r i& - - « « > u h X k a r J « - a — * - a . v-v The tide of destiny is turning fast 3 towards Florence. All sorts of ac- p -. lie habit of T he W est is one of ’ push, energy, pluck. It is the news i granary of these mountain slopes. At' J L < cumulation of facts point that way I y ^p w— V“'.-v’V V 'n r V u- v u - g— W-TF-V--W U’ J' y v w Vol. V. -VV- » 1 ‘J No. 32 FLORENCE, LANE COUNTY. OREGON, yitlDA Y, NOVEMBER 23, 1891. ------------------------- * ----------------------------------------------------- TRAVELERS' GUIDE. öU SIN cSS CAR.j were selected from th e Am erican Book ...,1>1IEI» U\ - or a very large sum o f m oney In pom th e m erits f te bo »ks t u- •» pany, Com pany’s list. aiou of personalities. COMPANY, T H E AMI RICAN B C O cash, to lie idle until ready to be turned The sim ple facts are th u t there never Stim ulated by the charges o f such ever- •file w riter of ♦.:»&».** eport” has set over for the several publishing plants has been any such " com bination ft» present and som etim es viruient competi­ censor of the nnself up as a crit itff acquired, a very clum sy and expensive m any years,” or for anv tim e, as is a l­ haracter ami m erit o£j »e school books proceeding which no sensible m an would tion, there were brought about two legis­ lative inquiries as to the status of the n Book Coui- leged; and thi-t the adoption of book» uhlished bv th- Ai advise. American Book Company, respectively in p.v.iy. H s i v s , w M Bis com pany has six vears ago in Oregon took place two W ithin four m onths after the original In d D ealer in Fine W atches »ml Jew elry the states o f Pennsylvania and Illinois. chiefly confined years before the A m erican Book Com­ l iny excellent bool, incorporation all th e subsequent steps of E ugono O regon. pany cam e into existence, and under In these investigations and hearings the »her grades, it is to the academ ic aud purchasing property and increasing the Leaves Eugene »>u Mondays and open co m pition between the different capital of the com pany to five m illion testim ony o f everybody was publicly in­ very weak in th e lo, ■ grades and in Thursdays at (> a. m , arriving in entirely independent house», as every­ »vs “ it is cheap- dollars, th e actual cost o f its publishing vited—publishers, booksellers, educators, m ithem atics.” l i e ai Florence the day following at 4 p. m. body in Oregon know s v.bo hud anything politicians, and public cranks. Each ol )ok Com pany to er for the American^ HENRY A. BAY, Agent plants, were tak en and every one ol to do with tile seleiti. 'l at that time. the two reports, to their respective legis­ Returning—Leaves Florence on rior book th an a orint and furnish an A STATEM ENT O F FACTS BY T IIE these steps was official and public, and latures, resulting from t h e * investiga­ The sales and j rolits of the school m ade m atter o f record both a t the Capi­ goc*» / ne, aud its pi is greater upon I book business are constantly and very Tuesdays and Fridays at 8 a. m., AM ERICA N BOOK COMPANY tol of th e state in T renton, and at Jersey tions, com pletely exonerated the Ameri­ t h e flo re t one, ullhcj 11 it may sell it at arriving in Eugene the »lay follow­ I greatly exaggerated by those who arc ig­ TO T H E P E O P L E OF Of Salem, O regon. City, in Hudson County, the coporatcseat can Book Com pany from being, in any a m uch less price, instances Ilar- n orant of them , lnsle.nl of the profits T his is the leading insurance etnnpnny of the ing at 7 p, nt. sense or form , a tru st or monopoly, as OREGON. o f the com pany. T hus,if the whole record n n E to n ’s Speller, a w l ys it is a wretcli- « oust. Assets a o u arler of a m illion dol oil school books being £50,000 a year iu l l’neiile a is . P rivate dw elling* ami farm property » Jieap paper and were quoted aud published, instead of had been falsely alleged. At the H arris­ ed book, m ade of Oregon, as claim ed 111 the “re p o rt,” this xpeeialty. A ddress me at G ardiner, Oregon, and Single fare - - $5.00 burg hearing, all the leading publishers A public attack upon the m ethods, m o­ being garbled for purposes o f deceiving, Irly bristles with 1 will mill upon you and insure your property. pasteboard,” s u m m ore nearly represents the total Bound trip - -* - — $9.00' tives, and busijpggR interests of the Aoier- by publishing only the prelim inary step of of New Y oik, P hiladelphia, and oth^r mvuakea ar.d ferae«»* minuiit o i aliiin.il s d rs in this state— esn Book Com pany, by a sm all sub­ incorporation, we should, he truthfully cities were present, aud, testifying under T hat the paper, printing, binding, in­ Tickets for sale at E. Bangs’s which, in any event, is not m ore than com m ittee o f the “ C om m ittee o f One and fairly represented. As to the amount oath, each one declared th a t he kuew ol troduction, and m arketing of a poor book £40.0 e>, and of course only a sm all por- livery barn, Eugene, and at Hurd no case w here any com petitor had b e n costs less and give a greater profit, al H u n d re d ,” o f P ortland, Oregon, lias re­ of our capital and the size and im port ion of this am ount call be reckoned a.- & Davenport’s otliee iu Florence.- cently been published in the “ Oregon­ ance of our business we Jiave n o thing to “ crushed out” or oppressed by this com­ though “ it is sold at a m uch lower W. W. NEELY, Prop r. pany. And we hereby offer this chal­ price,” than a correspondingly m anufac­ net profit. ia n ,” a newspaper of th a t city. conceal; indeed, we regard the great ag T he A.itietieatt Book Com pany has lenge to any respectable school-book tured book o f higher intellectual m erit, Tables furnished wit It all the T he “ rep o rt” em bodying this attack ¡9 gregate of our sales, spread over tli ■ ever at any lim e raised so m uch as f publisher in this whole country today to m ade up o f a m ass o f m isinform ation, whole country,, as the m easure of co.” ': delieaeies »it the season. Wild is a statem ent which is sim ply idiotic. i er to luilueuee Oregon legislation iu come forward and declare under oath Anybody >vbo knows anything about the unsupported charges, baseless rum ors, deuce of th e school public in our com game, fish and fruit in season. Best - behalf. On ;!»• other hand, w hat dii ------ 1— S A IL S : th at he has suffered any oppression in publishing business, or who has any com ­ and unjustifiable suspicions. pany, and as an unim peachable iudoi . . c nipanv aelu ab i do for the peopk accomodations for the traveling On tlie 1st, 10th and 20th of each his business from the Am erican Book m on sense, knows th at the cost o f the Upon this e x parte show ing, w ith no m eat of th e superior m erit of our pu.di 4 O k ;; 01 when it became the publish» public. Charges reasonable. Company, or th a t it is w ithin his experi­ p rinting ami binding—th a t is, the me •olid basis of fact o r proof whatever, cations. month. if tlie books, which had already beei ence or personal know ledge th a t this chanical production—is precisely the upon m ere assertions and insinuation», In order to m ake this statem ent cotr Single trip $3.00. Round trip $5.00 I, ■ 0 for li e iu th a t state? We stati com pany has ever, at any tim e, at­ sam e w hether the book itself be good, our character and our business are •* plete a n d clear, it should be sai l tl act- known, we b. lieve, to every persoi tem pted in the least degree “ to crush •ailed. U nder such circum stance» it i t the purchase of all school-book propert« □ad, or indifferent. It is also well known 11 Oreg. il, when we say th a t it usei com peting houses and destroy all leg«»i th at the cost of copyright is so sm all a but ju st to ourselves, and to our m am m ade by th is com pany, from w hate\ VII V me O S in its power to render tiles m ate com petition,” as charged iu this share in the cost o f production as practi­ friends and patrons in Oregon and on source was upon a uniform basis of ca OF EUGENE. For Passenger and Freight Rates ,ks ia s le obtainable by tlie peopl “ rep o rt.” th e Pacific Coast, to m ake a full an I ex valuation, and according to the »-s' -J cally to m ake little difference; while the . B. E A K IN , J » ., C abh 'R T . Q. H EN D R IC K S . P hes . 1 1 I at cheaper lates than ever before WHAT OF T IIE POLICY OF BRIBERY AND plicit answer to these slanderous m is­ lished rules of valuing publishing r: expense o f attem pring to introduce and l’o this end and nt great expense i CORRUPTION? representations. - $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 plates and plants. T he price pa place a book poor in m erit, with a cer­ PAID UP CA8H CAPITAL, > 0.1 ;h. its b".si:ie >s am i capital to yon Florence, Or. - $ 6 0 ,0 0 0 Meyer & Kyle, In th is report the old stories are re­ SURPLUS AND PRO FIT8, the H arper school-book interests v tainty th a t it will not long give satis­ TH E SUB-COMMITTEE’S CHARGES AGAINST I te. and established one of its brain’ hearsed th at the agents o f this com pany, faction and hold its place, would ten exception to th is rule. No bonus or « US. S O L IC IT E D lions. 1 1 vonr city o f Portland. It ha A C C O U N T S in one instance in the state o f W ashing rimes outweigh the additional cost of inducem ent of any k ind was off. 1 1. T hat our corporation was frattJu .¡m s ,.. . its lot with you and identifie, - OREGON. EUGENE, ton and iu an o th er in the state of W o t given to anybody, m uch less was 1 copy 1 ight. len tly and deceitfully organized. tself w ith your com m unity. We tire oui Virginia, attem pted bribery. W here is H a rrin g to n ’s Speller is an excellent o— W ill m a k e ------- o 2. T hat we constitute a trust aud s any undue influence c r duress exerc 1 elves, therefore, ill a business sense the proof th a t these agents attem pted 11 book, prepared by the late very bright form ing anv alleged “ d a rk chfipte.-,’ monopoly. Oregemians sharing tile fortunes of yon R E G U L A R D A I L Y T R IP S hi e ith e r case? Observe, it xa not e tu i v and accom plished superintendent of the 3. T hat th is alleged tru st a n d m o­ basely insinuated iu th is so-called “ r< .ate, and cutitled to fair and ju st trea LEADING th at bribery was com m itted, blit “ at­ New B elford, M assachusetts, schools, -----B etw een ------ nopoly had existed, as such a “ com bina­ p o rt.” ■ tent Ire,111 our fellow-c'.titeens. T hat w A rUBLISHING COMPANY. tem pted.” T he W ashington case, after and wns first p o lis h e d bv the H arpers, a tio n ,” for m any years before th e incor­ ill recedee justice am i even genete a dragging along in th e courts for some house m ost careful of its reputation, but T he statem ent in th e “ re p o rt” tl poration o f our com pany. tt your hall >s is assured to us by it tim e, with th ree o f th e acccused agents which thus indorsed it by its great name. traditions ot tlie Pacific Coast. 4. T hat we have been guilty o f brib­ “ this com bination had practically ----- — AND = This book is also approved on its merits aud detectives in th eir jurisd ictio n and ery, and th a t we system atically pursue in existence for over ten years prior to AM ERICAN BOOK COMANY, under bail, was decided in favor of the by leading educators all over the country, our business through a policy of bribery legal in corporation” is w holly false Tho». F. Oake«, Heniy C. Payno, Henry C. Route Rec'vft A x ‘‘s l^'o ers and Directors. agents. It was then appealed to a higher and so widely used th a t its circulation T here h a d been no com m unity o f inter and corruption. D E A L E R IN O F F IC E R S . has reached into m illions. The relative 5. T hat our elem entary publications ests, no consolidation of business— court, sent back for re trial, and finally dism iss? I for lack of evidence to m ain­ profit on this book, however, is not DAVID 15. IVISON, President, nothing interfering with the e n tiic hide are w ithout m erit. a ' - 6. T h at we palm off inferior books e . pendence of each firm, n o thing th at li • tain it. T his “ rep o rt” also states th a t in larger th an the average profit on other A L FR E D C. BARNES, Vice-Prerider. school books. the We.it V irginia case the ag en t “ was HARRY T. AMBROSE, Treasurer, what the self-constituted censors style the slightest effect upon prices of sch» It y p r S FURNISHING GOODS I f there is one characteristic in the GILMAN IL TU CKER, Secretary. publicly reprim anded and compelled to books, n o thing th at influenced or inter 4'backw oods states.” 7. T h at our profits in O regon ar? fered with th eir publication and regal 1. tak e b ju x his m oney.” Is th is the usual American Book Com pany’s li.-t m ort DIRECTORS. EUCENE, - ORECON. •ale in a n y particular. There had be en a conclusion w hen bribery is proved to pronounced than another, it is the supi r $30,000 a year. H enry IL V ail , Chairm an, •or excellence o f its elem entary book>. 8. T hat th e effect o f this alleged m o­ “ P ublishers’ A ssociation,” which a t­ have bc-rn attem pted or comm itted? W m . II. AfPi.E’roN, These two unfortunate scandals, tlie prepared for common and grauim ai nopoly is “ disastrous to the public tem pted to restrain the evils and extrav­ W. \V. A ppleton , results o f the sharp practice induced by a schools, as all teachers, superintendent school system ,” and thereby “ the public agances o f agency work for the introduc D a n iel A ppleton , and unbiased publishers who know tin very exciting com petition betw een agent- * are cheated of the rig h t to independent lion o f school books, but nothing that H arry T. A m brose facts will unaniinoudy testify I f a bool. Teachers, good schools, and good books.” attem pted any restriction of the regular (where the “ m onopoly” does not seem A lfr ed C. B arnes , C. D. T H O M A 8 , O. W . H U R D , H aving in m iud th e full force o f our business as between publishers, or as oe- to have “ crushed out th e com petition,” ) i.i found to be faulty, it is corrected; if it C h a s . J. B arnes , MANAGER PR O PR IET O R . were the results of palpable tricks set up, has outlived its purpose and usefulness, words, we m ost seriously and em phati­ tween th e several publishers and the pub H enry B. B arnes , OREGON. FLORENCE, cally declare th a t each and every one oi lie. T he traffic was absolutely open and 0 0 e agent upon another; and the Am eri­ it is discontinued. Our uniform am A. H oward H in e l S, •the above charges is absolutely false, and free, a n d it lias never been otherwise. can Book Com pany prom ptly disavowed constant instructions to all our agent D avid B. I vison , th a t they are unsupported by any proof Nearly every reputable publishing house ac» responsibility or connection with are to present and urge, in any give W m . B. T h a h ieim h b , and Liquors. Pure W in es section those books of our list which ui them . Am ong the h u ndreds o f thousands in the country was represented in this or evidence whatever; and we hereby in­ O ilman II. T uck »». likely to prove m ost acceptable and suu P ublishers’ Association or co-operated of annual transactions o f th is com pany, Drugs, vite au exam ination of them in detail. these are th e only instances ever cited able to its school woik, w ithout rvy 1 D r. Price’s Cream B akin g Powdet with it directly or indirectly. Medicines, THESE CHARGES WHOLLY LIBELOUS. A warded Gold Medal M idwinter Fair, San Francisco W hy was the Am erican Book Company against it, a n d these are alleged to have to th e fact th a t one book is more or !<••• Chemicals, A lthough advised by em inent counsel formed? T he answer is the sim plest thing taken place w ithin a few m onths after profitable to us than another, CHURCH DIRECTORY th a t the charges m ade against our com ­ Perfumery, in the w orld—for econom y and efficiency the organization of the com pany. And agents are not inform ed as to which 1 •< p an y are clearly libelous, and woi’K Stationery, pay copyright and which do not; or in conducting the school-book business. though the cam paign o f abuse and defa R E S B Y T E R IA N C11UKCH, Florence, form the basis o f successful suits, both O regon. S ab b ath s e rv ic e . S ubbath- Wall Paper, It was th o u g h t th a t the com bined skill ination has been actively carried on ever th e relative profitableness of differ ST. PAUL crim inal and civil, if they were m ade I school, 10 o ’clock a. m. P reach in g 11 p of the m ost experienced aud sagacious since, its authors aud prom oters have not publications. As a sound busim Blank Books, against us as individuals, we shall not o ’clock a. 111. and 7 p. in. S a c ram en t of M IN N E A P O L IS _ publishers, the com bined ju d g m e n t of been able to add to these old and false our object is to m aintain a high re, th e L o rd ’s su p p er on 1st S abbath of hide behind our corporate organization Toilet Articles, tion and secure perm anency oi sale D U L U T H accusations, grown threadbare with use. th e^ m o st accom plished editors, and ju ­ J a n u a ry , A pril, J u ly a n d October. or w ait for the custom ary slow m otion of Window Shades, After citing the above cases, this “re­ supplying books of the 1 »h's! Everybody is welcome to all th e services. dicious use o f large capital in stiinul 1- FARGO ___________ th e courts. We do not shrink from the P asto r requests C h ristia n s to m ake Physicians’ Prescriptions Carelully tin g the best authorship, would bring port” goes on to say: “ These are only and o f the xinris which will be mo 1 TO GRAND FO RKS broader trial o f this issue by th a t public th em selv es know n. th e greatest m easure of success; that the specific instances; hut the history of this factory U> 0111 pations. A cm ,—( 'u n i poll m ie d .—. C R O O K S T O N _______ I. G . K notts , P astor. before whom we have been accused, as bringing together o f these forces would com pany’s operations in Mississippi, Mis policy o f forcing poor books that ai we have com plete confidence in its sense W IN N IP E G w anted upon any s ta t e o r section ri ’ tend to utilize the highest educational souri, Ohio, New Jersey, and other states FT 11»»1)1 ST E P IS C O P A L C III'K C II o f fairness a n d justice, aud therefore H E L E N A a n d _______ service. Pi'eaching nt (llenuda ev­ th o u g h t and crystallize it into the best gives us the im pression th at its m ethods foolish to m e r i t a m om ent's con m a k e this public answer. tion. ire corrupt, and leads th is com m ittee to ery 4th S a b b a th s. Sabbath-S chool ev­ BUTTE text-books. Besides all this, there were ery S a b b a th a t 10 a. in. P ra y e r m eet­ TH E SOURCE OF THESE SLANDEROUS BJS- th e very obvious econom ies in consolida­ ihe alm ost irresistible conclusion that IS TH E AM ERICAN BOOK (> < : \ V ing every T hnrw liiy evening nt the TORTS. TIL1C TO PUBLIC E >V i i’)N tin g th e agency operations for placing this is a well-defined policy of the com ­ e h u reli. Every body cordially invited. T here is but one reasonable explanation th e books, and the m erchandizing opera­ pany itself in the selection of some of To the charge in the rej « 1 ‘ 1 Ci. W . Q uimby , TO Pastor. as to the source o f these attacks. T hey tions o f d istributing them to consum ers. its agents ami instrum entalities.” m onopoly is (lisas$rous to 0111 W hat does the w riter of this villainous school system ,” and th at *' em anate from some com petitor in busi­ All these econom ies enable the Company C H IC A C O pu NOTARIES. upon honorable m en know cheated of the right to 1 n e ss who has the skill to m ake use of to furnish the best possible text-books at attack W A S H IN G T O N mj ,. --J a R » venal or gullible persons to publish and th e lowest possible prices. T he Ameri­ ol the history of this oom pany in the teachers, good scluxils and good i P H IL A D E L P H IA ° ’o pictow *“ v circulate his own attacks and calum nies can Book Com pany, by a t once increas­ states named? N othing whatever; and we answer th a t thia is a ba«e at ' A. R. BUTTOLPrl, N E W YORK TO for him , expecting iti this way to build in g its discount and inaugurating m et'.1 ne is challenged to produce any proof of atrous accusation not only eg n t any transaction on our p art inconsistent against the teachers ami s< h«.ol him self up by defam ing the character of ods for regulating the retail prices SALT LAKE, D E N V E R , BOSTO N ANO A L L .1 itti li’ir and honorable dealing. his com petitors. These reports, w hich m iddlem en, greatly cheapened tin ties of the state o f O re g o u . P P O IN T S E A S T «nil S O U T H And Collector. O M A H A , K A N S A S C IT Y , fin s defam atory report continues: “ It effect th a t your teachers are copied as news by the various country o f school books to the people; >r 1 For inform ation, tim e card ., m ap , and ticket», Office tw o doors w est of Florence H otel. will also appear th at its m ost reckless superintendents allow tin journals, illustrate the fine a rt of procur­ establishing its own depots in ditf S T . L O U IS call on or writo F lo rs n o e , O r o g o n . C H IC A G O , .ml successful operations have been con- hoodw inked and cheated \ , in g free advertising. sections o f th e country, enabled t <• A N U ALL ii.yd to what it probably considers the of school books. Ko staten.» n ’ lie everyw here to readily obtain it - p . . ▲ “ h id d en monopoly .” A. D. C H A R L T O N , E A S T E R N C IT IE S , u k woods states of W est V irginia, Mis- m ore untrue o r utii'.Ht to 1 JOE MORRIS, Jr A ssistant G eneral Passenger Agent. I t is charged th a t the A m erican Book lications at the reduced prices. - j ; i, Mi-aouri, California, Washing- m inded ar.d intelligent il s < P o r tla x id O r . C om pany was incorporated in New HAS A TRUST BEEN CREATED AND , .iu• Express T rain s Lem Portland Dally. i^ricultural com m unities are quite in­ w hether or not it is true. \7 I N o rth and w hat were the subsequent steps of its no m onopoly, coercion, or o p p n - South I telligent, honest, «cd high m inded in th a t no body of men have ever d 1 Q u ic k e r t o O m a h a a m i 6:1 ft p in I', .rt Ifiiitl A r I M 20 E ugene, • * O regon Lv corporate developm ent? In the publication and sale o f sch Eugene Eugene Lv 1 2:44 KaiiNHH C it y . th eir dealings, and as capable of taking m ore to stim ulate p opular edm nti I 12:07 p m l.v New Jersey was chosen because its books th e exercise o f neither of tin \r S an EraneiKCO Lv | 7:00 p M cldireii’H B uilding, jr^p-li<>onn 7 nod H ID:Ift n m care of them selves and their own inter­ foster progressive and enlighten. I m< • to collection» and pro- fippcTtil in ten tio n given te stop a t all statio n s from Port- law s are m ore favorable to m anufactur­ powers is possible. Authors, and wotil n A novc trnliis t bate biiHincMH. T h r o iig li P u ll m a n a m i ToiirlM » S le e p e r « land t U I . h i . v Inclusive; also T angent, Bhedds, ing interests like ours than the laws oi be authors, are as num berless as “ t e ests, as are m anufacturing and trading ods of teaching, arouse edn< H arrisburg. Ju n ctio n «Tty. Irving, Eu Hal com m unities. T he facts are t i n t there tho u g h t, and genera ly uromot<- t h F r e e l l e e l l n l n g < h a lr C ar«, 1, ......... m isittcks. D rain s am i a ll statio n s from som e other states, and because several of sands o f the sea,’’ and capital and pres>t Roseburg lu A shland inclusive. L. BILYEU, lA ln h ig C ar«. have been no new introductions or whole­ tellectual growth of \r e country, t 1.li­ our large stockholders, who becam e d i­ are everyw here available to p rint KOHKBl'KG MAIL, DAILY. For rates and general inform ation call on or rectors, reside there. As is required and book. T here are at the .present ti t sale changes in books in W est Virginia, the m en who, ** sch<*idxx>k publishers*, p in P ortland a 20 a ni 1 ,v .A r 1 4:30 were the preu-* * «^»r» of the American California, ami Oregon since the forma address 10 26 a in custom ary, “ a principal place of busi Eugene in th e U nited States, according to 2 BO P III Lv Lv 1 7 00 a in ' ation of this com pany, in which it could Book Com p ar.. and have accom Roseburg ft:ft0 p iu 1 ! Ar l v . n . i f v i t i . i t r i t T , ness” was designated in th a t state. Tin official trade organ, The Pubb< EJu.g©ra®, - ’ O r is o n . have shared. The W ashington adoption D in in g C a ra o n O g d e n R o u te , Awft. G eni. Basa. Agent, New Jersey laws, however, are so strid W eekly, more than a hundred c>,. plisbed all these things by constantly Office over F lrft N ational Bank. ' occurred within a m onth after the com P u l l m a n B u ffe t S le e p e r s . th a t they require the nion-y w’ric’i rep 261 W ashington St Cor. 3d. PORTLAND, OR tions, firms,lUkd. houses issuing «• .-»rodneing, from tim e to tim e, the best 1 pany had com m enced business, so th at it AND resents stor k issued to be all actually pa p u b lication9 ^ « n d there are nearly 1 possible school text books. W c further L. R. J - I N S > , had little share iu th at. In Mississippi SE C O N D C L A SS SL E EPIN G C A R S. in: or, when the money is not so paid in thousand different volum es in curr assert th a t those who compose the pres­ and M issouri, under new laws, general attach ed to a ll T hrough Trains. that actual property at a cash valuatio publication. It is a m atter o f not r ent m anagem ent of the A m erican Book changes in bo<>ks have taken place in West side Division. sh ill be purchased as the basis for sto- am ong all teachers and school off» Com pany are still faithful to these high B etween P ortland and C orvallis __ . which this com pany has shared, aficr M VII. T B V I S D V II.V (F X < KI’T a V N O A Y .) issued. In this latter case the slot th at com petition betw een diff r» nt h - traditions, and are still doing for the All my work will be warranted to give m *st active com petion with many other S T A G E L IN E , 7 iv l>..rtl«;i.l Ar I J 3A » m certificates issued for property m i publishing school text-books ha- in schools of this country, through furnish- gathfaclion. Call on or write to me at I ’ i •, 11 m i \ r t orvallla Lv 11:00 p m publishing houses. bear «tamped on th e ir face, “ Issued f been m ore active th an since the f«> >;i big them with good books* all th a t ex- At \ l ' n\ a id < -t valli- connect w ith tra in s As to the “ bark woods” charge, it is a property purchased.” It was therefor of Oregon Pacific Railroad. tion of the Am erican Book Company, u perience and capital can accom plish. ' T I’B K " T I I V I S ' D V II.Y (i:X < K I’T S U M P A Y .) __ ¡act which can be dem onstrated by the Leave» Florence M onday», W ednee 011 sim ple grounds of convenience ai. th an exists at the present m oment. TIIE AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY IN account books of the com pany’s sales iu i hi p m I I v Portland Ar I J 2ft a »'» day» and Fridays. 7-25 p m | \ r McMIniiv ilte Lv | ft ftO a nt econom y th at a com pany was at fir-, PRROON. petition is even strong enough to »timu New E 'gl m d an.’, the M iddle and West- JOHN C. GRAY, A rriv e -n t Florence Tuesdays, Tliura- I t is charged th a t th is com pany, a n d , Through Tl. k. t- tn all points In th e Eastern form ed with this sm all capital, with late the wildest and basest slan ler> rn St »tes—th e odder and more densely duvs and Sa’ iiohiys. S t a t e « ., f'anatla ami Europe can la» o h ta ln c l at he “ com bination which has existed for view of afterw ards parch «sing the rt against a large and successful house like populated sections o f the country, where C onnects w ith S team er and S cotts­ l(»ue«t rates from I G. Adair, Agent, Eugene. burg Stage Line for D rain. Also with q aired properties and issuing proper! th e Am erican Book Com pany, wberev- 1 public education has longest been estab­ « a n y vears,” fram ed your te xt-book R K«»rni.ra. E P. Roo«W. The bent w«»rk a t th e m ost Rea« niable Price ■ Stage F ine for Coos Bay. C harge M anager A*«t. G F and I Agt. stock therefor, according to the statu and w henever an im portant adoption 1 lished—th at the test-books o f th is com ­ AWH, a u 1 th a t all your school-books, office over Greiigc Store , reasonable. Portland. Oregon. •except Brocks Norin d A rithm etic and law of th ta.«t books. Up, on the first incorporation of the com ­ evident purpose o f shifting the i$sue more sparsely settled regions. 1 lie thou as chaste a< ice a n d as f>nre as snow thou shall not escape calum ny. ” HORACE N. CRAIN, ANSWER OF THE E E tiE N E -F L O K E X C E ractical Watchmake STAGE LINE. E- Bangs, AMERICAN BOOK GO. Proprietor. TO ITS DEFAMERS. State Insurance Comp’y Head of Tide Hotel, Steam er fIKST RATIONAL |ANK Stobarts Florence to Yaquina. STEAM ER “ C O O S ,” E. HANSON, C lo th ie r... Florence awl Head of Tide. M E R C H A N T - TAILOR, HATS ( APS, ORTHERN PACIFIC. FLORENCE DRUG STORE. Sleeping Cars Elegant Dining Cars Tourist Sleeping P Cars M! THROUGH THROUGH TICKETS T IC K E T S Notary Public,Surveyor Notary Public, LundAgt Attorney nt Law, 3 ].9 DAYS ,0 CHICAGO THE HOURS HOURS Attorney at Law, Contractor awl RoiHer. Florence. - - O e. H.H. Barrett, Prop’r, DENTAL SURGERY. SHASTA ROUTE