BANDON, sojourn in their city pleasant. They ' bv one or three men, they are no longer OUR FIRST TRIP TO -------- certainly succeeded. If any men on ' free. Whenever they must step out of T ill- P a u l u s o f T w o B a r . —T o w n s a n i l this coast know the art of entertaining employment from mills, manuf.icturies, (ORIGINAI. ANU SELECTED.) — 1 1 BLWHSU ÏVXBY M IIIUY MOIIM.'.o.— T '> w ii« p c u p le , I ik I and the fraternity, and are gifted by nature stores, shops, railroads, printing olrices, New Goods are Constantly Arriving at tito S it u a t io n « . — AT— The first main- thing a man has to do with the warmest instincts of hospital­ . and from every highway of labor, nt the Jk.oaïxvr, K in s C ovxtv , O rixiox . summons of one man, th a t man is a ity, the newspaper men of Marshfield ill tliis world is to turn his possibilities V.'e stepped on hoard the tug Liberty, are they. Our warmest thank for their into powers, or to get tlie use of him ­ king, and may be a tyrant. W henever at G .adha r, thanks to the kindness of X ue backbone of tho strike is broken. one or » half dozen men may, by a sin­ self. generous hospitality. her captain who desired to show us the But we are loitering long on the road P atient endurance of misfortune will gle word, Btop tho wheels of commerce, entrances to one river and a bay, and P .E . P bejwbbcast was sent over the for our destination is B ¿3 alone half conquer it, while im patient create w ant, impoverish innocent the engine is in motion, ami soon we see liver of death with a rope »round his BAMXJN. m urm uring does but increase tlie bur­ women and children, cause m urder, riot the colors floating at the life saving sta­ Beck on July 13, at 1! : IS, w ithin the So the train is boardi 1 at Marshfield den which we bear. Among the Latest is an Elegant Line of- anil even guerilla warfare, then we must tion as if to salute our staunch craft walla of the Oook county jail yard. and an hour later Coquille ( ity is adm it th a t free government is a failure T h e sm allest and most inconsiderable steaming out over the Umpquu bar. Duns is not king over all the working and American liberty an imagination “ These North winds have caused the reached, where we meet comrade lio n . annoyances are the most piercing. As people, and especially so in the South, and not a reality. Branches of a secret shoaling of th is b ar,” said the captain, Walter Sinclair and Hon. J. S. M’Ewen, small letters worry the eye most, so also lie ordered the American Railway society th at are bound together by such as be looked behind for ranges and for­ E ditor of tho He. aid, and other com­ the smallest affuirg disturb us most, In all Shades. The Choicest Selection Ever Brought to Florence. Union men in Kentucky to strike, but strong oaths th a t the dispute» of one ward at the w ater. Like all other bars rades ami friends. We have seen for A Christian when ho makes a good Also a full stock of Eider-down, Swan's-down, Satins and Chnmbrays. the first time, at Coquillo, the river of profession should be sure to make his with a man or men not their own, be­ they refused to do so. on this coast th at of the Umpqua needs We are also in receipt of a line line of Fancy Goods, Silks, Laces. the same name, m il we might have im ­ profession good. It is sad to see many comes a common cause for all, regard­ P resident D ebs is a Populist, and this less of the consequences to those who jetties to insure an even depth of water agined th at we wen almost home as the walk in the dark themselves who carry accounts for th e strong resolutions are not implicated in the disagreement, at all seasons of the year. stream so much res. nbles our own Si- a lantern for others. As we lay lazily on the large hawser passed by th at party ’s State Centra! menaces the existence of a free govern­ uslaw. But as wo embark and proceed Largest stock of boots and shoes, Tiie “ last word” is the most danger­ And provisions constantly arriving. committee in Oregon in favor of the m ent. W henever and w herever an or­ of the Liberty, smoking and chatting towards the river's mouth, we find the ous of infernal m achines; and the. hus­ Hats and Gents Furnishing Goods this side of Portland. with the well-informed captain, we strike, and advocating more stringent i ganization prevents men from obtaining Isittoui lands much wider than here. band and wife should no more fight to drank in the beauty of the varied scen­ boycotting. To tell the tru th , th re is not a better employment, it i» open violation of the get it than they would for the possession Those who desire to have suits made to order, should not fail to call ery along the coast between the Ump­ farming country t' - en along the right in pursuit c ‘ happiness, anil is u and have measurements taken. Elegant line of samples to select of a bombshell. qua river and Coos Bay. We must go S ince we have renewed activity in crime. W henever men of a secret or­ C o q u i l l e , a m i th b - ntage to a eoun- close under the shallow» of tho head­ Florence incident upon the coining*}»- from, cither from Chicago or San Francisco. No one can witness the life of a great giuented hy try ’s prosperity is ganization become mobs amt guerillas land to the South- of the entrance to. propriation for our h'arbor, the town and s u 'd man from day to day without to m urder, destroy property by powder lYiibing somefliing of its flavor. No / We are’agefits for the well known and respohsTKIS W réméO'"Fund' Coos Bay, and the iftrtg' Jetty* to ih p i i in t ‘ n y < 7 j ■> should, keep pace w ith the times and O il the w’iiarf indon tire cords of and fire, then laugh in fiendish delight South of it leaves no doubt in the niari order moro im provements dono. Let one can bear the records of his life w ith­ and London & Lancaster insurance companies. nt tho ruin they have wrought, Liat so­ white cedar t is called “ match tiers’ mind as to the exact course that us show to the incoming people that out venerating goodness more th an ever Remember you will always have fair and honest treatment at w ool.” It is ,. n presumable th at it is ciety should be suppressed by law. m ust be taken to safely enter the har­ we are alive. Ix-iore. all converted into matches, but mostly Itow long do you think a secret organi­ bor. The 2 2 'j fei't of water on the Coos — --------' Deep love can do much, even when in A ouerii . i . a warfare has been com­ zation would be allowed to.exist if com­ Bay bar at low tide and during all sea­ used in other departm ents of manufac­ deep poverty. posed of all the men who employ labor­ turing institutions, where fine finishing menced by the strikers in California. sons of the year, are texts for a sermon Let him th at would move the world A train was wrecked and the engineer ers, who, when a dispute arose between in favor of jetty building by the Gov­ timber is required. The subduing march of agricultural progress and the first move himself. and lirem an shot to th eir death by one and bis employes, the whole should ernm ent. spread cvery-whero of the pulsing veins Well arranged time is a sign of a well- strikers in am bush. The remedy for discharge their help in sym pathy and Coos Bay is a body of w ater that sueli acts should come as swiftly and coercion? To stop this growing anar- justly merits its praises. The pictures and arteries of commerce, are rapidly ordered mind. surely as it came to Price’s arm y during chistieal sentim ent in this country, we of imagination of the Bay are enlarged bringing the whole area of resources Sow good services; sweet remem­ into prominence on the Coquille. A brances will grow from them . should close the bars of immigration. Keeps a full line of Extra Quality tlie war,. when enlightened hy experience, for the pressing example of this is the marvel­ We can get along without foreign Anar­ There is no social problem capable of expanse is greater than the inexperi­ W hile in Bamlon we called upon the chists b etter than we can w ithout lib- j ous m anner in which the lum ber men being solved at a single blow. enced conceive, while the ins and outs editor of the lleroriler at his sanctum, erty, freedom and country. are shouldering their way to the tore. of the shore linen add varied food for a The usual fortune of complaint is to talked over the difficulties of newspaper There are several large saw-mills to be W hen taken as a excite contem pt more than pity. J ohn .M ost , chief Anarchist and edi­ lover of scenery. HARDWARE, TINWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, work, rejoiced with him th at we had so seen along the river, hut unlike other whole, Coos Bay has an area of water Whoso extinguishes in a man one feel­ far held our heads above the depressed tor of the red Hug Populist organ Die places passed, none are idle. One of HATS & CAPS, MEDICINES, NUTS & CANDIES, which comes and goes to the Pacific financial condition of the times and Frielieit, published in a recent issue of these mills that we passed was notice- ing of benevolence, partly kills him. th a t leaves no doubt about its cutting a A cheerful tem per spreads like the hoped for better days to soon arrive. his fiery sheet a three-column editorial aide, th at of Captain J. Parker, for ev­ TOBACCO, CIGARS, FURNISHING GOODh deep track to the ocean. The resources The Bandon Jlecnrder is an excellent on the folly of assassinating iiotentates ery part of the workings is so thor­ daw n, and all vapor» disperse before it. of the country in many banks of excel­ paper, one of our oldest exchanges and by the pistol instead of the surer and Look the world honestly in the face, oughly systematized th a t the largest Goods as Represented. Prices W ill be Found Reasonfible lent coal, forests of tim ber and yet un­ quicker weapon—the knife. The intro­ its editor a hospitable gentleman. results are produced for the labor. The w ith an equal manly sym pathy for the told acres of farming lands, are the nu­ ductory paragraphs of the editorial con­ Captain is a progressive man, full of great and the small. Os oxe day Governor I’ennoyer par- sist of a denunciation of the A narchist cleus to the building of a large city ami resources and owns his own tug, a To read with profit tlie attention must «bned five m urderers and four other cabinet-m aker, l.ega, who attem pted to an exalted commerce on Coos Bay. staunch craft that we examined at Ban­ he so fixed that the mind shall see ideas But here we are at. the wharf of Em­ criminals. A few days afterward» he assassinate the Italian Prime Minister, don. as the eye sees objects. pire City near the mouth of the Bay, Crispi. Most says l.ega was a fool for granted three pardons. And on the Comrade Colonel Rosa is another Duty is carrying on prom ptly and and an old, dreaniy-looking town it is. « O • ______ n ex t day he spoke of the “growing not using a tru n y knife or a good bomb. prom inent mill man and a dealer in faithfully the affairs now before you. It It lias Its advantages, however, but the spirit of anarchy.” The next day Colo­ If an A narchist should he a professional lumber. On tlie wharf at Bandon we is to fulfill the claims of to-uay. rado's adju tan t general was tarred and sharp-shooter, says Most, he m ight use one th at has mostly fostered life and noticed a large stock of white cedar lum ­ coni men ial activity is the large saw-mill All that m ankind iias done, thought, O 9 • feathered, and before twenty-four hours the pistol with some success. Tho ber owned by Comrade Rosa, that is as which probably gave employment to a gained, or been, is lying as in magic France’s president had been stabbed to knife he recommends above all things handsome a product as the world can half-hundred men, but now its wheels preservation in the pages of books. the h eart by an Italian anarchist. Yes, because it makes no noise, but is quiet, produce. If that lum ls'r—broad inch are resting upon rusty axles and a sin­ If f >r some of us, and sometimes all of the spirit of anarchy is growing, but it silent and sure. The interesting climax hoards and two-inch planks—was on gle watchman comprises the list on the us, action cannot mean doing, then re- , had received, a cheek in the United ill Moat’s editorial is the moral which he the docks of Chicago or New York, it pay rolls. mem ber bearing too is action—oflenest j draws from the various attem pts made States until Altgeld broke out in Illinois would command n fortune. AS FOLLO W S: There are three Isiats running be- its hardest part. and Waite i.i Colorado and Tillman in hv European Anarchists to assassinate The building of jetties at Bandon is M en’s S u its f r o m ......... ÎC. 00 to flO.OO G ood C a n to n F l a n n e l ............................. tweeen Em pire ami Marshfield. The ¡5.00 to 8.50 B e tte r q u a l ity C a n to n F ia n n e l........... lOe Y o u th ’s S u its fro m ... Fools must experience a tiling them ­ tlie South and-------- .—Salem Stalctman. prominent persons, and then concludes not keeping pace with the fruitfulness M en's S h o es fro m ................. 1.00 to B.CO A p ro n C h ec k G in g h a m s ....................... 8*.,e 2.50 to 5.00 his graphic Populistic article with these first Io leave Empire after our arrival of the soil and the products of the mills selves before they will believe it; and D ress G in g h a m s ........................................ 10e M en’s B oots f r o m ..................... 1.00 to 2.00 A lin e lo t <>f .-irtndrtn» P r i n t s ............... 6’ ,c Boy«’ B oots fro m was the Blanco, and with seven other 3.25 to 3.60 E vidently from facts before us, Pull­ w ords: D o u b le fold D ress F la n n e l.................. 2oc M en 's R u b b e r H u n tin g B o o ts and large creameries to he seen on ev­ then, rem aining fools, they wonder that •• •• K nee Boot«, E le g a n t O n tln g F la n n e l 12?ac passengers we hoarded her for Marsh­ 2.75 s o m e th in g E le g a n t m an does not intend to open his simps “ Tl o !e.-isi n which w e m at learn from H a n d k e rc h ie fs fro m 6c u p w a rd . ery hand on the Coquille. The progress their children will not heed their testi­ 3.26 to 3.50 L a d ie s ’ S h o es fro m 1.25 to 2.50 Men’s R u b b e r H ip B oots M en's R u b b e r B oots, S h o rt 2.75 again until after the financial depression the. numerous unsuccessful attem pts at field. When the captain collected fare of our Government is always a little be­ mony. In M ulllers fo r H o lid a y P re s e n ts , we 3.00 to 5.25 B oys’ R u b b e r H u n tin g lie o ts ca n sh o w y o n a tin e lo t to s e le c t 2.50 B oys’ “ S to rm K in g B o o ts is over. The great Ixiycott strike was assassination hy our comrades is that we noticed th a t all paid twenty-five hind the progress of her people. from . Exercise gradually increases the M en 's R u b b e rs . .. 50c A tin e lin e o f L ad ies’, G e n ts ’a n d C h il­ if it is desired to punish a tyran t one cents, so in tu rn we offered a two-bit j L a d ie s’ a n d C h ild r e n 's R u b b e rs in a ll size s for the purpose of compelling the shops d r e n 's U NDERW EAR « t a s to n is h - physical powers, and gives more strength A turn in the river and Bandon is be­ should study the science of making a t­ a n d n t lo w e s t p ric es. in g ly LOW PR IC ED .. , G e n ts' a n d Ladies* M a c in to sh e s, a n d C irc u - C h ild r e n ’s S hoes a t p ric e s t h a t d e fy to be opened and the wages paid to em ­ tempts, N o more child's play! Seri- i piece but were informed that we must J fore us. No m atter how dull of compre­ to resist sickness. It does for the bo ly b u s fo r S c h o o l G irls. c o m p e titio n . ployes as was done one year ago. No oils lalxirl Long live the torch and the pay fifty cents, which was given. Later hension of beauty, you must adm it th at w hat intellectual training does for the on inquiry disclosed the fact th at the regard is paid to th e m atter of profit ami bom bl” Bandon is a pretty town. The business m ind—educates and strengthens it. This human butcher who is the m as­ Comet, one of the Isiats on the line, had loss to th e concern. I t m ust run and portion of the city extends from almost Wo should do our work faithfully pay hands until its coin coffers are ter of Anarchists and the People's reduced tho fare from fifty cents to at the base of the South jetty up tho wherever we are. Tiie character of the I em pty. The letter of Pullm an clearly parly, is perm itted to not only live in a twenty-five, and the Blanco and Yar­ river and back to a low elevation of work assigned us is something, but it is | indicates th a t he has not attempted to free country, hut ill its largest city and row had to meet the cut. But evidently ground where the residences are built, not nearly so im portant as tiie m anner open his shops since the strike in May. teach bloody revenge lessons in a pa­ the captain of the Blanco has learned and where the level plateau stretches in wdiicli we do it. Even the hum blest and doe» not intend to he coerced into per. After the assassination of Presi­ the a rt of getting gain^out of strangers away ns far as the eye can see. Here, kind of labor is dignified if we engage D e a ler er in •pening them . A m anufacturer in free dent Carnot, the fiend Most was found who do not know the true fare, ami we too, may be found beautiful groves in in it heartily. America m ust obtain the consent of mo­ in a saloon at No. I l l Park row d rin k ­ advise those from abroad to avoid tak­ one of which we celebrated the Fourth lie who makes a baseless insinuation narchical lalstr Is* fore his business can ing beer and eating a free lunch, and ing passage on that eraft. Sueli unw ar­ of July. The streets of the whole town against a neighbor’s integrity of honor ranted discrim ination against the out­ be closed. If he does close it without was asked hy a reporter w hat he are level and graveled to a finish; the is guilty of an injustice which is atro­ Glassware, Carpets, Gents’ side traveling public may be acceptable thought of the assassination, and here th eir consent, and refuses to open it, soil is good, the water is pure, and a cious and m o n stn u s in comparison with Groceries, Boots and Furnishing in a Populistic county like Coos, but if then his pro|ierty shall he swept from is his re p ly : large woolen mill, large brick anil wood­ the petty depredation of the despicable Etc. Etc. Shoes. Goods. “ Wed, I think the hog should have it were practiced by any common car­ th e earth by fire. We are on the side en buildings th at are occupied by many thief w ho breaks into his granary and been stuck long ago. You d o n 't see riers in the Republican county of Lane, Headquarters for of laltor up io the point of tyranny. any mourning band around my bat, it would be emphatically condemned by general merchandise, drug, book and surreptitiously carries away his corn. : -- - " grocery stores, together with lesser in­ do von? Well, neither would you see our journals. T iie spectacle of suffering and severe any if the whole brood of autocratic stitutions of whatsoever name for the Just around the turn we found North Highest Price Paid for Country Produce. toss of life and property liy a Isiycotting bogs were butchered all i l l a heap. convenience of tlie trading people, and »trike, suruly cannot fail to suggest Io They ought to be given their quietus in I’el.d when; a ship Is building, and a lit­ many beautiful residences. OREGON. E U G E N E , .............................................. th e m aster-m inds whose thougut and droves of forty and fifty. It was right, tle further oil a wharf to deep water and But the chief merit in Bandon is a it was just, it was glorious to extinguish a freight house oil which may be seen action set the fashion for the race tb it united, progressive people. Nothing is H o o d ’s S a rs a p a rilla P u rifie s th o such a bi.-.'' painted a large Y with an arrow through Blood a n d R esto res H e a lth . they have som ething to do besides talk­ impossible with them. They are not it, toiling nN th a t this is tlie far-famed ing. There are clearly national prob­ A HANDSOME PRESENT. aequ liie 1 th an } sueli word as fail. town of Yarrow. There are few houses lems to grapple with woll worthy the i The ban of ■ t d ^ m i s ostracism which It is a well known fact th at there ex­ to he seen, tint wo are honest enough to keenest acumen of these men o( leading closes tlie p 'SlUe doors of some —w hether of light or not. It is not ists a tie of frien lship between soldiers, adm it that the location is extrem ely de­ towns is not fo and in Bandon. The merely th a t such Anarchists as Most lx; they regulars or militia, that finds sirable oil which to build a town, and people think with unlaborious boldness and Prendergast have risen, but we find expression ill many w ays. It. wax this its proximity to Marshfield is such that oi the problems that will bring their feeling, probably, that prompted com­ it will in the future become part of • u r free government, the la s t and freest town, their industries and their best in the world, where wages are the high­ pany k , Oregon National Guard, of Ban­ th at citv. C A L L ON OR A D D R E S S , , ... , ,, welfare to the fore, ami then tliev put est and liberty tho broadest, passing don, to present us with a handsom e' As we iipiironvli the Citv <»t Progress, , . , ’ their thoughts into actions where they T H E LA N E C O U N T Y LA N D & LO AN from one industrial war to another. cane made from the m vrtle mid bird’s- the first th at attraeteil our attention wp| ,|o j,„, |,UW( good. Sueli a people These may lx* symptoms or they may be eye maple, wood native to the soil of was a hamlsie.ue schooner that hail been are always generous anil hospitable to a EUGENE O REG ON. diseases; but, in any case, they need a t­ th at country. built on the Bay ami now lay at her fault, ami the Bandonites are no exvep- Rea 1 carefully the following a:Ti lavits by prom inent citizens regarding Flor­ In behalf of the company Col. C. T. moorings, ami is to l>e iiuiiieil in honor Don. tention. Still if th e brains and wealth ence property, now on the market at wonderfully reduced prices: No one eoiihl have been trente ! more of the nation must be devoted to acquir­ llluiiienrotlier presented the cane in of that excellent gentleman to whom we TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : , , , . , . , , royally than the citizens of Bamlon . , ,,, ing, they cannot be engaged in solving words so expressive of friendship and are indebted lor manv kind olhees and . I ____ . \ \ treated us. there was a genuineness in I hereby certify that I was the original owner of thp property known as Frasiei uv. r. i r . s fe u e « the problems of home life. These m ur­ complimentary t o us, that we have only warm hospitalities at his beautiful their acts of kindness th a t carried eon- and Berry’s part of Florence, which E. J. Frsier is now offering for sale. That the W ilm o t, S. D ak . the indelible impression of them left o i l derous strikes have drawn the loyal hoiue, our c.Hiirade, General Siglin. vietion with them. We w e r e their same is level and free from drifting sand. T hat fruit trees and shrubbery do wel T. Tlood & Co., L ov.e!’, M ass.: A tirst-. lass hotel is the Blanco, and guest, welcomed at the door of every •*C. Americana nearer together around the tneniory’« tablet. “ A b o u t fo u r y v .r a ag o la y \vlie w a s tro u b le d upon said land and the same is desirable for residence property. J. G. S tevexson , How is it possible to turn the pages of comrade J. L. Kerrey is the proprietor. hl' u'1’ ftnd our appreciation finds no w ith s a lt rh e u m . A lth o u g h w© trie d n ea rly Snpt. Public Schixils, lam e county. bier of murdered freedom, and it will he .. ,, , wortl» enough nor great enough for e v e ry th in g it g >t w o rse In s te a d ( f P e tte r an d a pity if, hereafter, the patriotic citizens thought and select those that are best It ever we were rovaJiv entertained it . . s p re id e v e r b o th c f h e r h in d s s«»tluit ah© eo u l I ■ • proper expression. 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th h ir tliv us© th em , l'in a lly s h e co m m en ced to fittisl to express our thanks and appre­ «as nt that hotel, and the large number j, wouM B pi(.M„ r„ to notice some u se R o o d 's S irs.I’.iardb» a n d w lie n s n e h a d ta k e n cannot stand nearer curb other in deal­ day of March, 1892. J o s tr n A. M orris , t\v > b o ttle s h e r li in d s w e re e n tire ly h ea led an d — Notary Public. ing with the problems and perplexities ciation for so handsome a gift? To the of guests is ]s»sitive proof that the trav- of the exercises on the Fourth nt Ban­ sh e h as n t inoe t» « n tro u b le d . Di D ecem b er, 1822, m y n e c k v, as c o v e re d w ith b o ils o f a TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : of the age. Union men joined hands n Colonel, the other oiiieers and comrades d in g piibli,* are hospitably treated by ’Ion. but os that excellent journal, the S c ro fu lo u s N a tu re . Being first duly sworn I depose and say: That I have been a resident of Flor­ Rreonfrr, has occupied the field, it could T h e re w ere s ix te e n c f th e m n t o n ce a n d ns boob quarter of a century ago to put down n of eonipan; K we shall always have a botli the proprietor an«l his assistant». onlv be a recapitulation of what has al- a s th e y h '.h ie d o tlie rs w o u ld b re a k o u t. My ence. lame County. Oregon, for the past twelve years; t h a t I iihi fam iliar and wel As tow ns go on this coast Marsh M l ready » been . said, . » hut to Capt. . » K. < T . n e c k finally became covered w ith rid g e s an d acquainted « ith the property known as “ Frasier and B e rn 's part of Florence,’ ralxillion. Why should they not join lasting memory of your beautiful gift >. Lit- hands again to put down a murderous end the ennobling motive th at prom pt­ is a gixxl city, and among its probable tleftcld. Col. R. H. Rota, Mayor .1. M. that the same is admirably suited for residence proiier*,«, b e i n g p e r ' e c ’ ly ! e , e l and ree from drifting sand. That fruit trees ami shrubbery grow well in the soil and riot Isirti of Anarchy—not alone in G’.ii- ed the giving, e iil when we look at 2. “id inhabitant» may lie found many Upton, companies K and G. Separate eagoand California, but in the United those Ixai’.itifiilly colored end polished m erchants and other business men, wh« Battallion O. N. G.. Life Saving ere«, sears. 1 ttien cunim encej ta k in g H ood's Sarsiw that pure well water is found on the same at a depth of from t e n to fifteen feet. t h e I ’. v . i i d l . . I ' . I . 'P w m . l n n e lt . n l t l - . i.iirtllx. and after U klng four b o ttles th o holU J o .r r u A. M orbis . M erchant. " I r o .i . l a m e B a n d t h e * vl h . a, , irs h av e jlls? ip p ear* ‘d. wissls we shall think of all that you send their goo Is far an 1 n e a r , l e a r n ,s i • ” Q ’ l S tates? Mvrtle I omt Band rtn«l tiie voting '.a h s | ,:„n. .. icd l i e i s’C’ p iir im to a ll suf- ) Subscribed and (w orn to before me this 12tb da have done, thought, gained, or Is'en, professional men and p - l v „ a _ s .tn , f .. J . fr , ; • ,i> r-'e r c f th e b lo o « .” F. W. . . t . 'V , „ , , , * of Bandon, ol Lan lon, a large lar.-o »hare share of en ht should STOMFLli Wilmot, Soutfc Dakota. — ■— day of March, 1892. I.. Illi VEV, W henever u body of lals.ring t n in ami these will lie as in a magic preser­ H ire. tix,. may be found a Grand Army be given for the excellent exercises on Notary Tub H o o d 's PH I« act easily, yet promptly and this country are absolutely controlle 1 vation in th. ;.. .. 4 of our m em ory. Post, who joined togeticcr to make our the I ourtli at 1 andon, v u U m ¡ h e r and IvweU, __ T H E Literary. W E ST . H U H D & D J k 'W E S 'T r ’O r i T . G O B S ZETroslr L i n e of* G r o c e r i e s JJ i»H urd ; & ; nauEnparfs«6? THE SEATON STORE DRY GOODS s GROCERIES. K now les & G ettys, managers . The Old Reliable DRY GOODS X HOUSE of J . H. M cC lung E U G E 3ST E , ÈiïB YOU BARGAINS 111 SPECIAL LIKES WE SOLICIT YOVR TRADE. (A L L ¿1C U S “ i L E A D , B U T N E V E R F O L L O W !” S. H. Friendly O O D S, HOPS, AND WOOL, WHEAT, c L O T IN C , OATS AHD BARLEY, 16 Bails at Once B E A LE S TA TE ! - For Bargains in Rea! Property % ■ V ! G - í St Hood’s5^ Cures co.,