MEI & foam in which it was dropped, and it P E O P L E P O IN T E D O U T . P O IN T T E R R A C E . Mr. David to pay, lie was committed to was, of course, rapidly carried astern. jail, and the officer took his prisoner to Chark‘9 Saubert, from Salem, is visit­ Once dro,q>ed, the piece was utterly in­ B i M ore A non . Roseburg on Wednesday. ing his parents at Acme. visible to our eyes and we could only — PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY «O R SIN O .— A. E. Withers, of Portland, who is guess as to its whereabouts; hut before Mrs. T. M. Martin,of Belleview ranch, Walter McCotnack and family were — AT— connected with the light-house service, is spending a few days at Point Terrace. in town from North Fork on Wednes- it had fallen 31 yards astern a large gull F lorence , L ank C ounty , O regon mid superintending «lie improvements at detected it aud with a headlong dart Greeting to Icli Dien from M. A. It Is day. Cape Blanco was in town lust Monday Mrs. Joel McCornack, of North Fork, dipped into the foam and secured it. gratifying to be inquired after, even if night on bis way to lleceta beads, at V . F . A L L E Y , E d i t o r a u d P r o p r ie t o r . was visiting Florence friends on Tues­ With equal dexterity the other bits were Sinslaw. He left the information here we don't deserve it. picked up one by one, the gulls at last day last. Mrs. I. G. Knotts and sister Miss Ione that the plans and specifications for the venturing so close to the vessel that Joe Whisman and family are visiting they seemed to he watching our move­ ---- T erms : $2.00 a year in advance.----- light-house to be constructed at this Ziegler spent a few days witli friends in Florence, having come down from ments with their large, bright eyes.’’ place have all been accepted, and that about Point Terrace the past week. Another little daughter has arrived at l.ake creek on Tuesday last for that pur­ Entered at the post-office at Florence, the advertisement to let the contract BAND BOYS. Lane county, Oregon, as second-class would appearsbortly.—Bandon Recorder. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas pose. mail matter. Hartley. Born on Sunday last, Nov. 18. F. E. Fremont is now n full-fledged Henry Wilson, the postmaster at The Band Bovs will give a Ball on Welsiiton, Florida, says he, cured a case : Mr. William Brund has commenced member of the A. O. U. M . lodge of this Thanksgiving night, November 29tli, in ! eity, having taken the last degree on the erection of a large barn on bis place, of iliarrlnea of long standing in six hours ADVERTISING RATES MADE KNOWN ON AP­ Cathey's Hall. Good music will he fur­ ★ ---- W E K E E P T H E D E S T ---- * with one small bottle of Chamberlain’s with capacity for 100 tons of hay and 50 Saturday evening last, PLICATION. nished and tickets, for the dance only, ■Local notices S cents per lin e, each Insertion. Colic, Cholera and Diarrloea Remedy. bead of cattle. Peter Shistnd, the gentlemanly ntana- will he 75-cta. each. What a pleasant surprise that must Mr. George Saunders is looking tin- ger of the Rose Hill cannery, left for M vrion M orris , an- Astoria on last Friday vrn Eugene. His Committee N otice .—Professor J. M. Williams, of have been to the sufferer. Such cures usually smiling over tlie advent of an­ F. B. W ilson , \ prompt business methods have won for are not unusual with this remedy. In other son into his family, born on Fri­ Eugene is our agent and is authorized to hint many friends itere. receive subscriptione, advertising and many instances only one or two doses I day, Nov. 16th. N O T IC E FO R G R A D IN G S T R E E IS . Paul A. Mosher, a grandson of Joe money for T he W est aud receipt for the are required to give permanent relief, j Piles have been driven at almost every It can always ho depended upon. \\ hen ranch landing front Fred Mason’s to Lane, lias accepted a position on tlie Notice 1« hereby given th a t tlie Board of same. reduced with water it is pleasant to take. | Neely’s, and it is only a matter of time Honolulu (!a:ette, and lie left Florence Trustees, of The Tow n of FI renee, propose» to establish the grade as m ade am i surveyed by C. For sale by all Druggists. until good substantial wharves are put on Monday for tlie capital city of tlie M. ( ’oilier under the a u th o rity of the Board of W E S T L IN G S . Mr. Craig, of the Hillsboro creamery, 1 in place, much to everyhodys conven­ Islands. Trustees, from G argnier avenue on Jefferson has made out a statement of the profits ience. A. E. Withers, a prominent light­ street to M ain; thence on Main street to W ash' of dairying as shown at his creamery for j There will be a thanksgiving social at house inspector and a comrade, lias been ington, in th e original tow n m e of Florence; Next Thursday is Thanksgiving. di** 1 . I »1......... tlgf w ilt of H am lin thence .... on Fe.klil Front etsoait street t.k to O cast side T he W est boasts of a new wood-shed. ihe month commencing September 19th, the hunk house under the auspices of at lleceta since ids nrrb'ttl bn .Saturday, street, thence on H am lin street to Main, and and eliding October 19th. The amount tlie up river Missionary aud latdies Aid and speaks in coiiimenifutory terms of from the intersection of H ow ard and Main Business is increasing in volume, is of milk received was 25121 pounds which Society. Every lady and their friends tlie manlier in w 1 ichfcffitirs are con­ streets on Main street to W ashington, and « » the report. made 1212 pounds of butter. This was ducted at our liglil-noii)^ Try A. P. C. Lincoln from Front to Main stre et, in Morse’s Go to the Band Boys dance and help sold in Portland at 33 cents per pound, cordially invited. It will continence at a d d ition to The Tow n of Florence. The Board Hald, tlie head keeper. 6 o’clock on Wednesday, Nov. 28lh. of Trustees also proposes to grade the follow ing them to buy instruments. wholesale. The net price of the butter streets, to w it: C om m encing on Main street at fhete is quite a number of land seek­ The law office of Benedict & Holden after deducting all expenses was 24 16 News From Eugene. the west side of Adams street; thence cast along ers about here now. Messrs. Larkin, lias a large library of law hooks cents per pound.—Hillsboro Independent. Main street to tlie west side of W ashington Bounds, Parker, Topliatn, Harwood and street, in orig.nal tow n site of Florence; thence Do not he behind .when the great wave [This is an evidence that should cause From tlie Eugene Guard. east along Front street to tlie east side of H am ­ our farmers to reflect on what they can several of tlie Johnson be vs have located ■conies, but be prepared to swim. lin street. Also Main street, com m encing at claims in tlie Elk Camp country about I do if they will —E l.] Tlie University band was down town the east side of W ashington street, thence east Hood’s Pills act easily, yet promptly seven miles up Sweets creek, aud con­ Croup is a terror to young mothers, tiguous to the Smith river valley. lust evening and played a numlier of to tho west side of How ard street. Also Lincoln and effectively, on the liver and bowels. street from Front street to Main street and j To post them concerning the first symp­ selections to large crowds. Consider­ H am lin street from Front street to Main street, 25c. • We are having a lovely fall here at toms, and treatment is the object of this ing tlie time tlie bund lias been in prac­ in Morse's a d d ition to Florence. Osborne Mowers and Rakes for sale at Point Terrace. You slion.d see tlie D. E . S e v e r y , Meyer A Kyle’s. Come and see for item. The first indication of croup is weather croakers take a back seat when tice, it is remarkable how fine music it C lerk and Recorder. i hoarseness. In a child who is subject renders. yourself. tlie sun shows its smiling face day after S to croup it may be taken as a sure sign Hon. A. J. Zumwalt, of Irving, lias N O T IC E . The H'cnf Oregonian is now five years day; and we mean to keep up this nice j of the approach of an attack. Following WE TAKE YOUR MEASURE AND HAVE been appointed by tlie county court as a old and a very bright, newsy live-year weather for nobody knows how long, this hoarseness is a peculiar, rough delegate to tlie Trans-Mississippi Com­ On or before December 8, 1891, th e Recorder FULL SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON with only now and then a little Oregon old it is, too. the Town of Florence w ill receive bids for cough. If Chamberlain’s Cough remedy mercial Congress. This congress con­ of grading as follows: C om m encing on Main Keep in mind the Band Boys' dance. is given as soon as the child becomes mist for a variety. SHORT NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED- venes in St. Louis, Monday, Nov. 26tli. street at the west side of Adams street; thence ★ ★ The schooner Mayflower was towed hoarse or even after the rough cough Mr. Zumwalt goes as tlie representative east along Main street to the west Fide of W ash­ 768 HANDSOME PATTERNS H E R M A N N . has appeared it will prevent the attack. out on Tuesday. of Lane county. This is an excellent ington street in original Florence; thence cast along Front street to the east side of H am lin Tug Robarts returned from Yaquina It has never been known to fail. 50 cent Mr. Moffitt is working for Frank appointment. street; also Main street com m encing at the eo>t on Monday heavily loaded with freight , bottles for sale by the Florence Druggist Knowles, of Seaton. D ied .—At tlie residence of A. M. side of W ashington street, th en ce east to the j for our merchants W. A. McGuire, a well known citizen side of How ard street; also Lincoln street 1 Tlie Quinn brothers have been logging Richardson, near Glentena, Sunday, west Front street to Main street; also H a m lin ' Fred Mason and John I. Butterfield of McKay, Ohio, is of tim opinion that on the river for a week or so. November 4, at 1 p. nt., Mr. J. B. Rich­ from street Rom Front street to Main street in came down from up river to attend . there is nothing as good for children Mr. Beers and son have gone to tlie ardson, aged 58 years. Mr. Richard­ Morse’s a d d itio n to Florence; said grading to l>e ★ WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE GERMAN troubled witli colds or croup as Cham­ lodge Wednesday night. according to profiles and specifications to for a few days hunt. Bruin had son was one of tlie first settlers to done be seen nt A. O. F u n k e’s H ardw are Store. build and improve tlie upper river coun­ Prosperous commercial waves that are berlain's Cough Remedy. He lias used coast AMERICAN INSURANCE CO ,OFNEW better look sharp now. 1>. E. H evkry , try, having located near Glentena in coining over Florence, are like waves of it in his family for several years witli C lerk and Recorder. . YORK, AND THE PHCENIX ASSUR­ Wise and Andrew Phelps are stripping 1882, and lias resided there ever since. tlie best results and always keeps a hot­ ______________ ______ water; lliey drown all tlie drones. tlie hill-side of its timber at a rapid tie of it in tlie house. After having la S H E R IF F ’S S A L E O N F O R E C L O S U R E ANCE CO OF LONDON, ENGLAND. Reports that salmon have been caught j Judge Fisk and Commissioners Ter grippe lie was himself troubled witli a rate. They have rolled in several thou­ kins and Cullison had a narrow escape | NOTICE is hereby given, th a t by virtue of an | in this river since tire right to do so un­ severe cougti. He used other remedies sand feet. from an accident yesterday while mak­ E xecution du ly issued o u t of the C ircuit C ourt j der tlie law expired, are mistakes. without lienefit and then concluded to Tlie people of Hermann have been en ­ The boiler at the saw-mill of C. R. try tlie children's medicine and to his joying excellent weather for tlie past ing a trip to examine tlie new bridges of the State of Oregon, for Lane C ounty, on tlie I When Rates are equal why not get the best? day of N ovember, 1891, on a Ju d g m en t ten- i David is out of repair and -no work is delight it soon effected a permanent few weeks. Tlie health of the commun­ in the north end of the county. They 9tli dered in said Court on the 23rd day of October, were driving along tlie highway in a being done at that institution at present cure. 50 cent hotties for sale by tlie ity, in general, is good. 1891, for the sum of $1181.33 witli interest th e re ­ covered hack, and unbelt nown to them on a t the rate of 8 per cent per annum from .The boats, nets and other fixtures of Florence Druggist. Luther and Mary Milledge have just a runaway team came up to within a said 23rd day of October, 1891, aud for the sum the Florence cannery are living put away Recently an agreement was entered returned from a weeks stay at Eugene. of $100.00 A ttorney’s fees, and the fu rth er sum until next season’s fishing commences. into between 11. II. Fisk and tlie city They were accompanied home by George few feet, but luckily striking a stump | of $38.35 costs in said suit, w herein David were stopped. ‘ I Sm ith was Plaintiff; and N. 11. Itjeldnnes, Jor- ! Deputy city marshal and deputy road | council of Florence, whereby tlie citizens Duer, a former resident of tliis place. gine B jeldanes, George Pederson and C harles | B L A C H L Y IT E M S . supervisor Harris lias a gang of men of this city are to work tl.eir poll, road He is just tlie same George, always A nderson were Defend nts, a n d a gainst said ; working tlie highway leading into 1* lor- and property ’taxes on the highways wearing a smiling face. D efendants, N. IL B jeldanes and George Peder- I Bv G rrknhorn . son, an d on a decree of Foreclosure and Order within tlie city limits of Florence and ence. A “ Pie Social” was held nt Hermann of Bale, rendered in said suit, com m anding me, | No rain has fallen here for four weeks, under tlie direction of deputy marshal on tlie 9th. Tlie object being to raise Chris Slater visited, the county seat in order to satisfy said Judgm ent and costs, and j and with tlie exception of one day tlie Andrew Harris, who is also appointed money to bny candies and nuts for tlie accru in g costs, to sell the follow ing described ' sun lias given us tlie benefits of its gen- |,y Mr. Fisk deputy road supervisor, and little ones on Christmas.. It proved to last week. Real Property, to w it: Lots 3. 1 and 5 of Section Mr. Stout, of Junction City, is visiting 13; Ix>t 1, of See. 21, Tp. 18 South, Range 12 West who is to receipt in both capacities. be a very pleasant affair for all present, rial rays. and Lot 8 of See. 18; and Lot 1 of See 19, Tp. 18 ■Every citizen should buy a ticket for This settles all questions o f jurisdiction but still more so when tlie clerk an ­ at his father’s place. South, Range 11 West, co n tain in g 165.91 Acres over tlie roads in this town, between W. W. Post will build a residence on nounced that tlie receipts of tlie evening the Baud Boys’ Ball whether they at­ in Lane C ounty, Oregon, together w ith the te n ­ hits place tliis winter. em ents, he re d ita m en ts and a p purtenances | tend or not, as tlie proceeds go to buy county and city, for tliis year, and then were $6.69. a decision from Judge Lord will he ob­ A wedding is anticipated to soon take th e re to belonging n r in anyw ise ap p erta in in g ; , instruments. Married, at tlie residence of Hie bride’s .. t ; NOW TH EREFO RE, I w ill offer for sale said _______ parents on Saturday last, Miss Cora place in tliis vicinity Tlie schooner Danielson, that was in­ tained. Real Property, at public auction, to tho highest C O U N C IL P R O C E E D IN G S . jured on the bar at tlie month of tliis Moffitt and Mr. Robert Paesclike, by I. Slater is now carrying the mail from bidder for cash, at the C ourt H ouse door in Eu- I gene, Lane C ounty, Oregon, on M onday the j river, arrived in San Francisco on tlie Rev. James Howard of Hale. Tlie wed­ Junction to Deadwood. 17th day of December. 1891. betw een the hours Tlie city council met on Monday even­ ding was a quiet affair, only near rela­ 15th instant. Jesse Rust and wife are visiting rela­ of 9 o’clock A. M. and 1 o’clock P. M., to w it: | No. I. T hree an d a linltneres In H uddleston tills tract affords one of th e best saw -m ill site s ing. Present Councilmen Christensen, tives and a few intimate friends being Tlie down coast papers are warning a t 1 o ’clock P. M. of said day. A ddition to Eugene. All fenced and in c u ltiv a ­ upon th e l»ay. Price $1,200. Funke, Hurd, Kvlc and President Aliev. present. Tlie happy couple will immed­ tives nt Philomath tliis week. A. J. J ohnson , their readers against tlie steel range No. 10. A Hummer Keaort of 45 acres on th e tion, w ith one hundred tine three year-old J. P. Daugherty, of Junction City, is Sheriff of Lane C ounty, Oregon. Councilman Funke, chairman of tlie iately retire to their future home on fake. Well they may for we have tiad Royal Anu cherry trees, a ro u n d is all high ocean Iwach, at Lily lake, 10 m iles n o rth of street committee, reported tlie grades tlie west fork of Indian creek. We join visiting relatives at this place. them itere and can speak from expert RUDY’S PILE SUPPOSITORY is and d ry and w ell suited for a nice suburban Florence. N ature has done more to m ake thia- W. A. Campbell left last Wednesday made bv Surveyor Collier on Main, witli their many friends in wishing them ence. guaranteed to cure Piles and Constipa­ home. It Is w orth $300 per acre. Make an offer. an ideal Hummer retreat th a n for an y o th e r Hamlin, Lincoln, Front, Jefferson and a pleasant journey through life. on a business trip to Philomath. Comrade Z. L. Seymour received a se­ Second streets, and upon m illio n such No. 2. D w elling mid four lots lu the business spot on tlie coast. The lak e and m o u n tain Alonso Gesner, of Salem, lias com­ tion, or money refunded. 59 cents per On last Sunday the First Baptist cen ter of Springfield. All kinds of choice fruit stream full oi tro u t, th e long stretch of ocean vere wound in tlie fleshy part of his grade was ordered established and plueed box. Send two stamps for circular nnd Church, of Hermann, was organized by pleted his survey in tliis Township. right hand by striking it against a nail, on record. Free Sample to MARTIN RUDY, Reg­ anil good garden, (food loeation for smile mail lieacli, th e dense woods, th e cold flowing Miss Taber, of Deadwood, closed her Rev. Richardson, of Eugene, assisted by which entered the flesh about a of an istered Pharmacist, Lancaster, Pa. No ufuetory, ns a ditch from the m ain pond can In­ springs, th e lig h t house, the fine carriage d riv es Tlie chairman of tlie street committee Rev. James Howard, of Hale, witli six successful term of school a few days ago. Postals answered, l-’or sale liy all first- ru n through th is land, affording tw enty four over h ills and level beach, com bine m ore a t­ inch. also made a motion that bids for grading Geo. Wright, of Goldson, lias tlie con­ class druggists every-where, and in Flor- feet full. Also room for tw o large busines traction th a n can be found a t any o th e r p o fn t The ox team of Mr. C. M. Severy ran Main, Front, Hamlin and Lincoln streets members. Tlie memliers then chose away a few days ago aud Mr. Severy tie advertised for and notice he given Rev. Wm. Mofford as their pastor. He tract for building tlie bridges on tlie east enee, Oregon, by the Florence Drug houses mi the chief business street. It Is w orth on the eoast. The tra c t has tw elve h u n d red feet of frontage on Lily lake an d nearly a h a lf $1000. was thrown from tin- wagon and three that tlie council would grade said streets, was ordained by Rev. Richardson. He end of tlie Low Pass. Store. will preacli hereafter on tlie third Sun­ No. 3. Nice dw elling of S rooms ami large m ile on th e ocean (»each, and em braces one of Wm. Blatdily has built a wood house of hie rilis broken, besides iieing other­ which was adopted. day of each month at this place. We which makes quite art' Improvement ill LANE C O U N T Y , OREGON. grounds in best residence portion of Eugene, th e flncMt groves of n a tiv e trees to lie found an y Councilman Kyle offered a resolution wise injured. wish him every success in his pastoral tlie looks of liis place. > instructing t lie recorder to advertise for Steamer Coos towed tlie Albion to l'o persons desiring reliable inform w ith all kinds of fruit. Good elevation, line where. W orth $100 |H*r acre. Make a bid. Y our C orrespoxdknt . work. Quite a numlier of the neighbors at- ation regarding the wonderful resources j view mid ti lust. Well and eity water. W orth No. 11. T w enty-three acres on th e o c ea n Acme on Monday where she will partly bids for improvement of tlie water front beach a t th e o u tle t of Hutton ( ’reek, seven m ile» ! tended father Stoht’s barn raising last of Lane county, or (or prices and terms (1000. Make an offer. fill her hold witli lumlier, then finish fronl Oscar Funke’s store, east three IV IS O N IT E M . north of Florence. Ju st th e th in g fo ra su m m e r- No. 4. Lots and acres In F airm o u n t. I have j week. An elegant dinner was served at of grain, stock or fruit farms in the her loading witli salmon at Meyer & blocks, which was adopted. Councilman Christensen presented a noon and was enjoyed by all. Willamette Valley or town property s till left about three h u n d re d acres in th a t four home. P le n ty o f trees, fresh w ater an d grass. Bv I ch D ies . Kyle’s cannery. either in Eugene or Florence, v,e recom­ hundred acre tra c t near the U niversity, know n Wortli $500. Florence is surrounded by tlie best resolution instructing tlie marshal to no­ S E A C U L L S ’ B R IG H T E Y E S . mend you to correspond with E. J. Era- , ns Fairmount, all platted in lots and a, re tracts > No. 12. Lots and blocks in Chicago A d d itio n Nice weather tify property owners to repair sidewalk and most extensive tiinlrer, composed of H ave sold about one h u n d re d acres nt from $i25 ! to Florence, lying from four to tw elve blocks Looks like snow. fir and cedar, of any town in Oregon. from tlie printing office to tho Parker “ Oftentimes when at sea,” says a writ­ s ie r, s e c re ta ry an d m a n a g e r o f t lie La ne to $750 p e r acre and will close o u t th e balance from th e post-ofllcc and business cen ter of th a property on Main street, and if property t-Co. L a n d A Lo an Co , E uge ne, O re gon . Some lumbermen will wake up and find What lias become of our Delpliia er in Harper's Yotfbg People, “ I have a t surp risin g ly low prices. If you w ant some town. T h is ground is sm ooth ami level and» owners failed to make such repairs, then post-office? this a fact some day. tested the vision of gulls tlust happened Send for one of their latest descriptive of th is fine property, m ake an offer. ' above nny poMalblllti of overflow. Have sold tlie walk to be removed and tlie lumber circulars. Read their ad. in another The way to reaclt catarrli is through V. F. Lyons and family are at home near my sliip, to tlie great amusement of No. 5. 100 acres one-half m ile from Acme ' lots ill th e a d jo in in g blocks for $125 each, or aL taken by tlie city to pay expense of-snch j part of tliis paper. tlie blood. Hood’s Sarsaparilla, by pu­ the passengers. I remember one occa- post-ofllcc, on Hiuslaw. All flue fru it land but the rule of $2,500 for a block. If you w a n t removal. Laid on tlie '.able by motion for a few days from tlie valley. rifying the blood, removes tlie cause of ' sion when tlie sliip was going along at a J. 8. Day and family have been on tlie Joe Morris, Jr., of Florence,, is rep­ still in a state of n ature and covered w ith fine some of tliis fine property, m ake a deeeut hid.. of Councilman Kyle. tlie disease mid permanently cures <»- sick list tlie past week, hut are up and pretty rapid rate, I ntiticed a nunther of resenting Brown Brothers Company, m illing tim licr. T im ber c an l»e sold now or Florence is grow ing as fast as any tow n in O re­ Bids ordered paid us follows: tarrh. Take only Hood’s. gulls following clohElw ill our wake, ap­ Portland, Ore., whose nurseries are at | held for better pilces. IxtgWuys already built to gon, an d will soon cover th is ground with, around at present. parently on the wafcCTor anything that Rochester, K. Y. This Company has th is la n d and county road e x te n d s through the buildings. On Sunday afternoon Mrs. F. J. Kobe Hall rent ...................................... $ 3 0 ° W. E. Chastain returned from Pleas­ reliable Morris Hotel, hoarding prisoners 2.00 uiifcht be thrown (ivwboerd..«Going to ,he reputation of being the most i was taken seriously and suddenly ill No. 13. Store b u ild in g In Florence, w ith w a­ . . , ,, , • , growers of nursery stock in the Union, «enter of the tra c t. W orth $20 per at re. C. M. Collier, surveying................ 27 DO ant Hill last week where lie had been tlie " cabin I procured a small biscuit and, to he true to No. 0. 350 acres of fine tim b e r land on log­ ter fro n t lot th irty feet wide. B uilding 1» while eating dinner. Without warning visiting for tlie past tnontli. Hurd & Davenport, lumber.......... 11.90 returning tq the deck, prepared to show name and free from insect H*sts. All site fell to tlie floor in a faint. Doctor E. Thurman, of Walton, was in tliis the passengers the wonderful power of their trees are perfectly unite at hud or ging stream s trib u tary to Hiuslaw. Tliis tim ber 20x50 feet, w ith counters, shelving an d ilno Saubert was called and the lady is fast C. R. David, grade stakes.............. 2.00 I 80 neigliliorhood tliis week. He is well vision possessed by thert birds. Break- graft and no (lead wood can he found is of the first selected on these stream s and was glass front. Now vacant, b u t has rented fop Fred Funke, labor ..................... recovering, but is far front well. th e re . A h th e c o m m e rc ia l s ta n d in g of located w ith reference to q u a lity and conven­ $10 p« r m onth. W orth $10(0. 25.64 pleased witli tlie Republican victory. T he W est , printing.................. in# tlie biscuits into irttiull pieces, the this firm is re p o rte d O. K ., th e w a rr a n t No. It. Vacant lots in m id ad jacen t to th o The State University font-ball team of C. II. Holden, attorney fees 5.00 J. 8. Ciiastain ami W. 8. Barron are largest of which was lees than an inch m eans s o m e th in g . T h e y have p le n ty of ience of m arket. It is estim ated to yield fifteen business cen ter of Florence. Have been selling Eugene and tlie University players of J. C. Brown, labor ................ 21.50 at home for a few days. They will re­ square, I dropped one into the seething teatinrooials as to their gofsls mid inetli m illion feet of lum lier and a t the present price Portland contested (or points on tlie Andrew Harris, Deputy Marshal 20.00 of fifty c ents per thousand, for stum page, is for from $100 to $500 each If you w ant to get in, turn to their work near Harrisburg in a waters, just under tlie how of th e vessel. < ds of doing business. Multnomah field, November 17th. The w orth $7,500 for the tim ber alone. Make uu of on the ground floor" now is the time. Make a After ordering Recorder to give notice sliurt time. It was one of tlie same color as tlie score was 12 points for tlie Portland hid. fer. of establishing grade nil certain s'reets, A. Morrison came home from the val­ Lodi«« or ( « n i — _ No. 15. Vacant lots an d blocks on th e w a ter team and 0 for tlie Stale University. No. 7. 41 seres of fine tide land meadow, on • week F .ic iu s tre «erriu iry Tbo the council a d jo iirn e jl. R ap M D U bW a« h «r. W M h »»alltl»O ley last week, where he has been work­ North Fork of Hiuslaw, four m iles from Flor­ front in Florence, betw een th e post office am t Awarded < li.h r . f„ r « fa m ilr In on« m tout« Yon will begin to wonder how yon W «*h »a, rih « r« l u i d rlro ih » » ing for sometime. He brought a couple These lots have» w ttho u t w e ti|D < ib « band« Yo« ence. In a state of n ature a t present, bu t is the Hpruee P oint s a w m ill missed knowing that property in Flor­ S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S . Hlgheet Honors—World*« Fair. I u«h tb * b tuto n , th» machin»do»« of nice colts w ith him. been selling for $250 each. They are likely tl»4 Since the breezes from Tsilteoog lake No. 8. Fifty acres adjoining Florence on th e l»e w orth $’»000 each Is fore m any years. R f . v . I. G. K notts , P astor . rp M. Miller.