J | 'T -l t-l ; X y \ 7 * ~F4~l. S ^ ^ r *r*1 cent, of the Engineers' estimate«, and T he real test will come, when the about 2000 popuhL m , a num ber of ------ -------- ■ __the Siuslaw secured forty per vent, o f ' State convention meets, in sending schooners trading*) It, but even this — p sa itia z » itkry ratn.vv mormxc ,—• the recommendation, we want some one nainr-s to the people for Governor and was not enough. (OBUMNAfi AND SELECTED.) to point out where we have a better or Secretary of State. It will lie a test be- Every dollar I s-;ure for the Siuslaw — J u c t R eceiv ed a t th e .......... — AT--- F lo baser. Lava C ix ' xtv . O regon . more reliable friend than Mr. H e r-1 tween str.uncli, upright, educated Re- over the per cenif is so much taken Sincerity, a great, deep, genuine sin­ m ann. And, withal, we expect to set ; publicans, against Republicans iu name from what some oiier place would ob- cerity, is the first characteristic of all the same bard work done as was expe- who are the mere replica of isms. The tain. You can therefore see that unless E very indication of future prosperity men in any way heroic. rieneed two years ago, to defeat Mr. 1 people want co half-hearted advocates a place shows up well in the report« p iin ts towards Florence and the Siuslaw Good tem per, like a sunny day, sheds H crinsno, and then such parties be the ' of Republican principles knocking for how members will fight It. Now you 4 ountrv. a brightness over every thing. It is the first to present their claims to secure their suffrages. The Grand Old P arty rem em ber bow th i Engineer refers to sweetner ol toil and the soother of dis­ j of to-day is largely composed of young the Siuslaw. He Speaks of its “ small E w e county Republican, have conse­ work on the Jetties. quietude. crated themselves to the work of victory ‘ men, in whose breasts beat high and commerce,” sm allthis a n l small that. R ound up the Populist situation and The secret of many a m an ’s success for protection and labor. ■ warm the principles born with Republi- This kind of ¿all-hearted showing view it through common sense, it is ev- in the world resides in his insight into canism, and the fire th a t illumined the makes it a fearful load for the Repre- “ O xeday in thy courts s better than dent they have no other mission than to the modes of men, and his tact in deal­ politleal horizon In the earlier days of sentativo. To exited his per cent, he ing with them . » th o u s a n d ," is what some of them said try to gain political supremacy by com­ Notions, Groceries Provisions, Oiled Clothing, Grass Seeds, Hard­ Lincoln a n l G rant, will again burst must argue, beg pb ad, threaten, log as they left Eugene recently. plcte revolutionary measures. They iu- One of the most effectual wavs of forth under the directorship of ro val- roll with hie collevgu on the Commit- ware, Powder and Shot, Leads, Gils, Turpentine, Colorings &c. &e. dulgc in th at exhilarating exercise of pleasing and of making one’s self be­ PIER4-E. the Populist candidate for kicking at every law of governm ent from ient leaders, 1\ ho are the men? The tec or in the House. Nine times out of loved is to be cheerful. Joy softens ......Take a Look at our— — Governor, owns a 10,000-acre wheat W ashington to Cleveland, and once Pop­ public pulse beats—the swing of the ten he fails, as n ue places out of ten more hearts thun tears. pendulum turns the political hands fail to get, in ou" present bill, one dol- field. Is he a monopolist? ulists were in power, a monarchy out- ' A willful falsehood told is a cripple, whlch point directly, we believe, to hir over the 20 per cent. Now I have not able to stand by itself w ithout an- ranking th at of “ bloody bridles” Gov- ! In Dry and Fancy goods, we liavo Ladies’ and Gents’ Shirts and Hon. Chnrleg W. Fulton for Governor several places in i»y State wdiere I must I mmeaki rablv beneficial to our lum­ other to support it. It is easy to tell a ernor W aite of Colorado would l e tie Drawers, Woo! and Cotton, Marseilles Quilts, Flannels and woolen and H arrison R. Kincaid for Secretary seek for more th in the bare per cent, ber industry is the work of securing lie, but hard to tell only one lie. result. Men who are honest and loyal of State. Mr. Fulton possesses the fire Tiie W illam ette*river cannot do on <20,000 for our harbor by Mr. H erm ann. Offer to the world a large, generous, Dress goods. Look at our large stock of to a free government, do co t care to , , , . , and dash of a Beaconsfield and the mag- $12,000. The people of Eugene, of Cor- CtTuaxs of this county will vote for travel along the edge of a political pre-1 netign, of B|ttine> wRh the integrity> vallis, of Albany, sf Salem, and further true, sym pathetic nature and, rich or poor, you will never be friendless, no j honest, intelligent men and protection rlP‘eo clinging to the eoat tails of nnar- honesty, honor a n l learning of Ixitii. down vtendinw along llils year. See to it th at candidates GHaiic Populists, and fine11;- finding We can look nowhere else for a Ifoltef i.!! e M-IW,1 Jciundu linj oVciiHST S tw a - n ia tB ji' what catastrophes may befall: Black, White anil Grey. ybuT national ruin crum bling under their represent both. lcader, for lie is as much an ideal Ita- rious places on this reach, and <12,000 Plush, velvets, silks, gimps and fancy trimmings. Hosiery, gloves, feet. A cheerful heart paints the World as j publican of Oregon as ever \\ ashburri will not do it. W hat can the Represen- it finds It, like a sunny landscape; a i corsets, ribbons, saxony yarn, and hundreds of other choice articles, T he prospects of hearing Major Me- . .. . . . i . , r I t is not to be expected th a t the Pop- waa of Illinois. Mr. Kincaid will touch tativc do? He m ust fight inch by Inch, K inley, th n t champion for protection, in . . . . .. , , , morbid mind depicts it like a sterile | a rr la ll * i r> 1 r i ulist party, which has been rightfully another cord, too, a cord of staunch re- dollar for dollar over the per cent. Do wilderness, and dark us the shadow o f , Oregon this spring, grows apace as the . . .. " * K ‘ designated as lem g made up of “ atnir- liability th at will impress every voter in our people for a moment realize what death. uews comes in. ... ... ... , ___________ i d u sts, disloyalists and disgruntled poh- the State. Many of the elements of true this means? Ju s t to-day in my last Honor is like the eye, which cannot M ajor M c K i . xi . ey and Tom Reed will M a n s ,” would get into compact flght- principles have lo in welded into the struggle in the Committee for Siuslaw, I bear the leost im purity w ithout washing I be In Oregon to speak in the interest of ‘n>i f°rm without fierce friction. I t is body politic by Mr. Kincaid, an l they bad a most painful experience. The it off; it is a precious stone in which the the Republican parly before the spring enough for a party th a t is prac- will rem ain there for the reason th at member from Virginia actually denied slightest defect detracts from the value elections take place.' I unite<1 0,1 nearl-v al1 Questions to they are principles of the people. Nom- my right to ask for a dollar over the considerably iN ig J survive the loss incident to a division inate them .' They are honest, educated $10,000 for Siuslaw. “ W hy,” he said, Every point in which a man excels R aise the telescope and look nt the on one principle, but the fanatic aggre- men. l’ut them a t the helm, and the “ what do I ask for the great port of every virtue which he cherishes, every political situation and you will sec a tell- gation on all questions th at compose young Republicans of Oregon will sail Norfolk, for which the Engineers so ear­ Keeps a full line of Exira Quality beauty of spirit which he attains tale trial of public opinion demanding the Populists, is far from possessing the the largest battle ship ever seen in the nestly ask for hundreds of thousands? will make his friendship purer, stronger, protection for our industries. j strength of unity. More divergence of State safely into the harbor of success. I am content with a little over my per and better w orth having. ! view and even difference on general cent., and here comes a little place The best rules to form a young man As A jury was being polled in Illinois, qUe8tions probttbly exigtfl )x.twcen the away off in Oregon, and with little com­ are, to talk little, to hear much, to re­ APPROPRIATIONS. one of the jurors suddenly changed his ml.„lbers u( Populi!)ln than divideH in TINWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, merce, and actually asks for $20,000, or flect alone upon which has passed, in HARDWARE, such accusation can be our politics all other opposing parties. FACTS FRO A HERMANN’S LETTER " m ind. 50 per cent, of the estim ate. Norfolk company to distrust one's own opinion, HATS & CAPS, MEDICINES, NUTS & CANDIES, brought against a I.ane county j»D’- i.>ee trade and accumulation of wealth S o m e o f th e D iffic u ltie s In th e R oad to only gets a little over 20 per cent., and and value others th at deserve it. M e e t th e D em an d « o f C onn!ituont» ‘“ a*1, ________________ i w ithout earning it, are the magnets the cruisers and great war vessels actu­ TOBACCO, CIGARS, FURNISHING GOODS. W a n tin g L arge A p p r o p r ia tio n s . Nothing murs the welfare of society _ , , . . ,.,:ii that drew all the particles to a common ally ground in many places in approach- more than narrowness of mind and con­ T he forces of intelligent voters will be r • „ i„ , i center; hence when th e m ultiplicity of It is to be hoped th at when it is seen I ing the United States navy y ard .” felt in this country at the coming elec- * 1 duct. Not only is its Intellectual growth Goods as Represented. Prices W ill be Found Reasonable particles of the rank and file is not to th at Mr. H erm ann has succeeded twice Now can you perceive something of cramped and hindered; its moral and tion, and they should be stimulated by take equal rank with the two magnets, as well as expected, In securing a large the dillicultics before me? As you having honorable and intelligent men to social character is also deteriorated. we may look for disturbance and disas­ appropriation for Siuslaw, it will be have seen by the telegrams, I did come Education is a companion th a t no vote for. ter. Such a party will full of its own somewhat understood th a t unusual ef- out of the fight with $20,000 for the Si- misfortune can depress, no clime de­ I t is certainly gratifying th a t Joe rotten weight, us did Kearneyism in Sun forts were necessary, uslaw. This was an increase of $10,000 stroy, no enemy alienate, no despotism Morris Jr. is engaged in publishing Francisco when confronting enlightened There seems to be an impression th at \ on my first per cent. It was double enslave; ut home a friend, abroad an in- , . . in society an ornam ent, in w • • • abroad the advantages of our manifold , civilisation a mem ber of Congress gets what he de- what I received two years ago. The traduction, resources. His work should he abetted F4 sires, and hence the request from some Siuslaw thus far has done well. It may solitude a solace. N ominating county officers is hut the Ps F« by every loyal-loving citizen in this localities, “ lie sure to get us a certain be th at I can bold w hat I now have, r* work of a few hours, hut it will prove a No talent, no self-denial, no brains, M countrv. . . . . . . . sum ,” and less for another place. It is but the Virginia member insists th at he G w most im portant work in the history of [ « -re. | B no character, is required to set up in W 3 too often forgotten that there are about will fight it. Othors of my Committee its the grumbling business, but those who I t is a peculiar turn in affairs when an tilc Republican party m Lane county , , . , T i , - „ 1« .i .• 100 projects recommended by the Eniri- loudly complained th at I had received are moved with a genuine desire to do o this year. If the convention to meet on * ‘ J ‘ accuser who throws sneers n t a “ 1 handful : neers to Congress, and this year they more than n t^ ih a r e , I read a late bii good have little time for m urm ur ng or <4 of type” is accused of having only a hat- ‘h® 3d of April wisely seta aside every , . FÒ1 o ful. Replenish your own em pty larder personal claim, and views with a broad ' ,,r * ' ’ ’ m r o u n r numbers, num ber of T hu W est , containing a complaint. fd brief editorial, but above all I referred before mocking a t your neighbor’s full j vision the honor, integrity and ability S,’" “u ° 1 ie l>roiectB are the Ohio, Mis- <1 Good Canton F la n n e l............. A S FOLLOWS: ictory for the Missouri, Columbia, C um ber- to my own personal knowledge. Hav- M en’s Suit« from .................. | f . 00 to 110.00 of candidates, a sure vie LIBERAL OFFER. cupboard. IOC Y outh’s Suits f r o m .............. 8.00 to 8.50 B etter «piallty C anton Flannel . . 1 land and the lakes. Each project lias *ng friends on the Committee who sym- 1.00 to 8.00 b' ./• Men'« Shoes from ................ pron C heek G ingham s 8 A DrcsM whole Republican ticket awaits mLd till* the n nom om * I 2.50 to 6.00 tJ Wc Men’s Bools f r o m .................. GingliaiuH pathized Avith me, I won my increase by I powerful interests behind it, and lias a The big eight-page Sunday Statesman Boys’ Boots from G‘ ¿c 1.00 to 2.00 A line li»Ues at Tracy C«L, and «writer TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : to-day. When a man does the very • <*”n**ctC’l with the Associated Press: I hereby certify that I was the original owner of the property known as Frasier Ix’st he can surely none can complain, imacnt l hare raccTred^rum'the^is/.d and B erry’s part of Florence, which E. J. Frsier is now offering for sale. T hat the Sanaimrilh», I have l.een letl to write the follow­ ing statement for the benefit of suiTercr« who same is level and free fro n drilling sand. T hat fruit trees and shrubbery do wel may tie similarly afflicted. For 15 yearn I have upon said land and the same is desirable for residence property. J. G. S tevsnson , cause of the Engineer's c.Ivcrse rccom- beeu a great sufferer from Suliscribeil and sworn to liefore me this 12th day over f.O.OW allowed to it. although of t..c next Oregon legislature. ■ —-e— day o[ March, 1892. L. Bll.Ttv, H o o d 's Pitts are hand n u le , nu l perfect | b,.re Notary Public. tu proporli on aud appearance, lie. a l>e>. re mi it several large milis, Send T he W est to your friends. Hood’s ^-Cures V- • ; ♦« •