I H E KNEW TOO MUCH. AS A CONSEQUENCE HIS WEDDING COST HIM A LITTLE EXTRA. ( I KUH'S TRUTHS. CURIOSITIES OF SEEING. lt« m a rl.u i» l« t t x p . r t m v n t . tv iif c b Shu* SrRRtfl'XDED Ï Ï MISTERI! A G re a t’M istake. notice ru cnffpiruHd. Notice u hereby given th a t the undersigned * l.m b. vn a p p ointed a d m in istra to r of the estate ' »•f U ill.am Palm er, »ieceased, by the C ounty C o n n i I Lane (m in ty , Oregon. All per* m , hax ing claim s against .said estate are required I t> present them w ith th e proper voucher*, v.itliin «lx m onths of the d ate of th is notice, • the- underaig $ed a t Acme, Oregon. i ated a t Acme, Ore 4> a, th is 20th day of • r h, ixy^ D L andis a n m in istra to r f *r the estate of ' .1 ¿am i aim er, deceased. O. i'i'TT..U, u tt ri.ey f.>r said e lute Al.i How l.iullv Hl« |:j« I, Deed red. In Koine parts of England it is Sonio very leinarkiiblo experiments, customary to send to friends im­ w hich any one, with a little care, may I [ant tor hims If. havo recently been mediately ait r death a paper bag M a M 's . X . J a y , un I l i a I Ira t J o u r n e y A n uy A re c e n t dlscov» h th a t he ad a c h e , made on tile p< rspective effet ts c i color, of biscuits. dlzztneaa, dulln ess, r u d o n of th e m ind, » r o w U „ c u .. s u it D i d n 't H u t « I n S h o w if on u rcreen of black velvet placed • tc ., a re d u o to de. I l i a T l . k . t . - - 11« T u r n e d H u t I n I l a u Franco claims to have invented c e n te r s w hich su p p .y .. a u b n ra t in o f w th ith e n oervo about 10 feet away large litters u v erv e t ' r a l l y U<>v*l S ls .d M an A f t e r A l l . pasted, somo blue and some red, the let­ artesian wells in 1402, but they fo rce ; t h a t ln d ig v sth • lie.- a t it iseburg, Oregon, Murvli ft, tracks and were receiving their pamen- tin* red unes. . li-'.'i. Notice i- la re b y given (lint th e follow ing It was raid, in size end shape, to c th o e n v n ey e rv th e s e w n e hich rv e gers. A tali, well dressed man w ith a ' n u m e l settler lias tiled notice of his in tention To produce this curious effu t both approximate a calf's head. f.ir-o from t h e lady on his arui presently approached eytei m ust bo used. When one cyo is n e rv e c e n te r s to t > m ake dual proof in p ,rt of h is claim , a.,d | e v e ry p a r t of tlio the rear slee|it>r on the B urlington train. closed. the li tters are all seen at tho th.it said proof w ill bo ma la before ,v. C. body, fa s t as th o -Mr. Daly's experienced eye told him at same distance. On 0[>eniiig the ether ! lro.rgtas, d . c o u r t Com m issioner, f ,r O .-g -a. e le c 'r lc c u r r e n t is <100 Reward, <100. co n v ey e d alo n g a glance that they wero brido and a i .darsufleld, Oregon, ou S aturday, A pril 2s, eye one set of letters im m ediately ap­ l li o te le g ra p h .sat, viz: groom. W ithout hesitation or inquiry pears to take u position in udvancu of The readers of this paper w ill be pleas­ w ires to e v e r y s ta tio n , la rg e o r Moses J. Towne, of any kind tho man was proceeding to the others. ed to learn that tlieic is at least one sm all. O rd in a ry I niestesd Entry No. 7 ;is, for the nw 1, of nw>, hand his bride up tho steps of tho P u ll­ p h y sic ia n s fa ll to Tho explanation offered is th at a sort dreaded disease that seienee has been re g a rd th is fa c t; e . 1«, e 1, of s e 'j. see. 11. mid s w '4 oi see. man sleeper when tho conductor de­ of stereoscopic effect is produced in the 9, tp. 20s, range 11 vv. He nam es the follow ing able to cure in all its stages, and th at is in s te a d of tr e a t ­ manded Ids tickets. in g ! tie n e rv e c e n - w itoe es lo prove Ids c o n tin u o u s residence eye itself, ending on color. The im ­ for ih o r a u s o "«-»>. I have got my tickets all rig h t.” ago of a bine object is shifted by tho C atarrh. H all’s C atarrh Cure is tin o te f rs tile upon and c u ltiv a tio n of, said lau d , viz: Wit- d is o rd e rs replied the tourist. ” 1 know where 1 eye tow ard one side, and th at of a red only positive cure now known to ti e » risin g th e re fro m li in ..luck m id l hoinas ti. Gabriel of U ardlner, am going, and 1 don 't need to show my object tow ard tho other side, tho cause medical fraternity. C atarrh being a th e y t r e a t th a 1 a .glas county . Oregon, H enry A. hay and p a r t ntfeeted. tickets to y o n .” Mrs. .Mary A. B ay of Em pire City, Coos county, of the shifting being the eccentricity of e institutional disease, requires a consti­ F r.a u k lln Miles, Oregon. J ohn II. S iw rx , •'I am very sorry at having to incon­ the pupil of the eye. tutional treatm ent. H ull's Cv.nrrh Cure M. D., LL. 11.. th e IMIS-AM itegister. h ig h ly c e le b ra te d venience y o u ,” replied tho conductor This eccentricity may be increased by IS taken internally, acting directly up, n s p e c i a l i s t a n d affably, “ but my instructions aro not holding a black screen close to the eye ; h i blood and mucous »urfaees of t i e s tu d e n t of n e rv o u s x o n c E for publication . to allow any one to get on my train so ns to cover one-half of m an y n o t^ !.» re a t the pupil, system, llie te ! ,v d stroying the laanda- of tong s tn e e 'V taunt Office a t Roseburg, Oregon, Feb. Il, lsyi w ithout tirst seeing his tickets." The effect is best viewed by screening tion of the disi 11- , and giving- the ,sp -s a l- 'sinn>ni. given thill tile lollow lllg- **There is no law to make me show both pupils at tho same time, if on I T Is . p re p . trw ---- l .t. i pr. i< etc. Ii- success aanied settler li»» file 1 notii e of his in te n tio n a . a ris e , r from d e ru u u e - you my tick ets,” growled the man. "1 looking at blue and red letters on a black : tient s trtn r lh by building up the consti­ in e a r in g r th e nerv o u s sy ste m is w nnder- to m ake final proot in su p p o lt o i liis claim , haven't got to, and I don't mean to, 1 backgio ilid placed 1(1 or 12 feet away tution and listing nature ill doing its n in n e . n » t ji o too th o u s a n d s u n so lic ited te.stim o- tell yon. 1 know whero 1 am going, you see tho red letters nearer than the work. The proprietors have so much uiu .s iu possession of tho c o m pany m a n u fa e - anil th a t said prool w ill be mud» ! store W I.. Douglas, U. s. C ircuit C ourt C om m issioner th r m - r ’ h'i rom ody am ply prove. have got my tickets and am able to blue ones, screen off one-half of the pu­ faitli in its curative powers, th a t they Hr. Miles’ liestor.’itlv o N e rv in e ts n re llu b le f'-r Oregon, ut .Mtirshfield, Oregon, on Saturday, lake care of myself. J am no jay, out pil of each eye, on tho outside, and you offer Une H undred Dollari tor liny rem eity fu r a ll n erv o u s diseases, sin-h us tp rll 7, Jttdi, viz; ima.l iclie, in evous d e b ility , p ro stru tio n , ou my tirst trip abroad. ” Wittiam Block, -steeplessneFs, dizziness h y s te r ia , sex u a l de- will then see tho red letters retire be­ ease liiat it fails to cure. , IT’ bt. A u u s d an ce, e pilepsy, e tc . I t is " I am so rry ,” again replied the con­ hind the blue ones. III pre-em ption p . s. No. 7G.0, lor the s e '4 of sw sold try a ll d ru g g ists on a p o sitiv e g u a ra n te e , Send for circulars and testimonials. sv, *4 of -e' , -ec. 29, and lot» 17, 21 unit 22, zee. ductor courteously, “ but my instruc­ o r s e n t dire.-t liy th e Hr. lith - s M edical <’o.. If you screen tho pupils on the side r.ik liu rt, lint., on re c e ip t of price, 31 p e r b o t­ .2, tp. 21 s, range it w. tions are peremptory. Stand aside, toward tho nose, you will see tho red Address tle, six b o ttle s fo r fft, e x p re ss p re p a id . He nam es tlie loU ow hlg w itnesses to prove F. J . Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. please, and let these other passengers letters advaneo apparently still farther K e sto ra tiv e N ervine p o sitiv e ly contains no his c ontinuous reaideneeupon m at cultiv a tio n into the c a r.” ÆS?“3old by Druggists, 75c. A27 opiates or dangerous drugs. ahead of tho blue letters. of, said lau d , viz: u s u ry A. Buy, Moses J. ” Uh, show him your tickets, dear, S o ld b y a ll Druggists. It, 011 tho other hand, you naturally Tow ne. Ilio in a s It. G abriel, Mary A nn hay, ull and do not t n a k o nil this fuss about so seo tho bino in advance, screen tho in­ of G ardiner, D ouglas couuty, Oregon. sim ple n m a tte r," sweetly rem arked ner side of your pupils, and tho red will TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3 , 1873< J o n s II. S hcpi , the bride. 122-MuO Register. BARGAINS. BARGAINS. come to the (rout. NOTICE FOR TL’BLICATION. "N o , 1 w ill n o t,’* replied tho gentle­ It lias lately been shown by Dr. A. t’ aile 1 Land Ofllee, Roseburg, Oregon, í í i Will sell lots i l l Acme from $25 to $60. man. " I haven’t got to, and now th at D. Waller th at very beautiful effects Will sell li'ts in CItii’Sgo addition to my iru is amused over this thing I d o n ’t can be produced with uno cyo alone March 11, 1891. N otice is hereby given th a t in proposo to back down. I know w here when, instead of letters, red 'o r blue com pliance w ith th e provlaions ( f th e act of Florence cheap and on easy terms. Congress of Ju n e 3, 18/8, e n title d “ An uct fo ri W. A. Cox. J am going and how to tako care of my- rings are pasted on a background of the i-nlc of dm zi*r lauds in the states of C alifor­ ...i, << J •elf. FOR SA LE . the opposite color. Placing red rings nia, Oregon, N evada, and W asliingtcn T e rrito ­ "T h cro Is our superintendent of car on blue paper and using the right eye ry .” Curl F. I y.itx A fine farm of IG0 acres situated on service. Yon may speuk to him about with the inner side of tho pupil cov- ' of G ardiner, C ounty of Douglas, S tate of Oregon this m a tte r,” said tho conductor as he ered, tho appearance is th at of circular has thin ntor- hhls splendid paper, ’’ Your conductor demands th at 1 k ' " -“briyilluM rated, has bv far the tho Cth day of Ju n e, 189». lie nam es u.t wit- otit-biiildings, and stock of all kinds will world1 ° f an” BCk nt’nc WO,'K in th 0 show him my ticket before 1 board the messe-: M yrlu McGuire, L. heymour, C h ristian be sold with the place at reasonable pri­ « U1' t’oi.if.s sent free. liie fl'e e lu a t. Halidin" Euition. monthly, ;.-..oa year Kln^l« c a r,” replied the man. ” 1 say 1 have Pvritz, i red Oar, of G ardiner, D ouglas county, n r? ,'r,',7 ? CI'V'3- 'am ibtr “o n S m , ® ces if desired. Price of farm, $2000; one In country places whero nmnnement Oregon. titul plates, in colors, and photographs of new not got to and do not mean to. I know is not ahumluiit and people depend upon half cash and reasonable tim e given lor miu.s?ai " " 1 r’)än,8' ' t'.miters lo Show thu Any an d all j ersous c laim ing adversely the w here 1 nut going and am able to look each other f o r diversion, neighborly fa­ *“V lu v a n m tra ls . Address WUNU ¿i CO., Nuw ïui;K , 3G1 liito ä in v iy , above «le^crilied lands are requested to filj th e ir balance. Apply for further particulars ( after m yself." m iliarity u aturally flourishes, and the at this office. "H a v e you got your tickets?” asked habit of "ru n n in g in ” to visit friends claim s in th is oillee on or before said 6th day of ; June, IS'.» l J ohn 11. SflUPE, , tho superintendent. may he carried to an unpleasant excess. M2-3-.M25 Register. ! "Y es, I have them in my pocket all A family living iu North Carolina rig h t. 1 know wliut 1 am doing.” found it som ething of u strain upon "H av ey o u got your sleeping enr tick ­ th eir ideas of hospitality to ho obliged ets?" G O O D A D V IC E . «i-Wholesale and Retail every day to entertain a tedious woman Ripans Tabuies are com­ "Y es, I have It all rig h t in my pock­ of HO. The favorite book or tile neces­ et. It is for section 7. I know w hat 1 sary piece of work had to be put aside pounded from a prescription Every patriotic citizen should give his am doing, I tell y o n ." widely used by the best medi­ in order to shout bits of conversation in "O h, well, let tho man on the c a r,” Iter ear. personal effort and influence to increase cal authorities and are pre­ Izeading’^gciinds fo r said the superintendent. “ If ho lias sented in a form that is be­ At last tho father, in desperation, the circulation of his home paper which Ills tickets, ns he suys he has, it is not planned to go into a sudden lit of tem­ teaches the American policy of Protec­ coming the fashion every­ w orth w hile contending w ith him over per in tho presence of the obnoxious where. th s m atter and delaying tho other pas­ caller in 1 ho hope o f convincing her that tion. It is his duty to aid in this respect in every way possible. After the homo sengers. ” they were not pleasant people to visit. ial P B riio sss, paper is taken care of, why not sub­ The conductor stepped aside and let Accordingly one evening, when he re­ the couple pass, calling the jwirtcr to turned lrom business and found tho old scribe for the A merican E conomist , take the satchel as ho did so. Present­ lady present ns usual, he I ;an to talk published by the American Protective -May be Found In___ .-i; ly th s tra in pulled out of tho depot and loudly and in 1111 irritated voice. Then, Tariff League ? One of its correspon­ waa speeding across the prairies at a growing more excited, ho stamped about rapid rate, when the conductor began the room, knocking fu rniture right and dents says : “ No true American can 'olt‘lirated Jesse Jloore whiskey. to collect the tickets in the sleeping left and ended by going out utid bang­ get along without it. I consider it the greatest and truest political teacher in car. As he did so ho noticed that all ing tho door after him. ■STO TT C L A .N 'I lie Crulf Orchard Sour Mash the seats in section 7 were occupied, ami Tho old lady knitted away quietly the United States.” be im m ediately surmised th at there through tho eoiifiision, ami when the Send postal card request for free Genuine Old Castle Bourbon was a peg out of place somewhere, and mail was gone slio turned to the family Ripans Tabuies act gently sample copy. Address Wilbur F. Wake­ th at there would bo more fun with the and said in a com forting voice: --Tho O P. S . P o t t y - but promptly upon the liver, man, General Secretary, 135 West 23d obstreperous passenger. Ho kept Ilia "1 reckon it was mighty lucky 1 was stomach and intestines; cure counsel to himself, however, and went here, or you'd had to tako it. Hut you St., New York. Ever Refreshing Cold Storage Beer at 5 dyspepsia, habitual constipa­ on w ith hia collections. When ho needn't bo frightened. I’ll stay right Cents a Glass Awaits Your Order. tion, offensive breath and head­ reached section 7, iio took tho tickets h e re w ith you till ho gets over it. ” — L J O O D ’S G U A R A N T E E S Call for nit Im ported or Domestic Cigar, of tho two parties occupying the scats Exchange. ache. One tubule taken at the ■ ■ a cure. W hat it has done for opjusite his bridal friends, saw that first symptom of indigestion, And You Will h e Satisfied. others It will do for you. Be sure to they wero for th at section—for tho up- <’o111 III«1(1 ore* by th e llu ix lr e tl. biliousness, dizziness, distress get Hood's Sarsaparilla. per and lower berths respectively—and A fellow member of tho cubiuct c all­ after eating, or depression of EUCENZ, his surm ise was thereby developed into ed on Secretary H erbert ono day «hortly spirits, will surely and quickly a certainty. W ithout asking the man after I bo inauguration. Hi« face was remove the whole difficulty. •g ain for his ticket ho passed through not fam iliar, uml bo was stopped at all the other sleeping cars 011 the train, tin» door. took np all the tickets and found tbut M a r r & S a fle y Ripans Tabuies may be ob­ “ Aro you a commodore?” asked tb o , •vary berth was occuied without leav­ messenger. tained of nearest druggist. in g any for his ft lends. Tbo cabinet member caught his FOR — T in ----- "T ickets, please,” demanded the breath and said be w asn’t. Ripans Tabuies train conductor. Tho man drew forth •’Then you c>n’t go in ,” said the his pasteboards, and tho conductor ex­ messenger decidedly. are easy to take, amined them closely. quick to act, and It took some explanation to set things of cither pcx , any age, in any part of the country, "T hese tickets do not lend over this right. The cabinet member was a a t the employment w.iieh we furnish You uecd save many a doc­ ro ad ,” rem arked tho conductor us lie “ commodore,” but be did not know it. not be away from homo overnight. You can givo tor’s bill. folded them up and handed them buck. •‘Commodores,” in the understanding your whole t Inn to t’.i • work, nr only your spare mo­ “ This J b the direct route to Denver of the navy departini'iit messengers, m e ment v. As capital is no* required you run no risk. from Kansas City. Your tickets read not those of that official rank. ¡Senators We supply you wi.h all that is needed. It will round by Pueblo. ” and representatives ami all of such ofli- cost you nothing to try tho business. Any one " W h a t is the fare from Kansas City cial positions and relations as entitle can do the work Itcginuera make money from to D enver?” asked the man. them to prompt admission to the secre- the tint. 1 ailurc b unknown w ith our workers. "The fare is 18.15, "rep lied the train tary are "eomniodoret i.”— St. Louis I'vcry hour you labor you can easily make a dollar. conductor—” #58.30 for tw o .” The Globe-Democrat. No o rc who b willing to work fall t to make inoro L a r g e S a ^ w - z n ill money Wns counted out w ithout n word. money every day than can bo made In three days "C an you sell m en berth?” asked tho At any ordinary employment. Send for free book A Maine SCngre I.lm*. man, turning to the sleeping car con­ There is a cross country stago lino coitainiug the fullost information. ta c to r. from Abbott Village, Me., on tho P is­ Under Contract H. HA LLETT & CO., " I sin very sorry, but every berth on cataquis river, to Hingham, on the Ken- this train is sold. Tho best 1 can do neboc, the only intervening settlem ents i Box 830, for you is to put you In a chair ear. being K ingsburg and Mayfield, both There are a few seats still unoccupied such small villages that they are scarce­ there. Porter, take this gentlem an's ly distinguishahlo from the surrounding The town of Glenada is situated on the Pacific coast, fronting the traps to the chair car. ” country. Tho length of the route is On reaching the door of the car the over 23 miles, anil it la doubtful if there Great Siuslaw river, has deep water frontage, and the best offers ar© man turned, and in a tone of voice loud are many more than 50 occupied dw ell­ • tough to be heard by every one in the ing houses on tho m ain road along tho made manufacturers, tradesmen and home-builders to settle in this • a r said 1 line.—Lewiston Journal. "C onductor, at the suggestion of this -T H E most healthy town ou the coast. W rite Geo. II. Colter for particulars. lady, my wife, 1 want to make yon a A n O b s e r v a n t M ic h ig a n d e r 's D is c o v e ry , O -e tm © , bumble apology for my hoggishness for “ Did you ever notice,” paid M. IL refusing to show you my tickets in tho C hurch ut G rand liapida nt tho Nor­ F r u i i t s , first place. There was no occasion for mandie. " th a t the Wasliington monu­ — D E A L E R IN — it. 1 thought I could tako caro of my­ ment has tho exact dimensions of an V e g e t a t> le s . self, but now 1 lind I eafinot. 1 have ocean steamship? It lies. It is 550 feet The W ar Is Over. A Well-known Sol­ bad to pay for my ill breeding, but no lung and 55 feet at the lutse. Ju st com- dier, C orrespondent and Jo u rn a l­ more than I deserve. I want to ap. pnro these figures w ith those of the lead­ ist M akes a Disclosure. ogize ns publicly ns the offense was ing A tlantic liners, and you will find I H o i 'G i i o e O re g o n In d ia n a c o n trib u te d h e r th o n s s n d s of brave committed. Yon havo acted the g e n s o ld ie rs to th e « nr. a n d no s ta t e b e a rs a t e l ­ that they are just about tho s a m e - le r re c o rd In th a t respm -t th a n It d o -s. In Rlvinsn all through this affair, and I length in times tho beam and depth. It llte r u tu r e It is ra p id ly a c q u irin g a.i I low hnmblv apologize to you ur 1 e n v ia b le place. In w a r a n d llte r a tu ie is the nutcoino of sy m m etry ,"— Wash­ AN EXCELLENT FARM. b u g h t.’’—Chicago Post. Solom on Vewell, w ell know n as a w rite r ss ington Host. Sol, lias won an h o n o ra b le position. P u r - About seven miles up the Siuslaw «7^ If you expect cows to give you nr river from r lorence, and pituated cn the ‘a n |ry V olunteer*. Ke.’.yNiing an im p o r ta n t RAILROAD R A TES. their milk after they have secreted bottom lands of the river, is one of the ' S everal of n'. V : 'I 'l e u 'i a n , ’h e re a re usin g it, us«' common sense when yeu The rate nn the Southern Paeiftv from ; best farms In la m . county. For grain P til^ ^ f are milking them. Have them in Eugene to S.in Francisco and return is or pasture land it i? unexcelled, and ®P*enctld *ati-*(at?tion In fact, we have never ' the best proof that it produces the finest S’h T * . « X I «'omfortnhle quarters, und free $21 75. and from Drain to San Francisco tIo n of th e q u a litie s re q u lrv d in u prop* n m iiiv it,,. .. , and return (22 S5. Theso rates include , , '¡uietles of fruit, is tliat there is grow- n binn front »nuoyings.ilroundings. Dogs five con,«,ns „( admission to the l air of th e ir n a . tu re we h a v e e v e r know n. ... rn tto . n ...............-........ h ive none b u t w o nls of p ra ise for th e m . " n’hard consisting of the may worry und children tease. Tickets will he on sale frtm Jaen ry 2llh Ih e y a re th e o u tg ro w th of a new p rin c ip le In -lioicest kinds oi fruit-trees now in ineuic ine. anti to n e u p th e *v«tetu wonUer- Repairing I*roniptly Done If you think it is fun. the cow and those t'oarding the train at ettl e ruily. w e s a y to a ll. tr y th e se re m e d ie s." bearing. This farm will be sold ns a — golotnon ev.i 11, M arion, !nd.. lM l does not, and the shrinkage in the hngene or Drains, will arrive in San A N D W O R K W A R R A N T E D . whole or in ten, five or one acre tracts Y he-e rem ed ies «arc «old by ¿11 d ru g g is ts on a pqM erty in CLENADA _____ OVERLOOK The ocean, the surrounding country and the Light-house. DR. PER W EEK WILLING WORKERS Sash and Door Factory, K T e-w - C h u r c h . , f PORTLAND, MAINE. BUTCHERS. H.M.Chamberlin B e e f. B iS lS , T e -w e le x -, ( 1,O( k S , »JKW k l . i n . in>! a ,ar*t'' A VETERAN'S VERDICT.