eSc New Goods are Constantly Arriving at the Wealth is not necessary to enjoy the source of pleasure; and, where the mind is waiting to be pleased, the very sounds express understanding that the salaries was introduc T bb Oregonian find» the creameries oi fixed therein were for the time being, of life, rural or other, are each musical ------Among the Latest is an Elegant Line of----- Blackman, ai Tillamook county a success. OI course and only until the legislature might A H o U I T a b .« T ira la (h r D ead o f N ig h t with joy. Knowledge openes up her vote of the I a t S a a tti« , and B u r a s W ith they are. So would a large one in Sa­ storehouse for the winter evening, while B a a r ia ! B a r / . sentatives of Li lem, with plenty of capital, properly otherwise provide. Hence it will be ob­ piety silvers all of earth with divine served that Governor Pennoyer is justi- conducted, be a success.—State t man. act, which is a« goodness, striking a vista through its No less a success in Tillamook or Sa- fi«d in drawing his “ unconstitutional The state su ident of public in- deepest sorrow to that world where the In all Shades. The Choicest Selection Ever Brought to Florence. S battlb , Oct. 27.—Sixteen persons, lem than right here where we have the salary,” to which reference was repeat struction shallf • the direction of obedient are filled with the fulness of Also a full stock of Eider-down, Swan’s-down, Satins and Chain brays. edly made during the last campaign.— ten men, three women and three child­ the state board I pasture, cattle and capital. n ation, issue a cir- joy. We are also in receipt of a fine line of Fancy Goods, Silks, Laces. ren were burned to death in the West llilliboro Independent. cular to each "The Klamath county creamery com­ iperintendent and Street house early this morning. The It is when we cease to press forward, to each membe| pany, capitalised at |80X>,” says the WHERE IGNORANCE 1« NOT BLISS. state board of ex- bodies thus far identified are those of F. when we choose the part of laggards, aminers, con Star, “ is on foot and according to all jii.„ i list of the studies Bollman, M. Sorley, Angus McDonald, when we are satisfied and complacent, The American Book Company has is­ required to And provisions constantly arriving. Largest stock of boots and »boot, appearances will go into business and . .lig h t in the public sued a pamphlet to defend itself against 0 . Wilson, Anderson, Andrew Ot- gc(iooigj tO| when we do not desire further achieve­ | i h the wholesale, re- remain during the seasons to come.” Hats and Gents Furnishing Goods this side of Portland. terson, Mrs. Otterson, Andrew’s mother; ment or long for more knowledge or tail, exchanj Some enterprising and determined far­ some charges made by the Committee of ' 11 introductory prices Mrs. Huffinat and little son and daugh- seek for more truth, when we are con- Those who desire to have suits made to order, should not fail to call mer here should secure sutficient capi­ One Hundred in Portland. It matters list. Each person wotnan The bodies of i>ur men, ent to fold, our hands and rest upon little to the people of Oregon whether ter' build a creamery. Even the towns­ and have measurements taken. Elegant line of samples to select ■diall —MM oars aqol£ se T hb W est , published at Florence, less capital invested in their business; »Duost impossible, unfaithful to the voiced^conscience. So We are agents for the well known and responsible Firemen’s Fun I text-books preferred. The aforesaid latne county, lias put in its appearance long as our minds and hearts are grow­ The West Street house occupied the and London & Lancaster insurance companies. at this office. It is ably edited, and whether they are in a combination or county superintendents and state exam­ presents a very neat typographical ap­ out of it, or whether their sales in this uPF*r floor of a two-story corrugated iners shall transmit such circulars fully ing, will our ideals be rising and ex­ Remember you will always have fair and honest treatment at panding and drawing us upward and pearance. We send greeting and invite state amount to hundreds or thousands iron building that covers a quarter block answered Io the superintendent of public T ub W est to call again.—Riddle Enter- of dollars. The people want to know of ground at Columbia and West streets, onward to follow them. instruction, who shall cause the same to p ritt. whether this company is furnishing °ne block from the Northern Pacific Disinterestedness is that power which be laid before the state board of educa­ There is but one way to properly show books for our public schools that are the depot and near the business center of enables us, when engaged in any occu­ tion, and the text-book or series of text­ our appreciation for so high a compli­ best ami most modern works obtainable the city. The building was a mere shell books in any one branch receiving a ma­ pation, in any train of thought, in any ment. It is to read and profit by the at a cost as cheap as any other firm will of wood covered with iron. There were search for truth, or in any effort to do jority of all the votes of the county su­ excellence of the Enterprite, to which furnish the same kind of standard books several exits to the streets, but they good to others, to put aside our own in­ perintendents and state examiners shall our fraternal right hand is extended. were narrow. The halls were narrow for. terests, and not to allow them to influ­ be the authorized text-hook or series ence our minds or to bias our judgment. We have done just what all the oppo­ and the rooms small. Wholesale busi­ I t will be a new turn In political af­ of text-books in that branch in the pub­ Keeps a full line of Extra Quality fairs at Washington if the President and nents of any change in text-books have ness houses occupied the ground floor. lic schools of this state for six years Of course it is thus the very opposite of The hotel being near the railroad depot selfishness; but it is also something all the members of his cabinet take an not done, printed the law in full, and next succeeding the official announce­ active part in the can vass of New York T he W est patrons will read it. Pre­ and a cheap, reputable house, was much ment of the superintendent of public in­ more than this. It implies a certain power of concentration, a singleness of ___________________ 1 in order to carry that state for democ­ suming you have read it, we will ask a patronized by country people. struction ; it it further provided, that the The fire was undoubtedly caused by purpose, a oneness of aim, which can racy. If official positions, from Presi­ question to answer, and our columns HARDWARE, TINWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, publishers of text-books or series of text- dent down, are to become the heads of are open for such communications. the explosion of a lump in the kitchen liooks that may be adopted under this and does for the time being banish from the mind all toat is extraneous to the political organizations in the several Suppose, in accordance with the pro­ in the rear of the house. The proprie­ HATS & CAPS, MEDICINES, NUTS & CANDIES, act shall be required to file a good and object we have on hand and fix our states, it will result in a law of official visions of section 2 of the act, a whole­ tor’s son was aroused by the noise of an sufficient bond for the performance of TOBACCO, CIGARS, FURNISHING GOODS- thoughts and desires upon it alone. sale dealer offers to furnish a standard explosion about 1 o ’clock, but before he decapitation after one term. any or all of agreements made with fifth reader at 50 cents, and takes in could investigate, the flames had spread Worry is a baneful curse and source E hulish law regarding anarchists is them by the state board of education even exchange all the Barnes’ National all through the house. The corrugated Prices W ill be Found Reasonable ao rigid and so thoroughly enforced, that that they shall maintain the wholesale of untold evils. It seams the face with Goods as Represented. fifth readers, which are now in use and iron sheeting kept the flames hid until ; lines and furrows, and has a most de- ttiese menacers of public welfare and and retail prices for the period of thélr for which the people pay a dollar, nearly the whole interior was a furnace. individual life and liberty, are singly adoption, which prices shall be named pressing effect upon that hypersensitive and the American Book Company makes The thin partitions were of resinous and in small parties, so it is stated, com­ in the proposals of publishers to the organ, the stomach, which at such times their proposition for the old price for pine covered with cheese cloth and they ing to this country, assuming they will state board of education prior to the becomes a most unwilling and laggard the Barnes* reader, or raises the price burned furiously. It was not until the be better protected at they propose at adoption of such text-books; and it it servant. Indeed, it is safe to say, that fifty cents, must our county board of flames were seen dancing in the windows once to join the Populist party. We further provided, that publishers shall unless encouraged by a cheerful temper examiners vote for no change? The by the people in the street that an alarm have enough of Herr Most’s anarchistic also file with each county superintendent and bright or at least hopeful thoughts, Now is the time for an examination of our stock of Dry Pomona Grange and their three organs of fire was turned in by a policeman. doctrines preached in thia country, and and member of the state board of exam­ the stomach will play truant or sulk Goods, for fall and winter uses, by the people of the in Eugene have instructed them to do When the firemen arrived the fire did and do no work which it can shirk. Tlie i foreigh recruits should be turned iners a copy of the proposals furnished Siuslaw country. You will find the latest styles and so. When this new law came up for not present an alarming aspect. The l at our very threshold. to and for the consideration of the state physiological explanation of this is the the lowest prices at J. H. McClung’s Dry Goods House. passage, the desire of the legislature people at the windows were rescued close alliance of the great sympathetic I t is to be hoped that the claim of was to delegate its power for changes in with ladders and boards, some escaping board of education, and also that the ____ _ publishers (whose books are adopted) nerves, which are worse than the tele­ OUR METHODS OF ttITSTNFSS. seme of o»r exchanges to the effect that text-books in our public schools, into with hardly any clothes. ! » be rcig^ *1 to place a printed card graph for carrying bad news; the worry the proposed new law advocated by the more competent hands, and to them No house enjoys a better patronage than ours from the At 2:45 the fire was under control and and anxiety which depress the brain Press Association about legal publica­ none seemed better equipped for the the firemen were able to enter the shell in each school-house, giving the whole­ people on the Coast, and this is attributable to our methods paoduce simultaneously a semi-paralysis tions, is not narrowed down to the offi­ service than those elected by the people of iron. At the head of the stairs at the sale and retail prices of all books pub­ of selling goods at very low prices, and the quality of of the nerves of the stomach, gastric cial paper in each county. Representa­ to represent their educational interests West street entrance they found the lished by them, and selected for use in goods as represented. This is especially true of our juices will not flow, and presto! there is tive Moorhead, editor of the Junction in the State at large and in the various body of a man pinned to the floor by the the public schools of this state; provided Ladies’ and Gents’ boots and shoes and foot-wear of all kinsis. that the said state board of edu- indigestion. One sign of mental health City Times, in commenting on thia sub­ countie» as well. Together with select- nuns of a bed. He had apparently just further, ,. . . . .. , . . I. ... , , . cation shall, prior to said election, issue is serenity of temper and a self-control WE CARRY THE LARGEST stock ject says: “The measure will be bitterly , ing those competent to buy text-books heard the alarm and was dressing when , . . , . . , . „ , . a circular to all of the leading school that enables us to bear with equanimity It is generally known in Lane eounty that the largest opposed and as we happen to be a mem­ s the desire to have each county rep- overcome by smoke and suffocated, for , , . . . . . . . , . .v . '»ok publishers in the United States, and unruffled the petty trials and jars of stock of merchandise is to be found at our store, and this ber of the next session we'll fight it to resented m making the purchase, and on|y clothing he had on was his , . . . , . „ . . . . * . . , „ . , which circular shall set forth all the de- life, especially those arising from con­ fact proves that we have no questionable methods of doing the bitter end and we are satisfied that it looked to ns then B and now, that it is trousers and loots. Continuing their . , .. . business, and the future will be but a repetition of the past u .u « j. , tails relative to said introduction of text- tact with scolding, irascible, irritating Senator Alley of the Florence W est will exceedingly difficult for any book firm •earch, the firemen discovered corpse , , . folks. It is well to remember at such when our friends call and buy from our well-assorted stock. .u. - . . „ v . . . . . 1,00,18 ior u,e ,n the public schools of lend his able hand to defeat a measure . to go over this State and buy up a ma- after corpse, until by 4 o’clock they had „ .. , times that these unfortunates are their . . . . . . . . j «». o . , , Oregon as said state lioard of education so discriminating in its results." There jority of the county superintendent« in counted fifteen. Subsequently another , , , , , «. . L . . . . . . . . . . may deem for the best good of the publie own worst enemies, and a cultivation of is not the least reason to question the , favor of text-books of an inferior uual- Wtt8 found. In one of the hallways a , . . . . . . . . . service, and said circular of the state the art of not hearing will help us very correctness of our position as presumed ity and . at . prices injurious to the buying body charred and black, with not a ves- . . . . . „ . board of education to publishers shall much. It is a very useful art all through by the Timet. So long as this system public. The next consideration was the llt?e <" clothing was found. A little . . . . . , set forth all requirements in detail as life and well worth some trouble to ac­ of one paper in a county is being point­ lullest right of competition among all lurther on in the same passageway foi|owg: quire. ed out as the “official" journal, so long dealers, and the last consideration was wa" was another aooih^r twwlv body, evidently * that i oi , a „ 1. Relative to such samples of text- A M UC H ABUSED EDITOR. will the greater part of the public be ig­ to prevent too frequent changes. woman. face upward and hands out- as ghai, forwarded by tliem tQ Dealer in norant of important county affairs. The To illustrate how little study or atten- «retched as if fighting for her life and „ute board of education, county super- It is said that the head of the editor one paper publication must necessarily tion such important questions receive appealing for assistance which never ¡„tendents, and state board of examin- of tlie Eugene Guard is as bald ae a have two results which tend seriously by those who ought to be interested came. erg for examinatiaB with a tQ ¡n_ billiard ball, and lie lias a separate wig for every day of the month, by the con­ to diminish the security of a people enough to know the facts, we quote an The saddest sight of all was found in troduction Gents’ Carpets, secutive use of which he is able to make Glassware, upon good government. In the first item from a Creswell correspondent to an inside room. There, calmly laying people believe that the hair on his head F am ish ing Boots and 2. The wholesale, retail, and intro­ Groceries, place it is not possible for all the people the Eugene Guard, as follows: in a charred and blackened bed, was ev- ■ is his own and that it grows. At the Goods. Shoes. ductory rates which publishers shall Etc. Etc. to take the “official” paper and follow end of tlie month he lays aside the long­ After reading the articles in the Htate idently the entire family. The father submit to the said members of the state up the fluctuations as it scintillates papers on the school book question we lay on one side, the wife next to him haired wig for a dose trimmed one.— Headquarters for from one paper to another in the county ,»‘ll to wondering if it would not be a and a little child near by. In an adjoin- hoard of education, county superintend­ Roseburg Plaindealer. ents and state examiners, also all copies seat. In the next it compels the author­ good idea for the taxpayers of each coun­ ty to send an honest man to Salem this ‘ng r° ° m " """ n,orv horrible 8i«hu of bids and propositions to be made by ities to withdraw, from the available Highest Price Paid for Country Produce. winter to report if any of our represen- ,n tlle corner of a small inside room, the eaid publishers to the state board of ■ourcea o in ormation to all the people, tativrs were in favor of such a scheme of <«o charred and naked skeletons met EUGENE...................................................OREGON. education, county superintendents ami a part of the preee of the county, end robbery, so that they might lie called the gaze; the flesh was burned from state examiners; provided further, that taxes the same eitieens to support one of home and serenaded with tar and featli- each, and the first, that of the man. the said state board of education shall theee journals. It is, always has been er8’ Ever>’ honest man in the Slate , .waya Has oeen ■ - - ............................... seemed to be fighting the impending and ought to be condemned ae the rank- O|,',O8C8 iu J'O,’O,IJ’ but those who want prepare and submit to all publishers to gouge the people favor it and noliody ’buigcr. Immediately liehiml him, also competing suclU uniform schedules of eet and moat unjust discrimination. but a bnlw taker will vote for a change bolt upright, and clutching Ids waist price lists ,.ich said publishers Ws have an example in hand. A re­ in liooks. When the candidates were was tlie skeleton of a woman, must comply in entering into competi­ port is just out from the county officials here last summer telling the voters wmat Tlie ey„ wvn. from the sock- tion for such Aloption of text-books; . showing the financial condition oi ths they were going to do they said nothing corner of the room where about the necessity of being begged and * • n ___ further, that the said state provided county. Notwithstanding it has been petitioned not to rob us after they got to lhe uPI»r parts of ‘be walls are burned , , , may require said published in three papers, or all the pa­ Salem. away is an unburned spot upon the floor C A L L ON OR A D D R E S S publishers to establish at such conven­ pers, in Eugene, II an instantaneous The mem tiers of the next legislature and *n'l on t>vtli both corner walls walls. In that place, vote was demanded of the people in the will have no more voice in the change of »gainst the wall sat the wife, dead, her ient points in this state principal depots T H E L A N E C O U N T Y L A N D A L O A N CO., county as to how many had seen it, not text-books for our publie schools than arms about the waist of her dead hus­ of supply or depositories for general dis­ EUGENE. O REG O N. tribution of text-books; and further pro- one-half could answer in the affirma­ the idiot who wrote that paragraph. band, who sat before her on the floor, Read carefully the following affidavits by prominent citiaens regarding Flor. Erysipolaa In Faoa and Eyaa viited, that they may require said pub­ tive. There is as much justice in an And the Guard, with its usual fairness, ence property, now on tbe market at wonderfully reduced price«: bis feet and arms burned off, his eyes Tor- lishers to establish in each county suffi­ In fla m m a tio n Subduod “official” undertaker, dry goods, gro­ gives color to tne truthfulness of such burned out, ami her hands burned off. turoa Endod by Hood's. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : cient and suitable depositories whereby cery and hardware store, supported by foolish statements, by sub-heading it " I am so glad to b* reHered of my I T H E C Z A R IS IM P R O V IN G that I am willing to M il the benefit« I hare de­ I hereby certify that I was the original owner of the property known ae Frasier all the wants of school patrons and the funds of tbs county, as there is in w ith : “ Plain Talk on the School Book rived from Hood'« Sarsaparilla. In A pril and and Berry's part ot Florence, which E. J. Frasier is now offering for mle. That tbe school children may be supplied ; and it an “official” paper. It is important Question.” May, I waa afflicted with eryelpelae la my faee 8 t . P btbbsbi ' ko . Oct. 27.—The bulletin same is level and free from drifting sand. That fruit trees and shrubbery do wel it further provided, that said publishers, and eyes, which spread to my throat and neek. that tbs people are informed upon cer­ issuvd from Livadia at 8 this evening We claim no more for onr personal I tried divers ointments and alleratlvaa, bat upon said land and the same is desirable for residence property. J G S tivzxsom wae ao permaaent abatement of the bera- 8upt. Public Schools, Lane county. tain business in state and county, and opinion than that of an appeal to reason, says: “ Neither somnolence nor spas­ in competing for said slection of text­ I there ’ bb . tortartne pain, peculiar to this complaint. they are willing to be taxed reammably t h e r e i n . . Our eounty superint.nd- modic symptoms were olieerved to-day. books for use in ths public schools of I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and i 8B A L I . , ?“b8CLri,’« i * nd to before me this 6th F ait M arked Relief this state, must comply with all of the I o t the cost, but it is just as important ent should not vote for a change in any His majesty’s appetite is satisfactory. I » day of March, 1892. J osbph A. M obbis , before I had finished the tr e t bottle. I con­ rules and regulations relative thereto that each information should reach of the text-books named in tlie catalogue, The oedema did not incrwMe as usual.” tinued to Improve until, when I had taken four Notary Public. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : them through ths home journal tliey unless the standard of tin work is equal The bulletin is signed by the five doc­ made by the said state lioard of educa- Being first duly sworn I depose and say: That I have been a resident of Flor­ tion of the state of Oregon, and for or brtter and will be furnished st a Isos tors in attendance. ence, Lane County, Oregon, for the past twelve years; that I am familiar and wel — - ---- which purpose, and to secure full coin -. cost to purchasers. Tbs quality of food acquainted with tbe property known as “ Frasier and Berry’s part of Florence,’ SALAMES OF STATE OFFM IRB. I bob all account» tbs Pacific coast pliance with the same, the state board of for students' minds first and tbs cost coal has proved satisfactory to those education shall require of said publish- that the same it admirably suited for residence property, being perfectly level and ree from drifting sand. That fruit trees and shrubbery grow well in tbe toil and In an address before the Oregon Bar next. As we have entire faith in the having In charge the experiments for era such bonds as they may deem reas- that pure well water is found on the same at a depth of from ten to fifteen feet. Association at Portland last week Judge capability and honesty ef our county ths government. Ten thousand tons of onable and sufficient for carrying out bottlee. I was completely cored, and felt that aU ? a J osbph A. M orris , Merchant. Shattuck spoke la regard to the salaries superintendent, ws have confidence that Fairhaven and Blue Canon coal were »»ij rules and requirements. “ • '.‘ • » » d symptoms t l that dire eaaa- plaiat had forever vaalshed." Mas. K. E ef the state offi<-era. Hr was a member all will ha satisfied at the outcome of the ' Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th O t t a w a . Hillsboro. Wiwonein. tried on tlie (hips engaged in the Behr­ day of March. 1892. L. B ilybf , Dr. Price'» Cream Baking Powdet of ths constitutional convention and issue so far as be is concerned. ing sea patrol. H ood’s Pills are prompt and efflclent r»1 Notary Public V«rt^.F '•FM rmgtw.« MnialeedlNefeaie. sale of school books 1 tl ■■ Senate by Senator srricj by a unanimous i: 1 all the Repre- .nty voting for the . F r e s i i U ix i© o f C 3 -ro o © ri© s » H u rd i 5 i UavEiipiiris THE SEATON STORE DRY GOODS S GROCERIES; Knowles & Cettys, Managers. f)B Y GOODS AND CLOTHING. . J.H IM , * * ♦ “ I LEAD, B U T N EVER FO LLOW !" S. H. Friendly ^ ^ 3 D ^ C ^ ^ A N ^ C L ^ r ïïr N E ; HOPS, WOOL, WHEAT, OATS AMD BARLEY REAL ESTATE! For Bargains in Real Property B u r n in g P a in HOOD’S Sarsaparilla CURES sast la action. Sold by all