E U C E N E IT E M S . l.ong Island, down to tin convict that is T S IL T C O O 8 . iu bulk—all tested seed. Send a list of nameless and Is only re,- esented by a seed that yon will need to F. I.. Cham­ M a w iy L e t t e r fr o m th e L a k e a — should be a Ervin the Guard. number. T hat sentei bers, Eugene, mid yon will receive by l ’r tp r r « a r e T a l k i n g t b o u t . Ilt»u. Henry Blackman, the newly ap is in the same warning to all evil do — PUBL1SHELI EV ER Y F R ID A Y MORNING. return mad prices— bottom prices —on line. But the warning •■élus to lune 1-1 into I Collect II of internal revenue, is — AT— genuine Oregon Seed. A fail stock of B y G ail M aker . fallen on deaf ears, for at lie municipal now in p ssv—ion of the office, having O kkoon Plain t, J r . gardening tools always on F i . orxnue , (. axe C ounty , ‘election of Hie city ©i roy, State of qualified at 4 o’clock March 15. band. Uucle Sunt is aorclv puzzled nowa- New York, held on tlje ilny of March, George Park, who was serving a fifty The Wheatland (North Dakota) lays; he doesn’t know to what place to U. A L L E Y , K iL il.,r in n i I ' i „ ¡ .r l t - V r . pi Tammany days’ sentence in the county jail, es- ■ the henchmen of the tx oi March 8th, contains the follow- return the crying infant that has been ruptioii and raped from Marshal Eastland March 13 ring, tiied by fraud, ii.g: “ W. T. York and wife leave this |eft o„ ¡4^ door-ftep, nor what to give it hi ute force to elect t r choice, that just as he w as going to eat his dinner. , -T erm » : 42.00 a year in advance.- evening for their pheasant home at Med- tu ¿oolhe it« wailing. would have been a ditq e to any eom- lie marshal could have easily shot him j ford. Wash Ml ml l , . v r ! . . M , t ) w i , . ! Kate Fie!d's IFrsAZ.-// " I, that | ■■■ 1 m mlty f ir allowing ini iri egli la ri'ics. Im: oid not tiiiuk it best. The lust seen 1 Entered at the post- ottice at Florence, A host of frieinls will r-grvt their •>’•-! ¡n ,| wl,ieb K a,( field .malvstlv as eit when h o lie s t of the prisoner he was going at ft lively j as may. r of aforesaidi Lane county, Oregon, aa bccoiKl-tinaM parlure, hut wish them iiiihoiinded bliss , icn to tie the most widely quoted review in citiseiis challenged Use ■iglit to more speed across the Eugene bridge. He mail m atter. in the future ” the world, was awarded a medal and di- than one vole, they ad' murder to l tie had 23 days of his sentence to serve yet. | F. W. Vaille, of Portland, a United ! plouia by the World’s Fair jury. Tills rest of ttieir crimes, •w Y u k will Delegate Elliott, of Camp Creek pre­ A D V tliT lS lN G KATES MADE KNOWN O.N AF- States postal ins|>ei tor, arrived ill Flor- adds another proof that women can ex­ never allow’ its fair nu to lie so foully cinct, d e le g a t e to the populist county F i.ic A hom . aud came over the W£ KEEP TH E B E S T — * enee on Tuesday, the insult to convention, had hard luck on the day of cel in any field. : tallied, and will avail Local notice« 8 ceuU per hue, each insertion. road from Eugene for the purpose of itcutiary will the meeting, llis circumstances arc! file In the January Cosmopolitan is this her escutcheon. exam ination mid report on ti n t mail extract from a letter written by ’. Vtiit-' hold a g'sal many n of the same such t l i a t he had to depend on a k it'd: N otice .—Prufeanor J. M. Williams, oí route. As lie came when the condition Her in 1878: “ As I look out to-day on »■ripe as Ross MeKatn uni the hoitoi republican friend uud neighbor for a Eugene is our agent mul in authorized h» of Hit road is at its worst, it is evident tlie snow-covered landscape a letter frum of the Empire State w io seen viudi- horse to get to this wicked county se a t' receive subscriptions, udveriising mid some changes will lie made in the time a California friend lies before inc; and 1 eatcd. where bankets, monopolists, mid rings money lor T he \\ eht uii1 . tin . ! and one by water. flower had drifted around Cape Horn steed to tnc rack near the court-house, Here are some true and loyal Populist and dumped us down on the Pacific j That excellent gentleman, J. Elliott witli the succulent tir scantling for food N o t ic e —Mr.E. H. David will give a j sentim ents from one of their dying co ast!” Wilson, has had considerable to say of and the tender Oregon mud to keep liis good niiin with small family an excel­ j papers w b ie li we clip from the Athena The fifty or more equal suffrage late in the columns of T i n t W est ubout hoofs irom cracking. About half after lent chance on Ids farm nearFlorence. i /*,css,us follows:“ A Populist oapercalled leagues of Colorado are planning a year making it easier lor ti ners to get cer­ eleven o'clock in liignt the night-w atch, S omething N ew .— Have you seen the Courier, p il'd is b e il in K lic k ita t ta r n n - of study with special reference to their tificates. Now lo t,1.1 be-: a little . ti wituoiil teal ot initiative and relereii- __......... up . the gimst em itting new responsibilities as voting cilijgns those Ladies Jerseys th at are now ottered ! , Vi gamely gives ►JL- U».- - sag iliat ,•> iiiii -»■. w'erenUiil vote, took the ani­ for less than cost at Meyer & Kyle s i ■ a few sulphuric remarks calculated to go No doubt most men will say: “ That )• mind Mr. Wilson ha. suited ‘e m a l’ i o l i e pound where tlie owner re­ tlinodcring down tbe ages, us follows: wlnit they should do; if women must case, from Ids point of view, uvil y c o c t e d possession by producing a good Republican primary to-morrow. ‘We do curse you. We do curse you vote the« -should inform themselves that and fairly. But the fact is that the while silver dollar, sueli as ileiights the City election on Tuesday, April 3. with our dying breath * • « We will t hey may vote in tellig en tly ” Yen? I , gau s of admission to the ranks if teach­ sight mid hearts of the toiling produ­ Our country first, other countries af­ meet y-ui again—it may he at ’lie press, may have been deluded, l i n t I have sup­ ers are loo wide open already. It is too cers. • j »urely at ilie ballot tsjx, ami behind the posed that a knowledge of the principles easy to get certificates. Third grade terwards. STEAMER EUGENE. J . J. Cainptiell, of Point Terrace. w as gHiistock il need lie.' ’’ of good government came to man, ns a teachers are as thick as were the frogs in Florence Tuesday, L ist week In k ol space prevented us sort of sixtii sense, a heaven-sent gift 'n ' in Egypt, and right here comes a great The new steamer Eugene has arrived B etter news from apuropri i i n • e> I (r-.io c. n iiiic in - upon toe Populist cau- his twenty fi.si birthday, tint then fe-I evil. O ur scinsil orticers are too apt to irom Portland to Eugene, bringing » | itiilates h r count) ■ Ihceis, and as the male voters might not he thus favored. consider a teacher’s price ami not his large load of freight and some passen­ quarters than we expected. The/¿oimrlTfprr savs a correspondent ellicieney. So tlie third-grade teacher, gers. The Hags were presented on the Professor M artin, wife and Mi-s Mills 1 grow er snare of Hem are comparatively strangers to .s, asme 1'roiu general repti- writes of a “ P a” w ho refused to order a who will teacli us low sometimes as 418 ltilh March, and of it tlie Guard says: were recent culler» at Lbis otlicc. t ni'Ui, it would lie ill-advised criticism paper his wile desired, say in g : " I can't u month, gets a place lor which he “ lion. F. M. Wilkins, piesident of tlie Mr. Shroeder is now progressing rate if we offered any. But there is one gen­ afford so many papers.” Probably it Bi,e j8 utterly incompetent. Our pres- Board of Trade, made the speech of pre­ idly with his building in Glenada. tleman on tlie ticket. Geo. 0 . Knowles, seems Sil to him for lie lias four, one of ent method of granting certificates is sentation. 4 lie made reference to the WE TAKE YOUK MEASURE AND HAVE Supporting home m erchants is one of wlwi is our personal friend, and a long them a daily. He reminds one of tlie natural, fair and progressive. One must conditions which gave rise to the event FULL SUITS MADE TO ORDER ON the means of supporting ourselves. acquaintance gives us the right to say “ Pa” who helped himself to the biggest get 70 per cent, to get a third grade, 80 and paid a glowing tribute to the stars SHORT NOTICE. FIT GUARANTEED- Mr. Walter Lang has turned over the tliat lie is an iniiiorahie gentleman, of piece of pie because “ P a” is sick ! ' per cent, for a second and 00 per cent. and stripes. W illi appropriate words tie ★ ★ g ,,.,d ahidiie. . ami if elecied. would not keys of the light-house to the keepers The day has lieen set and Pendergast, for a tirst. No one can get a certificate presented the flags, which were carried 768 HANDSOME PATTERNS- Gen. O. Knowles is a candidate for Disappoint his party in endeavors to tlie murderer of Carter H arrison, will he j of the same grade more than once, by Ruby Hendricks, Nina Wilkins mid carry out its principles. Representative on the Populist ticket. murdered—excuse m e -h u n g on th e 23d i From a tirst grade '.lie applicant must Ina Craig. The ensign w as raised at the of March. We are told th at oue of the aiivaxck to a State Certificate, then to a the how of the boat and tlie pennant on N C T C U IL T Y . Hon. R. 8. Sheridan has been appoin­ n e s t intelligent juries ever known in State Diploma, mid filially to a Life ¡ (lie flagstaff mi the pilot house.” ted Receiver of the Roseburg land office. This wus the venuct. of »tie jury in the Miss Carrie Friendly christened the Chicago required less than an hour in Diploma. These six steps beili) J . A. McLeod departed from this place Alden Hayes ease. It appears, when preparing an answer, finding the prison- fully passed admits one to the rank of boat, ami a bottle of champagne was bro­ * for his home up tlie Siuslaw river o il the facts aie reported, th at Alden was ★ WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE GERMAN ken over the bow. er guilty. Well, a jury of ordinary in- professional teacher, arrested here upon a charge of burglary telligence, if lionest, could have found j Now the only fault I can find with the T uesday. lion. S. H. Friendly delivered the AMERICAN INSURANCE CO-,OF NEW Geo. E. Gibbs has been quite sick for and tlie etid. uce liefore the grand jury no other verdict. And now tl.e great 1 above law Is that it leaves too great a welcoming speech ami the response to YORK,.AND THE PHCENIX ASSUR­ the past few days, lu ll (lo in last reports teimiiig that way, the bill of indictm ent lawyers, this intelligent jury and the j discretion with County Boards of Ex- bis uddress was made by lion. A. C. was for burglary only. But when lie " n e x t I” j aminer». A much greater per cent, of Woodcock. is improving. ANCE CO OF LONDON, ENGLAND. just judge are ready to shout, came up for I rial, this offense could not Tlie Medford Mail is tlie authority for not charged 1 °*i, hasten the day wueu this g o v ern-] applicants pass under some examiners ment shall learn th a t prevention is j tlian under others. Each County Board tlie statem ent th at M. F. Parker id ut lie proven, and as he was E L E C T IO N JU D C E S A N D C L E R K S . with larceny, the jury had no o[ other n„ t : cheaper as well as better than cure! In ! should he furnished a “ K ey” to which, Gold Hill, Oregon. alternative bin to find a verdict When Rates are equal why not get the best? i the trial the attorneys for the people , or nearly to which, all answers should O fficial statistic« allow th a t tlie The following judges and clerks of guilty. said: “ The question is, are we to live j correspond. Don’t push the gates open election (or 1894 are appointed: •wheat crop for 18S2 is 32,000,000 bushels in the case of George B arrett, the under the stars ami stripes or under the ’ any wider. Close them a little. I’ro- Florence—B. F. Alley, M. D. Landis, judge instructed the jurv to find a ver­ red flag of anarchy?” The stars and ' tect a long-suffering people from incotn- less than last year. Win. Kyle, judges; W. R. McCormick, City Marshal Morgan arrived home dict of not guilty, no evidence appearing stripes alw ays; far b etter th at the great petents. Geo. H. Colter, clerks. from Eugene, via. Yaquina and steam er that would in the remotest sense impli­ ship of state should go down in mid-1 Let an expert be provided to go mid Mapleton—Amos lladsall, W. \\ . cate him in a case of burglary. Robarts, on Tuesday. ocean or founder on some hidden rock, ! exam ine all schools in session ; some ap- The foregoing are tlie facts as repor­ tlian th at m utineers should carry her pointed person not dependent on teacli- Neely, W. Wells, judges; M. J. Hadsall, Hood’s pills are the best after-dinner ted by our reglar correspondent at E u­ into a questionable port. B ut there is ers for their votes, mid we should soon Fred Bean, clerks. pills assist digestion, cure headache. H erm ann—L. C. Moffitt, H. J. Dickey gene, wlio furnishes this paper with re­ always the other side to be considered, have a thinning out of school-keepers. Try a box. 25 cents.. ports of all cases In all tlie courts, when All parents think the com m and: “ H on-| As to appoinlii«p examiners from Win. Ferris, judges; S. S. Milledge, J. M. Duncan, clerks. T he forecast of weather for March is such cases affect any part of tliis coun- or thy father and ttiy m other,” a j u s t , County seats, it is not practicable. Con- Lako Creek—Chas. Potterf, F. R rain and gales on the coast. The pre­ ,ry ’ one, and one tliat should be obeyed, but aider how easy it is to be swayed by I’epiot, Peter Hollo, judges; Howard Riley Mills was held ns a witness for diction is proving true. there is also another command which one’s feelings The doors would be wide Pope, J. C. Fanner, clerks. Some excellent communications arc a the State, mid although a cou/rere, If the reuds: “ father» provoke not your chil­ open to fuvoritiam. If there were a Gletiteuu—E. Thurm an, A. D. Reeves, o tlie rs could not lie convicted, it would p a rt of the general good reading to lie dren to w rath .” Tlie laws of ourpoun- scarcity of teachers tlie case would be J B. Richardson, judges; W. T. Bailey, have been a useless expense in his case. found in our columns this week try must be obeyed, but let us he very, different. The present system is a vast Archie Richardson, clerkH. A P P R O P R IA T IO N . very sure there shall be no law to op­ im provem ent over any that has gone It is officially stated th at after the before. Let us bang to it. b a teacher ,30th of March light will shine from the TO R E N T . The following disprttcti wan receive» press a single subject. The Oregonian says: Decent people cannoi progress—relegate him back to tower of tlie light-house at Heceta from Eugene, in letters, on Tuesday day-labor. Onward is the word of to-day. The editor of this paper, when in the HI),| ,V1IH ¡.ent by Hon. 8. II. Friendly are not compelled to read the newspa- The farm known as the Cape Stock Adtl strictness to the law—we have had Senate of one year ago, voted against mid H. R. Kincaid, editor of the State jiers now-a-dnys the contents of which laxity enough. And although our friend Ranch, situated 5 miles North of the decent publishers are ashamed. Oh, hut ....... of the Siuslaw river mid running Juum al, and Is as un d er: tlie repeal of tiie mortgage lax law. has a heart big enough to grant any nice 3 miles on the coast to within one-half W ashinoton , D. C., M abcii 17, 1894. we shall read them ; if the country Is go­ Next Sabbath is Easter. There will young man or woman a school, still he “ Secured inert a»e, mi second consid­ ing to the how-wows we want to know il. mile of the new lighi-house. be appropriate exercises- in the F irst Of one thing I am certain, that whenev­ must see tliat it would not tie for the Tl.e same to he let with from 12 to 20 , eration, lor Siuslaw. With little Sen­ Presbyterian Church on that morning. public benelit. cows, to suit parties. Plenty of bottom 1 ate increase can reach twenty-five er there is a rift in the clouds and a tut The Democratic primaries will con­ G O T A N O THER PARTNER. land with m ountain stream running or thirty thousand dollars. W rite Col. ul blue sky to bo seen, tliat optimistic vene in Lane county on Saturday, Ap ril newspaper, tlie Oregoaiaut will hasten through. A good dwelling and dairy From the Medford Mail. 7th, and tlio county convention on Alley.” houses with mountain stream running j to report it. B inges H ermans . The business manager of this paper, April 12th. In these troublesome, bewildering by the door, containing plenty of trout. ■ As the dispatch duos not state tlie The regular meeting of the Ladies’ am ount allowed, it is only by reading times, it would tie well to remember the \V. T. York, returned Tuesday from bis R ent, 41(H) down and $100 in work | Mite Society will be held in the M. E. the latter part of it th at a guess can be words of our noble Garfield. In a m onili’s visit in North Dakota, ami oil the ranch. For particulars apply to with him «•nine Mrs. SV . T. York. I be C hurch, G lenada, on next Thursday af­ made of the stun, wtiicli we think is time of great excitement mid when a O. W. H urd, Florence, Oregon. panic seemed im m inent, lie mounted to wedding occurred at. the resilience of the ternoon at 2 o’clock. $20,000. a c o l li m a l i ling view and quieted the tur­ bride’s m other, Bov«l tir «ve Farm , near The best mutual insurance policy C IT Y E L E C T IO N . bulent mass with tin se words of faitli W heatland, North Dakota, on Wednes­ Against attacks of sickness is to tie found ________ . Tb« ItspM IIU k f f M k « . W M h .s H lib « and tru st: “ Got! reigns! and the gov­ day. February 28, Kev. Collinge ofticia- in taking Hood's sarsaparilla. If you are The annual election of the Town of dishes for • family •■«»•• ■»■«*•- tiug. There w er• about forty inviud U’ashra, riaiea a n i drlaa weak it will make you strung. Florence will he held in the lower rismi ernm ent at Washington still lives !” Of without w ritla< the haada friends of both bride and gr-»g|er gund.iy the 8er- which the rich men understand only too H H I I 'l'I N U N K W », on bis many friends. J yi(.eg wi„ ,,e ¡„ keeping wit |, tb e day well, they will filch tbe coin from tbe to tiring poor m en's pockets to pay it. Tbe rich No doubt about tbe river and barbor j iie frj,.„ j8 are a || invited Steamer Coos is regularly on tbe route , man can evade tbe law I bill fating passed earlier in tbe session of jjl)Wer8 , 0 u ,e church And offer lot« in these parta from 250 to 1500. from Florence to Seaton. And tbe red flag flaunts! I ask is it Congress than formerly, and if it escapes A OLA1I WELCOME TO ALL. Tug Robarts steamed to Yaquina on I will take butter, eggs, meat, fruits, much wonder! Do not such statem ents a veto, work will commence on our h ar­ TO T H E P E O P L E . Tuesday last carrying freight and pass­ potatoes, and all kinds of vegetables as scattered abroad through the land on bor in early sum m er. engers. part payment for work. To the citizens and residents of the the wings of tlie press but add fuel to The Republican county convention for Yesterday the schooner Danielson tbe flames th at are burning in tbe Douglas county. Is called to meet at Siuslaw who have property to sell or i sailed for San Francisco heavily loaded G. B. COLLES, breasts ot the anarchists? Roseburg on the 5tn day of April at 11 trade—real or personal. with lumber. Since I liaye had descriptive circulars o ’clock, and the primaries on Saturday, Florence Watch Doctor. 8LOWLY GRIND THE MILLS. The Tug Robarts arrived from Yaquina on M arch 24th. Lake precinct is entitled of the Siuslaw printed, I am receiving B y N arskh . Tuesday morning loaded to her guards numerous letters asking about the differ­ to three delegates and G ardiner six. with passengers and freight. L A N E C O U N ____ TY , OREGON. F o r wile hut every lo t we offer is loented near mid iu flic buHinesa Yes, “ Tlie mills of tbe Gods grind Comrade Campbell, of Point Terrace, en t pnqierty I have for sale. If you The shipments from this port, schoon­ have any land of which you wish to dis- slowly Gut they grind exceedingly line.’’ h is veteran associates w ill he pleased to To persons desiring reliable inform- : learn, states in a letter to bis son, th at pose, give me a description of it and I This is ubout tbe axiom th at Boss Mc- er Danielson, March 21st, are ns follows: ation regarding tbe wonderful resources] __ lie has arrived at Piedra, Colorado, and w ill have a correct descriptive list ol all Kane has leisure to consider behind tbe Robert Bay, 120 bushels of potatoes; of Lane county, or for prices and term s center anti w ill bring good rental, if improved listribiite it is enjoying tbe renewed ass.aialions of tl.e pnqierty printed and Iron bars of justice. From tbe prison at Hurd A Davenport, 8 tons of ebittem of grain, stock or fruit farms in the | me and if no Sing Sing he can look back to bis past, bark and one box of furs; Siuslaw Lum­ old friends as well as pleasant weather. with inv circulars, fry W illamette Valley or town property th at is tllleil by long continued crimes ber Co., 131in feet of lumber. either in Eugene or Florence, we recoin- ¡ The B r M e has commenced chop- (..r|.iilari< WRITE US FOR PRICES. MAPS AND DESCRIPTIONS. On last Wednesday morning tbe tug against tlie laws ot G