* MODEL SAVAGE. CREOSOTE AND CONSUMPTION t h e l l r u i W o u ld S c » « Io lie A ide Io M a o t e r th e 1,(*<•«„**. I 1 King K I ih iu a I n an A u t o c r a t o f t h e I le s t 1’o M lb le T y p e . K ing Khamn is a model savage, if a Consumption is now combated ly many specialists using creosote. The black man who has been thoroughly benefit derived from tile proper employ­ civilized by European and missionary ment ut this drug is hardly quiwtiona* influences can still be called one. lie ble. Or. Warner, consulting physician ia an auto crat of the best possible type, to tho French Hospital. New York city, whose influence in his country is en­ w rites to Tho Medical Jo u rn al: "D u r- tirely throw n into the scale of virtue iug a eoiiiewhnt extensive employment for the suppression of vice. Such a of thia remedy in phthisis for the pa t thing ns th eft is unknown in his realm. four years, l oth ia hospital and in p ri­ He will not allow his subjects to make vate practice, I have watt bed w ith I r drink lieer. Ho lia s put a stop also fcreat encouragement the steady gain in to tile existence of witch doctors a n il tao results obtained, but it bus teen their w ilts throughout all the Lauiaug- only during the latter half of tho tim e v.'ato. • lie conducts in person services every th at tile positive value of creosote as an agent for com bating most powerfully Sunday in his large, round kotla, or the effects of this die«.iso has been made place of assembly, standing beneath the uppnrm t. Formerly my custom was to tree of justice and the wide canopy of adm inister the drug in sm all doses, ex­ lienvcu in a truly patriarchal style. Ho ceptionally giving more than six or eight in keen in tho suppression of all super­ minim s daily. During the last couple stitious and eats publicly the flesh of of years, howevi r, tho doses have been tho duylcer, it sort of roebnek. which largely increased with correspondingly was formerly tho totem of tile tribe and better results." Some specialists ex­ la id as sacred among them 20 years plain tho favorableuetioii of creosote in ago. Tho late King Sikkome, Kliaran’s lessening tho bronchial secretion end father, would not so much as step on improving the appetite. Other observ­ a duyker skin, and it is still looked up­ ers, however, believe in n distinctively on w ith more veneration by his sub­ jects th an Khniuu would wish. curative value of the remedy. As an instance of K ham a's power and Dr. Warm r w rites: "T heg en eral con­ dition of the patient, as 11 rule, rapidly judgm ent, it is sufficient for us to quote improves, in somo cast s llio appetito the sudden change of his capital from is better, the cough at first becomes less Shoshong to the present site, Palapwe. durin g tho daytime, while remaining Shoshong was in a strong position, quite as before dining tho night. A fter n where the Ihinmngwato could effectual­ time, however, it also lessons at night, ly protect themselves from the Mnta- i f tho sputum lias been tinged with lie lin ' raids under Lobcngula, but it was blood, this condition di appears, con­ badly supplied with water, and iu dry trary to what might be expected, nscre- seasons the inhabitants suffered greatly ogotu is said to congest the bronchial from drought. The change of capital mucous membrane, and while nt first had been a subject discussed for years, the sputum is not imieh lessened, if at but Khnma waited quietly until people all, its character is changed—from lin­ began to think that ho was against it ing thick and yellow muco-purulent, and would never move. Ho waited, in in fact—it becomes thinner, fiotliy and fact, until lie was sure of British pro­ tection, u n til be knew that Lobeugula contains less solid m atter. In no case where previously attacks could not attack Ins people at Palapwe of hemoptysis—spitting of blood—had w ithout end.roiling himself iu a war occurred have they taken place after , w ith England. Then suddenly one day, w ithout any tho creosote treatm ent has been estab­ lished. The night sweats grow less and prefatory w arning, King Khamn gave in many cases entirely (lisappcur, and order« fur tlio move, and the exodus after aw hile there is a total absence of begun on tho next day, and in two the daily fever. The weight of ttie pa­ month«' tiino 15,(100 individuals were tient always increases at fust, then it is located in th eir new capital, 00 miles apt to rem ain stationary, and in excep­ away from Shoshong. Under K ham a's tional euses may lessen, anil then a g rad ­ direction, everything was conducted in ual increase takes place. Tho first in ­ tlio bent [xiKsiblo order. To every man crease in weight is no doubt duo to tho was given Ids «Hotted ground, and lie improvement in appetite and tho great­ was told to build Ids huts thereon. Not er ability of the patient to properly as­ a «ingle dispute arose, and no one would im agine today th at only a few years sim ilate the fund consum ed." Large amounts of creosote may bo re­ ago Palapw e was nniububited. Khnma, in m anner and appearance, tained w ithout discomfort, one ot Dr. W arner's patients reaching a daily is thoroughly a gentleman, dignified amount of 215 minim s. A valuable aid utid courteous. Ho wears well made to the internal adm inistration of creo­ European clothes, a billycock hat and sote is found by tho coincident use of gloves; ill bi« baud bo brandishes a antiseptic inhalations of creosote. "M y dainty cane, and ho pervades every­ custom Is to use creosote combined ei­ thing in his country, riding about ther with tcrebeno or ether in a 5(1 [ ht from point to point wherever his pres­ cent solution, 10 or 15 minim s dropped ence is required, and if ho is ju st a lit­ on the sponge of a Robinson’s inhaler, tle too much of a dandy it is an error and employed every second or third in his peculiar case in the right direc­ hour, and in some instances where tion.—Contemporary Review. marked lienetit has been derived from . T e a p o t C o lle c to r s . the employment of this uieusuro tho I respirutor has been worn almost con- ' Tea was not known in England till sta u tly ," is tho testimony of the doctor. the tim e of Charles II. but it is inter­ Ue tried also the effect, in a large esting to trace the gradual increase in w ard of a hospital, of allowing an an ­ the size of teapots, from the dim inutive tiseptic m ixture to simm er gently over productions o ff" Elers, in tho tiim a low fire during the night. This m ix­ of Queen Anne se , 7'ii urge I. when tea ture generally consisted of oil of euca­ was sold in (quitliecuries’ shops, to tin lyptus, carbolic acid and turpentine. cnpueior.s vessel which supplied Di A drum each of tlio first two and two Johnson witli "the cup that cheers bu: dram s of tho Inst were put in about ii not in ebriates." Mr. Croker, in hisedi q u ilt of water in a shallow dish and tion of "B osw ell's L ife," mentions a heat applied. Tho effect was to till the teapot that belonged to Dr. Johnson w ard w ith u pungent, arom atic vapor which held tv^o quarts, but this sinle which has a markedly restful action, into insignificance compared with tie coughing being not nearly so genet ill or superior m agnitude of that in the pus session of Mrs. Murray at of Wimbledon frequent.—New York Ledger. who purchased it at tho sale of Mrs R e d u r ln * V llo-al io n I ii H a llw a y ( ’tin s Piozzi’s effects at Strentliain. This tea A new invention embodies a princi­ pot, which was the one originally u-n ple which will eomiiK m l itsi If to all by Dr. Johnson, bolds more than thri ■ railw ay travelers. It ia sought to les­ quints. George IV bad a large iihschi sen the discomfort and imimyanee ol binge ot teapots, piled in pyramids i. travel on many lines on which there is the pavilion at Brighton. Mrs. Eliz­ excessive vibration by file conitruetion abeth ( 'urtcr was also ii colli etor of ten of a pneuinaitc ear " which enihraei s pots. Also Mis. Ilawes. who bequeathed tho application of an elastic fluid as an HOI) specimens to her daughter. Mrs. Donkin. Among them are several be­ absorbent for vibratiou and oaeilla tio n .” An n lr cushion is arranged on longing to Queen C h arlo tte.— Balas the cellular principle between the car Journal. body and the truck frame, and as there ' W h it e B lo n d Al»»«»rblng t h e H a w a iia n . is au equal distribution of a ir under Tho lunninge of young American men varying pressures ail oscillation is pre­ vented. Tliis elastic medium ia said to to hair w hites is becoming quite fre­ completely absorb all vibration result­ quent among respectable white families ing from rough track . jointing of rails, in H awaii. It is of no use for the for­ axcesaive speed or any o tln r cause, and eign parents to turn the cold shoulder. the cur is curried smoothly and steadily O litim es tho half white girls are fully along. Tins pneum atic system can be equal in intelligence, taste ami domes­ equally well applied to street ears, and tic virtues to those who marry them. instances are not hard to *in«l in which it There will be more of these marriages, ».¿questionably should be. Exchange. ami tin» mixed blood will improve with growing prosperity ami better educa­ tion, ami as tin» prim itiveinlluences and A n PaM erit D a in ty . The Chim sa are certainly a strange environments ix m ouths of the d ate of th is notice, to the undersigned a t Acme, Oregon. J a «'«l e.t Acme. Oregon, till.’« 20th (lay of M arch, bl»». M. 1>. L a s p i . n iin iln istrato r for the estate of W illiam Palm er, deceased. K. O. I'oTTEit, uttoruey for said estate. A13 o m ers. About it h a lf pint of w ater is f-aid to bo throw n off by the lungs every half hour. Horseshoes of alum inum , weigh­ ing hut seven ounces each, are talked of for the use of cavalry horses in the arm y. The famous “agricultural ants id 'th e Southwestern United States >fli u build their houses, or nest.-, fo u l tw< Ive to twenty feet high. N o r j t E FOR PUBLICATION. ti'Jd Reward, jlOO- The readers of this paper will 1«: pleas- ( cd to learn that there is at least one How it H appened. dreaded disease that science lias been T h « follow ing re m a rk a b le e v e n t in a la d y ’s w ill i n te r e s ttlte read er: ' F o r a long tim e I aide to cure iu all its stages, and Hint i b life u d a te r r ib le p a in a t m y b e a n , w hich flu t­ Catarru. H all’s Catarrh Cure is II» te re d a lm o s t in c e ssa n tly . 1 bud no a p p e tite a n d c o u ld u o t sleep. 1 w ould bo co m p e lled only positive cure now known to n e to sit. u p in Inxl u n d belch gus from m y s to m ­ u n til I th o u g h t e v e ry m in u te w ould be medical Iraicriiity. Catarrh being a a m c y h lu st. T h e re w as a feelintf o f o p p re ssio n as a f ra id to d ra w a c instilntionai disease, requires a consti­ a fu b ll o u b t re m a y th h . e a I r t, c o a u n ld d n I ’t w sw eep a ro o m w ith ­ tutional treatm ent. H all's Cu arrh Cure o u t s ittin g dow n mid re s tin g ; b u t, th a n k b y th e h e lp of New H e a r t C u re a ll t h a t is taken internally, acting directly up n God, is p a s t a n d 1 feel llk o a n o th e r w om an. B e­ fo re u s i^ r th e New H e a rt ( ’o re I h u d ta k e n he blood anil mucous surfaces of the ditterei-* y-caded l m . JJ -rtn -i^ x eir tr e a te d system, Iberetty d.-stroying the founda­ by d o c to r s w ith *' jl '• Hei.^uv u n til I wa;» Ii y th o Dr. Send foi circulars ami testim onial, tiv M iles M edical Co., E lk h a r t, In«!., on re c e ip to f p rice, ¡51 p er b o ttle , six b o ttle s E ’», e x p re ss p re ­ Address paid. T his g r e a t d isco v e ry by a n e m in e n t F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, () sp e c ia list in h e a r t disease, c o n ta in s u tith o r o £ « “ S..hl by Druggists, 75c. A27 p ia te s n o r d a n g e ro u s d ru g s. iSold by all Druggists. T IM B E R L A N D , A C T JUNE 3 , 1 8 7 8 . BARGAINS. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. BARGAINS. Land ».fice «it Ri»xebur<, Oregon, March ft, Isy». Notice is hereby gixeii Unit tlie follow ing nam e I -« i t l e r has tiled notice of liis in te n tio n t » m ake final proof iu support of his claim , and tb it sai«l proof will be m ade before W. U. Douglas, U. S. t-o u rt C om m issioner, for Oregon, a t Marsufl «1, Qrcgou, on S aturday, A pril 2a, 18Ji, viz: M No. 77-18, for the nw*4 °f vc. 16, e l2 of sc’ "«c. S. a n d sw ' 4 of sw l4 sec. ip. 20 range tl w. tie nam es the follow ing wit. e- -es ti» prove Ills c o n tin u o u s residence upon an d c u ltiv a tio n of, said laud, viz: Wil­ ia duck and i'hom as it. G abriel of G ardiner,, o -this county. Oregon, H enry A. Bay and i i '. Alary A. buy of Em pire City, Coos county, • lc g o n . J ohn H. S huck , ,Mió-A20 Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. 11, 1891 «»tice is hereby given th a t the followinp- univd se ttle r 1ms filed notice of his in te n tio n to m ake final proot in support of h is claim , ind th a t said pro if will be »nade before W. . Doughix, U. S. C ircu it C ourt Com m issioner i -r Oregon, a t M arshfield, Oregon, on Saturday, tp ril 7, lblh, viz; W illiam B luck, • . prc-emp!j«»H I»..-. No. 7o 0, f..r the sc’4' of aw j \C4 <>t v , .'cc. and bus ii, 21 ami 22, se< ip. 21 s, range 11 w. ie nam es the follow ing witnesses to provi tiis c ontinuous residence upon ami cultiv atio i of, said land, viz: henry A. Bay, Moses J. Towne, l h unas B. Gabriel, Mary Ann Bay, ail of G ardiner, D ouglas county, Oregon. J ohn II. S iiu p e , F23-MS0 Register Will sell lot» in Acme from |25 to :IG0. U nited States Land OTicc, Roseburg, Oregon, Will sell lots in Chi' iign «ddition to March 11, lay I. N otice is hereby given th u t in com pliance w ith tlie provisions of tho a c t of Florence eheup and on eiov teniif-. W. A. Cox. Congress of Ju n e 8, 1S7H, e n title d ‘‘An a c t for the sale of tim ber lands In tbe sta te s of C alifor­ nia, Oregon, Nevada, ami W ashington T erril - ry ,” Carl lr. Pyritz of G ardiner, C ounty of Dnugla», State of Oregon has th is day filed in th is office h is sworn state iuent No.---- , for the purchase of the n ’2 of nw*4, and nw ‘4 of ne’4 of section No. 1», in T ow nship No. 21 s, R ange No. 11 w, and w ill of fer proof to show th a t the la n d sought is more valuable for its tim b e r or stone than for agri c u ltu ra l purposes, and to establish bis claim to mich land before the Register and Receiver o f th is office a t Roseburg, Oregon, on Wcdnewlaj the 6th day of Ju n e, Mill. He nam es as wit nesses: Myriu McGuire, I,. .Seymour, C hristian Pyritz, Fred our, of G ardiner, D ouglas county, Oregon. Any and all persons c laim ing adversely the above-described lands are re iu« -tc., who have ha«l nearly llfLy years’ experience In th e e« ten t business. Communica­ tio n s srricily confidential. A I lf m d b o o k o f In­ fo rm ation concerning P a t c n t a and bow to ob­ tain them se n t free. A lio a catalogue o f m echan­ ical and scientific books se n t free. P a te n ts taken th ro u g h M unn A Co. receivo special notice in th o S c ie n tif i c A m e r i c a n , and th u s are bro u g h t widely before th e public w ith- •out cost to th e inv»*ntor. T fes splendid paper, issued w eek ly .« *. ran t ly illu strated , has by far th o larg est circu latio n o f any scientific work in tho world. S 3 n year. Sample con;«« sen t free. Building E dition, m onthly, a year. Single copies, '¿ 5 cents. Ev«>ry n um ber contains beau­ tifu l plates, in colors, and nnotographs o f new bouses, w ith plans, enabling builders to show th e la te s t designs and secure contracts. A ddress MUNN ¿c (.’O., Nnw Vor.E, 361 BuoihWlT. H E N S H A W , GUARANTEES ■ ■ a cure. What it has done for others it will do for you. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla. / Ripans Tabules are com­ pounded from a prescription widely used by the best medi­ cal authorities and are pre­ sented in a form that is be­ coming the fashion every­ where. e fo r ,. y o u I.ui'il Sour Masli tie Bourbon Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; <:ure dyspepsia, habitual constipa­ tion, offensive breath and head­ ache. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, biliousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will surely and quickly remove the whole difficulty. (' nts ill o-- Ana ts Your Order, oi for ..e Im p m 'id or Domestic Cigar, An*! Von V ill In* Satisfied. EUGEN , Marr & Safley RipansTabules may be ob­ tained of nearest druggist Ripans Tabules are easy to take, quick to act, and save many a doc­ tor’s bill. O-Ajsr _____ OVERLOOK The ocean, the surrounding country and the Light-house. ----------------------- ----- --------------------------------------------— — • .A . I> T © "W H o t e l , Sash and Door Factory, , nSTe-w C J liu r o Ix , L a r g e S a . ’W ’- x n i l l Under • ---------------------------— -------------------------- — C O ., PORTLAND, MAINE. On all the Property in ..c u re wltitikey. of clthvr »«x, any age, in any pari of the country, at the employment w ¡licit we furn.sh You need uot be away from horoo over night. You can givo yourwholotlmv to tin' work, or only your spare mo­ ment». As capital b u o t required you run no risk. We rupply you with all that b needed. It will coat you nothing tv» try the btttinc»!«. Any one can do the work Beginner» make money from the »toil Failure i» unknown with our work« rs. Every hour you labor you can easily make ft dollar. No one who b willing to work fall» to make more money every day than cun be made hi three «lay» at any ordinary employment. Send for free book containing tho fullest Information. Box 8 3 0 , Price of Lots $50 $£50 Size of Lots 50x150. CLENADA PER 40»22 WEEK FOR H. H A L L E T T & Gen. H. Enller H í i RipansTabules. ’ DEALER Every patriotic citizen should give hi, personal effort and influence to increase the circulation of his home paper which teaches the American policy of Protec­ tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect in every way possible. After the home paper is taken care of, why not su ' j - scribe for the A merican E conomist , published by the American Protective Tariff League? One of its correspon­ dents sayss "N o true American can get along without it. 1 consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in the United States." Send postal card request for free sample copy. Address Wilbur FA\ ake- man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d St., New York. Qcean View Home. í í í S Sale PrnpriEtnr Whoîebaîe end R etai' -5- GOOD A D V IC E . L E IT A D ÿ'OR’g- SALE. A tine farm of 160 acres situated on the Lukes South from Florence. This ranch is mostly alder and vine maple bottom land, having nearly a mile lake frontage. Ten acres under cultivation ami 5 mure slashed ; a good orchard ju s t uoiue into hearing; 5 rooms in a frame house that is ceiled and papered; good out-buildings, a.ml stock of all kinds will lie sold w itl i tlie place at reasonable pri­ ces if desired. Price of farm, 1(2000; one half cash and reasonable time given for balance. Apply for further particulars at this office. W . n . an I prices. I date of sale. CLOCKS, JEW ELR Y . uost healthy town on the coast o A NARROW ESCAPE! How it Happened. Thf* follow ing re m a rk a b le e m n t In n lady'fl life w ill I n te re s t tb e re a d e r: “ F o rtt long tim e I h a d a te rrib le p a in n t tn y h e a r t, w hich fiufc- te re d a lm o s t in c e ss a n tly . 11 .d no a p p e tite an d co u ld not sleep. I ’ w ould r o c o m pelled to s it u p in bed a tui b e lc h g a s fro m m y sto m ­ a c h u n til 1 th o u g h t e v e r y m ln u to w ould bo m y la st. T h e re w as a feelln < o f o ppression a b o u t in r h e a rt, a n d 1 w as a f ra id to d ra w a f u ll b re n t It. 1 c o u ld n 't sw eep a room w ith ­ o u t s ittin g dow n e n d re s tin g : b u t, th a n k God, by th e h e lp of New H e a r t C u re nil th a t Is p a s t a n d I feel L vO a n o th e r w om an. Be­ fore u sin g th o New H e a rt C u re I h a d ta k e n d ifferen t no-called rem ed ies a n d been tr e a te d by do d o rs w ith o u t a n y benefit u n til I waa b o th d isco u rag e d an l d isg u ste d . My h u sb an d b o u g h t nto n b o ttle o f Dr. MI.es’ 5iew H e a rt t a re , a n d n n ih u p u y to*«ay l n e v e r re g re tte d It. ns 1 now h a v e h sp le n d id a p p e tite an d Bleep w ell. I w eighed 12.*» pounds w hen I I e- a n ta k in g th e rem edy, a n d now I weigh 190M, is e ffe c t iu m y c ae e h a s been tru ly m a r» e l- ous. I t f a r su rp a ss s a n y otln r m e dicine I h a v e e v e r ta k 'it o r R'iy benefit I e v e r re ­ ceived fro m p b v s le la n s .” —Mrs. H a rry S ta rr, P o ttsv ille . Pa.. O c to b er 12. 1M>2. Dr. M iles’ N. w H e a rt ( tir e Is sold on a posl- t b e g u a ra n te e by n 1 d ru g g is ts , o r by th e Dr. Miles M edical C< . F k h u rt. Ind.. on re c e ip to f prl 'c, t l p. r b o ttle , six b o ttle s Ift. e x p re ss p re ­ paid. T h is g r e a t d isco v e ry by a n e m in e n t sp e c ia list in h e a r t d isease, con ta i o s n e ith e r o p ia te s u u r d a n g e ro u s drugs. i Write Geo. H. Colter for particular».