrh ( are.
KUNH & co., Ntw koi;u, 3151 B roadway .
sm all liell shaped flowers of a greenish almost purely agricultural ai d rural,
Ar«D w e m t warranted
We, the undersigned, have known F.
yellow luster.
contain the largest proportion of single J . Cheney for tlm la-t 15 years, and be­
Its expausiveness is also rem arkable, persons and tho smallest proportion of
promt S t r e e t , F lorence , O regon .
and it has lent itself to modem humor tho married. These results are directly lieve him perfectly honorable in all In in
as it did to ancient. One of the most de­ opposcil to p 1 ipular belief. It is a.-..umi d lie s - transactions and linanriillly nob- n
licious passages of Charles Dudley W ar that tho d velopmeut cf urban popula­ carry out any obligations made liy tlici-
ner's ‘‘Aly Summer Iu n G arden” tills tion diminishes the l.nmb r of tno mi.i-
of his planting it, leaving it alone tor rinl. The < ..plan;.t ion which naturally West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Io
Ripans Tabules are com­
aw hile and coming back to find th at it laiggeiils itself is th at the larger propor­
ix Wholesale and Retail
pounded from a prescription
had overrun everything ami Hirer? .tied tion of m ar’.'ages hi the uiiinnliietuiing leiln, O. Waffling, Kinnan & Marvin.
to tu rn his place into an asparagus grove. sections of tlm country is duo not only Wlmff'sale Di nggists, Tnleilu, <)
widely used by the best medi­
H all’s Catariff Core is taken inten a
Tho methods of cultivation and cut­ to tho fact th at tho native w hite popu-
cal authorities and are pre­
tin g of the young and tender shoo; . for lation m arried young and ill large pro­ ly, acting diieelly upon tlm blood a n o
sented in a form that is be­
m arket before ramification differ very portion at all ages, h at ill. o to the fact uiueoua surfaces of tlm s y s te m . le.-H
coming the fashion every­
L ea d in g B rands for
little here and abroad except as to time. that tho f o r e ig n whites, w ho have set- iniiiiials sent free. Price 75c. pel' biiti.».
Hero it is generally not cut for the ili-st lied in large numbers in the north A t­
Sold by all Druggists.
tw o years. Abroad it is often allowed lantic division, were either married or
to grow three or four. The life of n plant of u lnarriageablo age at tho time of
NOTICE Eolt 1TIII.II' t rio s.
properly at and tended is a dozen years.
their im m igration.— Enrtini.
The beds uio generally 4 feet broad.
L a n d O .llce a t R oseburg, O r •; >n. O ctohe. :
With trcuchi s 3 feet deep for the m a­
Jewelry In n Grave.
nuring. Tins plants are usually arranged
Notice Is hereby given th a t Ihe follow! g
The large t amount of jew elry known
May be Found in—— *
from 0 to 10 inches apart, and the clus­ folio i n n single grave was buried ill nam ed Mettler lias tiled notiee of his in te n d ■
te r of hi nds th at grows from each root (ireeiiwimd cemetery several years ago. to m ake final proof in support of Ills « biim. a*,
C e le b ra te d Jesse Moore whiskey.
is cut from a little below tho surface of The innl' iiaki r wlni Inal eliaige of the that said proof will be made liefoiv W. I Ihaik
las, I . H. ( ’. ('. C om m issioner a t MarslUh 1«
the soil
funeral proii steil against it, but was Coos eounty, Oregon, on l>eeemb« r 1.'», ls«i,, vi;
Tlie C. ale Oreharil Sour Mash
Asparagus possesses, in common with severely snubbed fur his interference.
....... ...................................
Edw ard B. Magee,
asphodel and some score of related The fam ily laid iis way and in that
Ripans Tabules act gently
on Pre-em ption l>. S. No. 7<»5n for the lots
Genuine Old Castle Bourbon
plants, a very peculiar crystalline chem­ grave is buried fully $5,000 worth of
but promptly upon the liver,
ami I of see. 2, tp. 20 s, rang • 11 w.
ical called asparagine, ami an ext ¡ net diamonds, w itli w hich tlm body was
II,- .......... ft t i l , ’ fo llo w lu x w 1"H • '1 - I " p i
stomach and intestines; cure
a—The O 1’. S. Pony—i
of tho shoots and roots is still adm inis­ d, V ked wla n prepared lor burial. Some­ his e o n tin u m s rcsldeuee upon am i cullivi.ti
dyspepsia, habitual constipa­
tered occasionally in dropsies as a diu ­ times fam ilies who desire to bury tla ir of, said land, viz: W illiam Cliambcrb in. ;
s— s
tion, offensive breath and head­
retic, anil also as a litliic to dissolve dead in the clothing worn in life— in wmi I 1. M aher, George Perkins, i re I Pci I
■Ler licficshing Cold Storage Beer at 5
calculi iu the bladder. It seems to be i vi ning er wedding ( I n e s , for in- all of G ardiner, Douglas county, < tregon.
( ’cuts a Glass Awaits Your Order.
It. M. V ev tc ii ,
ouquestloiiably a stim ulus Io digestion slani'i—suhstitutu less eustly im itation ,
first symptom of indigestion,
for an Im ported or Domestic Cigar,
anil is probably one of the most whole- for Hi" jew elry worn in life, partly
biliousness, dizziness, distress
And Yon Will he Satisfied.
some adjuncts of a dinner.
from me.tives of th rift anil partly from
The seeds in some [...its of southern a super titiwuM fear that imything taken
spirits, will surely and quickly
Europe ore dried and used as a substi­ , ;i ;i 1 , v w la .1 e ' ■ oseb. ' ■' I be tomli
2 U C E M Ì
remove the whole difficulty.
tu te for coffee, which may yet come w ill bl ing ill luck to future w earers.—
into fashion here. A wild variety iu
lTiili.delphia Times.
RipansTabules may be ob­
Hpuin and Portugul is considered the
crown of a salad, having a pleasant b it­
lC,.|lb>- I'» A e i-in n liio ila l,,.
tained of nearest druggist.
ter taste that gives not only a fillip to
An exchange I Ils it story connected
the tongue, hut also to the appetite. w ith a strike on the Nortli British ra il­
Ripans Tabules
The amount raised in Staten Island and way, during which much difficulty was
in Jersey fur the New York market in ­ expirii need ill tlnding enginei rs to keep
are easy to take,
creases markedly every year, and the the lieeit sary trains running.
quick to act, and
Next Session begins the 17ili ol
quality seem» to keep pace w ith the
One of tlm substitutes, a young fel­
save many a doc­
low, ran some distance past a station, September, LS‘,11.
tor’s bill.
The ways of cooking anil serving it and then, putting back, ran as much too
T uition, free. Hoard, S’J.oi) a
a r e likewise on the increase. Asparagus
far tiio other way.
on toast, «• paragu.t salads, asparagus
He was priqsuing to make a tliinl a t­
patties, sauces and even soups, plain tempt win n tlm station agent shouted, week.
and iu combination w ith »unity other hi the great amusement of the passen­
Five Courses: Classical, Scien­
•• ,”*.x
vegetables, indicate by their variety gers: “ Never mind, Tammas. Stay
. ' C
the favor it has all allied.
w lu re you are. We’ll shift the station.
A very common mistake, however, — Y'liuth’s Companion.
th at is made in preparing it is to cook
it. whole.
A fter being delicately
X V Iu k . T h a t I ’a«« I n 111© N ig h t .
washed, it should be cut in half, mid
An liigi nimi:; Brooklyn Ktatistieiiui e«-
T he Boa ding Hall for young In­
the lowest part should 1 m cooked for
three-quarters of an hour. Then uild tiitiatcii th at miit. il Bi joklyn lias over d u s and the Boarding Hall for
the tops and cook for 10 or 15 lniuut . 111:1,000 eats, of w kieh mole than one-
By this method Isitli parts »« come Just half are nusheltere.1. lie eonsiilers it as young gentlemen will be under the
tight. The stalk is tenth r throughout, a eonservative estim ate tleil 10 )X r cent
supervision of Mrs.
. f tho 1,000,000 inliabitioits of our sis­ personal
mid tho tops do not fall all to piece*.
The town of Gli-nnda Is situated on the Pacific coast, fronting the
So called ITussian asparagus, nu a l­ ter citv are kept awake at night by the M unra, a lady of refinement and
Great Siuslaw river, has deep water frontage, and the licst offers arc
lied plant, of which the spile s are eat­ howling of Hie 100,000. Tiffs makes
ono ease of Insomnia per eat and lends large experieiiee.
e n ill s o lin ' places, is net whole .ollie,
made manufacturers, tradesmen and home-builders to settle in this
anil canned usparagus seems Io lack not one to the conclusion that l ’i'ool.lyn is a
l'or Catalogues, address,
only flavor, but the Medicinal virtues very sleepless city, if eat sand insomnia
most healthy town on the eoast. W rite Geo. IT. C oltir for j artieulars
prevail w ith equal virulence in other
J. J. W alton .
of the fresh.— New York World.
cities, il would follow that tin re are
F i s n ,
C h r i n i r a l I ’r r ftn n c « .
Secy. Regents.
0,000,000 eats anil 0,000,000 eases of in
Chemistry scctttti to furnish substi­ somiihi in America. Y. t no notice is
a m
e ,
tute« for the expensive perfumes new talo n of tiffs pathogelffo factor by sys­
m ade from flow» rs. It lain long been tem atic w riters on sleep.— Medical Rec­
known that the exact odor of the bu­ ord.
limia in produced in the lalxtratovy.
r o sr .l a . H l.m ar. k.
T here seems «possibility, however, that
Nothing ttiBenls «o strongly to a mother's
A barber in E erlln, wliese feature«
BiTei'i.iu ni h er daughter Just budding into
even when some fragrant plants cease
w hi nho d. fallow ing is an in sta n ce : “Our
to be cultivated for the perfumes mauy l-ere n marked resemblance to these of
«laughter. Blanche, u >w 1' years of age. had
be« it t .nbly i.'.uieted with nervousness, and
may become of importance in stir?* ry. Btsnuuek. created quite a new prof, s-
T T o i-o iro e
O re g o n .
h.t 1 1 v-t the entire use ot her right a im . ^ho
, I r ph
'! I ' ■■ w llieh
I t has Iss-n that some such .
w in i?h a condition that we had to keep
plants ure flee from the attacks of in ­
of either sex, n .'. v :ige. i 1 any j a r t « i th«« country, fton» in t'.iet, we feared S, Vitus dance, and
sects and from fungous growths, mid this prince. Lit;.' Hie m ilkm aid of ourstory at th-’ c;r.j i ” n r n t W ’ i . i we furnish Y> i need nre ixwitho but for an invaluable remedy she
wn i.d h ,vo had that terrib e affliction. We
Ui«y be duo to the fact that th eir essen­
not bt aw ; . it era hori ,'over nipht. You cau give had
e«l physi« ians. but sne received no
, e , s1 » tre
seven miles up the Siuslaw
tia l oils have antis, ptio properties. The
yourw holothnetotli • w eik.orei.b lourspurc n»o- benefit tn d them T h e first of last August she
i ut 73 pounds, an l although she haa liver (rum Florence, ami silanteil on the
eucalyptus yields mt antiseptic, ami so fortune ituil east hlui, face and all, into nevlft. Aicapltul h not required you run no rink. t weighed
ik 'i only three lx»ti e i of Nervine she now
do Other fam iliar plants. — Chicago a dung, ou d.s p. —Berlin Letter.
We »•.!!'• ’ ' ' i wi.h f '.I t ’. U U nm hd. It will w* t«;h« 1' . iwmnds . lu r nervousness and symp­ tii'ttom lands of the river, is one of the
toms of >t. VMua <11 co nr«' entirely gone, she
< l»v« riuiueis».
cost you nothinr to try the liu-ine-:». Any one atteuds'- xj I legularly. and studies w ith com­ l ent farms in Lane eounty. For grain
A recipe fori-:' rfnluesa which Mm. can do the work It? .inner» ru ke mon< \ from fort ami «iva. bne has recovered complete use
Mr. Bohn, G rand Parade, Cork, has Edmund* Goo , givis in a monthly is the start Failure ii unknown w i;h our work* r«. of her ar n. her apjietite Is splendid, and no • *r pasture land it is unexcelled, and
mom v .. d pn*'ure for our daughter the health tin* I est proof that il prmlnces the finest
c i exhibition a snake which was killed
wo: Hi r, p '.lting: To two | irtsof nnse'.f- F.Yery hour yon labor you can easily make a dollar l ’r. Miles > ? rrli'e b a * brought her
U Mr. Ernie’s, Vwon Mount, lately It
When my brother r- - on mended the remedy varieties of fruit, is th a t there is grow­
No one who If willing to w*»ik fails to moke »nor« I had no t:iith in patent medicines, and would
ing a large orchard consisting ol the
attacked children playing in the I. Ids. ishitcsa e.dii as much fix* li air ;us can
hot listen to him. l ut as a last resort he sent us
Tho children raised an nlarin, and the o.sily be obtain, d. S tir in two hours money eier* da- than can be made in three da> ' a K>ttlo yvo l»egan g h • ? it t > Blanche, ami the choicest kinds of fruit-trees now in
of bi u ty ste. p, a silver t iigue (from Gt aayordhiar't employment. Send for free book erte t \ u ahn M Immediate ’’—sirs. K It.
snake was l It is not so large a . tb s 'tip o f w hich . !1 spite lias been re ­
• earing. This farm will be sold as a
Bu fn'k. Brighton. N Y.
containing tho fullest Information.
the snake kt lied on the banks of he
Dr Mi .•»’ Nervine Is sold I t all w hole or in ten. five or one acre tracts
moved' and an eve Unit looks out on
. :Y |-
Truiuore noai« tim e ago, but it is
t lie
H . H A L L E T T A C O rep
-nit purchasers. W rite to G. F. Ken-
I'jr the Dr Miles Medical Co. I Ikhart. Imh. on
n i r e HM-rirs mid »HKiid to bo puisoin.uv the I'll liter i i.lo of life. Into tins mix-
re d ' n t « f price, fl oer bottle, alx bottles tor
th ro w n pntc'.i i f humor nod a
exprv*s pnpntd
it is positively free from, FI. r *nee, Oregon, for particulars
|It»w then© «lake* camo to the Douglas
•pM lee * r ..»ngervu- drugs.
apiiuklo of Hie .sieuce of romance.
and prices.
d ta trtrt in wivUopul in myptuy. —Uor ' And He lx* «on io ' i X
c@ an
C h i n b e r li n
V ie w
H om e,
Gen. H. Gnlter M
í i
>i H H Sole PrnpriEtnr.
Price of
$50 $150
Size of
W . 51. H E N S H A W ,
On all the Property in
: r a Œ l a ! Ffiífiosfi],
G L E N A D À ______
The ocean, the surrounding
country and the Light-house.
M a rr & S a fle y
E l (iEN E.
Sash and Door Factory,
IS T e 'w d i i x r c l x ,
U e irg e
Under Contract
3 se f,
S a .N A r - m .ill
F ru its ,
"V e ^ s ta b le s ,