for the object of electing a Weaver m an. It was a clear cii-e of the <»M Jesuistie axiom—the end juatiil; b ti>e m ans—no EVERY FRIDAY MORNING,— PCHLISHKD m atter how d irty the road to reach it. — »T ( hi Jinn- '»th tic- intelligent voters of í ’^ vty , O regon , ri.VBfV/,’. th e e ta tc of Oregon uil! inform this gen­ tlem an that hi- •jiudihearienH were found T he secret oí succès« is eonstawcv to light weight and he will lie overwhelm­ pur j »ose. ingly reject <1 at the ¡»oils. sidered artilieiality. The requirem ents election pre in?t in Pennsylvania th at of society, in what is term ed etiquette, failed to increase the democratic vote of Discipline of last Nuveinlier and by that shrewd move are essentially artificial. (ORIGINAL AND SELECTED.) every nature, m ilitary or official, is fully 15,000 more democratic v »tea were ---------J u s t R e c e iv e d a t t h e --------- largely composed of artificial element#, induced (o come out and vote than Sincerity, a great, deep, genuine sin ­ without which governm ent wotjld heim - would otherwise la ve done co. cerity, is the first characteristic of all po-sibb1 Pa.inh rs and sculptors may But, w ith it all, the fact rem ains that men in any way heroic. admin* hum anity in its work-« lay co«- at this state election for a congressman Good tem per, like a sunny «lay, sheds tunic, hecausv th a t costume i« appropri- at large, held at a time when judge« and a brightness over every thing. It is the ate to its w earer; hut the artificiality of insj»ectors of elect u, school directors, P atience is the rope to ad vaneen; ent ------------------------------------------ Wi: à re ¿dt.isc.i to nut»' a concurrence our complicated social existence has road supervisors, borough, town, ami sweetner of toil and the soother of dis.- • quietude. in all line« of life. ..»1 opinion the newspapers of Or­ made us very careful how we are too city officer« were to he elc ted, arid The secret of many a m an ’s success 1 K nergv brings success, hut tJ ere i- egon th at th e next legislature shall natural in the presence of those wh\m which alw ays treat . a s p ir it’d contest in the world resides in his insight into amend the lilsd law of this state, and nothing like su cess to bring about en­ we wish to im press with a sen#e of our in every school «listr. t in the state, the the modes of men, ami his tact^n deal- we suggest th at the m atter be agitated dignity. | republican majority i« increased by more j witV them . ergy. until the needed reform is accomplished, N otions, Groceries Provisions, Oiled Clothing, G rass Feeds, H a rd , The absence of artificially in our mod- than 75,000 over th. of last November. ‘ One of the m._»st effectual ways of P resident C leveland vetoed the Ulano says the Telegram. Clider our law, if ern, complicated ritual of every-day life At the election in November last, the pleasing ami of making «»lie’s self he- i w are, Powder and Shot, Leads, Oils, T urpentine, Colorings &£. &c. Seignorage bilk There is no probabil­ an unintentional mistake is ma«!e in the is the cause of much of that friction . Hawaiian infamv had not been disclosed loved is to be cheerful. Joy softens — ake a Look at publication of a news item the publisher ity of its being passed over his veto. nor had tlie W ik u bill passed the mote hearts than 4 cm *«. from which yve all suffer. is subje. ted to damages and imprison lipuse. Juggling with the supreme A willf.d falsehood told is a cripple, ■ T he New’ York IT raid comes out for m ent. This is grievously unjust and F or (.iglit L ug yearp has the Gover­ court had not yet played its part in pol­ not able to stand by in-el f w ithout an- j in Dry and hancy goods, we have L adies’ and G ents’ S hirts aullIKjul s.a, the mother city of the see the national capital again except at the true gentleman. Nowlaire in the company to distrust one’s own opinion, HATS \ CAPS, M E D IC IN E S, N ETS & CA NDIES, sentm ent toward the powers th at pre­ I acific north-w est; in th a t city h}’ | leaves which chronicle His life do we bis ow n expense.” —K lam ath Star, and value others that deserve it. vailed against him ; bis refusal to forgive w hich the mighty Columbia rolls down rncct with one thougbt or act heedieag i TOBACCO, CIGARS, F L K N IS H IN G GOODS, Nothing m ars the welfare of society ■ O ne reason why so few people arc or be forgiven, v. idle Ids country failed its turbulent waters to the I acific ocean, of feelings or wants of ot .ers. His more than narr-w ness ot mind ami eon- ] reasonable ami agreeable in conversa­ to be free; bis tenacity in relying upon we behold our m an. Wc behold him in rebukes were severe, but ne er i n a . ed duct. Not only is »ts intellectual growth I Goods s Bepresented. Prices W ill be Found Reasonable tion it, th a t there is scarcely anybody bis own resources, refusing gifU, repuls­ all his glory of splendid manhood. L«ok ' f,,r OI unnecessarily harsh. (o u ra eous, cramped an 1 hindered; its moral and; ing flatteries, accepting poverty—gave who docs not, think more of what be has at 1dm and learn to know him, ami von patient, but never servile, prompt to social character is also deteriorated. to say than of answering what is p aidto him a dignity th a t was unique. Deuk will say th a t the Hon. C. W. Fulton is aid mind or body, unostentatsjus, doing MANAG EKS, Education is a companion th at no j bargained with im perialism to gain con­ him . To be studious of pleasing one’s one of the m ainstays of the G rand Obi good secretly. C hrist went ti.rough life misfortune can depress, no clime tie- • Self is but a |>oor wav of pleasing ami cessions for H ungary, as Parnell ob­ Republican party. He is the personifi­ respected and loved, persecuted even by strov, no enemy alienate, no despotism , convincing o th e rs; ami to hear p.itient- structed p ailiam ent to assert the rights cation of the Grand Old Partv itself. lb s enemies alm ost solelv because of ci enslave; at hoinfc a friend, abroad an in­ k of Ireland and advance hei interests; ly ami answ er precisely arc the great Suryey him and you w ill ho unable to • His creed ry J troduction, in society an ornam ent, in but Kossuth demanded absolute inde­ perfections of conversation. r4 dis.over any blemish that w ill stain his While we are in the m idst of theolog­ solitmh» a solace. p. pendence for the H ungarian nation, ami pi»litical or private character. He has ical disputes'and schisms, while minis- 1 n No talent, no self-deni;i\ no brains, T he Florence W est has started in to all less than th a t be despitfee), This been tried in the crucible of political of- i A ters are disputing both, eoqeernin " no character, is required to set up in P 4 take off Moine (if the Z-.I jv ’» kivnCH was like the parade th at waa nintrnifi- M. /i e, ami he has been found to he twen- jo in ts of doctrine, the pulse of the great the grum bling business, but those who I cent, hut not w ar. it was exalted, hut gdge. We are not on ‘‘speaking term s’ tzi ty-(our carats ijne. lie is well qualified O hristian hearty beating more regular­ o y of state «iflairs, are move 1 with a genuine desire to ca w ith the Z?r4»ad-dr«, but if it hears any *’ot<‘politic ; thed - to be our Ktamlard begrer in tl;e Ju n e ly, morSrstrSfig G, than 'probably ever •d good have little time tor m urm ur'i;g resemblance to its twin sister, the Ropu- but not stai •«•rat! « ,u.i W campaign, for in but few otbee men will before, lieginn at the other end of f4 complaint. lint, we feel quite sure th at T he W esti I you find the principles of intellectual, the question, we lind men awakening to E h W e NoricEii an article in the A’» //« AS FO LLO W S: will use but little space to refute tin* il­ <1 moral manhood, ami those of the Re- the necessity of good deeds. To endeav- ■ Goomi gives »ill the news of state and nation and during the campaign its Sun- acknowledges to possess is unfit to n p- j pane of glass selling for $100. in Chicago work! as Oiegon’s la s t citizen. cally, than lias been brought about by day edition will be a symposium of po­ resent his constituents, as the posdbili- has raw nialcrisl in it w orth, perhaps, litical news and gossip for the entire , How the late campaign in I’ennsvlva | theological warn more liereely fought. ties of bis falling by the wayside in an $3. Any reduction in tin* selling price It would be a p<»or C hristianity state. It is illustrated and consists of nia was mapped out by the admiuistra-1 eight full pages of select reading m atter, evil mom ent is a risk far too great to be must come from the cost of labor. Take tion le-'e- all I bow the returns were re­ which would lose sight of faith in doing including a short story an I a wealth of <5 O undertaken by a com m unity of intelli­ ( our polishers in this country ami they 1 good deeds. That would be to expect ceived by the President, is vividly de- I poetry ami miscellany. Every voter in j gent citizens. j are paid $2.50. In Belgium women are scribed by the \cw York >’101, Chas. A. ! j the fountain to flow w hin cut off from Oregon should rea l a paper nom the j D e a le r in I employed to do the same work ami I »ana s great Hemoaratic jiev. spapcr, in I the source, but the union of old and capital during the campaign and we j Ir is time the Republicans organize a young to carry tin* Ciir.stian spirit into make this offer to suit the times. Sam- ! .a re paid 20 cents a «lav for it. If the du ­ the follow ing ‘language: Republican Campaign Club here in every affair of the day, means toe spread pie copies trie . All subscriptions will ty eu Belgian glass is taken off, the \\ the distiiigniblic.« leaders oi the be consecutively numbered upon receipt Florence precinct. The party work can American polisher can expect to see his Cleveland dem vra.'V of I’ennsvlvania of C hristianity in directions where Carnets, G ents’ Glassware, ami to ea- h tenth subscriber will be Is» done more harm oniously ami effect­ Boots and F u rn ish in g Groceries, wages cut down just to t ie extent of the 8o|emnly asaur? I Mr. Cleveland some pra. er or ex. ortat on m nnot yet ;o . , presented a y ear’s subscription to the ually by an organisation than by the (¡nods. Shoes. Etc. Etc. reduction in the tariff. It is practically | Woor three week i_«i that the republi­ li will engender a respect ¡or reli.ton in <’onmopiditan Magazine, cost ng $1.50, efforts of single men. Remember that I determ ined already, by the lar e manu- can majority for courrcssm eq at large quarters wmere it is not, and will ulti- Address nil q^dvrs to The ■Siatesnia H eatlquartcrs for “ In union there i« stren g th .” Let every­ t'.i tur»rs, that they will have to cut wa? would not e \ ’ee I 50.000, the president mutely dem onstrate to thf bus ties» inter. T iik Hver and liarl or comm ittee of again if the opportunity offered.” tli • president’» policy in every particu­ I course rests pon -lie C hristian life. {he House lias pmcticallv completed the lar; Fiat it uiU'juivocally approved the A i AiiiiE percentage of what pusses for ^ h e anot .er, to ov­ river anil harbor bill for tbi« Congress, Wilson bill; th at thsy had implicit I Peach m m in good breeding is artificial in a higu dg- e rre a c h one n,. er, to lie and to steal, but then* may be some minor change« faith in Editor Singerly’s power to restory gtrr-r-' TJ -.r-yr-r C-S—B thervin uhvi* it is t.nally passed on by gree, notw ithstam ling all w riters on eti­ parly harm ony, and that it was an off ami cummer, c is inipossilile. Those quette plead for naturalness. Good- the '’om m ittee. The bill make« a total election, and the majority wi»uld neces­ I who do these t.i.n js are trade atbeisis, ami are sp ecify east out from the com­ appropriation approxim ating #9,000,000. breeding in itself consists in what, when sarily he sm all. it comes to be analyzed, is essentially m unity. If every trailer were a Cliris- Tl;c presi I m hear 1 them attentively This is $2,000,000 li•«« tban the appro­ C A L L ON OR A D D R E S S artificial, for good breeding demands a i tian and hved a C hristian life, business and tiien rem arked; “ That wouhl be a 1 priation for the current fiscal year, wbile • due considi iat.on for the h rlin g s and drop of 85,0'K» from the majority of 135, would lie deprived oi half its evils. th e estim ates before the committee T H E L A N E C O U N T Y L A N D &. L O A N CO. C arrie Orene Hing ' weaknesses of those with whom wc arc 003 cast last November. Such a result t Misfortunes mizld stilt overtake the in­ amounted to $38,770,611. In aildition E U G E N E O R E G O N . daily brought in conta t. Wo are apt would be of greater advantage just at dividual here and tliere, hut t i e h e a t io this am ount, carrie 1 by the regular R »1 I n -e fu lly th e f »!l »win.: a!li 1 ivits bv prom inent eitizons regarding Flor­ to say th at the noble savage is n atu ral; this tim e.” The astute Cleveland.tes ■ of toe imd> i I'.iimeieial would be unaf- river and harlxir bill, the sundry civil ence property, now on the market at w«»n«lerfully re«lnce ride who pride Ihmnselves on naturalness v„j ol|i..4.r . p r , Eugene Townsend, pf parutions for delivcring milk to their became s«e t and smooth. As a family medicine TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : into the gulM-rnat«*!ial chair on bi« pop­ are, after all, only indtdging in tlieir in­ I’.nl.i I '.pb. i, f >r sup ■r.nnui.l.uit of the patrons. Being first duly sworn J dep«»se and sny: That I have been a resident of Flor ence. Lane County. Oregon, for the past twelve years; that I am fam iliar «and wel ularity. Never was a poor man so de­ nati . eltìshness : it e.»^ts a little troublc m int, ae. I St. C lair Mull: illand, of l’liil- Miss Carrie t ’b iqlierlin luis been en- acquainted with tli« property known as “ F rasier nnd B errv’s part of Florence4* gaged to teaeh tlu Seaton seliool, so we luded in bis life ms this monopolistic a to Is» artit - ;a l; it ih m eli casier t<» idelpbia, fur pension agent. that the same rs adm irably suited for resilience property, h eirg pi rfectlv level nnd are informvd p irant. lie dis s not see for one mo • peak out wbut tii’ l in te rs tla ir minds. These appointm ents, made tri; free from drifting sand. That fruit trees and shrubbery grow well in tb eeo il and incut, th at in the la«t pre« -lential i k\* 1 'lio s e people w bo cry s i loud for natu r­ d a \s lieiorc the recent etertion, were LOST. I at pure well water is found on the same at a «lep’b of from ten to fifteen feet. tion his name was only the tool to do alness under all I'ircuuistnm es, (or w c used w ith m arked effect in the earn- J oseph A. M orris , M erchant. On Satu dai , March 2*t'», a brom e we believe flood's Sarsaparilla has no eqnal and the dirty work. His name was used by . make no question of it lietng at times paign, li w.i« ’"n n ugly given out all ) 8KAL Subscribed and sworn to l»«Mre me this 12th day brown neekliandketcliief. Please return I recommend it.’’ W. L. K ino . Bluff Dale,Tex. the Democracy for the sole pnr4»o » of best, fail to see how largely the. fri t on i on : tlie n . th at n appointm ent toan y to tld» office. — — day of March, 1802. L. B ii . vkv , H ood’s Pills are t h best family cathartic, N otary Pit tlie . defeating a Republican elector and not oi ev ery -11> li(e is avo. led by we 1- on- ,. A ral office woul I be ma le from anv gvi tie aad effective. Try a box. ¿6 cents» J. E ll io tt W ilsos . T H E W E S T . Literary. NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! GREAT S fiiT E STORE 1893 F A L L <&. W35MTER 1894 Dry and F a n c y Goods, TOSLET SETS 10 REECES! ZE^xxx* T rim m in g s ! G r E a t W h it & S ta re nf -A ORT STORE HURD&DA TH2 SEAT DRY GOODS fi GROCERIES. KriowEes &, Cettys T h e Old R eliab le — —- — B DRVX GOODS :% HOUSE I e • a of J . McClung E5 TT O - ES KT E , Can ¡ I n ÏBD BARGAINS ia SPECIAL LINES WE SOLICIT YOl’irriiA D E . ( ÀLL& C F S “ I LEAD, B U T N EVER FOLLOW ! S. H. Friendly RY HOPS, c »OODS, Ä&W WOOL, WHEAT, BE AL C L O T H IN G , OATS AND BARLEY, ESTATE! For Bargains in Rea! Property S ave th e C h ild re n HOOD'S S a rs a p a rilla CURES