MUST HANG. EXCHANGE MISCELLANY. H U R D L ite r a r v . & D A V E N P O R T . this latter class th at wo arc now con­ cerned ul out. No one would.elwim In cold blood th a t a Protectionist voter, New Goods are Constantly Arriving at the (ORIGINAL ANU SELECTED ) for example, should vote in a general ; W A S T E S T U F F IN T H E R IV E R . cita tion for a Free T rader, or a Free C elled s t a t e . Law Forbids D ep osit o f A truly liberal man employs all the Trader for a Protectionist just heeattee D efu se In Mavtsa<*»C W aters. means in his power to do all the good he he knew the latter mull uu I liked him _ ------ can ; he does not rush in with fire and hugely uh a friend. Yet this thing is Flow the South there will come into Since considvable ballast is b e in g ' sword to aliolisli imperfections, which claimed again and again, ami hus an u n ­ the next congress 34 republican mem­ thrown into this river from schooners, arc sometimes unavoidable; lit-endeav- known influence upon the deeis.on of ber«. __________ the following letter th at recently up- ors, by continuous progress, to remove vital questions. of peared in the OfftpmiQH should be read the ills of the b»rly jjolitie; but lie es­ -Among the Latest is an Elegant Line of- K n o u ts and roads ure the two great­ From this stock springs largely th at All Explosion of 27 Kegs and considered by people h e re : chews violent measures, which crush est factors in the development of u unwholesome fruit—the canvasser. Few Powder at Coos Bay. “ As appropriate to the discussion con- one evil but to create an o th er; in this country.—Oregon City Entrrpritt. | candidates go about from house to house ceruing the deposit of refuse in the Wil­ imperfect world of ours, he is content , or front street corner to street corner, T m lust house of representatives was lam ette river, I . beg leave to call atten­ for the purpose of discussing th e great N ® I l l v e r »»»<1 l l a r l m r B i l l T h i s W i n t e r — tion to the following provisions of the with tin- good, until times and circum- In all Shades. The Choicest Selection Ever Brought to Florence. made up of 21» d em ocrats, 127 republi­ stauces favor him in his aspirations af­ issues of the contest with the voters. M a u n d e r* G iv e u E i g h t e e n M o n t h s 1» river and luirlxir act of September 19, Also a full stock of Eider-down, Swan’s-down, Satins and Chambrays. cans nnd 10 jsipulists. The next will he ter the better. t h e l ’« u - T h e L e e « t* N o t a D e r e l i c t . 1890: T hat is best done in the press and the composed of 246 republicans, 104 demo­ We are also in receipt of a line line of Fancy Goods, Silks, Laces. “ Sec. 6. T hat it shall not be lawful to public meeting. The personal canvass Young men, rem ember that every one crats and 6 populists. cast, throw, empty or unhide, or cause, is usually undertaken to bring to bear suffer or procure to 1« cast, thrown, of you has his place and avocation on the personal factor, and it is the social emptied or unladen, either from or out this earth and th at it rests with himself W O R D E N M U S T H A N C . O n * TUI first page of this issue we virtues rather th an the public virtues of.any ship, vowel, lighter or barge, boat to find it. Do not believe those who too And provisions constantly arriving. Largest stock of boots and shoes, p rin t the reply of the American Book Worden, the man convicted of train or other craft, or from the shore, pier, ¡jg|lt|v sav that nothing succeeds like th at arc expected to tell. A popular Hats and Gents Furnishing Goods this side of Portland. Co. to accusations made hv the “ One E ffo rt-h o n est, manful, hum- candidate is the desideratum of every wrecking, at Woodland, Cal., must hang, wharf, furnace, manufacturing estate H undred" of Portland. It is common party convention ; and often th e popu­ the court overruling all objections is. riie ' gravel, eartln hie effort—succeeds by its reflected ac- Those who desire to have suits made to order, should not fail to call justice th a t the voice of the accused as larity sought is wholly social. Many crime for which Worden is sente ' ntenc‘‘' 1 rubbish, wreck ilth , slabs, eilgings, saw- tion, especially in youth, better than a n j ],aVe measurements taken. Elegant line of samples to select well as th a t of the accusers should he . will rem ember an old string of doggerel was committed July 11, last, during the refuse, or other success, which, indeed, too easily ami from, either from Chicago or San Francisco. h eard . ' verses th at appeared many years ago, great strike. A train was sent nut from Waste of nto any port, road, ^oo ear|y gained, not seidoai serves, like T ub populists in official positions In descriptive of “ The C andidate;” of .Sacramento, under the guard of U nited ( roadstead, harbor, haven or navigable winning t he first throw of the dice, to ' Wre are agents for the well known anil responsible Firemen’s Fun 1 States soldiers, and was wrecked at a river, or. navigable w aters of the United Coos county are having some difficulty which the following is the first verse: blind and stupefy. Get knowledge—all and London & Lancaster insurance companies. ... States,-which sliall tend to impede or , . ’ . navigation, . _... or ... to deposit . :. ..„ bridge crossing in Yolo county. The obstruct witfi the laity about the spoils of office. •‘Father! who travel* o u r road no late'.’” or you can. Be thorough in all jo u do, »•Hush! my child, ’U.i a cnudldute; Remember you will always have fair and honest treatment at The great reform party does not differ so Fit exam ple of h um an woes; spikes were drawn from one of the ties, to deposit or place, or cause, sutler, or and rem ember that though ignorance Early lie comes and late he go««. and the tie left in position. The engine- procure to be deposited or placed any largely from other political organiza­ may often be innocent, pretension is He greet» the woman w ith courtly grace; er in charge of the train, Clarke, and ballast, stone, slate, gravel, earth, rub­ often despicable. tions ns one would suppose from their He kisFC* tlie baby’» ilivty face; bish, wreck, filth, slabs, edgings, saw­ He call» to the fence th e farm er ut work; two soldiers, were killed. claims. ________________ The habitual satirist tears down but dust or other waste in any place or situ­ He lanes the m erch an t; he bothers th e clerk; ation on the hank of any navigable wa­ never builds up. He spins no meshes I t costs as much to make butter th at The blacksm ith w hile h is a n v il rings, T E R R IF IC E X P L O S IO N . ters where the same shall la- liable to of thought which binds facts into a fab­ will sell for soap grease, as a first class He greets and this Is the sung he slug»: •Howdy? H owdy! how d ’ye do? A rrangem ents were being made, says be washed into such navigable waters, article th at will sell a t a fancy price— How is your w lie, and how are you? ric of useful and hopeful experience. Ah! it flt* my flst as n o o tlm re a n , Best Oregoidan. the t'ortsf Mail, to fire the big blast at either by ordinary or high tides, or by His words are disparagem ent, chill and 1 he hom y b a u d of the w orkingm an.’ ” , . storms or floods, or otherwise, whereby True, and a creamery on this river the stone quarry on Coos river jester- . . ’ ’ , , ,. navigation sliall or may be impeded or discouragement. Effort palls, hopes die . Tbifl in not tt w ry dignified picture of Keeps a full line of Extra Quality will save much loss to farmers by oblit­ day. A keg of powder was taken to the obstructed." * * * and purposes wane under the notice a future law m aker and ruler over the erating the soap grease article. tunnel and a num ber of parties stood “ See. 10. * * * Every person and th at he takes. Say a good word. U tter bard to make people; tint it would be hard around in the vicinity as attem pts were every corporation * * who sliall violate a timely suggestion. Bestow praise Ox N ovbmiiek 12th a cargo of lumber t|„, personal appeal canvass a dignified made to open tho same. The lid not the provisions of the last four preceding where it will bias to the right. Cheer arrived in Seattle from British Columbia, ¡M-rforuntiicc under ¡my circumstances, sections of thia act sliall be deemed coming out easily a knife was used to guilty of misdemeanor, and on convict- honest effort. Overlook the flaws, and HARDWARE, TINWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, m anufactured by Chinese labor, and M,.n should be voted for because they pry it away from the fastening. It is ion therco( ghft„ punighcd by a fine let the main aspect alone attract your comes in- free under the provisions of ■ w;i| do so-and-so when in office. Ber­ supposed some grains of powder were „ „ j exceeding five thousund dollars, or IIATS & CAPS, MEDICINES, NUTS & CANDIES, attention. Then the path of your influ­ th e Wilson bill. This coast has worked annul character is undoubtedly a factor lying upon the cover outside and they by imprisonment (in case of a natural ence will he marked by certain results, for Chinese exclusion acts only to be ¡„ deciding wlint they will do, but hard- were ignited, when there was a flash person) not exceeding one year, or by TOBACCO, CIGARS, FURNISHING GOODS brought into competition with their |y that phase of personal character that both such punishm ents, in the discre­ where, with tlie habit of satire, your and a terrific explosion, which shook path would be strewn with wrecks and tion of the court.” « ♦ » cheap labor from another eountiy, the comes out most prom inently and pk-ts- s Represented. Prices W ill be Found Reasonable the whole surrounding country. About See. 11. That it shall be the duty of abandoned efforts begun in faith and de- G o o d s rxuct result of free trade. - inglv in a personal canvass. A man s 27 kegs of powder were ignited and the officers and agents having tlie supervis­ sorted in cynicism. ~ p e r s o n a l i t y cannot lie disregarded, hut P athiotihm , like charity, begins at it should only he considered in so far as w hole mass exploded. Terrence Dolan ion, on the part of the United States, of the works in progress for the preserva­ Tlie real joy of life lias little to do hom e. The sm allest unit of self-govern­ it will affect Ids public usefulness. The was fearfully burned. There is hardly a tion and improvement of said navigable with comfort; it comes from tlie con­ m ent—th e town, the ward, the voting motto “ Measures not Men” does not portion of his body which is not scorched waters, and, in their absence, of the sciousness of strengtli to suffer and bear precinct, the school d is tric t—is the foun­ state the wuole case, if it means to and blackened by the sulphurous flame. United States collectors of customs and and achieve; it comes from tlie con- He was brought to town last night and other revenue officers, to enforce tlie ta in hoad of power, and the duty ot ev­ preach indifference as to the character 8 ' S -«a. © a .• •>*»• ’a o x t J i a . » - » . 1 placed in the hospital under care of Dr. 1 provisions of this act by giving informa- sciousness th at one is doing a m an’s ery citizen is to see th a t it does not be­ of the men ; hut if a voter will regard tion to the district attorney of tlie Uni- work and earning a m an's wages in tlie Now is tlie time for an examination of our stock of Dry come choked with corruption through his right of franchise as a public duty MeCormac and it is extremely doubtful ted States for tlie district in which any world. The thrill of the moutain climb­ Goods, for fall and winter uses, by tlie people of tlie bis neglect. If tho local public duties rath er than as a piece of personal pat­ if ho can recover. His brother came violation of any provision of this act er as he comes suddenly upon the vision with him and he is considerably burned Siuslaw country. You will find the latest styles and u t each citizen are faithfully and hon­ ronage, lie will get near to the true shall have been com m itted.” * * * of halt a continent spreads out before tlie lowest prices at J. H. McClung's Dry Goods House. about tlie head. J. N. D oi . pii . estly attended to, the general govern­ Inclining of that concise political creed. him contains more real joy, more true It is reported th at J, G. West, the m ent may lie trusted not to go very far THE MARSHAL W ON. life, than a year brings to the sluggish OUR METHODS OF BUSINESS, ! superintendent of the quarry, is also FULTON PAID THE BILL. wrung. No house enjoys a better patronage tliau ours from tho i comfort-seeker in the valley below; the I dreadfully injured and Dr. MeCormac » o o t-I fW W L ib erty » » . at gcho,ar> a8 h(J gurveyg fields of knowl- people on the Coast, and this is attributable to our methods O ur decision during th e last session of went up on the steamer last night to The following cliaracteristicly kindly H txltc, b u t t h e P r i s o n e r L o s t. of selling goods at very low prices, and tlie quality of I nedge opening in broader vistas before of th e legislature th at the mortgage tax act is taken from the Oregonian.’ As attend the injured man. Others were goods as represented. This is especially true of our him, forgets the days of unbroken study law and deductions for actual indebted­ Hon. 0. W. Fulton boarded tlie Thomp­ also hurt, hut the extent of their injur­ Brownsvillo Time»:—An exciting foot Ladies' and Gents' boots and shoes and foot-wear of all kinds, behind h im ; the great leader in states- ness- are laws th a t should he on our son at Kalama, a Russian Finn, with ies is not known. race took place yesterday morning on statu te Issiks is not altered, as we have tiis wife and six neatly, but plainly, m anship, as he notes tlie steady move- CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK. ^80 - Main street and was witnessed by a . . . NO R IV E R ANO H A R B O R B IL L . , . . . . ... ment of opinion tow ard him, feels a joy had no gissl reasons for a change of dressed children, got aboard at the same large num ber of pedestrians. Ira K i­ It is generally known in Lane county that tlie largest oils sense of m astery which the memory W ahiuxotox , N ov . 10.—Representa­ opinion. Although writing editorials in time. Tlie father and mother were evi­ zer, who recently moved to this place stock of merchandise is to be found at our store, and this of years of defeat and misconception fllvor of tlie enactm ent of the law docs tive Hermann, who is here preparing dently poor people, and did not feel from Philom ath, has had some trouble fact proves that we have no questionable methods of doing docs not em bitter. much good, experience has taught us able to go to the expense of getting work for congress, and clearing up de­ in his domestic circles, and last week business, and the future will bo but a repetition of the past th a t a change in th e indebtedness clause staterooms in order to let tlie children partm ent business, says there will lie no his liettcr half left the shelter of his roof, W ith all our respect for knowledge of when our friends call and buy from our well-assorted stock. o t the last law is necessary to prevent go to sleep, who ranged like steps in a river and harbor hill this winter, but and is non with her people in tlie above every kind, we m ust not overrate its th at continuing contracts will be cared | evading proper assessments by making stairs, from the baby in arms to a grow­ named city. It appears that Wednes- possibilities. It undoubtedly stim ulates false statem ents of indebtedness, and to ing hoy of ten years. Mr. Fulton hap­ f. r in other bibs. day evening Ira concluded be would thought, disciplines the mind, enriches now do som ething of real lienelit, let the pened to walk into the cabin where the SAUNDERS SEN TE N C ED . drown his troubles, and proceeded to do the life, increases happiness, and devel- advocates of re-enactm ent frame a law children were attem pting to sleep, -------- so in a systematic way. After he had im- ops opportunities in many directions; t h a t will meet with approbation of the ranged up like little sentinels in a row. G okvai . i . ih , Or., Nov. 17.—In the cir- billed quite freely of tlie “ kill ’em but its influence upon action and char- B _ people and prevent fraud. Gissl hard Mr. Fulton looked at the children, anil cuitcourt today, D. M. Saunders,charged quick,” lie became somewhat demon- acter is not so great or so direct as some M b study ami work are what is wanted and realizing nt a glance tlie situation, paid jointly with his mother witli larceny ntrative and was taken in charge by are inclined to believe. It is true that D e a ler in less talk. We Iwlieve th a t tlie amount for beds tor (he entire family, unknown from the Nichols warehouse, by his at- Deputy Marshal Chaplin, who ¡»laced education in its best ami broadest sense oL indebtedness, w hether mortgage or i) ( f.U||(.r ant, ni„ther, and walked torney, W. S. McFadden, withdrew his t)lc yHUIlg man ¡n t )ie city j„ii for a ig one of the greate-t means of raising otherwise, should be assessed against away. This act of Mr. Fulton was gen- ¡»lea of not guilty, and entered a ¡»lea of njg|^»8 cooling. Tlie next morning the moral standard and purifying the and collected of the ¡»artv claiming to I h * erous in the extrem e. Not that he is a guilty. Judge Meb adden asked leniency w|ien t|je deputy and his prisoner were com m unity; hut knowledge m ust never Glassware, Carpets, Gents’ •n indebted, and then the am ount of ¡sK»r man and could ill afford the sum of the court in passing sentence, and the jn front of the real estate office the in- be confounded with education. It is in- Groceries, Boots and Furnishing taxes collected on such indebtedness !»<• necessary to insure these little fo.ks a prisoner, when asked if he had anything ©briated young man tna«lc a spirt for eluded in it, but only as one out of m any Etc. Etc. Shoes. Goods. a bar to so much o t the debt to he col­ gissl night's rest, but shows the warm, to way, replied : liberty, and was closely pursued by the parts. Headquarters for lected. In such an event the false state* kindly heart which Units beneath his “ I would ask th at von make my sen- who» after a two block race, luents of dishonest men could not re­ partisan eoat. Mr. Fulton, we have no tence as light as ¡»«»ssihle, under the gucceeded in capturing the fleet-footed lieve thorn from paying their just pro­ doubt, slcj.t more soundly that night as circumstance, anti I promise to live a Ipa Recorttef. o . P. Coshow acted as Highest Brice Paid for Country Produce. portion of taxes. hethniight of the littleoni'M who, through life from now on worthy of a resix-etnble r,.(,.rt.e a„(1 d ^ iJe d that Kizer had lost T H E W E S T . Sentenced to Death tor Tra in-W recking. « WHITE STORE F re s h L in e o f G ro c e rie s >iHurd 5 & ; flavenpnrt’s THE SEATON STORE DRY GOODS s GROCERIES. Managers. Knowles & Gettys, DRY GOODS AND CLOTHING. t * I J. B. “ I L E A D , B U T N E V E R F O L L O W !” fr" f I Q H H V ¡3— Y— HOPS, THE PERSONAL IN POLITICS. The personal factor in ¡»«ditics is one the forces most dillleult to either »‘sti- m ate or elim inate. By the term ¡>cr- •onal factor is meant not a candidate's personal honor or honesty or good principles, but his personal friemlshii»s —bia personal popularity in the “ good fstlow” or a -neighlstr of ou rs” senses o f the term . It is inevitable and, in miwt cases perfectly ¡»roper, th at the perennality of a camli’late should have great influence in deciding his success o r failure. In th e ease of an alderman, for example. ,H* character is prac- Ucally every thing. But personal friend- stiip tn sy be a thing quite apart from personal character in the sense 111 which ia-used in the foregoing sen- SKitv. You may like socially a very bad. alderm an, but th at should not Is* a controlling reason, overriding all others, for voting for him . But the field in « h ir h Ute personal factor works the a theterm noarmisefaief is in the wider Mate- and Federal polities. his kiiultipss, were tmjoying a giRsl rest. citizen, as I have tried Io live since this thing hapis'tied six or eight months Actions speak louder than words. ago." TONGUE'S POSITION DEFINED. Judge Fullerton, in sentence, The llillslsiro Imlepfnihnt, in com- inenting upon H o n . T. H. Tongue's letter in the DrrgiinfdM says; "T h at letter, while indirectly favoring free silver, is not an argum ent for free silver. From the argum ent made by Mr. T. during the last campaign, it is under. stoisl that he would lie content to apply the republican doctrine of protection to our own silver mines—plait* a protective liity iqsiti silver coined from our own thvn)bv ph|fe ciri.|l|alioll as much of the gold and silver as we can dig up for ourselves.” AMBITIOUS YOUNG MEN. The Salem X q,',,111,111 advises caution in claiming t,s> inucli in the following : "The ambitious young men wlwi are aspiring for Senator Dolph's pla.x* and sentim ent of sren a. of areftil to pre«erve There ev­ tlie Htate k I iou M be tlwir contittviivy. P uring Abe Ju n e ery man represents, la-sides Ins own election they ivWocilietl Hontel money personal qualifii ations for Ute |«siition, arel uj»|*r«*ve.| (1 m * republican platform one or more issues of vast iuqsirtam'e to the money (¡ueetion. The •iieerity *h»eouutrv. We liave slutwn that there , personal qiialiftcStMMlS pro|a'rly to '** ,l 6 1 ’* I hange of eeBtiment i» liable to I h * «¡ucHtomeil.“ ♦»^considered in »11 ca ses; and that th e r e an* o t h e r |a*raonal q u alification s n re r th y of so m w b weight. It is Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder WorM'a Pair Highest Award. j |JC race #nj pUrge> am ounting to <6 and co, tg; toUl( | 7 M )ra |iavi„g over Advices from Ump-|ua state that The ls«ly of Binds,*y Applegate, one the eclioeiicrs J , B. la-cds* and Buev of Oregon's earliest ami most historical were outside ami waiting to cross the pioneers, w in, d io l a year or more ago. bar and reach G ardiner, was brought in from K lam ath Fall’ , OICARS. where it had been lying, for burial at —— tlie family grounds in the Ashland cem- Ask C. D Thomas for a 10 or 5-eent terv. His sons. Captain I. D. and O. 0 . cigar, and the best in tlie market will lx- Applegate, accompanied the body to fwlhroaiiag. 1 Ashland. WOOL, WHEAT, C lothing , OATS AND BARLEY E U G E N E , ..............................................OREGON. heated himself was kindly cared for in j|ie cooler, where he resumed his nor- ( said : mat condition, previous to interviewing “ rh ere arc some circumstances sur- "his holier'' i t i ^ gavin g up the stakes. „„„„(¡„g u q , w|,lchappeal, to Some UNDERTOOK TO E8CAPE. extent, to the clemency of the court, and ...___ I think that, the influences which have The Salem Jaurnnl says: J. Ruben­ siirriiiinded the defendant have probably stein, who has for tlie past year lieen led him Io the commission of the crime, doing business in Salem, by conducting and, as lie is young, lie may, w hen he is a so-called “suit club” went south on released from tin* (wiutentiary, live a the overland train, and some of Ids sub­ worthy citizen. I cannot therefore feel scribers suspecting that lie inteinled to that it is my duty to inqiose the severest | a.Ila| , yj |,,,t in my opinion n periini of leave the burg w ithout redeeming tlie 18 nH)ntli(s * u . u -. .¡„æ .. pledge he bail given them for a suit of clothes as soon as they had made all the Saundera then said: " I Jhank von, neeew»ary ¡»avment«, have luul him nr- judge, for your lenient sentence.” MMito left «0 hr,ng Rdm Tlie convicted inau is alantl 25 years reeted nt Ashland. X old and a few years ago served a term at Inst evening for that , back, and he will pud « »a *t) arrtvv 11 i Salem on a sim ilar charge. in the morning* Rubenstein ha« had T H E L E E D S N O T A D E R E L IC T . no little trouble' of lute witli several The report th a t the J. B. l»ee Cures fectlvely upou Ui? blood and I began to improve. After tlie use of three bottles the gathering . erase»! and I an, cur,-»I nt my form er trouble. I owe n,y life »ml will alw ays rem ain » tru e friend to Hood'S Sarsaparilla.” H iaarlU a.____ I. illik ____ M at _ H _ xxt _ - lev , Shelbyville, Indiana. Get HOOP'S. M o o d 's P ills act easily, yet |*r,>n,| tly auil •acteutly, ou Lie liver and bowel», ilo >»end T mf W zst to your friends. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this 5th dav of March, 1892. J oseph A M obbis , 7 Notary Public. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : Being first duly sworn I depose and say: T hat I have lieen a resident ot Flor- •nee, Bane County, Oregon, for the past twelve y e a rs ; th a t I am fam iliar and wel enr icqnainted with the property known as ‘ Frasier and B e rn 's part of Florence, ., . I.. irably _ U 1 ....... 1..^,... for n r residence .ii^ r tc . being perfectly level and th . a t . the same is adm suited property, being perfectly hat fruit ........... trees nnd shrubbery - grow well in the soil and ree from drifting sand. T ............... i ,i.„ » .le n ti l of from ten to fifteen feet, that pure well water is found on the same at a depi J Josxrii oski - ii A. MOBBIS, M erchant. ( s i SK.VL Subscribed and sworn to hefore me this 12tb day of March, 1892. L.