gaged in making arrangements to cause the wheels mid saws to hum with indus­ try, is performing such work in an intel­ EVERY FR ID A Y M ORNING.— ligent and buslnes-diko way. When — AT— the mill is under full operation, we will L ane C ounty , O eegon he heard from again and more in de­ tail. TZHZE W E S T . — PU B L ISH E D F lorence , Motion by J. C. Brown th at delegates be instructed to vote against all men who are antagonistic to tlie appropria­ tion of money for the improvement of Siuslaw river I, r was carried. M o tio n by J . A. Morris Jr. that dele­ gates who cannot attend the county eonvoution he instructed to send their proxies only by delegates that doatteud was carried. Convention then adjourned. F. IL R ouebs . Secretary, B. F. A lley , Chairman. fanner th at only p esses a Fifty or one All indications are pointing toward a hundred aero iylu . field cannot meet in busy season on the Siuslaw river, four competition t i e n ipolist farmer. No saw-mills « ill be tanning, the fishing wonder tliat w h iit ops to 33 cts. per season will open this sum mer, our can­ bushel. You| m not Sttpp n t a man neries will run and the government and a party lh«l to ta k e 11 oni you works for the Siusluiv river bar will re­ and from your ahii I ui tlie beueiits of a sume operations. higher education toe least tliat any it is tho duly of every voter of the good parent can bequeath to their chil­ Siuslaw to indorse Binger H erm ann’s dren. efforts for the furtherance of our inter- ' You will not support men that come esls by giving him an increased major-1 here and attack tlie ippropriations inado ity. hv tlie last legislature at Eugene, Rose­ fot : 6 0 D A Y S O N L Y ! burg, Union, etc., return to tiie val­ ley and bond about our fish hatchery 153 mi I acres of land, mostly all : and our im provements of the Siuslaw Bottom land on tide water. bar. CASH <1063. CASH You will not support a party th at fa­ The owner of this property must raise: vors the abolishneut of the State Mili­ the sum of $1050 within 60 days, lienee! tia and holds up as an example a cranky this B argain! Populist governor of C o lo rad o , a man Good title w arranted. who is in his dotage, tries to coerce law If von have tho cash, here is your and order, liy calling i at the militia to chance, so take advantage of this 00 days enforce his own tyrannical doctrines. 1 forced sale ’ , am satisfied th at you will not allow Write im mediately or apply in person yourself to be bamboozled by a lot of for particulars to politicians, that were kicked out i f the Joe Morris, J r., two old parties, but that you will use Florence, Oregon. your ballot us ycnr conscience dictates. TON of garden seed Be sure yon u n ti g h t and then go ahead. i Ju st received a in bulk—all tested seed. Semi a list of L tcoog seed that you will need to F. L. Cham­ X e rij L rttillr .H i li“' [.a ll «•»— <*er- bers, Eugene, and yon will receivo by return mail prices— bottom prices —on 4 o i l . ~ • .TTP ! gen nine Oregon Seed. A full stock of j Planet, J r . gardening trd a few months of uncer­ Tuesday to surprise Geo. Chamberlain. GJentena— E. Thurm an, A. D. Reeves, Prendergast, the m urderer of Carter 7 6 8 H A N D S O M E PA TTE R N S - tainty than four years of general advers­ The plot was carried out successfully to their home on F id d le creek this week. J B. Richardson, judges; W. T. Bailey, H arrison, has been reprieved until ity , suffering and distress. U nder the and George was the most surprised boy Mr. Houghton is in San Francisco. Archie Richardson, clerks. April 6. There is one day in the year th a t we most favorable circumstances, the Wil­ in Florence. After passing a pleasant Hood’s Pills are hand m ide, and per­ son Bill, if it become a law, cannot he do not w ant the sun to shine, even for a TO R E N T . fect in proportion and appearance. 25c. changed until the sum mer o f 1837. We evening the young folks returned to m in u te; it is February 2d. The old bear their respective homes, never weary of The farm known as the Cape Stock per box. earnestly recommend that you will urge singing the praises of George’s hospital­ came out on that day and saw his sha­ dow, and we did not 6ee ours for a Ranch, situated 5 miles North of the A large delegation of Republicans the United States Senators, irrespective ity. * ★ W E A R E A G E N T S FOR T H E G E R M A N month of the Siuslaw river and running montli after. •was out to attend the caucus on Satui- of party to defeat, or try every parlia­ S U N D A Y S E R V IC E S . A M E R IC A N IN S U R A N C E C O ,O F N E W ■day last. Mr. Finsterwalder moved into his new 3 miles on the coast to w ithin one-half mentary method delay, the passage of j house when tlie moon was d ark ,—fooiish mile of tlie new light-house. The convention held for the purpose this measure. Y O R K , A N D T H E P H Œ N IX A S S U R ­ R ev . I. G. K notts , P astor . m aul—and the star of ill luck lias risen j Tlie same to be let with from 12 to 20 of nom inating tlie town officers was well j Hon. Binger H erm ann has secured an Sunday services at th e Presbyterian above his horizon, he having lost three cows, to suit parties. A N C E CO- OF L O N D O N , E N G L A N D . Plenty of bottom attended. item to he inserted in the river and h ar­ Church as follows: land with m ountain stream running milk cows recently, besides other minor bor hill, now before the committee, ap ­ Forty sacks of delayed Eastern mail through. A good dwelling und dairy Sabbath-School at 10 o ’clock a. in. misfortunes. He has my sym pathy. arrived at Eugene post-office on the 21st propriating $20,000 to he expended on houses with mountain stream running the jetty at the month of the Siuslaw No services in the morning, but preach­ Now, More Anon, I think It too bad ■of this month. W hen Rates are equal why not g e t th e best? by tlie door, containing plenty of trout. ing at 7 :33 p. in. All are cordially in­ river. If the same care ami economy th a t after writing such a nice story you John Yates was taken suddenly sick R ent, $100 down and $100 In work vited. should try to creep out of it and lay tlie on Tuesday night and a physician was are maintained in this expenditure as on the ranch. For particulars apply to , were practiced in outlaying the $70,000 praise on the head of one of your num er­ E U G E N E IT E M S . sent for on Wednesday. O. W. Ilu rd , Florence, Oregon. ous namesakes. Gail Maker will never heretofore appropriated, the jetty will he Captain Amasa Hurd is to visit the carried to a point on the sand spit, From the Oregon State Journal. TO T H E P E O P L E . deny her Identity, hut when they pro­ county-seat next week and lie may go to known as the middle ground, where it Col. E. Ilofer, editor of the Salem nounce it “jail," I think It Is a little too To the citizens and residents of the San Francisco ere Ills return. will lie of great benefit in partially, at Journal, and departm ent commander of had. Siuslaw who have property to sell or On the 6th of November the people least, m aintaining a stationary course Oregon, of the Sons of Veterans, organ­ trade—real or personal; jyotcM I t em s . ■will have an opportunity to speak— of the channel into the ocean. Such ized a camp at Rosehurgh last Saturday Since I have had descriptive circulars th e ir verdict must be awaited. ' condition of things w ill bring about the night, March 17. E y Ien D ies . of the Siuslaw printed, I am receiving The schooner Lile M attie wau towed coming and entering of vessels of deeper numerous letters asking about the dlfler- Ronds very muddy. ■to sea on Tuesday carrying 160 thousand draft ami the consequent cheapening of From the Eugene Gunnl. , ' ent property I have for sale. If vou The storm last week was the worst of . prices of transportation. I l , , - , . , . feet of lumber and other freight. The foot-ball game, played in Eugene have any land of which you wish to dis­ the season. ’ The Siuslaw Timber and Boom com­ on Saturday last, between the students I pose, give me a description of It and I R E P U B L IC A N P R IM A R Y . L. A. C hristian left for Halsey Tufcs- will have a correct descriptive list of all pany has moved its pile-driver to Spruce of the Albany Collegiate Institute, and day morning. A meeting of the Republican Primary of tlie State University, was won by the Point, where piles will he driven for a the property printed and distribute it of the Florence precinct was held in latter. Total score for the University boom. J. S. Day lost * milch cow last week, with my circulars. Try me and if no cause unknown. sale Is made it will cost you nothing. Mrs. VVm. B ernhardt is beautifying C athey’s H ill, at Florence, with Hon. team was 44, Albany 2. tier home by additional flower plats, vnd B. F. Aliev as chairman. Election supplies are now being packed [ L. J . Cornelius, of Walton, was in this Call and get one of my circulars. Motion hv H. Bultman that a comm it­ and will be shipped by the secretary of vicinity a few days ago. Yours for Business, J oe Mounts, J k . 8he handles the epade and hoe to per­ tee of five he appointed by the chair to state to tlie different county clerks fection. Quite a lot of travel over the Wild Cat C IT Y E L E C T IO N , nominate a set of delegates to represent throughout tlie state, through whose Work on the Spruce Point mill is sus­ and Notie roads now, mostly strangers. this precinct at the county convention hands they pass to tlie precinct judges. The annual election of the Town of pended for a short period, pending the Tlie beautiful sunshine is once more was carried. Tlie supply consists of blanks, pencils, here after our long, protracted, stormy Florence will he held in the lower room arrival of machinery ordered by Mr. Mefwrs. II. Bultman, W. II. Weather- needles, and laws. of the Cathey building, Florence, Ore­ Tlie supply for the weather. Eeacore. son, R. B. Mills, J. I. Butterfield and gon, on Tuesday, April 3, 1894. The The roads to success are broad and Jared Scott were chosen by the chair as state will weigh litany hundreds of J . L. F urnisli’s article to the populists polls will be opened at 9 o’clock a. m ., pounds, Multnomah county alone weigh­ varied in tins Siuslaw country, if parties such committee. was terse and to the point. H it them and close at 5 o ’clock p. nt, This elec­ ing two hundred and fifty pounds. who travel them are clothed with pluck again, Mr. F urnish. D. E . Severy received the nomination tion is (or the purpose of electing a Pres­ The populist organ says “ every page and energy. for Justice of tlie Peace, by acclamation. ident, four members of the Board of H enry Campbell, an old friend of A. of the complaint shows the sheriff Dr. Sponoglc, who, it will be remem­ Motion by W. MeCornnck that the Trustees, Recorder and M arshal, to F. Davis, is up from California visiting Com­ bered, came near settling in this place, secretary be instructed to east the ballot charged constructive mileage.” serve for the ensuing year. plaints are easy to make, and it is easy at the la tte r’s residence. lias been sent to the penitentiary for for Justice of the Peace; lo st. Dated this 12th day ofM arcli, A. D. 1894. Good weatfigr for “ spring fever.” to find men with elastic consciences to seven years. Motion by J. A. Morris, J r., that F rank B. W ilson , swear to them , but some proof is necess­ Watch oat, hoys, and don't work too Recorder. Tlie steam er Robarts will leave here nominations of precinct officers he de­ ary before fair minded and nupredju- hard for tlie first lew days. -to-day for the double purpose of towing ferred until return of committee on dele­ diceil men will condemn an official who We understand Mr. Ira Jiinian, of E l­ ?X.,;;Vr.,Aeenfs.$75 a schooner into Alsea and taking passen­ gates; carried. is doing his duty as be construes the m ira, has been employed to teaeli the • K xelusive te rrito ry Tb« Messrs. M. Morris, John Yates, J C. X ap ld l> k h A s > h « r. W * » b r s * iiib e gers to Yaquina. C ls b u f o r • fa m ily lo o n « m la tit*. law. Tlie report of tlie referee is a vir­ Lyon's school, (district 118) Brown, C. B. Morgan and J. L. Furnish W ash»«, rtnaea and d rlra th»m II. M. Chamlierlin and fumily, on vltboat « c it in g the b an d *. You tual vindication of the honor and probi­ Levi Vaughn and Alex Morrison left p u tb ih«i b u tto n , lb - m a chine4«ea Wednesday of this week, moved their received nominations for c o n s ta b le . J . ty of Mr. Noland. The case is in court th e r- et. R rie b t. p o ll-b ed dUhee, tills morning for Eugene witli a team en d cheerful « l e - e . No »raided household effects to Cox’s island, near L. Furnish and C. B. Morgan declined. and bare assertions in a ease tu inufaet- .fli.K e ra n o M ille d b e n d e o r clothing and cart via the “ mud route.” Motion that the names of the dele­ ' N • broken d l «h muaa. Cheap, Acme, where they will hereafter reside. ra b le ,« a rt an ted . C lru alarafroe. ured to suit a few . malcontents, or bare- ««• Em v .. « . „ r v Miss m a rislie r, of >otie, i lias i been « . P. D ABKISON A CO„ d u llw gates chosen bv the committee he de­ t S». U , t C m i e , O. Do not put off taking a spring medi­ faced falsehoods in a campaign organ, , i ... . , » ® * » employed to teach the Ivison school clared nominees for delegates to the cine but take Hood’s Sarsaparilla now. cannot uffecVtl.e result. The people’s (district 1 100) q 0) t | ie the coming term , She If you want the most reliable watch case county convention. I t will purify your blood, strengthen party is composed of honorable fair comes well recommended. Foregoing motion amended by A. R. * in the world come to me and get the your nerves and give ydu a good appe­ minded men and it cannot hut repudiate Buttolpb th at the convention vote on Miss Annie Whlsimtn, of V arlen, is tite. the course taken by a few zealots, and the names of the delegates one at a the hat full of type th at masquerades now emploved.iiR mail carrier between Our summer season on the Siuslaw tim e ; carried. Yarien and Ivison. She makes regular will glow with life and activity since ' Motion of J. A. Morris, Jr., th a t dele- utnler the name of a newspaper. rail-road time—five miles an hour. $20,000 will be expended on our harbor gates he voted for bv ballot, was amend- C IT IZ E N S O F T H E S IU S L A W . Be carefnjb for the chips and three saw mills are to be in opera- j piI by j, n ,lltm#n t0 vote . W e laid out the o riginal town trite o f FLO R E N C E , in clu d in g the and keep yunr niigvrs from under tliat l*00, I amendm ent Inst. B y N arses . terrible "Brand of Eugene. It is The citizens of Lincoln street are ntak- Motion carried th a t convention vote There is an old m axim, a maxim that a neat little paper, hut is too much of a ing some valuable and timely improve- ; hy ballot. has often been tried and found truthful ‘•calamity howler” to suit quiet people. m ents on their property, and to keep I Motion tliat convention vote for dele- to tlie core. It is Rev. O. B. Greene, of H erm ann, was pace with th eir personal thrift, the town gates one at a tim e; carried, “ United wc stand in this vicinity last week, preaching at should improve the street. Result of balloting was the election of Divided we fall.” Let ns then stand united, shoulder to I Lyon's school house on Sunday the 11th The Oregon Stale Journal says th at C. B. Morgan, B. F. Alley. H. Bultman, and at Ivison Monday following. The th e Eugene Bi-inetallic leag u e has en ­ J. Scott, 8. G. Lindslv. J. I. Butterfield, shoulder in order to he better able to Brother has quite a lengthy circuit, •T . A. Pond, J. A. McLeod, anil .1. L. uphold the demands of the Siuslaw gaged Carey F. M artin to address a travelling 160 miles each mouth in fill­ public meeting at the court-house oil Furnish as delegates to the Republican valley, th a t wc may be stronger in re­ He is a ‘live” , j county convention. futing the accusations and calumnies ing his appointm ents. Friday evening, March 30. D. E. Severy received tl e nomination launched against the Interests and re­ prestdier, preaching the gospel In truo Aud offer lot« in them parts from Î50 to 8500.- ' ’ ’ There was a slight improvement in DO NOT L E T D U L L T IM E 8 for Justice of the Peace, and J. C. sources of a young, hut rapidly growing apostolic style._____ th e price of potatoes in the Sun F ran ­ prevent you from bringing mo country. Wc know our friends and wc HERMANN. cisco market last week. Coos hay pota­ Brown for Constable. yo u r work for repair. I want pro­ will rejoice with them over our joint ' Motion of W. II. W eatherson th at toes, which bring the highest figures, P.v J . C. P helps . delegates he instructed to use all honor­ successes. We know our enemies and [ visions o f a ll kinds. were quoted hy some commission mer­ able means for the re-nomination of J. we shall meet them openly and fairly. chants at 90 cents.—Coos Bay News. At tlm Republican prim ary, held G. Stevenson for County Superinten­ Before you cast your vote at the June ' G. B. C O L L E S , At the primary Iteld in Lake precinct, dent ; carried. election, study the principles of the dif­ March 24, nt Hermann p re c in c t, F. E. F. E. Frem ont, S. B. Colvin and Mr. Taylor and J. C, Phelps were elected F lo re n c e W u t c ii D o c to r. T h o Motion of J. A. Morris, Jr., th at dele- ferent parties, in order th a t vou mav Lowe were elected delegates to the re­ gates he instructed to use all honorable vote in telligently; and I tnu sure th at delegates to attend tho Republican publican county convention of Douglas me»n« to secure the nomination of 8. II. you will not support a party th at proni- county convention. LA N E C O U N T Y , O R E G O N . For sale but every lo t wc offer is lc t;.(td near and in the bneinrea county. F. E. Frem ont received the Friendlv as State Senator from Lane ises one thing and does nnutiier. Mo ion instructing delegates to use I am To persons desiring reliable inform­ th eir influence to secure the nomination nom ination for Justice of the Peace, nnd co n n tv ; carried. sure that yon w ill not support a party « ation n u l l regarding m the r w wonderful u iiu c iiu i i resources v o tju r w n Jo e Austin for Constalde. Motion by Joel M Cornsck th at dele- th a t howls against monopolists and nom- of W. T. Bailey, of Glentenn, (or County of Lane conntv, or for prices and term« 1 » i ir • . . : f t t center aud i ...:n will bring good 1 rental, it improved »- The following notice was received too pe instructed to use all honorable ¡nates a monopolist for the Governor­ Commissioner, wss carried. of grain, ” * ’ grat stock or fruit farms in tire J . L. Taylor received the nomination late for insertion in our last issue: means to secure nomination of Mr. A. J. ship of this Commonwealth. A man , . , . W illamette Valiev or town property «-■ I will not tie at my appointment at Johnson for sheriff of Lane county was th at claims to be a farmer and portsesacs for Justice of tho Peace, ’ aud J . Koepp 1 ' either in Eugene or Florence, we recom­ was nominated for Constable. W R IT E US FOR P R IC E S , M A P S A N D D E S C R IP T IO N S . G lenada this month, as 1 am in a meet­ carried. a ten thousand arre w heat field, a man mend you to correspond with E. J . F ra­ Very likely b >th ¿«legates will attend sier, secretary and manager of tho Lane ing at Gardiner. I will he there the Motion hy J. A. Morris Jr., th at dele­ that really owns the land that should lie fourth Sabbath in April, I). V. gates he instructed to use all honorable occupied by at least one imndred happy the iiiuntv c n v e n tio n . Co. Lnnd A Isian Co , Eugene, Oregon. G. W. Q vimby . means to secure nomination of C. H. Ba- free American famiiios. Nathan Pieice The Siuslaw Tim ber and Boom co npa- Send for one of their latest descriptive A short visit to the Spruce Point saw- ker for representative In the leg slature can make a fortune annually, if he only 1 ny’s boo n Ins heen enlarged to about circulars. Read tlioir ad. in unotlier C E O . M . M IL L E R & Co. nets one dollar p r acre, whereas the three times i:» previous cap i:.v. part of thil paper. n a il discloses the fact th at the firm en- was carried. F A IR M O U N T , Ore II- F. ALLKVi Editor amc ! Proprietor, Generai M erchants. Teas Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Glassware, Crockery, Coffee Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Windows, Doors, B uild­ ers’ Supplies. IM P L E M E N T S . ALWAYS TRADE AT Meyer & Eyle’s. THE FIR-CLAD CITY. Is situated on the Pacific Coast in Lane County, and on a “ bee line” West from New York and Chicago, where we have LOTS TOE, SALE! WATER FRONT, NO WILD CAT PROPERTY